
my dream pet

Mar 23rd, 2015
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  1. If I could have a pet, I would get a Maine coon. Maine coons are intelligent, and can be taught a plethora of wonderful things. Maine coons also need only occasional grooming, and they make it easy because grooming is something they enjoy. They also have giant claws which make them useful mouse hunters. They are big animals that have a huge amount of oily fur. They also come in many colors, and are very gentle, which makes them amazing family pets. They also get along very well with other cats and dogs, and uncharacteristically love water. They’re also amazingly reliable animals, as they will affectionately greet you every morning .
  3. Nelson Mandela had bravery and perseverance as he used his skills, like being a lawyer, to help end apartheid and start organizations. He also went to other countries to seek their aid in helping his cause, and was successful. He also was faced with lots of hardships he managed to overcome.
  5. The text proves his bravery and perseverance with many examples. It shows that he applied things he learned while he was young to help make a change when he was older. for example, he lost his father when he was young, so he moved in with his dad’s friend, the chief and learn from him how to be a good leader, which he used to liberate Africa.
  7. The video shows that he had bravery and preserverence. It shows that He was these things even while facing adversity, for eample he was given a life sentence, but while in prison he still worked hard to help his cause, and refused getting let out of prison at the cost of giving up what he thought was right and fought for.
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