
pony music compo 66 sync-listen

Apr 6th, 2013
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  1. 17:00:37 <Seventh_Element> HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE ZIQ66 SYNC LISTEN
  2. 17:00:41 <AdamTh3Walker> kingsley_evergreen i've been listening (to what you've uploaded)
  3. 17:00:43 <annoying_twang> Hello! :·
  4. 17:00:45 <annoying_twang> :3
  5. 17:00:46 * FLAOFEI ( has joined #bronymusic
  6. 17:00:54 <AdamTh3Walker> ponyshark
  7. 17:00:56 <AdamTh3Walker> O_O
  8. 17:00:58 * FrozenShadow ( has joined #bronymusic
  9. 17:01:02 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #1: Not a Shit to Give by DIGIT4L
  10. 17:01:12 <FrozenShadow> just in time.
  11. 17:01:14 <Kingsley_Evergreen> ok
  12. 17:01:14 <Eery> Joyous!
  13. 17:01:15 <Doofcake> Ahem
  14. 17:01:16 <Doofcake> Seventh_Element
  15. 17:01:19 <Doofcake> You forgot something
  16. 17:01:23 <Doofcake>
  17. 17:01:24 <SweetieBelle> Doofcake linked ZIQ66 - Toast Beard
  18. 17:01:26 <Seventh_Element> oh yeah
  19. 17:01:27 <Seventh_Element> ok
  20. 17:01:30 <Seventh_Element> I 5got
  21. 17:01:31 <annoying_twang> xD
  22. 17:01:43 <Lying> bad timing I know, but
  23. 17:01:44 <Eery> play this year?
  24. 17:01:48 <annoying_twang> Okay, my body is ready
  25. 17:01:52 <Seventh_Element> DIRECT UR BUTTS TO THIS WEBPAGE
  26. 17:01:57 * Kingsley_Evergreen has quit (Client Quit)
  27. 17:01:59 <johnfn> WHAT I CANT READ IT
  28. 17:02:00 * Kingsley_Evergreen ( has joined #bronymusic
  29. 17:02:01 <Seventh_Element> lololol
  30. 17:02:02 <Doofcake> Bad choice of colour oh god
  31. 17:02:03 * Lying is now known as LyingAFK
  32. 17:02:07 <Seventh_Element> its yellow
  33. 17:02:09 <AdamTh3Walker> it says "butts" guys
  34. 17:02:13 <AdamTh3Walker> all you need to know
  35. 17:02:14 <Seventh_Element> its on gray background for my webpage
  36. 17:02:16 <Somasis> oha sdfisd
  37. 17:02:18 <Somasis> sync
  38. 17:02:19 <Seventh_Element> er
  39. 17:02:20 <annoying_twang> for me is a good colour,my background is black :D
  40. 17:02:20 <ScootaLewis> get yo ass to the linked page
  41. 17:02:20 <Eery> but
  42. 17:02:21 <bartekko> it's bad
  43. 17:02:21 <bartekko> use purple
  44. 17:02:22 <Seventh_Element> *client
  45. 17:02:24 * Somasis gets on sync
  46. 17:02:27 <Eery> its white background
  47. 17:02:33 <Eery> hi somasis!
  48. 17:02:37 <Somasis> hello friends I am here ~
  49. 17:02:37 <bartekko> the other half of the universe uses white background tho
  50. 17:02:42 <DeEquisCogitoErgoSum> Black background is best background
  51. 17:02:42 <Seventh_Element> Is this better?
  52. 17:02:43 <annoying_twang> hi Som!
  53. 17:02:49 <Doofcake> Yes
  54. 17:02:50 <AdamTh3Walker> so much better
  55. 17:02:51 <Somasis> I almost forgot haha
  56. 17:02:52 <FrozenShadow> Not for people with black background
  57. 17:02:52 <Seventh_Element> ok
  58. 17:02:53 <annoying_twang> I can deal with it
  59. 17:02:53 <ScootaLewis> MUCH
  60. 17:02:53 <Seventh_Element> Ready?
  61. 17:02:57 * O________o ( has joined #bronymusic
  62. 17:02:58 <annoying_twang> xD
  63. 17:03:05 <johnfn> if only there was some color equally between white and black… nah that's impossible
  64. 17:03:17 <Somasis> too bad gray is too pinkish
  65. 17:03:17 <FrozenShadow> Does anyone have a gray background?
  66. 17:03:17 <Eery>
  67. 17:03:19 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #1: Not a Shark to Glubby DIGIT4L
  68. 17:03:24 <Somasis> ow
  69. 17:03:26 <bartekko> huh
  70. 17:03:29 <Seventh_Element> hahahaha
  71. 17:03:31 <FrozenShadow> Oh! How about blue?
  72. 17:03:34 <Genkar> >.>
  73. 17:03:36 <ScootaLewis> blue is good
  74. 17:03:39 <bartekko> yep
  75. 17:03:42 <johnfn> did the title change..?
  76. 17:03:42 <Eery> What is this sonh
  77. 17:03:43 <bartekko> blue is good
  78. 17:03:43 <Somasis> what an odd song
  79. 17:03:50 <Kingsley_Evergreen> uh what is this
  80. 17:03:50 <Somasis> soNIC
  81. 17:03:52 <bartekko> not sure if troll entry
  82. 17:03:54 <AdamTh3Walker> drowning in bees
  83. 17:03:55 <Somasis> SONIC
  84. 17:03:57 <Somasis> HH
  85. 17:03:57 <Somasis> WHA
  86. 17:03:58 <Seventh_Element> god I've used this color forever shoosh stop complaining
  87. 17:04:01 <johnfn> lol AdamTh3Walker
  88. 17:04:01 <Somasis> omg
  89. 17:04:04 <Eery> he lost
  90. 17:04:11 <Somasis> fart
  91. 17:04:11 <AdamTh3Walker> <3
  92. 17:04:13 <Lyonize_> wait theres something at the end
  93. 17:04:15 <johnfn> lol
  94. 17:04:17 <Somasis> I lose
  95. 17:04:20 <johnfn> 10 seconds of silence
  96. 17:04:21 <Lyonize_> lol
  97. 17:04:21 <Seventh_Element> Here is dark green better?
  98. 17:04:23 <Genkar> Well that was interesting.
  99. 17:04:23 <Eery> yes
  100. 17:04:24 <Eery> yes
  101. 17:04:25 <Somasis> welp
  102. 17:04:35 <Somasis> I guess it's time for you to hear my boring poopie pants music
  103. 17:04:35 <AdamTh3Walker> dark green is perfect!
  104. 17:04:37 <FrozenShadow> I lost the game
  105. 17:04:39 <Somasis> : ^ )
  106. 17:04:51 <MandraSigma> the bright green showed up better on my bright purple background.
  107. 17:04:52 <Eery> themes are ghey anyways
  108. 17:04:54 <AdamTh3Walker> this is probably going to be good
  109. 17:04:55 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #3: The Lonesome Planetarium by Somasis
  110. 17:04:57 <ScootaLewis> there we go
  111. 17:05:04 <johnfn> entry..3?
  112. 17:05:08 <ScootaLewis> shit now my awesome colour sucks on this background
  113. 17:05:13 <ScootaLewis> it's weird
  114. 17:05:20 <Somasis> I'm actually like
  115. 17:05:21 <Seventh_Element> Ready?
  116. 17:05:23 <Somasis> really proud of this song
  117. 17:05:23 <Somasis> omg
  118. 17:05:28 <ScootaLewis> there must have been an entry 2
  119. 17:05:29 <AdamTh3Walker> so ready
  120. 17:05:31 <ScootaLewis> but it was deleted
  121. 17:05:39 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #3: The Lonesome Aquarium by Somasis
  122. 17:05:40 <Eery> somasis probably uploaded twice
  123. 17:05:49 <Somasis> no this is my only song this compo
  124. 17:05:52 <Eery> no like
  125. 17:05:56 <Eery> you uploaded then deleted
  126. 17:05:57 <Somasis> oh
  127. 17:05:58 <Somasis> yeah I did
  128. 17:06:02 <johnfn> this sounds nice
  129. 17:06:05 <AdamTh3Walker> oh wow man
  130. 17:06:06 <Genkar> hmm
  131. 17:06:08 <Somasis> I put in a shameless (butt)plug for my EP
  132. 17:06:10 <annoying_twang> wait i'll try to do something
  133. 17:06:10 <Kingsley_Evergreen> nice
  134. 17:06:12 * annoying_twang has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
  135. 17:06:16 <Eery> This is certainly a sound
  136. 17:06:16 <Genkar> pretty cool effect
  137. 17:06:17 <Lyonize_> very under-water-y
  138. 17:06:19 <AdamTh3Walker> what, wow
  139. 17:06:26 <MandraSigma> somasis this is so relaxing.
  140. 17:06:26 <AdamTh3Walker> holy cats
  141. 17:06:28 <Somasis> mhm
  142. 17:06:31 <Eery> pads are cool
  143. 17:06:32 <Somasis> :3
  144. 17:06:32 <MandraSigma> good vibes man.
  145. 17:06:33 <Kingsley_Evergreen> this sounds like one song I was trying to make but never figured oout how to mix
  146. 17:06:45 <FLAOFEI> Space
  147. 17:06:48 * Versal ( has joined #bronymusic
  148. 17:06:48 * LyingAFK is now known as Lying
  149. 17:06:52 <johnfn> i can totally see underwater
  150. 17:06:56 <FLAOFEI> The final frontier
  151. 17:06:56 <johnfn> everything is moving slowly
  152. 17:07:00 <ScootaLewis> Hi Versey Verse
  153. 17:07:02 <Versal> YAY I REMEMBERED
  154. 17:07:02 <FrozenShadow> You're right; it does sound like space
  155. 17:07:05 <Versal> HI SCOOT SCOOT
  156. 17:07:07 <Eery> This is surprisingly fitting with theme
  157. 17:07:17 <Lyonize_> spaaaaaaaace
  158. 17:07:24 <ScootaLewis> hahaha i made my background black so i could share the pain
  159. 17:07:28 <johnfn> lol
  160. 17:07:29 <ScootaLewis> so i had to make my text like
  161. 17:07:31 <ScootaLewis> pink
  162. 17:07:31 <Somasis> yeah because of this song I'm making yet another EP ghasdfsdf
  163. 17:07:33 <FrozenShadow> Shut up, space core.
  164. 17:07:33 <ScootaLewis> to stand out
  165. 17:07:35 <AdamTh3Walker> somasis, either enable downloads or add a buy link please <3
  166. 17:07:45 <Somasis> AdamTh3Walker, shsh it's gonna be out soon~
  167. 17:07:47 <Kingsley_Evergreen> spore vibes man
  168. 17:07:58 <AdamTh3Walker> good!
  169. 17:07:59 * Kingsley_Evergreen has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  170. 17:08:02 * Kingsley_Evergreen ( has joined #bronymusic
  171. 17:08:05 <MandraSigma> all of a sudden jaques cousteau's voice comes in talking about fish.
  172. 17:08:07 <bartekko> yeah this actually has spore vibes
  173. 17:08:19 <Kingsley_Evergreen> bartekko I know right?
  174. 17:08:21 <Genkar> i can definitely hear spore out of this, yeah
  175. 17:08:36 <johnfn> MandraSigma: actually a distorted/distant vocal sample could be neat here
  176. 17:08:40 <Kingsley_Evergreen> put some random notes will lots of delay and ya man
  177. 17:08:43 <Eery> this goes well with my taco
  178. 17:08:51 <Lyonize_> it's like the soundtrack to all those space exhibits at the museum.
  179. 17:08:58 <MandraSigma> johnfn acid jazz style?
  180. 17:09:02 <AdamTh3Walker> ohman yes
  181. 17:09:05 <Somasis> I knew that this was a good title for the song omg
  182. 17:09:21 <johnfn> MandraSigma: ive never listened to acid jazz, so probably
  183. 17:09:24 <ScootaLewis> this sounds like it's from an artsy short film
  184. 17:09:31 <Eery> Yeah
  185. 17:09:32 <AdamTh3Walker> my favorite kind
  186. 17:09:40 <Somasis> that's like the third time I've heard that about my ambient music
  187. 17:09:41 <Somasis> wtf
  188. 17:09:42 <Eery> like electroma or something
  189. 17:09:45 <FLAOFEI> Still waiting for the drop
  190. 17:09:48 <Lyonize_> i didn't even notice the title haha
  191. 17:09:54 <johnfn> lol
  192. 17:09:55 <Eery> You should really start making indie films, somasis
  193. 17:09:58 <AdamTh3Walker> ^
  194. 17:09:59 <MandraSigma> johnfn. look up What Are You Looking At by Funki Porcini sometime after the sync. Good stuff.
  195. 17:10:01 <ScootaLewis> Hmm how's this colour
  196. 17:10:08 <ScootaLewis> ooh that's a nice creamy colour
  197. 17:10:10 <Eery> Also, could have added voices or something in the background here
  198. 17:10:12 <Somasis> I'm not a director :I
  199. 17:10:17 <johnfn> MandraSigma: cool, i'll check it out
  200. 17:10:25 <AdamTh3Walker> just point a camera at something neat
  201. 17:10:28 <Eery> like just "aaaaaaaah" pitching down or something
  202. 17:10:38 <Somasis> hmm, good idea
  203. 17:10:42 <FrozenShadow> You know what would make this sound cool? Chimes.
  204. 17:10:48 <johnfn> and echoey things
  205. 17:10:49 <ScootaLewis> point a camera at something need AND speed up the resulting footage
  206. 17:10:53 <FrozenShadow> Or tubular bells or whatever.
  207. 17:10:53 <AdamTh3Walker> ooh, yes
  208. 17:10:54 <ScootaLewis> just put down a camera somewhere
  209. 17:10:58 <Genkar> or some kind of percussive element
  210. 17:10:59 <johnfn> tink tink tink
  211. 17:11:02 <Eery> Just shove a camera up your arse
  212. 17:11:08 <Somasis> wh
  213. 17:11:09 <Somasis> no
  214. 17:11:15 <Somasis> no buttcam
  215. 17:11:19 <ScootaLewis> what if
  216. 17:11:21 <Lying> all those things would sound cool but it's still awesome as it is
  217. 17:11:24 <ScootaLewis> you gave someone a video camera
  218. 17:11:28 <AdamTh3Walker> haha, you guys are weird
  219. 17:11:29 <ScootaLewis> and then they gave it to someone else
  220. 17:11:32 <bartekko> "Adventures in Somasis's butt: fart fart fart"
  221. 17:11:33 <ScootaLewis> and so on and so forth
  222. 17:11:38 <AdamTh3Walker> i'm in love with bells right now
  223. 17:11:39 <ScootaLewis> with only the order: record
  224. 17:11:41 <Eery> Then they would steal my camera
  225. 17:11:48 <FrozenShadow> Tubular is such a great word
  226. 17:11:54 <ScootaLewis> totally man
  227. 17:11:54 <Lying> it is
  228. 17:11:54 <AdamTh3Walker> it is
  229. 17:11:58 <Eery> Actually
  230. 17:11:59 <Somasis> totally tubular
  231. 17:12:02 <Eery> What if we got a camera
  232. 17:12:07 <FrozenShadow> tubular tubular tubular tubular
  233. 17:12:10 <Eery> mailed it inbtween us people here
  234. 17:12:11 <Genkar> maybe some gentle tremolo would sound cool
  235. 17:12:16 <johnfn> youtubular
  236. 17:12:19 <Lying> two slightly distorted guitars
  237. 17:12:21 <FrozenShadow> Oh! Or a theremin.
