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Aug 6th, 2017
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  1. Benevolent dictatorship cannot be guaranteed beyond a single generation. Thus, despite all its benefits, benevolent dictatorship cannot be considered a viable means of governance. So I’m a Jeffersonian Salamancan. I believe in the Constitution as written at its founding (only men vote, limited franchise; at this point that would mean “only net taxpayers” since you can’t have “only landowners”) and School of Salamanca economics (usury punishable by death, all currency backed by specie; it’s proto-austrianism with some benefits). I understand and respect what fascism did for Germany during its tenure, and I know that fascism can work for some peoples, but it doesn’t work for the US. Just as culture is the product of organized genetic behavior, political ideologies (WORKABLE ideologies) fall in or out of tune with genetic subgroups.
  3. ~:~
  5. A union boss happened to see the owner of a factory say something to one of his employees. The factory noise, however, drowned out what was said, and he went to find it out from the CEO.
  6. “What did you just tell that man?” he asked.
  7. “I told him to work faster,” said the owner.
  8. “How much do you pay him?”
  9. “$25 per day.”
  10. “Where do you get the money to pay him?”
  11. “I sell products.”
  12. “Who makes the products.”
  13. “He does.”
  14. “How many products does he make in one day?”
  15. “$100 worth.”
  16. “Ah,” says the union boss, “then instead of you paying him, he is paying you $75 a day to tell him to work faster!”
  17. The CEO gapes. “You fucking dipshit,” he says, “Listen up. You think that guy’s labor is the only overhead I have?! Think again. The machine he uses cost money–to buy, to operate, to repair, to maintain, and to eventually replace. This factory cost money–rent, utilities, taxes, maintenance. I have to buy the raw goods to be processed into product pay to ship them to my factory and the finished good to market. I have to advertise my product. It cost money to develop a campaign and more money to take out advertisement spots. Shelf space in stores is finite–my product needs to move. If it’s not selling, I have to eat the cost. At the same time, I have competition–for shelf space and the consumers’ dollar. I have to constantly be improving my product and means of production–and R&D isn’t free either. And don’t get me started on Uncle Sam’s involvement! You think I’m putting that $75 in my pocket? I’m lucky to pocket a few pennies after all my expenses! My wealth is only due to economies of scale–the fact that I’m selling billions of products around the world every year. This operation is way bigger than one worker, and without my oversight and capital he wouldn’t even have a guaranteed paycheck. He’d have to handle his job and everything I just outlined. And that’s just the beginning. Do you think he has time to do that? It doesn’t matter how hard he works if he can’t sell what he makes. At least working me he has already been paid for his labor, regardless of if I can sell the product he makes. Who the hell are you, anyway, and what are you doing in my factory? GET OUT OF HERE AND FIND A REAL JOB, YOU HIPPIE!”
  19. ~:~
  21. Corporate protectionism is only bad if you don’t know what the word means and believe “corporate protectionism” equates to “defending the bullshit that international businesses do.” If I’ve learned anything at all about my delve into economics and national fiscal policies, it is that protecting the working class against cheap labor is one of the most fundamentally vital cornerstones of any functioning society.
  22. I’d like to see protectionism legislation put in place now to preemptively save and secure jobs from increasingly advanced automation. Men need work to live, society needs men working to thrive, and idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Eliminating labor in the name of futurism is a dire mistake. We can have our future utopia of chrome and convenience and still preserve a core working class of blue and white collar men. But in order to do so, steps need to be taken now to secure what we desire for tomorrow. Relying on the benevolence of the free market to decide in favor of the nation and its people is grabbing a snake by the tail in the belief that it will not bite you.
  23. Libertarians are not a lost cause, but they must be made to understand that any private enterprise, if left to its own devices, will inevitably grow to a point where it places its own interests over the interests of the community, state, and nation. Globalist megacorporations and international private banking are the natural outgrowth of unchecked freedom in the private market. The monopoly (or oligopoly, as the case may be) is a naturally occurring thing, not an unnatural state of being. The monopoly is, in fact, nothing less the ultimate result of a free market left to its own devices. It is up to the people and the politicians who represent them to break those clustered monopolies apart and segregate them behind national borders.
  24. Only then will the golem of industry serve the benefits of the man whose hands turn the wheel. What you are seeing now in the modern era is the inevitable results of free markets unchecked: universal suffrage, democracy, politicians being able to make careers out of what should be a charity to their nations, and bankers and captains of the industry being allowed to lobby for their own interests over the interests of the people with all of the wealth and power that their positions grant to them.
