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Jan 11th, 2017
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  1. {"advertiser_name": "Betfair", "description": "Betfair Sports Betting \u2013\xa0DOWNLOAD NOW & kick off with Bet \xa310 Get \xa330 in FREE bets or one of our enhanced price sign up offers.", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "ES - iPhone", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "USD", "price": "2.46", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "$", "currency_symbol": "$"}]}, "date_end": "2027-01-11 23:59:59", "caps": {"action": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "click": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "lead": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "150", "month": "-"}}, "details": {"country": "ES", "notes": "No Adult Traffic", "sale_tip": "", "accepted_traffic": "Achat Media, Display, In App, Web Mobile", "platform": "iPhone"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 18703, "name": "Betfair Sportsbook - ES - Display - iPhone"}
  2. {"advertiser_name": "Dashlane ", "description": "\u201cDashlane is life-changingly great. And free. Get it.\u201d - David Pogue, The New York TimesDashlane makes it easy to keep track of passwords and personal info that you us...", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "CA - Android", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "USD", "price": "2.27", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "$", "currency_symbol": "$"}]}, "date_end": "2027-01-11 23:59:59", "caps": {"action": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "click": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "lead": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "150", "month": "-"}}, "details": {"country": "CA", "notes": "No Adult Traffic", "sale_tip": "", "accepted_traffic": "Achat Media, Display, In App, Web Mobile", "platform": "Android"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 19062, "name": "Dashlane - CA - Display - Android"}
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  5. {"advertiser_name": "Quandoo GmbH", "description": "Reserving a table has never been easier! \r\nWith Quandoo\u2019s innovative restaurant reservation app, finding great restaurants and discovering new cuisines is a piece of cake", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "SG - iOS", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "USD", "price": "2.89", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "$", "currency_symbol": "$"}]}, "date_end": "2026-12-21 23:59:59", "caps": {"action": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "click": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "lead": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "2000", "month": "-"}}, "details": {"payable_action": "User Installs & Opens the App", "accepted_traffic": "Achat Media, Display, In App, Intersitials, Web Mobile", "country": "SG", "notes": "Absolutely no Incentivization, No Adult Traffic", "platform": "iOS", "traffic_type": "Non Incent", "sale_tip": "", "business_model": "CPI"}, "bundle_id": "id738501773", "id": 26128, "name": "Quandoo - SG - Display - iOS - S2S"}
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  7. {"advertiser_name": "Kodak ", "description": "", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "ANdroid", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "EUR", "price": "0.25", "type": "CPC", "currency_html": "€", "currency_symbol": "\u20ac"}]}, "date_end": "2026-04-27 23:59:59", "details": {"sale_tip": ""}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 12514, "name": "Kodak Moment - FR - Email - Android - S2S (display Private Redirect)"}
  8. {"advertiser_name": "Kodak ", "description": "", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "desktop", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "EUR", "price": "0.25", "type": "CPC", "currency_html": "€", "currency_symbol": "\u20ac"}]}, "date_end": "2026-04-27 23:59:59", "details": {"sale_tip": ""}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 12520, "name": "Kodak Moment - FR - Email - Desktop - S2S (display Private Redirect)"}
