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Sep 16th, 2017
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  18. $("#password").keypress(function (e) {
  19. if (e.keyCode == 13) {
  20. checklogin();
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  22. });
  23. });
  24. function checklogin() {
  25. var err = 0;
  26. if ($("#username").val() == '') {
  27. $("#titleTag").html('<span style="color:red" id ="error" class="log-in">Usuario Invalido!</span>');
  28. err++;
  29. }
  30. else if ($("#password").val() == '') {
  31. $("#titleTag").html('<span style="color:red" id ="error" class="log-in">Senha Invalida!</span>');
  32. err++;
  33. }
  35. if (err == 0)
  36. xmlhttpPost("checkuser.ashx");
  37. return false;
  38. }
  39. function logout() {
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  43. getObjId.css({ display: "none" });
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  98. return qstr;
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