
Interview w/ ex-FBI John DeSouza on Las Vegas

Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. \media begins\
  2. 00:00:09
  3. sit down or hop on and internet call with John DU Sousa
  4. 00:00:15
  5. now if you don't know who John to Suzette is you're gonna find out a little bit more in this interview but he was a FBI investigator a special agent for over twenty five years working various counter
  6. 00:00:28
  7. terrorism and sits
  8. 00:00:30
  9. violent crime field work for the FBI
  10. 00:00:34
  11. now he has turned into a paranormal investigator because of some of the work he did in the FBI really made him start to question
  12. 00:00:41
  13. you'll find out little bit more about that in our discussion
  14. 00:00:45
  15. and I first found out about John d'souza earlier this summer
  16. 00:00:49
  17. through Jason quit shout out Jason
  18. 00:00:52
  19. he was telling me about his relationship with John his user and what they had gone through together and it greatly made me respect this guy so I did a little bit more researching to find out who he is I added him on Facebook Watson interviews of him and I love the dude I love the way he speaks I love the way his mind works and is able to
  20. 00:01:15
  21. break down certain situations but also bring that logical balanced perspective to metaphysics to the paranormal to an area of research that we need it more logical deduction it
  22. 00:01:30
  23. so that being said I'm very excited to bring you this interview today I hope you enjoy it and I'll be seeing you guys soon
  24. 00:01:53
  25. welcome ladies and gentlemen to destroying the illusion I'm Jordan safe there it's Friday October twentieth beautiful Friday and I am absolutely delighted to have John d'souza on with me today you don't know who John issues it is he is an ex special agent of the FBI who was with the FBI for over twenty five years and during that not that time he maintained top secret security clearance
  26. 00:02:18
  27. and work in the global war on terrorism and violent crimes division
  28. 00:02:23
  29. and now John d'souza is an avid researcher into the paranormal it tries to get the truth out in any way shape or form he can which is why I'm absolutely excited to have him here are you doing John
  30. 00:02:35
  31. doing great Jordan thanks for having me on here to our destroy the illusion that stuff
  32. 00:02:41
  33. absolutely my friends so I mean being in the FBI for twenty five years that's
  34. 00:02:47
  35. that's a long time you you probably did a lot of stuff there so tell us about how
  36. 00:02:53
  37. you could tell us about your time in the FBI and and how you became a paranormal researcher that you are
  38. 00:02:59
  39. well I was in the FBI I was in the tourney I was ... legal legal guy a legal our instructor I was also a counter terrorism agent as well working big cases counterterrorism cases for many years I worked a lot of high profile cases and so forth
  40. 00:03:17
  41. but I am not in two thousand one
  42. 00:03:20
  43. when the up when the R. twin towers were attacked in the US
  44. 00:03:27
  45. India acts of terrorism that went forward there
  46. 00:03:30
  47. well we had an incident that affected me in many many others
  48. 00:03:34
  49. that out was called the indigo kids a monologue
  50. 00:03:38
  51. and what that was was basically a bunch of little kids
  52. 00:03:42
  53. I ages from like five
  54. 00:03:45
  55. all the way up to twelve
  56. 00:03:46
  57. dozens and dozens of cases of these little kids all over the country who were called in this leaks
  58. 00:03:52
  59. R. as possibly connected terrorism because they all had experiences
  60. 00:03:57
  61. of fraud
  62. 00:03:58
  63. precognitive experiences up what happened on nine eleven
  64. 00:04:02
  65. and they all had dreams visions they true arts and crafts they are heads up
  66. 00:04:08
  67. it's a vision that they told adults about
  68. 00:04:11
  69. and so once nine eleven happens
  70. 00:04:14
  71. well we had about
  72. 00:04:16
  73. we had these kids will call that number the parents but by caretakers they were called in to these intelligence centers are saying calling anything anything at all that could be connected to this terrorist act
  74. 00:04:27
  75. so we had to actually go out and interview these kits
  76. 00:04:30
  77. and I asked them about their experiences
  78. 00:04:33
  79. one little boy are each
  80. 00:04:35
  81. see it if you go my Facebook and there's a trailer there are one little boy drew this nice finger painting out too tall buildings are
  82. 00:04:44
  83. and
  84. 00:04:45
  85. teacher came over to him and said wow this tall buildings these these are very beautiful our
  86. 00:04:51
  87. you have all of the buildings are glowing and there's angels flying out of the buildings but red wings and the boy said out those aren't
  88. 00:04:59
  89. and those buildings are glowing they're on fire and those are the angels of people jumping out of the buildings and they're on fire to
  90. 00:05:06
  91. while
  92. 00:05:07
  93. and so the teacher walked away from a child like that and think more about it until nine eleven happened
  94. 00:05:12
  95. and then she called it
  96. 00:05:15
  97. as possibly connected terrorism so that FBI agents and officers had to go out and talk to these kids
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  102. 00:05:22
  103. up another little girl was on a playground just plain by herself wasn't interacting with the other kids teacher instead teaching assistant came over and asked are you OK she's just tracing designs in the dirt and little girl said I'm fine I'm just thinking and then teacher goes to walk away Mubarak pulls on her skirt violently says tomorrow stay away from tall buildings
  104. 00:05:45
  105. the tall buildings fall down
  106. 00:05:47
  107. sometimes they fall on
  108. 00:05:50
  109. and the next day night
  110. 00:05:52
  111. wow so all of these experiences were were bare live right before nine eleven
  112. 00:05:57
  113. exactly
  114. 00:05:58
  115. Gaza and then you were exposed to that and that kind of I'm sure blew your mind at that point it did not just mine but that dozens of other officers and FBI agents that had also
  116. 00:06:09
  117. a spate in these these interviews
  118. 00:06:11
  119. because in every single case there were thousands of these cases
  120. 00:06:15
  121. in every single case
  122. 00:06:16
