
Journey to Poland 2: Family reunion 3: Journey to Poland

Sep 23rd, 2015
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  1. 18:24 Salesman Neon City, The Glowing Apartments, 5:00 in the morning. Salesman and Greg both got out of the hospital, but with the store destroyed, they have to live here for awhile. Salesman was sound asleep in his bed, Greg passed out Drunk on the other one. Both sleeping peacefully, until...
  2. 18:24 *** Dragomir is now known as Wells
  3. 18:24 Salesman *RINGRINGRINGRING*
  4. 18:24 *** Tectonic left #covenger_rp (See)
  5. 18:29 Salesman "GAH! What the?" He picks up his phone "Hello?...Dimitri? Wow I never actually thought you'd call. Whats goin-" A crash is heard from the phone, along with an evil laugh in the background "Whoa what was that?...Blue skin? White Hair? I-I-I dont understand, how can Isidor-Transcendence!? GREG GET UP!"
  6. 18:31 Salesman started to shake Greg to get him up "Greg cmon! How can you even be drunk you have a metal liver"
  7. 18:32 GregClaskovic jumped up out of bed. Shouting is the only way to wake Greg up, that or holding his nose hard enough. He groans. Hangover. "W-whuh, huh, *hic* f-fuck, what is it? God damn?" Greg squints straight at Sales. "It's..." he looks at the clock. "5 'A clock. What's going on?"
  8. 18:33 Salesman "Transcendence found Dimitri!"
  9. 18:34 GregClaskovic "What? How? He's been hiding there for..." Greg thought for a moment. He forgot how long he's been hiding there. "Is he okay?"
  10. 18:35 Salesman "uh..." He goes back to the phone *CRASH* "You'll never take me alive" *ROAR* "....No."
  11. 18:38 Salesman "Weird thing is, it sounds like Isidora is doing it. Blue skin, white hair"
  12. 18:40 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  13. 18:42 GregClaskovic "Who... Who the fuck is that?" Greg has a bad memory. He might've heard that name once, not sure. But one thing is for certain. Greg pulls out a bag from under his bed. A sports bag. He starts rummaging through it. "Are you sure it's transcendence?"
  14. 18:43 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  15. 18:45 Salesman "Thats what He said, giant roaring so. Who the hell knows. We need to get to Poland"
  16. 18:48 GregClaskovic "We could..." Greg pulls out some clothes from the bag. He puts on a shirt, barely fits him but at least it doesn't tear. "Go the way we went before. But I don't think we'd get away with it this time." He then pulls out an old, grummy jacket. It's very big, looks handmade, but it serves its purpose.
  17. 18:50 Salesman "Let me try something just to be sure" He runs to the window opening it. "BOY GREG, HAVE YOU HEARD WHAT EVERYONE HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT ISIDORA AND WELLS?! Greg if she tries to kill me make sure Thomas gets none of my stuff"
  18. 18:54 Isidora made her appearance about as soon as he finished speaking. By flying in and decking Salesman down through the window. "I have had it up to here with your shit I swear-"
  19. 18:55 Salesman "I-I Just wanted to make sure you're in Neon and not Poland!"
  20. 18:56 Isidora was perched on the windowsill, squatting with arms crossed and a frown on her face. "What does that even mean? Not Poland?"
  21. 18:58 Salesman "Gregs dad has been found by Transcendence, Said some woman with Blue Skin and white hair attacked him" he gets up "oh, Greg, Isidora, Isidora, Greg. Just in case"
  22. 19:03 GregClaskovic "Pleasure to meet you." He said in a monotone voice, not in the very bit interested. He's still rummaging. "This is the last straw I've had with them. That's it. It's time I... we, hit back." Greg's rummaging becomes more violent clearly. He looks up at Salesman. "We'll presume Anna already knows. Best to not get her into situations like these."
  23. 19:04 Isidora "...Claskovic right? Anna's brother. Which means that her dad is the one that got kidnapped."
  24. 19:04 Isidora "Okay. For her sake you have my attention."
  25. 19:05 Isidora "If its Russians, its probably the ones that my sister has teamed up with."
  26. 19:05 Salesman "right Greg...Wait Sister? Transcendence has an Ala?!"
  27. 19:07 Salesman sits down from shock. "Oh thats. Thats, great"
  28. 19:08 GregClaskovic "Claskovic, yes... You, you know my sister? And for her sake?"
  29. 19:09 Isidora "I like your sister. I consider her a friend and has a way about herself I'd rather not be disturbed. So, plus the fact that I don't imagine you have a counter to me you don't have a counter to Cveta, so I'm going to be needed for this."
  30. 19:09 Isidora "I want to do this so that Anna is happy." Isi huffs
  31. 19:12 Salesman "Should we get Wells? He was helpful last time"
  32. 19:15 GregClaskovic "We'll probably need the money... But, we really didn't need it last time..." Greg was considering it. "Plus, I don't believe me and him... are bumping elbows, as one would say. But if you think it'll help..." Greg never really got along with Wells after that whole Kidnapping incident.
