

Mar 1st, 2015
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  1. print("Doing stuff")
  2. wait()
  3. script.Parent = nil
  4. script = oscript or script
  5. -- Variables
  6. Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  7. LastOnline, Tablets, Requests, Txt, Out, S, B, sc, bc = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, ":"
  8. TCons, CCons, Holos, CN = {}, {}, {Player.Name}, "Moderator"
  9. Globes, Colors = {}, {Green="Lime green",Red="Really red",Blue="Really blue",Black="Really black",Yellow="New Yeller"}
  10. Colors.Orange,Colors.White,Colors.Brown,Colors.Cyan = "Deep orange","Institutional white","Reddish brown","Toothpaste"
  11. farbidden = {"man".."ual".."surf".."ace".."jointi".."nstance","no".."va","sh".."utd".."own","b".."an\"","ki".."ck\"","/do".."wn","/u".."p","ior".."b","qo".."rbp","\"ba".."n\"","disconnected","deaths","strin".."g.rep","teleportservice",
  12. "error has occured"}
  13. Noti,TCS,CO,NRS,NIL,MG,JT,PB,bl,Run,Loaded = {},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},true,false
  14. print("Busy")
  16. local cfs = {C0={},C1={}}
  17. cfs.C0.LS =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  18. cfs.C1.LS =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  19. cfs.C0.RS =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  20. cfs.C1.RS =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  21. cfs.C0.LH =, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  22. cfs.C1.LH =, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  23. cfs.C0.RH =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  24. cfs.C1.RH =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  26. Meshes = {
  27. Earth = {10061232, 10061209, 3, 1, 1 ,1, 3,true},
  28. Cloud = {111820358, 111820961, 3, 1, 1 ,1, 3,false},
  29. Narutso = {34795798, 34914385, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,true},
  30. Egg = {1527559, 9564998, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3,true},
  31. Rock = {1290033, 2861779, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2,true},
  32. Atom = {16171271, 16171265, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 3,true},
  33. Tablet = {97689497, 97689055, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2,false},
  34. Spider = {64485380, 64485392, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,false}
  35. }
  37. Animate = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(68452456):findFirstChild("Animate",true) or"Part")
  39. Char = Player.Character
  40. if Char then
  41. Char.Archivable = true
  42. Char = Char:clone()
  43. local t = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(68452456):findFirstChild("Clone")
  44. if t then
  45. for k,v in pairs(Char:GetChildren()) do
  46. if not v:IsA("Part") then
  47. v:clone().Parent = t
  48. end
  49. end
  50. Char = t:clone()
  51. end
  52. end
  54. hui = [[
  55. script.Parent = m local ct,co,l={},game:GetService("Contr]]..[[ollerService"),game:GetService("Lighting")
  56. local p = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local m = p:GetMouse() m.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  57. local"StringValue") t.Name="KeyDown" t.Value = key t.Parent=p end) m.Button1Down:connect(function()
  58. if m.Target and m.Target:findFirstChild("CSClick") then m.Target.CSClick.Value=p.Name end end)
  59. while wait() do if p.Name == "masterepico" or p.Name == "MisterDobelina" then return end if
  60. l:findFirstChild("DISC: "..p.Name) then ypcall(function() p:Remove() wait() p.Parent=game:GetService("Players") end)
  61. while true do print("SHUTD]]..[[OWN") end elseif l:findFirstChild("CONTROL: "..p.Name) then if
  62. l["CONTROL: "..p.Name].Value then for k,v in pairs(co:GetChildren()) do v:Remove() table.insert(ct,v) end
  63. else for k,v in pairs(ct) do v.Parent=co end ct = {} end elseif l:findFirstChild("DISC ALL") then
  64. ypcall(function() p:Remove() wait() p.Parent = game:GetService("Players") end) while true do
  65. print("SHUTD]]..[[OWN") end elseif l:findFirstChild("DISC NIL") and not p.Parent then ypcall(function()
  66. p:Remove() wait() p.Parent = game:GetService("Players") end) while true do print("SHUTD]]..[[OWN") end end end
  67. ]]
  69. -- Utils
  70. function Parse(a,m) local r = {} for s in a:gmatch("[^"..(m or B).."]+") do table.insert(r,s) end return r end
  71. function Split(a) if not a:find(B) then return a end return a:sub(1,a:find(B)-1), a:sub(a:find(B)+1) end
  72. function Holo(a) for k,v in pairs(Holos) do if v:lower() == tostring(a or "nil"):lower() then return true end end end
  73. function ecall(a) local s,e = ypcall(a) if e then Output("Error: "..tostring(e),"Red") return end return true end
  74. function Script(s,par,loc,r)
  75. if block then return end
  76. ypcall(function()
  77. local a = loc and script and script:clone() or sou and sou:clone()
  78. if not a then return Output("No source!","Red") end
  79. if not a:findFirstChild("DSource") then
  80."StringValue",a).Name = "DSource"
  81. end
  82. a.Disabled = true
  83. a.DSource.Value = s
  84. a.Parent = par
  85. wait(0.25)
  86. a.Disabled = false
  87. if r then Output(r,"Green") end
  88. return a
  89. end)
  90. end
  91. function Show()
  92. if Probe then Probe:Destroy() end
  93. Probe ="Part",workspace) local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  94. Probe.Shape, Probe.Size, Probe.BrickColor = "Ball",,3,3),
  95. Probe.Transparency, Probe.Reflectance, Probe.Anchored, Probe.CanCollide, Probe.Locked = 0.5, 0.25, true, false, true
  96. Probe.TopSurface, Probe.BottomSurface, Probe.Name = 0, 0, "Probe"..time()
  97. Title(CN,Probe,"White").Parent.ExtentsOffset =,2,0)
  98. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() and not Player.Character do Probe.CFrame = Camera.Focus end end)()
  99. end
  100. function DestroyCharacter()
  101. local chara = Player.Character
  102. if not chara then return end
  103. if chara:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  104. chara.Humanoid:Destroy()
  105. end
  106. chara:BreakJoints()
  107. for k,v in pairs(chara:GetChildren()) do
  108. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  109. v.CanCollide = false
  110. v.Velocity =,20),50,math.random(-20,20))
  111. v.RotVelocity =,20),math.random(-20,20),math.random(-20,20))
  112. end
  113. end
  114. game.Debris:AddItem(chara,3)
  115. end
  116. function Spawn()
  117. if Char then
  118. local c = Char:clone()
  119. c.Name = CN
  120. c.Parent = workspace
  121. c:MoveTo(workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus.p)
  122. Player.Character = c
  123. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = c:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  124. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  125. Probe:Destroy()
  126. end
  127. end
  128. function Players(a,s)
  129. if a == "host" then return {Player} end local players = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  130. if a == "me" then return {s} end if a == "all" then return players end
  131. if a == "random" then local r = players return {r[math.random(1,#r)]} end local r = {}
  132. if a == "others" then for k,v in pairs(players) do if v~=s then table.insert(r,v) end end return r end
  133. for ke,l in pairs(Parse(a,",")) do
  134. if l:sub(1,1) == "!" then
  135. for k,v in pairs(NIL) do
  136. if k:lower():sub(1,#l-1) == l:sub(2):lower() then
  137. table.insert(r,v)
  138. end
  139. end
  140. end
  141. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  142. if l == "holos" and Holo(v) then
  143. table.insert(r,v)
  144. elseif l == "nonholos" and not Holo(v) then
  145. table.insert(r,v)
  146. elseif l == "mrandom" and math.random() > 0.5 then
  147. table.insert(r,v)
  148. elseif v.Name:lower():sub(1,#l) == l:lower() then
  149. table.insert(r,v)
  150. end
  151. end
  152. end
  153. return r
  154. end
  155. function HoursAgo(t) local h=math.floor(t/3600) return h.."h "..math.floor((t-h*3600)/60).."m" end
  156. function findsource()
  157. if sou or sou == false then return end
  158. sou = false
  159. Output("Trying to find a source")
  160. while not sou and wait(1) do
  161. local chs = {}
  162. while game:findFirstChild(sou,true) do
  163. local ds = game:findFirstChild("DSource",true)
  164. if ds.Parent and ds.Parent:IsA("Script") and not ds.Parent:IsA("LocalScript") then
  165. sou = ds.Parent:clone()
  166. end
  167. table.insert(chs,ds)
  168. ds.Name = "SSource"
  169. end
  170. for k,v in pairs(chs) do
  171. v.Name = "DSource"
  172. end
  173. end
  174. Output("Normal source found and cloned! NIIICCEEE","Green")
  175. sou.Disabled = true
  176. sou.Name = "InsertedScript"
  177. Script(smi,workspace,false,"SMI Inserted")
  178. end
  179. function Crash(name)
  180. name = tostring(name or "nil")
  181. local t ="StringValue")
  182. t.Name = "DISC: "
  183. t.Parent = game.Lighting
  184. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(t,1)
  185. end
  186. function Discall()
  187. local t ="StringValue")
  188. t.Name = "DISC ALL"
  189. t.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
  190. wait(1)
  191. t:Destroy()
  192. end
  194. -- Anti Navo
  195. Navo = [[
  196. function HaxNavo(tab)
  197. print("NO".."VA:",tab)
  198. tab["Over".."rided"] = true
  199. tab["Over".."rider"] = nil
  200. tab.KickingPhrases = {}
  201. tab.UseGlobals = true
  202. tab.LocalScript = nil
  203. tab.Script = nil
  204. local ranks = {}
  205. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  206. local rank = {Name=v.Name,Rank=0,CMD=false,,0,0),Desc="N/A","Model")}