  9. {"advertiser_name": "Place des Animaux - Display - FR", "description": "Vous souhaitez la meilleure protection pour votre animal de compagnie ?\r\n\r\nNos partenaires assureurs prennent en charge les vaccins, analyses, honoraires v\xe9t\xe9rinaires, frais de st\xe9rilisation, m\xe9dicaments prescrits...", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "Chien_1341", "download_link": "http:\\"}, {"name": "Place des Animaux", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "EUR", "price": "6", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "€", "currency_symbol": "\u20ac"}]}, "date_end": "2023-11-12 23:59:59", "details": {"country": "FR", "business_model": "CPL", "sale_tip": "", "accepted_traffic": "Display", "payable_action": "CPL - 1st page submit"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 988, "name": "Place des Animaux - Display - FR"}
  10. {"advertiser_name": "MB Auto C3 - Display - FR", "description": "Prenez la route des \xe9conomies en obtenant des tarifs adapt\xe9s selon votre profil", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "Tirelire_du 20.09 au 31.12", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "EUR", "price": "7", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "€", "currency_symbol": "\u20ac"}]}, "date_end": "2026-09-20 23:59:59", "details": {"payable_action": "CPL - 1st page submit", "accepted_traffic": "Display", "country": "FR", "traffic_type": "Dedup via black liste", "sale_tip": "ATTENTION : \r\nIl est obligatoire de supprimer les @ disponibles via le lien de votre liste de diffusion : \r\nhttps:\\\r\nEn cas de manquement, le shoot sera annul\xe9 et les leads supprim\xe9s.\r\n\r\nD\xe9sormais, pour tes tests de remplissages des formulaires CAS2 - CAS3, il faut que tu indiques l"email suivant :\r\nCet email permet le d\xe9clenchement du tag de conversion et bloque l"envoi au WS d"Allianz.\r\nSi l"on tente de transmettre le lead de test \xe0 Allianz (distribution ou manuellement), le lead sera automatiquement rejet\xe9.\r\n\r\nPixel pos\xe9 dans la campagne MB Auto C3 Email", "business_model": "CPL"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 15940, "name": "MB Auto C3 - Display - FR"}
  11. {"advertiser_name": "D\xe9pil Tech - FR -  Display", "description": "N\xb0 1 de l"\xe9pilation d\xe9finitive en France!\r\n\r\nL"expertise de nos praticiens et la qualit\xe9 de nos outils sont reconnues dans toute la France. Dans tous nos centres, l"efficacit\xe9 du r\xe9sultat va de pair avec le respect de votre peau, en toutes circonstances.\r\nAinsi, le traitement donne lieu a\u0300 un bilan personnalis\xe9 pr\xe9alable, et les forfaits d"\xe9pilation d\xe9finitive sont illimit\xe9s jusq"a\u0300 disparition totale des poils !", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "depil", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "EUR", "price": "3", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "€", "currency_symbol": "\u20ac"}]}, "date_end": "2025-01-15 23:59:59", "details": {"country": "FR", "business_model": "CPL", "sale_tip": "Test avec les centres de Nice", "accepted_traffic": "Display", "payable_action": "CPL - 1st page submit"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 3771, "name": "D\xe9pil Tech - FR -  Display"}
  12. {"advertiser_name": "Bed Bath& Beyond", "description": "", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "Us - sweep", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "USD", "price": "2.63", "type": "CPA", "currency_html": "$", "currency_symbol": "$"}]}, "date_end": "2026-11-23 23:59:59", "caps": {"action": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "click": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "lead": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}}, "details": {"accepted_traffic": "Achat Media, Display, In App, Intersitials, Web Mobile", "country": "US", "notes": "No Adult Traffic, No SMS Traffic", "traffic_type": "Non Incent", "sale_tip": "Special Instructions/Traffic restrictions:\r\n- Incentive and non-incent traffic allowed.\r\n- NO SMS traffic\r\n- DO NOT use any of the following words in the advertisement: Win, Free, Winner, Won, Claim, Contest or publish or use any Advertisement that indicate that a consumer can claim a prize on the website without taking any further action\r\n- No adult or obscene content, or content that promotes abusive, violent, bigoted, hate-oriented behaviour\r\n- No promotion with pirated or unlicensed content", "business_model": "CPA"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 22107, "name": "$100 Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Card Giveaway - US - Display - Sweepstake - S2S"}