  238. 17:12:23 <AdamTh3Walker> Eery's onto something
  239. 17:12:23 <Eery> And filmed shit, and put a film with the things
  240. 17:12:24 <ScootaLewis> hmm
  241. 17:12:28 <ScootaLewis> that's an idea, actually
  242. 17:12:33 <Eery> That would be cool
  243. 17:12:36 <johnfn> Eery: that sounds neat
  244. 17:12:37 <AdamTh3Walker> that's a really cool idea
  245. 17:12:42 <AdamTh3Walker> and we could actually do it
  246. 17:12:45 <Eery> Like, we would need to have like a depositum or something though
  247. 17:12:47 <Lying> yeah I like that idea
  248. 17:12:48 <ScootaLewis> ...who's gonna buy the camera?
  249. 17:12:56 <Eery> We could pitch in all
  250. 17:12:57 <ScootaLewis> we ould have a dropbox
  251. 17:12:57 <Eery> but its like
  252. 17:12:58 <Eery> trust
  253. 17:12:58 * AdamTh3Walker raises hand slowly
  254. 17:12:58 <johnfn> ya
  255. 17:13:02 <Somasis> :3
  256. 17:13:09 <Eery> Well
  257. 17:13:10 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #4: Wanna be by bartekko
  258. 17:13:12 <FrozenShadow> Very nice.
  259. 17:13:12 <Lyonize_> or we could film shit individually and send it all to one person to put it all together.
  260. 17:13:13 <AdamTh3Walker> that was beautiful
  261. 17:13:17 <Eery> ya'll probably have a camera yourselves?
  262. 17:13:17 <johnfn> nice song somasis
  263. 17:13:17 <Somasis> thanks~
  264. 17:13:19 <bartekko> oh look me
  265. 17:13:21 <FrozenShadow> That sounds more convenient
  266. 17:13:22 <Eery> We could just use footage
  267. 17:13:22 <Genkar> I liked that a lot, yeah.
  268. 17:13:23 <ScootaLewis> i have a non-video one
  269. 17:13:25 * annoying_twangM ( has joined #bronymusic
  270. 17:13:27 <ScootaLewis> well it does video but badly
  271. 17:13:31 <annoying_twangM> Hi entry?
  272. 17:13:32 <AdamTh3Walker> true, Eery
  273. 17:13:39 <Eery> entry 4 twang
  274. 17:13:42 <Seventh_Element> Ready?
  275. 17:13:43 * JasperSynth ( has joined #bronymusic
  276. 17:13:43 <Kingsley_Evergreen> jazzy
  277. 17:13:55 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #4: Wanna be by bar(racuda)tekko
  278. 17:13:56 <FrozenShadow> I could use my dad's video camera
  279. 17:13:57 <johnfn> suspense!!!!!!!!!
  280. 17:14:04 <Seventh_Element> house
  282. 17:14:09 <Lying> roadhouse
  283. 17:14:20 <AdamTh3Walker> low pass filter = totally on theme
  284. 17:14:24 <johnfn> lol
  285. 17:14:29 <bartekko> i guess
  286. 17:14:36 <FrozenShadow> Which I used.. (segue!) film this! (shameless self promotion)
  287. 17:14:37 <SweetieBelle> FrozenShadow linked WoodenToaster - Beyond Her Garden (Frozen Shadow piano cover) - YouTube
  288. 17:14:38 <ScootaLewis> i have a digital camera i guess, i can do blair-witch project quality shit
  289. 17:14:49 <Eery> you could do stopmotion
  290. 17:14:50 <annoying_twangM> Okay, I cant play EQbeats entryes :(
  291. 17:15:05 <Eery> sidechain is a bit much
  292. 17:15:06 <johnfn> nice
  293. 17:15:15 <AdamTh3Walker> i can't stop EQbeats entries haha
  294. 17:15:16 <FrozenShadow> (also why I didn't submit an entry to tb this week
  295. 17:15:18 <FrozenShadow> )
  296. 17:15:25 <AdamTh3Walker> it makes queuing hard
  297. 17:15:26 <Lying> :O
  298. 17:15:34 <AdamTh3Walker> cueing?
  299. 17:15:35 <Lyonize_> hahaha this is awesome!
  300. 17:15:37 <ScootaLewis> okay the vocal sample is good
  301. 17:15:37 <Lying> that singing thing from that other song
  302. 17:15:41 <Lying> is in this song
  303. 17:15:41 <Eery> Wait whats this song
  304. 17:15:46 <annoying_twangM> Bartekko ill check you entry later, sorry :(
  305. 17:15:49 <Genkar> This is pretty good, I just don't get a whole underwater vibe from it
  306. 17:15:53 <AdamTh3Walker> this works way too well, holy shit
  307. 17:15:54 <Lying> it's originally from an MJ song isn't it?
  308. 17:16:00 <ScootaLewis> "it's the most untheme track i've ever made. enjoy"
  309. 17:16:00 <Eery> Genkar: "it's the most untheme track i've ever made. enjoy"
  310. 17:16:04 <ScootaLewis> haha
  311. 17:16:08 <FrozenShadow> lol
  312. 17:16:17 <Lying> but it's fun as all hell
  313. 17:16:19 <ScootaLewis> sci wants to make what bartekko has made here
  314. 17:16:21 <Eery> sax and all
  315. 17:16:21 <ScootaLewis> totally
  316. 17:16:23 <bartekko> actually that sample is from that first song
  317. 17:16:24 <Genkar> probably should've read that xD
  318. 17:16:34 <ScootaLewis> doot doot
  319. 17:16:39 <AdamTh3Walker> this is so much fun!
  320. 17:16:42 <Lyonize_> it's like "i'm drowning and there's no way i'm going to survive. might as well have a dance party."
  321. 17:16:48 <Eery> heh
  322. 17:16:54 <Eery> how do you dance underwater
  323. 17:16:54 <AdamTh3Walker> underwater dance party
  324. 17:16:58 <ScootaLewis> sea floor dance floor
  325. 17:16:58 <AdamTh3Walker> survival mode
  326. 17:16:59 <Lying> flail
  327. 17:17:04 <bartekko> MJ was sued by that manu dibango guy for wanna be startin something
  328. 17:17:05 <Lyonize_> ever seen synchronized swimming?
  329. 17:17:09 <johnfn> this is nice :D
  330. 17:17:14 <AdamTh3Walker> right, exactly
  331. 17:17:15 <annoying_twangM> LoL
  332. 17:17:21 <Eery> you know, the pony part of this tb was totally unneeded
  333. 17:17:25 <ScootaLewis> yeah
  334. 17:17:31 <AurumNoble> The Microsoft bit?
  335. 17:17:39 <AurumNoble> "Gotta save to the sound of Microsoft"
  336. 17:17:43 <annoying_twangM> Nah Eery, where is a Pony Compo :D
  337. 17:17:44 <ScootaLewis> who thinks we should drop the pony thing and just be a regular compo?
  338. 17:17:49 <Eery> nah
  339. 17:17:52 <bartekko> but we're on ponychat
  340. 17:17:58 <annoying_twangM> Eeyup
  341. 17:17:58 <ScootaLewis> we are
  342. 17:17:59 <Eery> I like coloured horses
  343. 17:18:03 <AdamTh3Walker> poneis are cool
  344. 17:18:04 <ScootaLewis> and we'll accept pony-based music
  345. 17:18:04 <annoying_twangM> Me 2
  346. 17:18:05 <FLAOFEI> Keep pony!!!
  347. 17:18:05 <johnfn> ScootaLewis: *cough*
  348. 17:18:07 <Kingsley_Evergreen> ^
  349. 17:18:16 <FrozenShadow> We should keep the ers compos.
  350. 17:18:17 <ScootaLewis> see
  351. 17:18:21 <ScootaLewis> we have a new guy here
  352. 17:18:24 <AdamTh3Walker> this is the best compo i've ever been a part of, though
  353. 17:18:24 <ScootaLewis> who doesn't pony
  354. 17:18:24 <Eery> Even johnfn wants to keep it poni
  355. 17:18:25 <annoying_twangM> Pony pony poooonyyyyyy
  356. 17:18:25 <annoying_twangM> (8)
  357. 17:18:39 <Kingsley_Evergreen> all beings pont
  358. 17:18:43 <Kingsley_Evergreen> pony
  359. 17:18:49 <Kingsley_Evergreen> and they always shall pony
  360. 17:18:51 <Lying> there's nothing stopping people submitting non-pony songs though
  361. 17:18:56 <AdamTh3Walker> all things point to pony
  362. 17:18:57 <annoying_twangM> We need moar ponyyyyy
  363. 17:18:59 <ScootaLewis> i guess
  364. 17:19:00 <johnfn> lol
  365. 17:19:02 <Doofcake>
  366. 17:19:05 <ScootaLewis> @Lying
  367. 17:19:10 <annoying_twangM> All mah songs are pony related
  368. 17:19:19 <bartekko> just officially allow entried unrelated to the theme
  369. 17:19:20 <Eery> really?
  370. 17:19:20 <annoying_twangM> Without pony samples
  371. 17:19:22 <Kingsley_Evergreen> depending on how I feel, I may sing again for this next compo
  372. 17:19:27 <annoying_twangM> Not all all XD
  373. 17:19:33 <AdamTh3Walker> do it!
  374. 17:19:42 <annoying_twangM> But all annoying yes
  375. 17:19:56 <FrozenShadow> Well, instrumentals are not inherently pony related.
  376. 17:19:58 <Kingsley_Evergreen> AdamTh3Walker I shall... maybe...
  377. 17:19:59 <AdamTh3Walker> your music's really kool, kingsley
  378. 17:20:09 <Kingsley_Evergreen> :'|
  379. 17:20:15 * mcmiag ( has joined #bronymusic
  380. 17:20:18 <AdamTh3Walker> it's like a deep breath
  381. 17:20:19 <annoying_twangM> :3
  382. 17:20:19 * Kingsley_Evergreen hugs AdamTh3Walker
  383. 17:20:27 <ScootaLewis> hi mcmiag
  384. 17:20:29 <Eery> This was a good track
  385. 17:20:31 <AdamTh3Walker> o3o
  386. 17:20:32 <ScootaLewis> we havin a dance part all up in here
  387. 17:20:36 <johnfn> that was good
  388. 17:20:36 <ScootaLewis> *party
  389. 17:20:37 <annoying_twangM> Hi mcmiag
  390. 17:20:39 <Lying> 'twas
  391. 17:20:44 <Eery> dj friendly outro and all
  392. 17:20:49 <mcmiag> hi ^_^
  393. 17:20:56 <johnfn> Eery: OH MY GOD SO THATS WHY PEOPLE DO THAT!!!!!!!!!
  394. 17:21:01 <Seventh_Element> lol
  395. 17:21:05 <annoying_twangM> Shit and im missing it :'(
  396. 17:21:05 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #6: Under Water Bathtime Adventures of Dubstep-Bird the Power-Puff-Horse (SHOPIDOP MOTAFOKAZ!!!) by FALOFEI
  397. 17:21:05 <ScootaLewis> and i've bee looking forward to this track for a while
  398. 17:21:05 <Eery> lol yeah
  399. 17:21:06 <ScootaLewis> *been
  400. 17:21:18 <AdamTh3Walker> wat
  401. 17:21:20 <FLAOFEI> lol
  402. 17:21:24 <Seventh_Element> Ready?
  403. 17:21:24 <FLAOFEI> Its pony related
  404. 17:21:25 <ScootaLewis> this better be good
  405. 17:21:26 <johnfn> Eery: here i thought that all electronic musicians just didnt know how to end songs
  406. 17:21:31 <Eery> hahahahaha
  407. 17:21:31 <AdamTh3Walker> oh i can imaging
  408. 17:21:34 <bartekko> the great feeling taht i gave you two minutes of basically the drum loop with a sample being filtered progressively and y all enjoyed it anyway
  409. 17:21:35 <AdamTh3Walker> imagine*
  410. 17:21:42 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #6:Under Water Bathtime Adventures of Dubstep-Bird the Power-Puff-Horse (SHOPIDOP MOTAFOKAZ!!!) by sharkpone
  411. 17:21:51 <AdamTh3Walker> wow
  412. 17:21:52 <Lyonize_> lol dubstep parrot
  413. 17:21:52 <Eery> nah its so they will be easy to mix for the dj
  414. 17:21:56 <Kingsley_Evergreen> dis guna be good
  415. 17:21:57 <Eery> Samples!
  416. 17:21:58 <Genkar> wait wat
  417. 17:21:58 <Seventh_Element> oh my god
  418. 17:21:59 <annoying_twangM> Yay this one i can hear
  419. 17:21:59 <Lyonize_> hahahahahahaha
  420. 17:21:59 <Seventh_Element> lol
  421. 17:21:59 <mcmiag> scary sounds o_O
  422. 17:22:00 <AdamTh3Walker> wow, yes
  423. 17:22:03 <annoying_twangM> Wait wat
  424. 17:22:04 <Genkar> old spice? xD
  425. 17:22:04 <Kingsley_Evergreen> old spice
  426. 17:22:05 <MandraSigma> hahaha
  427. 17:22:08 * Versal is rocking to this
  428. 17:22:11 <FrozenShadow> Old spice odor blocker body wash.
  429. 17:22:15 <bartekko> OLD SPICE
  430. 17:22:16 <bartekko> YO
  431. 17:22:17 <Lying> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  432. 17:22:21 <johnfn> Lyonize_: you should listen to frontier psychologist after the compo, it has a parrot solo
  433. 17:22:23 <bartekko> Breakspice
  434. 17:22:31 <annoying_twangM> Not a troll entry
  435. 17:22:31 <johnfn> lol
  436. 17:22:32 <bartekko> Oldbeat
  437. 17:22:37 <Eery> spicestep
  438. 17:22:38 <Lying> flaofei what orch stabs do you use?
  439. 17:22:39 <bartekko> not a troll entry at all
  440. 17:22:40 <AdamTh3Walker> i'm playing this in my car
  441. 17:22:41 <mcmiag> this is like Sci on meth
  442. 17:22:41 <ScootaLewis> the old spice must flow
  443. 17:22:47 <johnfn> oh man
  444. 17:22:47 <AdamTh3Walker> it is
  445. 17:22:49 <johnfn> what even is this
  446. 17:22:51 <ScootaLewis> he who controls the old spice controls the universe
  447. 17:22:51 <annoying_twangM> My tablet is gettin lagged
  448. 17:22:52 <bartekko> makes sense
  449. 17:22:59 <bartekko> or is he
  450. 17:22:59 <EqBot> DUN DUN DUUUN
  451. 17:22:59 <Lyonize_> I will, johnfn
  452. 17:23:00 <FLAOFEI> johnf i haz parrot solo!!!