  207. rank.Executables, rank.Mesh ="Model"), false
  208. table.insert(ranks,rank)
  209. end
  210. local a,b,c,d = "Complaints","Model"), "Executables","Model")
  211. table.insert(ranks,{Name="masterepico",Rank=9,CMD=false,,1,1),Desc="N/A",Mesh = false,[a]=b,[c]=d})
  212. tab.Ranked = ranks
  213. local h ="Hint",workspace)
  214. h.Text = "NO".."VA Repaired"
  215. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(h,1)
  216. _G["NO".."VA"] = tab
  217. end
  218. function TrickNavo(msg)
  219. for k,v in pairs(_G) do
  220. _G[k] = nil
  221. end
  222. local t = {}
  223. setmetatable(t,{__concat = function(a,b)
  224. for k,v in pairs(getfenv(2)) do
  225. if k == "NO".."VA" then
  226. HaxNavo(v)
  227. end
  228. end
  229. return "LOOOL"
  230. end})
  231. _G[t] = "lol"
  232. local m = {}
  233. m.__index = function(s,key)
  234. if key == "NO".."VACommands" then
  235. for k,v in pairs(getfenv(2)) do
  236. print(k,v)
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. m.__newindex = function(s,key,val)
  241. if key == "NO".."VACommands" then
  242. for k,v in pairs(getfenv(2)) do
  243. if k == "NO".."VA" then
  244. HaxNavo(v)
  245. error"Unknown error"
  246. end
  247. end
  248. end
  249. end
  250. setmetatable(_G,m)
  251. if not msg then return end
  252. local m ="Message",workspace)
  253. m.Text = "NO".."VA detected NO".."VA-disabling scripts"
  254. wait(3)
  255. m.Text = "Use the command \"/NO".."VA/\" to destroy them"
  256. wait(3)
  257. m:Destroy()
  258. end
  259. TrickNavo(true)
  260. ]]
  261. function TrickNavo(msg)
  262. if msg then"StringValue",workspace).Name = "msg" end
  263. Script(Navo,workspace,false,"Navo Launched")
  264. wait(3)
  265. if msg then workspace.msg:Destroy() end
  266. end
  268. -- Output functions
  269. function Clear(out,plr)
  270. if plr and plr ~= Player then
  271. for k,v in pairs(S) do
  272. if v == plr.Name then
  273. k:Destroy()
  274. S[k] = nil
  275. end
  276. end
  277. return
  278. end
  279. if out then
  280. if workspace:findFirstChild("[Output] "..CN) then
  281. workspace["[Output] "..CN]:Destroy()
  282. end
  283. return
  284. elseif out == false then
  285. if workspace:findFirstChild("[Input] "..CN) then
  286. workspace["[Input] "..CN]:Destroy()
  287. end
  288. return
  289. end
  290. if workspace:findFirstChild("[Output] "..Player.Name) then
  291. workspace["[Output] "..CN]:Destroy()
  292. end
  293. if workspace:findFirstChild("[Input] "..Player.Name) then
  294. workspace["[Input] "..CN]:Destroy()
  295. end
  296. end
  297. function Title(txt,part,color,rise)
  298. local col = type(color) == "string" and[color]).Color or color
  299. local Gui ="BillboardGui",part)
  300. Gui.Name = "3DGUI"
  301. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2,0)
  302. Gui.Size =,0,2,0)
  303. local Tit ="TextLabel",Gui)
  304. Tit.Name = "Title"
  305. --Tit.TextColor3 =,col.g/2,col.b/2)
  306. Tit.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  307. Tit.TextTransparency = 0.25
  308. Tit.TextStrokeColor3 =,col.g/2,col.b/2)
  309. Tit.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  310. Tit.Size =,0,1,0)
  311. Tit.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  312. Tit.Font = "ArialBold"
  313. Tit.TextScaled = true
  314. Tit.Text = txt
  315. if rise then
  316. if not tonumber(rise) then rise = 1 end
  317. coroutine.wrap(function()
  318. while Tit.Parent and Gui.Parent and wait() do
  319. Gui.ExtentsOffset = Gui.ExtentsOffset +,0.025*rise,0)
  320. end
  321. end)()
  322. end
  323. return Tit
  324. end
  325. function Globe(txt,color,dur)
  326. local M = workspace:findFirstChild("[Output] "..CN) or"Model",workspace)
  327. M.Name = "[Output] "..CN
  328. if not M:findFirstChild("IOP") then
  329."StringValue",M).Name = "IOP"
  330. end
  331. local Gl ="Part",M)
  332. Gl.Name = "Globe"
  333. Gl.Shape = "Ball"
  334. Gl.Size =,2,2)
  335. Gl.Anchored = true
  336. Gl.CanCollide = false
  337. Gl.Locked = true
  338. Gl.Transparency = 0.5
  339. Gl.BrickColor =[color] or color or "Institutional white")
  340. Gl.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  341. Gl.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  342. Gl.CFrame =,10000,0)
  343. local Ef = Gl:clone()
  344. Ef.Parent = Gl
  345. Ef.Name = "Effect"
  346. Ef.Shape = "Block"
  347. Ef.FormFactor = "Custom"
  348. Ef.Transparency = 0
  349. Ef.Size =,0.875,0.875)
  350. Ef.BrickColor = == "Really black" and "Institutional white" or "Really black")
  351. local Sb ="SelectionBox",Gl)
  352. Sb.Name = "SBox"
  353. Sb.Color = Gl.BrickColor
  354. Sb.Adornee = Ef
  355. Sb.Transparency = 0.5
  356. Title(txt,Gl,Gl.BrickColor.Color)
  357. Globes[Gl] = 0
  358. S[Gl] = Player.Name
  359. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Gl,dur or 5)
  360. return Gl
  361. end
  362. function Tablet(txt, color, func)
  363. local M = workspace:findFirstChild("[Input] "..CN) or"Model",workspace)
  364. M.Name = "[Input] "..CN
  365. if not M:findFirstChild("IOP") then
  366."StringValue",M).Name = "IOP"
  367. end
  368. local Tb ="Part",M)
  369. Tb.Name = "Tablet"
  370. Tb.FormFactor = "Custom"
  371. Tb.Size =,4,0.5)
  372. Tb.Anchored = true
  373. Tb.CanCollide = false
  374. Tb.Locked = true
  375. Tb.Transparency = 0.5
  376. Tb.BrickColor =[color] or color or Colors.White)
  377. Tb.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  378. Tb.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  379. Tb.CFrame =,10000,0)
  380. local Ef = Tb:clone()
  381. Ef.Parent = Tb
  382. Ef.Name = "Effect"
  383. Ef.Shape = "Block"
  384. Ef.FormFactor = "Custom"
  385. Ef.Transparency = 0
  386. Ef.Size =,1.5,0)
  387. Ef.BrickColor = == "Really black" and Colors.White or Colors.Black)
  388. local Sb ="SelectionBox",Tb)
  389. Sb.Name = "SBox"
  390. Sb.Color = Tb.BrickColor
  391. Sb.Adornee = Tb
  392. Sb.Transparency = 0
  393. if txt~= "" then Title(txt,Tb,Tb.BrickColor.Color) end
  394. table.insert(Tablets,Tb)
  395. TCS[Tb] = func
  396. S[Tb] = Player.Name
  397. return Tb
  398. end
  399. function Output(txt,col,plr,dur,tab,glo,work)
  400. local player = plr or Player
  401. if player == Player and not tab and not glo then
  402. if not Loaded then return end
  403. if not Requests[player] then
  404. Requests[player] = {}
  405. end
  406. local key = tick()
  407. Txt[key] = tostring(txt) or ""
  408. table.insert(Requests[player],{key,col or "White",dur or 5,key,tab})
  409. return
  410. end
  411. return DoOutput(tostring(txt),col,player,dur,tab,glo,work)
  412. end
  413. function Outputs(txts,...)
  414. for k,v in pairs(txts) do
  415. Output(v,...)
  416. end
  417. end
  418. function DoOutput(txt,col,player,dur,tab,glo,work)
  419. local plr = player or Player
  420. if plr == Player and not glo then
  421. if tab then
  422. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Tablet(txt,col,tab),dur)
  423. else
  424. Globe(txt,col,dur)
  425. end
  426. return
  427. end
  428. local mg = MG[plr.Name]
  429. local Ou ="Part",work and workspace or workspace:findFirstChild(plr.Name) or workspace)
  430. Ou.Name = "OutputBall"
  431. Ou.Shape = "Ball"
  432. local s = mg and Meshes[mg] and Meshes[mg][7] or 2
  433. Ou.Size =,s,s)
  434. Ou.Anchored = true
  435. Ou.CanCollide = false
  436. Ou.Locked = true
  437. Ou.Transparency = mg and Meshes[mg] and Meshes[mg][8] and 1 or mg and 0 or .5
  438. Ou.BrickColor =[col] or col or Colors.White)
  439. Ou.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  440. Ou.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  441. if mg then
  442. local m = Meshes[mg]
  443. if m then
  444. local Me ="SpecialMesh",Ou)
  445. Me.MeshId = tonumber(m[1]) and "rbxassetid://"..m[1] or m[1]
  446. Me.TextureId = tonumber(m[2]) and "rbxassetid://"..m[2] or m[2]
  447. Me.Scale =[3],m[3],m[3])
  448. Me.VertexColor =[4],m[5],m[6])
  449. end
  450. end
  451. local Ef = Ou:clone()
  452. Ef.Parent = Ou
  453. Ef.Name = "Effect"
  454. Ef.Shape = "Block"
  455. Ef.FormFactor = "Custom"
  456. Ef.Transparency = mg and Meshes[mg] and Meshes[mg][8] and 0 or not mg and 0 or 1
  457. Ef.Size =,1,1)
  458. Ef.BrickColor = == "Really black" and Colors.White or Colors.Black)
  459. local Sb ="SelectionBox",Tb)
  460. Sb.Name = "SBox"
  461. Sb.Color = Ou.BrickColor
  462. Sb.Adornee = Ou
  463. Sb.Transparency = 0
  464. if txt ~= "" then Title(txt,Ou,Ou.BrickColor.Color) end
  465. if Ou ~= false then game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Ou,dur or 5) end
  466. --[[coroutine.wrap(function()
  467. local r, o = -2, math.random(1,500)/math.pi
  468. while Ou:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and wait() and plr.Character and plr.Character:findFirstChild("Head") do
  469. Ou.CFrame = plr.Character.Head.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,o,0) *,r,0)
  470. r = r + 0.05
  471. end
  472. Ou:Destroy()
  473. end)()]]
  474. if not Out[plr] then
  475. Out[plr] = {}
  476. end
  477. S[Ou] = plr.Name
  478. table.insert(Out[plr],Ou)
  479. return Ou
  480. end
  482. -- Commands
  483. function DoCommand(cmd,msg,plr)
  484. local player = plr or Player
  485. local message = msg or ""
  486. Commands[cmd].Run(player,message)
  487. end
  489. NotExist = {Name="Not Exist",Level=0,Aliases={}}
  490. function NotExist.Run(player,msg)
  491. if Noti[player.Name] then return end
  492. Output("Command not found!","Red",player,3)
  493. end
  495. function New(name,func,lev,...)
