
The Ship Just Floats

Aug 3rd, 2011
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  1. * Isaac walked quickly past the manor, heading back from the site. "Good think they already started building the thing." he mumbled to himself.
  2. <Isaac> thing*
  3. * Tillo is on the balcony of the Friedwald manor, enjoying what is most likely the moon starting to come up, sipping a glass of wine. He almost doesn't notice, almost, then a casual glance. "...Isaac?"
  4. * Isaac turns on point when his name is heard. "...oh, hi, Tillo. Didn't know you lived around here."
  5. * Tillo looks down at him, getting up from the fancy little table and waving down at him. "Well, I have to live somewhere, don't I? What are you doing out at this time of night?"
  6. <Isaac> "Ah, well, checking on construction of the workshop." Shifty eyes. "Anyways, why are you- never mind." Wide awake? Almost. "Anyways, I gotta head back home soon, so..." Isaac starts to turn to the direction he was going.
  7. <Tillo> "Workshop?" Tillo tilts his head a bit, then shrugs. He almost looks like he's about to just say goodbye and call it... and then, "Hey, Isaac? Mind sharing a drink with me up here?"
  8. * Isaac turns back. "Um... yeah, sure. I have time... where's your front door?"
  9. <Tillo> "Just below... hold on, I'll send Hawthorne to get you," he goes back inside, opening the window, and you can hear him calling in. "Hawthorne! Would you collect my guest and bring him up?"
  10. * Isaac ...waits. And looks in his longcoat. PEEK. And back to the manor.
  11. <Tillo> Only a few seconds later, the front door is pushed open by a surprisingly young boy - he's maybe 13 or 14? - in a formal suit marked with what must be some kind of family crest. He bows at the waist and smiles. "Please, if you'll follow me?"
  12. * Tillo is now known as Wyl|Tillo
  13. * Isaac follows the young boy...
  14. <Wyl|Tillo> He leads you through a well-decorated foyer and up to the second floor, then through what must be Tillo's room - which is extremely tidy and well kept - and out onto the balcony to join him.
  15. <Isaac> "Um... so what did you need me for?"
  16. <Wyl|Tillo> "Need you? ...Is it too much if I'd like to just chat with a...." he hesitates for a moment. "...A friend?" He's not even so certain about the use of the word, it seems.
  17. * Isaac nods and sits down. "Sorry. Not used to people summoning me without needing me. So, what's in your mind?"
  18. <Wyl|Tillo> "Nothing too much, really. ...Excepting curiosity, if you don't mind a little of it. Would you like a drink, by the way?" he takes a seat back at the table.
  19. * Isaac takes... the other seat? "Oh, sure. What are we drinking?"
  20. <Wyl|Tillo> "Well, I was just having a little wine to help calm me before bed. Is that alright?"
  21. <Isaac> "Ah, of course." (He doesn't even know what he's drinking? Good grief, he
  22. <Isaac> 's rich AND ignorant.)
  23. <Wyl|Tillo> You hear the door close as Hawthorne heads back inside to get another glass. "Can I ask about the workshop you mentioned?"
  24. <Isaac> "Oh, of course. I commissioned a project from a few workers to construct a workshop on the outskirts of town."
  25. <Wyl|Tillo> "A workshop... for Alchemy, am I assuming correctly?"
  26. <Isaac> "Yes. An atelier, as people call it."
  27. <Wyl|Tillo> "Of course. You must be doing well if you've made it to the point of opening your own, then," Tillo smiles.
  28. * Isaac nods. "I got lucky today and found something that made a lot of money. So I suppose I'm doing well." Isaac pours himself a glass of the wine and swirls it a little.
  29. <Wyl|Tillo> Hawthorne had just brought out the bottle. It's a lighter tone than what Tillo's drinking; in fact, he has brought out a second, separate glass for his master, setting it down on the table for when it is ready.
  30. <Wyl|Tillo> "That's good. ...You had your shop closed by that... pardon my tongue, but that maniac, didn't you?"
  31. * Isaac nods. "Yeah. I defaulted on my debt..." Isaac ends up staring at the glass, looking at the wine before bringing his nose to the glass and sniff.
  32. <Wyl|Tillo> It's some fine stuff, from the smell. It's not majorly high quality but it's not pocket change either.
  33. <Wyl|Tillo> "...Oh, okay. I was thinking perhaps he simply decided it on a whim or something," Tillo laughs a little. "...I don't look forward to working under him again."