  33. 19:15 Salesman "Ageis isn't that far from here. Lets go in case. /Ask/ him this time"
  34. 19:17 GregClaskovic "Hey, I didn't hear you complaining when I kid...napped... him. Uh." Greg realized that there was someone else listening other than Sales. "Did, did I say kidnapped? what I really meant, was, uh. Kidding around. That's right, y-yes."
  35. 19:17 Salesman "He kidnapped Wells."
  36. 19:17 Isidora "Wells? I remember him."
  37. 19:17 Isidora "Strange man..."
  38. 19:19 GregClaskovic "Strange man indeed." Greg was, sort of relieved. Last time he admitted to kidnapping Wells, there were people outside the shop in vans. "But, he has a lot of money. A lot."
  39. 19:19 Salesman "And he fought that Chain guy once, so just in case he is there we should go get him, Cmon"
  40. 19:22 Salesman After a bit the three made it to Ageis. "So, who wants to pound on the door to wake him up?"
  41. 19:22 Isidora looks in her pockets for pocket change and throws a bunch of quarters at the door.
  42. 19:23 Isidora "This should get his attention yes"
  43. 19:23 Wells (no)
  44. 19:24 GregClaskovic "I could just bust in and get him. I think he'll understand our situation."
  45. 19:24 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  46. 19:24 Salesman "I would think Database uped the security"
  47. 19:25 Salesman "let me try something" He knocked on the door lightly
  48. 19:28 Salesman "...Nope Greg bust the door down"
  49. 19:29 Wells drew the curtains from several stories up the building, it was very difficult to make him out from so far up.
  50. 19:29 Isidora "I told you, the coins worked."
  51. 19:31 Wells peered at them quietly, as if to ask what they wanted.
  52. 19:32 Isidora cleared her throat.
  53. 19:32 Isidora "HEY! WE NEED YOU DOWN HERE!"
  54. 19:34 Wells fearfully scurried away from the window after the demon's demand, and after what seemed to be a few minutes, he crashed through the window, flailing for his life as he fell a few stories down.
  55. 19:34 *** Wells is now known as Dragomir
  56. 19:35 Dragomir walks out of the main entrance of the building, looking serious as ever. "State your business." he raises his staff and catches Wells in some field of lowered gravity, he fainted.
  57. 19:36 Dragomir "Many do not visit the coin mage..." He has Wells float into the building, "For good reason..."
  58. 19:37 Isidora "...Hi nephew"
  59. 19:38 GregClaskovic "Hey, you're the kid who pissed in our shop, right?" Greg was still hungover. He didn't really reserve himself like normally, he'll probably be this way for a while.
  60. 19:38 Salesman "Oh yeah, kinda forgot Wells was your 'dad.'"
  61. 19:39 GregClaskovic "...Wait. Wells is, uh, an Ala?"
  62. 19:39 Isidora "Adopted."
  63. 19:39 GregClaskovic "Ah."
  64. 19:40 Dragomir "Greetings, Aunt. I take it, you come for good reason? You're not the type to get involved with..." He bared his not sharp, not threatening teeth angrily to the two individuals next to her. "Wayward types."
  65. 19:40 Salesman "Hah, hes adorable"
  66. 19:40 Dragomir "Your claims are all false. I carry myself with dignified grace. As my master did."
  67. 19:41 GregClaskovic "I'm pretty sure, you pissed yourself in our shop. And ran off."
  68. 19:42 Dragomir began pouting immensely, an insignificant cloud forming behind him. "DID YOU COME HERE TO DISRESPECT ME!? STATE YOUR BUSINESS!"
  69. 19:42 Isidora looked at the two people she came with, blinking as if disbelieving. "We have more important things to talk about. Like how Anna's father has been kidnapped."
  70. 19:42 Isidora "By Cveta. Y'know. Your aunt."
  71. 19:42 Salesman "Yeah we need your Dad, Gregs dad is in trouble and last time we went to Poland he was a big help. Apperently an Ala is attacking him."
  72. 19:44 Salesman "So, if he could wake up, that'd be good"
  73. 19:44 Dragomir "The individuals stated. They mean nothing to me. But if I must deal with an Ala threat. Then so be it. It is /my/ duty."
  74. 19:45 Dragomir "The coin mage is irrelevant. And incapacitated."
  75. 19:45 Dragomir "You would be wise to take me."
  76. 19:45 Salesman "you're a little young"
  77. 19:45 *** GregClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  78. 19:46 Dragomir "I have walked this earth far more than you, mortal."
  79. 19:47 Salesman "Can you reach the top shelf without any help?"
  80. 19:48 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  81. 19:49 Dragomir "The physical form is nothing. All can be attained through the honing of awesome majicks."