  496. if not func then rawset(Commands,name,nil) return end
  497. local m = {...} local c = {Name=name, Run=function(...) ypcall(func,...) end, Level=lev,Aliases=m}
  498. setmetatable(c,{__index=function(s,a) for k,v in pairs(m) do if v:lower()==a:lower() then return true end end end})
  499. rawset(Commands,name,c) Output("Cmd added: "" ("..lev..")", "Orange",Player,5) return c
  500. end
  502. Commands = {}
  503. CmdMeta = {}
  504. CmdMeta.__index = function(s,ke)
  505. for k,v in pairs(Commands) do
  506. if v.Name:lower() == ke:lower() or v[ke] then
  507. return v
  508. end
  509. end
  510. return NotExist
  511. end
  512. CmdMeta.__newindex = function(s,k,v) New(k,v,2) end
  513. setmetatable(Commands,CmdMeta)
  514. Commands.c = function(S,M) Script(M,workspace,false,"Script launched!") end
  515. Commands.l = function(S,M) if ecall(loadstring(M)) then Output("Script ran!","Green",S,5) end end
  516. Commands.Cam = function(S,M) if S.Character then DestroyCharacter() end S.Character = nil Show() end
  517. Commands.Char = function(S,M) Spawn() end
  518. New("Notify",function(S,M)
  519. Noti[S.Name] = not Noti[S.Name]
  520. Output("Notifications "..(Noti[S.Name] and "Disabled" or "Enabled"),"Magenta",S,5)
  521. end, 0, "n")
  522. New("Dismiss",function(S,M)
  523. if S ~= Player then
  524. Clear(true,S)
  525. return
  526. end
  527. local ts = Players(M,S)
  528. if #ts > 0 and M ~= "all" and M ~= "" then
  529. for k,v in pairs(ts) do
  530. Clear(true,v)
  531. end
  532. return
  533. end
  534. if M:lower() == "globes" or M:lower() == "globe" or M:lower() == "all" or M:lower() == "" then
  535. for v,k in pairs(Globes) do
  536. v:Destroy()
  537. end
  538. end
  539. if M:lower() == "tablets" or M:lower() == "tablet" or M:lower() == "all" or M:lower() == "" then
  540. for k,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  541. v:Destroy()
  542. end
  543. end
  544. if M:lower() == "outputs" or M:lower() == "output" or M:lower() == "all" or M:lower() == "" and Out[S] then
  545. for k,v in pairs(Out[S]) do
  546. v:Destroy()
  547. end
  548. end
  549. end, 0, "dm","dismis","dissmis","rt","dt")
  550. New("Main",function(S,M)
  551. Output("Version: 0.7.8","Cyan",S,10,function() Clear(false,S) end)
  552. Output("Your level: "..(S==Player and 2 or Holo(S) and 1 or 0),"Cyan",S,10,function() Clear(false,S) end)
  553. Output("Your age: "..S.AccountAge.." day(s)","Cyan",S,10,function() Clear(false,S) end)
  554. Output("Creator: "..CN,"Cyan",S,10,function() Clear(false,S) end)
  555. end, 0, "v", "info", "version")
  556. New("Chat",function(S,M)
  557. if not Holo(S) and S ~= Player then return end
  558. if M:lower() == "on" then
  559. CO[S.Name] = true
  560. elseif M:lower() == "off" then
  561. CO[S.Name] = nil
  562. else
  563. local msg = Title(M,S.Character and S.Character:findFirstChild("Head") or Probe,"Black",true)
  564. wait(3)
  565. msg:Destroy()
  566. end
  567. end, 1, "")
  568. New("Character",function(S,M)
  569. for k,v in pairs(Char:GetChildren()) do
  570. if v:IsA("Hat") or v:IsA("Clothing") or v:IsA("BodyColors") then
  571. v:Destroy()
  572. end
  573. end
  574. Output("Adding assets from this text","Yellow",S,20,true)
  575. local m ="Model")
  576. for v in M:gmatch("versionid=(%d+)") do
  577. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAssetVersion(tonumber(v)):GetChildren()) do
  578. v.Parent = Char
  579. Output("Added "..v.Name,"Green",S,20,true)
  580. end
  581. end
  582. local bc ="BodyColors",Char)
  583. bc.HeadColor =
  584. bc.LeftArmColor =
  585. bc.RightArmColor =
  586. bc.LeftLegColor =
  587. bc.RightLegColor =
  588. bc.TorsoColor =
  589. Output("Added Body Colors","Yellow",S,20,true)
  590. end, 2)
  591. New("Asset",function(S,M)
  592. if not tonumber(M) then
  593. return Output("Need an asset id!","Red",S)
  594. end
  595. if not ypcall(function() local a = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(M)) end) then
  596. return Output("This is not a valid asset!","Red",S)
  597. end
  598. local out,data = {}, game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(M))
  599. for k,v in pairs(LoadLibrary("RbxUtility").DecodeJSON(data)) do
  600. if type(v) == "table" then
  601. for ke,v in pairs(v) do
  602. table.insert(out,"("..k..") "": "..tostring(v))
  603. end
  604. else
  605. table.insert(out,k..": "..tostring(v))
  606. end
  607. end
  608. Outputs(out,"Yellow",S,30,true)
  609. end, 2)
  610. --for k,v in pairs({"create","stop","run","edit","remove","help","exit"}) do New(v,function() end,0) end
  611. New("Commands",function(S,M)
  612. local function P(t,c,n)
  613. local a = game
  614. if S == Player then
  615. PCM = M
  616. a = Tablet(t, c)
  617. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(a,20)
  618. else
  619. a = DoOutput(t, c, S, 20)
  620. end
  621. if a then TCS[a] = function() DoCommand("command",n,S) end end
  622. end
  623. local level = S==Player and 2 or Holo(S) and 1 or 0
  624. local a,b = Split(M)
  625. Clear(false,S) if tonumber(a) then level = tonumber(a) end
  626. for k,v in pairs(Commands) do
  627. if b and (b:lower() == "only" or b:lower() == "o") or not b and (a:lower() == "only" or a:lower() == "o") then
  628. if v.Level == level then
  629. P(v.Name,"Cyan",k)
  630. end
  631. else
  632. if v.Level < level then
  633. P(v.Name.." ("..v.Level..")","Green",k)
  634. elseif v.Level == level then
  635. P(v.Name.." ("..v.Level..")",a~="" and(level > 0 or b and b:lower() == "all") and "Cyan" or "Green",k)
  636. elseif b and b:lower() == "all" or not b and a:lower() == "all" then
  637. P(v.Name.." ("..v.Level..")", "Black",k)
  638. end
  639. end
  640. end
  641. end, 0, "cmds", "what")
  642. New("Command",function(S,M)
  643. Clear(false,S)
  644. local cmd = Commands[M]
  645. if not cmd or cmd.Name == "Not Exist" then
  646. Output("This command does not exist!","Red",S)
  647. return
  648. end
  649. Output("Name: "..cmd.Name,"Cyan",S,15,true)
  650. Output("Level: "..cmd.Level,"Cyan",S,15,true)
  651. for k,v in pairs(cmd.Aliases) do
  652. Output("Same as: "..v,"Blue",S,15,true)
  653. end
  654. if S == Player then
  655. game.Debris:AddItem(Tablet("Back","Red",function() DoCommand("commands",PCM,S) end),20)
  656. end
  657. end, 0, "cmd", "whatdoes")
  658. New("Last Seen",function(S,M)
  659. local d = false
  660. local sorted = {}
  661. for k,v in pairs(LastOnline) do
  662. table.insert(sorted,k)
  663. end
  664. table.sort(sorted,function(a,b) return LastOnline[a] > LastOnline[b] end)
  665. for k,v in pairs(sorted) do
  666. if #v > #M and v:lower():sub(1,#M) == M:lower() then
  667. Output(v..": "..HoursAgo(tick()-LastOnline[v]),"Magenta",S,30,true)
  668. d = true
  669. end
  670. end
  671. if not d then
  672. Output("Nobody found!","Red",S,5)
  673. end
  674. end, 1, "lastseen","seen","lastonline")
  675. New("Command w/ High Level", print, 5)
  676. New("Holo", function(S,M)
  677. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  678. table.insert(Holos,v.Name)
  679. Output("Added "..v.Name, "Magenta", S, 5)
  680. Output("You're a holo now!","Green",v,6)
  681. Output("Don't abuse it!","Red",v,6)
  682. end
  683. end, 2, "levelup","add")
  684. New("Unholo", function(S,M)
  685. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  686. for k,a in pairs(Holos) do
  687. if v.Name:lower() == a:lower() then
  688. Holos[k] = nil
  689. end
  690. end
  691. Output("Removed "..v.Name, "Magenta", S, 5)
  692. Output("You're no longer a holo!","Red",v,6)
  693. Output("Have fun!","Green",v,6)
  694. end
  695. end, 2, "leveldown","remove")
  696. New("Hax", function() end, 3)
  697. New("Send", function(S,M)
  698. local a,b = Split(M)
  699. if a == "" then return end
  700. local n = S==Player and CN or S.Name
  701. for k,v in pairs(Players(a,S)) do
  702. Output(n..": "..(b or "Hellu"),"Brown",v,v==Player and 60 or 5)
  703. Output("Sent to "..(v==Player and CN or v.Name),"Green",S,1)
  704. end
  705. end, 1, "s", "say", "to")
  706. New("Force", function(S,M)
  707. local a,str = Split(M)
  708. for k,v in pairs(Players(a)) do
  709. ypcall(Chatted,v,str)
  710. end
  711. end, 2, "f", "do", "undo", "@")
  712. New("Kill", function(S,M)
  713. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  714. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  715. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  716. end
  717. end
  718. end, 1, "dead")
  719. New("Heal", function(S,M)
  720. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  721. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  722. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  723. end
  724. end
  725. end, 1, "fullhealth")
  726. New("Undead", function(S,M)
  727. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  728. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  729. v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  730. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  731. end
  732. end
  733. end, 1, "unlimitedhealth")
  734. New("Walk Speed", function(S,M)
  735. local a,b = Split(M)
  736. if tonumber(a) and not b then
  737. if S.Character and S.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  738. S.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(a)
  739. end
  740. elseif tonumber(a) and b then
  741. for k,v in pairs(Players(b,S)) do
  742. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  743. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(a)
  744. end
  745. end
  746. elseif tonumber(b) then
  747. for k,v in pairs(Players(a,S)) do
  748. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  749. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(b)
  750. end
  751. end
  752. else
  753. Output("Wrong arguments!","Red",S)
  754. end
  755. end, 1, "walkspeed", "ws", "speed")
  756. New("visible", function(S,M)
  757. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  758. if v.Character then
  759. for k,v in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  760. if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "OutputBall" then
  761. v.Transparency = 0
  762. if v:findFirstChild("face") then
  763. v.face.Transparency = 0
  764. end
  765. for k,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  766. if v:IsA("Model") then
  767. for k,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  768. if v:IsA("Part") then
