
Scouting lake

Aug 9th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. After the table was clean, Molly spread the map out on it. It was a map of Lake Michigan and the shores around it, including Chicago and Milwaukee and on up to Green Bay. Molly passed me a pen, and I leaned over and started making marks on the map with my swollen fingers. It hurt but I ignored it. Karrin got up and came over to watch. Thomas joined us a moment later, freshly attired in a plain white T-shirt, which looked like it had been made to fit him. He’s a jerk like that.
  2. “What I’m doing here,” I said, “is marking out all the nodes I remember.”
  3. “Nodes?” Butters asked.
  4. My clumsy fingers made it a little hard to put the marks exactly where I wanted them. “The meeting points of one or more ley lines,” I said. “I got to know all about them a few years ago.”
  5. “Those are like magical power cables, right?” Karrin asked.
  6. “More or less,” I said. “Sources of power that you can draw on to make major magic. And there are a lot of them in the Great Lakes region. I’m drawing from memory, but I’m pretty sure these are right.”
  7. “They are,” Molly confirmed quietly. “Auntie Lea taught them to me a few months ago.”
  8. I looked up at her, eyed my battered fingers, and said, “Then why am I doing this?”
  9. Molly rolled her eyes and took the pen. She started marking nodes rapidly and precisely on the map, including the Well on Demonreach (though the island didn’t appear on the map).
  10. “Whoever is going to attempt the spell on Demonreach has to do it from somewhere near the shore of the lake,” I said. “They’re almost certainly going to be at one of these nodes—the closer to the edge of the lake, the better.” I pointed out several nodes near the shore. “So we need to send the guard out to check these six locations near the edge of the lake first. After that, they go after the next nearest and so on.”
  11. “Some of those are a good way off,” Karrin noted. “How fast can these little guys move?”
  12. “Fast,” I said. “Faster than anyone gives them credit. They can fly and they can take shortcuts through the Nevernever. They can get to the sites and back before sundown.”
  13. Sundown. Which was when the big, bad immortals would come out to play.
  15. Cold Days Chapter 28, Page 280-281
  18. “You aren’t important,” Lacuna declared to Thomas, evidently dismissing him entirely as she turned back to me. “I wrote down everything just like you said and now they’re going to get that awful pizza all over themselves without the least regard for properly protecting themselves, and I’m going to fight them for the pizza!”
  19. “In the first place, that is not a fight you are going to win,” I said, “and in the second place—they found something?”
  20. “And I wrote it down like you said and now I want to duel them!”
  21. “No duels!” I said, and headed for the dining table. Sure enough, Lacuna had drawn precise little Xs at all of the sites marked on the map. Most of them had been done with a green pen, but two locations were marked in red. One of them was next to one of the primary sites I’d marked earlier, on this side of the lake, north of town. The next was at one of the secondary sites, a little farther inland and on the far side of the lake.
  22. “Lacuna, were they sure that ritual preparation was under way at both of these locations?”
  23. “And the others were clear,” the little faerie replied impatiently. “Yes, yes, yes.”
  25. Cold Days Chapter 38, Page 377
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