

Mar 27th, 2022
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <CheatTable>
  3. <CheatEntries>
  4. <CheatEntry>
  5. <ID>87496</ID>
  6. <Description>"[ Initialize ]"</Description>
  7. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  8. <LastState/>
  9. <Color>A96974</Color>
  10. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  11. <AssemblerScript Async="1">{$STRICT}
  13. {$lua}
  15. if syntaxcheck then return end
  17. function openGameProcess( procName )
  18. local proc = procName
  19. if process ~= procName then
  20. if messageDialog( 'Attempt to open game process?', mtConfirmation, mbYes, mbNo ) == mrYes then
  21. local processId = getProcessIDFromProcessName( procName )
  22. if processId == nil then stopExec( "Game is not running." ) end
  23. openProcess( processId )
  24. sleep( 100 )
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end
  29. function stopExec( s )
  30. error( print( string.format( "\r\n&gt;&gt; %s &lt;&lt;", s ) ) )
  31. end
  33. function aobScanEx( aob )
  34. -- thanks panraven for this function!
  35. --
  36. -- simplified for my needs
  37. -- scan the entire memory space: e = nil or '*X*W'
  38. -- scan only executable code: e = nil or '+X'
  39. local p, a, n, s, e = nil or '+X', nil or fsmNotAligned, nil or '0', getAddress( process ) or 0x0, ( getAddress( process ) + getModuleSize( process ) ) or 0xffffffffffffffff
  40. local ms = pb and createMemScan( pb ) or createMemScan()
  41. local fl = createFoundList( ms )
  42. ms.firstScan( soExactValue, vtByteArray, nil, aob, nil, s, e, p, a, n, true, false, false, false )
  43. ms.waitTillDone()
  44. fl.initialize()
  45. local result = nil
  46. if fl ~= nil and fl.getCount() &gt; 0 then
  47. result = createStringlist()
  48. for i = 1, fl.getCount() do result.add( fl.getAddress( i - 1 ) ) end
  49. end
  50. fl.destroy()
  51. ms.destroy()
  52. return result
  53. end
  55. function string.fromhex( s )
  56. return ( s:gsub( '..', function ( cc )
  57. return string.char( tonumber( cc, 16 ) )
  58. end ) )
  59. end
  61. function aobScanSmall( aob, s, e )
  62. local i = byteTableToString( readBytes( s, e, true ) ):find( string.fromhex( aob ), 1, true )
  63. if i == nil then i = 1 end
  64. return ( s + i - 1 )
  65. end
  67. function staticFindObjectEx( sa, sb, sc )
  68. local StaticFindObject = getAddressSafe( "StaticFindObject" )
  69. if StaticFindObject == 0x0 then return 0 end
  70. local s, Class, InOuter, UObject = allocateMemory( 256 ), 0, 0, 0
  71. if sb == nil and sc == nil then
  72. writeString( s, sa, true )
  73. writeBytes( s + #sa * 2, 0 )
  74. UObject = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, StaticFindObject, 0, -1, s, 1 )
  75. elseif sc == nil then
  76. writeString( s, sa, true )
  77. writeBytes( s + #sa * 2, 0 )
  78. Class = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, StaticFindObject, 0, -1, s, 1 )
  79. writeString( s, sb, true )
  80. writeBytes( s + #sb * 2, 0 )
  81. UObject = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, StaticFindObject, Class, -1, s, 0 )
  82. else
  83. writeString( s, sa, true )
  84. writeBytes( s + #sa * 2, 0 )
  85. Class = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, StaticFindObject, 0, -1, s, 1 )
  86. writeString( s, sb, true )
  87. writeBytes( s + #sb * 2, 0 )
  88. InOuter = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, StaticFindObject, 0, -1, s, 1 )
  89. writeString( s, sc, true )
  90. writeBytes( s + #sc * 2, 0 )
  91. UObject = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, StaticFindObject, Class, InOuter, s, 0 )
  92. end
  93. deAlloc( s )
  94. return UObject
  95. end
  97. function getOffset( p )
  98. return readInteger( p + 0x44 )
  99. end
  101. function getLocalPlayer()
  102. local LocalPlayer = 0
  103. local GEngine = readQword( getAddressSafe( "GEngine" ) )
  104. local t = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.Engine", "GameViewport" )
  105. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'GameViewport' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  106. local GameViewport_offset = getOffset( t )
  107. local GameViewportClient = readQword( GEngine + GameViewport_offset )
  108. t = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.GameViewportClient", "World" )
  109. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'World' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  110. local World_offset = getOffset( t )
  111. local World = readQword( GameViewportClient + World_offset )
  112. local UEngine_GetFirstGamePlayer = getAddressSafe( "UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer" )
  113. if UEngine_GetFirstGamePlayer &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer' symbol not found." ) end
  114. LocalPlayer = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, UEngine_GetFirstGamePlayer, GEngine, World )
  115. return LocalPlayer
  116. end
  118. function getPlayerController()
  119. local PlayerController = 0
  120. local LocalPlayer = getLocalPlayer()
  121. if LocalPlayer &lt; 1 then stopExec( "LocalPlayer not found. Are you at least at main menu?" ) end
  122. local t = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.Player", "PlayerController" )
  123. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'PlayerController' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  124. local PlayerController_offset = getOffset( t )
  125. PlayerController = readQword( LocalPlayer + PlayerController_offset )
  126. return PlayerController
  127. end
  129. function getPlayerCharacter()
  130. local PlayerCharacter = 0
  131. local PlayerController = getPlayerController()
  132. if PlayerController &lt; 1 then stopExec( "PlayerController was not yet initialized. Not at main menu?" ) end
  133. local t = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.Controller", "Pawn" )
  134. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'Pawn' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  135. local Pawn_offset = getOffset( t )
  136. PlayerCharacter = readQword( PlayerController + Pawn_offset )
  137. return PlayerCharacter
  138. end
  140. function killTabInConsoleKeys()
  141. local Default__InputSettings = staticFindObjectEx( "InputSettings", "Engine.Default__InputSettings" )
  142. local ConsoleKeys_ArrayProperty = staticFindObjectEx( "ArrayProperty", "Engine.InputSettings", "ConsoleKeys" )
  143. if Default__InputSettings ~= 0x0 then
  144. if ConsoleKeys_ArrayProperty ~= 0x0 then
  145. local ConsoleKeys_offset = readInteger( ConsoleKeys_ArrayProperty + 0x44 )
  146. local ConsoleKeys_Array_addr = readQword( Default__InputSettings + ConsoleKeys_offset )
  147. local ConsoleKeys_Array_size = readInteger( Default__InputSettings + ConsoleKeys_offset + 8 ) -- array has 2 elements
  148. writeInteger( ConsoleKeys_Array_addr + ( ConsoleKeys_Array_size - 1 ) * 8 * 3, 0 ) -- each comprised of 3 quads
  149. end
  150. end
  151. end
  153. function changeConsoleKeyTo( key )
  154. local Default__InputSettings = staticFindObjectEx( "InputSettings", "Engine.Default__InputSettings" )
  155. local ConsoleKeys_ArrayProperty = staticFindObjectEx( "ArrayProperty", "Engine.InputSettings", "ConsoleKeys" )
  156. if Default__InputSettings ~= 0x0 then
  157. if ConsoleKeys_ArrayProperty ~= 0x0 then
  158. local ConsoleKeys_offset = readInteger( ConsoleKeys_ArrayProperty + 0x44 )
  159. local ConsoleKeys_Array_addr = readQword( Default__InputSettings + ConsoleKeys_offset )
  160. local FName_FName = getAddressSafe( "FName__FName" )
  161. if FName_FName ~= 0x0 then
  162. local p = allocateMemory( 256 )
  163. local s = p + 0x8
  164. writeString( s, key, true )
  165. writeBytes( s + #key * 2, 0 )
  166. local FName_id = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, FName_FName, p, s, 1 )
  167. if readInteger( FName_id ) ~= 0x0 then
  168. writeInteger( ConsoleKeys_Array_addr, readInteger( FName_id ) )
  169. end
  170. deAlloc( p )
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end
  174. end
  176. function Init()
  178. local sl, t, u = 0, 0, 0
  180. --** CheatManager-related **--
  182. local aob_GEngine = "448B45??488D47D8488B0D????????48????48894587E8"
  183. sl = aobScanEx( aob_GEngine )
  184. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_GEngine' not found." ) end
  185. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  186. t = t + 0x8
  187. t = t + readInteger( t + 0x3, true ) + 0x7
  188. unregisterSymbol( "GEngine" )
  189. registerSymbol( "GEngine", t, true )
  191. local aob_EngineRef = "??FF48894424??4C8D4C24??48897C24??4C8D05????????48897C2458488D15"
  192. sl = aobScanEx( aob_EngineRef )
  193. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_EngineRef' not found." ) end
  194. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  195. t = t + 0xBC
  196. u = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
  197. unregisterSymbol( "GetTransientPackage" )
  198. registerSymbol( "GetTransientPackage", u, true )
  199. t = t + 0x15
  200. u = t + readInteger( t + 0x3, true ) + 0x7
  201. unregisterSymbol( "wszNewObject" )
  202. registerSymbol( "wszNewObject", u, true )
  203. t = t + 0xA
  204. u = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
  205. unregisterSymbol( "FObjectInitializer__AssertIfInConstructor" )
  206. registerSymbol( "FObjectInitializer__AssertIfInConstructor", u, true )
  207. t = t + 0x29
  208. u = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
  209. unregisterSymbol( "StaticConstructObject_Internal" )
  210. registerSymbol( "StaticConstructObject_Internal", u, true )
  212. local aob_StaticFindObject = "48895C24??48897424??5557415441564157??????4883EC60803D????????0045"
  213. sl = aobScanEx( aob_StaticFindObject )
  214. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_StaticFindObject' not found." ) end
  215. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  216. unregisterSymbol( "StaticFindObject" )
  217. registerSymbol( "StaticFindObject", t, true )
  219. local aob_FName__FName = "4883EC??41B801000000488D15????????488D4C24??E8????????4533C9"
  220. sl = aobScanEx( aob_FName__FName )
  221. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_FName__FName' not found." ) end
  222. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 ) + 0x16
  223. t = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
  224. unregisterSymbol( "FName__FName" )
  225. registerSymbol( "FName__FName", t, true )
  227. local aob_in_APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents = "838B????????1048C74424??4201000048"
  228. sl = aobScanEx( aob_in_APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents )
  229. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_in_APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents' not found." ) end
  230. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  231. unregisterSymbol( "APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot" )
  232. registerSymbol( "APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot", t, true )
  234. --** UCheatManager execs **--
  236. local aob_AActor__SetActorEnableCollision = "??????4881EC????????488B05????????48????48898424????????440FB681"
  237. sl = aobScanEx( aob_AActor__SetActorEnableCollision )
  238. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_AActor__SetActorEnableCollision' not found." ) end
  239. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  240. unregisterSymbol( "AActor__SetActorEnableCollision" )
  241. registerSymbol( "AActor__SetActorEnableCollision", t, true )
  243. local aob_UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap = "4585C00F84??????????????5553564157498DAB??FFFFFF4881EC"
  244. sl = aobScanEx( aob_UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap )
  245. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap' not found." ) end
  246. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  247. unregisterSymbol( "UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap" )
  248. registerSymbol( "UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap", t, true )
  250. local aob_UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction = "4053564154415641574881EC????????488B05??????????????488984"
  251. sl = aobScanEx( aob_UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction )
  252. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction' not found." ) end
  253. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  254. unregisterSymbol( "UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction" )
  255. registerSymbol( "UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction", t, true )
  257. local aob_UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass = "405641574881EC????????488B05??????????????48898424????????488B01????????????48"
  258. sl = aobScanEx( aob_UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass )
  259. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass' not found." ) end
  260. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  261. unregisterSymbol( "UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass" )
  262. registerSymbol( "UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass", t, true )
  264. local aob_UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer = "4883EC??E8????????8378??0074??488B00488B004883C4??C3??C04883C428C3"
  265. sl = aobScanEx( aob_UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer )
  266. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer' not found." ) end
  267. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  268. unregisterSymbol( "UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer" )
  269. registerSymbol( "UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer", t, true )
  271. local aob_in_AActor_Tick = "F683????????100F84????????4889B424????????45"
  272. sl = aobScanEx( aob_in_AActor_Tick )
  273. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_in_AActor_Tick' not found." ) end
  274. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  275. unregisterSymbol( "AActor__Tick_hookspot" )
  276. registerSymbol( "AActor__Tick_hookspot", t, true )
  278. local aob_Weapon_OnFire = "40534883EC??488B01488BD948896C24"
  279. sl = aobScanEx( aob_Weapon_OnFire )
  280. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_Weapon_OnFire' not found." ) end
  281. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  282. unregisterSymbol( "Weapon__OnFire" )
  283. registerSymbol( "Weapon__OnFire", t, true )
  285. --** caves **--
  286. -- let's use trampolines: jumping is always done via 5-to-14 bytes traversals
  288. local gameModule = getAddress( process )
  289. local offset = 0x500
  290. t = gameModule + offset
  291. fullAccess( t, 0x1000 - offset )
  292. executeCodeEx( 0, nil, getAddressSafe( "RtlZeroMemory" ), t, 0x1000 - offset )
  293. unregisterSymbol( "Trampolines" )
  294. registerSymbol( "Trampolines", t, true )
  296. --** hooks the return from GetGamePlayers **--
  298. local aob_in_FViewport_Draw = "488B40??4885C074??F680????????0274"
  299. sl = aobScanEx( aob_in_FViewport_Draw )
  300. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_in_FViewport_Draw' not found." ) end
  301. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  302. unregisterSymbol( "FViewport__Draw_hookspot" )
  303. registerSymbol( "FViewport__Draw_hookspot", t, true )
  305. t = allocateMemory( 0x1000 )
  306. unregisterSymbol( "FViewport__Draw_hook" )
  307. registerSymbol( "FViewport__Draw_hook", t, true )
  309. autoAssemble([[
  311. label( LocalPlayer )
  312. registersymbol( LocalPlayer )
  313. label( GameViewportClient )
  314. registersymbol( GameViewportClient )
  315. label( Console )
  316. registersymbol( Console )
  317. label( PlayerController )
  318. registersymbol( PlayerController )
  319. label( CheatManager )
  320. registersymbol( CheatManager )
  321. label( PlayerCharacter )
  322. registersymbol( PlayerCharacter )
  323. label( DeveloperPerks )
  324. registersymbol( DeveloperPerks )
  326. label( FViewport__Draw_hookspot_o )
  327. registersymbol( FViewport__Draw_hookspot_o )
  329. FViewport__Draw_hook:
  330. mov [LocalPlayer],rax
  331. mov rcx,[rax+70]
  332. mov [GameViewportClient],rcx
  333. mov rcx,[rcx+50]
  334. mov [Console],rcx
  335. mov rcx,[rax+30]
  336. test rcx,rcx
  337. je short @f
  338. mov [PlayerController],rcx
  339. mov rdx,[rcx+5A8]
  340. mov [CheatManager],rdx
  341. mov rcx,[rcx+488] // if OakCharacter valid (we're in game world)