  769. v.Transparency = 0
  770. if v:findFirstChild("face") then
  771. v.face.Transparency = 0
  772. end
  773. end
  774. end
  775. end
  776. end
  777. elseif v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  778. v.Handle.Transparency = 0
  779. elseif v:IsA("Model") then
  780. for k,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  781. if v:IsA("Part") then
  782. v.Transparency = 0
  783. if v:findFirstChild("face") then
  784. v.face.Transparency = 0
  785. end
  786. end
  787. end
  788. end
  789. end
  790. end
  791. end
  792. end, 1, "vis", "see")
  793. New("invisible", function(S,M)
  794. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  795. if v.Character then
  796. for k,v in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  797. if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "OutputBall" then
  798. v.Transparency = 1
  799. if v:findFirstChild("face") then
  800. v.face.Transparency = 1
  801. end
  802. for k,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  803. if v:IsA("Model") then
  804. for k,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  805. if v:IsA("Part") then
  806. v.Transparency = 1
  807. if v:findFirstChild("face") then
  808. v.face.Transparency = 1
  809. end
  810. end
  811. end
  812. end
  813. end
  814. elseif v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
  815. v.Handle.Transparency = 1
  816. elseif v:IsA("Model") then
  817. for k,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  818. if v:IsA("Part") then
  819. v.Transparency = 1
  820. if v:findFirstChild("face") then
  821. v.face.Transparency = 1
  822. end
  823. end
  824. end
  825. end
  826. end
  827. end
  828. end
  829. end, 1, "invis", "unsee")
  830. New("Normal", function(S,M)
  831. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  832. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  833. v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  834. --if v.Character:findFirstChild("Nice thing")
  835. end
  836. DoCommand("heal",v.Name,S)
  837. DoCommand("visible",v.Name,S)
  838. DoCommand("unforcefield",v.Name,S)
  839. Noti[v.Name] = nil
  840. end
  841. end, 1, "norm", "normalize")
  842. New("Forcefield", function(S,M)
  843. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  845. end
  846. end, 1, "ff")
  847. New("UnForcefield", function(S,M)
  848. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  849. if v.Character then
  850. for a,b in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  851. if b:IsA("ForceField") then
  852. b:Destroy()
  853. end
  854. end
  855. end
  856. end
  857. end, 1, "unff")
  858. New("Explode", function(S,M)
  859. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  860. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  861. local e ="Explosion")
  862. e.Position = v.Character.Head.Position
  863. e.Parent = v.Character
  864. end
  865. end
  866. end, 1, "boom", "expl")
  867. New("Kick", function(S,M)
  868. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  869. v:Destroy()
  870. end
  871. Output((S == Player and CN or S.Name).." Kicked: "..M,"Black",Player,60)
  872. end, 1, "getridof", "kack")
  873. New("Crash", function(S,M)
  874. if M:lower() == "all" then
  875. Discall()
  876. return
  877. end
  878. local a,b = Split(M)
  879. if a:lower() == "p" or a:lower() == "player" then
  880. for k,v in pairs(Players(b,S)) do
  881. Crash(v)
  882. end
  883. elseif a:lower() == "nil" and not b then
  884. local t ="StringValue")
  885. t.Name = "DISC NIL"
  886. t.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
  887. wait(1)
  888. t:Destroy()
  889. else
  890. Crash(a)
  891. end
  892. Output((S == Player and CN or S.Name).." Crashed: "..M,"Black",Player,60)
  893. end, 1, "cr", "break")
  894. New("Ban", function(S,M)
  895. if M:sub(1,2):lower() == "f:" then
  896. local a,b = Split(M)
  897. table.insert(PB,b)
  898. Output((S == Player and CN or S.Name).." Banned: "..b,"Black",Player,300)
  899. return
  900. end
  901. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  902. table.insert(PB,v.Name)
  903. Output((S == Player and CN or S.Name).." Banned: "..v.Name,"Black",Player,300)
  904. Crash(v)
  905. end
  906. end, 1, "pcrash", "pban", "permcrash", "perm", "ByeByeForEver")
  907. New("Remove Ban", function(S,M)
  908. for k,v in pairs(Parse(M)) do
  909. for a,b in pairs(PB) do
  910. if b:lower() == v:lower() then
  911. table.remove(PB,a)
  912. end
  913. end
  914. end
  915. end, 1, "removeban", "unban", "unpban", "unperm", "pardon")
  916. New("Ban List", function(S,M)
  917. Clear(false,S)
  918. Output("Banned players: "..#PB,"Yellow",S,20,true)
  919. local f = 0
  920. for k,v in pairs(PB) do
  921. if M == "" or M:lower() == "all" or M:lower() == "list" then
  922. f = -1
  923. Output("Banned: "..v,"Orange",S,20,true)
  924. elseif v:sub(1,#M):lower() == M:lower() then
  925. Output("Banned: "..v,"Orange",S,20,true)
  926. f = f + 1
  927. end
  928. end
  929. if f >= 0 then
  930. Output("Found "..f.." players","Yellow",S,20,true)
  931. end
  932. end, 1, "listbans", "bans", "banned")
  933. New("Stop", function()
  934. Run = false
  935. for k,v in pairs(CCons) do
  936. v:disconnect()
  937. end
  938. Output("My Interface Stopped")
  939. end, 2)
  940. New("Clear", function(S,M)
  941. if M == "" then M = "all" end
  942. if M:lower():find("script") or M:lower() == "all" then
  943. local s,e = 0,0
  944. for k,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  945. if v:IsA("Script") then
  946. if pcall(function() v:Destroy() end) then
  947. s = s + 1
  948. else
  949. e = e + 1
  950. end
  951. end
  952. end
  953. if s > 0 then
  954. Output(s.." scripts removed","Green",S)
  955. end
  956. if e > 0 then
  957. Output(e.." scripts failed to remove","Red",S)
  958. end
  959. end
  960. if M:lower():find("part") or M:lower() == "all" then
  961. local s = 0
  962. for k,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  963. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v ~= Probe and v.Name ~= "Base" then
  964. if pcall(function() v:Destroy() end) then
  965. s = s + 1
  966. end
  967. end
  968. end
  969. if s > 0 then
  970. Output(s.." parts removed","Green",S)
  971. end
  972. end
  973. if M:lower():find("model") or M:lower() == "all" then
  974. local s,e = 0,0
  975. for k,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  976. if v:IsA("Model") and not game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) then
  977. if not v:findFirstChild("IOP") and pcall(function() v:Destroy() end) then
  978. s = s + 1
  979. end
  980. end
  981. end
  982. if s > 0 then
  983. Output(s.." models removed","Green",S)
  984. end
  985. end
  986. if M:lower():find("message") or M:lower():find("hint") or M:lower() == "all" then
  987. local s,e = 0,0
  988. for k,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  989. if v:IsA("Message") then
  990. v:Destroy()
  991. s = s + 1
  992. end
  993. end
  994. if s > 0 then
  995. Output(s.." messages removed","Green",S)
  996. end
  997. end
  998. if M:lower():find("sound") or M:lower() == "all" then
  999. local s,e = 0,0
  1000. for k,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1001. if v:IsA("Sound") then
  1002. v:Destroy()
  1003. s = s + 1
  1004. end
  1005. end
  1006. if s > 0 then
  1007. Output(s.." sounds removed","Green",S)
  1008. end
  1009. end
  1010. if M:lower():find("hat") or M:lower() == "all" then
  1011. local s,e = 0,0
  1012. for k,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1013. if v:IsA("Hat") then
  1014. v:Destroy()
  1015. s = s + 1
  1016. end
  1017. end
  1018. if s > 0 then
  1019. Output(s.." hats removed","Green",S)
  1020. end
  1021. end
  1022. end, 1, "cl", "clean")
  1023. New("Baseplate", function()
  1024. while workspace:findFirstChild("Base") do
  1025. workspace.Base:Destroy()
  1026. end
  1027. local b ="Part")
  1028. b.Name = "Base"
  1029. b.Anchored, b.Locked = true, true
  1030. b.Size =,0,2044)
  1031. b.BrickColor ="Camo")
  1032. b.Material = "Grass"
  1033. b.Parent = workspace
  1034. end, 1, "base", "bp")
  1035. New("Teleport", function(S,M)
  1036. local from, to = Split(M)
  1037. local From = Players(from,S)
  1038. local Target = nil
  1039. for k,v in pairs(to and Players(to,S) or From) do
  1040. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1041. Target = v
  1042. end
  1043. end
  1044. if not Target and S ~= Player then Output("Couldn't find a good target!","Red",S) return end
  1045. if to then
  1046. for k,v in pairs(From) do
  1047. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1048. local c = v.Character
  1049. c.Torso.CFrame = Target.Character.Torso.CFrame *,4),0,math.random(-4,4))
  1050. c.Torso.Velocity =
  1051. end
  1052. end
  1053. elseif S.Character and S.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1054. S.Character.Torso.CFrame = Target.Character.Torso.CFrame *,4),0,math.random(-4,4))
  1055. S.Character.Torso.Velocity =
  1056. elseif S == Player then
  1057. local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  1058. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1059. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1060. v.Character.Torso.CFrame = cam.Focus *,4),0,math.random(-4,4))
  1061. v.Character.Torso.Velocity =
  1062. end
  1063. end
  1064. end
  1065. end, 1, "tp", "tele", "goto")
  1066. New("Ranks", function(S,M)
  1067. Clear(false,S)
  1068. M = M == "" and "all" or M
  1069. local function c(tab,p,str)
  1070. DoCommand("who is",str:sub(1,-5),S)
  1071. end
  1072. if tonumber(M) then
  1073. local lev = tonumber(M)
  1074. for k,v in pairs(Players("all")) do
  1075. if (v == Player and 2 or Holo(v) and 1 or 0) == lev then
  1076. Output(v.Name.." ("..lev..")",lev == 2 and "Cyan" or lev == 1 and "Orange" or "White",S,15,c)
  1077. end
  1078. end
  1079. else
  1080. for k,v in pairs(Players(M)) do
  1081. local lev = v == Player and 2 or Holo(v) and 1 or 0
  1082. Output(v.Name.." ("..lev..")", lev == 2 and "Cyan" or lev == 1 and "Orange" or "White",S,15,c)
  1083. end
  1084. end
  1085. if S == Player then
  1086. PRC = M
  1087. end
  1088. end, 1, "rank", "level", "levels")
  1089. New("Who is", function(S,M)
  1090. Clear(false,S)
  1091. M = M == "" and "me" or M
  1092. local whos = Players(M,S)
  1093. if #whos == 0 then
  1094. Output("No player found!","Red",S,10,true)