  123. our it was founded kids were interviewed about the up parents the backgrounds were checked and came back no connection terrorism of course like it's not like these kids overheard some adults planning this terrorist act on them nothing like that so every single case the paranormal explanation
  124. 00:06:34
  125. it was the only explanation why
  126. 00:06:36
  127. in every case
  128. 00:06:38
  129. but how how far into your FBI career did all of this take place
  130. 00:06:43
  131. this happened a few years into it and that's the reason I I wrote my first book about the power investigators it was because of
  132. 00:06:51
  133. because of that experience and many others that occurred before that but that was the most wide ranging experience that affected not just me but many many other law enforcement officers
  134. 00:07:04
  135. and you wrote that book when you're in the FBI after I left chapter left gotcha is in Europe little more open to speak about yeah you know I wasn't twenty thirteen well
  136. 00:07:14
  137. gotcha so in the four years since then you've really and you wrote
  138. 00:07:18
  139. paranormal investigators now you have a new book clear healers out
  140. 00:07:21
  141. clear hearers yours yes
  142. 00:07:24
  143. awesome so yeah you're really now trying to research as much as you can get the truth out and it's it's awesome to see
  144. 00:07:32
  145. speaking of nine eleven and terrorism of course we have
  146. 00:07:37
  147. the Las Vegas shooting that occurred
  148. 00:07:39
  149. a couple weeks ago tell me your thoughts on that
  150. 00:07:43
  151. my thoughts on that is that there are
  152. 00:07:46
  153. there are numerous amount of questions
  154. 00:07:49
  155. that are not being answered
  156. 00:07:51
  157. that just make this make disappear like out
  158. 00:07:56
  159. like something's wrong here
  160. 00:07:57
  161. like something's terribly terribly wrong and for myself personally the number one question I have is why on the first
  162. 00:08:05
  163. day of the investigation
  164. 00:08:08
  165. did the FBI make the announcement that there was no connection to terrorism or terrorists groups
  166. 00:08:15
  167. makes
  168. 00:08:15
  169. no sense at all when he do that on the very first day
  170. 00:08:20
  171. on the invest to make that official announcement when
  172. 00:08:23
  173. when it takes ten days
  174. 00:08:25
  175. to examine the computers of the person who allegedly
  176. 00:08:30
  177. did this are
  178. 00:08:32
  179. and he's got a lease to homes that means to home computers at least plus other devices as well this got many other devices
  180. 00:08:38
  181. and it takes ten days to do the search strings and to search through those computers and so why at the end in order to prove whether or not there was
  182. 00:08:48
  183. a terrorist group
  184. 00:08:49
  185. or not
  186. 00:08:50
  187. so why and why earth in the first day with the Afghan ounce no connect
  188. 00:08:55
  189. the church groups
  190. 00:08:56
  191. I think
  192. 00:08:57
  193. which now we're finding out that ISIS is actually providing evidence I mean at least data they're showing data that shows this guy was connected to them and was recruited by them working
  194. 00:09:08
  195. so it just doesn't make sense on any level that's the number one question I have also and then of course we also all know that
  196. 00:09:18
  197. all the witnesses
  198. 00:09:19
  199. are absolutely resolute and and firm on that there were multiple shooters
  200. 00:09:27
  201. not just to look like multiple shooters
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  206. 00:09:29
  207. in this incident
  208. 00:09:31
  209. I've never seen a group of witnesses so resolute and so unify on that point
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  211. and yet there they are there
  212. 00:09:40
  213. amazing
  214. 00:09:41
  215. how that's how that's happening and so
  216. 00:09:43
  217. in the questions that are
  218. 00:09:45
  219. that are being shown in this case is just
  220. 00:09:48
  221. it's just amazing that they are on the answer
  222. 00:09:51
  223. I am due to the fact that we have the internet there's so much evidence that circulating so fast
  224. 00:09:57
  225. exactly exactly so it's like a new paradigm that they just can't
  226. 00:10:01
  227. I just can't wait these question then there's so many out
  228. 00:10:04
  229. there's so many of them there's how there's some of the video that's circulating ouch yeah fire coming from fourth floor from the lower floor and that has not been addressed because saying that although that's a strobe light that's it or or Ono those windows don't open up that's not answering that's the answer
  230. 00:10:24
  231. there has to be evidence provided in the have to provide an within the world would they not provide
  232. 00:10:30
  233. via the
  234. 00:10:31
  235. CC TVS up this guy carrying this eight hundred pounds of equipment
  236. 00:10:36
  237. into him or somebody you hang this eight hundred pounds of equipment into that room why wouldn't they
  238. 00:10:42
  239. and the only witness that we have is somebody that was
  240. 00:10:46
  241. somebody directly up the guy supposedly is of a security guard that was shot by somebody through a door
  242. 00:10:55
  243. somebody he didn't see
  244. 00:10:57
  245. and so it's just there's just too many questions and there's nothing being provided
  246. 00:11:03
  247. to up to answer it goes quite
  248. 00:11:06
  249. and so we don't want to say we don't want to say it's a it's a false flag the mass media has out kinda corrupted that church but I mean it's
  250. 00:11:14
  251. it's looking more and more like there could be some staging could be a staged
  252. 00:11:20
  253. events
  254. 00:11:21
  255. which means it's real it happens and
  256. 00:11:24
  257. people were killed tragic
  258. 00:11:26
  259. were killed but there's
  260. 00:11:29
  261. components of this it's starting to look like artificial leg was artificially put together
  262. 00:11:33
  263. that's what
  264. 00:11:35
  265. if it were stage artificially put together what would the reasoning be in your mind
  266. 00:11:41
  267. well whenever the well I I don't say I don't say the I word or NWO but
  268. 00:11:48
  269. I use the term elite powers in control
  270. 00:11:51
  271. and the only person control referring to the bloodlines who control the central banks who give nations their marching orders every day are
  272. 00:12:00
  273. and whenever the elite powers in control do something like do an operation
  274. 00:12:05
  275. up there's it's never for just one purpose
  276. 00:12:09