  342. test rcx,rcx
  343. je short @f
  344. mov [PlayerCharacter],rcx
  345. mov rcx,[rax+30] // read OakPlayerController
  346. mov rcx,[rcx+2780] // offset to OakDeveloperPerks
  347. test rcx,rcx // check if not NULL first
  348. je short @f
  349. mov [DeveloperPerks],rcx // store it
  350. test byte ptr [rcx+C8],40 // flip UWorld_destroy bool
  351. jne short @f
  352. or byte ptr [rcx+C8],40
  353. FViewport__Draw_hookspot_o:
  354. readmem( FViewport__Draw_hookspot, 7 )
  355. jmp FViewport__Draw_hookspot+7
  357. align 10 CC
  359. LocalPlayer:
  360. dq 0
  362. align 10 CC
  364. GameViewportClient:
  365. dq 0
  367. align 10 CC
  369. Console:
  370. dq 0
  372. align 10 CC
  374. PlayerController:
  375. dq 0
  377. align 10 CC
  379. CheatManager:
  380. dq 0
  382. align 10 CC
  384. PlayerCharacter:
  385. dq 0
  387. align 10 CC
  389. DeveloperPerks:
  390. dq 0
  392. align 10 CC
  394. Trampolines+00:
  395. jmp far FViewport__Draw_hook
  397. align 10 CC
  399. FViewport__Draw_hookspot:
  400. jmp Trampolines+00
  401. nop 2
  403. ]])
  405. --** allocate memory for the CheatManager inline **--
  407. t = allocateMemory( 0x1000 )
  408. unregisterSymbol( "Inline__CheatManager" )
  409. registerSymbol( "Inline__CheatManager", t, true )
  411. --** get CheatManager Class via StaticFindObject **--
  413. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Engine.CheatManager" )
  414. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'Engine.CheatManager' Class not found." ) end
  415. unregisterSymbol( "CheatManager_Class" )
  416. registerSymbol( "CheatManager_Class", t, true )
  418. local p = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.PlayerController", "CheatManager" )
  419. if p &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'CheatManager' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  420. p = getOffset( p )
  422. t = p + 0x8
  423. p = string.format( "%X", p )
  424. t = string.format( "%X", t )
  426. --** assembly **--
  427. -- note Trampolines+10 is used here, in case you wonder where it is
  429. autoAssemble([[
  431. label( APlayerController__AddCheats )
  432. registersymbol( APlayerController__AddCheats )
  433. label( APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot_o )
  434. registersymbol( APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot_o )
  436. label( @L00000001 )
  437. label( @L00000002 )
  438. label( @L00000003 )
  439. label( @L00000004 )
  440. label( @L00000005 )
  441. label( @L00000006 )
  442. label( @L00000007 )
  444. Inline__CheatManager:
  445. mov rcx,rbx
  446. call short APlayerController__AddCheats
  447. APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot_o:
  448. readmem( APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot, 7 )
  449. jmp far APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot+7
  451. align 10 CC
  453. APlayerController__AddCheats:
  454. push rbx
  455. push rsi
  456. push rdi
  457. sub rsp,50
  458. mov rdi,rcx
  459. mov rax,[rcx]
  460. call qword ptr [rax+148] // APlayerController::GetWorld
  461. cmp qword ptr [rdi+]]..p..[[],0 // CheatManager
  462. mov rsi,rax
  463. jne @L00000007
  464. cmp qword ptr [rdi+]]..t..[[],0 // Class
  465. je @L00000007
  466. mov rax,CheatManager_Class
  467. mov rdx,[rdi+]]..t..[[] // Class
  468. mov rcx,rdx
  469. test rdx,rdx
  470. je @L00000007
  472. @L00000001:
  473. cmp rcx,rax
  474. je short @L00000002
  475. mov rcx,[rcx+30]
  476. test rcx,rcx
  477. jne short @L00000001
  478. add rsp,50
  479. pop rdi
  480. pop rsi
  481. pop rbx
  482. ret
  484. @L00000002:
  485. mov [rsp+78],rbp
  486. xor ebp,ebp
  487. mov [rsp+70],rbp
  488. cmp [rdi+]]..t..[[],rbp // Class
  489. je short @L00000004
  490. mov rax,CheatManager_Class
  491. mov rsi,[rdi+]]..t..[[] // Class
  492. mov rcx,rsi
  493. test rsi,rsi
  494. je short @L00000004
  496. @L00000003:
  497. cmp rcx,rax
  498. je short @L00000005
  499. mov rcx,[rcx+30]
  500. test rcx,rcx
  501. jne short @L00000003
  503. @L00000004:
  504. mov rsi,rbp
  506. @L00000005:
  507. mov rbx,[rsp+70]
  508. mov [rsp+80],rbp
  509. cmp rbx,rbp
  510. jne short @L00000006
  511. mov rdx,wszNewObject
  512. mov rcx,rdi
  513. call FObjectInitializer__AssertIfInConstructor
  515. @L00000006:
  516. mov [rsp+40],bpl
  517. xor r9d,r9d
  518. mov [rsp+38],rbp
  519. mov r8,rbx
  520. mov [rsp+30],bpl
  521. mov rdx,rdi
  522. mov [rsp+28],rbp
  523. mov rcx,rsi
  524. mov [rsp+20],ebp
  525. call StaticConstructObject_Internal
  526. mov [rdi+]]..p..[[],rax
  527. mov rcx,rax
  528. mov rdx,[rax]
  529. call qword ptr [rdx+408]
  530. mov rbp,[rsp+78]
  532. @L00000007:
  533. add rsp,50
  534. pop rdi
  535. pop rsi
  536. pop rbx
  537. ret
  539. align 10 CC
  541. Trampolines+10:
  542. jmp far Inline__CheatManager
  544. align 10 CC
  546. APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot:
  547. jmp Trampolines+10
  548. nop 2
  550. ]])
  552. local PlayerController = getPlayerController()
  553. if PlayerController &lt; 1 then stopExec( "PlayerController was not yet initialized. Not at main menu?" ) end
  554. local APlayerController_AddCheats = getAddressSafe( "APlayerController__AddCheats" )
  555. if APlayerController_AddCheats == 0x0 then stopExec( "'APlayerController_AddCheats' symbol not found." ) end
  556. executeCodeEx( 0, nil, APlayerController_AddCheats, PlayerController ) -- I've removed the need for the 0/1 parameter
  558. --[[
  560. APlayerController::PostInitializeComponents:
  562. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD60 - 40 53 - push rbx
  563. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD62 - 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
  564. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD66 - 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
  565. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD69 - E8 12B7CBFF - call Wonderlands.exe+23A9480
  566. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD6E - 8B 43 0C - mov eax,[rbx+0C]
  567. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD71 - 3B 05 2D9CEB03 - cmp eax,[Wonderlands.exe+65A79A4] { (485739) }
  568. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD77 - 7D 2C - jnl Wonderlands.exe+26EDDA5
  569. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD79 - 99 - cdq
  570. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD7A - 0FB7 D2 - movzx edx,dx
  571. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD7D - 03 C2 - add eax,edx
  572. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD7F - 44 8B C0 - mov r8d,eax
  573. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD82 - 0FB7 C0 - movzx eax,ax
  574. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD85 - 2B C2 - sub eax,edx
  575. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD87 - 48 98 - cdqe
  576. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD89 - 41 C1 F8 10 - sar r8d,10 { 16 }
  577. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD8D - 49 63 C8 - movsxd rcx,r8d
  578. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD90 - 48 8D 14 40 - lea rdx,[rax+rax*2]
  579. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD94 - 48 8B 05 F59BEB03 - mov rax,[Wonderlands.exe+65A7990] { (094EF700) }
  580. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD9B - 48 8B 0C C8 - mov rcx,[rax+rcx*8]
  581. Wonderlands.exe+26EDD9F - 48 8D 04 D1 - lea rax,[rcx+rdx*8]
  582. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDA3 - EB 02 - jmp Wonderlands.exe+26EDDA7
  583. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDA5 - 33 C0 - xor eax,eax
  584. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDA7 - 8B 40 08 - mov eax,[rax+08]
  585. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDAA - C1 E8 1D - shr eax,1D { 29 }
  586. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDAD - A8 01 - test al,01 { 1 }
  587. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDAF - 75 19 - jne Wonderlands.exe+26EDDCA
  588. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDB1 - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
  589. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDB4 - E8 8715B1FF - call Wonderlands.exe+21FF340
  590. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDB9 - 83 F8 03 - cmp eax,03 { 3 }
  591. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDBC - 74 0C - je Wonderlands.exe+26EDDCA
  592. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDBE - 48 8B 03 - mov rax,[rbx]
  593. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDC1 - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
  594. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDC4 - FF 90 A8070000 - call qword ptr [rax+000007A8]
  595. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDCA - 48 8B 03 - mov rax,[rbx]
  596. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDCD - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
  597. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDD0 - FF 90 580D0000 - call qword ptr [rax+00000D58]
  598. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDD6 - 48 8B 03 - mov rax,[rbx]
  599. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDD9 - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
  600. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDDC - FF 90 B00E0000 - call qword ptr [rax+00000EB0]
  601. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDE2 - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
  602. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDE5 - E8 5615B1FF - call Wonderlands.exe+21FF340
  603. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDEA - 83 F8 03 - cmp eax,03 { 3 }
  604. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDED - 75 0C - jne Wonderlands.exe+26EDDFB
  605. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDEF - 48 8B 03 - mov rax,[rbx]
  606. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDF2 - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
  607. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDF5 - FF 90 B00D0000 - call qword ptr [rax+00000DB0] &lt;------------ it's not the AddCheats call, as the code was not compiled in, but it's after this dynamic call ;)
  608. Wonderlands.exe+26EDDFB - 83 8B 40060000 10 - or dword ptr [rbx+00000640],10 { 16 }
  609. Wonderlands.exe+26EDE02 - 48 C7 44 24 30 42010000 - mov qword ptr [rsp+30],00000142 { 322 }
  610. Wonderlands.exe+26EDE0B - 48 8B 44 24 30 - mov rax,[rsp+30]
  611. Wonderlands.exe+26EDE10 - 48 89 83 80040000 - mov [rbx+00000480],rax
  612. Wonderlands.exe+26EDE17 - 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20 { 32 }
  613. Wonderlands.exe+26EDE1B - 5B - pop rbx
  614. Wonderlands.exe+26EDE1C - C3 - ret
  616. ]]
  618. --** restore UCheatManager execs **--
  620. local aa = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.Controller", "Pawn" )
  621. if aa &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'Pawn' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  622. aa = getOffset( aa )
  623. aa = string.format( "%X", aa )
  625. local ab = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.Character", "CharacterMovement" )
  626. if ab &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'CharacterMovement' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  627. ab = getOffset( ab )
  628. ab = string.format( "%X", ab )
  630. local ac = staticFindObjectEx( "BoolProperty", "Engine.CharacterMovementComponent", "bCheatFlying" )
  631. if ac &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'bCheatFlying' BoolProperty not found." ) end
  632. ac = getOffset( ac )
  633. if (ac % 2 ~= 0) then ac = ac - 0x1 end -- in BL3 this BoolProperty is 0x4B5; I use the 4B4 one with DWORD, rather than 4B5 with BOOL
  634. ac = string.format( "%X", ac )
  636. local ad = staticFindObjectEx( "BoolProperty", "Engine.Actor", "bCanBeDamaged" )
  637. if ad &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'bCanBeDamaged' BoolProperty not found." ) end
  638. ad = getOffset( ad )
  639. ad = string.format( "%X", ad )
  641. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Function", "Engine.CheatManager", "Fly" )
  642. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'Fly' Function not found." ) end
  643. t = readQword( t + 0xB0 ) -- get to execFly
  644. t = t + 0x18 + 0x3 -- offset till the JMP qword ptr [rax+2A0] + 0x3
  645. t = readInteger( t )
  646. local ae = t + 0x18 -- execGod is @ execFly+0x18
  647. ae = string.format( "%X", ae )
  648. local af = t + 0x10 -- execGhost is @ execFly+0x10
  649. af = string.format( "%X", af )
  651. t = allocateMemory( 0x1000 )
  652. unregisterSymbol( "RebuiltCode" )
  653. registerSymbol( "RebuiltCode", t, true )
  655. autoAssemble([[
  657. label( UCheatManager__Fly )
  658. registersymbol( UCheatManager__Fly )
  659. label( UCheatManager__Fly_exit )
  660. label( UCheatManager__Walk )
  661. registersymbol( UCheatManager__Walk )
  662. label( UCheatManager__Walk_exit )
  663. label( UCheatManager__Ghost )
  664. registersymbol( UCheatManager__Ghost )
  665. label( UCheatManager__Ghost_exit )
  666. label( UCheatManager__God )
  667. registersymbol( UCheatManager__God )
  668. label( UCheatManager__God_Null )
  669. label( UCheatManager__God_On )
  670. label( UCheatManager__God_Off )
  671. label( UCheatManager__God_Print )
  672. label( UCheatManager__PlayersOnly )
  673. registersymbol( UCheatManager__PlayersOnly )
  675. label( wszCheatFly )
  676. label( wszCheatWalk )
  677. label( wszCheatGhost )
  678. label( wszCheatGodOn )
  679. label( wszCheatGodOff )
  680. label( wszCheatGodNoPawn )
  682. label( ConstructUFunctions )
  683. registersymbol( ConstructUFunctions )
  684. label( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager )
  685. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager )
  686. label( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo )
  687. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo )
  688. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God )
  689. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God )
  690. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost )
  691. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost )
  692. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God_Statics_FuncParams )
  693. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God_Statics_FuncParams )
  694. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost_Statics_FuncParams )
  695. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost_Statics_FuncParams )
  696. label( UFunction__God )
  697. registersymbol( UFunction__God )
  698. label( UFunction__Ghost )
  699. registersymbol( UFunction__Ghost )
  701. label( pszGod )
  702. label( pszGhost )
  704. label( UCheatManager__execGod )
  705. registersymbol( UCheatManager__execGod )
  706. label( UCheatManager__execGhost )
  707. registersymbol( UCheatManager__execGhost )
  709. RebuiltCode:
  711. align 10 CC
  713. UCheatManager__Fly:
  714. sub rsp,38
  715. mov rsi,rcx // rcx = CheatManager
  716. mov rbx,[rcx+20] // rbx &lt;- PlayerController
  717. mov rbx,[rbx+]]..aa..[[] // rbx &lt;- PlayerCharacter
  718. test rbx,rbx
  719. je UCheatManager__Fly_exit
  720. xorps xmm3,xmm3
  721. xor r8,r8
  722. lea rcx,[wszCheatFly]
  723. mov [rsp+20],rcx // str
  725. @@:
  726. inc rax
  727. cmp word ptr [rcx+rax*2],0
  728. jne short @b
  729. inc eax
  730. mov [rsp+28],eax // size with 0-terminator
  731. lea rdx,[rsp+20] // p -&gt; str|size
  732. mov rcx,[rsi+20] // rcx &lt;- PlayerController
  733. mov rax,[rcx]
  734. call [rax+C70] // APlayerController::ClientMessage
  735. mov dl,1
  736. mov rcx,rbx // rbx = PlayerCharacter
  737. call AActor__SetActorEnableCollision
  738. mov rax,[rbx+]]..ab..[[] // rax &lt;- CharMovementComponent
  739. test rax,rax
  740. je short @f
  741. or dword ptr [rax+]][[],400 // CharacterMovement-&gt;bCheatFlying = false;
  742. mov edx,5
  743. mov rcx,rax
  744. mov rax,[rcx]
  745. call [rax+5A8] // UCharacterMovementComponent::SetMovementMode
  746. UCheatManager__Fly_exit:
  747. add rsp,38
  748. ret
  750. align 10 CC
  752. UCheatManager__Walk:
  753. sub rsp,38
  754. mov rsi,rcx // rcx = CheatManager
  755. mov rbx,[rcx+20] // rbx &lt;- PlayerController
  756. mov rbx,[rbx+]]..aa..[[] // rbx &lt;- PlayerCharacter
  757. test rbx,rbx
  758. je UCheatManager__Walk_exit
  759. xorps xmm3,xmm3
  760. xor r8,r8
