
Command list

Feb 15th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. !lurk - When lurking remember to leave at least 1% volume if you are just leaving a tab open. You can also mute the tab with volume up on twitch.
  4. Mods
  5. - !addcommand - Allows a mod to add a command directly from chat.
  6. - !editcommand - Allows a mod to edit a command directly from chat.
  7. - !removecommand - Allows a mod to remove a command directly from chat.
  8. - !enable - Allows a mod to enable or disable a command.
  11. Loyalty points (Earned by watching, diff from channel points)
  12. - !points - Displays the amount of currency the user has.
  13. - !top - Displays a list of Top users based on points.
  14. - !addpoints - Add points to a user using !addpoints <name> <amount> (MODS ONLY)
  15. - !removepoints - Remove points from a user using !removepoints <name> <amount> (MODS ONLY)
  16. - !give - Give points from a user using !give <name> <amount>
  19. Duel
  20. !duel - Allows viewers to duel with each other for points.
  21. !accept - Allows viewer to accept a duel.
  22. !deny - Allows viewer to deny a duel.
  23. !cancel - Allows viewer to cancel the initiated duel.
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