  277. there's always layers of purposes
  278. 00:12:11
  279. so this guy over here saying that it's being done
  280. 00:12:14
  281. to benefit this this global corporation wants to install security in all the casinos
  282. 00:12:21
  283. and that's why it's being done he could be right
  284. 00:12:25
  285. but then this other person who says well it's obvious that it's being done for the global initiative of disarming the entire the entire world disarming the American public
  286. 00:12:35
  287. and that's the reason that was stuck
  288. 00:12:37
  289. date these people and others as well there can be all these purposes can going forward at the same time
  290. 00:12:43
  291. so I believe yeah I believe there are many purposes to it but of course
  292. 00:12:48
  293. probably the single most out most ancient purpose is global disarmament of civilians out for
  294. 00:12:56
  295. and that's that's a big one
  296. 00:12:57
  297. so when you see the usual suspects coming out and jumping on this for her
  298. 00:13:03
  299. guess they call it gun control is not it's not really can't control its its disarmament of human beings
  300. 00:13:09
  301. two are we them defenseless that's that's what it is and that's what they're advocating for
  302. 00:13:14
  303. and so that's always been one of the that's always the top most important reason
  304. 00:13:20
  305. but there are other there would be other reason
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  310. 00:13:23
  311. awesome awesome my friends so
  312. 00:13:27
  313. switching gears a little bit you know we have
  314. 00:13:30
  315. the Las Vegas shooting that occurred possibly FedEx for multiple reasons
  316. 00:13:35
  317. are we also have a lot of other things blowing up in the mainstream media in regards to disclosure in regards to
  318. 00:13:45
  319. bringing force various technologies and information has been kept from us
  320. 00:13:52
  321. so for instance
  322. 00:13:54
  323. Tom along in his to the stores initiative so what what could be
  324. 00:13:59
  325. this these disclosures you know in
  326. 00:14:03
  327. combination with this
  328. 00:14:05
  329. potential men we call false flag war staged event aren't gonna what do you see all of this getting together
  330. 00:14:13
  331. for
  332. 00:14:14
  333. well I you know I look at the ... times along a press conference
  334. 00:14:19
  335. you know because I was actually I was asked to do that otherwise I would have looked at it
  336. 00:14:24
  337. but I actually went through it and out
  338. 00:14:28
  339. and I made notes even
  340. 00:14:30
  341. and I found it
  342. 00:14:31
  343. bewildering I mean
  344. 00:14:33
  345. absolutely bewildering I saw I saw in there up
  346. 00:14:38
  347. the
  348. 00:14:39
  349. well step down on himself I believe is appears to be up
  350. 00:14:44
  351. because I watched body language and skate and somehow talks and
  352. 00:14:48
  353. he was the only one who was able to talk without a teleprompter
  354. 00:14:52
  355. if you notice
  356. 00:14:53
  357. ten to that vast empty theater that they were doing that they were doing the stage star event at
  358. 00:15:00
  359. and
  360. 00:15:01
  361. he was and he appears to me to be forthright a sincere individual in the things that that he believes
  362. 00:15:08
  363. our but that that rogues gallery behind him
  364. 00:15:12
  365. of like a well liked a who's who of agencies
  366. 00:15:16
  367. that that are do not
  368. 00:15:18
  369. do not work out
  370. 00:15:21
  371. trying to disclose things to the American people you know quite the opposite up in specially that the offices that they held these were like high officials
  372. 00:15:29
  373. India CIA in the D. O. D. the secretary of defense
  374. 00:15:35
  375. I mean these were not the people who are working to bring our information and openness to the American people at all error and these were these were mostly the people that when I was an FBI agent I'm my and I was just I was a field H.
  376. 00:15:50
  377. out I was what's called street agent best together
  378. 00:15:53
  379. and these were the guys that mean other field agents would
  380. 00:15:58
  381. avoid like the plague
  382. 00:15:59
  383. because they were not out there ... working for up for helping the American people access to information at all out so I was kinda
  384. 00:16:09
  385. puzzled by him bringing out these guys as being the gold standard ouch what I don't know I don't know it was just completely perplexing to me
  386. 00:16:18
  387. I it didn't it didn't seem seem to fit
  388. 00:16:21
  389. except that up
  390. 00:16:23
  391. it appears that there's somebody else behind this
  392. 00:16:27
  393. behind this entire operation
  394. 00:16:29
  395. somebody on a much higher level who's behind this operation and they pay these guys
  396. 00:16:35
  397. stand up there with her
  398. 00:16:37
  399. I think I was taking notes I mean they're skied there from
  400. 00:16:40
  401. aerospace skunk works
  402. 00:16:43
  403. I mean they're Slotkin luck luck Lockheed Martin's skunk works I mean that's
  404. 00:16:49
  405. it's so it's pretty are amazing they said things like we will be connecting the dots all this was Tom blocks at this
  406. 00:16:56
  407. I will be connecting the dots
  408. 00:16:58
  409. and yet
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  414. 00:17:00
  415. a lot of it she kept on saying about who's gonna be entertained
  416. 00:17:03
  417. so
  418. 00:17:04
  419. up
  420. 00:17:05
  421. it's just dumb
  422. 00:17:07
  423. it's just kind of schizophrenic as far as what they said was going to be up high officials from the black world
  424. 00:17:15
  425. I think
  426. 00:17:15
  427. high officials from black world is what he's really putting forward here
  428. 00:17:19
  429. and some of these guys supposedly
  430. 00:17:22
  431. left
  432. 00:17:23
  433. there agency
  434. 00:17:25
  435. up
  436. 00:17:26
  437. a few days ago
  438. 00:17:27
  439. possibly
  440. 00:17:28
  441. just a few days ago
  442. 00:17:29
  443. so that means that they work in talks and being recruited and putting together its operation
  444. 00:17:35
  445. while they were still
  446. 00:17:37
  447. at
  448. 00:17:38
  449. there agency at CI a
  450. 00:17:40
  451. and a D. O. D. at so how could they have been doing bad
  452. 00:17:45
  453. without their agencies being a part of this
  454. 00:17:48
  455. yeah it seems like an almost massive conflict of interest there
  456. 00:17:52