  453. 17:23:02 <Kingsley_Evergreen> old spice actually is quite well glitched
  454. 17:23:02 <Eery> I like this part
  455. 17:23:18 <johnfn> FLAOFEI: amazing
  456. 17:23:20 <Eery> SEAponies!
  457. 17:23:21 <Seventh_Element> alright
  458. 17:23:21 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  459. 17:23:24 <AdamTh3Walker> there it is
  460. 17:23:25 <annoying_twangM> I like when he said old spice
  461. 17:23:28 <Seventh_Element> well we can expect more sea pony samples
  462. 17:23:29 <Kingsley_Evergreen> oh the sea ponies
  463. 17:23:30 <Genkar> This is excellent.
  464. 17:23:30 <Kingsley_Evergreen> ok
  465. 17:23:31 <Seventh_Element> probably
  466. 17:23:32 <Eery> I like the seaponies
  467. 17:23:33 <ScootaLewis> FLAOFEI you are the GREATEST
  468. 17:23:33 <annoying_twangM> Yayayaya
  469. 17:23:41 <Eery> this is amazing
  470. 17:23:42 <Seventh_Element> god damnit
  471. 17:23:43 <AdamTh3Walker> this is really amazing, man
  472. 17:23:45 <Seventh_Element> ppg theme
  473. 17:23:46 <Seventh_Element> lol
  474. 17:23:56 <mcmiag> powerpuff girls
  475. 17:23:57 <FLAOFEI> Dont forge3t to breath!
  476. 17:24:01 <mcmiag> i heard that lol
  477. 17:24:06 <Lyonize_> lol this is amazing
  478. 17:24:07 <FrozenShadow> Wat.
  479. 17:24:11 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I am a sea pony
  480. 17:24:21 <Versal> This has my vote because idk
  481. 17:24:23 <FrozenShadow> 'Cause the ppg totally need to use Old Spice.
  482. 17:24:23 <ScootaLewis> you get a fucking vote no questions asked
  483. 17:24:25 <johnfn> that was totally insane
  484. 17:24:27 <johnfn> thanks
  485. 17:24:27 <Lying> perfect
  486. 17:24:28 <johnfn> :D
  487. 17:24:32 <annoying_twangM> This is really cool and catchy XD
  488. 17:24:32 <Eery> that was lovely 9/10
  489. 17:24:33 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #7: Drowning by Lyonize
  490. 17:24:33 <Lying> all the numbers/10
  491. 17:24:36 <AdamTh3Walker> that was hectic at the end there
  492. 17:24:37 <bartekko> "woman gasp sound"
  493. 17:24:41 <Eery> Should had more seaponies and it would be 10
  494. 17:24:42 <johnfn> old spice/10
  495. 17:24:43 <ScootaLewis> no way that ended well
  496. 17:24:46 <bartekko> "yields interesting results"
  497. 17:24:48 <FrozenShadow> Old spice/10
  498. 17:24:52 <bartekko> "interesting"
  499. 17:24:52 <Kingsley_Evergreen> that lives in the coniferous forest of equestra
  500. 17:24:53 <Seventh_Element> Ready?
  501. 17:24:53 <Lyonize_> mine is a little quiet. you might have to turn your speakers up a tiny bit
  502. 17:25:00 <ScootaLewis> shit
  503. 17:25:05 <DeEquisCogitoErgoSum> turns down speakers
  504. 17:25:08 <mcmiag> worst host
  505. 17:25:08 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #7: Drowning by Lyon(fish)ize
  506. 17:25:11 <mcmiag> i already started
  507. 17:25:19 <Eery> slowest host
  508. 17:25:19 * Seventh_Element punches mcmiag
  509. 17:25:26 <ScootaLewis> good host
  510. 17:25:32 <bartekko> acceptable host
  511. 17:25:34 <Seventh_Element> sorry you have lightning fast internet Eery
  512. 17:25:36 <mcmiag> i disregard Seventh_Element's instructions
  513. 17:25:37 <ScootaLewis> best friend
  514. 17:25:38 <johnfn> uh everything about this is great
  515. 17:25:44 <johnfn> the snaps, the echoing piano
  516. 17:25:44 <Genkar> pretty chill
  517. 17:25:45 <johnfn> yup.
  518. 17:25:54 <Seventh_Element> ooh minor
  519. 17:25:56 <ScootaLewis> ooh getting a little tense
  520. 17:25:58 <AdamTh3Walker> this is just about perfect
  521. 17:26:04 <Eery> You're wasting my brandwidth, and therefore my money and time. You owe me your youth, seventh
  522. 17:26:06 <Lyonize_> i thought the snaps sounded a little like water dripping in a cave or something
  523. 17:26:08 <AdamTh3Walker> good transition
  524. 17:26:08 <Genkar> Okay, this fits the theme really well.
  525. 17:26:09 <annoying_twangM> Ooooo yesssss >:)
  526. 17:26:18 <annoying_twangM> Slow build up?
  527. 17:26:18 <AdamTh3Walker> heartbeat drum, what
  528. 17:26:21 <Seventh_Element> sucks to be you Eery
  529. 17:26:22 <Seventh_Element> :)
  530. 17:26:24 <AdamTh3Walker> wow
  531. 17:26:26 <Eery> ;<
  532. 17:26:29 <Genkar> that dark tone <3
  533. 17:26:30 <johnfn> that kick is off?
  534. 17:26:33 <johnfn> intentionally?
  535. 17:26:34 <annoying_twangM> Dat kick
  536. 17:26:35 <ScootaLewis> this is the best compo we've had in ages
  537. 17:26:36 <ScootaLewis> TICKING
  538. 17:26:37 <Eery> its so intentional
  539. 17:26:38 <AdamTh3Walker> this is perfect
  540. 17:26:38 <Lying> spookin'
  541. 17:26:39 <FLAOFEI> Are we gonna die?
  542. 17:26:39 <johnfn> O_O
  543. 17:26:41 <Eery> its speeding up
  544. 17:26:42 <annoying_twangM> Yesss
  545. 17:26:46 <bartekko> where is the woman gasp sound sample tho
  546. 17:26:46 <annoying_twangM> Gogogogogogogoggo
  547. 17:26:54 <Eery> there it is
  548. 17:26:56 <bartekko> ok \
  549. 17:26:58 <Eery> this is pretty neat
  550. 17:27:00 <johnfn> this is really good
  551. 17:27:02 <Kingsley_Evergreen> ^
  552. 17:27:10 <Genkar> Yeah, I'm digging this.
  553. 17:27:12 <Lying> like a sinister, contemporary enya
  554. 17:27:14 <AdamTh3Walker> i'm just seeing an explosion of yellow light
  555. 17:27:14 <Eery> I expected like
  556. 17:27:16 <johnfn> the choir man
  557. 17:27:17 <johnfn> wow
  558. 17:27:17 <Eery> speedloudcore
  559. 17:27:24 <Lying> yeah same
  560. 17:27:27 <FLAOFEI> ^
  561. 17:27:31 <annoying_twangM> I expected other thing, but this is even better! :D
  562. 17:27:34 <AdamTh3Walker> amazing.
  563. 17:27:36 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #8: Everfree Nights by Resonant Waves
  564. 17:27:36 <johnfn> that melody has a lot of power behind it
  565. 17:27:37 <johnfn> great
  566. 17:27:38 <Lyonize_> thanks!
  567. 17:27:39 <bartekko> the reverb could be a little more umm
  568. 17:27:40 <bartekko> wet
  569. 17:27:44 <Kingsley_Evergreen> yay!
  570. 17:27:44 <ScootaLewis> for those wondering where the drop was: it happened before the song started
  571. 17:27:45 <annoying_twangM> Love that
  572. 17:27:51 <Eery> 7e, can you drop the ready?
  573. 17:27:53 <ScootaLewis> some woman dropped like a rock into the ocean
  574. 17:27:55 <Seventh_Element> no
  575. 17:27:55 <johnfn> lol
  576. 17:27:58 <Eery> ;___;
  577. 17:28:01 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I already have heard it though
  578. 17:28:02 <bartekko> DROP THE READY
  579. 17:28:02 <Seventh_Element> also this isn't loading all the way for me
  580. 17:28:04 <Lying> it's like mariokart in slomo up in here
  581. 17:28:07 <Seventh_Element> oop there it goes
  582. 17:28:11 <Kingsley_Evergreen> go to the youtubes then :)
  583. 17:28:12 <bartekko> D-D-D-DROP THE READY
  584. 17:28:12 <mcmiag> RESONANTWAVES
  585. 17:28:16 <mcmiag> OMFG
  586. 17:28:19 * Genkar has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  587. 17:28:24 <AdamTh3Walker> yeah
  588. 17:28:27 <Seventh_Element> no
  589. 17:28:27 <FLAOFEI> Go
  590. 17:28:28 <johnfn> so much suspense
  591. 17:28:29 <bartekko> >track is 3.03
  592. 17:28:30 <johnfn> RGHRHG
  593. 17:28:32 <ScootaLewis> since when does he do music any more
  594. 17:28:35 <bartekko> it better have you know
  595. 17:28:36 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #8: Everfree Nights by Ocean Waves
  596. 17:28:38 * A2Z ( has joined #bronymusic
  597. 17:28:44 <AdamTh3Walker> this is chilllllllll
  598. 17:28:45 <A2Z> sorry im late
  599. 17:28:51 <annoying_twangM> Chil...
  600. 17:28:55 <Seventh_Element> we just started entry 8 A2Z
  601. 17:28:55 <Eery> lovely
  602. 17:29:00 <A2Z> song and time stamp?
  603. 17:29:00 <ScootaLewis> this has more notes than i'm used to reso's music having
  604. 17:29:01 <annoying_twangM> A2Z enrey 09
  605. 17:29:01 <Eery> love the bell pluck things
  606. 17:29:09 <Seventh_Element> entry 8
  607. 17:29:10 <annoying_twangM> Entry*
  608. 17:29:11 <mcmiag> reso-chan ;-;
  609. 17:29:16 <Seventh_Element> time stamp 40 sec
  610. 17:29:17 <AdamTh3Walker> i still really love this
  611. 17:29:17 <annoying_twangM> Shit sorry
  612. 17:29:26 <johnfn> oh
  613. 17:29:26 * Fallfeathers ( has joined #bronymusic
  614. 17:29:30 <johnfn> those strings are really interesting
  615. 17:29:35 <Eery> This is definely under water
  616. 17:29:36 * MeatsofEvil ( has joined #bronymusic
  617. 17:29:40 <johnfn> word
  618. 17:29:44 * Resonantwaves ( has joined #bronymusic
  619. 17:29:45 <annoying_twangM> This is neat bro
  620. 17:29:49 <Eery> RESONANTWAVES
  621. 17:29:51 <A2Z> thanks
  622. 17:29:51 <Eery> GOOD ENTRY YES
  623. 17:30:02 <Resonantwaves> HIIIIII
  624. 17:30:05 <ScootaLewis> yeah this is good
  625. 17:30:11 <AdamTh3Walker> i think Reso and i are on this delay-heavy ambient kick lately
  626. 17:30:11 <Lying> yeah :D
  627. 17:30:12 <FrozenShadow> I like it. Lots of ambient stuff this time.
  628. 17:30:13 <Eery> we're listening to your entry now
  629. 17:30:14 <annoying_twangM> Hi, we're listening to you
  630. 17:30:18 <AdamTh3Walker> RES
  631. 17:30:26 <AdamTh3Walker> how are you?
  632. 17:30:27 <Resonantwaves> ADAM
  633. 17:30:28 <Kingsley_Evergreen> lol
  634. 17:30:31 <Resonantwaves> WHERE YOU BEEM
  635. 17:30:42 <Resonantwaves> And thank you everyone :3
  636. 17:30:42 <ScootaLewis> i should download all the entries from this compo and make a playlist
  637. 17:30:51 <Eery> do that
  638. 17:30:52 <johnfn> everything is slowww
  639. 17:30:56 <Eery> IT will be trhe sleepiest
  640. 17:31:00 <johnfn> this theme is a good one
  641. 17:31:00 <AdamTh3Walker> i turned off skype sorry
  642. 17:31:05 <annoying_twangM> Not mine XD
  643. 17:31:05 <FrozenShadow> Now I kinda wish I actually did something for this week.
  644. 17:31:12 <bartekko> track is 3:03, has no 303
  645. 17:31:16 <johnfn> lol
  646. 17:31:17 <ScootaLewis> i'm glad i didn't
  647. 17:31:17 <bartekko> 3/10
  648. 17:31:19 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I don't think people are going to like my song at this rate :/
  649. 17:31:21 <johnfn> 3/03
  650. 17:31:23 <annoying_twangM> LoL
  651. 17:31:33 <Eery> weird time signatures
  652. 17:31:42 <AdamTh3Walker> good outro
  653. 17:31:45 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #9: The Rescue(Unfinished WIP Demo Test) by Cherax
  654. 17:31:45 <johnfn> that was good
  655. 17:31:46 <Lying> good
  656. 17:31:48 <MandraSigma> q
  657. 17:31:51 <FrozenShadow> Calm. Soothing.
  658. 17:31:56 <ScootaLewis> cherax omg yess
  659. 17:31:59 <annoying_twangM> Nice entry
  660. 17:32:07 <Seventh_Element> This is the part where I piss off bartekko (Ready?)
  661. 17:32:07 <Resonantwaves> :3
  662. 17:32:12 <annoying_twangM> University days XD
  663. 17:32:13 <johnfn> lolol
  664. 17:32:17 <A2Z> oh snap seventh element is hosting!
  665. 17:32:19 <bartekko> no
  666. 17:32:19 <bartekko> :3
  667. 17:32:21 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #9: The Rescue(Unfished WIP Demo Test) by Cherax
  668. 17:32:27 <Eery> didnt you write a song like that twang?
  669. 17:32:27 <bartekko> i'm so beautifully unannoyed
  670. 17:32:28 <bartekko> :3
  671. 17:32:29 <Resonantwaves> Gasp!
  672. 17:32:32 <bartekko> :3
  673. 17:32:34 <johnfn> wow this is nice
  674. 17:32:35 <AdamTh3Walker> that melody <3
  675. 17:32:36 <bartekko> :3
  676. 17:32:36 <Seventh_Element> oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  677. 17:32:37 <Versal> Yes...
  678. 17:32:38 <Versal> JUST YES
  679. 17:32:39 <Eery> OH lovely melody
  680. 17:32:40 <Lyonize_> this is nice
  681. 17:32:41 <Lying> good entries today
  682. 17:32:42 <johnfn> what is that
  683. 17:32:43 <annoying_twangM> No I think...
