
Uncomfortable Saturday One Shot - Sew

Feb 23rd, 2013
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  1. >"Thank you, Anonymous, for what you are about to do."
  2. >Luna bows her head to you as you step from the train.
  3. >You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder and stroke her mane.
  4. "Relax, magic isn't precise enough, and there's no way hooves would be able to handle this."
  5. >The night princess nods as you walk with her to the castle.
  6. >She takes you to a secluded room, likely where your task would be carried out.
  7. >Two figures rest in a well lit circle.
  8. >One is Princess Twilight, her new wings twitching as you sit down.
  9. >The other is Princess Celestia, poor, poor Celestia…
  10. >The sun princess had given her all to protect the kingdom from the beasts.
  11. >While she had succeeded, it was at a terrible price.
  12. >Celestia had used up all of her magical reserves, including the parts needed to maintain her body.
  13. >She is dying.
  14. >There is no way to recharge a magic reservoir once it has become so empty… that is where you come in.
  15. >Celestia's reserves would forever remain empty, Twilight's, however, where filled to the brim.
  16. >Immortality?
  17. >There is no such thing, only extensions.
  18. >And Celestia and Luna have been extending their lives for a long, long time.
  19. >"I'll let you begin."
  20. >Luna nods to you and seals the room, leaving you with the two princesses.
  21. >Time to get started.
  22. >You root through your bag and pull out a scalpel, comprised of magic silver, and a flaying knife.
  23. >Pulling you chair towards the purple princess, you lightly pat her face.
  24. "Twilight, hey Twilight!"
  25. >She doesn't respond.
  26. *Slap*
  27. "You're a pretty princess!"
  28. >…
  29. >Nothing.
  30. >Good. The last thing you need is an nearly all powerful being waking up in the middle of your efforts.
  31. >You grab the flaying knife and place it at the base of her left hoof.
  32. >With a quick motion, you slice her dermis from hoof to shoulder.
  33. >There is no blood, the enchanted silver saw to that. Of course, this is just the beginning.
  34. >You repeat the process for all of her limbs before connecting them with a long slit through her torso.
  35. >If anyone were to see Twilight, they would just think she had some shallow cuts right now.
  36. >You dig your fingers into the cut along her torso and begin to pull.
  37. >Twilight's skin does its best to stay attached, but a violent wrenching forces it to yield to you.
  39. >Stands of ichor connect flesh to muscle as you pry the purple princess's skin away.
  40. >You take time to marvel at the pony's anatomy, her toned muscles spasming as cold air laps at their exposed form.
  41. >Twilight now rests on her pelt, as if it were a blanket.
  42. >Now for the head.
  43. >You carefully slice from the base of her neck up to her bottom lip, avoiding her jugular.
  44. >Next, you slice around her horn, separating the skin covering it from her forehead.
  45. >The white protrusion of bone fascinates you as you finish slicing across Twilight's face.
  46. >Her lips and eyelids are removed with her skin, leaving a truly gruesome creature lying on the table.
  47. >An eerie smile shows while her eyes stare at nothing.
  48. >Twilight's rising and falling chest reminds you that you are on a schedule.
  49. >You gently flip the princess onto her stomach.
  50. >Her skin follows and hangs off of her back like a wet towel.
  51. >You slice around the wings before prying the rest of her flesh away.
  52. >Twilight, sans body, hangs limply from you hand.
  53. >You bring her face to yours, feeling the fading warmth.
  54. >God that's good.
  55. >Tossing the fleshy mass across the room, you begin to remove her wings.
  56. >One by one, you pluck her feathers until only the bones themselves remain.
  57. >The flaying knife glides across her wingspan, quickly removing The last patch of purple from Twilight's exterior.
  58. >You turn your attention to the sun princess's sleeping form.
  59. >Bags line her eyes and her breathing sounds forced.
  60. *Slice*
  61. >She does so much for her subjects.
  63. >If anyp0ny deserves to live, it is her.
  64. >Celestia's skin is far more troublesome than her student's.
  65. >Not only because of her size, but because her natural healing factor is much higher than Twilight's.
