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Nov 21st, 2017
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  1. Tryndamere match ups
  3. Teemo:
  4. Go flash and ignite.
  5. Bilgewater. Farm under tower.
  6. Runes: Press Attack, Lethal Tempo.
  7. If teemo takes E at level 1 you can win the trade.
  8. If teemo takes Q than its harder at level 1.
  9. Level 2. If you get blinded back off.Try to bait out his Q.
  10. If you don't beat him level 1 or 2. You need to just play passive and sustain.
  11. Level 1 don't push the wave.
  12. Tell your Jungle "Tell your Jungle teemo counters you"
  13. Level 3-6 makes it hard to kill him.
  14. The main tatic to beating teemo is farming under turret. Once you get bilgewater you can kill him.
  15. Blade of Ruin King > Merc Treads > Phantom dancer.
  17. Look up Jay Sea. Do Tryndamere vs Teemo.
  19. Darius:
  20. If he tries to Q you and you can't run away from it just run up to him and auto attack. (His Q is his spin)
  21. Try to bait out his Q. Try to bait out his E. (Pull) When his abilities are on CD auto attack him. NEVER Iniate with E.
  22. Be careful for how you use your E against teemo, Darius. Take ignite if you aren't confident. If you are confident
  23. take TP.
  25. Blade of Ruin King > Ninja Tabi or Bezerks(If your winning go bezerks if your losing go Ninja Tabi)
  26. Long sword and 2 health pot thingie for start.
  30. Nasus:
  31. Get ninja tabis against nasus. If nasus starts team fighting keep split pushing.Harass Nasus early.
  33. Tell your teamates to:
  34. CC, Tank, ap, Ad
  36. If your tilting focus on yourself more.
  37. Also set up for jungler more.
  38. You can win more games often.
  39. Keep vision on rift if behind.
  40. If ahead take rift.
  42. Mid to late game.
  43. Float. Flank. Gank. Counter Jungle.
  44. Wasteing the top, mid, jungler time.
  45. Really set up ganks for jungler.
  48. Jayce:
  49. Doran Shield, Health Pot first items. Cloth Armor + Vampire Scepter
  50. Once you get blade of ruin king and tabis you should be able to Kill Jayce.
  52. Renekton:
  53. Try to kill him level 1. He only has 1 abilty rather its his w or q ,which wont be enough for him to kill you
  54. Longsword and the 2 health pot thing for starting items.
  55. Try to bait his W. (Stun)
  56. Build vampire scepter first back.
  57. Later on if you want to win just in case: Buy PD, Ninja Tabis.
  58. Rush statik shiv 1st item.
  59. Summoner spells: Flash + Ignite.
  60. Tiamat is better in team fights.
  62. Jax:
  63. Build up your rage. And save your E for when he uses his thing that blocks auto attacks.
  64. Long sword and the 2 health pot thing for start.
  65. Ignite, Flash. For summoner spells.
  66. Manage your wave.
  67. Build Ninja Tabi.
  69. Yasuo:
  70. Longsword and the 2 health pot thing for starting items.
  71. Wait till level 4 to fight yasuo
  72. Take flash/ignite.
  73. Vampire Scepter > Zeal > Ninja Tabi
  74. Rush statik shiv.
  76. Garen:
  77. Long sword and the 2 health pot thing for start.
  79. Gnar:
  80. Early game you beat him.
  81. If you rush BotrK you win.
  83. Irelia:
  84. Early game start: Long sword and 2 health pot thing.
  85. Win level 1.
  86. Flash/Ignite.
  88. Gangplank:
  89. Longsword and refillable potion.
  90. Flash/Ignite.
  92. Tahm Kench:
  93. Doran sheild + Health pot.
  95. Quinn:
  96. Cloth Armor + Refillable potion
  98. Range champions top lane:
  99. Take ghost and TP.
  101. Maphite:
  102. Rush Tiamat ,and Attack speed. Bezerks. Zeal. Vampire Sceptor
  103. Focus on csing. This build is good late game.
  104. Starting items Longsword + Refillable potion
  106. Riven:
  107. Longsword + Refillable potion
  108. You beat Riven level 1 if you get fury.
  109. Level 3 riven beats you.
  110. Vampire Sceptor and A dagger.
  112. Rumble:
  113. Long sword + Refillable potion
  114. You beat Rumble Level 1.
  116. Aatrox:
  118. Vayne:
  119. Doran shield and a health pot.
  120. Learn how to be zone. Don't let her harass you.
  121. Learn your power spikes level 3,4 and 6.
  122. Pull wave to you: Sacrifice cs ,so jungler can gank.
  124. Notes: Sometimes it is better to let jungler ingage.
  125. Win lane and snowball.If behind its harder to split push.
  126. Do we have everyone we need in our team fight?
  128. Urgot:
  129. Teleport/Flash.
  130. Doran Shield/Health pot.
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