
Figures of St. Louis

Oct 5th, 2015
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  1. -Prince Auguste of St. Louis-
  3. A curious man with a more curious past, not much is known of the Malkavian Prince. He keeps himself guarded behind riddles and wearing a mask at all times during Court. He is often times called eccentric with the attire he chooses to attend gatherings of his City's Kindred, but those that have gotten close enough to study his mask are greeted with striking green eyes and come away feeling like those eyes are burned into their mind.
  5. Always attended by his Sheriff, a rather intimidating woman often called 'The Lion of Glen', few find themselves willing to question how a Malkavian came into the Princehood and those that do challenge his title leave changed by the experience.
  7. He communicates with his Primogens only, though it is rumored that he will slip away into the crowds without his mask to mingle with the Kine and attend games of trivia hosted by bars. No one has been able to confirm this claim, as the only one that knows what he looks like under the mask are his Sheriff and his Primogens. He communicates in riddles, even to his Primogens when they come to him for answers, with his Sheriff ever faithful to answer the riddle if no one else can. As eccentric as this may seem, his riddles are rather simple when serious matters are being discussed, his point clear to those that listen closely.
  9. However due to his clan and their history, he is ever watched by the Ivory Tower and those that wish to overthrow him for his title that he had worked hard to gain over the City. Begrudging, it is accepted that for a City that already feels like there is a aura of strangness, he is best suited to lead its Kindred as he can understand the situations that appear within its limits. He have proven time and again that he is capable of protecting and enforcing his laws and those under him with a eerie clarity and understanding that have led to rumors of him possessing a sight for the Future.
  11. Laws:
  13. -- You are free to sire, but you must introduce them to the Prince immediately. Failure to do so or the discovery of harboring a unrecognized Childe are grounds of banishment or even Death at the digression of the Prince.
  14. -- All Ghouls must be registered and recognized by the Primogens. Failure to do so will result in the death of the Ghoul and a sentence handed down by the Prince.
  15. -- Sabbat sightings are to be reported to the Sheriff and Authorities immediately. If you are unable to do so, it is encouraged to subdue by any means and report.
  16. -- In-fighting among the Kindred is prohibited. If you are able to keep it quiet and out of the watchful gaze of the Prince, you may be able to get away with it. Fighting that escalates to the point of shedding Kindred vitae and death will result in immediate reprecusions at the end of the Sheriff's sword
  17. -- Due to the high level of Changling residents and the effects of their vitae upon Kindred, it is illegal to consume from or buy packs of changling vitae. Those found holding or selling such items face banishment. If you are able to hide it however, you may be able to get away uncaught.
  20. Known Primogen:
  21. Beau - Nosferatu. Keeps to herself, very rarely seen and if she must be called into a appearence for a Gathering, is always seen wearing a black hoodie and bandanna covering her nose down and the hood up paired with forest green cargo pants hosting a array of hand-held devices and concealed weapons. No one knows what generation she is or how she came to be a Primogen with her obvious distaste for politics, there are many rumors surrounding her and the contacts she keeps from her previous haven in another state. She works in the shadows and often in tandem of the Sheriff to tip off the current word on the street before ducking back into the shadows to gather more intel. Sharp tongued, Skilled, Formidable.
  23. Troy - Venture. A vampire from the old world, he sees himself as a adviser to the Prince to give his expertise as part of the 'Clan of Kings'. Arrogant, Charming, Calculating and Savvy to the changed world. He often times can be found seducing women of definite curves with flowered prose.
  25. ???- Toreador
  27. Aran O'Brien- Tremere. A charming Irishman on the surface, Mr. O'Brien is sometimes referred to by the cheeky title of 'Windwaker' by the neonates of his chantry due to his spectacular control over the weather. He is rarely seen without satchels and a traveling bag, even if he isn't going anywhere, as well as a longcoat and a hat pulled over his face. Rather patient as far as Tremere Primogens go - with his breezy personality and dashing charm, some say he would be better suited toward Clan Toreador.
  29. ???- Gangrel
  31. ???- Brujah
  33. Sheriff:
  34. Elizabeth - Brujah. Wields a claymore of rumored cold iron, loyal knight to the Prince. Quiet during Court and ever watchful, there are many rumors surrounding her as to how she and the Prince met but few dare to question it. Not to be taken lightly, even if she wears a grin.
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