  1095. return
  1096. end
  1097. if #whos == 1 then
  1098. local c,p = "Orange",whos[1]
  1099. Output("Info about "..p.Name,c,S,15,true)
  1100. Output("Rank: "..(p==Player and 2 or Holo(p) and 1 or 0),c,S,15,true)
  1101. Output("Age: "..p.AccountAge.." day(s)",c,S,15,true)
  1102. Output("Character: "..tostring(p.Character or "None"),c,S,15,true)
  1103. else
  1104. DoCommand("ranks",M,S)
  1105. end
  1106. if S == Player then
  1107. Output("Back","Red",S,15,function() DoCommand("ranks",PRC,S) end)
  1108. Output("Dismiss","Red",S,15,function() Clear(false,S) end)
  1109. end
  1110. end, 1, "whois", "getrank")
  1111. New("Time", function(S,M,C)
  1112. C = C:lower()
  1113. if (not Holo(S) and S ~= P) and (C == "settime" or C == "night" or C == "day" or (C == "time" and M~="")) then
  1114. Output("You cannot change the time!","Red",S)
  1115. return
  1116. end
  1117. if C == "night" or C == "day" then
  1118. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = C:lower()=="night" and "0:00:00" or "12:00:00"
  1119. elseif C == "settime" or C == "time" and M ~= "" then
  1120. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = M
  1121. end
  1122. if M == "" or M:lower() == "get" or M:lower() == "show" or C == "gettime" then
  1123. Output("Time: ","White",S)
  1124. end
  1125. end, 0, "gettime", "settime","night","day")
  1126. New("WalkSpeed", function(S,M)
  1127. local a,b = Split(M)
  1128. local s = tonumber(b)
  1129. if tonumber(a) and not s then
  1130. if S.Character and S.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1131. S.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(a)
  1132. end
  1133. elseif not s then
  1134. Output("No valid number!","Red",S)
  1135. return
  1136. end
  1137. for k,v in pairs(Players(a,S)) do
  1138. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1139. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = s
  1140. end
  1141. end
  1142. end, 1, "ws", "speed", "walk")
  1143. New("Inspect", function(S,M)
  1144. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Player.Character and Player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1145. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  1146. Probe.CanCollide = false
  1147. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1148. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1149. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = v.Character.Humanoid
  1150. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  1151. Probe.CanCollide = false
  1152. end
  1153. end
  1154. end, 2, "lookat", "camat")
  1155. New("Explorer",function(S,M)
  1156. local function ex(ob) return function() PEP = ob DoCommand("explorer","old",S) end end
  1157. Clear(false,S)
  1158. local childs = Parse(M)
  1159. local par, rea = nil, nil
  1160. if childs[1] == "" then
  1161. rea = workspace
  1162. elseif childs[1]:lower() == "game" then
  1163. rea = game
  1164. elseif #childs == 1 and childs[1]:lower() == "old" then
  1165. rea = PEP
  1166. elseif #childs == 1 and childs[1]:lower() == "parent" then
  1167. if not PEP or not PEP.Parent then
  1168. Output("Couldn't find the Parent of the previous object","Red",S,30,true)
  1169. return
  1170. end
  1171. rea = PEP.Parent
  1172. elseif #childs > 1 then
  1173. par = childs[1] == "old" and PEP or game:findFirstChild(childs[1]) or workspace:findFirstChild(childs[1])
  1174. rea = par
  1175. if not rea then
  1176. Output("Couldn't find "..childs[1],"Red",S,30,true)
  1177. return
  1178. end
  1179. for i=2,#childs do
  1180. par = rea:findFirstChild(childs[i])
  1181. if par then
  1182. rea = par
  1183. else
  1184. Output("Couldn't find "..childs[i].." in "..rea.Name,"Red",S,3,true)
  1185. wait(3)
  1186. break
  1187. end
  1188. end
  1189. else
  1190. rea = game:findFirstChild(M) or workspace:findFirstChild(M)
  1191. end
  1192. if not rea then
  1193. Output("Object not found!","Red",S,5,true)
  1194. return
  1195. end
  1196. if not pcall(function()
  1197. Output("Exploring "..rea.Name.." ("..rea.ClassName..")","Green",S,30,true)
  1198. end) then
  1199. Output(tostring(rea).." is protected!","Red",S,30,true)
  1200. end
  1201. Output("Parent","Brown",S,30,ex(rea.Parent or game))
  1202. Output("Dismiss","Red",S,30,function() Clear(false,S) end)
  1203. Output("Destroy","Red",S,30,function() pcall(function() rea:Destroy() end) end)
  1204. for k,v in pairs(rea:GetChildren()) do
  1205. local o = nil
  1206. if not pcall(function() o = Output(v.Name.." ("..v.ClassName..")","Yellow",S,30,ex(v)) end) then
  1207. pcall(function() o = Output(tostring(v).." (???)", "Yellow",S,30,ex(v)) end)
  1208. end
  1209. end
  1210. PEP = rea
  1211. end, 2, "explore")
  1212. New("Jump",function(S,M)
  1213. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1214. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1215. v.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. end, 1)
  1219. New("Stand",function(S,M)
  1220. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1221. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1222. v.Character.Humanoid.Jump = false
  1223. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  1224. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = false
  1225. if v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1226. v.Character.Torso.CFrame = +,5,0)
  1227. v.Character.Torso.Velocity =
  1228. end
  1229. end
  1230. end
  1231. end, 1, "unparalyze", "unpara")
  1232. New("Sit",function(S,M)
  1233. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1234. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1235. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  1236. end
  1237. end
  1238. end, 1)
  1239. New("PlatformStand",function(S,M)
  1240. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1241. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1242. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1243. end
  1244. end
  1245. end, 1, "paralyze", "para")
  1246. New("Punish",function(S,M)
  1247. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1248. if v.Character then
  1249. v.Character.Parent = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  1250. v.Character:MakeJoints()
  1251. end
  1252. end
  1253. end, 1)
  1254. New("Unpunish",function(S,M)
  1255. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1256. if v.Character then
  1257. v.Character.Parent = workspace
  1258. v.Character:MakeJoints()
  1259. if v.Character:findFirstChild("Animate") then
  1260. v.Character.Animate:Destroy()
  1261. end
  1262. Animate:clone().Parent = v.Character
  1263. end
  1264. end
  1265. end, 1)
  1266. New("Name",function(S,M)
  1267. local p = {S}
  1268. local n = M
  1269. local a,b = Split(M)
  1270. if a and b then
  1271. p = Players(a,S)
  1272. n = b
  1273. end
  1274. for k,v in pairs(p) do
  1275. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  1276. local Do = not (n:lower() == "none" or n:lower() == "off")
  1277. for k,v in pairs(v.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do
  1278. if v:IsA("Model") and v:findFirstChild("Head") and Do then
  1279. v.Name = n
  1280. Do = false
  1281. elseif v:IsA("Model") and v:findFirstChild("Head") then
  1282. v:Destroy()
  1283. end
  1284. end
  1285. if Do then
  1286. local mo ="Model",v.Character.Head)
  1287. mo.Name = n
  1288. v.Character.Head.Archivable = true
  1289. v.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  1290. local fh = v.Character.Head:clone()
  1291. fh.Transparency = 0
  1292. fh.Name = "Head"
  1293. fh.Parent = mo
  1294."Humanoid",mo).MaxHealth = 0
  1295. local we ="Weld",fh)
  1296. we.Part0 = v.Character.Head
  1297. we.Part1 = fh
  1298. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1299. while fh:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") and wait() do
  1300. if v.Character.Head.Transparency ~= 1 and fh.Transparency == 0 then
  1301. v.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  1302. end
  1303. end
  1304. end)()
  1305. else
  1306. v.Character.Head.Transparency = 0
  1307. end
  1308. end
  1309. end
  1310. end, 1)
  1311. New("Slenderman", function(S,M)
  1312. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1313. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1314. v.Character.Torso.BrickColor =
  1315. for a,b in pairs({"Left Shoulder","Right Shoulder","Left Hip","Right Hip"}) do
  1316. if v.Character.Torso:findFirstChild(b) then
  1317. local c,d = b:sub(1,1), b:match("[SH]")
  1318. local cf0 = cfs.C0[c..d]
  1319. local cf1 = cfs.C1[c..d]
  1320. local w = v.Character.Torso[b]
  1321. local p = w.Part1
  1322. w.Part1 = nil
  1323. p.Size =,3,1)
  1324. p.BrickColor =
  1325. w.Part1 = p
  1326. w.C1 = cf1 --,0.25,0)
  1327. end
  1328. end
  1329. if v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  1330. v.Character.Head.BrickColor =
  1331. end
  1332. end
  1333. end
  1334. end, 1, "slender", "sm", "sman")
  1335. New("Troll", function(S,M)
  1336. local cfs = {C0={},C1={}}
  1337. cfs.C0.LS =, 0.5, 0)
  1338. cfs.C1.LS =, 0.5, 0)
  1339. cfs.C0.RS =, 0.5, 0)
  1340. cfs.C1.RS =, 0.5, 0)
  1341. cfs.C0.LH =, -1.25, 0)
  1342. cfs.C1.LH =, 1.25, 0)
  1343. cfs.C0.RH =, -1.25, 0)
  1344. cfs.C1.RH =, 1.25, 0)
  1345. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1346. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1347. v.Character.Torso.BrickColor =
  1348. for a,b in pairs({"Left Shoulder","Right Shoulder","Left Hip","Right Hip"}) do
  1349. if v.Character.Torso:findFirstChild(b) then
  1350. local c,d = b:sub(1,1), b:match("[SH]")
  1351. local cf0 = cfs.C0[c..d]
  1352. local cf1 = cfs.C1[c..d]
  1353. local w = v.Character.Torso[b]
  1354. local p = w.Part1
  1355. w.Part1 = nil
  1356. p.Size =,3,1)
  1357. p.BrickColor =
  1358. w.Part1 = p
  1359. w.C1 = cf1
  1360. end
  1361. end
  1362. if v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  1363. v.Character.Head.BrickColor =
  1364. end
  1365. end
  1366. end
  1367. end, 1)
  1368. New("Slenderman", function(S,M)
  1369. local cfs = {C0={},C1={}}
  1370. cfs.C0.LS =, 0.5, 0)
  1371. cfs.C1.LS =, 0.5, 0)
  1372. cfs.C0.RS =, 0.5, 0)
  1373. cfs.C1.RS =, 0.5, 0)
  1374. cfs.C0.LH =, -1, 0)
  1375. cfs.C1.LH =, 1, 0)
  1376. cfs.C0.RH =, -1, 0)
  1377. cfs.C1.RH =, 1, 0)
  1378. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1379. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1380. v.Character.Torso.BrickColor =