  457. yet not knowing that it seems like a mass of possibility that their agencies
  458. 00:17:56
  459. still and all
  460. 00:17:57
  461. in a race see that's that's what it looks like to me just from what I know and they kept on saying that sob O. in the CIA official
  462. 00:18:06
  463. the CIA official says this is going to be a commercial venture
  464. 00:18:10
  465. ... but it's going to be an intellectual adventure
  466. 00:18:13
  467. so
  468. 00:18:14
  469. and again he was reading teleprompters they were all reading teleprompters except for to watch
  470. 00:18:19
  471. and
  472. 00:18:20
  473. along
  474. 00:18:20
  475. and up sneeze has worked for the Senate Intel committee
  476. 00:18:24
  477. it was just it was just dumb
  478. 00:18:27
  479. unbelievable as far as that goes and also now
  480. 00:18:31
  481. here's the worst part of it
  482. 00:18:33
  483. the
  484. 00:18:33
  485. the SEC filing is
  486. 00:18:35
  487. about is available so this is an investment
  488. 00:18:38
  489. thank
  490. 00:18:39
  491. where investors can
  492. 00:18:42
  493. take their money
  494. 00:18:43
  495. I have put it towards this company embodies common stocks shares
  496. 00:18:48
  497. in this company
  498. 00:18:49
  499. well
  500. 00:18:50
  501. all look at all the paperwork is out is actually public and I put up but I put up a really excellent research piece
  502. 00:18:57
  503. that was done out by
  504. 00:18:59
  505. UFO group
  506. 00:19:00
  507. I your fault ufology group how much on my Facebook I I said Gee I don't know if you think you owe seekers yes yes it was and I saw my Facebook Roemer wants to go look at it right now it's sop it it's excellent job of researching this SEC paperwork filing it appears that it was set up with various corporations
  508. 00:19:22
  509. this saw what's called two stars academy it was set up with various corporations
  510. 00:19:26
  511. so that's a long has the trust in his name
  512. 00:19:30
  513. but
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  518. 00:19:31
  519. he takes none of the liabilities if things go sideways with this thing
  520. 00:19:35
  521. now takes none of that liability at all
  522. 00:19:38
  523. okay let's
  524. 00:19:39
  525. I just thought it's just very amazing the way that it's set up also when the company was first formed
  526. 00:19:46
  527. it took on two hundred thousand dollars in liability up in that right away
  528. 00:19:53
  529. we don't know from what and yet but that two hundred thousand dollars almost matches exactly
  530. 00:19:59
  531. the amount that was that is presently there or was when it started out
  532. 00:20:04
  533. from supposedly from
  534. 00:20:06
  535. small investors
  536. 00:20:08
  537. I remember that because on their website they had a go fund me number and I was very
  538. 00:20:13
  539. yeah got where where did these yeah is near these investors come from where these investors come from
  540. 00:20:18
  541. who are they
  542. 00:20:19
  543. you know it's amazing how did they even hear about this if they're really if they are truly small investors well
  544. 00:20:25
  545. now you see on the deck she
  546. 00:20:28
  547. for the corporation
  548. 00:20:29
  549. suddenly there's this two hundred thousand dollars liabilities
  550. 00:20:33
  551. that matches almost perfectly the amount that appeared all of a sudden from investors
  552. 00:20:38
  553. on the Gulf fun me that you just referred to
  554. 00:20:41
  555. amazing coincidence
  556. 00:20:43
  557. amazing coincidence almost almost seems like it's kind of a fake grassroots effort no way I am
  558. 00:20:50
  559. could go so eat
  560. 00:20:52
  561. so yeah I mean I'm just saying I'm just saying how it looks when all I do is look it pollutes and then match up patterns
  562. 00:20:58
  563. and that's what I see
  564. 00:21:00
  565. but what I'm getting right now is people are sending in from
  566. 00:21:03
  567. on
  568. 00:21:04
  569. who actually is behind
  570. 00:21:06
  571. odds along and this entire group and it's pretty shocking
  572. 00:21:10
  573. all but I can't reveal any of that because I've only gotten a one or two sources on it and it's not corroborated on our documentation
  574. 00:21:19
  575. names
  576. 00:21:20
  577. yet
  578. 00:21:21
  579. up but it saw
  580. 00:21:23
  581. yeah it's going to be pretty shocking when not when people find out who's actually crackle
  582. 00:21:28
  583. yeah I'm speaking of Lougheed they're acting like Lockheed doesn't already have the technology they need this large effort to
  584. 00:21:36
  585. and now gain funds to research and
  586. 00:21:39
  587. develop it yet enrich former head of skunk works was saying that they already have the technology to take
  588. 00:21:46
  589. yeah that's because this
  590. 00:21:48
  591. all this effort appears to me to be psychological it's a psychological it appears to be a psychological operation
  592. 00:21:55
  593. what they want to put forward is not really dot technology
  594. 00:21:59
  595. because like you said technologies already out there
  596. 00:22:01
  597. yeah what they want to put forward is psychological acceptance
  598. 00:22:07
  599. all of the technology as well look at us we're really heroic here where heroic weird working with this technology and we're going to put it all it's gonna be awesome
  600. 00:22:16
  601. I am not take it we have a rock star standing out in front telling you how cool this is isn't this great
  602. 00:22:23
  603. psychological they're putting out so
  604. 00:22:25
  605. they're putting back forward that's the goal that they're too
  606. 00:22:27
  607. create your good in very good point and autumn one ends
  608. 00:22:32
  609. that's a good thing because that psychological acceptance we need that in the mass public
  610. 00:22:37
  611. but at the same time what is there an goal that's the big question
  612. 00:22:42
  613. yeah there's there's different there's numerous different suggestions what the end goal is but my own personal opinion
  614. 00:22:50
  615. I think our
  616. 00:22:52
  617. really that the great call just based on what I've seen
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  622. 00:22:56
  623. what I've seen because they're so much fluff
  624. 00:22:59
  625. in everything that they had their doing there's like ninety nine percent fluff and have to really really penetrate
  626. 00:23:05
  627. ... with that within investigators I to really examine drill down and see what is the real thing underneath your
  628. 00:23:15
