
French Aliases - Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii U

Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. Mario Le cauchemar des briques (The bricks' nightmare)
  2. Luigi Le grand vert semeur de bleus (The green tall bruise sower)
  3. Peach La princesse du Royaume Champignon (The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom)
  4. Bowser Le roi des coups bas (The king of low blows ("coups bas" is pronounced almost like koopa))
  5. Yoshi Le distributeur d'œufs au beurre noir (The black eggs dispenser)
  6. Rosalina Les voyageurs galactiques (The galactic travelers)
  7. Bowser Jr. Tel père, tel fils (Like father, like son)
  8. Larry Le leader des sbires de Bowser (The leader of Bowser's minions)
  9. Roy L'œil mystère (The mystery eye)
  10. Wendy La reine du coup de tête (The queen of headbutt)
  11. Iggy Le farceur hilare (The laughing prankster)
  12. Morton L'étoile de fer (The iron star)
  13. Lemmy La bête du cirque (The circus beast)
  14. Ludwig Le prodige ronflant (The pompous prodigy)
  15. Wario La boule puante ambulante (The strolling stink bomb)
  16. Donkey Kong Le primate à cravate (The primate with a tie)
  17. Diddy Kong Pirouettes et cacahuètes (Pirouettes and peanuts (it's a reference to a French song named "Pirouette, cacahuète"))
  18. Mr. G&W Le castagneur vintage (The vintage bruiser)
  19. Little Mac Le dentiste (The dentist)
  20. Link Le sauveur d'Hyrule (The savior of Hyrule)
  21. Zelda La princesse d'Hyrule (The princess of Hyrule)
  22. Sheik Qui Sheikah éteint la lumière ? (Who turned off the light? (this is the worst pun in video game history))
  23. Ganondorf La menace Gerudo (The Gerudo threat)
  24. Toon Link Le héros au pied marin (The sailing hero ("avoir le pied marin" also means that you don't suffer from seasickness))
  25. Samus La chasseuse de primes intergalactique (The intergalactic bounty hunter)
  26. ZS Samus Sans armure, quelle allure ! (Withour armor, what a good look! ("allure" could also mean speed))
  27. Pit Le chef de la guarde de Palutena (Captain of Palutena's guard)
  28. Palutena La déesse de la lumière (The goddess of light)
  29. Marth L'héroïque roi de légende (The heroic legendary king)
  30. Ike Le héros de l'aube (The dawn hero)
  31. Robin L'atout stratégique des Veilleurs (The strategic asset of the Shepherds)
  32. Duck Hunt Le plus improbable des duos (The most unlikely of duos)
  33. Kirby La petite terreur rose (The little pink terror)
  34. King Dedede Le roi marteau (The hammer king ("marteau" could also mean crazy, nuts))
  35. Meta Knight L'épéiste au masque de fer (The swordman with an iron mask)
  36. Fox Le renard de l'espace (The fox from space)
  37. Falco La tête brulée intersidérale (The interstellar hothead)
  38. Pikachu Le rongeur survolté (The overexcited rodent ("survolté" also means that it has too much voltage))
  39. Charizard Le feu du ciel (The fire from the sky)
  40. Lucario La canidé aux poings d'acier (The canid with iron fists)
  41. Jigglypuff Bouboule (I don't really know how to translate but that's Jigglypuff Pokédex species)
  42. Greninja L'imprévisible Pokémon Ninja (The unpredictable Ninja Pokémon)
  43. ROB Rectifier Oblitérer Broyer (Correct Obliterate Crush)
  44. Ness Le PSYchopathe en culottes courtes (The PSYchopath in shorts)
  45. Captain Falcon Le pilote supersonique (The supersonic pilot)
  46. Villager Monsieur le maire (Mister mayor)
  47. Villager Madame le maire (Madam mayor)
  48. Olimar L'astronaute vétéran (The veteran astronaut)
  49. Alph L'ingénieur cogneur (The engineer bruiser)
  50. Wii Fit Trainer Inspirer, éjecter (Breathe in, launch)
  51. Shulk L'artiste Monado (The Monado artist)
  52. Dr. Mario Un aller simple pour l'hôpital (One-way ticket to hospital)
  53. Dark Pit La réplique diabolique (The fiendish replica)
  54. Lucina La guerrière venue d'un autre futur (The warrior from another futur)
  55. Mega Man La gâchette multi-tâches (The multitasking trigger)
  56. Pac-Man Le glouton jaune (The yellow glutton)
  57. Sonic La bombe bleue (The blue bomb)
  58. Mii Brawler Le boxeur aux mille visages (The boxer with 1000 faces)
  59. M Swordfighter L'épéiste aux mille visages (The swordman with 1000 faces)
  60. Mii Gunner Le tireur aux mille visages (The shooter with 1000 faces)
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