

May 22nd, 2018
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  1. on any movement:
  2. if block under Player is black wool:
  3. block under the event-block is log
  4. if {mat::1} is not set:
  5. set rf max hp of player to 1
  6. apply weakness 5 to the Player for 9999 seconds
  7. apply slow 5 to the Player for 9999 seconds
  8. apply nausea 5 to the Player for 9999 seconds
  9. broadcast "&8[&7System&8] &e%Player%&7が罠にかかりました"
  10. set block at event-block to white wool
  11. else:
  12. set {home} to location of {mat::1}
  13. teleport {mat::1} to Player
  14. teleport player to {home}
  15. delete {home}
  16. set rf max hp of {mat::1} to 1
  17. apply weakness 5 to the Player for 9999 seconds
  18. apply slow 5 to the Player for 9999 seconds
  19. apply nausea 5 to the Player for 9999 seconds
  20. broadcast "&8[&7System&8] &e%{mat::1}%&7が罠にかかりました"
  21. set block at event-block to white wool
  23. command /trap [<text>] [<Player>]:
  24. trigger:
  25. if arg 1 is "give":
  26. add black wool named "&atrap&8[&7上&8]" to the arg-2
  27. add log named "&atrap&8[&7下&8]" to the arg-2
  28. send "&8[&7System&8] &e%Player%&7にtrapを与えました"
  29. if arg 1 is "add":
  30. set {mat::1} to arg 2
  31. send "&8[&7System&8] &e%arg 2%&7に設定しました" to Player
  32. if arg 1 is "delete":
  33. delete {mat::1}
  34. send "&8[&7System&8] &7削除しました" to Player
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