
Vim Guitar Tablature Setup

Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tablature set filetype=tablature
  2. augroup Tablature
  3. autocmd!
  4. " Snippet for a blank tablature currently in your home folder, you have to put it in your snippet folder or wherever you like and change where it reads from, this is just a link to the guitar tab snippet https://pastebin.com/8n5qtwB1
  5. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,nt :-1read ~/tablature<CR>
  6. " Use <Space><Space> to edit title and to move to marker at the start of tablature
  7. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap <Space><Space> <Esc>/<++><Enter>"_c4l<Esc>l
  8. " Remove a chord, this clears the current column of tablature
  9. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,R 2kr 2jr-jr-jr-jr-jr-jr-5k
  10. " G Chord
  11. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,G 2krG2jr3jr23jr3jr35k
  12. " C Chord
  13. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,C 2krC3jr3jr22jr3jr35k
  14. " D Chord
  15. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,D 2krD5jr3jr2jr35k
  16. " A Chord
  17. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,A 2krA4jr2jr2jr24k
  18. " E Chord
  19. autocmd FileType tablature nnoremap ,E 2krE3jr2jr2jr13k
  20. augroup END
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