
vishnya x big bad jock

Feb 22nd, 2020
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  1. [22:19] Big Bad Jock gestured to the dice on the table. "I call it scent scramble. The rules are pretty simple. We each roll a single 6 sided dice. Whatever we roll is the number of deep breaths through our nose that we have to take where our opponent directs us. First one to be unable to continue, and becomes...enthralled....loses. Sound like a fun game?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders, a smirk playing on his lips.
  2. [22:30] Vishnya stared down her long snout at the dice for a long moment, stealing one quick glance upward and clenching her teeth together to accompany her incredulous snort. "Intriguing, but hardly seems fair. I have far more sensitive nose than human. And far worse luck, besides." The goliath raised one claw to pick at the collar around her throat, running her finger around the inside and feeling the matted fur there so she had something to fixate on besides the surface of the table in front of her. "...But I will play anyway. Vishnya does not turn down challenges, even rigged; her pride does not allow it."
  3. [22:33] Big Bad Jock nodded his head to her, bowing just slightly. The human shifted a bit and held up one dice to her. "I understand, but as a human my scent shouldn't be too distracting to a lovely female canine such as yourself? After all, us humans simply can't measure up to your alpha's can we?" He asked, his tone seemed honest and fair. "Shall we roll to see who goes first? High roll will be the first to inhale." He twirled he dice between his fingers, and then gave it a gentle toss to the table, leaning on it with one hand to see how he did. His clothes hung loosely from his body, a pair of basketball shorts and a black t-shirt that covered his athletic frame.
  4. [22:33] System: Big Bad Jock rolls 1d6: 5
  5. [22:38] Vishnya leaned forward ever-so-slightly with her arm outstretched to delicately pick up the dice, the movement so slight it hardly managed to get any noise out of the unfastened belt on her extremely immodest leather jacket. The same gingerness extended to her toss, trepidation in her every move. A few too run-ins with campus police thanks to reports must've put her on edge. That'd probably change too.
  6. [22:38] System: Vishnya rolls 1d6: 6
  7. [22:41] Vishnya regarded the dice with a breath of reli- no, a sigh of di... both? Her beady violet eyes flickered from the table to her opponent, ears pricked for instructions while she half-jokingly lamented her fate. "What did I tell you about luck?"
  8. [22:44] Big Bad Jock chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders giving her an innocent pouty expression. "Not the best for you huh pup? Well I'll tell ya what...I'll start you out somewhere that isn't so bad. I showered recently, and I know it shouldn't bother a noble proud canine such as yourself, you can handle sniffing right here right?" He asked and lifted up his shirt gesturing to his armpit, not incredibly hairy, and looked quite clean as well. The human was obviously in good shape. "So take another roll and lets see how many big deep breaths you get to take." He pointed to his arm pit again for emphasis.
  9. [22:52] Vishnya leeeeaned forward with her palms braced against the table, the underside of her barely-concealed breasts brushing against the wood while she spared one hand to scoop up and reroll the dice:
  10. [22:52] System: Vishnya rolls 1d6: 3
  11. [22:53] Big Bad Jock grinned and gestured again, poking at his pit as he stepped forward. "Three big good ones for me. I want to hear them, and have you count them off, so I know we are on the same page. No cheating missy."
  12. [22:59] Vishnya The number & its confirmation elicited little more reaction than an annoyed grunt of understanding, given that any would have resulted in the ensuing nervous nose-lick. At long last, with her pelvis flush with the table and her muzzle just barely able to meet her mark, she craned forward those last few centimeters and took her first sniff, drawing it in over the course of roughly three seconds, until her lungs were at capacity and she hurriedly exhaled through her mouth. "One." Musky, natural, vaguely smelling of deodorant, but nothing out of the ordinary. Another, loud and clear, identical to the last besides the slight trembling of her upper body - well-trained and naturally muscular or not, maintaining this pose was extremely uncomfortable. Still preferable to the squat she'd have to do, though. "Twoooo..." Admittedly had smelled worse, and the sensation of wiry hair tickling her nose proved more uncomfortable than the act of smelling itself. A hint of lightheadedness coming on from the depth of her breaths, but nothing related to his scent itself. Yet. "Three!" When she swept back and collapsed gratefully into her seat at long last, her large breasts caught the dice on the table and sent them nearly skittering to the floor, if it weren't for her fumbling and somehow successful attempt to catch them. She held them out towards him with a mumbled apology. "You will sniff... scruff of neck. Yes. Thick part at back of neck flaring out beneath collar, should also smell of soap." The wolf tapped the mass of fluff to clarify where she was talking about, lest her thick accent failed her.