  82. 19:49 Salesman "So no?"
  83. 19:49 Dragomir "YES"
  84. 19:50 Isidora blinked and kept quiet during the little back and forth.
  85. 19:51 GregClaskovic dozed off a bit during the squander. Sales woke him very early today.
  86. 19:52 Salesman "Alright look, we need Wells"
  87. 19:53 Isidora "Do we?"
  88. 19:53 Salesman "Maybe? Now that I think of it..."
  89. 19:54 Salesman "I wouldn't feel right taking Wells kid"
  90. 19:54 GregClaskovic regained full conscience. "Two Alas, wha.. Uh. Yeah. Two Alas vs. One. Good odds. Wells'll just... Do something."
  91. 19:55 Isidora looked down to Drago.
  92. 19:55 Isidora "Can you fight? Properly?"
  93. 19:56 Dragomir "Yes. I may not be as much a monster as you. But I am a monster. You of course, have faith in my ability."
  94. 19:57 Isidora "I know that you have the ability to. I more mean can you hold yourself in a fight and not freeze up or panic."
  95. 19:57 Isidora "Its going to be hellish probably.:
  96. 19:58 Salesman "Taking a kid to fight his aunt in Poland...guess we just need a way to get there now"
  97. 20:00 GregClaskovic "Give the little man a test. If he manages to hurt my leg by punching it, then he's full material for fighting off evil trancisenstkii." Greg shifts his leg forward, an indication for allowing Drago to punch him.
  98. 20:00 Dragomir grew frustrated, "I...I can hold my own! You must believe me. I've survived several centuries alone. I am not weak!"
  99. 20:01 Isidora "I am not calling you weak. I'm saying we're going after an ala."
  100. 20:01 Isidora crossed her arms and huffs
  101. 20:04 Dragomir "You must believe me!"
  102. 20:05 Salesman "Would this Cveta hurt him that badly?"
  103. 20:07 Isidora "Aye, she might."
  104. 20:08 Dragomir "If you refuse my service, I will simply go there myself."
  105. 20:08 Isidora "No. You're coming with us."
  106. 20:08 Salesman "How? Can you get us there?"
  107. 20:09 Isidora "Yes. You should get coats though."
  108. 20:10 Salesman "Why?"
  109. 20:14 Salesman "alright. Lets just take him"
  110. 20:14 Dragomir "Not that you had a choice..."
  111. 20:15 Isidora "Because I am going to carry you all over there and its rather cold over the atlantic"
  112. 20:17 Salesman "oh...oooh. huh. Lets stop by the Apartment and I'll grab one"
  113. 20:20 Isidora "Fine, fine, just make it quick."
  114. 20:25 Salesman "Right, I'll be right back, and I think you'll need to lift Greg up"
  115. 20:26 Salesman runs off to the apartment
  116. 20:26 Isidora looks to Greg and Drago
  117. 20:28 GregClaskovic "... So, you know my sister, huh?"
  118. 20:28 Isidora "Yes. I do..."
  119. 20:30 GregClaskovic "You seem like a... loyal person. Something I admire. You know Anna for long? You... You from the east?"
  120. 20:31 Isidora "I have known her for a short while, but I have come to like her company a lot. I am Isidora, of Serbia."
  121. 20:35 Salesman After a few minutes Sales returns in a jacket. "Ok, back, brought one for you too Greg, not sure you can feel the cold but you can get drunk, so just in case."
  122. 20:38 Salesman "So, shall we leave?"
  123. 20:40 Isidora "You guys sure you got everything? It'll be a quick trip. Relatively. But we might be there a while depending on what happens."
  124. 20:41 Salesman "I'm an alchemist and he makes metal, all we really need to worry about is food"
  125. 20:41 Dragomir grips his staff, "I am always prepared."
  126. 20:42 Salesman Sales whispers to Greg "Why do I have the feeling wells only got him to pick up ladies?"
  127. 20:44 GregClaskovic "I think he uses his money to get his women."
  128. 20:45 Isidora suddenly disperses into a massive blackened cloud that envelops Greg, Salesman, and Dragomir, picking them up and shooting off into the sky.
  131. PART 2
  134. :02 Salesman The sea, a vaste almost endless area of blue. Speaking of Blue. Isidora in a domeish cloud shape was carring Salesman, Greg, and Dragomir to Poland. All but Dora herself were waking up
  135. 18:07 Isidora hadn't said much during the big long trip, more focused on doing her job and getting them there than anything else.
  136. 18:08 *** Wells is now known as Dragomir
  137. 18:10 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  138. 18:11 Salesman wakes up. "*yawn*" He looks t Drago and Greg
  139. 18:12 Salesman "You guys still asleep?"
  140. 18:14 GregClaskovic is still asleep. Heavily asleep.