  34. * Isaac takes a sip of the wine, keeping it in his mouth and rolling it. After about three seconds, he takes some air in his mouth and then swallows. "Hm. This is... agreed."
  35. <Wyl|Tillo> You barely hear the door shut as Hawthorne retreats from the scene. Mostly because Tillo has continued. "I think... all the same he gave us another assignment, didn't he? I was outside with Ulphia and Eara, so I wasn't able to hear it completely."
  36. <Isaac> "It was something we were going to do anyways." Isaac said before slurping some of the wine. Just a small slurp sound, however.
  37. <Wyl|Tillo> "Was it? Would you care to fill me in? I confess I'm... a little irritated sometimes at being left out of the information until the last minute."
  38. <Isaac> And a swallow. " I can't pick out this wine... I do taste grapefruit, though. Is it a Sauvignon Blanc?"
  39. <Isaac> "It could be Chardonny though, because it's a citrus fruit..."
  40. <Wyl|Tillo> "...You're evading the question," he evades it right back.
  41. <Isaac> "Oh. Sorry. We're going to find the person that blows up people's heads." Isaac said, with a straight face.
  42. <Wyl|Tillo> "That does... I'm sorry, did you just say someone who makes people's heads explode?" Tillo is frowns... but apparently a little thoughtful. "...Wait, that does sound familiar."
  43. <Isaac> "Yeah. It's a long story, involving Marian's wings, Adel, and a lot of mess."
  44. <Wyl|Tillo> "...Really? I was going to guess it was just that criminal whose name was... Beretta? No, no. Gepetto, wasn't it? ...Or is Adel involved in far more mess than I thought?"
  45. <Isaac> "Gepetto. That's correct."
  46. <Wyl|Tillo> "..." Tillo takes a sip and sets the one glass down, finally done with it. "Can I ask what Adel has to do with all this?"
  47. <Isaac> "Well... Adel found the guy who was working for Gepetto, chased him down, and then helped me carry him to HQ."
  48. <Wyl|Tillo> "HQ... And that's why we're being assigned the mission, because Judo and Eugene have now associated us with things anyway...?"
  49. <Isaac> "Hm? You and I have a different meaning of headquarters. For you, it's Judo. For me..."
  50. <Wyl|Tillo> "...Oh!" Tillo looks a little surprised, and switches to his second glass. "I see, I misinterpreted. My apologies."
  51. * Isaac nods. "So, what is this wine, anyways?"
  52. <Wyl|Tillo> "...It should say on the bottle, shouldn't it?" he motions to it, seeing as how Hawthorne has left it there.
  53. * Isaac tries hard not to frown and checks the bottle. "Alright. You know, you really should know what you're drinking."
  54. * neG ( has joined #pokeatelier
  55. <Wyl|Tillo> "...I do know," Tillo chuckles a little, taking a sip - and then in one swift motion, chugs down the rest of the glass. He's got a grin on his face.
  56. * Eara has quit (Ping timeout)
  57. * Isaac feels a little unconfortable, but going along with it, downing the rest of his glass as well.
  58. <Isaac> downs*
  59. <Wyl|Tillo> Tillo chuckles a little, watching as Hawthorne comes out with another glass to pour for Tillo, who almost seems... amused by the sudden chugging of wine on Isaac's part. The bottle in Hawthorne's hands is unmarked. "Would you care to try some, sir?"
  60. <Isaac> "Oh, of course."
  61. <Wyl|Tillo> He pours you the glass, and you can see just the faintest of smiles on his lips.
  62. <Isaac> "...alright. What's so funny?"
  63. <Wyl|Tillo> "Try it," Tillo smiles, and then as if to reassure him, takes a sip of his own again.
  64. * Isaac looks at the wine and shrugs. (If he doesn't know what it is, I'm not going to find out.) Isaac sips half of the wine down, taking... a good ten seconds.
  65. <Wyl|Tillo> That's funny, you've never tasted a wine like this. ..... because it's grape juice.
  66. <Isaac> "...this is a good wine. Not fermented at all."
  67. <Wyl|Tillo> Tillo chuckles a little, dismissing Hawthorne. "Does it surprise you?"
  68. <Isaac> "A little."
  69. <Wyl|Tillo> "It shouldn't. No 'proper' noble at my age should be dining at a pastry shop," he is relaxing in the chair, finally dropping some of the formality of his posture.
  70. <Isaac> And all of the sudden, Isaac is even more unconfortable... but is still capable of hiding it. "Haha. To be honest, that place is good. I hope to come back sometime."