  13. [23:02] System: Big Bad Jock rolls 1d6: 4
  14. [23:06] Big Bad Jock nodded his head before tossing the dice, toward her. Hitting a mug and then rolling to a stop on 4. He nodded his approval. Scruff of neck shouldn't be too difficult. He wouldn't be able to lean over like her though, he would have to approach. He stood up from where he was seated and walked over to her, giving her a curious glance, but when she stayed seated he had to lean down, using the arm of her chair, and another just gently bracing on her shoulder. Not hard or rough, just a gentle squeeze for balance, he leaned in, and pressed his face to the scruff of that neck. Brushing back and forth a few times before he inhaled deeply. "One...." Not so bad, and it was certainly clean. She smelled like a pup though, and he did pick up something feminine. A smile touched his lips, another deep breath in through his nose, and then out, the warm breath on her fur. "Two...." His hand squeezing gently at her shoulder as he inhaled on the third and felt a warm fuzzy feeling. Brushing his face back and forth. "Three........four...." After inhaling and exhaling for the forth time he stepped back, and wiped at his slightly red face, smoothing out his expression before walking back over and slumping down in his seat. "Not bad....but nothing a man couldn't handle. Next up....." He reached down, gave his shirt a tug and lifted it up just a bit pointing at his belly button. "Right there."
  15. [23:07] System: Vishnya rolls 1d6: 5
  16. [23:09] Big Bad Jock chuckled. "Good luck cutie."
  17. [23:20] Vishnya shook herself like a wet dog after observing her dice results, the pins-and-needles feeling of breath and displaced fur fading and the unkempt fluff gradually getting pulled back into place by gravity. "A little late for luck," she grumbled dramatically before pivoting her chair such that she could turn her head and wrap her colossal hand around his waist. Now she was a little more in the spirit, playfully pulling his abdomen closer before pressing her cool, wet nose into his navel and taking her first breath. Soap, skin, and a tiny bit of sweat (and the unique scent of a bellybutton), nothing too far from what she expected. "One." Another two, her arm subconsciously pressing a little harder on the small of his back. "Two, three..." When she called out her numbers, she simply moved her muzzle to the side, resting her cheek on his toned abs while she recovered her breath. "Four." For the final, she breathed in extra deeply and audibly to prove her point, ending with another lap to her nose that mmmmiight have "accidentally" grazed over his happy trail. Oops. No time to linger on it, though, when she was moving her chair back into the proper position and standing to her full height, boosted ever-so-slightly by her leather boots. "I will continue to go easy. Pick spot on big, fluffy tail from here--" she gripped the midpoint and smoothed down the thick velveteen fur all the way up to the tip, shedding a bit in the process with a little shower of pale gray hairs on the ground, "--to here."
  18. [23:24] Big Bad Jock shivered just slightly as he felt her nose and tongue flicker over his stomach. The touch, no matter how casual or accidental couldn't be construed by the jock's mind any other way then sensual. And immediately he felt a response in his manhood, firming up a bit, bulging a bit in his shorts possibly before he shifted to hide any arousal. But now that the ice had been broken, his mind would always linger back to that one thing. He heard her voice and it stirred him back to reality, his eyes glancing to her tail. Picking up the dice he gave it a toss.
  19. [23:24] System: Big Bad Jock rolls 1d6: 2
  20. [23:29] Big Bad Jock grinned to himself. Not to bad. He could handle two whiffs. Even if he had always been fascinated and intrigued by that part of the canine anatomy, he should have no problem. It wasn't like it was the base of her tail, just the end. Standing up and brushing himself off, hoping like hell that his manhood tucked into his briefs wouldn't print against his shorts, he strode over and reached out, gently gripping the middle of her tail, giving it a few gentle strokes with his firm hands and then aiming the tip at his face. It tickled his nose and cheeks as he did so, and he felt it brush back and forth. A gentle but firm tug on her tail to still it, and then he inhaled deeply. "One......" A clean scent, but....he thought he got a whiff of something else, something more feminine, perfume? Natural? He felt his head swim for a moment, and then he inhaled again deeply. "Mmmmm Two....." He exhaled against the tail, his face lingering now for a long moment before he managed to focus, and walked back to his seat. "Alright....I think its time to step it up a little don't you?" He held up his hand and walked it down his stomach below his belly button, and pointed to his crotch, cupping himself. "Lets see what you roll for this."