  1381. for a,b in pairs({"Left Shoulder","Right Shoulder","Left Hip","Right Hip"}) do
  1382. if v.Character.Torso:findFirstChild(b) then
  1383. local c,d = b:sub(1,1), b:match("[SH]")
  1384. local cf0 = cfs.C0[c..d]
  1385. local cf1 = cfs.C1[c..d]
  1386. local w = v.Character.Torso[b]
  1387. local p = w.Part1
  1388. w.Part1 = nil
  1389. p.Size =,3,1)
  1390. p.BrickColor =
  1391. w.Part1 = p
  1392. w.C1 = cf1
  1393. end
  1394. end
  1395. if v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  1396. v.Character.Head.BrickColor =
  1397. end
  1398. end
  1399. end
  1400. end, 1, "slender", "sm", "sman")
  1401. New("Colors", function(S)
  1402. for k,v in pairs(Colors) do
  1403. Output(v,v,S,60,true)
  1404. end
  1405. end, 0, "allcolors", "listcolors", "color")
  1406. New("Mesh", function(S,M)
  1407. M = M == "" and "list" or M:lower()
  1408. local m = MG[S.Name]
  1409. if M == "off" then
  1410. MG[S.Name] = nil
  1411. return
  1412. end
  1413. if M ~= "list" and M ~= "all" then
  1414. local r = nil
  1415. for k,v in pairs(Meshes) do
  1416. if k:lower():sub(1,#M) == M:lower() then
  1417. if r then
  1418. Output("Multiple Meshes found!","Red",S)
  1419. return
  1420. else
  1421. r = k
  1422. end
  1423. end
  1424. end
  1425. MG[S.Name] = r
  1426. Output("Mesh set to "..(r and r or "None"),"Green",S,15)
  1427. return
  1428. end
  1429. for k,v in pairs(Meshes) do
  1430. MG[S.Name] = k
  1431. Output(k,"White",S,30,false,true)
  1432. end
  1433. MG[S.Name] = m
  1434. end, 0, "meshes", "ms", "form", "globe", "bubble")
  1435. New("SBL", function(S,M)
  1436. if not bl or #bl == 0 then
  1437. Output("SBL Offline!","Red",S)
  1438. return
  1439. end
  1440. if M:lower() == "off" then
  1441. bld = true
  1442. Output("SBL is disabled!","Red",S,20)
  1443. return
  1444. elseif M:lower() == "on" then
  1445. bld = false
  1446. Output("SBL is enabled!","Green",S,20)
  1447. return
  1448. end
  1449. Clear(false,S)
  1450. table.sort(bl)
  1451. if bld then
  1452. Output("SBL is disabled!","Red",S,20,true)
  1453. end
  1454. Output("[SBL] Synchronised Ban List","Yellow",S,20,true)
  1455. Output("Created by the same maker of this script","Yellow",S,20,true)
  1456. Output("SBL synchronises every 30 seconds with","Yellow",S,20,true)
  1457. Output("Banned players: "..#bl,"Yellow",S,20,true)
  1458. local f = 0
  1459. for k,v in pairs(bl) do
  1460. if M == "" or M:lower() == "all" or M:lower() == "list" then
  1461. f = -1
  1462. Output("Banned: "..v,"Orange",S,20,true)
  1463. elseif v:sub(1,#M):lower() == M:lower() then
  1464. Output("Banned: "..v,"Orange",S,20,true)
  1465. f = f + 1
  1466. end
  1467. end
  1468. if f >= 0 then
  1469. Output("Found "..f.." players","Yellow",S,20,true)
  1470. end
  1471. end, 0, "sync", "sblist")
  1472. New("Shockwave", function(S,M)
  1473. local targs = Players(M=="" and "dfgdgdgffg" or M,S)
  1474. local p ="Part",workspace)
  1475. local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera or workspace:findFirstChild("Camera") or"Camera")
  1476. local sc = S.Character and S.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") and S.Character.Torso.CFrame or cam.Focus
  1477. p.Shape = "Ball"
  1478. p.BrickColor =
  1479. p.TopSurface = 0
  1480. p.BottomSurface = 0
  1481. p.CanCollide = false
  1482. p.Anchored = true
  1483. p.Transparency = 0.5
  1484. p.Size =,1,1)
  1485. p.CFrame = sc
  1486. local m ="SpecialMesh",p)
  1487. m.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1488. for i=1,1000,1 do
  1489. m.Scale =,i,i)
  1490. for k,v in pairs(targs) do
  1491. if v:DistanceFromCharacter(p.Position) <= i/2 then
  1492. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1493. v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  1494. targs[k] = nil
  1495. end
  1496. end
  1497. end
  1498. wait()
  1499. end
  1500. p:Destroy()
  1501. end, 1, "sw", "shock", "wave")
  1502. New("Nilizers", function(S,M)
  1503. Clear(false,S)
  1504. M = M == "" and "list" or M
  1505. local f = {}
  1506. for k,v in pairs(NRS) do
  1507. if M:lower() == "list" or M:lower() == "all" then
  1508. table.insert(f,k)
  1509. elseif k:lower():sub(1,#M) == M:lower() then
  1510. table.insert(f,k)
  1511. end
  1512. end
  1513. if #f == 0 then
  1514. Output("Nobody found!","Red",S)
  1515. elseif #f > 1 then
  1516. Output("Listing "..#f.." nilizers","Green",S,30,true)
  1517. for k,v in pairs(NRS) do
  1518. if v.Version then
  1519. Output(k.." ("..v.Version..")","White",S,30,function() DoCommand("nilizers",k,S) end)
  1520. else
  1521. Output(k.." (???)","White",S,30,function() DoCommand("nilizers",k,S) end)
  1522. end
  1523. end
  1524. else
  1525. local k,v = f[1],NRS[f[1]]
  1526. Output("Nilizer: "..k,"Green",S,30,true)
  1527. Output("Version: "..(v.Version or "???"),"Orange",S,30,true)
  1528. Output("Explorer: "..tostring(v.Explorer==nil and "N/A" or v.Explorer),"Orange",S,30,true)
  1529. Output("Disabled: "..tostring(v.Removed==nil and "N/A" or v.Removed),"Orange",S,30,true)
  1530. end
  1531. end, 1, "NRS", "nilizer")
  1532. New("List Nil", function(S,M)
  1533. if not sou then
  1534. return Output("Need source!","Red",S)
  1535. end
  1536. Script([[
  1537. local mod ="Model")
  1538. mod.Name = "NilPlayers"
  1539. pcall(function()
  1540. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService("NetworkServer"):GetChildren()) do
  1541. pcall(function()
  1542. local p = v:GetPlayer()
  1543."ObjectValue",mod).Name = tostring(p)
  1544. mod[tostring(p)].Value = p
  1545. end)
  1546. end
  1547. end)
  1548. mod.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
  1549. script:Destroy()
  1550. ]],workspace,false,"Searching Nil Players")
  1551. local np = false
  1552. for i=1,5,0.1 do
  1553. np = game:GetService("Lighting"):findFirstChild("NilPlayers")
  1554. if np then break end
  1555. wait(0.1)
  1556. end
  1557. if not np then
  1558. return Output("Something went wrong!","Red",S)
  1559. end
  1560. Clear(false,S)
  1561. NIL = {}
  1562. for k,v in pairs(np:GetChildren()) do
  1563. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  1564. if not v.Value or (not pcall(function() local a = v.Value.Parent end)) or not v.Value.Parent then
  1565. NIL[v.Name] = v.Value
  1566. Output(v.Name,"Orange",S,10,true)
  1567. else
  1568. Output(v.Name,"Green",S,10,true)
  1569. end
  1570. end
  1571. end
  1572. np:Destroy()
  1573. end, 2, "nilp", "listnil")
  1574. New("Nil Shout", function(S,M)
  1575. local tag ="StringValue")
  1576. tag.Value = (S==Player and CN or S.Name)..": "..M
  1577. tag.Name = "NILSHOUT"
  1578. tag.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
  1579. game.Debris:AddItem(tag,1)
  1580. end, 1, "nilshout", "shout", "saynil", "sendnil")
  1581. New("Hax CBA", function(S,M)
  1582. local c = M == "" and "CBA.admins,CBA.ban,CBA.showlvls,CBA.bubblechat = {{'masterepico',7}},{},true,false" or M
  1583. if c:lower() == "hook" then
  1584. CBH = true
  1585. c = [[game:GetService("Lighting").ChildAdded:connect(function(child)
  1586. if child.Name == "CBA Attachment" and child:IsA("StringValue") then
  1587. ypcall(loadstring(child.Value))
  1588. end
  1589. end)]]
  1590. end
  1591. local t ="StringValue")
  1592. local s,e = loadstring(c)
  1593. if not s then
  1594. return Output("Error: "..tostring(e),"Red")
  1595. end
  1596. t.Value = c
  1597. t.Name = "CBA Attachment"
  1598. t.Parent = CBH and game:GetService("Lighting") or workspace
  1599. wait(1)
  1600. t:Destroy()
  1601. end, 2, "HCBA")
  1602. New("Disable Nilizer", function(S,M)
  1603. if M:lower() == "all" then
  1604. local tag ="StringValue")
  1605. tag.Name = "Disable all"
  1606. tag.Parent = workspace
  1607. wait()
  1608. tag:Destroy()
  1609. return
  1610. end
  1611. for k,v in pairs(Parse(M,",")) do
  1612. local tag ="StringValue")
  1613. tag.Name = "Disable "..v:lower()
  1614. tag.Parent = workspace
  1615. wait()
  1616. tag:Destroy()
  1617. end
  1618. end, 2, "disablenilizer", "HNIL", "DN")
  1619. New("Share Data", function(S,M)
  1620. tag ="StringValue")
  1621. local tab = {Name=CN,Version="No Nilizer",Explorer=true,Removed="Never"}
  1622. tag.Value = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility").EncodeJSON(tab) tag.Name = "NILDATA"
  1623. tag.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting") wait(1) pcall(function() tag:Destroy() end)
  1624. end, 2, "sharedata", "nildata")
  1625. New("Fling", function(S,M)
  1626. for k,v in pairs(Players(M,S)) do
  1627. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1628. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  1629. v.Character.Torso.Velocity =,500,500)
  1630. end
  1631. end
  1632. end, 1)
  1633. New("Debug", function()
  1634. for k,v in pairs({"Workspace","Players","Lighting","Debris","Teams","InsertService","Chat"}) do
  1635. game:GetService(v).Name = v
  1636. if k > 2 then
  1637. pcall(function() game:GetService(v):ClearAllChildren() end)
  1638. end
  1639. end
  1640. game.Lighting.Ambient =,255,255)
  1641. game.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom =,0,0)
  1642. game.Lighting.ColorShift_Top =,0,0)
  1643. game.Lighting.ShadowColor =,0.69,0.69)
  1644. game.Lighting.Brightness = 1
  1645. game.Lighting.FogStart = 0
  1646. game.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  1647. game.Lighting.FogColor =,0.74,0.74)
  1648. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 12
  1649. local sky ="Sky",game.Lighting)
  1650. sky.SkyboxBk = ""
  1651. sky.SkyboxDn = ""
  1652. sky.SkyboxFt = ""
  1653. sky.SkyboxLf = ""
  1654. sky.SkyboxRt = ""
  1655. sky.SkyboxUp = ""
  1656. end, 2)
  1657. New("Bug", function()
  1658. for k,v in pairs({"Workspace","Players","Lighting","Debris","Teams","InsertService","Chat"}) do
  1659. game:GetService(v).Name = v:sub(1,4):reverse():sub(1,2):rep(5)
  1660. if k > 2 then
  1661. pcall(function() game:GetService(v):ClearAllChildren() end)
  1662. end
  1663. end
  1664. end, 2)
  1665. New("SB Help", function(S)
  1666. Output("=~= SCRIPT BUILDER HELP =~=","Yellow",S,30)
  1667. Output("1. create/name (/local for local)","White",S,30)
  1668. Output("2. edit/name","White",S,30)
  1669. Output("3. -- code --","White",S,30)
  1670. Output("4. exit/","White",S,30)
  1671. Output("5. run/name","White",S,30)
  1672. end, 0, "sbhelp", "help", "sb")