  141. 18:16 Dragomir was wrapped in his cloak, staring out into the horizon, maintaining his sure-of-himself attitude as he contemplated his first actual mission to quell another of his violent race. He had to live up to his деда's legacy. He hadn't been asleep for too long. "Sleep must be short. I have matters of urgency."
  142. 18:19 Salesman "Right, guess Ala dont need sleep. Explains how Isidora has been carring us for so long...So, Drago was it?"
  143. 18:20 Dragomir "Dragomir."
  144. 18:21 Salesman "right...Why did you pee in my shop?"
  145. 18:25 Salesman "I mean, were you scared or something? It doesn't matter to much, mainly cause that cool looking Wizard cleaned it...and my house was destroyed"
  146. 18:26 Dragomir scowled and looked down. ".....I-I know when to throw away my pride. I was overwhelmed."
  147. 18:27 Isidora shifted herself just the slightest bit. A bit of static shock came up to jolt Greg, enough to not hurt but to at least give him a wakeup.
  148. 18:28 Dragomir "I know how to recognized a truly realized Master of the Ethereal."
  149. 18:28 Dragomir "A-And he. He was terrifying..."
  150. 18:29 Salesman "He was? Seemed like someone who wanted to buy something like everyone else"
  151. 18:29 GregClaskovic snored loudly, and turned his body a bit to adjust. The static shock gave him a wake up call, though. "W-whb-what?" He bolts up and looks at Drago and Sales.
  152. 18:30 Salesman "Morning Greg. At least I think its morning"
  153. 18:31 Dragomir looked at Salesman, raising an eyebrow. "Just how long have you been practicing the arts? Have you ever ascended? Absorb the essence of another? Make really cool fireworks?"
  154. 18:32 Dragomir "I myself, have not reached anywhere near that level, but I can recognize it...Mine eyes are special."
  155. 18:36 Salesman "I'm an alchemist. I was ever since I was your age. Or, whatever age you look. And I mean, sure I like to read legends of alchemist of old, but I'm not and probably would never be at that level. Honestly, I'm glad about that. Running a simple store, making friends. Maybe a family one day. Never thought I'd ride across the ocean on an Ala to save a friends...
  156. 18:38 Salesman from evil russians....But I have made gunpowder before. to sell not to light..."
  157. 18:41 Dragomir lowered his head, "Then you would not understand...But it is nice to have someone even somewhat relatable in this time. I err.....also....apologize for my....scene."
  158. 18:47 Dragomir reaches in his cloak and grabs something. He hands it to Salesmen. "Use this wisely. Alchemists dream of this ingredient. Unicorn horns are rare..."
  159. 18:47 GregClaskovic groans in regret of waking up. Magic talk made him sleepy.
  160. 18:50 Salesman "O-oh...thanks Drago." He pockets it
  161. 18:51 Dragomir "Think nothing of it."
  162. 18:52 Isidora "So, if you don't mind me asking, what is your plan when you get down there?" Isi's voice echoed around them
  163. 18:55 Salesman "Oh, well, You and Dragomir go after this Cveta. Greg will clear a path for me and I will get Dimitri free...if hes still alive"
  164. 18:59 Dragomir "Cveta? This is her name?"
  165. 18:59 Salesman "I think, ask Isidora"
  166. 19:02 Isidora "Yes. Cveta." She was rather short on words with that.
  167. 19:06 GregClaskovic "Whoever this 'Cveta' person is, she must have been well able to capture a man who can walk through walls."
  168. 19:08 Dragomir "Why does she work for higher power?...She seems more civilized than I had envisioned..."
  169. 19:09 Salesman "Maybe she learned Ala aren't all powerful gods? No offence to you Dora, or you Drago
  170. 19:12 Isidora "Well, they broke her out of her prison. And then I saw her. The decision was likely between me or the russians and she preferred the russians."
  171. 19:13 Isidora "So, my fault there." Isi seemed nonchalant on that
  172. 19:13 Dragomir "She learned that lesson 5 centuries ago..."
  173. 19:16 Salesman "She did?"
  174. 19:16 Dragomir "But you are so nice..."
  175. 19:18 GregClaskovic "Her choice, her fault. She picked who she's now loyal to. She's going to regret it soon."
  176. 19:18 Isidora "I try. Point being she has a grudge against me and is on the side of your weird moscow group"
  179. PART 3
  182. 22:02 Salesman Poland, early in the morning. Greg Sales Isidora and Drago were hiding near where Dimitri's house should be. Should be. The place was a wreak, the old house was now splinters everywhere, men in futuristic war suits were walking the perimeter. In the middle of it all was a blacker then black box, 10 feet by 10 feet. A bird landed on it and was fried to a...