  761. lea rcx,[wszCheatWalk]
  762. mov [rsp+20],rcx // str
  764. @@:
  765. inc rax
  766. cmp word ptr [rcx+rax*2],0
  767. jne short @b
  768. inc eax
  769. mov [rsp+28],eax // size with 0-terminator
  770. lea rdx,[rsp+20] // p -&gt; str|size
  771. mov rcx,[rsi+20] // rcx &lt;- PlayerController
  772. mov rax,[rcx]
  773. call [rax+C70] // APlayerController::ClientMessage
  774. mov dl,1
  775. mov rcx,rbx // rbx = PlayerCharacter
  776. call AActor__SetActorEnableCollision
  777. mov rax,[rbx+]]..ab..[[] // rax &lt;- CharMovementComponent
  778. test rax,rax
  779. je short @f
  780. and dword ptr [rax+]][[],FFFFFBFF // CharacterMovement-&gt;bCheatFlying = true;
  781. mov edx,3
  782. mov rcx,rax
  783. mov rax,[rcx]
  784. call [rax+5A8] // UCharacterMovementComponent::SetMovementMode
  785. UCheatManager__Walk_exit:
  786. add rsp,38
  787. ret
  789. align 10 CC
  791. UCheatManager__Ghost:
  792. sub rsp,38
  793. mov rsi,rcx // rcx = CheatManager
  794. mov rbx,[rcx+20] // rbx &lt;- PlayerController
  795. mov rbx,[rbx+]]..aa..[[] // rbx &lt;- PlayerCharacter
  796. test rbx,rbx
  797. je UCheatManager__Ghost_exit
  798. xorps xmm3,xmm3
  799. xor r8,r8
  800. lea rcx,[wszCheatGhost]
  801. mov [rsp+20],rcx // str
  803. @@:
  804. inc rax
  805. cmp word ptr [rcx+rax*2],0
  806. jne short @b
  807. inc eax
  808. mov [rsp+28],eax // size with 0-terminator
  809. lea rdx,[rsp+20] // p -&gt; str|size
  810. mov rcx,[rsi+20] // rcx &lt;- PlayerController
  811. mov rax,[rcx]
  812. call [rax+C70] // APlayerController_ClientMessage
  813. xor edx,edx
  814. mov rcx,rbx // rbx = PlayerCharacter
  815. call AActor__SetActorEnableCollision
  816. mov rax,[rbx+]]..ab..[[] // rax &lt;- CharMovementComponent
  817. test rax,rax
  818. je short @f
  819. or dword ptr [rax+]][[],400 // CharacterMovement-&gt;bCheatFlying = false;
  820. mov edx,5
  821. mov rcx,rax
  822. mov rax,[rcx]
  823. call [rax+5A8] // UCharacterMovementComponent::SetMovementMode
  824. UCheatManager__Ghost_exit:
  825. add rsp,38
  826. ret
  828. align 10 CC
  830. UCheatManager__God:
  831. sub rsp,38
  832. mov rsi,rcx // rcx = CheatManager
  833. mov rbx,[rcx+20] // rbx &lt;- PlayerController
  834. mov rbx,[rbx+]]..aa..[[] // rbx &lt;- PlayerCharacter
  835. test rbx,rbx
  836. je UCheatManager__God_Null
  837. movzx eax,byte ptr [rbx+]][[] // Pawn-&gt;CanBeDamaged()
  838. test al,40
  839. je short UCheatManager__God_Off
  840. UCheatManager__God_On:
  841. and al,0xBF // false
  842. mov byte ptr [rbx+]][[],al // Pawn-&gt;SetCanBeDamaged(false);
  843. lea rcx,[wszCheatGodOn]
  844. jmp short UCheatManager__God_Print
  845. UCheatManager__God_Off:
  846. or al,0x40 // true
  847. mov byte ptr [rbx+]][[],al // Pawn-&gt;SetCanBeDamaged(true);
  848. lea rcx,[wszCheatGodOff]
  849. jmp short UCheatManager__God_Print
  850. UCheatManager__God_Null:
  851. lea rcx,[wszCheatGodNoPawn]
  852. UCheatManager__God_Print:
  853. xorps xmm3,xmm3
  854. xor r8,r8
  855. mov [rsp+20],rcx // str
  857. @@:
  858. inc rax
  859. cmp word ptr [rcx+rax*2],0
  860. jne short @b
  861. inc eax
  862. mov [rsp+28],eax // size with 0-terminator
  863. lea rdx,[rsp+20] // p -&gt; str|size
  864. mov rcx,[rsi+20] // rcx &lt;- PlayerController
  865. mov rax,[rcx]
  866. call [rax+C70] // APlayerController::ClientMessage
  867. add rsp,38
  868. ret
  870. align 10 CC
  872. UCheatManager__PlayersOnly:
  873. push rdi
  874. sub rsp,20
  875. mov rax,[rcx] // [
  876. mov rdi,rcx //
  877. call [rax+148] //
  878. test byte ptr [rax+830],0x80 // if (GetWorld()-&gt;bPlayersOnly
  879. jne short @f // ||
  880. mov rax,[rdi] //
  881. mov rcx,rdi //
  882. call [rax+148] //
  883. test [rax+830],0x100 // GetWorld()-&gt;bPlayersOnlyPending)
  884. jne short @f // ]
  885. mov rax,[rdi] // [
  886. mov rcx,rdi //
  887. mov [rsp+30],rbx //
  888. call [rax+148] // GetWorld()
  889. mov rdx,[rdi] //
  890. mov rcx,rdi //
  891. mov rbx,rax //
  892. call [rdx+148] // GetWorld()
  893. mov ecx,[rbx+830] // -&gt;bPlayersOnlyPending
  894. mov rbx,[rsp+30] //
  895. not ecx // = !GetWorld()-&gt;bPlayersOnlyPending
  896. xor ecx,[rax+830] //
  897. and ecx,0x100 //
  898. xor [rax+830],ecx // ]
  899. add rsp,20
  900. pop rdi
  901. ret
  902. @@:
  903. mov rax,[rdi] // [
  904. mov rcx,rdi //
  905. call [rax+148] // GetWorld()-&gt;bPlayersOnly = false;
  906. and [rax+830],0xFFFFFF7F // ]
  907. mov rcx,rdi // [
  908. mov rax,[rdi] //
  909. call [rax+148] // GetWorld()-&gt;bPlayersOnlyPending = false;
  910. and [rax+830],0xFFFFFEFF // ]
  911. add rsp,20
  912. pop rdi
  913. ret
  915. align 10 CC
  917. UCheatManager__execGod:
  918. mov rax,[rdx+20]
  919. xor r8d,r8d
  920. test rax,rax
  921. setne r8l
  922. add r8,rax
  923. mov [rdx+20],r8
  924. mov rax,[rcx]
  925. //jmp qword ptr [rax+2B8]
  926. jmp qword ptr [rax+]][[]
  928. align 10 CC
  930. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God:
  931. sub rsp,28
  932. mov rax,[UFunction__God]
  933. test rax,rax
  934. jne short @f
  935. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God_Statics_FuncParams]
  936. lea rcx,[UFunction__God]
  937. call UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction // UE4CodeGen_Private::ConstructUFunction
  938. mov rax,[UFunction__God]
  939. @@:
  940. add rsp,28
  941. ret
  943. align 10 CC
  945. UCheatManager__execGhost:
  946. mov rax,[rdx+20]
  947. xor r8d,r8d
  948. test rax,rax
  949. setne r8l
  950. add r8,rax
  951. mov [rdx+20],r8
  952. mov rax,[rcx]
  953. //jmp qword ptr [rax+2B0]
  954. jmp qword ptr [rax+]][[]
  956. align 10 CC
  958. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost:
  959. sub rsp,28
  960. mov rax,[UFunction__Ghost]
  961. test rax,rax
  962. jne short @f
  963. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost_Statics_FuncParams]
  964. lea rcx,[UFunction__Ghost]
  965. call UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction // UE4CodeGen_Private::ConstructUFunction
  966. mov rax,[UFunction__Ghost]
  967. @@:
  968. add rsp,28
  969. ret
  971. align 10 CC
  973. /*
  974. Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager:
  975. sub rsp,28
  976. mov rax,[UCheatManager_OuterClass]
  977. test rax,rax
  978. jne short @f
  979. lea rdx,[UCheatManager_GetPrivateStaticClass]
  980. lea rcx,[UCheatManager_OuterClass]
  981. call UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass
  982. mov rax,[UCheatManager_OuterClass]
  983. @@:
  984. add rsp,28
  985. ret
  986. */
  988. Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager:
  989. sub rsp,28
  990. mov rax,CheatManager_Class
  991. add rsp,28
  992. ret
  994. align 10 CC
  996. ConstructUFunctions:
  997. sub rsp,178
  998. mov r8d,2 // uint32 NumFunctions
  999. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo] // FClassFunctionLinkInfo* Functions
  1000. //call UCheatManager_GetPrivateStaticClass
  1001. mov rax,CheatManager_Class
  1002. mov rcx,rax // Class Engine.CheatManager
  1003. call UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap // UClass::CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap
  1004. add rsp,178
  1005. ret
  1007. align 10 CC
  1009. wszCheatFly:
  1010. dw '[SunBeam]: fly -&gt; ON.',0
  1012. align 10 CC
  1014. wszCheatWalk:
  1015. dw '[SunBeam]: fly/ghost -&gt; OFF.',0
  1017. align 10 CC
  1019. wszCheatGhost:
  1020. dw '[SunBeam]: ghost -&gt; ON.',0
  1022. align 10 CC
  1024. wszCheatGodOn:
  1025. dw '[SunBeam]: god -&gt; ON.',0
  1027. align 10 CC
  1029. wszCheatGodOff:
  1030. dw '[SunBeam]: god -&gt; OFF.',0
  1032. align 10 CC
  1034. wszCheatGodNoPawn:
  1035. dw '[SunBeam]: god -&gt; No APawn* possessed.',0
  1037. align 10 CC
  1039. UFunction__God:
  1040. dq 0
  1042. align 10 CC
  1044. UFunction__Ghost:
  1045. dq 0
  1047. align 10 CC
  1049. pszGod:
  1050. db 'God',0
  1052. align 10 CC
  1054. pszGhost:
  1055. db 'Ghost',0
  1057. align 10 CC
  1059. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God_Statics_FuncParams:
  1060. dq Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager // 0x00
  1061. dq pszGod // 0x08
  1062. dq 0x45 // 0x10
  1063. dq 0 // 0x18
  1064. dq 04020600 // 0x20
  1065. dq 0 // 0x28
  1066. dq 0 // 0x30
  1067. dq 0 // 0x38
  1068. dq 0
  1070. align 10 CC
  1072. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost_Statics_FuncParams:
  1073. dq Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager // 0x00
  1074. dq pszGhost // 0x08
  1075. dq 0x45 // 0x10
  1076. dq 0 // 0x18
  1077. dq 04020600 // 0x20
  1078. dq 0 // 0x28
  1079. dq 0 // 0x30
  1080. dq 0 // 0x38
  1081. dq 0
  1083. align 10 CC
  1085. Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo:
  1086. dq Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__God // 0x00
  1087. dq pszGod // 0x08
  1088. dq Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager__Ghost // 0x10
  1089. dq pszGhost // 0x18
  1090. dq 0
  1092. ]])
  1094. t = getAddressSafe( "ConstructUFunctions" )
  1095. if t == 0x0 then stopExec( "'ConstructUFunctions' not assembled?" ) end
  1096. executeCodeEx( 0, nil, t )
  1098. --* adjust exec functions after creation *--
  1100. t = getAddressSafe( "UFunction__God" )
  1101. if t == 0x0 then stopExec( "'UFunction__God' not assembled?" ) end
  1103. local UFunction_God = readQword( getAddressSafe( "UFunction__God" ) )
  1104. local UCheatManager_execGod = getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__execGod" )
  1105. writeQword( UFunction_God + 0xB0, UCheatManager_execGod )
  1106. local UFunction_Ghost = readQword( getAddressSafe( "UFunction__Ghost" ) )
  1107. local UCheatManager_execGhost = getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__execGhost" )
  1108. writeQword( UFunction_Ghost + 0xB0, UCheatManager_execGhost )
  1110. t = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "Engine.PlayerController", "CheatManager" )
  1111. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'CheatManager' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  1112. local CheatManager_offset = getOffset( t )
  1113. local CheatManager = readQword( PlayerController + CheatManager_offset )
  1115. local mf_CheatManager = readQword( CheatManager )
  1116. -- offset till execFly in the member-functions vtable [execFly-&gt;+0x00;execWalk-&gt;+0x08;execGhost-&gt;+0x10;execGod-&gt;+0x18;execPlayersOnly-&gt;+0x58]
  1117. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Function", "Engine.CheatManager", "Fly" )
  1118. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'Fly' Function not found." ) end
  1119. t = readQword( t + 0xB0 ) -- to get to execFly
  1120. t = t + 0x18 + 0x3 -- offset till the JMP qword ptr [rax+2A0] + 0x3
  1121. t = readInteger( t )
  1122. t = mf_CheatManager + t -- should be 2A0 at this point
  1123. local UCheatManager_execFly = t + 0x00
  1124. fullAccess( UCheatManager_execFly, 8 )
  1125. writeQword( UCheatManager_execFly, getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__Fly" ) )
  1126. local UCheatManager_execWalk = t + 0x08
  1127. fullAccess( UCheatManager_execWalk, 8 )
  1128. writeQword( UCheatManager_execWalk, getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__Walk" ) )
  1129. local UCheatManager_execGhost = t + 0x10
  1130. fullAccess( UCheatManager_execGhost, 8 )
  1131. writeQword( UCheatManager_execGhost, getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__Ghost" ) )
  1132. local UCheatManager_execGod = t + 0x18
  1133. fullAccess( UCheatManager_execGod, 8 )
  1134. writeQword( UCheatManager_execGod, getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__God" ) )
  1135. local UCheatManager_execPlayersOnly = t + 0x58
  1136. fullAccess( UCheatManager_execPlayersOnly, 8 )
  1137. writeQword( UCheatManager_execPlayersOnly, getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager__PlayersOnly" ) )
  1139. --** inline UPlayer::Exec so DeveloperPerks functions work **--
  1141. t = allocateMemory( 0x1000 )
  1142. unregisterSymbol( "UPlayer__Exec_hook" )
  1143. registerSymbol( "UPlayer__Exec_hook", t, true )
  1145. local aob_in_UPlayer_Exec = "488D4C24??E8??????????C04883C4??415F415E415D5F5E5D5BC3"
  1146. sl = aobScanEx( aob_in_UPlayer_Exec )
  1147. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_in_UPlayer_Exec' not found." ) end
  1148. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  1149. unregisterSymbol( "UPlayer__Exec_hookspot" )
  1150. registerSymbol( "UPlayer__Exec_hookspot", t, true )
  1152. t = staticFindObjectEx( "ObjectProperty", "BPCont_Player.BPCont_Player_C", "DeveloperPerks" )
  1153. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'DeveloperPerks' ObjectProperty not found." ) end
  1154. t = getOffset( t )
  1155. t = string.format( "%X", t )
  1157. autoAssemble([[
  1159. label( UPlayer__Exec_hookspot_o )
  1160. registersymbol( UPlayer__Exec_hookspot_o )
  1161. label( UPlayer__Exec_hook_exit )
  1163. UPlayer__Exec_hook:
  1164. // [ObjectProperty BPCont_Player.BPCont_Player_C.DeveloperPerks + 0x44] = 0x2780
  1165. // r14 = OakPlayerController
  1166. mov rcx,[r14+]]..t..[[] // adjusted it so it's read directly from the ObjectProperty, hence stable across updates
  1167. test rcx,rcx
  1168. je short @f
  1169. mov rax,[rcx]
  1170. mov r9,rdi
  1171. mov r8,rbp
  1172. mov rdx,rsi
  1173. call qword ptr [rax+220] // UObject::ProcessConsoleExec
  1174. test al,al
  1175. jne short UPlayer__Exec_hook_exit
  1176. UPlayer__Exec_hookspot_o:
  1177. readmem( UPlayer__Exec_hookspot, 5 )
  1178. jmp far UPlayer__Exec_hookspot+5
  1179. UPlayer__Exec_hook_exit:
  1180. jmp far UPlayer__Exec_hookspot+1B
  1182. align 10 CC
  1184. Trampolines+20:
  1185. jmp far UPlayer__Exec_hook
  1187. align 10 CC
  1189. UPlayer__Exec_hookspot:
  1190. jmp Trampolines+20
  1192. ]])
  1194. --** set UFUNC_Exec flag on all DeveloperPerks functions of interest **--
  1196. local UFUNC_Exec = 0x200
  1198. local i = 0x0
  1199. local cmdArr = 0x0
  1201. cmdArr = {
  1202. "GiveCash",
  1203. "GiveEridium",
  1204. "GiveGoldenKeys",
  1205. "GiveLevels",
  1206. "KillEnemies",
  1207. "SpawnAwesomeItems",
  1208. "UnlimitedAmmo",
  1209. "UnlockAllCustomizations"
  1210. }
  1212. for i = 1, #cmdArr do
  1213. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Function", "BP_DevPerks.BP_DevPerks_C", cmdArr[i] )
  1214. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'" .. cmdArr[i] .. "' Function not found." ) end
  1215. writeInteger( t + 0x88, readInteger( t + 0x88 ) | UFUNC_Exec )
  1216. if cmdArr[i] == "SpawnAwesomeItems" then
  1217. unregisterSymbol( "UFunction__SpawnAwesomeItems" )
  1218. registerSymbol( "UFunction__SpawnAwesomeItems", t, true )
  1219. end
  1220. end
  1222. cmdArr = {
  1223. "GetOwnerOakPlayerController",
  1224. "GiveCurrency",
  1225. "GrantLevels",
  1226. "KillAllEnemies",
  1227. "Loaded",
  1228. "OnDeveloperPerkActivated",
  1229. "PerkTypeEnumFunc",
  1230. "ServerGiveCurrency",
  1231. "ServerGrantLevels",
  1232. "ServerKillAllEnemies",
  1233. "ServerSpawnItems",
  1234. "ServerUnlockVehicleParts",
  1235. "SpawnItems",
  1236. "UnlockCustomizations",
  1237. "UnlockVehicleParts"
  1238. }
  1240. for i = 1, #cmdArr do
  1241. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Function", "OakGame.OakDeveloperPerks", cmdArr[i] )
  1242. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'" .. cmdArr[i] .. "' Function not found." ) end
  1243. writeInteger( t + 0x88, readInteger( t + 0x88 ) | UFUNC_Exec )
  1244. end
  1246. --** misc. stuff **--
  1248. -- ZoneMapGlobalData contains the values we'd like to adjust for minimap FogOfDiscovery removal
  1249. t = staticFindObjectEx( "ZoneMapGlobalsData", "ZoneMapGlobals.ZoneMapGlobals" )
  1250. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'ZoneMapGlobalsData' not found." ) end
  1251. unregisterSymbol( "ZoneMapGlobalsData" )
  1252. registerSymbol( "ZoneMapGlobalsData", t, true )
  1254. --** remove Tab from ConsoleKeys**--
  1256. if messageDialog( 'Remove Tab from ConsoleKeys?', mtConfirmation, mbYes, mbNo ) == mrYes then
  1257. killTabInConsoleKeys()
  1258. end
  1260. --** replace Tilde or Tab with a key of your choice **-
  1262. --[[
  1263. [00013646] BackSpace
  1264. [00013647] Tab
  1265. [00013648] Enter
  1266. [00013649] Pause
  1267. [00013650] CapsLock
  1268. [00013651] Escape
  1269. [00013652] SpaceBar
  1270. [00013653] PageUp
  1271. [00013654] PageDown
  1272. [00013655] End
  1273. [00013656] Home
  1274. [00013657] Left