  684. 17:32:43 <ScootaLewis> helloooooo
  685. 17:32:45 <johnfn> its like a guitar and a synth had a baby
  686. 17:32:46 <A2Z> nice sidechain
  687. 17:32:50 <AdamTh3Walker> guitar too, it's so smooth
  688. 17:32:56 <annoying_twangM> Love the guitar BTW amazing
  689. 17:32:56 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I like this
  690. 17:33:00 <johnfn> oh man
  691. 17:33:07 <Eery> johnfn thats a thing. Lots of 80ies band used it
  692. 17:33:08 * Mushrooooshi has quit (Ping timeout: 259 seconds)
  693. 17:33:16 <Seventh_Element> Is that a fic worth reading?
  694. 17:33:16 <bartekko> badly mixed vocals tho...i'm just saying
  695. 17:33:17 <johnfn> Eery: oh neat
  696. 17:33:19 <Eery> Eh, vocal mixing is kind of bad
  697. 17:33:32 <Eery> but its lovely none the less
  698. 17:33:34 <Seventh_Element> I think the vocals are fine tbh
  699. 17:33:41 <johnfn> :O :O
  700. 17:33:41 <ScootaLewis> yeah, not sure if the vocals fit this one
  701. 17:33:42 <Eery> they're a bit loud, 7th
  702. 17:33:46 <ScootaLewis> definitely a cherax song though
  703. 17:33:47 <Seventh_Element> just a little
  704. 17:33:52 <annoying_twangM> Wow
  705. 17:33:56 <Resonantwaves> i like the voice how it is :P
  706. 17:33:56 <johnfn> i think if you just toss a little (more?) reverb on them it'd be fine
  707. 17:33:58 <Eery> This is amazing
  708. 17:33:58 <annoying_twangM> This is good
  709. 17:34:02 <Seventh_Element> yeah more reverb
  710. 17:34:03 <Seventh_Element> yes
  711. 17:34:08 <bartekko> TOSS ALL THE REVERB
  712. 17:34:09 <johnfn> this is really good though
  713. 17:34:12 <annoying_twangM> But I think too that the vouce has something...
  714. 17:34:17 <Eery> This will be lovely when its finished
  715. 17:34:21 <Eery> or
  716. 17:34:22 <AdamTh3Walker> this is kind of great without reverb, though
  717. 17:34:26 <Eery> it already is
  718. 17:34:27 <johnfn> twang
  719. 17:34:36 <AdamTh3Walker> the vocals are really dry, but the inst is nice
  720. 17:34:38 <Seventh_Element> he needs to high pass the vocals
  721. 17:34:40 <Seventh_Element> or lo-fi them
  722. 17:34:42 <AdamTh3Walker> yeah
  723. 17:34:45 <Eery> Distort them
  724. 17:34:46 <Seventh_Element> that would be
  725. 17:34:48 <Seventh_Element> so sex
  726. 17:35:07 <johnfn> phewww
  727. 17:35:11 <Resonantwaves> omg, i got into the song. i forgot i was on phone with paypal :c this song is aweshums
  728. 17:35:12 <johnfn> this is really good wow
  729. 17:35:19 <annoying_twangM> Man I love this
  730. 17:35:27 <Eery> yeah, this is really cool
  731. 17:35:27 <annoying_twangM> Very very good
  732. 17:35:37 <ScootaLewis> i kinda wanna ask the dude if he has a version without vocals
  733. 17:35:44 <johnfn> i think the bass might be encroaching on your vocals a little?
  734. 17:35:48 <AdamTh3Walker> cherax would oblige, probably
  735. 17:35:50 <ScootaLewis> but then i feel like that would be a dick move
  736. 17:35:53 <AdamTh3Walker> nope
  737. 17:35:54 <AdamTh3Walker> ask
  738. 17:36:03 <johnfn> anyway… that was awesome
  739. 17:36:04 <johnfn> thanks
  740. 17:36:05 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #11: Drowning by KillianDunne
  741. 17:36:06 <Eery> He'll probably give them
  742. 17:36:07 <ScootaLewis> i guess
  743. 17:36:13 <ScootaLewis> he knows i love his voice anyway
  744. 17:36:15 <MandraSigma> q
  745. 17:36:19 <bartekko> >drowning is not good
  746. 17:36:22 <johnfn> "drowning is not good"
  747. 17:36:24 <ScootaLewis> no shit
  748. 17:36:26 <AdamTh3Walker> it's realy not
  749. 17:36:30 <Seventh_Element> Hot Dogs
  750. 17:36:30 <AdamTh3Walker> really*
  751. 17:36:30 <Lying> for your health
  752. 17:36:32 <FrozenShadow> You don't say.
  753. 17:36:35 <annoying_twangM> Shit I think that I have lag with soundcloud songs, and I cant play EQBeats
  754. 17:36:36 <johnfn> lol Seventh_Element
  755. 17:36:36 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #11: We're Drowning Again by KillianDunne
  756. 17:36:38 * Niichan has quit (Quit: Umm, you should never be seeing this message. Please contact Niichan somehow and inform him that his server just went down. Thanks.)
  757. 17:36:48 <johnfn> reversed piano :D
  758. 17:36:50 * Niichan ( has joined #bronymusic
  759. 17:36:52 <Eery> oooh
  760. 17:36:52 <Resonantwaves> oooh sounds reverse
  761. 17:36:53 <johnfn> ok reversed EVERYTHING
  762. 17:36:54 <Eery> sounds
  763. 17:37:00 <FLAOFEI> Sounds
  764. 17:37:03 <Seventh_Element> 2spooky
  765. 17:37:03 <ScootaLewis> ok this works
  766. 17:37:06 <johnfn> "oops i reversed my song by mistake"
  767. 17:37:08 <Lying> doog ton si gninword
  768. 17:37:09 <FLAOFEI> :P
  769. 17:37:16 <Lyonize_> great. not only am i drowning but i'm drowning while on extacy.
  770. 17:37:17 <Eery> Well, its kinda drowning
  771. 17:37:20 * Resonantwaves dances
  772. 17:37:21 <AdamTh3Walker> ok, i like these drums
  773. 17:37:22 <annoying_twangM> I'm the only one that likes as it is? XD
  774. 17:37:23 * Flutterbro has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  775. 17:37:26 <Lying> I like it
  776. 17:37:26 <Eery> Life is flashing in reverse!
  777. 17:37:28 * Seventh_Element twerks
  778. 17:37:29 <johnfn> Lying: lol
  779. 17:37:36 <Resonantwaves> twerk it :U
  780. 17:37:37 <johnfn> Eery: haha yes
  781. 17:37:37 <ScootaLewis> next week's theme should be "falling"
  782. 17:37:44 <Kingsley_Evergreen> noppe
  783. 17:37:45 <Eery> I wanna download this and reverse it
  784. 17:37:45 <annoying_twangM> It gives a strage feeling XD
  785. 17:37:48 <bartekko> we got the reverse theme
  786. 17:37:49 <FrozenShadow> nah
  787. 17:37:51 <Resonantwaves> xD
  788. 17:37:54 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #12: In Her Last Moments by Eery
  789. 17:37:58 <johnfn> that was intriguing
  790. 17:37:59 <AdamTh3Walker> holy crap, everything is so good this week
  791. 17:38:03 <MandraSigma> q
  792. 17:38:05 <Kingsley_Evergreen> how about something interesting, like chords?
  793. 17:38:06 <FrozenShadow> I agree
  794. 17:38:07 <Lying> I know :O
  795. 17:38:18 <Seventh_Element> Ner ner ner ner purple
  796. 17:38:26 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #12: In Her Last Mermoments by Eery
  797. 17:38:28 <Eery> .f
  798. 17:38:29 <Lying> want to vote for everything
  799. 17:38:32 <bartekko> purple is nice
  800. 17:38:34 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  801. 17:38:36 <AdamTh3Walker> yesss
  802. 17:38:45 <Resonantwaves> oh this is gunna be guud
  803. 17:38:49 <Lying> _______________break____________________
  804. 17:38:50 <bartekko> i got a copy of the transcript
  805. 17:38:59 <MandraSigma> uh oh. snuffcore
  806. 17:39:03 <bartekko> *awakens*
  807. 17:39:04 <annoying_twangM> Oh...
  808. 17:39:06 <bartekko> oh that is a good day
  809. 17:39:07 <Seventh_Element> dayum
  810. 17:39:08 <Resonantwaves> oh my
  811. 17:39:16 <bartekko> holy shit gotta up
  812. 17:39:19 <bartekko> up
  813. 17:39:20 <MandraSigma> reminds me of BT
  814. 17:39:20 <annoying_twangM> Shit
  815. 17:39:21 <bartekko> aaaa deep
  816. 17:39:23 <FLAOFEI> I like
  817. 17:39:26 <bartekko> air
  818. 17:39:28 <bartekko> cant brethe
  819. 17:39:29 <Seventh_Element> breakcoreeee
  820. 17:39:30 <Resonantwaves> i lke this
  821. 17:39:31 <annoying_twangM> Love this
  822. 17:39:32 <bartekko> ded
  823. 17:39:35 <annoying_twangM> Amazing
  824. 17:39:37 * Seventh_Element twitiches
  825. 17:39:38 <ScootaLewis> this is legit fo realsy
  826. 17:39:38 <FrozenShadow> I really like this.
  827. 17:39:39 <bartekko> no wait shit
  828. 17:39:41 <bartekko> g2gfast
  829. 17:39:42 <Seventh_Element> so good
  830. 17:39:54 <FrozenShadow> What genre is this?
  831. 17:39:54 <annoying_twangM> Oh shit the description
  832. 17:39:58 <bartekko> whatever
  833. 17:39:59 <Seventh_Element> FrozenShadow, breakcore
  834. 17:40:00 <annoying_twangM> Sho sad :S
  835. 17:40:02 <AdamTh3Walker> there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, wow
  836. 17:40:08 <Lyonize_> this is really awesome!
  837. 17:40:11 <FrozenShadow> thanks
  838. 17:40:12 <Kingsley_Evergreen> this is.. quite awesome
  839. 17:40:16 <Doofcake>
  840. 17:40:18 <annoying_twangM> Fuck I listen it lagged :(((((
  841. 17:40:37 <AdamTh3Walker> i can't even make something i feel this good about
  842. 17:40:39 <Seventh_Element> shh Doofcake snyc
  843. 17:40:41 <Seventh_Element> *sync
  844. 17:40:46 <FLAOFEI> So bass, this has my vote
  845. 17:40:52 <ScootaLewis> that's the thing
  846. 17:40:56 <ScootaLewis> when you see someone else's work
  847. 17:41:03 <ScootaLewis> you can't see all the places they stumbled
  848. 17:41:08 <ScootaLewis> only where they got back up
  849. 17:41:12 * johnfn (grantm@128.12.yv.j) has left #bronymusic
  850. 17:41:14 <AdamTh3Walker> fair point
  851. 17:41:21 <bartekko> i think i got lost in the transciprt
  852. 17:41:27 <bartekko> i'm not drunk
  853. 17:41:27 <AdamTh3Walker> wow
  854. 17:41:34 <Lyonize_> that last part sounds a lot like drowning.
  855. 17:41:34 <Eery> You mgiht be a bit drunk
  856. 17:41:35 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #13: Re: Does anyone have Fluttersci remix stems? by mcmiag
  857. 17:41:41 <Eery> Well, she did drown
  858. 17:41:44 <bartekko> it may be that nutella i ate
  859. 17:41:45 <MandraSigma> q
  860. 17:41:46 <Lying> dat description
  861. 17:41:48 <Eery> like fuck, you cant swim miles
  862. 17:41:52 <bartekko> stored in the alcohol bar thing
  863. 17:41:53 <annoying_twangM> Shit, so sad :(
  864. 17:41:56 <Seventh_Element> woah this is actually an entry
  865. 17:42:00 <bartekko> wtf you call it
  866. 17:42:01 <FrozenShadow> Oh, so that's what mcmiag stands for. Wow.
  867. 17:42:03 <ScootaLewis> maybe it was like
  868. 17:42:04 <ScootaLewis> shotella
  869. 17:42:08 <annoying_twangM> Amazing
  870. 17:42:08 <ScootaLewis> nutella shots
  871. 17:42:09 * grantm (grantm@128.12.yv.j) has joined #bronymusic
  872. 17:42:14 * grantm has quit (Client Quit)
  873. 17:42:16 <bartekko> 10/10
  874. 17:42:17 <mcmiag> slowest host
  875. 17:42:21 <FrozenShadow> I totally hadn't realized that.
  876. 17:42:24 <Lying> slost
  877. 17:42:24 <mcmiag> ever
  878. 17:42:25 * grantm (grantm@128.12.yv.j) has joined #bronymusic
  879. 17:42:25 <Seventh_Element>
  880. 17:42:25 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #13: thing
  881. 17:42:30 <grantm> internet died :(
  882. 17:42:33 <Eery> Ooooh
  883. 17:42:34 * grantm is now known as johnfn
  884. 17:42:35 <annoying_twangM> Mcmiag is angry with sev XD
  885. 17:42:40 <Resonantwaves> gasp! mcmiag :)
  886. 17:42:44 <AdamTh3Walker> "lossy"
  887. 17:42:49 <Seventh_Element> mcmaig can go use sandpaper as toilet paper :p
  888. 17:42:52 <Eery> Sounds are sounds!
  889. 17:42:52 <Seventh_Element> I mean
  890. 17:42:54 <Seventh_Element> *glub*
  891. 17:42:55 <AdamTh3Walker> oh damn
  892. 17:42:57 <johnfn> which song are we on?
  893. 17:43:03 <Lying> no.13
  894. 17:43:03 <annoying_twangM> Sorry mcmiag, I cant listen you entry, i'll check it later :S
  895. 17:43:14 <Resonantwaves> :~;
  896. 17:43:15 <bartekko> tho
  897. 17:43:18 <johnfn> oh this sounds familiar
  898. 17:43:27 <johnfn> isn't this a slowdown of an old sci song?
  899. 17:43:28 <FrozenShadow> Entry 13, 1:00
  900. 17:43:30 <bartekko> speedoh no
  901. 17:43:35 <AdamTh3Walker> wow man, the tempo holy crap
  902. 17:43:40 <Seventh_Element> bartekko, this is a sync
  903. 17:43:40 * durpyDash ( has joined #bronymusic
  904. 17:43:42 <Seventh_Element> shoosh
  905. 17:43:44 <mcmiag> listen to sci new albummm
  906. 17:43:56 <Eery> this is really hype
  907. 17:43:58 <AdamTh3Walker> yes <3
  908. 17:44:05 <Lyonize_> that sudden change was a little abrupt.
