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a guest
Feb 28th, 2015
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text 7.92 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. ;/////Pot Variables And Timers/////////////////////
  3. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. PotReady = True
  6. PotTimer := -54000
  8. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. ;///////Spell Variables////////////////////////////
  10. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  12. HealSelfReady = True
  13. BrewReady = True
  14. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  15. ;//////Spell Timers////////////////////////////////
  16. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  18. HealSelfTimer:= -33000
  19. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  20. ;//////Ray Variables///////////////////////////////
  21. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  23. GlobalReady = True
  24. UnholyReady = True
  25. ImpaleReady = True
  26. DragonReady = True
  27. InsectReady = True
  28. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  29. ;//////Ray Timers//////////////////////////////////
  30. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  32. GlobalTimer := -1250
  34. UnholyTimer := -13000
  35. ImpaleTimer := -8000
  36. DragonTimer := -16000
  37. InsectTimer := -12000
  38. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  39. ;///////Ray Global Sleep Timer/////////////////////
  40. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  42. SleepTimer := 25
  43. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  44. ;///////Ray Labels//////////////////////////////
  45. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  47. Global:
  48. {
  49. GlobalReady = True
  50. Return
  51. }
  52. Impale:
  53. {
  54. ImpaleReady = True
  55. Return
  56. }
  57. Dragon:
  58. {
  59. DragonReady = True
  60. Return
  61. }
  62. Insect:
  63. {
  64. InsectReady = True
  65. Return
  66. }
  67. Unholy:
  68. {
  69. UnholyReady = True
  70. Return
  71. }
  72. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  73. ;//Rays////////////////////////////////////////////
  74. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  76. Send {F1 Down}::
  77. Sleep 270
  78. {
  79. Return
  80. }
  81. send {F1 Up}::
  83. {
  84. }
  85. If GlobalReady = True
  86. {
  87. }
  88. ;;;;;;;;;1st Priority;;;;;;;;;;;
  89. If DragonReady = True
  90. {
  91. DragonReady = False
  92. GlobalReady = False
  93. SetTimer, Dragon, %DragonTimer%
  94. SetTimer, Global, %GlobalTimer%
  95. Send {Q Down}
  96. sleep 270
  97. send {Q Up} ;Dragon hotkey
  98. Sleep, %SleepTimer%
  99. Click
  100. Return
  101. }
  102. ;;;;;;;;;2nd Priority;;;;;;;;;;;
  103. If UnholyReady = True
  104. {
  105. UnholyReady = False
  106. GlobalReady = False
  107. SetTimer, Unholy, %UnholyTimer%
  108. SetTimer, Global, %GlobalTimer%
  109. Send {6 Down}
  110. sleep 270
  111. send {6 Up} ;Unholy hotkey
  112. Sleep, %SleepTimer%
  113. Click
  114. Return
  115. }
  116. ;;;;;;;;;3rd Priority;;;;;;;;;
  117. If InsectReady = True
  118. {
  119. InsectReady = False
  120. GlobalReady = False
  121. SetTimer, Insect, %InsectTimer%
  122. SetTimer, Global, %GlobalTimer%
  123. Send {7 Down}
  124. sleep 270
  125. send {7 Up} ;Insect hotkey
  126. Sleep, %SleepTimer%
  127. Click
  128. Return
  129. }
  130. ;;;;;;;;;4th Priority;;;;;;;;;
  131. If ImpaleReady = True
  132. {
  133. ImpaleReady = False
  134. GlobalReady = False
  135. SetTimer, Impale, %ImpaleTimer%
  136. SetTimer, Global, %GlobalTimer%
  137. Send {4 Down}
  138. sleep 270
  139. send {4 Up} ;Impale hotkey
  140. Sleep, %SleepTimer%
  141. Click
  142. Return
  143. {
  144. }
  145. Return
  146. }
  147. Return
  148. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  149. ;//Auto Loot///////////////////////////////////////
  150. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  152. IniFile := "C:\loot.txt"
  153. FileGetSize, size, %IniFile%
  154. if (size = "") {
  155. MsgBox Setting up
  156. IniWrite, 1300, %IniFile%, Loot, xdest ; --- destination x pos
  157. IniWrite, 700, %IniFile%, Loot, ydest ; --- destination y pos
  158. } else {
  159. IniRead, xdest, %IniFile%, Loot, xdest ; --- destination x pos
  160. IniRead, ydest, %IniFile%, Loot, ydest ; --- destination y pos
  161. }
  162. {
  163. CoordMode, Pixel
  164. $>!Lbutton:: ;quick loot -------------------------
  165. MouseGetPos, x1, y1
  166. MouseClickDrag, left, x1, y1, xdest, ydest, 2 ;0 is mouse speed, 0 is instant
  167. MouseMove, x1, y1, 0 ;0 is mouse speed, 0 is instant