  13. {"advertiser_name": "ABC Baby - FR", "description": "Site de jeu concours \xe0 destination des femmes enceintes (en priorit\xe9) et jeunes mamans (en second).\r\n\r\nPrincipe du jeu: instant gagnant \r\n- 1 tirage au sort / jour: 2 gagnants de la box ABC BABY (contenu: produits b\xe9b\xe9 et maman (cr\xe8me, doudou, biberon, etc.), \xe9chantillons et contenu (ex: magazine PARENTS))\r\n- 1 tirage au sort suppl\xe9mentaire / mois: 1 gagnant du ch\xe8que cadeau Aubert d"une valeur de 300\u20ac, utilisable sur le site\r\n- Info importante: un internaute ne peut pas jouer 2 fois", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "1box", "download_link": "http:\\"}, {"name": "ABC", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "EUR", "price": "0.6", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "€", "currency_symbol": "\u20ac"}]}, "date_end": "2025-02-23 23:59:59", "details": {"country": "FR", "business_model": "CPL", "sale_tip": "", "accepted_traffic": "Display", "payable_action": "CPL - 1st page submit"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 4379, "name": "ABC Baby - FR"}
  14. {"advertiser_name": "Survey", "description": "The new Mac Book Pro!", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "US - Incent", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "USD", "price": "1.1", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "$", "currency_symbol": "$"}]}, "date_end": "2025-11-04 23:59:59", "caps": {"action": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "click": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "lead": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "500", "month": "-"}}, "details": {"payable_action": "CPL - 1st page submit", "accepted_traffic": "Display", "country": "US", "platform": "Android, iOS, Mobile", "traffic_type": "Incent", "sale_tip": "", "business_model": "CPL"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 8979, "name": "The New Macbook - US - Display - Web/Mob - S2S"}
  15. {"advertiser_name": "Slidejoy", "description": "Slidejoy lets you make money to check trending news and to unlock your lock screen! Slidejoy pays you in cash or rewards you in gift cards to have trending news and ads on your lock screen. Redeem cash rewards to your PayPal account or gift card rewards to your favorite retailers/brands. You can even donate the money you make from Slidejoy to give cash to charity! Make extra money online by downloading our free lock screen app today!", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "US - And", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "USD", "price": "0.2", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "$", "currency_symbol": "$"}]}, "date_end": "2026-10-25 23:59:59", "caps": {"action": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "click": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "-", "month": "-"}, "lead": {"week": "-", "global": "-", "day": "2000", "month": "-"}}, "details": {"payable_action": "User Installs & Opens the App", "accepted_traffic": "Achat Media, Display, In App, Intersitials, Web Mobile", "country": "US", "notes": "No Adult Traffic, No App Discovery Traffic", "platform": "Android", "traffic_type": "Incent", "sale_tip": "Exclusive payout so LOTS OF TRAFFIC please !", "business_model": "CPI"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 18994, "name": "Slidejoy - US - Display - And - S2S - INCENT "}
  16. {"advertiser_name": "Save on Digital", "description": "", "links_banners": {"links_banners": [{"name": "Save On digital", "download_link": "http:\\"}]}, "details_business_model": {"business_model_details": [{"currency_iso_code": "GBP", "price": "4.9", "type": "CPL", "currency_html": "£", "currency_symbol": "\xa3"}]}, "date_end": "2024-09-09 23:59:59", "details": {"accepted_traffic": "Achat Media, Display, In App, Intersitials", "country": "GB", "notes": "Absolutely no Incentivization, No Adult Traffic, No App Discovery Traffic, No Ca ...", "platform": "Mobile", "traffic_type": "Non Incent", "sale_tip": "Country : UK\r\nOS : Mobile\r\nPayout : 4.9 GBP\r\nBusiness Model : Click to Call\r\nPayable Action : User calls and stay on the call for at least 2min\r\nNotes : No incent traffic, No Adult traffic\r\nAccepted traffic : In-app, Mobile Web, Media Buying", "business_model": "Click to Call"}, "bundle_id": "", "id": 2636, "name": "Save On Digital - UK - Display - Mob - S2S - Click to Call"}
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