  629. and the only thing I can see of any substance here that appears to be
  630. 00:23:20
  631. ... potential underlying the real agenda is
  632. 00:23:25
  633. is weaponization is acceptance of weaponization of our space
  634. 00:23:29
  635. I'm
  636. 00:23:30
  637. that's that's the most substantive thing I can really see here that which I know
  638. 00:23:37
  639. is a is a
  640. 00:23:39
  641. permanent
  642. 00:23:41
  643. comment agenda of the elite powers in control
  644. 00:23:44
  645. it's something very very important to them up along with you know along with their other their other top top priorities
  646. 00:23:51
  647. but one of their great parodies is
  648. 00:23:54
  649. weapons Haitian
  650. 00:23:55
  651. of outer space
  652. 00:23:56
  653. and I think this may actually be
  654. 00:24:00
  655. soft face
  656. 00:24:01
  657. ... that weaponization
  658. 00:24:03
  659. and that makes a whole lot of sense because when I was watching that
  660. 00:24:08
  661. while it's true that as well one of the presenters reading office teleprompter was
  662. 00:24:15
  663. discussing Russia
  664. 00:24:18
  665. he was kind of making a metaphor as to if the military now were
  666. 00:24:25
  667. faced with an adversary that was able to you know moving thousands miles an hour in
  668. 00:24:32
  669. D. materializing would not have this amazing advanced technology he was almost pulling need me Russia carton saying well we wouldn't want our enemies to have that
  670. 00:24:41
  671. and he made reference to this back in the Soviet Union and the Cold War the arms race then so it looked as if they were psychologically building us up to say our we we do want that we do what weapons in space or some kind of backlash Ormus such to
  672. 00:24:58
  673. un defend ourselves against well they were claiming Russia an error
  674. 00:25:03
  675. making it seem my question that in the press conference but maybe later on they could move into the extraterrestrial are yeah yeah we need these for
  676. 00:25:13
  677. bigger threat and four and four year of viewers who are probably a younger demographic than out than I'm accustomed to let me just explain to them that are
  678. 00:25:24
  679. one of the first great are the first great head of NASA
  680. 00:25:28
  681. was a guy named Werner von Braun
  682. 00:25:30
  683. and this idea weaponization of our space is not is not something I came up with something I got em
  684. 00:25:36
  685. because he he said he was a futurist
  686. 00:25:39
  687. and he was great banker are in addition to some of his negative things but Werner von Braun said he he predicts it
  688. 00:25:47
  689. that the United States will become embroiled in several fake wars in the in the
  690. 00:25:53
  691. the future
  692. 00:25:54
  693. and he said one of them was going to be the war on terrorism
  694. 00:25:58
  695. where the entire Islamic world would be against the western world any says these are these wars these fake wars are needed by the elite powers in control in order to keep everybody occupied so they never look up
  696. 00:26:11
  697. see what the real problem
  698. 00:26:12
  699. so she said one of those would be the global war on terror where the entire world would be embroiled in this
  700. 00:26:19
  701. this whole thing another one of course was going to be BR Cold War via Soviet about the war of the the United States against Soviet world
  702. 00:26:28
  703. and dot that would go on for quite awhile they set the final great war would be a
  704. 00:26:35
  705. would be
  706. 00:26:36
  707. fake alien invasion
  708. 00:26:38
  709. which would be you Ste
  710. 00:26:40
  711. in order to weaponize all of our space and space travel is the same agenda as weaponization
  712. 00:26:47
  713. it's it's all that's all intertwined
  714. 00:26:49
  715. and so that that would be used to weaponize all of our space why
  716. 00:26:55
  717. because those weapons would all be thrown up there and we're talking about weapons that can use force lasers sonics scalar technology all kinds because in the final analysis of course they are but the agenda of the hour leapers intro is that take take over all these weapons
  718. 00:27:12
  719. and then state of pointing them out word towards the alien invasion that's coming in will be turned in work towards us
  720. 00:27:20
  721. okay hands exercise are a level of dominance and control
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  726. 00:27:24
  727. that was
  728. 00:27:25
  729. dreamed up that was never dreamed of before by dictators world dictator
  730. 00:27:29
  731. I've lived in
  732. 00:27:31
  733. imagine having the power to our make an entire town evaporate
  734. 00:27:37
  735. who's resisting the global well the only hours ago troll will not doing something they want
  736. 00:27:43
  737. and that's the kind of power they will have that's why weaponization
  738. 00:27:47
  739. or even you know I'd get it is targeted as a single human being at home or some that sat
  740. 00:27:53
  741. exactly and then speaking of such you know bringing skis scalar technologies directed energy weapon that conversation picture
  742. 00:28:02
  743. we're having these massive fires in California
  744. 00:28:05
  745. it's fires there where many of them started seemingly overnight there's varying
  746. 00:28:11
  747. interesting pictures of
  748. 00:28:14
  749. melted metal melted carparks ... Lotta trees still standing around that area that supposedly got burned
  750. 00:28:24
  751. up plastic which is resistant to microwaves blasted still stands in the middle of these
  752. 00:28:30
  753. you know fires burning hot so do you think that the is
  754. 00:28:37
  755. mmhm
  756. 00:28:38
  757. outer space space based technologies these weapons platforms already being used
  758. 00:28:43
  759. well I do believe this I believe better the elite powers in control are using breakaway technology
  760. 00:28:50
  761. all the time apparently now
  762. 00:28:52
  763. I'm more more often
  764. 00:28:54
  765. stuff that we first up
  766. 00:28:57
  767. that most publicly we first really became aware of in nine eleven during nine eleven
  768. 00:29:02
  769. when we saw steel girders reduced to power
  770. 00:29:06
  771. when you saw these out these things being done that a bunch of twelfth century savages did not we're not eight to eight not
  772. 00:29:15
  773. they were there
  774. 00:29:17
  775. with box cutters endowed with thirty nine shirts on now eight and not
  776. 00:29:21