  909. 17:44:31 * DJMidli ( has joined #bronymusic
  910. 17:44:32 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #14: Frozen Wings by SerratedSkies
  911. 17:44:37 <MandraSigma> q
  912. 17:44:38 <johnfn> this is cool heh
  913. 17:44:39 <Lying> good yes
  914. 17:44:43 <Doofcake>
  915. 17:44:48 <Seventh_Element> I don't feel like typing ready any more
  916. 17:44:49 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #14: Frozen Sky-Fins by SerratedSkies
  917. 17:44:58 <Seventh_Element> Doofcake, we are doing a tb sync, shoosh
  918. 17:45:10 <Doofcake> I know, I'm listening dude
  919. 17:45:12 <johnfn> ok whoa
  920. 17:45:12 <annoying_twangM> Oh dat bass
  921. 17:45:14 <Eery> why are the drums so quiet
  922. 17:45:17 <AdamTh3Walker> damn it, doofcake
  923. 17:45:17 <Doofcake> I've been listening since the start Seventh_Element
  924. 17:45:20 <AdamTh3Walker> bahaha
  925. 17:45:26 <Lying> because the bass is enormous
  926. 17:45:27 <annoying_twangM> Its too OP :O
  927. 17:45:33 <ScootaLewis> sounds like we got us less hammerhead sharks and more sawtooth sharks
  928. 17:45:37 <Eery> the bass is like FUCK YOU DRUMS
  929. 17:45:38 <Seventh_Element> I thought we weren't supposed to distract chat with links Doofcake :p just following rules by reminding poeple :c
  930. 17:45:42 <bartekko> there is bass?
  931. 17:45:45 <johnfn> lol Eery
  932. 17:45:49 <FLAOFEI> Sharks yay
  933. 17:45:50 <Lying> dky if you stroke a shark the wrong way its scales cut your hands
  934. 17:45:56 <bartekko> am i listening to the wrong entry
  935. 17:45:58 <Lying> dyk*
  936. 17:45:59 <Eery> srsly?
  937. 17:45:59 <Doofcake> Oh fine
  938. 17:46:00 <Eery> Sick
  939. 17:46:06 <johnfn> Eery: i missed your song, but i listened to it before and the drum work is awesome so i guess thats ok (???)
  940. 17:46:11 <annoying_twangM> LoL Bart
  941. 17:46:13 <AdamTh3Walker> this is like stuff i produced in high school, but better mixed
  942. 17:46:25 <Eery> What, how is that related?
  943. 17:46:31 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #15: Daring Do and the Lost City of the Sea Ponies by Seventh Element
  944. 17:46:32 <annoying_twangM> Water thing
  945. 17:46:37 <annoying_twangM> And bass shark
  946. 17:46:39 <MandraSigma> q
  947. 17:46:42 <johnfn> that was cool
  948. 17:46:48 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #15: Daring Do and the Lost City of the Sea Ponies by Seventh Element (Shoo be doo motherfuckers)
  949. 17:46:58 <bartekko> Celloooooooooow
  950. 17:47:02 <annoying_twangM> Bioshock
  951. 17:47:02 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I am going to peace out
  952. 17:47:06 <Seventh_Element> tl;dr I thought of bioshock while sleep deprived
  953. 17:47:08 <annoying_twangM> I hope no spoilers
  954. 17:47:17 <Eery> yay, 7e forgot the ready
  955. 17:47:20 <AdamTh3Walker> kingsley, have a good one
  956. 17:47:21 <Seventh_Element> I didnt
  957. 17:47:25 <MandraSigma> oh man. seventh getting classy here.
  958. 17:47:26 <Seventh_Element> [17:44:13] <Seventh_Element> I don't feel like typing ready any more
  959. 17:47:27 <bartekko> I should like play bioschock some time
  960. 17:47:34 <Eery> oh
  961. 17:47:38 <Kingsley_Evergreen> Will do.
  962. 17:47:38 <annoying_twangM> Fuck dat Instruments
  963. 17:47:41 <Eery> that didnt show up for me
  964. 17:47:42 <annoying_twangM> Amazing
  965. 17:47:44 <bartekko> NOT TYPING READY: RUINED 4EVA
  966. 17:47:54 <AdamTh3Walker> this sets a nice mood
  967. 17:48:01 <Lyonize_> what do you use to make orchestral sounds?
  968. 17:48:05 <Seventh_Element> LASS
  969. 17:48:09 <AdamTh3Walker> and yes, very bioshock-ish
  970. 17:48:09 <bartekko> Lass is good
  971. 17:48:13 <johnfn> this is nice
  972. 17:48:18 <Lying> oh that string part
  973. 17:48:23 <johnfn> i like how that bassline gives it a feeling of brooding tension
  974. 17:48:29 <MandraSigma> dem strings
  975. 17:48:37 <Eery> this could legit be in like a psychological thriller
  976. 17:48:43 <Lying> ^
  977. 17:48:44 <AdamTh3Walker> i want lass
  978. 17:48:45 <AdamTh3Walker> someday
  979. 17:48:58 <annoying_twangM> Shit this seems so professional XD
  980. 17:48:58 <ScootaLewis> so basically i like this song
  981. 17:48:59 <Resonantwaves> oooooooooooo
  982. 17:49:37 <johnfn> niiice
  983. 17:49:43 <AdamTh3Walker> the kettle <3
  984. 17:49:44 <annoying_twangM> Great
  985. 17:49:58 <johnfn> i like the subtle piano :3
  986. 17:50:10 <AdamTh3Walker> i'm so glad it's there
  987. 17:50:11 <FLAOFEI> Some dark shit this is, i like it
  988. 17:50:13 <ScootaLewis> hery adam
  989. 17:50:14 <ScootaLewis>
  990. 17:50:16 <ScootaLewis> *hey
  991. 17:50:17 <SweetieBelle> ScootaLewis linked Imaginary Landscapes: Scenery born from the minds of gifted artists
  992. 17:50:22 <ScootaLewis> i feel like you'd get a kick out of this
  993. 17:50:27 <Seventh_Element> glad you all liked it:3
  994. 17:50:29 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #16: Dat Shark by Annoying Twang
  995. 17:50:32 <MandraSigma> q
  996. 17:50:37 <Seventh_Element> oh lord
  997. 17:50:37 <johnfn> it was good :3
  998. 17:50:39 <FLAOFEI> SHARK TIME!!!!
  999. 17:50:41 <Seventh_Element> dat wavefrom
  1000. 17:50:49 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #16: DAT SHARK O_O by Annoying Twang
  1001. 17:50:51 * AdamTh3Walker downloads the song and files away lewis's link for later
  1002. 17:50:55 <johnfn> lol Seventh_Element
  1003. 17:51:06 <Lyonize_> woooowwwowowwoooowwww
  1004. 17:51:08 <annoying_twangM> Shit my entry is next to sev :(
  1005. 17:51:15 <johnfn> the soundcloud waveform has singlehandedly gotten me to pay a lot of attention to my dynamic
  1006. 17:51:16 <johnfn> s
  1007. 17:51:23 <Seventh_Element> ^^
  1008. 17:51:26 <Eery> pitchbendy!
  1009. 17:51:28 <AdamTh3Walker> i'm grooving to this
  1010. 17:51:38 <johnfn> i like the echoy sounds
  1011. 17:51:41 <Seventh_Element> This reminds me of adventure time for some reason lol
  1012. 17:51:47 <AdamTh3Walker> haha, me too
  1013. 17:51:51 <Eery> Lovely link in the name, twangy
  1014. 17:51:52 <Eery> 10/10
  1015. 17:51:54 <Lyonize_> what time is it?
  1016. 17:51:58 <FLAOFEI> I expected something else from the waveform
  1017. 17:51:59 <Lyonize_> DROWNING TIME!
  1018. 17:52:02 <annoying_twangM> Jajajaja :3
  1019. 17:52:05 <johnfn> man this is kinda creepy too.
  1020. 17:52:07 <FLAOFEI> This is awsome though
  1021. 17:52:13 <Seventh_Element> haha that that pic
  1022. 17:52:15 <johnfn> tik tik tik tik
  1023. 17:52:17 <Eery> good pic
  1024. 17:52:35 * Kingsley_Evergreen has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  1025. 17:52:36 <annoying_twangM> And... HARCORE PIE! :D
  1026. 17:52:38 <johnfn> lol
  1027. 17:52:39 <johnfn> TROLL DROP
  1028. 17:52:45 <Seventh_Element> O_O
  1029. 17:52:47 <johnfn> nvm
  1030. 17:52:50 <Eery> timestamp
  1031. 17:52:55 <annoying_twangM> 2:00
  1032. 17:53:02 <FLAOFEI> Dat bass
  1033. 17:53:06 <A2Z> drop it
  1034. 17:53:13 <AdamTh3Walker> it reminds me of a band i used to know that played techno with korg tube synths
  1035. 17:53:15 <johnfn> i think when you drop you should immediately introduce the beats too?
  1036. 17:53:17 <FLAOFEI> Max volume time
  1037. 17:53:21 <AdamTh3Walker> this part less so
  1038. 17:53:23 <Eery> drums are.....a bit ..._Drowned_
  1039. 17:53:27 <bartekko> yeah
  1040. 17:53:29 <Doofcake> Nice one
  1041. 17:53:30 <Resonantwaves> ;A;
  1042. 17:53:30 <Seventh_Element> hehe
  1043. 17:53:31 <bartekko> also no cymbals
  1044. 17:53:31 <johnfn> lol Eery
  1045. 17:53:33 <annoying_twangM> LoL
  1046. 17:53:43 <bartekko> feels a bit empty
  1047. 17:53:47 <annoying_twangM> Yep
  1048. 17:53:56 <Seventh_Element> needs some side chaining
  1049. 17:53:57 <johnfn> ok im starting to get it now
  1050. 17:53:57 <Eery> this feels like it should be faster
  1051. 17:54:05 <annoying_twangM> Its 130
  1052. 17:54:09 <Seventh_Element> make that that snyth duck wayyyy under the drums
  1053. 17:54:13 <AdamTh3Walker> this would be really good with more supporting melody/tonality
  1054. 17:54:15 <johnfn> Seventh_Element +1
  1055. 17:54:19 <Eery> 190 is minimum
  1056. 17:54:22 <johnfn> lol
  1057. 17:54:26 <annoying_twangM> XD
  1058. 17:54:40 <annoying_twangM> And here I started being bored
  1059. 17:54:40 <FLAOFEI> Gotta say, I think its fucking perfect
  1060. 17:54:51 <annoying_twangM> Thanks :3
  1061. 17:55:00 <FLAOFEI> I wish I could play it louder though
  1062. 17:55:02 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #17: Hey Hun (teaser) by Marshmelon
  1063. 17:55:09 <johnfn> nice
  1064. 17:55:10 <Eery> Its weird, but I like what you call annoying more, twang
  1065. 17:55:12 <johnfn> dirty :D
  1066. 17:55:14 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #17: Hey Hun (glub glub) by Fishmelon
  1067. 17:55:14 * AurumNoble has quit ()
  1068. 17:55:14 <FrozenShadow> Enh.
  1069. 17:55:31 <AdamTh3Walker> whao
  1070. 17:55:33 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1071. 17:55:34 <Seventh_Element> this is
  1072. 17:55:35 <johnfn> :O
  1073. 17:55:36 <Seventh_Element> what
  1074. 17:55:36 <Eery> touch my face
  1075. 17:55:37 <ScootaLewis> technologic
  1076. 17:55:43 <annoying_twangM> That was a mixture between dark and annoying
  1077. 17:55:44 <bartekko> wtf
  1078. 17:55:46 <Seventh_Element> technologic meats call me maybe
  1079. 17:55:47 <johnfn> lol vocals
  1080. 17:55:47 <AdamTh3Walker> this is going in my collection
  1081. 17:55:49 <Seventh_Element> *meets
  1082. 17:55:50 <annoying_twangM> And this is amazing :D
  1083. 17:55:51 <Eery> this is weird
  1084. 17:55:55 <Lying> peaches is pone now
  1085. 17:55:58 <AdamTh3Walker> ahahahaha
  1086. 17:56:02 <FrozenShadow> You smell like static.
  1087. 17:56:02 <bartekko> wtaf
  1088. 17:56:04 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1089. 17:56:10 <FLAOFEI> Borderlands midget rap
  1090. 17:56:10 <johnfn> HEY
  1091. 17:56:12 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #18: Drifting by johnfn
  1092. 17:56:13 * Pick has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  1093. 17:56:20 <johnfn> that was intriguing..
  1094. 17:56:20 <Eery> shun the heretic
  1095. 17:56:20 * mcmiag has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  1096. 17:56:21 <Seventh_Element> >Oh yeah, and I'm putting my theme suggestions here, so EVERYONE can see them: The fanmade episode "Double Rainboom" seems like it should get a compo, idk.
  1097. 17:56:22 <ScootaLewis> you're up johnfn
  1098. 17:56:22 <Seventh_Element> no
  1099. 17:56:27 <johnfn> uh oh
  1100. 17:56:27 <ScootaLewis> time to show us whatchu got
  1101. 17:56:28 <Seventh_Element> >HIS week, the Japanese dub of MLP:FiM was released. So perhaps a moonland-compo?
  1102. 17:56:28 <AdamTh3Walker> shun the herring
  1103. 17:56:29 <Seventh_Element> yes
  1104. 17:56:30 <MandraSigma> q
  1105. 17:56:37 <Eery> Sonic rainboom was horrible
  1106. 17:56:38 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #18: Drifting by john(fishi'n)
  1107. 17:56:50 <bartekko> double rainboom was terrible on the other hand
  1108. 17:56:56 <Eery> Oh yeah!
  1109. 17:56:56 <annoying_twangM> My theme is better "Pony Orgy"
  1110. 17:57:00 <annoying_twangM> Atemporal theme
  1111. 17:57:08 <AdamTh3Walker> Double Rainboom was entertaining, but very poorly edited?
  1112. 17:57:08 <Lying> generation 1 episode 1 response
  1113. 17:57:11 <Eery> Snowdrop was lovely
  1114. 17:57:17 <AdamTh3Walker> i don't like saying things about things
  1115. 17:57:20 <annoying_twangM> I liked Double Rainboom
  1116. 17:57:33 <Eery> The writing was just bad, really
  1117. 17:57:34 <AdamTh3Walker> the second half caught me off guard
  1118. 17:57:37 <FLAOFEI> PON ORG FOR THEME
  1119. 17:57:38 <Eery> this is cool
  1120. 17:57:41 <FrozenShadow> Idea! Everyone do a remix of Discord by Eurobeat Brony!
  1121. 17:57:45 <Eery> NO
  1122. 17:57:45 <FrozenShadow> jklol
  1123. 17:57:50 <ScootaLewis> reminds me of Doctor from Homestuck...
  1124. 17:57:52 <annoying_twangM> This is nice dude! :D
  1125. 17:57:52 <AdamTh3Walker> so
  1126. 17:57:55 <Lyonize_> i like this a lot. could use a little better eq-ing tho
  1127. 17:57:56 <Seventh_Element> Rainbow Factory remix contest
  1128. 17:58:00 <AdamTh3Walker> this is amazing
  1129. 17:58:02 <bartekko> of doc scratch?
