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a guest
Apr 19th, 2018
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  1. Voices From Chernobyl - Alexievich
  2. Pale Fire - Nabokov
  3. 1984 - Orwell
  4. Remains of the day - Ishiguro
  5. Scanner Darkly - Dick
  6. Unaccustomed Earth - Lahiri
  7. Notes from Underground - Dostoevsky
  8. Stoner - John Williams
  9. Kafka on the Shore - Murakami
  10. What we talk about when we talk about love - Carver
  11. The White Album - Didion
  12. Up in the Old Hotel - Mitchell
  13. Go Tell it on the Mountain - Baldwin
  14. Freedom - Franzen
  15. Slouching Towards Bethlehem - Didion
  16. The Fall - Camus
  17. Dubliners - Joyce
  18. Tin Drum - Grass
  19. Bluest Eye - Morrison
  20. Invisible Man - Ellison
  21. Sound and the fury - Faulkner
  22. all the pretty horses/the crossing/ suttree/blood meridian -mccarthy
  23. in our time - hemingway
  24. the fall - camus
  25. lolita - nabokov
  26. Pride and Prejudice - Jane austen
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