  66. >If you do not remove it quickly enough, it will reattach itself to her muscular system and seal shut again.
  67. >A series of quick motions leaves you holding Celestia's twitching hide.
  68. >It writhes around, attempting to find muscle to affix to.
  69. >You guide it to the appropriate target and drape it over Twilight.
  70. *Squelch*
  71. >Upon contact, Celestia's skin contorts and sizes to the small pony.
  72. >Twilight emits a small groan as her muscles welcome their new exterior.
  73. >It's an amazing sight, seeing sentient flesh join with muscle in all the correct places with no effort on your part.
  74. >Once Twilight's wings are covered, they begin to grow feathers.
  75. >White ones, of course, to match her new coat.
  76. >You gently turn Twilight onto her back again, allowing Celestia's pelt to continue melding with the young princess.
  77. >As skin covers Twilights face, Celestia's mane springs to life, its characteristic undulating brought back by Twilight's powerful magic reserve.
  78. >Soon, a small Celestia sleeps where Twilight once was.
  79. >This is only cosmetic, however, and your real task has just begun.
  80. >Holding your scalpel, you slice Celestia's flayed abdomen.
  81. >Her muscles split, revealing her inner workings to you.
  82. >Intestines, liver, stomach, you examine each organ for problems.
  83. >They are perfect.
  84. >You turn to Twilight and silently perform the same motion.
  85. >The enchantment on the scalpel prevents Celestia's skin from healing itself instantly.
  86. >Heat radiates from Twilight's open abdomen, warming your face as you peruse her body.
  87. >Euch! She might be a princess, but Twilight's body doesn't come close to Celestia's perfection!
  88. "This!"
  89. >You seize Twilight's colon and tear it out.
  90. >It stretches, resisting your attempts to remove it completely.
  91. >You sever its connections with your scalpel.
  92. "It's too small!"
  93. >Shit caked with blood drips onto the floor as Twilight's intestines lose muscle control.
  94. >You quickly throw the rotten piece of meat next to Twilight's flawed skin.
  95. "And this!"
  96. >You grip the young princess's liver.
  97. "Too fat!"
  98. >Blood covers your hands as Twilight's liver leaves her body and joins the pile of refuse.
  99. >You notice her breaths becoming labored as you remove more of her organs, so once her digestive tract is gone, you begin to fill the cavity with Celestia's divine parts.
  100. >First is Celestia's stomach.
  101. >Like her skin, Celestia's organs are fast healers, and are much hardier than Twilight's pathetic meat.
  102. >You gently remove Celestia's stomach and move it to her student.
  103. >Attaching it to Twilight's esophagus, the organ fuses to her throat seamlessly.
  104. >You swiftly do the same with Celestia's liver, kidneys, bladder, everything except her intestines.
  105. >Her intestines pulsate in your hands as you move them over to her student.
  106. >You wonder, what has Celestia had to eat recently?
  107. >Bringing the end of the organ above your head, you gently massage along the walls.
  108. >Judging from the loose feeling, you'd say Celestia has been eating mostly fluids.
  109. >Coaxing the bowels to release themselves, you position your mouth under Celestia's glorious colon.
  110. >Gas escapes her intestines as Celestia's runny excrement enters your mouth.
  111. >You greedily swallow the digested remains of her meals, savoring the intoxicating taste.
  112. >A final spasm indicates the unfortunate emptiness, and you give a final gulp.
  113. >The now clean organ worms its way into Twilight's accepting body, joining itself to her sphincter and completing Celestia's digestive tract.
  114. >The small body now breathes easy, but Celestia's shell is having difficulty sustaining itself.
  115. >Fortunately, you have no need to remove Twilight's lungs or brain, some bits needed to remain behind to ease the transition to Celestia's consciousness.
  116. >The only two pieces remained, first of which, was Celestia's heart.
  117. >Twilight's tiny organ beats frantically as you touch it.
  118. >Several cuts with the scalpel severs its connection to her body.
  119. >Still beating, you plop it on a nearby table.