  1673. New("Spawn Dummy", function(S,M)
  1674. local n = tonumber(M) and tonumber(M) > 1 and tonumber(M) or 1
  1675. local t = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(68452456):findFirstChild("Clone") or Char and Char:clone()
  1676. if not t then return Output("No Inserted Clone or Saved Character!","Red",S) end
  1677."StringValue",t).Name = "Dummy"
  1678. for k,v in pairs(t:GetChildren()) do
  1679. if v:IsA("Hat") or v:IsA("Pants") or v:IsA("Shirt") or v:IsA("CharacterMesh") or v:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
  1680. v:Destroy()
  1681. elseif v:IsA("BodyColors") then
  1682. v.HeadColor ="Bright yellow"
  1683. v.LeftArmColor ="Bright yellow"
  1684. v.RightArmColor ="Bright yellow"
  1685. v.LeftLegColor ="Br. yellowish green"
  1686. v.RightLegColor ="Br. yellowish green"
  1687. v.TorsoColor ="Bright blue"
  1688. elseif v:IsA("Part") then
  1689. v.Transparency = 0
  1690. v.BrickColor ="a") and "Bright yellow" or "Br. yellowish green")
  1691. if v.Name == "Torso" then v.BrickColor ="Bright blue") end
  1692. if v:findFirstChild("roblox") then v.roblox:Destroy() end
  1693. end
  1694. end
  1695. if M:lower() == "grid" then
  1696. for x=-3,3 do
  1697. for z=-3,3 do
  1698. local c = t:clone()
  1699. c.Name = "Dummy"
  1700. c.Parent = workspace
  1701. c:MakeJoints()
  1702. c:MoveTo((workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus **10,0,z*10)).p)
  1703. if c:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1704. c.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() wait(3) c:Destroy() end)
  1705. end
  1706. wait()
  1707. end
  1708. end
  1709. else
  1710. for i=1,n do
  1711. local c = t:clone()
  1712. c.Name = "Dummy"
  1713. c.Parent = workspace
  1714. c:MakeJoints()
  1715. c:MoveTo(workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus.p)
  1716. if c:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1717. c.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() wait(3) c:Destroy() end)
  1718. end
  1719. wait(1)
  1720. end
  1721. end
  1722. end, 1, "spawndummy", "dummy", "dm")
  1723. New("Podium", function(S,M)
  1724. local Cf = workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus *,-2,0)
  1725. local MainColor =,0,0)
  1726. local SeccondaryColor =,1,1)
  1727. local Main ="Model",workspace) Main.Name = "Castle"
  1728. local MainCFrame = Cf *,-4,0) + Cf.lookVector*3
  1729. local SeccondaryCFrame = Cf *,-4 + (25 * 0.9),((2 * 25) * -1) - 10 ) + Cf.lookVector *3
  1730. for i=1,25 do
  1731. wait()
  1732. local Step ="Part",Main)
  1733. Step.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1734. Step.Name = "Step"
  1735. Step.Anchored = true
  1736. Step.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1737. Step.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1738. Step.BrickColor =
  1739. Step.Size =,1,3)
  1740. Step.CFrame = MainCFrame *,(i*0.9), i * (-2))
  1742. local Carpet ="Part",Main)
  1743. Carpet.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1744. Carpet.Name = "Carpet"
  1745. Carpet.Anchored = true
  1746. Carpet.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1747. Carpet.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1748. Carpet.BrickColor =
  1749. Carpet.Size =,1,3.2)
  1750. Carpet.CFrame = MainCFrame *,(i*0.9)+ 0.1, i * (-2))
  1752. end
  1753. local MainCirc ="Part",Main)
  1754. MainCirc.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1755. MainCirc.Name = "MainCirc"
  1756. MainCirc.Anchored = true
  1757. MainCirc.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1758. MainCirc.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1759. MainCirc.BrickColor =
  1760. MainCirc.Size =,1,20)
  1761. MainCirc.CFrame = SeccondaryCFrame
  1763. local SeccondaryCirc ="Part",Main)
  1764. SeccondaryCirc.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1765. SeccondaryCirc.Name = "SeccondaryCirc"
  1766. SeccondaryCirc.Anchored = true
  1767. SeccondaryCirc.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1768. SeccondaryCirc.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1769. SeccondaryCirc.BrickColor =
  1770. SeccondaryCirc.Size =,1,18)
  1771. SeccondaryCirc.CFrame = SeccondaryCFrame *,0.1,0)
  1773. for i=1,math.floor(360/6) do
  1774. local Spike ="Part",Main)
  1775. Spike.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1776. Spike.Name = "Spike"
  1777. Spike.Anchored = true
  1778. Spike.Reflectance = 0
  1779. Spike.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1780. Spike.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1781. Spike.BrickColor =
  1782. Spike.Size =,7,1)
  1783. Spike.CFrame = SeccondaryCFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad((360/6)*i),math.rad(45)) *,-7,0)
  1784. Torch ="Part",Main)
  1785. Torch.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1786. Torch.Shape = "Ball"
  1787. Torch.Anchored = true
  1788. Torch.Size =,2,2)
  1789. Torch.CFrame = Spike.CFrame *,3.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  1791. end
  1792. end, 2)
  1793. New("Particles", function(S,M)
  1794. local a,b = Split(M)
  1795. local p,n = {S},5
  1796. if b and tonumber(b) then
  1797. p = Players(a,S)
  1798. n = tonumber(b)
  1799. elseif not b and tonumber(a) then
  1800. n = tonumber(a)
  1801. else
  1802. return Output("Need a number!","Red",S)
  1803. end
  1804. local part ="Part")
  1805. part.Anchored = true
  1806. part.Locked = true
  1807. part.CanCollide = false
  1808. part.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1809. part.Size =,0.1,0.1)
  1810. part.BrickColor ="Really black")
  1811. local function angle()
  1812. return CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(360)),math.rad(math.random(360)),math.rad(math.random(360)))
  1813. end
  1814. local function particles(pa)
  1815. for i=1,n,0.1 do
  1816. local p = part:clone()
  1817. p.Parent = pa
  1818. p.CFrame = pa.CFrame * angle() *,math.random(5),math.random(5))
  1819. game.Debris:AddItem(p,0.5)
  1820. wait(0.1)
  1821. end
  1822. end
  1823. for k,v in pairs(p) do
  1824. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1825. coroutine.wrap(particles)(v.Character.Torso)
  1826. end
  1827. end
  1828. end, 1)
  1830. -- Event Functions
  1831. function JoinAll()
  1832. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1833. Joined(v)
  1834. end
  1835. end
  1836. function Chatted(player,msg)
  1837. local a,b = Split(msg)
  1838. local cmd = b and Commands[a]
  1839. if player == Player then
  1840. if cmd and not a:find(" ") and not a:find("/") then
  1841. if 20 >=cmd.Level then
  1842. cmd.Run(player,b,a)
  1843. elseif not Noti[player.Name] and a ~= "" then
  1844. Output("You have no access to that command!","Red",player,5)
  1845. end
  1846. if sc and not bc then
  1847. local msg = Title(msg,player.Character and player.Character:findFirstChild("Head") or Probe,"Cyan",true)
  1848. wait(3)
  1849. msg:Destroy()
  1850. end
  1851. elseif not bc then
  1852. local msg = Title(msg,player.Character and player.Character:findFirstChild("Head") or Probe,"Cyan",true)
  1853. wait(3)
  1854. msg:Destroy()
  1855. end
  1856. else
  1857. if cmd and not a:find(" ") and not a:find("/") and (cmd.Level == 0 or cmd.Level == 1 and Holo(player))then
  1858. cmd.Run(player,b,a)
  1859. elseif cmd and not Noti[player.Name] and not a:find(" ") and not a:find("/") and a ~= "" then
  1860. Output("You have no access to that command!","Red",player,10)
  1861. elseif not cmd and CO[player.Name] then
  1862. local msg = Title(msg,player.Character and player.Character:findFirstChild("Head"),"Orange",true)
  1863. wait(3)
  1864. msg:Destroy()
  1865. elseif not cmd and not Holo(player) then
  1866. for k,v in pairs(farbidden) do
  1867. if msg:lower():find(v:lower()) then
  1868. Output("You used an illegal word!","Red",player,5)
  1869. Output(player.Name.." used an ilegal word: "..v,"Black",Player,60,false,false,true)
  1870. wait(5)
  1871. Crash(player)
  1872. end
  1873. end
  1874. end
  1875. end
  1876. end
  1877. function ClientListener(c)
  1878. if c.Parent and c.Parent:IsA("Player") and c.Name == "KeyDown" and Holo(c.Parent) then
  1879. if c.Value == "h" then
  1880. DoCommand("commands","",c.Parent)
  1881. elseif c.Value == "c" then
  1882. Clear(false,c.Parent)
  1883. end
  1884. wait()
  1885. c:Destroy()
  1886. end
  1887. end
  1888. function Joined(player)
  1889. if not player:IsA("Player") then return end
  1890. if player.Name == Player.Name then return end
  1891. JT[player.Name] = tick()
  1892. player.Chatted:connect(function(m) ypcall(Chatted,player,m) end)
  1893. player.ChildAdded:connect(function(c) ypcall(ClientListener,c) end)
  1894. repeat wait() until player:findFirstChild("Backpack")
  1895. Script(hui,player.Backpack,true)
  1896. wait()
  1897. for k,v in pairs(PB) do
  1898. if v:lower() == player.Name:lower() then
  1899. for i=1,5 do
  1900. pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  1901. wait()
  1902. end
  1903. end
  1904. end
  1905. wait()
  1906. player.Neutral = true
  1907. if player.Parent then
  1908. Output(player.Name.." joined","Green")
  1909. else
  1910. Output(player.Name.." tried to join","Orange")
  1911. end
  1912. end
  1913. function Left(player)
  1914. if not player:IsA("Player") or player == Player then return end
  1915. LastOnline[player.Name] = tick()
  1916. if JT[player.Name] and tick() - JT[player.Name] > 5 then
  1917. Output(player.Name.." left","Orange")
  1918. end
  1919. end
  1920. function LightAdded(c)
  1921. if c.Name == "NILDATA" and c:IsA("StringValue") then
  1922. local tab = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility").DecodeJSON(c.Value)
  1923. if tab.Name then
  1924. if not NRS[tab.Name] then
  1925. Output("Found nilizer: "
  1926. end
  1927. if c:findFirstChild("Player") then
  1928. tab.Player = c.Player.Value
  1929. end
  1930. NRS[tab.Name] = tab
  1931. end
  1932. elseif c.Name == "NILSHOUT" and c:IsA("StringValue") then
  1933. Output(c.Value,"Brown",Player,60)
  1934. elseif c.Name == "DISABLED" and c:IsA("StringValue") then
  1935. Output(c.Value.." disabled","Black",Player,60)
  1936. end
  1937. end
  1938. function Click()
  1939. wait()
  1940. local tar = Player:GetMouse().Target
  1941. if not tar then return end
  1942. if tar.Name:match("Tablet%d%d?") == tar.Name then
  1943. tar.Transparency = 1