  1275. [00013658] Up
  1276. [00013659] Right
  1277. [00013660] Down
  1278. [00013661] Insert
  1279. [00013662] Delete
  1280. [00013663] Zero
  1281. [00013664] One
  1282. [00013665] Two
  1283. [00013666] Three
  1284. [00013667] Four
  1285. [00013668] Five
  1286. [00013669] Six
  1287. [00013670] Seven
  1288. [00013671] Eight
  1289. [00013672] Nine
  1290. [00013673] A
  1291. [00013674] B
  1292. [00013675] C
  1293. [00013676] D
  1294. [00013677] E
  1295. [00013678] F
  1296. [00013679] G
  1297. [00013680] H
  1298. [00013681] I
  1299. [00013682] J
  1300. [00013683] K
  1301. [00013684] L
  1302. [00013685] M
  1303. [00013686] N
  1304. [00013687] O
  1305. [00013688] P
  1306. [00013689] Q
  1307. [00013690] R
  1308. [00013691] S
  1309. [00013692] T
  1310. [00013693] U
  1311. [00013694] V
  1312. [00013695] W
  1313. [00013696] X
  1314. [00013697] Y
  1315. [00013698] Z
  1316. [00013699] NumPadZero
  1317. [00013700] NumPadOne
  1318. [00013701] NumPadTwo
  1319. [00013702] NumPadThree
  1320. [00013703] NumPadFour
  1321. [00013704] NumPadFive
  1322. [00013705] NumPadSix
  1323. [00013706] NumPadSeven
  1324. [00013707] NumPadEight
  1325. [00013708] NumPadNine
  1326. [00013709] Multiply
  1327. [00013710] Add
  1328. [00013711] Subtract
  1329. [00013712] Decimal
  1330. [00013713] Divide
  1331. [00013714] F1
  1332. [00013715] F2
  1333. [00013716] F3
  1334. [00013717] F4
  1335. [00013718] F5
  1336. [00013719] F6
  1337. [00013720] F7
  1338. [00013721] F8
  1339. [00013722] F9
  1340. [00013723] F10
  1341. [00013724] F11
  1342. [00013725] F12
  1343. [00013726] NumLock
  1344. [00013727] ScrollLock
  1345. [00013728] LeftShift
  1346. [00013729] RightShift
  1347. [00013730] LeftControl
  1348. [00013731] RightControl
  1349. [00013732] LeftAlt
  1350. [00013733] RightAlt
  1351. [00013734] LeftCommand
  1352. [00013735] RightCommand
  1353. [00013736] Semicolon
  1354. [00013737] Equals
  1355. [00013738] Comma
  1356. [00013739] Underscore
  1357. [00013740] Hyphen
  1358. [00013741] Period
  1359. [00013742] Slash
  1360. [00013743] Tilde
  1361. [00013744] LeftBracket
  1362. [00013745] LeftParantheses
  1363. [00013746] Backslash
  1364. [00013747] RightBracket
  1365. [00013748] RightParantheses
  1366. [00013749] Apostrophe
  1367. [00013750] Quote
  1368. [00013751] Asterix
  1369. [00013752] Ampersand
  1370. [00013753] Caret
  1371. [00013754] Dollar
  1372. [00013755] Exclamation
  1373. [00013756] Colon
  1374. [00013757] A_AccentGrave
  1375. [00013758] E_AccentGrave
  1376. [00013759] E_AccentAigu
  1377. [00013760] C_Cedille
  1378. ]]
  1380. if messageDialog( 'Change current ConsoleKey?', mtConfirmation, mbYes, mbNo ) == mrYes then
  1381. synchronize( function()
  1382. local s = inputQuery( "Change ConsoleKey", "Key:", "Backspace" )
  1383. if string.len( s ) ~= 0x0 then changeConsoleKeyTo( s ) end
  1384. end )
  1385. end
  1387. end
  1389. [ENABLE]
  1391. local CEVersion = 7.1
  1392. local processName = "Wonderlands.exe"
  1394. if CEVersion ~= getCEVersion() then
  1395. showMessage( "This table was designed with Cheat Engine " .. CEVersion .. ".\r\nYour Cheat Engine " .. getCEVersion() .. " may work just fine. Try it first.\r\n\r\nIn case it doesn't, then please download version 7.1 ZIP file from the FRF Wonderlands topic.\r\n\r\n7.4 may cause failures with memory allocation, thus [ Initialize ] script won't enable and you'll have to close and reopen the game." )
  1396. end
  1398. openGameProcess( processName )
  1400. local sl, t = 0, 0
  1402. -- get BuildId
  1404. local aob_to_VersionString = "488935????????8935????????C705????????04001400668935"
  1405. sl = aobScanEx( aob_to_VersionString )
  1406. if not sl or sl.Count &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'aob_to_VersionString' not found." ) end
  1407. t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 )
  1408. local BuildId = readString( readQword( t + readInteger( t + 0x3, true ) + 0x7 ), 60000, true )
  1410. -- find the table record by matching strings, rather than direct record description/id
  1412. for i = 0, AddressList.Count - 1 do
  1413. mr = AddressList[i]
  1414. if mr.Parent == nil then
  1415. if string.match( mr.Description, "Version:" ) then
  1416. break
  1417. end
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1421. local TableBuildId = mr.Description
  1422. TableBuildId = string.match( TableBuildId, 'Version: Epic Games Store | (.*)' )
  1424. -- check the two and warn the user
  1426. if TableBuildId ~= BuildId then
  1427. showMessage( "This table is designed for BuildId: \r\n&gt;&gt; " .. TableBuildId .. "\r\n\r\nYours is: \r\n&gt;&gt; " .. BuildId .. "\r\n\r\nThe script will now enable, though I can't guarantee everything will work properly." )
  1428. end
  1430. -- scan time!
  1432. Init()
  1434. [DISABLE]
  1436. -- restore the CheatManager hook
  1438. autoAssemble([[
  1440. APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot:
  1441. readmem( APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot_o, 7 )
  1443. unregistersymbol( APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot_o )
  1444. unregistersymbol( APlayerController__AddCheats )
  1446. ]])
  1448. deAlloc( getAddressSafe( "Inline__CheatManager" ) )
  1450. -- clean-up
  1452. local t = getAddressSafe( "Trampolines" )
  1453. local offset = 0x500
  1454. executeCodeEx( 0, nil, getAddressSafe( "RtlZeroMemory" ), t, 0x1000 - offset )
  1455. unregisterSymbol( "Trampolines" )
  1457. -- unregister everything; I know I could've used "unregistersymbol( * )"
  1459. autoAssemble([[
  1461. unregistersymbol( CheatManager_Class )
  1462. unregistersymbol( Inline__CheatManager )
  1463. unregistersymbol( Weapon__OnFire )
  1464. unregistersymbol( AActor__Tick_hookspot )
  1465. unregistersymbol( UEngine__GetFirstGamePlayer )
  1466. unregistersymbol( UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUClass )
  1467. unregistersymbol( UE4CodeGen_Private__ConstructUFunction )
  1468. unregistersymbol( UClass__CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap )
  1469. unregistersymbol( AActor__SetActorEnableCollision )
  1470. unregistersymbol( APlayerController__PostInitializeComponents_hookspot )
  1471. unregistersymbol( FName__FName )
  1472. unregistersymbol( StaticFindObject )
  1473. unregistersymbol( StaticConstructObject_Internal )
  1474. unregistersymbol( FObjectInitializer__AssertIfInConstructor )
  1475. unregistersymbol( wszNewObject )
  1476. unregistersymbol( GetTransientPackage )
  1477. unregistersymbol( GEngine )
  1479. ]])
  1480. </AssemblerScript>
  1481. <CheatEntries>
  1482. <CheatEntry>
  1483. <ID>16274</ID>
  1484. <Description>"[ Engine ]"</Description>
  1485. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  1486. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  1487. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  1488. <CheatEntries>
  1489. <CheatEntry>
  1490. <ID>24341</ID>
  1491. <Description>"Kill Tab in ConsoleKeys"</Description>
  1492. <LastState/>
  1493. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1494. <AssemblerScript Async="1">{$STRICT}
  1496. {$lua}
  1498. if syntaxcheck then return end
  1500. [ENABLE]
  1502. killTabInConsoleKeys()
  1503. return "assert(true)"
  1505. [DISABLE]
  1506. </AssemblerScript>
  1507. </CheatEntry>
  1508. <CheatEntry>
  1509. <ID>24342</ID>
  1510. <Description>"Change ConsoleKey"</Description>
  1511. <LastState/>
  1512. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1513. <AssemblerScript>{$STRICT}
  1515. {$lua}
  1517. if syntaxcheck then return end
  1519. [ENABLE]
  1521. local s = inputQuery( "Change ConsoleKey", "Key:", "Backspace" )
  1522. if string.len( s ) ~= 0x0 then changeConsoleKeyTo( s ) end
  1523. return "assert(true)"
  1525. [DISABLE]
  1526. </AssemblerScript>
  1527. </CheatEntry>
  1528. <CheatEntry>
  1529. <ID>16267</ID>
  1530. <Description>"Unrestrict CVars"</Description>
  1531. <LastState/>
  1532. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1533. <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
  1535. aobscanmodule( hkProcessUserConsoleInput, $process, 488B1048????FF5218A8010F )
  1536. registersymbol( hkProcessUserConsoleInput )
  1537. label( hkProcessUserConsoleInput_o )
  1538. registersymbol( hkProcessUserConsoleInput_o )
  1540. alloc( Hook, 0x1000, $process )
  1542. Hook:
  1543. mov byte ptr [rax+18],0
  1544. hkProcessUserConsoleInput_o:
  1545. readmem( hkProcessUserConsoleInput, 6 )
  1546. jmp hkProcessUserConsoleInput+6
  1548. hkProcessUserConsoleInput:
  1549. jmp Hook
  1550. db 90
  1552. [DISABLE]
  1554. hkProcessUserConsoleInput:
  1555. readmem( hkProcessUserConsoleInput_o, 6 )
  1557. dealloc( Hook )
  1559. unregistersymbol( hkProcessUserConsoleInput_o )
  1560. unregistersymbol( hkProcessUserConsoleInput )
  1561. </AssemblerScript>
  1562. </CheatEntry>
  1563. <CheatEntry>
  1564. <ID>16247</ID>
  1565. <Description>"Clear Console (works only with the Console active)"</Description>
  1566. <LastState/>
  1567. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1568. <AssemblerScript Async="1">{$STRICT}
  1570. {$lua}
  1572. if syntaxcheck then return end
  1574. [ENABLE]
  1576. local Console = getAddressSafe( "Console" )
  1577. if Console ~= nil then
  1578. Console = readQword( Console )
  1579. if Console ~= 0x0 then
  1580. local mf_Console = readQword( Console )
  1581. local UConsole_ClearOutput = readQword( mf_Console + 0x290 )
  1582. executeCode( UConsole_ClearOutput, Console )
  1583. end
  1584. end
  1586. return "assert(true)"
  1588. [DISABLE]
  1589. </AssemblerScript>
  1590. </CheatEntry>
  1591. </CheatEntries>
  1592. </CheatEntry>
  1593. <CheatEntry>
  1594. <ID>16303</ID>
  1595. <Description>"[ Scripts ]"</Description>
  1596. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  1597. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  1598. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  1599. <CheatEntries>
  1600. <CheatEntry>
  1601. <ID>24025</ID>
  1602. <Description>"God Mode"</Description>
  1603. <LastState/>
  1604. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1605. <AssemblerScript Async="1">// Trampolines+30
  1607. [ENABLE]
  1609. alloc( AActor__Tick_hook, 0x1000 )
  1610. registersymbol( AActor__Tick_hook )
  1611. label( AActor__Tick_hookspot_o )
  1612. registersymbol( AActor__Tick_hookspot_o )
  1614. AActor__Tick_hook:
  1615. push rax
  1616. mov rax,[PlayerCharacter]
  1617. cmp rax,rbx
  1618. pop rax
  1619. jne short @f
  1620. and byte ptr [rbx+91],BF
  1621. AActor__Tick_hookspot_o:
  1622. readmem( AActor__Tick_hookspot, 7 )
  1623. jmp far AActor__Tick_hookspot+7
  1625. align 10 CC
  1627. Trampolines+30:
  1628. jmp far AActor__Tick_hook
  1630. align 10 CC
  1632. AActor__Tick_hookspot:
  1633. jmp Trampolines+30
  1634. nop 2
  1636. [DISABLE]
  1638. AActor__Tick_hookspot:
  1639. readmem( AActor__Tick_hookspot_o, 7 )
  1641. unregistersymbol( AActor__Tick_hookspot_o )
  1642. dealloc( AActor__Tick_hook )
  1643. unregistersymbol( AActor__Tick_hook )
  1645. {$lua}
  1647. local t = getAddressSafe( "PlayerCharacter" )
  1648. if t ~= nil then
  1649. t = readQword( t )
  1650. if t ~= 0x0 then
  1651. local u = readBytes( t + 0x91 )
  1652. u = u | 0x40
  1653. writeBytes( t + 0x91, u )
  1654. end
  1655. end
  1656. </AssemblerScript>
  1657. </CheatEntry>
  1658. <CheatEntry>
  1659. <ID>11</ID>
  1660. <Description>"Infinite Clip Ammo"</Description>
  1661. <LastState/>
  1662. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1663. <AssemblerScript Async="1">// Trampolines+40
  1665. [ENABLE]
  1667. alloc( Weapon__OnFire_hook, 0x1000 )
  1668. registersymbol( Weapon__OnFire_hook )
  1669. label( Weapon__OnFire_o )
  1670. registersymbol( Weapon__OnFire_o )
  1672. Weapon__OnFire_hook:
  1673. mov rax,[rcx+1A8] // WeaponAmmoComponent-&gt;WeaponPrivate
  1674. test rax,rax
  1675. jne short @f
  1676. mov rax,[rcx+118] // WeaponAmmoComponent-&gt;CachedWeapon
  1677. test rax,rax
  1678. je short Weapon__OnFire_o
  1679. @@:
  1680. cmp [rax+4A0],0 // Weapon-&gt;WeaponUser
  1681. je short @f
  1682. mov rax,[rax+4A8]
  1683. mov rax,[rax-928] // PlayerController
  1684. cmp rax,[PlayerController]
  1685. jne short @f
  1686. ret // no ammo processing
  1687. Weapon__OnFire_o:
  1688. readmem( Weapon__OnFire, 6 )
  1689. jmp Weapon__OnFire+6
  1691. align 10 CC
  1693. Trampolines+40:
  1694. jmp far Weapon__OnFire_hook
  1696. align 10 CC
  1698. Weapon__OnFire:
  1699. jmp Trampolines+40
  1700. nop 1
  1702. [DISABLE]
  1704. Weapon__OnFire:
  1705. readmem( Weapon__OnFire_o, 6 )
  1707. unregistersymbol( Weapon__OnFire_o )
  1708. dealloc( Weapon__OnFire_hook )
  1709. unregistersymbol( Weapon__OnFire_hook )
  1710. </AssemblerScript>
  1711. </CheatEntry>
  1712. <CheatEntry>
  1713. <ID>24357</ID>
  1714. <Description>"Set Weapon Properties"</Description>
  1715. <LastState/>
  1716. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1717. <AssemblerScript Async="1">{$STRICT}
  1719. {$lua}
  1721. if syntaxcheck then return end
  1723. [ENABLE]
  1725. -- get active weapon first (can use "Function OakGame.OakCharacter.GetActiveWeapon" as well)
  1726. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Function", "OakGame.OakCharacter", "GetWeapon" )
  1727. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'GetWeapon' Function not found." ) end
  1728. t = readQword( t + 0xB0 )
  1729. if readBytes( t, 0x1 ) == 0xE9 then -- cuz of Denuvo function relocations
  1730. t = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
  1731. end
  1732. t = t + 0x73 -- get to CALL
  1733. execGetWeapon = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5 -- now we have execGetWeapon
  1734. local PlayerCharacter = readQword( getAddressSafe( "PlayerCharacter" ) )
  1735. local Weapon = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, execGetWeapon, PlayerCharacter, 0 )
  1736. if Weapon ~= 0x0 then
  1737. --print( string.format( "Weapon:\t\t\t\t\t%X", Weapon ) )
  1739. -- get Sway, Recoil, FireProjectile Component Classes
  1740. WeaponRecoilComponent_Class = staticFindObjectEx( "Class", "GbxWeapon.WeaponRecoilComponent" )
  1741. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'WeaponRecoilComponent' Class not found." ) end
  1742. --print( string.format( "WeaponRecoilComponent Class:\t\t%X", WeaponRecoilComponent_Class ) )
  1743. WeaponSwayComponent_Class = staticFindObjectEx( "Class", "OakGame.WeaponSwayComponent" )
  1744. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'WeaponSwayComponent' Class not found." ) end
  1745. --print( string.format( "WeaponSwayComponent Class:\t\t%X", WeaponSwayComponent_Class ) )
  1746. WeaponHeatComponent_Class = staticFindObjectEx( "Class", "GbxWeapon.WeaponHeatComponent" )
  1747. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'WeaponHeatComponent' Class not found." ) end
  1748. --print( string.format( "WeaponHeatComponent Class:\t\t%X", WeaponHeatComponent_Class ) )
  1749. WeaponChargeComponent_Class = staticFindObjectEx( "Class", "GbxWeapon.WeaponChargeComponent" )
  1750. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'WeaponChargeComponent' Class not found." ) end
  1751. --print( string.format( "WeaponChargeComponent Class:\t\t%X", WeaponChargeComponent_Class ) )
  1752. WeaponFireProjectileComponent_Class = staticFindObjectEx( "Class", "GbxWeapon.WeaponFireProjectileComponent" )
  1753. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'WeaponFireProjectileComponent' Class not found." ) end
  1754. --print( string.format( "WeaponFireProjectileComponent Class:\t\t%X", WeaponFireProjectileComponent_Class ) )
  1756. -- we'll use "Function GbxWeapon.Weapon.GetUseModeComponentByClass"
  1757. t = staticFindObjectEx( "Function", "GbxWeapon.Weapon", "GetUseModeComponentByClass" )
  1758. if t &lt; 1 then stopExec( "'GetUseModeComponentByClass' Function not found." ) end
  1759. t = readQword( t + 0xB0 )
  1760. if readBytes( t, 0x1 ) == 0xE9 then -- cuz of Denuvo function relocations
  1761. t = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
  1762. end
  1763. t = t + 0xB6
  1764. local u = readInteger( t + 0x2 )
  1765. local Weapon_mf = readQword( Weapon )
  1766. local execGetUseModeComponentByClass = readQword( Weapon_mf + u )
  1768. -- get the current weapon's 3 components above by their Classes
  1769. -- how many max. modes are there, 3?