  1130. 17:58:03 <bartekko> nah
  1131. 17:58:04 <Lying> no one could top ghelded's cover of discord anyway
  1132. 17:58:04 <Eery> ;#;
  1133. 17:58:07 <johnfn> yeah i suck at eq :(
  1134. 17:58:15 <Eery> Ghelded is batshi
  1135. 17:58:16 <johnfn> i put myself in hard situations like this to get better at it lol
  1136. 17:58:17 <AdamTh3Walker> i actually know some latin
  1137. 17:58:18 <Seventh_Element> This is very nice :3
  1138. 17:58:26 <bartekko> if anyone this reminds me of nepeta
  1139. 17:58:31 <AdamTh3Walker> oh, man.
  1140. 17:58:32 <johnfn> hahahaha
  1141. 17:58:49 <AdamTh3Walker> downloading this.
  1142. 17:58:49 <annoying_twangM> Oh Man...
  1143. 17:58:54 <Seventh_Element> this is v e r y homestuck tho
  1144. 17:58:58 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1145. 17:59:03 <bartekko> yes
  1146. 17:59:04 <FrozenShadow> oh, yeah.
  1147. 17:59:07 <bartekko> very homestuck
  1148. 17:59:07 <johnfn> funny, i wasn't thinking of homestuck at all when i wrote it
  1149. 17:59:10 <johnfn> but i like homestuck so ok
  1150. 17:59:13 <Lying> pretty
  1151. 17:59:29 <annoying_twangM> I saw homestuck, got bored in 5 minutes :(
  1152. 17:59:40 <annoying_twangM> I should watch it more?
  1153. 17:59:41 <Lying> downloading all the entries pretty much, this has been awesome
  1154. 17:59:42 <FrozenShadow> It gets interesting after the first 50 pages.
  1155. 17:59:42 <Seventh_Element> annoying_twangM, it takes time to get into
  1156. 17:59:44 <AdamTh3Walker> that melody and chord structure is addictive
  1157. 17:59:51 <ScootaLewis>
  1158. 17:59:52 <Resonantwaves> ITS AWESOME
  1159. 17:59:57 <bartekko> homestuck is a great sho
  1160. 17:59:59 <bartekko> w
  1161. 18:00:00 <johnfn> ScootaLewis: homestuck is a great anime
  1162. 18:00:03 <johnfn> prob my favorite
  1163. 18:00:05 <annoying_twangM> Downloading bro...
  1164. 18:00:06 <AdamTh3Walker> lol
  1165. 18:00:07 <Resonantwaves> isnt homestruck a comic? o.O?
  1166. 18:00:09 <ScootaLewis> *rolls eyes*
  1167. 18:00:12 <Seventh_Element> Resonantwaves, kindaaaaa
  1168. 18:00:17 <Seventh_Element> sortaaaaa
  1169. 18:00:18 <Eery> I thought homestuck was a novel
  1170. 18:00:19 <Lyonize_> this part sounds like the underwater levels of Super Mario 64
  1171. 18:00:23 <ScootaLewis> there's a lot of words
  1172. 18:00:26 <Resonantwaves> i found out of homestruck cause of moonstuck
  1173. 18:00:27 <Eery> The sequel to 50 shades of grey
  1174. 18:00:28 <Seventh_Element> abrupt_end
  1175. 18:00:29 <AdamTh3Walker> oh no
  1176. 18:00:30 <bartekko> i've been watching it ever since it started airing on cartoon tv
  1177. 18:00:31 <annoying_twangM> Wow :D
  1179. 18:00:31 <AdamTh3Walker> :D
  1180. 18:00:33 <johnfn> thanks for listening
  1181. 18:00:33 <ScootaLewis> it's more like a picture book with interactive segments
  1182. 18:00:37 <Resonantwaves> this is a awesome song john
  1183. 18:00:46 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #19: Don't Go It Alone (WIP) by atw
  1184. 18:00:46 <Eery> !Whatis homestuck
  1185. 18:00:47 <annoying_twangM> Dat ending
  1186. 18:00:47 <EqBot> homestuck is a great sho
  1187. 18:00:47 * ccccocoa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1188. 18:00:55 <Resonantwaves> XD
  1189. 18:00:58 <annoying_twangM> LoL
  1190. 18:00:59 * ccccocoa ( has joined #bronymusic
  1191. 18:01:04 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #19: Don't Glub It Alone (WIP) by atw
  1192. 18:01:07 <johnfn> whoa another page
  1193. 18:01:10 <johnfn> i thought i was the last one
  1194. 18:01:12 <Eery> ooooh!
  1195. 18:01:19 <Eery> minimal sounds!
  1196. 18:01:27 <AdamTh3Walker> i'm sorry i didn't have time to polish this up more
  1197. 18:01:34 <Seventh_Element> oh
  1198. 18:01:34 <AdamTh3Walker> i started it this morning
  1199. 18:01:37 <ScootaLewis> that percussion
  1200. 18:01:37 <annoying_twangM> This have me hyped :D
  1201. 18:01:38 <Seventh_Element> atw = AdamTh3Walker
  1202. 18:01:40 <Eery> Sounding cool
  1203. 18:01:40 <Seventh_Element> herp
  1204. 18:01:40 <johnfn> whoa
  1205. 18:01:41 <Seventh_Element> derp
  1206. 18:01:41 <ScootaLewis> i hear you there
  1207. 18:01:44 <Eery> Ohi piano!
  1208. 18:01:46 <ScootaLewis> and that rhythm is sure nice
  1209. 18:01:52 <Lying> !
  1210. 18:01:53 <Seventh_Element> hot damn
  1211. 18:01:56 <ScootaLewis> god i love rhythms like that
  1212. 18:01:57 <annoying_twangM> Dat rhythm :D
  1213. 18:02:00 <Seventh_Element> AdamTh3Walker, what the hell chords are those
  1214. 18:02:01 <Eery> This is getting me all giddy
  1215. 18:02:02 <Lyonize_> nice and jazzy
  1216. 18:02:04 <Seventh_Element> I want them
  1217. 18:02:05 <Lying> FIT
  1218. 18:02:07 <AdamTh3Walker> i just like
  1219. 18:02:08 <johnfn> something something 7th something
  1220. 18:02:13 <AdamTh3Walker> played a bunch of keys
  1221. 18:02:19 <Seventh_Element> :|
  1222. 18:02:19 <johnfn> lol
  1223. 18:02:21 <ScootaLewis> this is like orange jazz
  1224. 18:02:21 <FLAOFEI> Funky drums
  1225. 18:02:22 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #20: Dashing or Drowning by Kingsley Evergreen
  1226. 18:02:23 <johnfn> that sounds like jazz to me
  1227. 18:02:23 <annoying_twangM> Is Somasis still making a recopilation Of this?
  1228. 18:02:24 <Eery> AWWWW
  1229. 18:02:26 <ScootaLewis> smooth and fresh
  1230. 18:02:27 <Eery> Should be longer
  1231. 18:02:30 <johnfn> nice start
  1232. 18:02:32 <bartekko> old school trance
  1233. 18:02:35 <Somasis> hahano
  1234. 18:02:36 <Resonantwaves> awwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaa
  1235. 18:02:39 <bartekko> AW YUS SUPERSAWS TRANCEGATES
  1236. 18:02:45 * Resonantwaves slides off chair
  1237. 18:02:47 <bartekko> 140BPM LETS GET THIS BITCH ON
  1238. 18:02:48 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #20: Drowning or Drowning by Kingsley Everglub
  1239. 18:02:50 <Eery> I thought you said you was supposed to do that, somasis?
  1240. 18:02:50 <AdamTh3Walker> it's going to be a part of a really long song
  1241. 18:02:51 <MandraSigma> how oldschool?
  1242. 18:02:53 <FrozenShadow> 8 minutes? I hope it's good.
  1243. 18:02:57 <Somasis> yeah well
  1244. 18:03:01 <bartekko> mmm
  1245. 18:03:03 <bartekko> not bad
  1246. 18:03:04 <MandraSigma> oh not that oldschool.
  1247. 18:03:04 <Somasis> it turns out there's too much fucking songs ~
  1248. 18:03:08 <Eery> This isnt the kingsley I know at all D:
  1249. 18:03:08 <annoying_twangM> Starts nice
  1250. 18:03:13 <Eery> you could ask for like
  1251. 18:03:15 <Eery> help, somasis
  1252. 18:03:21 <AdamTh3Walker> this, i like
  1253. 18:03:30 <FrozenShadow> This kinda reminds me of Homestuck too.
  1254. 18:03:35 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1255. 18:03:35 <Eery> Someone could even write a script
  1256. 18:03:36 <annoying_twangM> Yep, if you need help I can backup songs or something
  1257. 18:03:39 <bartekko> is the saw bass panned
  1258. 18:04:12 <annoying_twangM> Shit this is amazing
  1259. 18:04:19 <annoying_twangM> Im saying amazing too much...
  1260. 18:04:24 <annoying_twangM> But I need
  1261. 18:04:25 <AdamTh3Walker> i feel ya
  1262. 18:04:28 <Eery> FABOLOUS
  1263. 18:04:37 <Eery> thats what this is
  1264. 18:04:41 <johnfn> UNCREDIBLE
  1265. 18:04:49 <AdamTh3Walker> amazing is all i think of every time i listen to toastbears
  1266. 18:04:49 <FrozenShadow> There are too many good entries this week.
  1267. 18:04:50 <annoying_twangM> AMERZING
  1268. 18:04:57 <Eery> FANTASNUBICAL
  1269. 18:05:07 <Seventh_Element> whenever I listen in to tb
  1270. 18:05:09 <Seventh_Element> I think
  1271. 18:05:10 <FrozenShadow> toastbears? Are those bears mad of toast?
  1272. 18:05:19 <bartekko> i was going to comment on length but then i got reminded that my entry was 7 minutes
  1273. 18:05:20 <annoying_twangM> Wut XD
  1274. 18:05:21 <Seventh_Element> "wow, my music is so god damn boring compared tothis""
  1275. 18:05:22 <FrozenShadow> (atw)
  1276. 18:05:23 <Eery> Those damn toastbears
  1277. 18:05:28 <johnfn> Seventh_Element: yeah
  1278. 18:05:30 <Eery> Seventh, I feel you
  1279. 18:05:33 <Seventh_Element> toastbears eat dropbears
  1280. 18:05:45 <Eery> This is alright, but its a bit dull.
  1281. 18:05:47 <Seventh_Element> !mail Flutterbro [18:04:57] <Seventh_Element> toastbears eat dropbears
  1282. 18:05:47 * SweetieBelle whirrs and clicks at Seventh_Element as she stores the mail for Flutterbro
  1283. 18:06:00 <Lying> I like it but it could probably do with a little more variation
  1284. 18:06:08 <Eery> If its oldschool, I somehow expected more ravey elements too
  1285. 18:06:15 <annoying_twangM> Shit when I ear songs like this is like "Shit twag, you should do domething worked like this"
  1286. 18:06:21 <Eery> more hypnotizing
  1287. 18:06:29 <annoying_twangM> Catchy
  1288. 18:06:37 * Flac ( has joined #bronymusic
  1289. 18:06:43 <johnfn> Lying: yeah the plunky synth could be varied up a little
  1290. 18:06:59 <Eery> I would love an arp with a phaser
  1291. 18:06:59 <annoying_twangM> This is not so old school
  1292. 18:07:06 * Kingsley_Evergreen ( has joined #bronymusic
  1293. 18:07:07 <Eery> Nah, needs more hypnotizing
  1294. 18:07:07 <Lying> middle-age school
  1295. 18:07:07 <ScootaLewis> timestamp
  1296. 18:07:09 <AdamTh3Walker> wb!
  1297. 18:07:11 <Kingsley_Evergreen> so where are we?
  1298. 18:07:14 <AdamTh3Walker> 4:20
  1299. 18:07:15 <Eery> your entry
  1300. 18:07:19 <Lying> toke
  1301. 18:07:22 * JasperSynth has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  1302. 18:07:22 <Kingsley_Evergreen> really?
  1303. 18:07:22 <Eery> toek
  1304. 18:07:25 <Kingsley_Evergreen> coo coo
  1305. 18:07:25 <AdamTh3Walker> yes yes
  1306. 18:07:34 <Lying> coat
  1307. 18:07:50 <Eery> It could need more ravey elements like hypnotizing phaserarps
  1308. 18:07:54 <AdamTh3Walker> good bass drum
  1309. 18:07:55 <Eery> since oldschool trance
  1310. 18:08:00 <johnfn> oh this is nice
  1311. 18:08:09 <Eery> now its getting cooler
  1312. 18:08:11 <Kingsley_Evergreen> thanks! the mix is not good but still
  1313. 18:08:12 <annoying_twangM> Eeyup im with Eery
  1314. 18:08:16 <Lying> yeah
  1315. 18:08:24 <FrozenShadow> Hey, is back up!
  1316. 18:08:25 <SweetieBelle> FrozenShadow linked EqD music - Home
  1317. 18:08:26 <bartekko> there's not enough rave supersaw stabs tho
  1318. 18:08:27 <Lying> this bit's niiiiiice
  1319. 18:08:35 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I guess
  1320. 18:08:39 <Lying> or blast beats
  1321. 18:08:47 <Eery> kingsley_evergreen, sit down and listen to some 1200 micrograms. It will be a lovely time
  1322. 18:08:51 <annoying_twangM> And drug, where are the drugs? Gimme moar!
  1323. 18:08:54 <Eery> oooh
  1324. 18:08:59 <Eery> here we go! some 303
  1325. 18:09:19 <Kingsley_Evergreen> I think I shall
  1326. 18:09:25 <AdamTh3Walker> this is pretty future city
  1327. 18:09:27 <annoying_twangM> :P
  1328. 18:09:31 <AdamTh3Walker> i like it
  1329. 18:09:33 <johnfn> AdamTh3Walker: yeah
  1330. 18:09:34 <Eery> Pretty good entry though
  1331. 18:09:36 <Kingsley_Evergreen> what part are we at?
  1332. 18:09:38 <annoying_twangM> But amazing entry dude
  1333. 18:09:44 <annoying_twangM> Ending
  1334. 18:09:48 <AdamTh3Walker> about thirty before the end
  1335. 18:10:02 <Kingsley_Evergreen> thanks!
  1336. 18:10:07 <ScootaLewis> brb
  1337. 18:10:09 * ScootaLewis ( has left #bronymusic
  1338. 18:10:11 <Eery> Lying, do you play that one game with the fat russian, and the skinny boston guy and the french invisible guy?
  1339. 18:10:26 * ScootaLewis ( has joined #bronymusic
  1340. 18:10:37 <annoying_twangM> Virginmedia
  1341. 18:10:43 <Lying> I can't say I do
  1342. 18:10:46 <Lying> what game is this?
