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Jul 5th, 2014
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  1. he shadows poured through the windows, painting the room a dark ultramarine. The girl lay flat in her bed, paralyzed save for her dilated eyes, which stared at the window in silence. Despite the blanket pulled up to her chin, she felt a shiver run up her spine as she felt unseen eyes watching her. The rest of her room was lit only by a small night light in the corner opposite her window, a small Tengu spirit figure that her grandmother, Seishin, had given her, to “protect her” from evil spirits. Yet as she watched the figure in her window, tall and dark, she felt completely vulnerable and watched, like a rat in a shrinking cage. The light played dimly off of her small dresser, her clothes falling out messily, and across her desk, school books and mangas alike pouring out of her backpack. A small metal necklace reflected back the light, etched with her name, Ami, a gift from her friend Amethyst. Yet while all these familiar objects lit so calmly in the light, the figure in the window seemed to soak it up, take it in, giving nothing back.
  2. This wasn’t the first waking nightmare that she had experienced. Ever since she was little, many nights had seen her sleepless and yet dreaming, often feeling observed and endangered, despite her innate knowledge that what she was seeing was nothing but an image in her head. When she had described these feelings to Seishin, her grandmother had referred to them as kanashibari, “fastened in metal”, and explained that the women in their family had always had such experiences, though they were completely harmless, no matter how real they felt at the time.
  3. Nevertheless, a knot twisted in her chest as Ami relived the vulnerability that she often faced on nights like these. The tense, heavy weight in her limbs, the fleeting images that flew across her waking eyes like some nightmare that had passed into life. But for all the fear these night terrors gave her, Ami always knew in her heart that that was all they were: nightmares. They had no more power over her than the stories her grandmother told her.
  4. But this figure felt different; despite her inability to move, this creature felt closer to waking life than even the most potent terrors. It’s breath fogged the window, like a signature.
  5. Is my mind playing tricks on me?
  6. The figure shifted in the shadow.
  7. Is it watching me? Or studying me?
  8. Her eyes were suddenly blinded as a red glow shone through the window. It pierced
  9. the darkness like a laser pointer. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, it was snuffed out. Ami’s curiosity was stifled by her realization that if it was real, then it was watching her.
  10. And it knows I’m watching it too.
  11. Ami stared back.
  12. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the figure fell back, leaving only the leaves of the bushes outside of her window and the moonlight to reflect back into the girl’s vision. Yet as she felt herself slowly gain back her ability to move, she still felt as if eyes watched her from the very darkness around her. After examining the window for a short time, Ami allowed herself to shrug off the disquiet that lay over her. Mind tricks, that’s all they were. Illusions as convincing as dreams when you were in them. Even so, she moved to close the curtains before returning to a deep but uneasy sleep.
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