  1770. for i = 0, 2 do
  1771. -- RECOIL
  1772. WeaponRecoilComponent = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, execGetUseModeComponentByClass, Weapon, WeaponRecoilComponent_Class, i )
  1773. -- disable recoil for all weapon modes by 0-ing out the # of Samples (array size = 0)
  1774. if WeaponRecoilComponent ~= 0x0 then
  1775. RecoilPatternData = readQword( WeaponRecoilComponent + 0x1A0 )
  1776. --print( string.format( "RecoilPatternData_Mode0%X:\t\t\t%X", i, RecoilPatternData ) )
  1777. Samples = readQword( RecoilPatternData + 0x30 )
  1778. --print( string.format( "Samples_Mode0%X:\t\t\t\t%X", i, Samples ) )
  1779. NumSamples = RecoilPatternData + 0x38
  1780. --print( string.format( "NumSamples_Mode0%X:\t\t\t%X", i, readInteger( NumSamples ) ) )
  1781. writeInteger( NumSamples, 0 )
  1782. end
  1783. --print( string.format( "WeaponRecoilComponent_Mode0%X:\t\t%X", i, WeaponRecoilComponent ) )
  1784. -- SWAY
  1785. -- disable sway for all weapon modes by 0-ing out the # of Samples (array size = 0)
  1786. WeaponSwayComponent = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, execGetUseModeComponentByClass, Weapon, WeaponSwayComponent_Class, i )
  1787. if WeaponSwayComponent ~= 0x0 then
  1788. SwayPatternData = readQword( WeaponSwayComponent + 0x188 )
  1789. --print( string.format( "SwayPatternData_Mode0%X:\t\t\t%X", i, SwayPatternData ) )
  1790. Samples = readQword( SwayPatternData + 0x30 )
  1791. --print( string.format( "Samples_Mode0%X:\t\t\t\t%X", i, Samples ) )
  1792. NumSamples = SwayPatternData + 0x38
  1793. --print( string.format( "NumSamples_Mode0%X:\t\t\t%X", i, readInteger( NumSamples ) ) )
  1794. writeInteger( NumSamples, 0 )
  1795. end
  1796. --print( string.format( "WeaponSwayComponent_Mode0%X:\t\t%X", i, WeaponSwayComponent ) )
  1797. -- HEAT
  1798. -- kill overheating on firing (weapon still overheats, but you can fire it while overheated; won't reload)
  1799. WeaponHeatComponent = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, execGetUseModeComponentByClass, Weapon, WeaponHeatComponent_Class, i )
  1800. if WeaponHeatComponent ~= 0x0 then
  1801. bCanOverheat = WeaponHeatComponent + 0x1B9
  1802. t = readBytes( bCanOverheat )
  1803. t = t &amp; 0xF7 -- false = and(not(true_val))
  1804. writeBytes( bCanOverheat, t )
  1805. end
  1806. -- CHARGE
  1807. WeaponChargeComponent = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, execGetUseModeComponentByClass, Weapon, WeaponChargeComponent_Class, i )
  1808. if WeaponChargeComponent ~= 0x0 then
  1809. ChargeTime = WeaponChargeComponent + 0x198
  1810. writeFloat( ChargeTime + 0x4, 0.0 ) -- instant charge
  1811. writeFloat( ChargeTime + 0x8, 0.0 ) -- instant charge
  1812. DischargeTime = WeaponChargeComponent + 0x1A4
  1813. writeFloat( DischargeTime + 0x4, 3600.0 ) -- 1h
  1814. writeFloat( DischargeTime + 0x8, 3600.0 ) -- 1h
  1815. end
  1816. -- PROJECTILE
  1817. WeaponFireProjectileComponent = executeCodeEx( 0, nil, execGetUseModeComponentByClass, Weapon, WeaponFireProjectileComponent_Class, i )
  1818. --print( string.format( "WeaponFireProjectileComponent_Mode0%X:\t%X", i, WeaponFireProjectileComponent ) )
  1819. -- adjust several parameters in here
  1820. if WeaponFireProjectileComponent ~= 0x0 then
  1821. FireRate = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x218
  1822. writeFloat( FireRate + 0x4, 20.0 )
  1823. writeFloat( FireRate + 0x8, 20.0 )
  1824. BurstFireDelay = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x230
  1825. writeFloat( BurstFireDelay + 0x4, 0.0 )
  1826. writeFloat( BurstFireDelay + 0x8, 0.0 )
  1827. bAutoBurst = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x23C
  1828. writeBytes( bAutoBurst, 0x1 )
  1829. ShotAmmoCost = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x2E0
  1830. writeInteger( ShotAmmoCost + 0x4, 0 )
  1831. writeInteger( ShotAmmoCost + 0x8, 0 )
  1832. Spread = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x2F0
  1833. writeFloat( Spread + 0x4, 0.0 )
  1834. writeFloat( Spread + 0x8, 0.0 )
  1835. AccuracyImpulse = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x2FC
  1836. writeFloat( AccuracyImpulse + 0x4, 0.0 )
  1837. writeFloat( AccuracyImpulse + 0x8, 0.0 )
  1838. BurstAccuracyImpulseScale = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x308
  1839. writeFloat( BurstAccuracyImpulseScale + 0x4, 0.0 )
  1840. writeFloat( BurstAccuracyImpulseScale + 0x8, 0.0 )
  1841. ProjectileSpeedScale = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x90C
  1842. writeFloat( ProjectileSpeedScale + 0x4, 200.0 )
  1843. writeFloat( ProjectileSpeedScale + 0x8, 200.0 )
  1844. -- might wanna remove the below if too instant-kill-y
  1845. Damage = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x318
  1846. local newDamage = readFloat( Damage + 0x4 ) * 4.0
  1847. writeFloat( Damage + 0x4, newDamage )
  1848. writeFloat( Damage + 0x8, newDamage )
  1849. end
  1850. end
  1851. end
  1852. return "assert(true)"
  1854. [DISABLE]
  1857. </AssemblerScript>
  1858. <Hotkeys>
  1859. <Hotkey>
  1860. <Action>Toggle Activation</Action>
  1861. <Keys>
  1862. <Key>103</Key>
  1863. </Keys>
  1864. <ID>0</ID>
  1865. </Hotkey>
  1866. </Hotkeys>
  1867. </CheatEntry>
  1868. </CheatEntries>
  1869. </CheatEntry>
  1870. <CheatEntry>
  1871. <ID>24109</ID>
  1872. <Description>"[ SpawnAwesomeItems ]"</Description>
  1873. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  1874. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  1875. <Color>0080FF</Color>
  1876. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  1877. <CheatEntries>
  1878. <CheatEntry>
  1879. <ID>24106</ID>
  1880. <Description>"Set All ItemPools To .."</Description>
  1881. <LastState/>
  1882. <Color>808000</Color>
  1883. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  1884. <AssemblerScript>{$STRICT}
  1886. {$lua}
  1888. if syntaxcheck then return end
  1890. [ENABLE]
  1892. local UFunction = readQword( getAddressSafe( "UFunction_SpawnAwesomeItems" ) )
  1893. local UScript = readQword( UFunction + 0x48 )
  1895. local addr = inputQuery( "Set All Pools To", "ItemPoolData Address:", string.format( "%X", readQword( UScript + 0x0B ) ) )
  1896. addr = tonumber( addr, 16 )
  1898. local offsets_arr = { 0x0B, 0x14, 0x1D, 0x26, 0x2F, 0x38, 0x41, 0x4A, 0x76, 0x7F, 0x88 }
  1899. for i = 1, #offsets_arr do
  1900. writeQword( UScript + offsets_arr[i], addr )
  1901. end
  1903. return "assert (true)"
  1905. [DISABLE]
  1907. --[[
  1908. default UnrealScript:
  1909. +0x0B: ItemPoolData_1_1 (ItemPool_Artifacts_05_Legendary)
  1910. +0x14: ItemPoolData_1_2 (ItemPool_ClassMods_05_Legendary)
  1911. +0x1D: ItemPoolData_1_3 (ItemPool_GrenadeMods_05_Legendary)
  1912. +0x26: ItemPoolData_1_4 (ItemPool_Shields_05_Legendary)
  1913. +0x2F: ItemPoolData_1_5 (ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)
  1914. +0x38: ItemPoolData_1_6 (ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)
  1915. +0x41: ItemPoolData_1_7 (ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)
  1916. +0x4A: ItemPoolData_1_8 (ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)
  1917. +0x76: ItemPoolData_2_1 (ItemPool_Eridium_Stack)
  1918. +0x7F: ItemPoolData_2_2 (ItemPool_Eridium)
  1919. +0x88: ItemPoolData_2_3 (ItemPool_Money_Rich)
  1920. ]]
  1921. </AssemblerScript>
  1922. </CheatEntry>
  1923. <CheatEntry>
  1924. <ID>24092</ID>
  1925. <Description>"UFunction__SpawnAwesomeItems"</Description>
  1926. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1927. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1928. <Address>UFunction__SpawnAwesomeItems</Address>
  1929. <CheatEntries>
  1930. <CheatEntry>
  1931. <ID>24105</ID>
  1932. <Description>"UnrealScript"</Description>
  1933. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  1934. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  1935. <Address>UFunction__SpawnAwesomeItems+48</Address>
  1936. <Offsets>
  1937. <Offset>0</Offset>
  1938. </Offsets>
  1939. <CheatEntries>
  1940. <CheatEntry>
  1941. <ID>24094</ID>
  1942. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_1 (ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)"</Description>
  1943. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1944. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1945. <Address>+B</Address>
  1946. </CheatEntry>
  1947. <CheatEntry>
  1948. <ID>24095</ID>
  1949. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_2 (ItemPool_SpellMods_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  1950. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1951. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1952. <Address>+14</Address>
  1953. </CheatEntry>
  1954. <CheatEntry>
  1955. <ID>24096</ID>
  1956. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_3 (ItemPool_Melee_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  1957. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1958. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1959. <Address>+1D</Address>
  1960. </CheatEntry>
  1961. <CheatEntry>
  1962. <ID>87501</ID>
  1963. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_1 (ItemPool_Amulets_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  1964. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1965. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1966. <Address>+49</Address>
  1967. </CheatEntry>
  1968. <CheatEntry>
  1969. <ID>87506</ID>
  1970. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_2 (ItemPool_Rings_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  1971. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1972. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1973. <Address>+52</Address>
  1974. </CheatEntry>
  1975. <CheatEntry>
  1976. <ID>87505</ID>
  1977. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_3 (ItemPool_Armor_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  1978. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1979. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1980. <Address>+5B</Address>
  1981. </CheatEntry>
  1982. <CheatEntry>
  1983. <ID>87500</ID>
  1984. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_4 (ItemPool_Shields_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  1985. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1986. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1987. <Address>+64</Address>
  1988. </CheatEntry>
  1989. <CheatEntry>
  1990. <ID>87499</ID>
  1991. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_1 (ItemPool_Guns_VeryRare)"</Description>
  1992. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  1993. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  1994. <Address>+90</Address>
  1995. </CheatEntry>
  1996. <CheatEntry>
  1997. <ID>87507</ID>
  1998. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_2 (ItemPool_SpellMods_04_VeryRare)"</Description>
  1999. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2000. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2001. <Address>+99</Address>
  2002. </CheatEntry>
  2003. <CheatEntry>
  2004. <ID>87508</ID>
  2005. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_3 (ItemPool_Melee_04_VeryRare )"</Description>
  2006. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2007. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2008. <Address>+A2</Address>
  2009. </CheatEntry>
  2010. <CheatEntry>
  2011. <ID>87498</ID>
  2012. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_4 (ItemPool_Armor_04_VeryRare )"</Description>
  2013. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2014. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2015. <Address>+AB</Address>
  2016. </CheatEntry>
  2017. <CheatEntry>
  2018. <ID>87497</ID>
  2019. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_5 (ItemPool_Amulets_04_VeryRare)"</Description>
  2020. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2021. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2022. <Address>+B4</Address>
  2023. </CheatEntry>
  2024. <CheatEntry>
  2025. <ID>87502</ID>
  2026. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_6 (ItemPool_Shields_04_VeryRare)"</Description>
  2027. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2028. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2029. <Address>+BD</Address>
  2030. </CheatEntry>
  2031. <CheatEntry>
  2032. <ID>87503</ID>
  2033. <Description>"ItemPoolData_3_7 (ItemPool_Rings_04_VeryRare)"</Description>
  2034. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2035. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2036. <Address>+C6</Address>
  2037. </CheatEntry>
  2038. </CheatEntries>
  2039. </CheatEntry>
  2040. </CheatEntries>
  2041. </CheatEntry>
  2042. </CheatEntries>
  2043. </CheatEntry>
  2044. </CheatEntries>
  2045. </CheatEntry>
  2046. <CheatEntry>
  2047. <ID>3</ID>
  2048. <Description>"[ Debug ]"</Description>
  2049. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  2050. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  2051. <Color>8EA5F5</Color>
  2052. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2053. <CheatEntries>
  2054. <CheatEntry>
  2055. <ID>24118</ID>
  2056. <Description>"LocalPlayer"</Description>
  2057. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  2058. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="04F10090"/>
  2059. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  2060. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2061. <Address>LocalPlayer</Address>
  2062. <CheatEntries>
  2063. <CheatEntry>
  2064. <ID>24119</ID>
  2065. <Description>"LocalPlayer"</Description>
  2066. <LastState Value="0000000000000000" RealAddress="04F10090"/>
  2067. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2068. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  2069. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2070. <Address>+0</Address>
  2071. </CheatEntry>
  2072. <CheatEntry>
  2073. <ID>24120</ID>
  2074. <Description>"[0030] PlayerController"</Description>
  2075. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  2076. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="04F100C0"/>
  2077. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  2078. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2079. <Address>PlayerController</Address>
  2080. <CheatEntries>
  2081. <CheatEntry>
  2082. <ID>24121</ID>
  2083. <Description>"PlayerController"</Description>
  2084. <LastState Value="0000000000000000" RealAddress="04F100C0"/>
  2085. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2086. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  2087. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2088. <Address>+0</Address>
  2089. </CheatEntry>
  2090. <CheatEntry>
  2091. <ID>24123</ID>
  2092. <Description>"[0488] Pawn"</Description>
  2093. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  2094. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000488"/>
  2095. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  2096. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2097. <Address>+0</Address>
  2098. <Offsets>
  2099. <Offset>488</Offset>
  2100. </Offsets>
  2101. <CheatEntries>
  2102. <CheatEntry>
  2103. <ID>24124</ID>
  2104. <Description>"Pawn"</Description>
  2105. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2106. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  2107. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2108. <Address>+0</Address>