  777. they were there the terrorists were real and the terrorism is real and those guys were there but again I believe that they were being used
  778. 00:29:29
  779. taxis and that nine eleven was accomplished
  780. 00:29:33
  781. was accomplished breakaway technology
  782. 00:29:35
  783. you know that sod that the nations are not allowed to have
  784. 00:29:39
  785. and I believe that's what you're talking about there with the forest fires that have
  786. 00:29:43
  787. weird signatures
  788. 00:29:45
  789. that go on up things that are not that can't be done with
  790. 00:29:49
  791. Nash with our technology that we have
  792. 00:29:52
  793. currently out in the open yeah I do believe that that's happening
  794. 00:29:55
  795. are more and more
  796. 00:29:57
  797. but I also don't believe that the nations are allowed to have this technology directly themselves for instance up what happened on nine eleven when you have these airplanes
  798. 00:30:07
  799. that are massive that are driven with such precision
  800. 00:30:12
  801. strawberry position as to hit a target
  802. 00:30:15
  803. just hit a target in the in the in the jungle of of buildings and towers out with such precision and not such hard angles
  804. 00:30:24
  805. that even as a twenty year veteran pilot would have a hard time
  806. 00:30:28
  807. ugh directing that that airplane hitting that precisely
  808. 00:30:32
  809. and so yeah I believe all that was done with breakaway technology and we're continuing CF technology now but I don't believe the nation's
  810. 00:30:39
  811. have control whether you're talking about the United States or others do not allow to happen
  812. 00:30:44
  813. because they would use it on each other yeah so what gal when discussing factions enough right back right it's it's that you kind of have to take the labels there then nationality out of the picture yes it spans nations that spans more more like that kwazii governmental corporate
  814. 00:31:02
  815. group
  816. 00:31:03
  817. yeah
  818. 00:31:04
  819. yeah absolutely
  820. 00:31:06
  821. so
  822. 00:31:08
  823. where is how
  824. 00:31:09
  825. crazy things seem to be getting yup Las Vegas these
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  830. 00:31:15
  831. semi disclosure initiatives these firestorms you know our own
  832. 00:31:21
  833. yeah what what do you foresee happening and how fast do you foresee it happening in
  834. 00:31:28
  835. to play a little speculation game here
  836. 00:31:30
  837. well you know if we're speculating ow I'll have to say that I believe we may be looking
  838. 00:31:37
  839. at another
  840. 00:31:39
  841. and this is this is difficult to say but we may be looking at another mass shooting events
  842. 00:31:45
  843. in the next sixty days to ninety days
  844. 00:31:48
  845. because this one just hasn't
  846. 00:31:51
  847. worked
  848. 00:31:52
  849. it hasn't I have never seen a narrative
  850. 00:31:55
  851. full part
  852. 00:31:56
  853. so quickly
  854. 00:31:57
  855. as it did with this particular mass shooting in Las Vegas and it's it's unbelievable how badly fell apart and how it's continuing to create so many problems even though even though course a mainstream media so controls are they walk they won't touch it now they won't say anything
  856. 00:32:15
  857. but now that we have witnesses that are missing
  858. 00:32:19
  859. and so we have one that taught died
  860. 00:32:23
  861. under suspicious circumstances the other day others twenty eight year old just twenty eight year old girl
  862. 00:32:28
  863. who was going to organize the witnesses into some sort of far off organization to try to get to the truth of the Las Vegas shoes and now she ends up dead
  864. 00:32:38
  865. out and of course the security guard is effectively missing
  866. 00:32:41
  867. are for all intents purposes he's refusing to do any interviews except for except for Ellen killing you
  868. 00:32:47
  869. our who Ellen of course who has financial interests with MGM who owns the out mentally bay
  870. 00:32:54
  871. casino
  872. 00:32:55
  873. so basically I think this is just falling apart so badly
  874. 00:32:59
  875. that they may need to do over
  876. 00:33:02
  877. that's what I'm thinking
  878. 00:33:04
  879. they may need a do over
  880. 00:33:05
  881. about which is
  882. 00:33:07
  883. why people need to be especially alert
  884. 00:33:09
  885. my hands are very careful off for the next for the next sixty days because
  886. 00:33:15
  887. they need something Ted tried up
  888. 00:33:18
  889. make people to try to
  890. 00:33:20
  891. check this one off shake it off and just come back with something else
  892. 00:33:24
  893. so that's that's the most out
  894. 00:33:27
  895. scariest thing I'd speculate on
  896. 00:33:30
  897. and I have seen a lot of ads pop up just over the last few days of various active shooter drills and I saw that crisis actors around the country so just like you said the very careful you know if there's an event going on the area I will believe it
  898. 00:33:45
  899. and also just wanna make a quick note you know you said shooting in the next sixty to ninety days
  900. 00:33:51
  901. interesting piece of info that I saw a couple weeks ago was that the company GS for the security company that the Orlando shooter had worked for a recently took over security apps
  902. 00:34:04
  903. the Vikings stadium in Minneapolis where the Superbowl is gonna be held
  904. 00:34:10
  905. I know when is that that's in usually end of January
  906. 00:34:14
  907. but they they just took it over so I mean even even like sporting events
  908. 00:34:19
  909. BR
  910. 00:34:20
  911. something to be very careful out so absolutely because this is a very real possibility because
  912. 00:34:28
  913. I'm sure the pressure that they're feeling on this on this mass shooting
  914. 00:34:33
  915. Vegas is just getting more and more
  916. 00:34:36
  917. and so it's
  918. 00:34:37
  919. it's not going to go away it's only gonna get worse
  920. 00:34:40
  921. you think it is going to get worse so you don't think that this is the biggest could be the straw that breaks the camel's back comes back
  922. 00:34:47
  923. well in terms of like bringing shedding light on what can operations really is is I watch me
  924. 00:34:53
  925. yeah
  926. 00:34:55
  927. I hope so that would be that would be great
  928. 00:34:58
  929. but it's like I said these things are done from a level that is so far above
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  934. 00:35:05
  935. national governments