  1343. 18:10:47 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #21: Seafunk by Lying Pink
  1344. 18:10:47 <Eery> oh ok
  1345. 18:10:48 <Lying> oh wait
  1346. 18:10:50 <johnfn> nice song
  1347. 18:10:51 <MandraSigma> q
  1348. 18:10:51 <Lying> you mean tf2
  1349. 18:10:54 <Eery> I do!
  1350. 18:10:58 <Lying> I finished the tutorials
  1351. 18:11:00 <Seventh_Element> (sorry for the pun)
  1352. 18:11:00 <ScootaLewis> tf2 where
  1353. 18:11:00 <Lying> and then er
  1354. 18:11:01 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #21: Seapunk(oh god) by Lying Pink
  1355. 18:11:02 <Lying> haven't got back to it
  1356. 18:11:05 <Eery> ah ok
  1357. 18:11:07 <Kingsley_Evergreen> Eery I shall listen and enjoy
  1358. 18:11:08 <bartekko> after long entries i always panic that i forgot how to queue
  1359. 18:11:11 <AdamTh3Walker> oh, cool!
  1360. 18:11:15 <Seventh_Element> Seafunk->seapunk
  1361. 18:11:16 <Lyonize_> lol glub glub
  1362. 18:11:17 <Seventh_Element> but yeah
  1363. 18:11:18 <FLAOFEI> Btw, was this the synch where whoever won got some game..?
  1364. 18:11:18 <AdamTh3Walker> whow
  1365. 18:11:18 <Seventh_Element> cool
  1366. 18:11:22 <Eery> Damn seaponies
  1367. 18:11:23 <FrozenShadow> glub
  1368. 18:11:23 <johnfn> acid :D
  1369. 18:11:24 <AdamTh3Walker> holy cats
  1370. 18:11:28 <Eery> shob!
  1371. 18:11:29 <A2Z> that was wat17
  1372. 18:11:33 <Eery> This is hot
  1373. 18:11:39 <annoying_twangM> Clop clop!
  1374. 18:11:42 <Seventh_Element> this compo needs seapunk tho
  1375. 18:11:43 <AdamTh3Walker> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhat
  1376. 18:11:43 <annoying_twangM> He commands me!
  1377. 18:11:50 <bartekko> 01:10] <FrozenShadow> glub <--- i always thought it was "klahb klahb"
  1378. 18:11:51 <A2Z> too much epic in this TB I cant stand it
  1379. 18:11:56 <Eery> This is really really really good
  1380. 18:11:57 * Stormie (Stormie@199.172.ijr.jih) has joined #bronymusic
  1381. 18:11:58 <bartekko> because i'm polish and i translate shit differently
  1382. 18:12:05 <annoying_twangM> Oh shit
  1383. 18:12:06 <AdamTh3Walker> i love this
  1384. 18:12:08 <ScootaLewis> glub glub huge fish
  1385. 18:12:09 * Kingsley_Evergreen has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  1386. 18:12:10 <annoying_twangM> Dat... Vibrato?
  1387. 18:12:12 <Eery> getting my vote
  1388. 18:12:12 * Kingsley_Evergreen ( has joined #bronymusic
  1389. 18:12:17 * pony_613874 ( has joined #bronymusic
  1390. 18:12:21 * pony_613874 is now known as mcmiag
  1391. 18:12:22 <johnfn> i like that bassline
  1392. 18:12:23 <Seventh_Element> funkay
  1393. 18:12:26 <annoying_twangM> Fuck funk fuck
  1394. 18:12:29 <FrozenShadow> Oh yeah? I glub this.
  1395. 18:12:45 <A2Z> funky junk
  1396. 18:13:00 <Eery> tasty vocoder
  1397. 18:13:05 <annoying_twangM> Kingdom Of underwater funk XD
  1398. 18:13:05 <AdamTh3Walker> i can hear a place for some bright glissando strings later on
  1399. 18:13:13 <annoying_twangM> Love this guy
  1400. 18:13:15 <annoying_twangM> Jajajajaja
  1401. 18:13:21 <johnfn> wow
  1402. 18:13:48 <bartekko> this is good
  1403. 18:13:48 <annoying_twangM> Mah vote
  1404. 18:13:52 <Eery> the discription is not at all whats going on in my head
  1405. 18:14:04 <AdamTh3Walker> shoob
  1406. 18:14:05 <johnfn> ………. :O
  1407. 18:14:06 <AdamTh3Walker> okay
  1408. 18:14:10 <Eery> Round 2
  1409. 18:14:11 <AdamTh3Walker> <3
  1410. 18:14:20 <AdamTh3Walker> the stabs, man
  1411. 18:14:23 <Eery> We can't stop here! This is sci country
  1412. 18:14:24 * Kingsley_Evergreen has quit (Client Quit)
  1413. 18:14:26 <annoying_twangM> HOLY DRUMS!!!
  1414. 18:14:31 <ScootaLewis> nono
  1415. 18:14:31 <johnfn> lol Eery
  1416. 18:14:36 <ScootaLewis> sci country is out -next- stop
  1417. 18:14:40 <ScootaLewis> *our
  1418. 18:14:43 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #22: TIL 128 GRV > 98 Hz by anosa
  1419. 18:14:45 <Seventh_Element> er
  1420. 18:14:45 <MandraSigma> q
  1421. 18:14:47 <Seventh_Element> oop
  1422. 18:14:47 <AdamTh3Walker> these are just the foothills, then?
  1423. 18:14:49 <johnfn> that was wonderful
  1424. 18:14:53 <AdamTh3Walker> ^
  1425. 18:14:54 <Eery> What are you talkign about scootalewis? thats anosa
  1426. 18:14:57 * cyrricky has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  1427. 18:14:57 <Lying> :) thanks
  1428. 18:15:04 <ScootaLewis> anosa more like closa nuff
  1429. 18:15:10 <AdamTh3Walker> ohhhhh
  1430. 18:15:14 <annoying_twangM> First I though that he stole a song to sci, then check that is anosa XD
  1431. 18:15:16 <A2Z> burn
  1432. 18:15:19 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #22: TIL 128 GRV > 98 Hz by anosea
  1433. 18:15:28 <Eery> Oh man
  1434. 18:15:29 <Seventh_Element> and here comes more funk
  1435. 18:15:31 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1436. 18:15:32 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1437. 18:15:36 <Eery> Im bobbing my head to this
  1438. 18:15:39 <johnfn> yuuuuuuuup
  1439. 18:15:44 <A2Z> welcome to the funk section of tonights sync
  1440. 18:15:45 <annoying_twangM> First page bass and filters
  1441. 18:15:54 <annoying_twangM> 2nd CRAZY AMAZINF FUNK!!!
  1442. 18:16:08 <Lying> p-funk
  1443. 18:16:10 <Lying> uncut funk
  1444. 18:16:11 <Lying> the BOMB
  1445. 18:16:21 <AdamTh3Walker> i can't even try to stop dancing
  1446. 18:16:22 <Eery> I expected DAYUMSON WHERED YOU FIND THIS
  1447. 18:16:22 <MandraSigma> this is boss.
  1448. 18:16:29 <annoying_twangM> Eery I created a song called Bobbin head XD
  1449. 18:16:29 <Lying> DAYUM SON
  1450. 18:16:33 <Lyonize_> ok who leaked daft punk into TB?
  1451. 18:16:34 <Lying> WHERE'D YOU FIND PISS
  1452. 18:16:40 <johnfn> this is awesome
  1453. 18:16:47 <annoying_twangM> Shit Sci MARRY ME
  1454. 18:16:50 <bartekko> someone is messing with the filter
  1455. 18:16:58 <Eery> this is so good
  1456. 18:17:11 <ScootaLewis> i'm pretty sure sci has a policy on anguished declarations of love
  1457. 18:17:13 <Eery> So downloading this EP
  1458. 18:17:24 * annoying_twangM is buying the EP now...
  1459. 18:17:26 <ScootaLewis> i liked it so much i paid for it
  1460. 18:17:27 <AdamTh3Walker> yes
  1461. 18:17:38 <annoying_twangM> Fuck me and my mobile phone writing speed
  1462. 18:17:40 <Eery> did it just end?
  1463. 18:17:44 <AdamTh3Walker> whooooo, hahahaha
  1464. 18:17:46 <FrozenShadow> eeyyup
  1465. 18:17:47 <ScootaLewis> it trnsitions on the ep
  1466. 18:17:50 <Eery> aah
  1467. 18:17:53 * bartekko pokes Seventh_Element
  1468. 18:17:56 <Seventh_Element> yeah I know
  1469. 18:17:58 <ScootaLewis> it's practically one long song
  1470. 18:18:05 <Doofcake> Yup
  1471. 18:18:05 <annoying_twangM> Sev?
  1472. 18:18:06 <Seventh_Element> I thought it abrupt ended
  1473. 18:18:08 <Doofcake> Go pay for it
  1474. 18:18:10 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #23: Desperate for Air by MandraSigma
  1475. 18:18:23 <Seventh_Element> the embeded player on tb ALWAYS FUCKS UP FOR ME
  1476. 18:18:27 <Seventh_Element> so I had to make sure
  1477. 18:18:29 <annoying_twangM> Doofcakes says to pay
  1478. 18:18:29 <Seventh_Element> it still wasn't going
  1479. 18:18:33 <annoying_twangM> Now I dont pay :(
  1480. 18:18:35 <ScootaLewis> i paid
  1481. 18:18:35 <ScootaLewis> fo' dolla
  1482. 18:18:35 <ScootaLewis> foah hole dolla
  1483. 18:18:38 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #23: Desperate for Water by MandraSeagma
  1484. 18:18:45 <Eery> bitcrush yay
  1485. 18:18:52 <FrozenShadow> cool. I like so far.
  1486. 18:18:52 <johnfn> ok
  1487. 18:18:53 <AdamTh3Walker> yep
  1488. 18:18:53 <johnfn> this is cool
  1489. 18:18:58 <annoying_twangM> Down saple FTW
  1490. 18:18:59 <Lying> but not bitcrush yaya
  1491. 18:19:02 <AdamTh3Walker> good melody
  1492. 18:19:07 <Seventh_Element> mmm
  1493. 18:19:12 <bartekko> hey hey hey
  1494. 18:19:14 <ScootaLewis> stillness of the water against the frantic beating of the panicked heart
  1495. 18:19:14 <bartekko> son
  1496. 18:19:21 <Eery> Is that not bitcrush? then what is it?
  1497. 18:19:21 <AdamTh3Walker> great chords wow
  1498. 18:19:25 <bartekko> that's my genre you're stealing there
  1499. 18:19:39 <annoying_twangM> What DRUMS are those
  1500. 18:19:40 <Seventh_Element> I feel like if this had slightly different sounds
  1501. 18:19:40 <AdamTh3Walker> mine too? maybe? do i even have one
  1502. 18:19:41 <annoying_twangM> ?
  1503. 18:19:47 <Seventh_Element> it could be a Trauma Center song
  1504. 18:19:48 <Seventh_Element> lol
  1505. 18:19:48 <Lying> it is bitcrush, isn't it? I was making a terrible pun about yayayay bitcrush sounds
  1506. 18:19:49 <AdamTh3Walker> haha
  1507. 18:19:59 <Seventh_Element> SCALPEL
  1508. 18:20:04 <Eery> Either Im stupid or it was a bad joke
  1509. 18:20:05 <annoying_twangM> LOL
  1510. 18:20:08 <ScootaLewis> and who the hell is JJPoni
  1511. 18:20:09 <Lying> it was a bad joke
  1512. 18:20:13 <Seventh_Element> SYRINGE FULL OF HEALY STUFF
  1513. 18:20:15 <Lying> I make no other kind of jokes
  1514. 18:20:19 <annoying_twangM> JojoPony
  1515. 18:20:23 <Eery> JJponi has entered for like the last 3 tbs
  1516. 18:20:25 <Seventh_Element> ScootaLewis, he's been here since last freakin' 3 compos
  1517. 18:20:32 <Eery> Its some kawaii dude that makes kawaii music
  1518. 18:20:32 <ScootaLewis> they're like a benevolent jhaddash
  1519. 18:20:33 <ScootaLewis> i know
  1520. 18:20:33 <ScootaLewis> it's mysterious
  1521. 18:20:38 <ScootaLewis> and adorable
  1522. 18:20:44 <Eery> ^____^
  1523. 18:20:55 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #24: umi ponies!! by JJPoni
  1524. 18:21:00 <AdamTh3Walker> mysterious and adorable where
  1525. 18:21:00 <johnfn> that was good
  1526. 18:21:01 <A2Z> I like being confused like this
  1527. 18:21:03 <Lying> ^VVV^
  1528. 18:21:03 <MandraSigma> q
  1529. 18:21:06 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #24: umi sea-ponies!! by JJPoni
  1530. 18:21:06 <ScootaLewis> right here adam
  1531. 18:21:11 <Eery> swimming is a perfect activity for the summer!!! :D
  1532. 18:21:13 <Doofcake> Sounds
  1533. 18:21:17 <AdamTh3Walker> oh my gosh
  1534. 18:21:21 <Eery> Thats definely sounds
  1535. 18:21:25 <Eery> I bet its like doofcake
  1536. 18:21:28 <MandraSigma> sorry for the bad dynamics. I had to show my bassline who was boss.
  1537. 18:21:29 * Flutterbro (Brodie@Fluttershys.Shed) has joined #bronymusic
  1538. 18:21:29 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Flutterbro
  1539. 18:21:30 <SweetieBelle> Flutterbro: You've got mail!
  1540. 18:21:30 <SweetieBelle> 15 minutes ago from Seventh_Element: [18:04:57] <Seventh_Element> toastbears eat dropbears
  1541. 18:21:51 <ScootaLewis> mysterious because we don't know who made it
  1542. 18:21:55 <Flutterbro> lavender prooving that using shifted claps in drum and bass is very bad
  1543. 18:21:56 <Flutterbro>
  1544. 18:21:56 <ScootaLewis> adorable because
  1545. 18:21:56 <SweetieBelle> Flutterbro linked SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
  1546. 18:21:57 <ScootaLewis> well
  1547. 18:21:58 <Eery> Umi = sea
  1548. 18:21:58 <Doofcake> :P
  1549. 18:21:59 <Flutterbro> proving even
  1550. 18:22:00 <Eery> OH hahahaha
  1551. 18:22:00 <ScootaLewis> fuckin listen to this
  1552. 18:22:01 <bartekko>
  1553. 18:22:11 <Doofcake> Oh look, time for my sounds
  1554. 18:22:11 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #25: Drowning by Doofcake
  1555. 18:22:13 <Flutterbro> oh
  1556. 18:22:15 <Flutterbro> toastbeard
  1557. 18:22:16 <AdamTh3Walker> holy cats
  1558. 18:22:18 <Flutterbro> is happening
  1559. 18:22:21 <AdamTh3Walker> that wwas wonderful
  1560. 18:22:21 <johnfn> cool
  1561. 18:22:23 <Doofcake> Flutterbro
  1562. 18:22:23 <SweetieBelle> Doofcake linked ZIQ66 - Toast Beard
  1563. 18:22:28 <MandraSigma> q
  1564. 18:22:28 <Aba[Vinyl]> Flutterbro, what's the difference between shifted claps and regular claps?