  2109. </CheatEntry>
  2110. <CheatEntry>
  2111. <ID>24148</ID>
  2112. <Description>"[0091] bCanBeDamaged"</Description>
  2113. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2114. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  2115. <Address>+0</Address>
  2116. <Offsets>
  2117. <Offset>91</Offset>
  2118. </Offsets>
  2119. </CheatEntry>
  2120. <CheatEntry>
  2121. <ID>24149</ID>
  2122. <Description>"[04C8] CharacterMovementComponent"</Description>
  2123. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  2124. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  2125. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  2126. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2127. <Address>+0</Address>
  2128. <Offsets>
  2129. <Offset>4C8</Offset>
  2130. </Offsets>
  2131. <CheatEntries>
  2132. <CheatEntry>
  2133. <ID>24150</ID>
  2134. <Description>"CharacterMovementComponent"</Description>
  2135. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  2136. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  2137. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  2138. <Address>+0</Address>
  2139. </CheatEntry>
  2140. <CheatEntry>
  2141. <ID>24162</ID>
  2142. <Description>"[0274] MaxWalkSpeed"</Description>
  2143. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  2144. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  2145. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  2146. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2147. <Address>+0</Address>
  2148. <Offsets>
  2149. <Offset>274</Offset>
  2150. </Offsets>
  2151. <CheatEntries>
  2152. <CheatEntry>
  2153. <ID>24151</ID>
  2154. <Description>"[0004] MaxWalkSpeed_Current"</Description>
  2155. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  2156. <Address>+4</Address>
  2157. </CheatEntry>
  2158. <CheatEntry>
  2159. <ID>24165</ID>
  2160. <Description>"[0008] MaxWalkSpeed_Default"</Description>
  2161. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  2162. <Address>+8</Address>
  2163. </CheatEntry>
  2164. </CheatEntries>
  2165. </CheatEntry>
  2166. <CheatEntry>
  2167. <ID>24166</ID>
  2168. <Description>"[0298] MaxFlySpeed"</Description>
  2169. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  2170. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  2171. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  2172. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  2173. <Address>+0</Address>
  2174. <Offsets>
  2175. <Offset>298</Offset>
  2176. </Offsets>
  2177. <CheatEntries>
  2178. <CheatEntry>
  2179. <ID>24167</ID>
  2180. <Description>"[0004] MaxFlySpeed_Current"</Description>
  2181. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  2182. <Address>+4</Address>
  2183. </CheatEntry>
  2184. <CheatEntry>
  2185. <ID>24168</ID>
  2186. <Description>"[0008] MaxFlySpeed_Default"</Description>
  2187. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  2188. <Address>+8</Address>
  2189. </CheatEntry>
  2190. </CheatEntries>
  2191. </CheatEntry>
  2192. </CheatEntries>
  2193. </CheatEntry>
  2194. <CheatEntry>
  2195. <ID>24164</ID>
  2196. <Description>"[0580] JumpMaxCount"</Description>
  2197. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  2198. <Address>+0</Address>
  2199. <Offsets>
  2200. <Offset>580</Offset>
  2201. </Offsets>
  2202. </CheatEntry>
  2203. <CheatEntry>
  2204. <ID>24152</ID>
  2205. <Description>"[0584] JumpCurrentCount"</Description>
  2206. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  2207. <Address>+0</Address>
  2208. <Offsets>
  2209. <Offset>584</Offset>
  2210. </Offsets>
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  3972. <Description>"[0178] GuardianRank"</Description>
  3973. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  3974. <Address>+0</Address>
  3975. <Offsets>
  3976. <Offset>178</Offset>
  3977. </Offsets>
  3978. </CheatEntry>
  3979. <CheatEntry>
  3980. <ID>24364</ID>
  3981. <Description>"[017C] AvailableTokens"</Description>
  3982. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  3983. <Address>+0</Address>
  3984. <Offsets>
  3985. <Offset>17C</Offset>
  3986. </Offsets>
  3987. </CheatEntry>
  3988. <CheatEntry>
  3989. <ID>24365</ID>
  3990. <Description>"[0180] GuardianExperience"</Description>
  3991. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  3992. <Address>+0</Address>
  3993. <Offsets>
  3994. <Offset>180</Offset>
  3995. </Offsets>
  3996. </CheatEntry>
  3997. </CheatEntries>
  3998. </CheatEntry>
  3999. <CheatEntry>
  4000. <ID>24330</ID>
  4001. <Description>"[0C68] FogOfDiscoveryComponent"</Description>
  4002. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  4003. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000C68"/>
  4004. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4005. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4006. <Address>+0</Address>
  4007. <Offsets>
  4008. <Offset>C68</Offset>
  4009. </Offsets>
  4010. <CheatEntries>
  4011. <CheatEntry>
  4012. <ID>24331</ID>
  4013. <Description>"FogOfDiscoveryComponent"</Description>
  4014. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4015. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  4016. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4017. <Address>+0</Address>
  4018. </CheatEntry>
  4019. <CheatEntry>
  4020. <ID>24332</ID>
  4021. <Description>"[01A8] PlayerUnfogRadius|VehicleUnfogRadius"</Description>
  4022. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4023. <Address>+0</Address>
  4024. <Offsets>
  4025. <Offset>1A8</Offset>
  4026. </Offsets>
  4027. </CheatEntry>
  4028. </CheatEntries>
  4029. </CheatEntry>
  4030. <CheatEntry>
  4031. <ID>24340</ID>
  4032. <Description>"[1638] bInfiniteAmmo"</Description>
  4033. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  4034. <Address>+0</Address>
  4035. <Offsets>
  4036. <Offset>1638</Offset>
  4037. </Offsets>
  4038. </CheatEntry>
  4039. <CheatEntry>
  4040. <ID>24140</ID>
  4041. <Description>"[1A78] DeveloperPerks"</Description>
  4042. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4043. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4044. <Address>+0</Address>
  4045. <Offsets>
  4046. <Offset>1A78</Offset>
  4047. </Offsets>
  4048. </CheatEntry>
  4049. </CheatEntries>
  4050. </CheatEntry>
  4051. <CheatEntry>
  4052. <ID>23964</ID>
  4053. <Description>"[0058] GameViewportClient"</Description>
  4054. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  4055. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="04F100A0"/>
  4056. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4057. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4058. <Address>GameViewportClient</Address>
  4059. <CheatEntries>
  4060. <CheatEntry>
  4061. <ID>24125</ID>
  4062. <Description>"GameViewportClient"</Description>
  4063. <LastState Value="0000000000000000" RealAddress="04F100A0"/>
  4064. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4065. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  4066. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4067. <Address>GameViewportClient</Address>
  4068. </CheatEntry>
  4069. <CheatEntry>
  4070. <ID>24126</ID>
  4071. <Description>"[0050] ViewportConsole"</Description>
  4072. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4073. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4074. <Address>+0</Address>
  4075. <Offsets>
  4076. <Offset>50</Offset>
  4077. </Offsets>
  4078. </CheatEntry>
  4079. <CheatEntry>
  4080. <ID>23961</ID>
  4081. <Description>"[0088] World"</Description>
  4082. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  4083. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000088"/>
  4084. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4085. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4086. <Address>+0</Address>
  4087. <Offsets>
  4088. <Offset>88</Offset>
  4089. </Offsets>
  4090. <CheatEntries>
  4091. <CheatEntry>
  4092. <ID>24128</ID>
  4093. <Description>"World"</Description>
  4094. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4095. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  4096. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4097. <Address>+0</Address>
  4098. </CheatEntry>
  4099. <CheatEntry>
  4100. <ID>23938</ID>
  4101. <Description>"[0030] PersistentLevel"</Description>
  4102. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4103. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4104. <Address>+0</Address>
  4105. <Offsets>
  4106. <Offset>30</Offset>
  4107. </Offsets>
  4108. </CheatEntry>
  4109. <CheatEntry>
  4110. <ID>24129</ID>
  4111. <Description>"[0140] AuthorityGameMode"</Description>
  4112. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4113. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4114. <Address>+0</Address>
  4115. <Offsets>
  4116. <Offset>140</Offset>
  4117. </Offsets>
  4118. </CheatEntry>
  4119. <CheatEntry>
  4120. <ID>24133</ID>
  4121. <Description>"[0148] GameState"</Description>
  4122. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  4123. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  4124. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4125. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4126. <Address>+0</Address>
  4127. <Offsets>
  4128. <Offset>148</Offset>
  4129. </Offsets>
  4130. <CheatEntries>
  4131. <CheatEntry>
  4132. <ID>23940</ID>
  4133. <Description>"GameState"</Description>
  4134. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4135. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  4136. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4137. <Address>+0</Address>
  4138. </CheatEntry>
  4139. <CheatEntry>
  4140. <ID>24134</ID>
  4141. <Description>"[06C8] InventoryShopResetPeriod"</Description>
  4142. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4143. <Address>+0</Address>
  4144. <Offsets>
  4145. <Offset>6C8</Offset>
  4146. </Offsets>
  4147. </CheatEntry>
  4148. <CheatEntry>
  4149. <ID>24136</ID>
  4150. <Description>"[06DC] ReplicatedSecondsBeforeShopsReset"</Description>
  4151. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4152. <Address>+0</Address>
  4153. <Offsets>
  4154. <Offset>6DC</Offset>
  4155. </Offsets>
  4156. </CheatEntry>
  4157. <CheatEntry>
  4158. <ID>24135</ID>
  4159. <Description>"[06E0] LocalSecondsBeforeShopsReset"</Description>
  4160. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4161. <Address>+0</Address>
  4162. <Offsets>
  4163. <Offset>6E0</Offset>
  4164. </Offsets>
  4165. </CheatEntry>
  4166. <CheatEntry>
  4167. <ID>24137</ID>
  4168. <Description>"[0758] bInfiniteAmmo"</Description>
  4169. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  4170. <Address>+0</Address>
  4171. <Offsets>
  4172. <Offset>758</Offset>
  4173. </Offsets>
  4174. </CheatEntry>
  4175. </CheatEntries>
  4176. </CheatEntry>
  4177. <CheatEntry>
  4178. <ID>24130</ID>
  4179. <Description>"[0160] Levels"</Description>
  4180. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4181. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4182. <Address>+0</Address>
  4183. <Offsets>
  4184. <Offset>160</Offset>
  4185. </Offsets>
  4186. </CheatEntry>
  4187. <CheatEntry>
  4188. <ID>24131</ID>
  4189. <Description>"[0170] LevelCollections"</Description>
  4190. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4191. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4192. <Address>+0</Address>
  4193. <Offsets>
  4194. <Offset>170</Offset>
  4195. </Offsets>
  4196. </CheatEntry>
  4197. <CheatEntry>
  4198. <ID>24132</ID>
  4199. <Description>"[0190] OwningGameInstance"</Description>
  4200. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4201. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4202. <Address>+0</Address>
  4203. <Offsets>
  4204. <Offset>190</Offset>
  4205. </Offsets>
  4206. </CheatEntry>
  4207. </CheatEntries>
  4208. </CheatEntry>
  4209. <CheatEntry>
  4210. <ID>24127</ID>
  4211. <Description>"[0090] GameInstance"</Description>
  4212. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4213. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4214. <Address>+0</Address>
  4215. <Offsets>
  4216. <Offset>90</Offset>
  4217. </Offsets>
  4218. </CheatEntry>
  4219. </CheatEntries>
  4220. </CheatEntry>
  4221. </CheatEntries>
  4222. </CheatEntry>
  4223. <CheatEntry>
  4224. <ID>24141</ID>
  4225. <Description>"ZoneMapGlobalsData"</Description>
  4226. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  4227. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  4228. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4229. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4230. <Address>ZoneMapGlobalsData</Address>
  4231. <CheatEntries>
  4232. <CheatEntry>
  4233. <ID>24142</ID>
  4234. <Description>"ZoneMapGlobalsData"</Description>
  4235. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4236. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  4237. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4238. <Address>+0</Address>
  4239. </CheatEntry>
  4240. <CheatEntry>
  4241. <ID>24336</ID>
  4242. <Description>"[0218] PlayerUnfogRadius"</Description>
  4243. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4244. <Address>+218</Address>
  4245. </CheatEntry>
  4246. <CheatEntry>
  4247. <ID>24337</ID>
  4248. <Description>"[021C] VehicleUnfogRadius"</Description>
  4249. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4250. <Address>+21C</Address>
  4251. </CheatEntry>
  4252. <CheatEntry>
  4253. <ID>24338</ID>
  4254. <Description>"[0220] DefaultUnfogHeight"</Description>
  4255. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4256. <Address>+220</Address>
  4257. </CheatEntry>
  4258. <CheatEntry>
  4259. <ID>24339</ID>
  4260. <Description>"[0224] DefaultVehicleUnfogHeight"</Description>
  4261. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  4262. <Address>+224</Address>
  4263. </CheatEntry>
  4264. </CheatEntries>
  4265. </CheatEntry>
  4266. <CheatEntry>
  4267. <ID>24334</ID>
  4268. <Description>"Mock-Up"</Description>
  4269. <Options moHideChildren="1" moManualExpandCollapse="1"/>
  4270. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  4271. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4272. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4273. <Address/>
  4274. <CheatEntries>
  4275. <CheatEntry>
  4276. <ID>24335</ID>
  4277. <Description>"No description"</Description>
  4278. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4279. <Color>9D9A89</Color>
  4280. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4281. <Address>+0</Address>
  4282. </CheatEntry>
  4283. </CheatEntries>
  4284. </CheatEntry>
  4285. <CheatEntry>
  4286. <ID>24078</ID>
  4287. <Description>"[ Not Updated ]"</Description>
  4288. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  4289. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  4290. <Color>6E6F6F</Color>
  4291. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  4292. <CheatEntries>
  4293. <CheatEntry>
  4294. <ID>8</ID>
  4295. <Description>"Unreal Engine 'god' :)"</Description>
  4296. <LastState/>
  4297. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  4298. <AssemblerScript>{$STRICT}
  4300. {$lua}
  4302. if syntaxcheck then return end
  4304. [ENABLE]
  4306. local t = getAddressSafe( "OakPlayerController" )
  4307. t = readQword( t )
  4308. t = readQword( t + 0x488 ) -- OakCharacter