  71. <Wyl|Tillo> "I'm glad. I'm so used to everyone being so stuck up. 'A young man should have long abandoned his sweet tooth it's not proper' and all that..." he sighs a little, his voice - for once - taking a joking tone as he imitates the voice of a far older man scolding a child.
  72. <Wyl|Tillo> "...Forgive me for dropping formality, but... I'm jealous."
  73. * Isaac nods. "Haha. I abandoned my parents when I opened up my first shop. In retrospect... jealous about what?"
  74. <Wyl|Tillo> "You all... you all live relatively carefree, without needing to uphold to someone else's insistance on acting a certain way and thinking a certain way and that whole... nonsense. I've been dealing with it for so long that even when I'm with you all I have difficulty acting the way I'd like."
  75. <Isaac> "Well, you really don't have to act in any way, really. You're... how old are you now?"
  76. <Wyl|Tillo> "Seventeen."
  77. <Isaac> "Seventeen! That's when I moved to Khemia, myself. But seriously. You are old enough to do whatever you want."
  78. * Gents has quit (Quit: )
  79. <Wyl|Tillo> "I am... but I don't think I'm ready to all the same," he sighs, taking another drink of the juice. "I'm trying to, but... I still worry about these things on instinct, and maybe I'm not ready to make that leap. Not when I've seen so little of the world."
  80. <Isaac> "So go out and see more of the world, then." Isaac finishes his glass and puts it down, sighing.
  81. <Wyl|Tillo> "...It's what I'm trying to do, but I still... feel as though I know very little."
  82. * Isaac nods along. "Stick around, and you'll see everything. You have the best opportunity with us."
  83. <Wyl|Tillo> "I suppose I will, won't I? ...Especially you."
  84. * Isaac gives TIllo a confused look. "Hm?"
  85. <Wyl|Tillo> "...I've never really interacted with someone who... has chosen your career path, so to speak," Tillo nods. "Pardonning any insult, even knowing that other noble families often deal with... 'merchants' like yourselves, I was on some silly notion that they're all horrible people."
  86. <Isaac> "Haha. Well, I really am a merchant. That thing is just a side job, really."
  87. <Wyl|Tillo> "Well, I suppose. But you're still more linked into such things than anyone I've ever met... is it bad if I'm curious?"
  88. * Isaac shrugs. "I... suppose not."
  89. <Wyl|Tillo> "...I'd like to know more then, sometime. If you don't mind," a smile comes back onto Tillo's face. "About your job... and you as well."
  90. <Isaac> "Alright, then. Ask away."
  91. * Wyl|Tillo is now known as Tillo
  92. <Tillo> "...You're fine answering like that? Out here?"
  93. <Isaac> "...if you think someone will listen, then sure. But I did have to shout to talk to you a little."
  94. <Tillo> "If you'd be more comfortable we could use the parlor downstairs. Aside from myself and Hawthorne, nobody is here."
  95. <Isaac> "Alright. then." Isaac keeps seated, but gets ready to stand up when Tillo does.
  96. <Tillo> Tillo stands up then, heading back inside and past Hawthorne, who's been waiting inside the room, sitting patiently on the bed. He leads Isaac back downstairs and into the parlor - which has a great view of a fine backyard, and walls lined with bookshelves, in addition to comfortable seeating.
  97. <Isaac> "Hm... wow..." Speechless.
  98. * Eara ( has joined #pokeatelier
  99. <Tillo> "Nice, isn't it?" Tillo smiles, taking his favourite chair - a recliner that looks really quite comfy. "Take whatever seat you fancy."
  100. * neG has quit (Ping timeout)
  101. <Isaac> "Uh..." Isaac takes a seat next across from Tillo and shakes his hand. "Sorry. When I owned my shop, I was invited to a lot of events by rich people, and it still surprises me how..." Isaac's trying to think of the right word.
  102. <Tillo> "...Opulent? Impressive?" Tillo chuckles a little, then adds a third with almost disdain. "Unnecessary?"
  103. <Isaac> "Lavish, I think is the right word."
  104. <Tillo> "Yes, that too," Tillo chuckles a little. "It's no palace, but father is fond of fineries on the off chance he's actually here..."
  105. <Isaac> "Haha." (Wait. Bad topic to go into. Turn around...) Isaac can't think of anything to say, so he just relaxes on the chair. "So, what did you want to ask about?"