  936. 00:35:07
  937. and it's done
  938. 00:35:08
  939. start at least the people who do these types of if if it is a staged about
  940. 00:35:15
  941. all the people who put the staged events together
  942. 00:35:18
  943. I mean they've been doing this for for hundreds of years
  944. 00:35:22
  945. they they know how to cover their tracks they know how to do these things
  946. 00:35:27
  947. to maximize their protection
  948. 00:35:29
  949. and they know how to put national actors
  950. 00:35:33
  951. in the way
  952. 00:35:34
  953. to avoid any sort of possibility of finger pointing to them
  954. 00:35:38
  955. I mean it's so and they're and they're very good at it I mean just look at the whole campaign off nine one one was an inside job nine once inside job you just put out some dis info agents out there pretend like they're the most anti government people in the world I think create a pithy slogan
  956. 00:35:56
  957. and there you go you've got a whole group whole movement that is permanently looking in the wrong place
  958. 00:36:03
  959. to blame who did this
  960. 00:36:06
  961. they're looking at what like
  962. 00:36:08
  963. federal government
  964. 00:36:09
  965. well they'll never gonna find the evidence on that why
  966. 00:36:12
  967. federal government did
  968. 00:36:14
  969. federal government does not have the technology to do the things that were done on my one one I just don't I have it
  970. 00:36:20
  971. they don't because if they did they'd be using it like every week every week overseas in Afghanistan and all the places that they're at war
  972. 00:36:29
  973. see so I'm that's that's something that they're so good at and that's why it's
  974. 00:36:35
  975. it's so hard to say you know all this is going to be the one where they are going to be caught where they're going to be
  976. 00:36:41
  977. show I mean we've had we've had mass shootings where operators were actually caught in the woods
  978. 00:36:48
  979. by by police by local sheriff
  980. 00:36:51
  981. and put in handcuffs
  982. 00:36:53
  983. and they were wearing camouflage
  984. 00:36:56
  985. and they were detained
  986. 00:36:58
  987. and then what happens
  988. 00:36:59
  989. I get a phone call and it says I let him go because she's not part of this and don't keep is information
  990. 00:37:05
  991. and they do that and they do
  992. 00:37:07
  993. don't mind and
  994. 00:37:08
  995. and then that's that's the end of it
  996. 00:37:10
  997. as a matter fact might've Las Vegas are mass shooting there were several people detained
  998. 00:37:16
  999. that were that were stopped as possibly being
  1000. 00:37:19
  1001. and yet what happened
  1002. 00:37:21
  1003. they get the phone call says let him go it on a part of this
  1004. 00:37:25
  1005. and that's what stuck and don't cheat their information
  1006. 00:37:28
  1007. and that's what
  1008. 00:37:30
  1009. so that's why it's hard it's hard Jordan say
  1010. 00:37:33
  1011. you know yeah this is going to be the one where you where were French because it's so easy to focus people on on the old are you now hope federal government did it
  1012. 00:37:43
  1013. you know they're the ones who did it the other up and so that stocks
  1014. 00:37:48
  1015. that stops all the real inquiry
  1016. 00:37:50
  1017. from going forward at school
  1018. 00:37:53
  1019. yeah classic classic co Intel pro counter intelligence
  1020. 00:37:57
  1021. programs
  1022. 00:37:58
  1023. so
  1024. 00:38:00
  1025. thank you thank you for you know bringing ...
  1026. 00:38:03
  1027. a very well balanced
  1028. 00:38:06
  1029. respective into all of that because I know with how emotionally
  1030. 00:38:10
  1031. driven so many people are about how more intense these events are getting you know I think and I can kind of shut down
  1032. 00:38:18
  1033. critical thinking aspects aspects of mine so it's very good to have those
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  1038. 00:38:22
  1039. those perspectives and knows very grounded opinions
  1040. 00:38:26
  1041. arm and then lastly I want I want to ask you about your book clear hearers now what and I just wanna what you to expound a little bit about that and what you wrote about your new
  1042. 00:38:37
  1043. writing
  1044. 00:38:38
  1045. ... clear here is is something that
  1046. 00:38:41
  1047. people have not seen before it is a it's us it's a book that is about how my own up paranormal experiences well
  1048. 00:38:51
  1049. even as a child even the answer even as a teenager and it's the story of a great voice that comes to be a very clear up voice of authority that comes to people during times of crisis
  1050. 00:39:04
  1051. to help them to uplift them and sometimes he saved or why
  1052. 00:39:09
  1053. and it's also it talks about it's a book that talks about my experiences growing up
  1054. 00:39:14
  1055. I in my family are and also the experiences of many many other people who were clear shearers
  1056. 00:39:21
  1057. it's based on not playing audience is well that's another word for it
  1058. 00:39:25
  1059. I'll bet I'm bringing back the English term for a clear audience was a French word I'm based on based on Joan of arc was the first one globally known clear here
  1060. 00:39:34
  1061. Joan of arc who used to say I thought that she would hear the voice of mother Mary she said it was mother Mary who would come to her and help her and show her her future and help her
  1062. 00:39:48
  1063. you say France
  1064. 00:39:49
  1065. is what she
  1066. 00:39:50
  1067. so it's up that's what the book's about
  1068. 00:39:53
  1069. so
  1070. 00:39:55
  1071. not like anything people
  1072. 00:39:56
  1073. seen before that's for sure
  1074. 00:39:58
  1075. that sounds amazing you know it's it's
  1076. 00:40:01
  1077. fantastic to see in ex FBI agent was a grounder perspective be into the paranormal and be into the paranormal but also keeping that
  1078. 00:40:11
  1079. balanced logical perspective and investigative perspective
  1080. 00:40:16
  1081. yeah well it being able to see well there's layers of reasons for different meanings in and deduce
  1082. 00:40:22
  1083. and connect the dots this to all those all those layers
  1084. 00:40:25
  1085. select one of the things I like to do with people because I'm constantly ask okay it is and I counseling get information on this with this info agent this guy's this info agent you know who is this info agent his was not you know and who's paid by the government happy
  1086. 00:40:41
  1087. send your C.