  4309. local u = readBytes( t + 0x91 )
  4310. u = u &amp; 0xBF
  4311. writeBytes( t + 0x91, u )
  4313. [DISABLE]
  4315. local t = getAddressSafe( "OakPlayerController" )
  4316. t = readQword( t )
  4317. t = readQword( t + 0x488 ) -- OakCharacter
  4318. local u = readBytes( t + 0x91 )
  4319. u = u | 0x40
  4320. writeBytes( t + 0x91, u )
  4322. </AssemblerScript>
  4323. </CheatEntry>
  4324. <CheatEntry>
  4325. <ID>10</ID>
  4326. <Description>"Init &amp; Link 'god' UFunction"</Description>
  4327. <LastState/>
  4328. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  4329. <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
  4331. alloc( ZConstructGodThread, 0x1000, Borderlands3.exe )
  4332. registersymbol( ZConstructGodThread )
  4333. CreateThread( ZConstructGodThread )
  4335. label( pReturnFunction )
  4336. label( pszGod )
  4337. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4338. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4339. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams )
  4340. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams )
  4341. label( aZ_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4342. registersymbol( aZ_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4344. ZConstructGodThread:
  4345. db EB FE
  4346. sub rsp,178
  4347. mov r8d,1
  4348. lea rdx,[aZ_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God]
  4349. mov rcx,[Borderlands3.exe+66026A0]
  4350. call Borderlands3.exe+147F3A0 // UClass::CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap
  4351. add rsp,178
  4352. ret
  4354. align 10 CC
  4356. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God:
  4357. sub rsp,28
  4358. mov rax,[pReturnFunction]
  4359. test rax,rax
  4360. jne short @f
  4361. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams]
  4362. lea rcx,[pReturnFunction]
  4363. call Borderlands3.exe+14EE340 // UE4CodeGen_Private::ConstructUFunction
  4364. mov rax,[pReturnFunction]
  4365. @@:
  4366. add rsp,28
  4367. ret
  4369. align 10 CC
  4371. pReturnFunction:
  4372. dq 0
  4374. align 10 CC
  4376. pszGod:
  4377. db 'God',0
  4379. align 10 CC
  4381. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams:
  4382. dq Borderlands3.exe+2661100 // 0x0 - Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager
  4383. dq pszGod // 0x8
  4384. dq 0x45 // 0x10
  4385. dq 0 // 0x18
  4386. dq 04020600 // 0x20
  4387. dq 0 // 0x28
  4388. dq 0 // 0x30
  4389. dq 0 // 0x38
  4391. align 10 CC
  4393. aZ_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God:
  4394. dq Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God // 0x0
  4395. dq pszGod // 0x8
  4397. align 10 CC
  4399. [DISABLE]
  4401. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4402. unregistersymbol( aZ_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4403. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams )
  4404. unregistersymbol( ZConstructGodThread )
  4405. dealloc( ZConstructGodThread )
  4406. </AssemblerScript>
  4407. </CheatEntry>
  4408. <CheatEntry>
  4409. <ID>14</ID>
  4410. <Description>"Test_StaticFindUObject"</Description>
  4411. <LastState/>
  4412. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  4413. <AssemblerScript>[ENABLE]
  4415. alloc( UEThread, 0x1000, Borderlands3.exe )
  4416. registersymbol( UEThread )
  4417. CreateThread( UEThread )
  4418. label( UEThreadOff )
  4419. registersymbol( UEThreadOff )
  4420. label( UEThread_loop )
  4422. label( FindUObject_do )
  4424. UEThread:
  4425. sub rsp,28
  4427. UEThread_loop:
  4428. mov rcx,A
  4429. call Sleep
  4431. cmp [UEThreadOff],1
  4432. jne short @f
  4433. add rsp,28
  4434. mov [UEThreadOff],2
  4435. ret
  4436. @@:
  4438. mov rcx,6E // VK_DECIMAL
  4439. call GetAsyncKeyState
  4440. test ax,ax
  4441. je short @f
  4443. call short FindUObject_do
  4444. mov rcx,C8
  4445. call Sleep
  4447. @@:
  4448. jmp short UEThread_loop
  4450. align 10 CC
  4452. FindUObject_do:
  4453. sub rsp,28
  4454. xor r9d,r9d
  4455. lea r8,[szSpawnAwesomeItems]
  4456. mov rax,[OakPlayerController]
  4457. mov rax,[rax+1970]
  4458. mov rdx,[rax+10] // 0x20: BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_DevPerks.BP_DevPerks_C
  4459. mov rcx,[Borderlands3.exe+64D2020] // 0x10: Class CoreUObject.Function
  4460. call Borderlands3.exe+1500B80 // StaticFindObject
  4461. add rsp,28
  4462. ret
  4464. align 10 CC
  4466. szSpawnAwesomeItems:
  4467. db 'S',0,'p',0,'a',0,'w',0,'n',0,'A',0,'w',0,'e',0,'s',0,'o',0,'m',0,'e',0,'I',0,'t',0,'e',0,'m',0,'s',0,0,0
  4469. align 10 CC
  4471. UEThreadOff:
  4472. dd 0
  4474. [DISABLE]
  4477. {$lua}
  4479. if( syntaxcheck == false ) then --actual execution
  4480. local starttime = getTickCount()
  4482. if readInteger( "UEThreadOff" ) == 0 then --could be 2 already
  4483. writeInteger( "UEThreadOff", 1 ) --tell the thread to kill itself
  4484. end
  4486. while( getTickCount() &lt; starttime + 1000 ) and ( readInteger( "UEThreadOff" ) ~= 2 ) do --wait till it has finished
  4487. sleep( 20 )
  4488. end
  4490. if( getTickCount() &gt; starttime + 1000 ) then --could happen when the window is shown
  4491. showMessage( 'Disabling the thread failed!' )
  4492. error( 'Thread disabling failed!' )
  4493. end
  4494. sleep( 1 )
  4495. end
  4497. {$asm}
  4499. unregistersymbol( UEThreadOff )
  4500. unregistersymbol( UEThread )
  4501. dealloc( UEThread )
  4502. </AssemblerScript>
  4503. </CheatEntry>
  4504. <CheatEntry>
  4505. <ID>15</ID>
  4506. <Description>"UFunction SpawnAwesomeItems"</Description>
  4507. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4508. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4509. <Address>282DDD80</Address>
  4510. <CheatEntries>
  4511. <CheatEntry>
  4512. <ID>16</ID>
  4513. <Description>"UFlags"</Description>
  4514. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4515. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  4516. <Address>+88</Address>
  4517. </CheatEntry>
  4518. <CheatEntry>
  4519. <ID>16229</ID>
  4520. <Description>"UFunction_ByteCode"</Description>
  4521. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4522. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  4523. <ByteLength>172</ByteLength>
  4524. <Address>+48</Address>
  4525. <Offsets>
  4526. <Offset>0</Offset>
  4527. </Offsets>
  4528. <CheatEntries>
  4529. <CheatEntry>
  4530. <ID>16230</ID>
  4531. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_1 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Artifacts_05_Legendary.ItemPool_Artifacts_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  4532. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4533. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4534. <Address>+B</Address>
  4535. </CheatEntry>
  4536. <CheatEntry>
  4537. <ID>16231</ID>
  4538. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_2 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_ClassMods_05_Legendary.ItemPool_ClassMods_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  4539. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4540. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4541. <Address>+14</Address>
  4542. </CheatEntry>
  4543. <CheatEntry>
  4544. <ID>16232</ID>
  4545. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_3 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_GrenadeMods_05_Legendary.ItemPool_GrenadeMods_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  4546. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4547. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4548. <Address>+1D</Address>
  4549. </CheatEntry>
  4550. <CheatEntry>
  4551. <ID>16233</ID>
  4552. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_4 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Shields_05_Legendary.ItemPool_Shields_05_Legendary)"</Description>
  4553. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4554. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4555. <Address>+26</Address>
  4556. </CheatEntry>
  4557. <CheatEntry>
  4558. <ID>16234</ID>
  4559. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_5 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Guns_Legendary.ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)"</Description>
  4560. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4561. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4562. <Address>+2F</Address>
  4563. </CheatEntry>
  4564. <CheatEntry>
  4565. <ID>16235</ID>
  4566. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_6 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Guns_Legendary.ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)"</Description>
  4567. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4568. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4569. <Address>+38</Address>
  4570. </CheatEntry>
  4571. <CheatEntry>
  4572. <ID>16236</ID>
  4573. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_7 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Guns_Legendary.ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)"</Description>
  4574. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4575. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4576. <Address>+41</Address>
  4577. </CheatEntry>
  4578. <CheatEntry>
  4579. <ID>16237</ID>
  4580. <Description>"ItemPoolData_1_8 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Guns_Legendary.ItemPool_Guns_Legendary)"</Description>
  4581. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4582. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4583. <Address>+4A</Address>
  4584. </CheatEntry>
  4585. <CheatEntry>
  4586. <ID>16238</ID>
  4587. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_1 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Eridium_Stack.ItemPool_Eridium_Stack)"</Description>
  4588. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4589. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4590. <Address>+76</Address>
  4591. </CheatEntry>
  4592. <CheatEntry>
  4593. <ID>16239</ID>
  4594. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_2 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Eridium.ItemPool_Eridium)"</Description>
  4595. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4596. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4597. <Address>+7F</Address>
  4598. </CheatEntry>
  4599. <CheatEntry>
  4600. <ID>16240</ID>
  4601. <Description>"ItemPoolData_2_3 (ItemPoolData ItemPool_Money_Rich.ItemPool_Money_Rich)"</Description>
  4602. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4603. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4604. <Address>+88</Address>
  4605. </CheatEntry>
  4606. </CheatEntries>
  4607. </CheatEntry>
  4608. </CheatEntries>
  4609. </CheatEntry>
  4610. <CheatEntry>
  4611. <ID>16225</ID>
  4612. <Description>"Item Spawner"</Description>
  4613. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  4614. <LastState/>
  4615. <Color>FF0000</Color>
  4616. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  4617. <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
  4619. alloc( UEThread, 0x1000, Borderlands3.exe )
  4620. registersymbol( UEThread )
  4621. CreateThread( UEThread )
  4622. label( UEThreadOff )
  4623. registersymbol( UEThreadOff )
  4624. label( UEThread_loop )
  4626. label( SpawnItem_do )
  4628. label( iAmount )
  4629. registersymbol( iAmount )
  4630. label( ppItemPoolArr )
  4631. registersymbol( ppItemPoolArr )
  4632. label( pItemPool )
  4633. registersymbol( pItemPool )
  4635. UEThread:
  4636. sub rsp,28
  4638. UEThread_loop:
  4639. mov rcx,A
  4640. call Sleep
  4642. cmp [UEThreadOff],1
  4643. jne short @f
  4644. add rsp,28
  4645. mov [UEThreadOff],2
  4646. ret
  4647. @@:
  4649. mov rcx,6E // VK_DECIMAL
  4650. call GetAsyncKeyState
  4651. test ax,ax
  4652. je short @f
  4654. call short SpawnItem_do
  4655. mov rcx,C8
  4656. call Sleep
  4658. @@:
  4659. jmp short UEThread_loop
  4661. align 10 CC
  4663. SpawnItem_do:
  4664. sub rsp,38
  4665. mov r8d,[iAmount] // item amount
  4666. lea rdx,[ppItemPoolArr] // pointer to pointer to ItemPoolArr
  4667. mov rcx,[OakDeveloperPerks] // UObject
  4668. call Borderlands3.exe+BAF140 // SpawnItems_Internal
  4669. add rsp,38
  4670. ret
  4672. align 10 CC
  4674. iAmount:
  4675. dd 1
  4677. align 10 CC
  4679. ppItemPoolArr:
  4680. dq pItemPool
  4681. dd 1 // dwArrSize (expand this to &gt; 1 if you add more items in pItemPool
  4683. align 10 CC
  4685. pItemPool:
  4686. dq 0
  4687. dq 0
  4689. UEThreadOff:
  4690. dd 0
  4692. [DISABLE]
  4695. {$lua}
  4697. if( syntaxcheck == false ) then --actual execution
  4698. local starttime = getTickCount()
  4700. if readInteger( "UEThreadOff" ) == 0 then --could be 2 already
  4701. writeInteger( "UEThreadOff", 1 ) --tell the thread to kill itself
  4702. end
  4704. while( getTickCount() &lt; starttime + 1000 ) and ( readInteger( "UEThreadOff" ) ~= 2 ) do --wait till it has finished
  4705. sleep( 20 )
  4706. end
  4708. if( getTickCount() &gt; starttime + 1000 ) then --could happen when the window is shown
  4709. showMessage( 'Disabling the thread failed!' )
  4710. error( 'Thread disabling failed!' )
  4711. end
  4712. sleep( 1 )
  4713. end
  4715. {$asm}
  4717. unregistersymbol( pItemPool )
  4718. unregistersymbol( ppItemPoolArr )
  4719. unregistersymbol( iAmount )
  4721. unregistersymbol( UEThreadOff )
  4722. unregistersymbol( UEThread )
  4723. dealloc( UEThread )
  4724. </AssemblerScript>
  4725. <CheatEntries>
  4726. <CheatEntry>
  4727. <ID>16226</ID>
  4728. <Description>"iAmount"</Description>
  4729. <Color>FF8080</Color>
  4730. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  4731. <Address>iAmount</Address>
  4732. </CheatEntry>
  4733. <CheatEntry>
  4734. <ID>16227</ID>
  4735. <Description>"pItemPool"</Description>
  4736. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  4737. <Color>FF8080</Color>
  4738. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  4739. <Address>pItemPool</Address>
  4740. </CheatEntry>
  4741. </CheatEntries>
  4742. </CheatEntry>
  4743. <CheatEntry>
  4744. <ID>16241</ID>
  4745. <Description>"Assemble execOpenDebugMenu"</Description>
  4746. <LastState/>
  4747. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  4748. <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
  4750. alloc( execOpenDebugMenu, 0x1000, Borderlands3.exe )
  4751. registersymbol( execOpenDebugMenu )
  4753. label( szCheatMenuData )
  4754. label( szGbxCheatSettings )
  4756. label( @L00000001 )
  4757. label( @L00000002 )
  4758. label( @L00000003 )
  4759. label( @L00000004 )
  4760. label( @L00000005 )
  4761. label( @L00000006 )
  4763. execOpenDebugMenu:
  4765. mov [rsp+10],rbp
  4766. mov [rsp+18],rsi
  4767. push rdi
  4768. sub rsp,50
  4769. mov rax,[rcx]
  4770. mov rdi,rcx
  4771. call qword ptr [rax+F88] // this changes
  4772. xor ebp,ebp
  4773. mov rsi,rax
  4774. mov [rsp+40],rbp
  4775. mov [rsp+48],rbp
  4776. test rax,rax
  4777. je @L00000006
  4778. mov rcx,[Borderlands3.exe+687E470] // GConfig
  4779. test rcx,rcx
  4780. je @L00000006
  4781. lea rax,[Borderlands3.exe+688A670] // path to Engine.ini
  4782. lea r9,[rsp+40]
  4783. mov [rsp+20],rax
  4784. lea r8,[szCheatMenuData] // L"CheatMenuData"
  4785. lea rdx,[szGbxCheatSettings] // L"GbxCheatSettings"
  4786. call Borderlands3.exe+158BCB0 // FConfigCacheIni::GetString
  4787. test al,al
  4788. je @L00000005
