
Chaos;Child impression

Jun 7th, 2020
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  1. It's almost impossible to talk about the story of Chaos;Child without spoiling. But I'll just let you know, that Chaos;Child is basically a wild ride like no other. It's full of tension and suspense, yet also filled with emotional moments. The plot are great. It's consistent, unexpected, unpredictable, and has a lot of turning points that will turn the whole thing with just single scene. It fit well with the theme of C;C. The pacing is also really good. Though a bit fast, are balanced enough to keep balance of the development of the story while maintaining the constant level of suspense and hype.
  3. When talking about the theme of Chaos;Child, I think it's the most important aspect that made Chaos;Child so interesting. It especially become more fascinating when you think about it more. It speaks a lot about our modern society, and how it affect an individual. If we put out all the fiction concept, I think the theme are extremely relevant for us, especially because we live in the modern world. You can easily feel how relevant it is through the characters; which I will talk about later. It's strongly interrelated with the plot and characters. The way the theme works so well with the plot and characters truly deserve an applause. The story and characters wouldn't work without the theme that Chaos;Child has.
  5. For the writing, I think there's nothing particularly special. The prose are good enough, and I really like the pacing. Though if there's something to adress in this aspect, I think it's how amazing it is in creating/depicting the atmosphere and internal state of the characters. And how the theme are conveyed through every scenes.and able to correlates in every narrative aspect. Though there's some flaw, mainly the unbalance of feel and pacing in certain chapter. I think it's the result of the scenario being written by multiple writers, but it's by no mean problematic. Still, it's amazing that multiple writers managed to create such a coherent narrative experiences.
  7. Now for the characters. They are simply great. Well-written and memorable. Takuru especially is a hell of a character. His character development throughout the story is something that you feel along. And I feel a lot of people can relate themself to Takuru. His character start really typical, to being an outstanding character that you can sympathize and connect emotionally with. Other characters are amazing as well, with their personality and how their characters relate and affect the story. All in all, they're all just really amazing. My favourite characters other than Takuru are Mio, Senri, Serika, Shinjou, and Arimura. Oh, and, without spoiling anything, I will just say that the story is actually very character driven.
  9. For the visual, It's really good. I think it has high production value. From the placement of the textbox, to the quality of the BG and CG. I also like the character design, though maybe not much from my standard. The CG are really gorgeous. Oh, and it has talking Tachie!
  11. The music are really good as well. Unfortunately, it lack music variation for emotional moment. With many of it are a music for moment of suspense and chill rather than emotional one. But it's ok, every single of them are great. Without it, the atmosphere, immersion, and scenes that leave a strong impression wouldn't be the same. Also the OP and ED are really good.
  13. Overall, Chaos;Child is a really great read. It's both meaningful and entertaining. It starts really good and ended amazingly. And, I love the characters. Without a doubt, Chaos;Child definitely leave a strong impression on me.
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