  183. 22:02 Salesman blackened corpse. The box slowly opened up. A familiar mask walking out of it, Chain, he was cleaning the dried blood from his fist. Behind him for only a few seconds before the door closed, was Dimitri, black and blue, beaten to near death, his head down as he was strapped to a chair, a device on his leg that shocked him again and again every few seconds
  184. 22:03 Salesman Cveta was oddly nowhere to be seen. The gang were all hiding behind a small mound about 50 yards away from the 'house'
  185. 22:04 *** Cveta joined #covenger_rp
  186. 22:04 *** Chain joined #covenger_rp
  187. 22:11 Isidora "So... Tell me, how is it that you all plan on getting in?" Isidora said in hushed tones while looking the place over. Surveying over every little detail through her golden eyes, for once not feeling the need to hold back on what she could do.
  188. 22:12 Isidora "Loud or more... tactful? We are here to save this man after all."
  189. 22:15 *** Dimitri joined #covenger_rp
  190. 22:15 Salesman "I'm not sure, if anyone sees us its going to get loud. All I have ready is you and Drago going after the other Ala, Greg with Chain. I'm the weakest one here, so I'm going after Dimitri. spawn a few Golem for the guards" Sales was actively trembling , anyone of them could be killed at any moment
  191. 22:18 Isidora kept a more calm look about things. "I should be the one to handle Cveta. Drago may not be matured but he would probably be of better help with you trying to free Dimitri and providing cover, right?" Her eyes turned to the boy.
  192. 22:20 GregClaskovic stared down the house in front of them. Every detail from when he was in his 40's, all gone. This was depressing, Anna definitely isn't going to like this. "We could take them all by surprise, charge in and catch them off guard. Although I say they're expecting us."
  193. 22:27 Salesman "you for Cveta, Greg for Chain, and me and Dragomir to get Dimirti. Sounds good"
  194. 22:31 Dragomir "I refuse this task. I am here, not for you, but for my own task. I must deal with this Ala."
  195. 22:32 Isidora soured. "You aren't prepared at this point"
  196. 22:34 Dragomir scowled but decided not to argue. He had already failed his first attempt at one of his own kin. "But...nevermind. What will you do with her?"
  197. 22:36 Isidora "I've decided that Dimitri getting out is the goal. I will keep Cveta off of you until that is done. After that we can decide just what to do with her."
  198. 22:40 Cveta "A fascinating plan if I must say"
  199. 22:42 Cveta The Voice came from behind and above them. Cveta, blue skin, grey hair, and her new suit. Her mouth still covered by the rags she had when she awoke
  200. 22:42 Cveta "I always thought you a Fool dear sister, but bringing mortals and an Alovit with you? Hah!" She looks to them one by one, stopping at Drago a second longer "But I suppose I must honor you mortals. Not many come to their death so openly"
  201. 22:47 Isidora came up from where she had been squatting, standing up tall and scowling to her sister. There wasn't much point in hiding any longer was there?
  202. 22:48 Salesman "I-I'm guessing thats Cveta"
  203. 22:53 Dragomir is startled to the floor, looking up at her, surprised. He grips his staff and helps himself up, staring at her, analyzing her. "So this is her?"
  204. 22:53 GregClaskovic got up from his crouching point and looked at the blue lady for a bit. "Lookin' a bit tacky, for a so and so high and mighty 'demon'. " He scowled.
  205. 22:57 Isidora "Yeah. That's her."
  206. 23:00 Cveta ignores Greg, instead looking at Dragomir. "Jasna's child. Tell me, has Dora been caring for you, filling your head with lies about our kind and culture?"
  207. 23:01 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  208. 23:02 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  209. 23:02 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  210. 23:03 Cveta "Or has she left you to Wells? The moronic fool who doesn't deserve to live yet alone a child"
  211. 23:06 GregClaskovic "Quite funny how /you're/ the one on about who deserves to live or not. Hand us over Dimitri and nothing comes out of this with bruises and blood."
  212. 23:07 Dragomir "I am not ignorant of our culture, demon. I know my blood. And for the good of all, I rebuke it. Sainthill and Aunt, have nothing to do with my upbringing. деда has taught me everything."
  213. 23:13 Cveta "YOU SHALL BE SILENT WORM!" She turns back to Drago after yelling at Greg. "деда? Who is that?...The wizard. No wonder you learned to hate us. Brought up by the man who trapped so many of us. Jasna was long dead before this, but do you ever think he would of spared her??"
  214. 23:15 Cveta "I can tell you now No. She would be trapped in hell like the rest of us, why you were spared I will never know. Pity, hope. It matters not. You and my Dear sister shall die today." She looks to Sales and Greg "Much like you two, but not by my hand" She causes Lightning to land a few feet behind her
  215. 23:17 Dragomir slowly became more and more flustered with anger. "As if words would ever be a means to stopping you..."
  216. 23:19 Dragomir "деда was right with his actions."
  217. 23:19 Isidora was remaining silent through the entire rant of Cveta's, holding her ground and simply... waiting.