  4789. cmp [rsp+48],ebp
  4790. mov [rsp+60],rbx
  4791. lea rbx,[Borderlands3.exe+400DB18] // 0
  4792. cmovne rbx,[rsp+40]
  4793. call Borderlands3.exe+1BF5DF50 // GbxUmgMenuData::GetPrivateStaticClass
  4794. mov byte ptr [rsp+30],1
  4795. xor r9d,r9d
  4796. mov [rsp+28],rbp
  4797. mov r8,rbx
  4798. xor edx,edx
  4799. mov [rsp+20],ebp
  4800. mov rcx,rax
  4801. call Borderlands3.exe+16E3260 // StaticLoadObject
  4802. mov rbx,rax
  4803. test rax,rax
  4804. je short @L00000004
  4805. cmp [rax+48],rbp
  4806. je short @L00000002
  4807. call Borderlands3.exe+1BF5DCB0 // GbxUmgMenu::GetPrivateStaticClass
  4808. mov rdx,[rbx+48]
  4809. mov rcx,rdx
  4810. test rdx,rdx
  4811. je short @L00000002
  4813. @L00000001:
  4814. cmp rcx,rax
  4815. je short @L00000003
  4816. mov rcx,[rcx+30]
  4817. test rcx,rcx
  4818. jne short @L00000001
  4820. @L00000002:
  4821. mov rdx,rbp
  4823. @L00000003:
  4824. mov rcx,[rdi+A78] // this changes
  4825. call Borderlands3.exe+2DF2380
  4826. test al,al
  4827. jne short @L00000004
  4828. mov rdx,rbx
  4829. mov rcx,rsi
  4830. call Borderlands3.exe+2E0DBD0
  4832. @L00000004:
  4833. mov rbx,[rsp+60]
  4835. @L00000005:
  4836. mov rcx,[rsp+40]
  4837. test rcx,rcx
  4838. je short @L00000006
  4839. call Borderlands3.exe+1532090 // FMemory::Free
  4841. @L00000006:
  4842. mov rbp,[rsp+68]
  4843. mov rsi,[rsp+70]
  4844. add rsp,50
  4845. pop rdi
  4846. ret
  4848. align 10 CC
  4850. szCheatMenuData:
  4851. db 'C',0,'h',0,'e',0,'a',0,'t',0,'M',0,'e',0,'n',0,'u',0,'D',0,'a',0,'t',0,'a',0,0,0
  4853. align 10 CC
  4855. szGbxCheatSettings:
  4856. db 'G',0,'b',0,'x',0,'C',0,'h',0,'e',0,'a',0,'t',0,'S',0,'e',0,'t',0,'t',0,'i',0,'n',0,'g',0,'s',0,0,0
  4858. [DISABLE]
  4860. dealloc( execOpenDebugMenu )
  4861. unregistersymbol( execOpenDebugMenu )
  4862. </AssemblerScript>
  4863. </CheatEntry>
  4864. <CheatEntry>
  4865. <ID>6</ID>
  4866. <Description>"Restore 'god', 'playersonly', 'fly', 'ghost', 'walk'"</Description>
  4867. <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
  4868. <LastState/>
  4869. <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  4870. <AssemblerScript Async="1">{$STRICT}
  4872. {$lua}
  4874. if syntaxcheck then return end
  4876. [ENABLE]
  4878. local gameProcess = "Borderlands3.exe"
  4879. local gameModule = getAddress( gameProcess )
  4881. autoAssemble([[
  4883. alloc( ReCode, 0x1000, Borderlands3.exe )
  4884. registersymbol( ReCode )
  4886. label( UCheatManager_PlayersOnly )
  4887. registersymbol( UCheatManager_PlayersOnly )
  4888. label( UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation )
  4889. registersymbol( UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation )
  4890. label( UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation )
  4891. registersymbol( UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation )
  4892. label( UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation )
  4893. registersymbol( UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation )
  4895. label( Init )
  4896. registersymbol( Init )
  4897. label( Init_exit )
  4898. label( ConstructUFunctions )
  4899. registersymbol( ConstructUFunctions )
  4900. label( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo )
  4901. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo )
  4902. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4903. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  4904. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost )
  4905. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost )
  4906. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams )
  4907. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams )
  4908. label( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost_Statics_FuncParams )
  4909. registersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost_Statics_FuncParams )
  4910. label( UFunction_God )
  4911. registersymbol( UFunction_God )
  4912. label( UFunction_Ghost )
  4913. registersymbol( UFunction_Ghost )
  4915. label( pszGod )
  4916. label( pszGhost )
  4917. label( pszSpawnAwesomeItems )
  4919. CreateThread( Init )
  4921. ReCode:
  4923. UCheatManager_PlayersOnly:
  4924. push rdi
  4925. sub rsp,20
  4926. mov rax,[rcx]
  4927. mov rdi,rcx
  4928. call qword ptr [rax+148] // UCheatManager::GetWorld
  4929. test byte ptr [rax+830],0x80 // bPlayersOnly
  4930. jne short @f
  4931. mov rax,[rdi]
  4932. mov rcx,rdi
  4933. call qword ptr [rax+148] // UCheatManager::GetWorld
  4934. test [rax+830],0x100 // bPlayersOnlyPending
  4935. jne short @f
  4936. mov rax,[rdi]
  4937. mov rcx,rdi
  4938. mov [rsp+30],rbx
  4939. call qword ptr [rax+148] // UCheatManager::GetWorld
  4940. mov rdx,[rdi]
  4941. mov rcx,rdi
  4942. mov rbx,rax
  4943. call qword ptr [rdx+148] // UCheatManager::GetWorld
  4944. mov ecx,[rbx+830] // bPlayersOnlyPending
  4945. mov rbx,[rsp+30]
  4946. not ecx // = !bPlayersOnlyPending
  4947. xor ecx,[rax+830]
  4948. and ecx,0x100
  4949. xor [rax+830],ecx
  4950. add rsp,20
  4951. pop rdi
  4952. ret
  4953. @@:
  4954. mov rax,[rdi]
  4955. mov rcx,rdi
  4956. call qword ptr [rax+148] // UCheatManager::GetWorld
  4957. mov rcx,rdi
  4958. and [rax+830],0xFFFFFF7F // bPlayersOnly = false
  4959. mov rax,[rdi]
  4960. call qword ptr [rax+148] // UCheatManager::GetWorld
  4961. and [rax+830],0xFFFFFEFF // bPlayersOnlyPending = false
  4962. add rsp,20
  4963. pop rdi
  4964. ret
  4966. align 10 CC
  4968. UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation:
  4969. push rbx
  4970. sub rsp,20
  4971. mov dl,1
  4972. mov rbx,rcx
  4973. call Borderlands3.exe+1F7F1C0 // AActor::SetActorEnableCollision
  4974. mov rax,[rbx+4C8]
  4975. test rax,rax
  4976. je short @f
  4977. or [rax+4B4],400
  4978. xor r8d,r8d
  4979. mov rcx,[rbx+4C8]
  4980. lea edx,[r8+5]
  4981. mov rax,[rcx]
  4982. add rsp,20
  4983. pop rbx
  4984. jmp qword ptr [rax+5A0] // UCharacterMovementComponent::SetMovementMode
  4985. @@:
  4986. add rsp,20
  4987. pop rbx
  4988. ret
  4990. align 10 CC
  4992. UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation:
  4993. push rbx
  4994. sub rsp,20
  4995. xor edx,edx
  4996. mov rbx,rcx
  4997. call Borderlands3.exe+1F7F1C0 // AActor::SetActorEnableCollision
  4998. mov rax,[rbx+4C8]
  4999. test rax,rax
  5000. je short @f
  5001. or [rax+4B4],400
  5002. xor r8d,r8d
  5003. mov rcx,[rbx+4C8]
  5004. lea edx,[r8+5]
  5005. mov rax,[rcx]
  5006. add rsp,20
  5007. pop rbx
  5008. jmp qword ptr [rax+5A0] // UCharacterMovementComponent::SetMovementMode
  5009. @@:
  5010. add rsp,20
  5011. pop rbx
  5012. ret
  5014. align 10 CC
  5016. UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation:
  5017. push rbx
  5018. sub rsp,20
  5019. mov dl,1
  5020. mov rbx,rcx
  5021. call Borderlands3.exe+1F7F1C0 // AActor::SetActorEnableCollision
  5022. mov rax,[rbx+4C8]
  5023. test rax,rax
  5024. je short @f
  5025. and [rax+4B4],BFF
  5026. xor r8d,r8d
  5027. mov rcx,[rbx+4C8]
  5028. lea edx,[r8+3]
  5029. mov rax,[rcx]
  5030. add rsp,20
  5031. pop rbx
  5032. jmp qword ptr [rax+5A0] // UCharacterMovementComponent::SetMovementMode
  5033. @@:
  5034. add rsp,20
  5035. pop rbx
  5036. ret
  5038. align 10 CC
  5040. Init:
  5041. sub rsp,28
  5042. xor r9d,r9d
  5043. lea r8,[pszSpawnAwesomeItems]
  5044. mov rax,[OakPlayerController]
  5045. mov rax,[rax+1970]
  5046. test rax,rax // if this is NULL by the time the user enables this script, abort
  5047. je short Init_exit
  5048. mov rdx,[rax+10] // 0x20: BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_DevPerks.BP_DevPerks_C
  5049. mov rcx,[Borderlands3.exe+64D6EA0] // 0x10: Class CoreUObject.Function
  5050. call Borderlands3.exe+14F9D80 // StaticFindObject
  5051. test rax,rax
  5052. je short @f
  5053. mov dword ptr [rax+88],4020600 // patch UFunction flags
  5054. @@:
  5055. call ConstructUFunctions
  5056. Init_exit:
  5057. add rsp,28
  5058. ret
  5060. align 10 CC
  5062. ConstructUFunctions:
  5063. sub rsp,178
  5064. mov r8d,2 // uint32 NumFunctions
  5065. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo] // FClassFunctionLinkInfo* Functions
  5066. mov rcx,[Borderlands3.exe+6607640] // Class Engine.CheatManager
  5067. call Borderlands3.exe+14785A0 // UClass::CreateLinkAndAddChildFunctionsToMap
  5068. add rsp,178
  5069. ret
  5071. align 10 CC
  5073. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God:
  5074. sub rsp,28
  5075. mov rax,[UFunction_God]
  5076. test rax,rax
  5077. jne short @f
  5078. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams]
  5079. lea rcx,[UFunction_God]
  5080. call Borderlands3.exe+14E7540 // UE4CodeGen_Private::ConstructUFunction
  5081. mov rax,[UFunction_God]
  5082. @@:
  5083. add rsp,28
  5084. ret
  5086. align 10 CC
  5088. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost:
  5089. sub rsp,28
  5090. mov rax,[UFunction_Ghost]
  5091. test rax,rax
  5092. jne short @f
  5093. lea rdx,[Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost_Statics_FuncParams]
  5094. lea rcx,[UFunction_Ghost]
  5095. call Borderlands3.exe+14E7540 // UE4CodeGen_Private::ConstructUFunction
  5096. mov rax,[UFunction_Ghost]
  5097. @@:
  5098. add rsp,28
  5099. ret
  5101. align 10 CC
  5103. UFunction_God:
  5104. dq 0
  5106. align 10 CC
  5108. UFunction_Ghost:
  5109. dq 0
  5111. align 10 CC
  5113. pszGod:
  5114. db 'God',0
  5116. align 10 CC
  5118. pszGhost:
  5119. db 'Ghost',0
  5121. align 10 CC
  5123. pszSpawnAwesomeItems:
  5124. db 'S',0,'p',0,'a',0,'w',0,'n',0,'A',0,'w',0,'e',0,'s',0,'o',0,'m',0,'e',0,'I',0,'t',0,'e',0,'m',0,'s',0,0,0
  5126. align 10 CC
  5128. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams:
  5129. dq Borderlands3.exe+265A7C0 // 0x00 -&gt; Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager
  5130. dq pszGod // 0x08
  5131. dq 0x45 // 0x10
  5132. dq 0 // 0x18
  5133. dq 04020600 // 0x20
  5134. dq 0 // 0x28
  5135. dq 0 // 0x30
  5136. dq 0 // 0x38
  5137. dq 0
  5139. align 10 CC
  5141. Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost_Statics_FuncParams:
  5142. dq Borderlands3.exe+265A7C0 // 0x00 -&gt; Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager
  5143. dq pszGhost // 0x08
  5144. dq 0x45 // 0x10
  5145. dq 0 // 0x18
  5146. dq 04020600 // 0x20
  5147. dq 0 // 0x28
  5148. dq 0 // 0x30
  5149. dq 0 // 0x38
  5150. dq 0
  5152. align 10 CC
  5154. Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo:
  5155. dq Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God // 0x00
  5156. dq pszGod // 0x08
  5157. dq Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost // 0x10
  5158. dq pszGhost // 0x18
  5159. dq 0
  5161. ]])
  5163. -- might need some Sleep
  5165. Sleep( 2000 )
  5167. -- restore the execs in God and Ghost UFunctions
  5169. local UFunction_God = readQword( getAddressSafe( "UFunction_God" ) )
  5170. local UFunction_Ghost = readQword( getAddressSafe( "UFunction_Ghost" ) )
  5171. -- UCheatManager::execGod
  5172. local UCheatManager_execGod = gameModule + 0x2689790
  5173. -- UCheatManager::execGhost
  5174. local UCheatManager_execGhost = gameModule + 0x26898D0
  5175. writeQword( UFunction_God + 0xB0, UCheatManager_execGod )
  5176. writeQword( UFunction_Ghost + 0xB0, UCheatManager_execGhost )
  5178. -- patch the UCheatManager functions back in
  5180. -- OakPlayerController
  5181. local OakPlayerController = readQword( getAddressSafe( "OakPlayerController" ) )
  5182. -- OakCheatManager
  5183. local OakCheatManager = readQword( OakPlayerController + 0x5A8 )
  5184. -- member-functions pointer
  5185. local mf_OakCheatManager = readQword( OakCheatManager )
  5186. -- UCheatManager::Fly
  5187. local UCheatManager_Fly = gameModule + 0x20525D0
  5188. -- UCheatManager::Walk
  5189. local UCheatManager_Walk = gameModule + 0x2065930
  5190. -- UCheatManager::Ghost
  5191. local UCheatManager_Ghost = gameModule + 0x2055920
  5192. -- UCheatManager::God
  5193. local UCheatManager_God = gameModule + 0x2055A30
  5194. -- UCheatManager::PlayersOnly
  5195. local UCheatManager_PlayersOnly = getAddressSafe( "UCheatManager_PlayersOnly" )
  5196. fullAccess( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2A0, 8 )
  5197. writeQword( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2A0, UCheatManager_Fly )
  5198. fullAccess( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2A8, 8 )
  5199. writeQword( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2A8, UCheatManager_Walk )
  5200. fullAccess( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2B0, 8 )
  5201. writeQword( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2B0, UCheatManager_Ghost )
  5202. fullAccess( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2B8, 8 )
  5203. writeQword( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2B8, UCheatManager_God )
  5204. fullAccess( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2F8, 8 )
  5205. writeQword( mf_OakCheatManager + 0x2F8, UCheatManager_PlayersOnly )
  5207. -- patch the UOakChararacter ClientCheat functions back in
  5209. -- OakCharacter
  5210. local OakCharacter = readQword( OakPlayerController + 0x488 )
  5211. -- member-functions pointer
  5212. local mf_OakCharacter = readQword( OakCharacter )
  5213. -- ACharacter::ClientCheatWalk_Implementation
  5214. local UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation = getAddressSafe( "UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation" )
  5215. -- ACharacter::ClientCheatFly_Implementation
  5216. local UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation = getAddressSafe( "UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation" )
  5217. -- ACharacter::ClientCheatGhost_Implementation
  5218. local UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation = getAddressSafe( "UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation" )
  5219. fullAccess( mf_OakCharacter + 0x928, 8 )
  5220. writeQword( mf_OakCharacter + 0x928, UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation )
  5221. fullAccess( mf_OakCharacter + 0x930, 8 )
  5222. writeQword( mf_OakCharacter + 0x930, UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation )
  5223. fullAccess( mf_OakCharacter + 0x938, 8 )
  5224. writeQword( mf_OakCharacter + 0x938, UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation )
  5226. [DISABLE]
  5228. {$asm}
  5230. unregistersymbol( UFunction_Ghost )
  5231. unregistersymbol( UFunction_God )
  5232. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost_Statics_FuncParams )
  5233. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God_Statics_FuncParams )
  5234. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_Ghost )
  5235. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UFunction_UCheatManager_God )
  5236. unregistersymbol( Z_Construct_UClass_UCheatManager_Statics_FuncInfo )
  5237. unregistersymbol( ConstructUFunctions )
  5239. unregistersymbol( UCharacter_ClientCheatGhost_Implementation )
  5240. unregistersymbol( UCharacter_ClientCheatFly_Implementation )
  5241. unregistersymbol( UCharacter_ClientCheatWalk_Implementation )
  5242. unregistersymbol( UCheatManager_PlayersOnly )
  5244. dealloc( ReCode )
  5245. unregistersymbol( ReCode )
  5246. </AssemblerScript>
  5247. </CheatEntry>
  5248. </CheatEntries>
  5249. </CheatEntry>
  5250. </CheatEntries>
  5251. </CheatEntry>
  5252. </CheatEntries>
  5253. </CheatTable>
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