  1565. 18:22:31 <Eery> I like that mcmiag is at the end
  1566. 18:22:36 <Eery> everything feels right in the world
  1567. 18:22:40 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #25: How Many Times Are we going to Drown by Doofish
  1568. 18:22:41 <Lying> yes
  1569. 18:22:42 <ScootaLewis> yeh
  1570. 18:22:43 <Flutterbro> shifted claps are two different claps slightly out of sync
  1571. 18:22:46 <Flutterbro> works sometimes in house
  1572. 18:22:52 <Flutterbro> not in drum and bass
  1573. 18:22:57 <A2Z> 3 times seventh, three
  1574. 18:22:59 <AdamTh3Walker> wow
  1575. 18:23:01 <Flutterbro> why did lavender do this
  1576. 18:23:02 <Flutterbro> why
  1577. 18:23:05 <Seventh_Element> Flutterbro,
  1578. 18:23:22 <Eery> Is there whispery vocals?
  1579. 18:23:26 <Doofcake> yes
  1580. 18:23:29 <Seventh_Element> ahh Doofcake very calm
  1581. 18:23:34 <Eery> "save me"
  1582. 18:23:35 <A2Z> cause doofcake has a nice voice
  1583. 18:23:36 <Flutterbro> wh
  1584. 18:23:37 <Flutterbro> at
  1585. 18:23:40 <Seventh_Element> a little minecrafty
  1586. 18:23:43 * durpyDash has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
  1587. 18:23:44 <Lying> literally want to vote for everything
  1588. 18:23:45 <Seventh_Element> Flutterbro, T O A S T B E A R D
  1589. 18:23:47 <Lying> system is broken
  1590. 18:23:48 <AdamTh3Walker> Doofcake, wow, this is really cool
  1591. 18:23:49 <Eery> Lying, I know!
  1592. 18:23:53 <annoying_twangM> This is rainbow factory remix -> dont like :(
  1593. 18:23:53 <A2Z> yea, reminds me of minecraft a lot actually
  1594. 18:23:54 <Flutterbro> ur mom
  1595. 18:23:57 <Doofcake> Thanks :3
  1596. 18:24:05 <Eery> Block/10
  1597. 18:24:16 <ScootaLewis> there's too much here for minecraft
  1598. 18:24:24 <Seventh_Element> kinda
  1599. 18:24:24 <AdamTh3Walker> good chords!
  1600. 18:24:30 <BrightCloud> Flutterbro:
  1601. 18:24:32 <Seventh_Element> it wanders similarly
  1602. 18:24:33 <ScootaLewis> minecraft music is more like
  1603. 18:24:36 <annoying_twangM> ssssssssssSssSsBOOM and drop
  1604. 18:24:42 <Flutterbro> BrightCloud what about it :c
  1605. 18:24:43 <johnfn> this is nice
  1606. 18:24:44 <ScootaLewis> *piano note floating on the wind*
  1607. 18:24:44 <bartekko> i linked that before
  1608. 18:24:52 <Flutterbro> I reblogged that like 20 minutes ago
  1609. 18:25:02 <A2Z> this is going in my "music to listen to and feel good" folder
  1610. 18:25:06 <bartekko> 20 minutes ago i clicked like on it when it was on flutterbro's blog
  1611. 18:25:11 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #26: Up For Air by A2Z
  1612. 18:25:14 <johnfn> that was chill
  1613. 18:25:14 <MandraSigma> q
  1614. 18:25:16 <johnfn> nice piano :)
  1615. 18:25:16 <Doofcake> And that's it
  1616. 18:25:20 <A2Z> mine totally different
  1617. 18:25:23 <AdamTh3Walker> that's beautiful
  1618. 18:25:31 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #26: Down For Water by A2Z
  1619. 18:25:33 <annoying_twangM> Beautiful doof
  1620. 18:25:38 <Doofcake> :3
  1621. 18:25:47 <ScootaLewis> oh 'ello
  1622. 18:25:48 <Eery> A2Z, this reminds me of some tf2 thing. spry or something
  1623. 18:25:50 <bartekko> brace for the bad snare
  1624. 18:25:59 <A2Z> oh seventh you silly
  1625. 18:26:04 <BrightCloud> Flutterbro: oh look im like a horse juicer
  1626. 18:26:07 <annoying_twangM> I like the snare Bart
  1627. 18:26:08 <Eery> Surprise buttsecks! thats what it was called
  1628. 18:26:09 <Seventh_Element> o w o
  1629. 18:26:10 <A2Z> not a snare fyi
  1630. 18:26:18 <Doofcake> Surprise buttsekcs, yeah
  1631. 18:26:22 <AdamTh3Walker> neat pads
  1632. 18:26:25 <Doofcake> SURPRIIIIIISE
  1633. 18:26:26 <Eery> Reminds me a lot of it
  1634. 18:26:28 <ScootaLewis> yeah i know what you mean now actually
  1635. 18:26:33 <Lying> yeah
  1636. 18:26:34 <AdamTh3Walker> like, gamecube choir sounds
  1637. 18:26:39 <johnfn> ok yeah
  1638. 18:26:40 <johnfn> this is good
  1639. 18:26:43 <Eery> is cool
  1642. 18:26:58 <annoying_twangM> Ho shit, more that going up for air, I feel like flying :D
  1643. 18:26:59 <ScootaLewis> am i the only one who wants to hear "EA Games: Challenge everything" as a pre-drop samle
  1644. 18:27:03 <ScootaLewis> *sample
  1645. 18:27:05 <Eery> hahaha
  1646. 18:27:08 <Eery> that would be cool
  1647. 18:27:21 <Flutterbro> EA Sports
  1648. 18:27:23 <Eery> What I want to hear is the ps1 startup sound being used in dubstep
  1649. 18:27:26 <Flutterbro> It's in the game
  1650. 18:27:30 <ScootaLewis> man this song is like skimming the waves on a jet powered surfboard
  1651. 18:27:31 <johnfn> lol ScootaLewis
  1652. 18:27:37 <A2Z> ps1 sound yes is good sample
  1653. 18:27:41 <johnfn> this is good
  1654. 18:27:42 <Eery> yeah
  1655. 18:27:42 * annoying_twangM is taking note Of all this...
  1656. 18:27:45 <Eery> oh hey, now we're kicking off
  1657. 18:27:48 <ScootaLewis> man that sound freaked me out so much
  1658. 18:27:55 <annoying_twangM> Fuck yes
  1659. 18:27:56 <AdamTh3Walker> if i made a song with the ea sample, just know it would be the most uncomfortably passive-aggressive song i can make
  1660. 18:28:00 <annoying_twangM> AT likes
  1661. 18:28:01 <ScootaLewis> whoever invented that noise is like
  1662. 18:28:05 <ScootaLewis> some kind of evil genius
  1663. 18:28:13 * Seventh_Element bobs head a lil
  1664. 18:28:14 <A2Z> kind of gets lax in the middle cause lose of creativity
  1665. 18:28:20 <johnfn> AdamTh3Walker: "challenge everything"… *fart*
  1666. 18:28:21 <AdamTh3Walker> this is getting great
  1667. 18:28:24 <AdamTh3Walker> ahaha
  1668. 18:28:41 <johnfn> very slow speedup?
  1669. 18:28:45 <A2Z> indeed
  1670. 18:28:46 <AdamTh3Walker> this is 405 music
  1671. 18:28:52 <AdamTh3Walker> sans traffic
  1672. 18:28:53 <johnfn> wow
  1673. 18:28:54 <Eery> Oh, man this whole tb is getting me all giddy and excited for next weeks theme
  1674. 18:28:57 <annoying_twangM> Gogogogogogo
  1675. 18:29:02 <johnfn> piano hits ALL the notes
  1676. 18:29:06 <FrozenShadow> Could have added more texture a bit earlier, but great nonetheless
  1677. 18:29:08 <AdamTh3Walker> wow, yes
  1678. 18:29:09 <annoying_twangM> HOLY SHIT
  1679. 18:29:12 <ScootaLewis> i can feel the handlebars of the jetski
  1680. 18:29:14 <bartekko> THIS PIANO IS G
  1681. 18:29:16 <A2Z> yea, kind of rushed making this part
  1682. 18:29:16 <bartekko> FAEK
  1683. 18:29:20 <johnfn> man this fits the theme REALLY well
  1684. 18:29:20 <AdamTh3Walker> just like
  1685. 18:29:21 <bartekko> HUR
  1686. 18:29:25 <AdamTh3Walker> looking out over the water
  1687. 18:29:26 <johnfn> so much tension argrrrgrg
  1688. 18:29:29 <AdamTh3Walker> speeding by
  1689. 18:29:38 <AdamTh3Walker> the sun glistening on the waves
  1690. 18:29:42 <Eery> saving all the ponies that drowned
  1691. 18:29:50 <AdamTh3Walker> ^
  1692. 18:29:51 <A2Z> and I had to finish it anticlimatically cause loss of crreativity
  1693. 18:29:53 <FrozenShadow> Or just searching for one
  1694. 18:30:10 <johnfn> A2Z: i think if you took the buildup part and then just put a big crash on the end, it would have been fine
  1695. 18:30:17 <ScootaLewis> jetskiing off into the sunset
  1696. 18:30:18 <AdamTh3Walker> this is good
  1697. 18:30:19 <ScootaLewis> ftw
  1698. 18:30:21 <Eery> I think it ended well tbh
  1699. 18:30:22 <Seventh_Element> Queue Entry #27: Horses are Dumb by mcmiag
  1700. 18:30:22 <johnfn> that was really great
  1701. 18:30:27 <A2Z> thank you
  1702. 18:30:29 <mcmiag> no
  1703. 18:30:30 <annoying_twangM> Mcmiag for ending?
  1704. 18:30:31 <mcmiag> refresh
  1705. 18:30:32 <johnfn> fit the theme really well, crazy piano work
  1706. 18:30:33 <bartekko> horses are dumb tho
  1707. 18:30:34 <annoying_twangM> Nah
  1708. 18:30:35 <AdamTh3Walker> best name
  1709. 18:30:36 <MandraSigma> q
  1710. 18:30:43 <annoying_twangM> This is best ending :3
  1711. 18:30:45 <Eery> oh
  1712. 18:30:51 <Eery> he submitted a different song
  1713. 18:30:53 <Seventh_Element> oh
  1714. 18:30:55 <bartekko> STAAHP
  1715. 18:30:55 <mcmiag> HAVE-A-BIT-O-DAT ft. JackTHerbert
  1716. 18:31:01 <annoying_twangM> 2 songs
  1717. 18:31:06 <ScootaLewis> oh god did you really
  1718. 18:31:14 <Seventh_Element> REFRESH YA SCALLYWAGS
  1719. 18:31:15 <bartekko> we're making an exception for mcmiag because mcmiag
  1720. 18:31:25 <bartekko> scallywags what
  1721. 18:31:28 <bartekko> is that even a word
  1722. 18:31:30 <annoying_twangM> I cant listen EQBeats :(
  1723. 18:31:34 <johnfn> bartekko: lol yeah
  1724. 18:31:36 <AdamTh3Walker> yes, the mcmiag edit
  1725. 18:31:37 <bartekko> scaliefags?
  1726. 18:31:37 <Seventh_Element> QUEUE Entry #27: HAVE-A-BIT-O-DAT ft. JackTHerbert
  1727. 18:31:41 <Lying> yeah, someone got away with too many entries at wat12121212121212121212
  1728. 18:31:43 <Seventh_Element> bartekko, it's pirate talk
  1729. 18:31:46 <bartekko> scoolie vags?
  1730. 18:31:56 <Seventh_Element> lrn2pirate talk
  1731. 18:32:01 <A2Z> I have a feeling I know where this is going
  1732. 18:32:07 <bartekko> inb4 brkbt drums
  1733. 18:32:09 <johnfn> lol
  1734. 18:32:12 <Seventh_Element> Play Entry #: HABOD by mcmiag
  1735. 18:32:16 <bartekko> at hlf tm
  1736. 18:32:23 <bartekko> oh
  1737. 18:32:26 <Eery> Ave a bit o dat
  1738. 18:32:28 <A2Z> ok
  1739. 18:32:29 <Seventh_Element> *braces fro trap*
  1740. 18:32:32 <Seventh_Element> *for
  1741. 18:32:36 <annoying_twangM> Describe it pls for me
  1742. 18:32:38 <ScootaLewis> nono
  1743. 18:32:40 <ScootaLewis> fro trap
  1744. 18:32:45 <Eery> HAve a bit of that, annoyign_twang
  1745. 18:32:47 <FrozenShadow> waaayyiiieeeee
  1746. 18:32:50 <Seventh_Element> I am just
  1747. 18:32:53 <AdamTh3Walker> there we go
  1748. 18:32:54 <Seventh_Element> way too white for this
  1749. 18:32:56 <Eery> Dayum boy, where'd you find this
  1750. 18:33:00 <johnfn> Seventh_Element: lol
  1751. 18:33:02 <Eery> fuck
  1752. 18:33:02 * AdamTh3Walker bobs head
  1753. 18:33:04 <Eery> I fucked it up
  1754. 18:33:09 <mcmiag> wat17 eery
  1755. 18:33:13 <ScootaLewis> damn nigga where u pick dis up at
  1756. 18:33:18 <Eery> Also, where are the people yelling "wut wut wut wut"
  1757. 18:33:20 <AdamTh3Walker> damn, that's what i was waiting for in the original tbh
  1758. 18:33:25 <annoying_twangM> XD
  1759. 18:33:27 <johnfn> oh mmy goddd
  1760. 18:33:28 <johnfn> d
  1761. 18:33:33 <A2Z> this gets my vote
  1762. 18:33:34 <AdamTh3Walker> the laugh, yup
  1763. 18:33:40 <ScootaLewis> this is what actual british people sound like
  1764. 18:33:44 <ScootaLewis> i can confirm
  1765. 18:33:46 <AdamTh3Walker> hahaha, yes
  1766. 18:33:47 <johnfn> ScootaLewis: lol
  1767. 18:33:58 <mcmiag> yeah i think i'll keep working on that tongiht lol
  1768. 18:33:59 <johnfn> quack quack
  1769. 18:34:04 <ScootaLewis> johnfn i suddenly feel like you're british for some reason
  1770. 18:34:11 <ScootaLewis> but you're not are you
  1771. 18:34:11 <mcmiag> <AdamTh3Walker> damn, that's what i was waiting for in the original tbh - IKR
  1772. 18:34:13 <johnfn> ScootaLewis: nope
  1773. 18:34:21 <johnfn> ScootaLewis: if only
  1774. 18:34:22 * cyrricky ( has joined #bronymusic
  1775. 18:34:23 <ScootaLewis> thank god that's over
  1776. 18:34:25 <FrozenShadow> what
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