  168. Return
  169. }
  171. $>!Rbutton:: ;loot destination ------------------------->
  172. MouseGetPos, xdest, ydest
  173. IniWrite, %xdest%, %IniFile%, Loot, xdest
  174. IniWrite, %ydest%, %IniFile%, Loot, ydest
  175. Return
  177. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  178. ;///Potion Audio //////////////////////////////////
  179. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  180. LAlt & f::
  181. {
  182. If PotReady = True
  183. {
  184. sleep 350
  185. Send {RCtrl Down}
  186. sleep 20
  187. Send {F4 Down}
  188. sleep 270
  189. send {F4 Up}
  190. Sleep 20
  191. Send {RCtrl Up}
  192. PotReady = False
  193. SetTimer, Pot, %PotTimer%
  194. Return
  195. }
  196. Return
  197. }
  199. LAlt & g::
  200. {
  201. If PotReady = True
  202. {
  203. sleep 350
  204. Send {RCtrl Down}
  205. Sleep 20
  206. Send {F5 Down}
  207. sleep 270
  208. send {F5 Up}
  209. Sleep 20
  210. Send {RCtrl Up}
  211. PotReady = False
  212. SetTimer, Pot, %PotTimer%
  213. Return
  214. }
  215. Return
  216. }
  218. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  219. ;//Out of Combat///////////////////////////////////
  220. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  222. isMouseShown()
  223. {
  224. StructSize := A_PtrSize + 16
  225. VarSetCapacity(InfoStruct, StructSize)
  226. NumPut(StructSize, InfoStruct)
  227. DllCall("GetCursorInfo", UInt, &InfoStruct)
  228. Result := NumGet(InfoStruct, 8)
  230. if Result
  231. return 1
  232. else
  233. return 0
  234. }
  236. #If !isMouseShown()
  238. ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  239. ;///Battle Spike Throw///////////////////////////////
  240. ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  241. c::
  242. {
  243. Send {RCtrl Down}
  244. Sleep 20
  245. Send {F10 Down}
  246. sleep 20
  247. send {F10 Up}
  248. Sleep 20
  249. send {RCtrl Up}
  250. Sleep 350
  251. DllCall("mouse_event",uint,1,int,1,int,25200,uint,0,int,0) ; Change 25200 to a Higher number if you do not look all the way to the floor.
  252. Sleep 100
  253. Click
  254. Sleep 400
  255. Send {space down}
  256. Sleep 50
  257. Send {space up}
  258. Sleep 55
  259. DllCall("mouse_event",uint,1,int,1,int,-5000,uint,0,int,0) ; Change -8000 up or down to center your view in the middle of your screen, Normal viewing position.
  260. }
  261. Return
  263. ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  264. ;///Fast Sit///////////////////////////////
  265. ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  266. o::
  267. {
  268. Send {J Down}
  269. Send {J Up}
  270. Send {J Down}
  271. Send {J Up}
  272. Send {J Down}
  273. Send {J Up}
  274. Send {J Down}
  275. Send {J Up}
  276. Send {J Down}
  277. Send {J Up}
  278. Send {J Down}
  279. Send {J Up}
  280. Return
  281. }
  282. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  283. ;///////Pot Audio//////////////////////////////////
  284. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  286. Pot:
  287. {
  288. PotReady = True
  289. SoundPlay, C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\pot.wma
  290. Sleep 1500
  291. SoundPlay, C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\pot.wma
  292. Sleep 1500
  293. SoundPlay, C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\pot.wma
  294. Return
  295. }
  297. HealSelfReady:
  298. {
  299. HealSelfReady = True
  300. SoundPlay, C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\Healself2.wav
  301. Sleep 1500
  302. SoundPlay, C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\Healself2.wav
  303. Return
  304. }
  305. Return
  307. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  308. ;//////Spells//////////////////////////////////////
  309. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  310. LAlt & 5::
  311. {
  312. If HealSelfReady = True
  313. {
  314. sleep 350
  315. Send {RCtrl Down}
  316. sleep 20
  317. Send {F3 Down}
  318. sleep 270
  319. send {F3 Up}
  320. Sleep 20
  321. Send {RCtrl Up}
  322. HealSelfReady = False
  323. SetTimer, HealSelfReady, %HealSelfTimer%
  324. Return
  325. }
  326. Return
  327. }
  329. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  330. ;///Laugh Commands/////////////////////////////////
  331. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
  332. 9::
  333. {
  334. sleep 20
  335. Send {F8 Down}
  336. sleep 50
  337. send {F8 Up}
  338. sleep 20
  339. Send {F2 Down}
  340. sleep 20
  341. send {F2 Up}
  342. Sleep 50
  343. Send {LButton Up}
  344. Return
  345. }
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