  218. 23:20 Cveta That was the tipping point, she charged right at Dragomir, intentions to Kill him "DIE YOU MOTHERLESS BRAT"
  219. 23:21 Isidora swept up to intercept and whack Cveta right back into the air when she charged. This was her signal for them to go handle what they came for.
  220. 23:21 Salesman "Greg we should go, now!"
  221. 23:23 Dragomir was scared back to the floor, as he had little reflexes to counter her. He looked to Greg. "W-Where is Dimitri."
  222. 23:23 *** Dragomir_ joined #covenger_rp
  223. 23:24 *** Dragomir quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 41.0.2/20151014143721])
  224. 23:25 GregClaskovic picked up Drago, propped him on his shoulder and was already out of the fight in seconds. "In the house. You said you know magic, you can put that to use when we get there."
  225. 23:25 *** Dragomir_ is now known as Dragomir
  226. 23:28 Chain All the Armored men were pointed at them. Chain in the back arms crossed, seems the lightning strike by Cveta wasn't just a moment of anger "Shoot to kill the child and Salesman, I want Greg alive"
  227. 23:29 Chain All the Armored had their guns pointed at them. Chain in the back arms crossed, seems the lightning strike by Cveta wasn't just a moment of anger "Shoot to kill the child and Salesman, I want Greg alive"
  228. 23:29 Salesman "Oh dear"
  229. 23:34 Salesman gets behind Greg, hes a large metal target
  230. 23:34 GregClaskovic made use of his metal powers quickly and created a thick, yet small shield out of one hand. He caught Salesman by the collar and threw him behind him. "Stay behind me, both of you. We're going to charge!" Greg growled as he eyed down Chain. He had unsettled business with him.
  231. 23:35 Salesman "Are you crazy? Charging at men with armed gun?!"
  232. 23:38 GregClaskovic "We'll make it!" Greg charged furiously forward. Any bullets that hit off him generally deflected or made dents in the shield, but this didn't bother him one bit.
  233. 00:04 Chain didn't care for Drago or Sales. He wanted Greg, to crush his hopes, kill his family. And when he is a broken shell of a man, end it. But deeply hating someone doesn't protect you from large metal fists. Chain was hit and knocked into the ground. The men were still shooting at Sales and Dragomir
  234. 00:06 Cveta "Nothing? NOTHING?! We are the last Ala! You just want to move on from being gods to these Mortals! We were made for one thing, to kill and devour this world. And if you're just going to give up on that..." She removes the rags on her face, reviling her mouth and the scars, they looked like cuts in the earth leading to nothingness "I'll Just devour you!"
  235. 00:08 GregClaskovic molded out some metal from his skin, forming it into large, yet surprisingly light rectangular shields. He threw both at Drago and Sales, hoping they'd catch. "Find Dimitri, now, this is /my/ fight." He turned his attention to Chain, grinding his teeth. "Looks like it's just you and me now..."
  236. 00:09 Salesman "Thanks Greg! Drago cmon!"
  237. 00:16 --- Dimitri is away (Auto away)
  238. 00:17 Isidora "Is that really all that you exist for?" Isi's cooled off demeanor was starting to fire up while black clouds formed about her. "You know, I found a word for those kinds of things since I woke up. Tools. Automatons. Mindlessly coded monsters." From the clouds two bolts of lightning would crack forth.
  239. 00:17 Chain "I suppose it is. You know, you're father is one tough man to crack. Anyone else would of told us everything by now. I suppose killing him was the better thing to do" Chain was probably lying bout the killing
  240. 00:19 Isidora "If you can't think for your fucking self yet I'm going to have to BEAT IT INTO YOU" The clouds all discharged at once.
  241. 00:20 GregClaskovic "I don't need to know what you do with old men, Chain." Greg had some fighting words. "But what I do need to know, which foot do you want more up the ass, the left, or the right?"
  242. 00:25 Chain "You'll have neither by the time I'm done Greg. And I wouldn't be talking shit about old man, you are a Grandpa after all"
  243. 00:25 Chain "Tell me, hows Samantha doing?"
  244. 00:29 GregClaskovic "...If you, or any of your men go near my family, I will break you and all that you stand for, Chain. I can guarantee you that."
  245. 00:30 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  246. 00:31 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  247. 00:31 Chain "Well its a bit late for that don't you think? And dont worry, they'll be with your dad and mom soon enough"
  248. 00:37 Cveta "Yet you loved every minute of it back then didn't you!? Picking on your little sisters,disguising yourself as a mortal just to cause chaos. You're what these mortals would call a hypocrite!"
  249. 00:40 Salesman was just trying to not get Shot while trying to stay close to Dragomir "Starting to feel someone shooting coins at these guys would be helpful! But no we had to bring the kid"
  250. 00:40 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  251. 00:41 GregClaskovic did a jumping dash, cocked his knee back and with it, he kicked his foot full force, straight at Chain. "You're a disgusting freak who needs to be put down!" Greg shouted violently.