  106. <Tillo> Tillo relaxes a little. "...What is it you do for the organization, anyway? It's... Noric, right? I know the name, but that's really about it."
  107. <Isaac> "Me? I do what I do best. Buy supplies, sell various things..." And he's trailing off again.
  108. <Tillo> "Oh... is that it?" Tillo blinks. It's not a disappointed 'oh that's it?'. More like he's not entirely buying it.
  109. <Isaac> "Yeah, that's it." It's pretty obvious how much of a lie that is.
  110. <Tillo> "...Well, if it's a criminal organization, those have to be illegal goods, right?"
  111. <Isaac> "Some of them, yeah."
  112. <Tillo> "...Wait, does that mean they deal in legal goods?" Tillo seems confused.
  113. <Isaac> "Of course. It's a mix of some and some. I do back alley sales and auction house sales sometimes."
  114. <Tillo> "But wouldn't..." Tillo seems like needs a moment to sort some things out in his head. "Well, I guess it makes sense."
  115. * Isaac nods. "It's a good mix of legal and illegal... ah, that reminds me."
  116. <Tillo> "...Reminds you?"
  117. <Isaac> "Yeah... Tillo, just wondering, but what's your stance on the war?"
  118. <Tillo> "...The war?" Tillo stops to ponder. "Does... it matter, in relation to this? Just out of curiosity."
  119. <Tillo> (This is where I mention that I have no idea OOC what you are talking about although I'm trying to find something but...)
  120. <Isaac> "Nah. Sorry. The thought just appeared on my mind."
  121. <Isaac> (The Khemian-Skian war)
  122. <Isaac> (See the backstory of this campaign.)
  123. <Tillo> (Oh jeez there is something going on right now, how'd I even miss)
  124. <Tillo> "...I'm not fond of it, if you feel it important enough to ask."
  125. * Isaac nods. "Alright. The thought just appeared in my mind..."
  126. <Tillo> "...Alright then. Where were we?"
  127. <Isaac> "How wine was made."
  128. <Tillo> "...What?" Tillo seems a little surprised.
  129. <Isaac> "See, yeast eats sugar and spits out carbon dioxide and alcohol."
  130. <Tillo> "...Pardon, but I don't remember... -were- we discussing that?"
  131. <Isaac> "Of course we were. You were just asking me why I know a lot about wine."
  132. <Tillo> "..." There's something about the expression on Tillo's face. It's not so much confused as... worried?
  133. <Isaac> "And so, that's why some wines are bubbly." And Isaac was successful in changing the topic.
  134. <Tillo> "...Of course. I see," Isaac may have been -too- effective. He seems to have thrown Tillo off balance for a few seconds, although the youth calms himself down fairly quickly. "Time must be passing faster than I thought... I must be getting tired."
  135. <Isaac> "You should get some sleep, then." Isaac quietly nods afterwards.
  136. <Tillo> "...I probably should, yes," Tillo sighs. "My apologies. I hope I'm not disappointing you as a host?"
  137. <Isaac> "No, of course not. It's not like you had advance notice or anything."
  138. <Tillo> "...Of course not. But... hopefully this is not the last time?"
  139. <Isaac> "Oh. Of course. And this time, do you want to schedule a time in advance?"
  140. <Tillo> "It... would be nice. I'm not used to spontaneity like this. It's unusual for me!"
  141. <Isaac> Isaac wouldn't be surprised if Tillo was flailing his arms. "Alright, then. What time should I come here?"
  142. <Tillo> Tillo isn't. He's trying to stay very proper. "...Assuming work for the day ends at a reasonable time I'd like to have you again just after sunset. The evening air is nice."
  143. * Isaac nods. "Alright. I'll head over then. Would you like me to save my stomach for dinner?"
  144. <Tillo> "...A dinner would be nice, yes," Tillo nods. "And perhaps I'll drink wine properly this time."
  145. * Isaac chuckles a little. "Alright, then. I guess I'll be taking my leave now?"
  146. <Tillo> "Alright," Tillo has stood up, heading to the door. "I'll see you off myself, then."
  147. * Isaac stands up and heads to the door. "Thank you for letting me intrude on you."
  148. <Tillo> "No, it's no worry. I'm glad... to have a new face here, for once."
  149. * Isaac nods silently and walks out the door.
  150. * Tillo leads him out; Hawthorne is watching quietly and bows to them both as they pass, letting his master step up to lead for once.
  151. <Tillo> </session?>
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