  21. [23:35] Vishnya regarded his challenge with a smirk (though it likely read poorly on her snout, those curling black lips and sharp chompers probably looking more like an intimidating sneer and tossed the dice on the table with a vigor that had been distinctly absent before. "You cannot hope to 'enthrall' me without at least little peanut butter, human."
  22. [23:35] System: Vishnya rolls 1d6: 4
  23. [23:47] Vishnya: "...And certainly with so few sniffs! I may have been done for if I landed six, but only one will be excited by this. Even my nose cannot stand against cloth." In the middle of his sniffs her tail had started wagging back and forth despite her best efforts to stop it, and now she allowed the damn thing to act as it pleased, even if it threatened to knock things off the table as she strode past it and threw herself to her knees before him with an unceremonious thud, followed by a steady rhythm composed of her massive tail thumping up and down across the floor. Unlike the last few times, where her eyes remained fixed forward or closed, she established lasting eye contact when she pressed her snout into his bulge, drinking deep of his subdued must and making a point to wiggle her nose flush against the concealed tent. "One," she announced with a harsh and unexpected monotony given the semi-intentional sultriness of the rest of her actions, attention instead focused on other minor details. "Two." All through her second breath, the claws on her colossal left hand traced circles around the inside of his solid thigh. "Three." On the third, she switched instead to gently prying his legs further apart so she could press forth even further, moving her head with each breath so that her nose could press against different areas - at present, her lungs were filling with the scent of his balls, her lower lip jaw practically crammed into the seat below to get better coverage. For the final, she pulled away momentarily and, as if to prove a point, stretched out the elastic of his shorts and crammed her nose hurriedly inside, pressing her nose against his pulsing cock with one less layer, this proving to be her deepest breath yet, her lungs threatening to burst as she drunk in more and more of his raw must. "Aaaaand... Four!" Distinctly flushed but secure in her triumph, her nose pulled out just as fast as it had gone in, and without prior warning she surged up and snatched up the dice. Why? So when she threw herself into his lap (gingerly, of course, careful not to let too much of her gargantuan weight rest on one particular spot), she could hand them to him and crane her neck behind her to watch for the result. "In between breasts, if you please." Easy enough, given that her giant chest was practically smothering him.
  24. [23:53] Big Bad Jock felt himself stiffening up as her nose prodded and pressed along him. He was hard, bulging in his briefs, and when he felt her tug him open on the last one, confidently leaning in to take in his masculine scent while maintaining eye contact with him, he found his heart rapidly racing in his chest. He might have bitten off more than he could handle challenging her. He was sure that should have had her enthralled. So when she settled into his lap, confident as ever, her rear seeming to easily find his bulge and settle, he let out a faint gasp. Hearing her suggestion, his eyes widened, and he hesitated a long moment. This, could certainly be his downfall. Reaching out, his hand fumbled for the dice and finally managed to toss one, leaning forward, against her, his hands finding her hips to help her keep her balance as he tried to see the result.
  25. [23:53] System: Big Bad Jock rolls 1d6: 1
  26. [23:58] Big Bad Jock chuckled out loud as he grinned confidently up at her, smug in his apparent victory. One....he should be able to handle one lousy breath. Even if it was between her rather enticing chest. He allowed his hands to slide down, cupping that firm waist between them and giving a gentle squeeze. "Mmmm you do have bad luck.....with a chest like yours, I am sure it builds quite the lovely scent throughout the day, but one sniff? I think I can handle that." Leaning in, he trailed his hands up, ever so gently cupping either side of her chest, and lifting delicately before pushing her cleavage in to cradle his face. He inhaled deeply. A full audible breath. His manhood pressing hard as a rock up under her, likely even leaking in his shorts. On his exhale he shivered, his whole body seeming to convulse for a moment. "Mmmmm" He said it twice, in a dazed voice. He slumped a bit back against his seat, but his face still nestled in her chest. Shivering again. No he couldn't lose on one. He flexed hard, and pulled his head back looking up at her, almost dreamy eyed. "Mmmmm Now.....roll" He said and rolled his neck to the side, pointing to the crook of his neck a perfect spot to nuzzle.