  252. 00:42 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  253. 00:45 Chain aimed to chop off the leg via heated sword
  254. 18:12 Isidora refused to feed any further into Cveta's ideas, she certainly didn't seem like she wanted to debate. She just had to keep her focused on her... Clouds spiraled towards her sister, a sharp spray of hail going forth towards her.
  255. 18:14 GregClaskovic was caught by the sword, his limb fell off and he groaned a bit from the pain. "Aye... I guess you haven't changed." He limped a bit, until he got hold of his leg and molded it back into place.
  256. 18:15 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  257. 18:16 GregClaskovic "You know, I've changed quite a bit, ever since our last meeting. The tournament was different. It was all just friendly competition. But this, this is personal."
  258. 18:18 Cveta crossed her arms to guard from the Hail "Staying Silent cause you can't handle the truth!?"
  259. 18:21 Isidora built up the clouds more and more, starting to surround around Cveta while hail began to fly from more and more angles, intensifying. She was furious, but quiet.
  260. 18:22 Chain "Oh trust me, the tournament will be no different. Except instead of losing, you'll be dead, on a table while we find out how you tick"
  261. 18:23 Salesman was still under fire "Dragomir, can't you like, shoot lightning at them?"
  262. 18:26 GregClaskovic cricks his neck back and laughs to himself. "Oh, is that true?" Greg immediately threw a punch, his fist whistling through the air straight for chain's face.
  263. 18:30 Dragomir was not as sharp as he could be in this dangerous situation and felt rather silly for not thinking it first, "It was my first instinct, alchemist." He waved his staff around, conjuring a wave of electricity that discharged into the enemy forces.
  264. 18:35 Salesman The lightning shocked one of the men in a warsuit, causing it to short circuit and deactivate, one down 3 to go
  265. 18:39 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  266. 18:41 Chain dodged to the right, doing a roll before getting back up to fight
  267. 18:45 Cveta shot Lightning from her fingers at the clouds. "Got nothing to say? Can't think of anything? I knew the mortals rotted your mind but to this degree?"
  268. 18:47 GregClaskovic ground pounded right next to Chain with both of his fists. "You know what's sad, Chain?" And as soon as he could, he went to throw another punch.
  269. 18:47 Isidora spins out through the sky from the lightning hit. By the time she stabilized herself the clouds that were once surrounding Cveta had formed together as one and had stopped hailing. Only a few moments later would a massive chunk of ice form out of it and fly at her sister from the side.
  270. 18:49 Chain "Your Intelligence? Your Family? The fact you brought a child to fight?"
  271. 18:50 GregClaskovic "No. You'll always be stalking other people for their life essence. For what they're made of. Because you're stuck in your sad little world thinking that you're justified, but you don't realize what leeches you are. You don't realize how pathetic you are."
  272. 18:54 Dragomir was overcome with a feeling of being looked down on as he continued to attack his assailants. "Alchemist, have you no combative skills yourself?"
  273. 18:55 Salesman "I honestly don't, my golems usually do the fighting. Greg too at times"
  274. 18:57 Cveta flew to the left but arm was hit "Gah!" She shot more lightning at Isidora "Talk to me you Kurva!"
  275. 18:58 *** Bud joined #covenger_rp
  276. 19:01 Chain jumped at Greg, sword at the ready, he didn't have a comeback so best to go to violence
  277. 19:02 --- Salesman is away (Sorry guys, I'll be fast)
  278. 19:10 Isidora further denied Cveta, bobbing and weaving through the air as if she was aiming to infuriate her.
  279. 19:22 --- Salesman is back
  280. 19:23 Cveta Dora was succeeding "GRRRAAHH" Cveta flew straight at Dora fists blazing, literally lightning punches
  281. 19:25 *** GregClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  282. 19:26 *** GregClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  283. 19:27 Salesman "Maybe you can shoot more lightning, or fire? Its in your name, Dragomir, Dragon"
  284. 19:32 Isidora shifted her form into that of a massive horrible dragon-like snake, crashing herself into Cveta to throw her off and hissing loudly
  285. 19:33 Dragomir cast a magnetic magic that repelled the bullets they were covering from, getting even more tired of suggestions, "Alchemist, I'm well aware of my namesake, I would advise you learn a new trade that doesn't have you lean on a child for support. "
  286. 19:33 *** Bud left #covenger_rp
  287. 19:35 GregClaskovic quickly got a hold of the blade, and swung Chain away. "You hoard entire masses of people just for 'experiment'. You hide and wait to strike like vultures. You're weak, you, I, Jeremy and the three blue ones know this. You'd already have attacked Neon otherwise. You'd already have me, otherwise."