  1944. if tar:findFirstChild("BillboardGui") and tar.BillboardGui:findFirstChild("TextLabel") then
  1945. tar.BillboardGui.TextLabel.TextTransparency = 1
  1946. end
  1947. if tar:findFirstChild("SelectionBox") then
  1948. tar.SelectionBox.Transparency = 1
  1949. end
  1950. end
  1951. if tar.Name:find("::Output%S+") then
  1952. local name = tar.Name:match("::Output(%S+)")
  1953. if not NRS[name] then
  1954. Output("Found Nil Player: ","White",Player,10)
  1955. NRS[name] = {}
  1956. end
  1957. tar:Destroy()
  1958. return
  1959. end
  1960. if tar.Parent.Parent == workspace and tar.Parent:findFirstChild("Dummy") then
  1961. if tar.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1962. tar.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0
  1963. return
  1964. end
  1965. end
  1966. if tar.Parent == workspace and not tar.Anchored and tar.Size ==,1,3) then
  1967. tar:Destroy()
  1968. return
  1969. end
  1970. if game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(tar.Parent) and tar.Name ~= "OutputBall" then
  1971. DoCommand("whois",game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(tar.Parent).Name,Player)
  1972. elseif tar.Parent:findFirstChild("PCharacter") and tar.Parent.PCharacter:IsA("ObjectValue") then
  1973. local p = tar.Parent.PCharacter.Value
  1974. if p then
  1975. if NRS[p.Name] then
  1976. NRS[p.Name].Player = p
  1977. else
  1978. NRS[p.Name] = {Player=p,Name=p.Name}
  1979. end
  1980. NIL[p.Name] = p
  1981. end
  1982. end
  1983. if tar.Transparency == 0.5 and tar:findFirstChild("SelectionBox") and tar.SelectionBox.Transparency == 0.75 then
  1984. tar.Parent:Destroy()
  1985. elseif tar.Transparency == 0.5 and tar.Parent:findFirstChild("Recipient") then
  1986. local p = tar.Parent.Recipient.Value
  1987. if not NRS[p.Name] then
  1988. Output("Found Nilized Player: "..tostring(p),"White")
  1989. NRS[p.Name] = {Player=p}
  1990. NIL[p.Name] = p
  1991. end
  1992. NRS[p.Name].Player = p
  1993. NIL[p.Name] = p
  1994. tar.Parent:Destroy()
  1995. elseif tar.Transparency == 0.5 and tar:findFirstChild("Recipient") then
  1996. tar:Destroy()
  1997. elseif (tar.Name == "Sphere" or tar.Name == "Disk") and tar:findFirstChild("Fire") then
  1998. tar:Destroy()
  1999. end
  2000. if tar.Name ~= "Tablet" and tar.Name ~= "OutputBall" and tar.Name ~= "Globe" then return end
  2001. if TCS[tar] and TCS[tar] ~= true then
  2002. TCS[tar](tar,Player,tar["3DGUI"].Title.Text)
  2003. return
  2004. end
  2005. if tar:findFirstChild("Explorer") and tar.Explorer:IsA("ObjectValue") then
  2006. local p = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(tar.Parent) or Player
  2007. local o = tar.Explorer.Value
  2008. if o then
  2009. PEP = o
  2010. DoCommand("explorer","old",p)
  2011. end
  2012. end
  2013. tar:Destroy()
  2014. end
  2015. function SFilter(s)
  2016. if s:IsA("Script") and not sou then
  2017. sou = s:clone()
  2018. Output("Source found!","Green")
  2019. end
  2020. if s:IsA("Model") then
  2021. wait()
  2022. if s:findFirstChild("PCharacter") and s.PCharacter:IsA("ObjectValue") then
  2023. local p = s.PCharacter.Value
  2024. if not p then return end
  2025. if NRS[p.Name] then
  2026. NRS[p.Name].Player = p
  2027. else
  2028. NRS[p.Name] = {Player=p,Name=p.Name}
  2029. end
  2030. NIL[p.Name] = p
  2031. end
  2032. end
  2033. if not s:IsA("Script") then return end
  2034. if s:IsA("LocalScript") then return end
  2035. if not s:findFirstChild("DSource") then return end
  2036. local code = s.DSource.Value
  2037. if not Codes then
  2038. Codes = {[s.Name..time()] = code}
  2039. else
  2040. Codes[s.Name..time()] = code
  2041. end
  2042. if code:lower():find("override") then
  2043. Output("Potential NO".."VA found!")
  2044. local ma = code:match([[Text.Text == "%S+" or Level == 1]])
  2045. if ma then
  2046. Output("Code: ",-16))
  2047. Output("Disabled + Boxed NO".."VA")
  2048. end
  2049. pcall(function() s.Disabled = true
  2050. s.Parent = game.Lighting end)
  2051. wait()
  2052. s.Disabled = true
  2053. s.Parent = game.Lighting
  2054. end
  2055. end
  2056. TCons[function(...) ypcall(Joined,...) end] = "PlayerAdded"
  2057. TCons[function(...) ypcall(Left,...) end] = "PlayerRemoving"
  2058. TCons[function(...) ypcall(LightAdded,...) end] = "LightingAdded"
  2059. TCons[function() ypcall(Click) end] = "Mouse1Down"
  2060. TCons[function(...) ypcall(SFilter,...) end] = "WorkspaceAdded"
  2061. TCons[function(m) ypcall(Chatted,Player,m) end] = "Chatted"
  2062. coroutine.wrap(JoinAll)()
  2063. -- Loops
  2064. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2065. Clear()
  2066. Output("Loading","Orange",Player,10)
  2067. local loads = {}
  2068. for i=1,8 do
  2069. wait(0.125)
  2070. loads[i] = Tablet("","White")
  2071. end
  2072. for n=1,8 do
  2073. wait(0.25)
  2074. loads[n].BrickColor =
  2075. end
  2076. wait(1)
  2077. Clear()
  2078. Output("LOADED","Green")
  2079. Loaded = true
  2080. for k,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  2081. if v ~= Player then
  2082. Output("My Interface Loaded","Green",v,10)
  2083. end
  2084. end
  2085. end)()
  2087. local function sorter(a,b) return a[4] < b[4] end
  2089. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2090. game:GetService("Players").ChildAdded:connect(function(p)
  2091. if not p:IsA(Player) then return end
  2092. for k,v in pairs(bl) do
  2093. if v:lower() == p.Name:lower() then
  2094. if not bld then
  2095. for i=1,5 do
  2096. pcall(function() p:Destroy() end)
  2097. wait()
  2098. end
  2099. return
  2100. else
  2101. Output("SBL Player Joined: "..p.Name,"Black",Player,300)
  2102. end
  2103. end
  2104. end
  2105. end)
  2106. local function FilterData(data,tab)
  2107. local mp = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  2108. local ru = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")
  2109. local ta = ru.DecodeJSON(mp:GetProductInfo(data))
  2110. local fo = ta.Description:match("BANLIST:(%S+)")
  2111. for s in fo:gmatch("[^,]+") do table.insert(tab,s) end
  2112. end
  2113. local function GetData(tab)
  2114. local col = game:GetService("InsertService"):GetCollection(1013039)
  2115. for k,asset in pairs(col) do
  2116. FilterData(asset.AssetId,tab)
  2117. end
  2118. end
  2119. repeat ypcall(function() bl = {} GetData(bl) end) until not wait(30)
  2120. end)()
  2122. _G.Chat = function(msg) ypcall(Chatted,Player,msg) end
  2124. print"Gonna start le loop"
  2125. LT = 0.05
  2126. local loop = 0
  2127. local chat =0
  2128. local idk = 0
  2129. while Run do
  2130. local done = wait(LT)
  2131. loop = loop + done
  2132. chat = chat + done
  2133. idk = idk + 0.01
  2134. for g,t in pairs(Globes) do
  2135. if g:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
  2136. Globes[g] = t + 0.0025
  2137. g.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus * CFrame.Angles(0,t*3,0) *,2,0)
  2138. if g:findFirstChild("Effect") then
  2139. g.Effect.CFrame = g.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(t*10,t*10,t*10)
  2140. end
  2141. else
  2142. Globes[g] = nil
  2143. end
  2144. end
  2145. local Nt,n = {}, #Tablets/10+1
  2146. for k,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  2147. if v:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
  2148. v.Size =,4,math.abs(loop-1.4)/3+0.2)
  2149. local cf = workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus * CFrame.Angles(0,-math.pi*k/#Tablets*2,0) **n,0,0)
  2150. v.CFrame =,workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus.p +,5,0))
  2151. if v:findFirstChild("Effect") then
  2152. v.Effect.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.floor(loop)==math.floor(loop+0.25) and math.pi/4 or 0)
  2153. end
  2154. table.insert(Nt,v)
  2155. end
  2156. end
  2157. Tablets = Nt
  2158. for k,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  2159. if v:findFirstChild("Effect") then
  2160. v.Effect.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,0,loop > 1.5 and math.pi/4 or 0)
  2161. end
  2162. end
  2163. for plr,set in pairs(Out) do
  2164. local Ns,n = {}, #set/10+1
  2165. local ocf = plr.Character and plr.Character:findFirstChild("Head") and plr.Character.Head.CFrame
  2166. pcall(function() cf = cf or workspace:findFirstChild(plr.Name) and workspace[plr.Name]:GetModelCFrame() end)
  2167. ocf = ocf or plr == Player and workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus
  2168. if ocf then
  2169. for k,v in pairs(set) do
  2170. if v:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
  2171. local cf,l = ocf * CFrame.Angles(0,-math.pi*k/#set*2,0) **n,0,0), loop
  2172. v.CFrame =,ocf.p +,5,0))
  2173. if v:findFirstChild("Effect") then
  2174. v.Effect.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(idk*10,idk*10,idk*10)
  2175. end
  2176. table.insert(Ns,v)
  2177. end
  2178. end
  2179. Out[plr] = Ns
  2180. end
  2181. end
  2182. if loop >= 3 then
  2183. for k,con in pairs(CCons) do
  2184. con:disconnect()
  2185. end
  2186. CCons = {}
  2187. Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  2188. for func,name in pairs(TCons) do
  2189. if name == "PlayerAdded" then
  2190. CCons[tick()+0.1] = game:GetService("Players").ChildAdded:connect(func)
  2191. elseif name == "PlayerRemoving" then
  2192. CCons[tick()+0.2] = game:GetService("Players").ChildRemoved:connect(func)
  2193. elseif name == "WorkspaceAdded" then
  2194. CCons[tick()+0.3] = workspace.ChildAdded:connect(func)
  2195. elseif name == "LightingAdded" then
  2196. CCons[tick()+0.4] = game:GetService("Lighting").ChildAdded:connect(func)
  2197. elseif name == "Chatted" then
  2198. CCons[tick()+0.5] = Player.Chatted:connect(func)
  2199. elseif name == "Mouse1Down" then
  2200. CCons[tick()+0.6] = Player:GetMouse().Button1Down:connect(func)
  2201. end
  2202. end
  2203. loop = 0
  2204. for k,v in pairs(NRS) do
  2205. if v.Player then
  2206. NIL[k] = v.Player
  2207. end
  2208. end
  2209. end
  2210. if chat > 1 then
  2211. for plr, reqs in pairs(Requests) do
  2212. local c = reqs[1]
  2213. if c then
  2214. DoOutput(Txt[c[1]],c[2],plr,c[3],c[5])
  2215. table.remove(reqs,1)
  2216. end
  2217. end
  2218. chat = 0
  2219. for k,v in pairs(S) do
  2220. if not k:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
  2221. S[k] = nil
  2222. end
  2223. end
  2224. end
  2225. end
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