  25. Democracy for all, free markets able to dictate their own terms organically, and everyone freely conversing about whatever they want and doing whatever they want with their lives and free time. This is the libertarian paradise. And it looks like a blasted hellscape. I don’t stand for a democracy. I stand for a republic. I don’t stand for a free market. I stand for a healthy market. I don’t stand for a globalist answer. I stand for a nationalist solution.
  26. The more isolationist, protectionist, and ethnically homogenous a nation is, the more prosperous and advanced it becomes. This is the cold and terrible truth that sounds the death knell for all progressive and radically leftist parties and policies, and they know it. They will do anything and everything in their power to suppress it, discredit it, ignore it, make it go away, and scrub it from the minds of the common man. But the truth can’t be chained forever.
  27. You want to know the wages of multiculturalism and libertarianism? Look to Germany. We spend a lot of time here and elsewhere talking about how the holocaust didn’t happen–how it is mere propaganda, how Hitler was never the monster he was made out to be. In another few years, it won’t matter to the Germans if the Holocaust happened or not. Do you understand me?
  28. The Germans, as a people, have swallowed the lie and have been pushed so far to the brink that they are preparing themselves to embrace it, baby-eating monster and all. The holocaust didn’t happen? We live in far more amazing times than that. Because when the storm breaks and the piper comes to collect his due, it won’t matter if the Holocaust happened or not.
  29. All of history has been white civilization fleeing as it becomes encroached upon. Now, in this age, at last, there is nowhere left to run and nowhere left to hide. Americans and Europeans cannot simply pack it in and colonize a new continent. There are no continents left. You back an animal into a corner and even the most docile of creatures will fight. The world is holding its breath, waiting to see what will happen when the western man, battered and bloodied, his patience and altruism worn down to bloodied nubs, has no excuses left to make and no inches left in the corner to back up into. When the fire comes, you’re going to see the death and birth of an era in the span of the same breath. You’re going to see Europeans, Americans, and Anglos united in a way they have never been before. One last roll of the dice, gentlemen, winner takes all. Might as well go all in.
  30. I would rather be ruled by fascists than enslaved by communists. Force the western man to choose between them at your peril, Elders of Zion, for the hands of men with no hope or future are not the hands of mercy.
  32. ~:~
  34. A free market with no government protection is impossible, both because of trade and literal war. No government intervention in a nascent free market in the form of loans and tax breaks to help cover fixed costs to entry and R&D is another lack of protection, which will also doom any free market. While too much government intervention can lead to monopoly or oligopoly, so does too little. In fact, given no outside forces, every static industry tends toward absolute monopoly. Not only are monopolies and oligopolies bad for societal costs and industrial output, their small numbers make it easier for political subverters and their Jew masters to influence the industry.
  35. Taking this further, the very act of intervention against invasion, subversion, and monopoly is not only vital, but must be carried out on a national scale with above board operations. Key to this is a socialist emphasis on a foundation of spiritual, racial and ethnic solidarity within the protected group. Lack of the vital elements of scale and above board operations leads to failure of government intervention every time. Even a purportedly well-meaning leader can be subverted, or can hide in plain sight as the subversion. In 1908, William Howard Taft was elected president, as he was the chosen successor of TDR. He enraged TDR by prosecuting Rothschild-controlled Standard Oil in the seminal antitrust case of our time. In 1912, TDR shocked everyone by running third party against his old protege, allowing Woodrow Wilson, a bank’s man if there ever was one, to win the presidency. One year later, the modern Federal Reserve was created. One more year after that we entered the first World Rothschild Anti-German War.
  36. But the fretting over the Standard Oil intervention was needless. Within a decade, the several companies that it had been split up into were back under Rothschild control–in fact more so than before, because no one domestic agent could be CEO of an entire industry. Nowadays monopolies are considered antiquated and companies routinely split up (or “invert”) on their own to avoid taxes, strengthen executive board control of the hidden few, and manipulate stock investments.
  37. Contrast the failure of the 1910s with Donald Trump’s movement. He wants to intervene heavily in industry. He wants to protect domestic production with tariffs and actually stop corporate inversions, which is like anti-anti-trust. He wants to do this everywhere (national scale), and do it on the backs of working white men. To further that, he wants to eliminate non-white demographic groups (racial and ethnic social conscious). He is also pro-Christian by the more effective roundabout way, pointing out the alien and anti-Christian nature of Muslim and fringe Christian groups (spiritual solidarity). He truly is the most like Hitler anyone has ever seen. In my opinion, though I’m not sure, I think he might be even better than Hitler in that he is co-opting Israel as much as he can and avoiding military intervention, as wars and open anti-Jewing too early might have been Adolf’s death sentence.
  38. Government is not “wrong,” nor is any antithesis of it “right.”
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