  288. 19:39 Chain "HeheheheHahahha!" He got up "Poor old Greg, you know nothing of whats to come" He dropped the swords, the blade becoming wider, then Grabbing onto the Chains the sword were made and attached to, Swinging them at Greg in a heavy attack
  289. 19:42 Cveta was hit, spinning in the air, growing in size as she became a large horned demon like form, trying to Grab Dora's snake body
  290. 19:43 GregClaskovic immediately dodged the swords and just decided to buff up. He grew a foot longer, charged at the cloaked man and as soon as he could, he shoved his boot as hard as he could, right into Chain's lungs, if he had any.
  291. 19:45 Chain didn't attempt to Dodge, but now Greg was close. The Blades and Chains almost like they were defying physics flew around in an attempt to Wrap Gregs arms up
  292. 19:48 Salesman "I'm sorry if I'm panicking, I'm not really one to like being shot at! I can try making a Golem, wont be big but I can try"
  293. 19:48 Isidora grappled and flung back and forth with Cveta in the air, always seeming to squirm out of grasp whenever grabbed. Even if she hid it, she was holding back, trying to stall for the others to get things done...
  294. 19:50 GregClaskovic strained in the chains for a while, trying to break them. He put all his strength into it... "Dirty bastard." He groaned.
  295. 19:53 Chain Chain thought to himself 'Thats it Greg, just try to break them'
  296. 19:58 Chain The chains seemed to get harder and harder
  297. 20:05 Cveta "Престани да се крецес ! Ја ћу вас уништити !" Cveta was now trying to punch Dora where ever she can
  298. 20:05 Dragomir set his sights on the remaining 3 soldiers, shooting, any and everything out of his staff, getting irritated at how long it was taking to reach his destination. "This Dmitri person must be dead, surely?"
  299. 20:07 Salesman "I really hope not. I've meet him before and he seemed the type to toughen though stuff like this"
  300. 20:10 GregClaskovic realized that struggling wasn't something he should be doing. He stared Chain straight in the eyes and took a deep breath. "You know, I promised myself that I wouldn't have to use this, but I might as well get it over and done with, considering how much of a pain in the ass you are."
  301. 20:11 Isidora shrieked under the hits and pulled back away from Cveta, leaving enough time for her to give chase as she flew higher into the clouds
  302. 20:15 Chain withdrew the chains and blades "Third Gear, correct? It shall be interesting to fight this first hand"
  303. 20:17 GregClaskovic "I suspected you'd know by now. After all, you did notice that I had a granddaughter. Which is interesting to say about a person such as yourself."
  304. 20:19 Chain "What can I say, I'm insightful"
  305. 20:19 Cveta followed Dora up
  306. 20:21 GregClaskovic hardened his grip and took a deeper breath. His tone went a darker shade of grey, and spikes and horns started protuding from his body. His muscles seemed to get a bit tighter, you could very visibly see the veins. That's saying something when you're made out of literal metal.
  307. 20:26 Chain "Quiet the upgrade, and yet you would of died if it wasn't for Jeramy's brother, am I right? I wonder if this will even make a difference in the end" He brought a sword up ready and heated aimed for Gregs neck
  308. 20:27 Isidora kept going higher and higher, turning back into her human-ish form while trying to distance them from everybody else as much as she could
  309. 20:29 Cveta followed, shrinking as well but gathering all the electricity from the clouds around her and building as much as she can normally all into one fist "Ово је за наше сестре и Баба траиторус курво !"
  310. 20:30 GregClaskovic waited for the swing. His eyes were still stern on Chain.
  311. 20:31 Chain swung
  312. 20:41 Isidora acted without restraint at least once, and that was to quickly- and underhandedly- duck and smash her elbow into her sister's stomach when the lightning punch got close enough to hit her. Hopefully to wind her, but she didn't have much time to react before the electricity struck her. The people below must have seen a light show in the clouds.
  313. 20:45 Salesman One of the men shooting Sales and Dragomir looked up at the lightshow
  314. 20:47 GregClaskovic formulated into a metallic liquid as soon as the he swung it. The liquid immediately attacked Chain, wrapping around him and destroying whatever it gets it's wrap on.
  315. 20:50 Chain did not see that coming, and was now covered in Greg. Gross, but he knew anything Greg tried he'd adapt to
  316. 20:59 GregClaskovic departed straight from Chain and without him noticing, solidified. He cocked his fist back making sure there was still some metallic liquid still eating away at him to distract him.
  317. 21:03 Cveta was scrunched up in pain, but was not out of it yet "G-Gah! I-I won't be defeated by you Isidora. I'll make up for all our sisters and Baba. I won't go down by your hands"
  318. 21:09 *** Dragomir quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 43.0.1/20151216175450])
  319. 21:12 Chain "Being able to liquefy yourself, I'm impressed." One of the chains flew and grabbed the small part, surrounding it and encasing it. "I'll be sure to study this new power of yours Greg" While Chain was talking, he was still somewhat distracted
  320. 21:15 GregClaskovic "Study /this/ you maniacal fuck." Greg drove his fist with every inch of force he had in his body straight into Chain's head.
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