  1088. 00:40:43
  1089. show payments from CIA contractors to
  1090. 00:40:46
  1091. certain individuals
  1092. 00:40:47
  1093. and I want to see any of that
  1094. 00:40:49
  1095. up because I will never tell people about this guys this guy's information Israel discuss this simple agent
  1096. 00:40:56
  1097. I'll never do that when I try to do is teach them how to do that for themselves I try to teach methodology I do workshops I try to teach people the way that the FBI does it
  1098. 00:41:05
  1099. to evaluate our informants whistle blowers anybody bringing information and that's basically are called out map the person think costs
  1100. 00:41:15
  1101. the info
  1102. 00:41:16
  1103. and map stands for motives access persona
  1104. 00:41:20
  1105. up close
  1106. 00:41:22
  1107. B. information stands for credibility unbelievable the source and survey
  1108. 00:41:28
  1109. and that's what you do you go through each of those items
  1110. 00:41:31
  1111. and if and those are two separate tests
  1112. 00:41:33
  1113. if a person passes one part of the test
  1114. 00:41:36
  1115. that's all it takes for you to consider their information
  1116. 00:41:39
  1117. and you in nature as
  1118. 00:41:41
  1119. if they if they pass the parcel on the personal level
  1120. 00:41:45
  1121. you're going to give their information are a really good looking at and you gonna consider very carefully or the information passes the
  1122. 00:41:53
  1123. then you're gonna again you can give the person
  1124. 00:41:55
  1125. a great chance
  1126. 00:41:57
  1127. to go through their stuff
  1128. 00:41:58
  1129. so it's motives map met the person is motives whatever the motives access
  1130. 00:42:05
  1131. and persona assessment
  1132. 00:42:07
  1133. what is that person
  1134. 00:42:08
  1135. the stable reliable
  1136. 00:42:10
  1137. consistent and then you are out
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  1143. 00:42:12
  1144. you are cuss the information
  1145. 00:42:15
  1146. is it credible credible material is it unbelievable or believable
  1147. 00:42:20
  1148. but the source is it third hand
  1149. 00:42:23
  1150. or is it documented hearsay weighing all our this is an original source
  1151. 00:42:29
  1152. answer me the material seemed it's from a singular source or various
  1153. 00:42:33
  1154. the pencil
  1155. 00:42:34
  1156. so anyway that's one of the things I tried to
  1157. 00:42:38
  1158. everywhere I go it's just
  1159. 00:42:39
  1160. people had it value a
  1161. 00:42:41
  1162. his whistle blowers
  1163. 00:42:43
  1164. and the
  1165. 00:42:43
  1166. informants
  1167. 00:42:45
  1168. I'm so very poor
  1169. 00:42:46
  1170. and that is absolutely important I absolutely respect that that because we have to teach people how to think not what to think wrote it in this world is not so black and white it's very gray step person could not even know they might be handing along misinformation they could be are completely
  1171. 00:43:06
  1172. it all out intention for good but they don't know the information is bad or some of that might be in
  1173. 00:43:13
  1174. quality info some might be bad as well so it's it it goes into such a deeper layers and just saying are there not everything's wrong with this
  1175. 00:43:21
  1176. exactly person trust
  1177. 00:43:23
  1178. it's here you know I I just I am I am very wary of people that deal in absolutes like that
  1179. 00:43:30
  1180. and people should stay away from mainstream media elk on hold on all counts completely great joke going around saying our I don't listen to CNN for the same reason I don't drink from a toilet
  1181. 00:43:42
  1182. you know that's awesome mazing having you on with me John and I I thank you for talking with me for this time today
  1183. 00:43:50
  1184. because great Jordan great being here with you and destroying the illusion have absolutely my friend so I'm just real quick where can people go to find you we had we discussed your clear here's your new book where can they find your work find that and
  1185. 00:44:06
  1186. well all my books are available on Amazon and anyhow but to retailers so we're fine books are sold also I might website is John Thomas books
  1187. 00:44:16
  1188. dot com I that's TI turn a M. like Mary a
  1189. 00:44:20
  1190. John ten books dot com ends are just people should just check out my Twitter I'll my Facebook is well my face because what a great material on it up fandom swells was my you tube channels well
  1191. 00:44:32
  1192. and that yeah I'm trying to get the stuff out there and make people think about these topics that are so much more important than anything else out there
  1193. 00:44:41
  1194. much more important than anything non
  1195. 00:44:44
  1196. television that that'll clear exactly how that's everybody watching I'll go ahead and post all the links that John just offered a download this video for easy access
  1197. 00:44:55
  1198. and again thank you for coming along with me John UGX Jordan's been great man great thanks
  1199. 00:45:01
  1200. I take it
  1201. 00:45:18 /media ends/
  1204. TITLE: "Interview w/ ex-FBI John DeSouza on Las Vegas, Tom Delonge Disclosure & Paranormal Investigations"
  1205. PUBLISHED DATE: 2017-10-20 19:55:33
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