

Jan 5th, 2019
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  1. # PremiumHelp Configuration
  2. # This is the default configuration.
  3. # Feel free to edit it to your liking.
  4. # Tip: Find-and-replace MyServer (case-sensitive) with your server name (no color codes) to quickly personalize your help configuration.
  5. Options:
  6. Help:
  7. - ""
  8. - "&b&lPremiumHelp Commands"
  9. - "&7&o(( Tip: Access the help menu with &f&o/help&7&o! ))"
  10. - ""
  11. - "&f/premiumhelp help"
  12. - "&7Displays this help message."
  13. - ""
  14. - "&f/premiumhelp reload"
  15. - "&7Reload the plugin's configuration."
  16. - ""
  17. Border:
  18. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15
  19. enchanted: false
  20. name: " "
  21. amount: 1
  22. Sound:
  23. mainMenuOpen:
  24. name: BAT_TAKEOFF
  25. volume: 1.0
  26. pitch: 1.0
  27. mainMenuClose:
  28. name: ANVIL_LAND
  29. volume: 1.0
  30. pitch: 1.5
  31. sectionOpen:
  32. name: LEVEL_UP
  33. volume: 1.0
  34. pitch: 1.5
  35. sectionClose:
  36. name: CHICKEN_EGG_POP
  37. volume: 1.0
  38. pitch: 1.5
  39. MainMenu:
  40. title: "Help &l»&r Main Menu"
  41. size: 27
  42. Items: # Unless you don't want the item to do anything, make the name of the item match the section for help: E.G "GeneralHelp" for the section GeneralHelp under Sections.
  43. Command:
  44. slot: 11
  45. material: EMPTY_MAP
  46. enchanted: false
  47. name: "&b指令/功能"
  48. lore:
  49. - '&0'
  50. - '&7( 點擊查看所有常規功能和指令. )'
  51. Update:
  52. slot: 15
  53. material: BOOK_AND_QUILL
  54. enchanted: false
  55. name: "&e更新日誌: &6&n新開始"
  56. lore:
  57. - '&0'
  58. - '&e信息:'
  59. - '&6 * &e更新日期: &79/11/2018'
  60. - '&0'
  61. - '&e內容:'
  62. - '&6 * &e增加Mob Coins功能'
  63. - '&6 * &e增加Boosters功能'
  64. - '&6 * &e增加自定義Spawner'
  65. - '&6 * &e即將推出更多功能!'
  66. - '&0'
  67. - '&e&l[!]&r &e瀏覽 &6&n &e了解更多!'
  68. Sections:
  69. Command:
  70. title: "資訊 &l»&r Discord群組或商店"
  71. Items:
  72. Discord:
  73. material: "425:12"
  74. slot: 1
  75. enchanted: false
  76. name: "&9Discord群組"
  77. command: "" # Leave the command field blank ("") to have it execute no command when clicked and leave the menu open.
  78. lore:
  79. - ''
  80. - '&7加入discord群獲得最新即時資訊'
  81. - ""
  82. - "&7( 點擊獲得discord群邀請連結' )"
  83. Store:
  84. material: "425:14"
  85. slot: 2
  86. enchanted: false
  87. name: "&e論壇/商店"
  88. command: "/msg %player% hi" # Leave the command field blank ("") to have it execute no command when clicked and leave the menu open.
  89. lore:
  90. - ''
  91. - '&7權限組 , 箱子鑰匙 , 特殊物品等...'
  92. - '&7盡在 &b& &7採購'
  93. - ""
  94. - "&7( 點擊獲得網站連結' )"
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