  27. [00:04] Vishnya scarcely had the strength in her to roll, what with how absolutely adorable that expression was and how hard her slit was starting to ache from the omnipresent heat against her rear, but she did it anyway, making a point to drag her crotch over his as she stood before the table, trembling hands hardly able to throw the damn things properly before she read the result with bated breath.
  28. [00:04] System: Vishnya rolls 1d6: 2
  29. [00:13] Vishnya sighed a breath that definitely signaled relief this time, her thought precisely the same as his: two breaths, in somewhere so innocuous? That's nothing. She resumed her position straddling his lap, grateful for the return of the heat against her rear, and shoved her snout right into the crook of his neck, where she drunk deep of the odor of fresh sweat, the pleasant soapy scent from earlier all but gone from the events of their little game. "One..." Why was she having so much trouble? Was it human pheromones playing tricks on her? Had her heat arrived early? Was something just wrong with her, making her voice trail off and her mouth watering profusely? Still, the second breath proved to be the nail in the coffin, the straw that broke the camel's back - or more aptly, the wolf's willpower. "Tw... twoooooo... youwindamnit! Blyat!" The jumbled cry and momentary lapse into the profanities of her mother tongue at her shattered pride was the only warning he got before her jaws parted, imparting a rivulet of viscous drool upon his clavicle before the fangs it had dribbled between sank ever-so-softly into the flesh of his throat, her arms ringing desperately around his athletic body while she growled in frustration and, free from the obligations of the game, began to wiggle and buck her hips in an attempt to get more friction with his bulge. The force of her bite would not cause him to bleed, but she was almost certain he could feel the sharp points and white hot saliva dribbling down and soaking into his t-shirt as she used his neck to muffle her moans.
  30. [00:18] Big Bad Jock chuckled softly as he felt her almost quiver in frustration. Grinning to himself his arms reached out and despite feeling those sharp points against his neck, felt confident in reaching behind her to cradle the back of her head against his neck even more, making sure she couldn't pull away too quickl as he stroked along the back of her head. "Mmmm Shhh shh shhh, I win princess.....I win. To behonest, after I ended up between that lovely cleavage of yours, I didn't think I would stand a chance. So lucky I only got a one there....but...take a few more breaths now for me. I won, so be a good pup and listen.....and once you feel you can handle it, let me know where I would have been putting my nose if you had managed to hold out?" HE asked, continuing to stroke down along her fur, his manhood firm up under her, pressing to that heated warmth. His other free hand had slipped down, tracing along her hip, close to the base of that tail.
  31. [00:27] Vishnya released him fairly quickly, suddenly extremely conscious of the damage she could do if she let herself get too incensed, and spent the majority of her time taking deep breaths to the rhythm and speed of his strokes, her ears pinned back and tail wagging with ridiculous force. At his question, she wrenched herself free of his grasp just long enough to lean back and point with her claw at the soft tuft of fur peeking out from behind the waistband of her low-rise jeans. With her legs struggling to keep her balance while she did so, all with her ample chest heaving from those shallow, greedy breaths of fresh air, attempts to cool down her overheating body. "Copy, yes, but very effective if breasts miraculously fail. If it was not smell of arousal, then feeling of fluffy pubic hair sure to make any man fail." Despite her breathlessness, a deep belly laugh bubbled up out of her parted jaws, and she slumped forward as if exhausted. "But if you prefer tailhole, then loser is not one to tell winner what to do. Vishnya is prideful, but not sore loser!"
  32. [00:34] Big Bad Jock let his hands continue to play in her fur, sliding up and down, rubbing and smoothing out her coat, as every now and then he would grip a handful, a tuft and pull gently, keeping her hips pressed firmly on him, his eyes fixed up on hers as he nodded. "Mmm even one breath down there...between this strong thighs....and....that fluffy pillow of your crotch....I wouldn't have even made it one breath without tapping out. You played a strong game that is for sure. Don't worry, Vishnya, you may be prideful, but I plan on making sure you are a 'sore' loser." He said, his hands gripping against her cheeks firmly and giving them two firm slaps for emphasis. His eyes focused on hers the entire time, seeming quite surprised he managed to pull off such a lewd and explicit victory. "I never properly introduced myself, the name is Matt......and you lost to me this evening. Are you ready to properly accept your defeat, and surrender your pleasure to me pup?" He asked, adding pup in a more playful than demeaning tone. Another slap against her rear.
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