  120. >You hurriedly move to Celestia's old body and remove her heart, Twilight's body would not last very long in its current state.
  121. >Cupping the beating organ, you ease it into Celestia's new chest.
  122. *Thump-Thump*
  123. >*Gasp*
  124. >Celestia's new body gasps as her mighty organ pumps life-giving blood through new veins.
  125. >Only one thing remains.
  126. >The one thing that Celestia had taken time to detail in her letter requesting your service.
  127. >The thing all mares treasured…
  128. >You glance at new Celestia's groin.
  129. >A small, balloon-like organ meets your gaze.
  130. >Twilight's womb.
  131. >Celestia described the process in her letter.
  132. >All living creatures seek to bear offspring, and as long as Twilight retains her uterus, the organ that would continue her bloodline, Celestia could not gain control of her student.
  133. >You grasp the last significant piece of Twilight… and rend it from Celestia's new body.
  134. >The uterine organ twitches in your hand, screaming at you, hating you for denying it the chance to create life.
  135. >You kiss Twilight's cervix before placing her uterus in a cooler.
  136. >It would have the opportunity it craved, oh yes…
  137. >You walk over to the empty husk on the other table and gingerly remove Celestia's womb.
  138. >Unlike Twilight, Celestia's uterus does not spasm.
  139. >It does not pulsate, or twitch, for it knows that it will soon find a new home.
  140. >Like the other organs before, Celestia's womb nestles comfortably into Twilight's nubile body.
  141. >You lean in, unable to resist kissing Celestia's most secret place.
  142. >Her body spasms, hissing at you for defiling her womb.
  143. >You acquiesce and remove yourself from Celestia's abdomen.
  144. >You close up her opening, allowing her flesh to heal.
  145. >Celestia breathes as her eyes flutter open.
  146. >You kneel at the table side.
  147. "Your highness, did the procedure work?"
  148. >Celestia looks at you quizzically.
  149. >"What do you mean Anon?"
  150. >This was still Twilight.
  151. >A sadistic grin crosses your face as you point to the shell on the other table.
  152. >"What is that!?"
  153. >Twilight scampers off the table and falls to the floor.
  154. >"Ow…"
  155. >She stares at her white hooves.
  156. >"W-what?"
  157. >You motion towards a large mirror along the wall.
  158. >Twilight screams when she sees her mentor staring back at her in the reflection.
  159. >"YOU- YOU MONSTER!"
  160. >She turns to you.
  161. >"YOU- YOU- you did well, Anonymous."
  162. >The small p0ny covers her mouth, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
  163. >"Who's there- It's me, Twilight."
  164. >Confusion juxtaposes confidence as the p0ny switches between personalities.
  165. >"Celestia?"
  166. >"Yes, my young student. I was dying, and you saved me."
  167. >"But, why are you inside my head?"
  168. >"Correction, you are inside my head."
  169. >"I- I don't-"
  170. >"Your body, is now mine."
  171. >Celestia trots over to her old body, showing Twilight the missing organs.
  172. >"Your body now houses my organs, and soon, you will be gone."
  173. >"But I thought-"
  174. >"You were such a good student, and you filled your roll nicely."
  175. >"No! This is my body and I-"
  176. >"I already told you, this is my body."
  177. >…
  178. >Silence fills the room.
  179. "Princess?"
  180. >Celestia turns to you and grins.
  181. >"Thank you, Anonymous. I love my new body."
  182. >She looks over her small stature, flexing her wings and legs.
  183. >A spell discharges from her horn, causing a look of excitement to show on the princess's face.
  184. >"Everything is working properly!"
  185. >Celestia beams as she faces you.
  186. >"Now, what is the price for your services? Bits, status, land?"
  187. >You shake your head and hold up the cooler containing Twilight's womb.
  188. "This is all I require, your highness."
  189. >Celestia gives a look of doubt.
  190. >"Are you sure?"
  191. >You nod.
  192. >What use have you for money?
  193. >With Twilight's addition, you're so close to completing it…
  194. >Your beautiful, perfect creation.
  197. >Ponyzord.
  203. End
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