
Ray v Mojo (Game 1)

Feb 8th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. ---
  3. -Opening with a walling fair to invite an attack, then retreating into the corner to outspace a running shine and punish with bair
  4. -What to watch for: does Mojo adapt and start lasering while you wall and back off?; does he overshoot so far that you can't avoid the attack?; do you adapt if and when he does?
  6. -0:07: You were late on the techchase, but committed to attacking his current location anyway; this is especially dangerous when he's closer to the edge, because if he escapes then you've cornered yourself from a position of former advantage
  8. -0:15: Uair never combos on Peach if she DIs uthrow behind, but in any case you get the SDI here; think about ways to reset your position after the SDI and avoid the danger of this illegitimate drill followup he almost got here; float out of your fall and uair his attack on reaction?; airdodge sometimes?; just throw out an attack as you're falling if you see him jumping after you?; this is one of those followups that aggressive players look for and seem to keep the pressure on you, even though you're totally actionable and can counter it; important to watch for vs momentum players like Mojo so he never builds up steam
  10. -0:18: Ran into sh nair range; Fox loves nairing out of the corner as much as Peach loves dash attacking, so when you close space you have to stop outside the sh nair threat range; if you had, this would have been a free grab or what have you
  12. -0:20: Fox nairing into an immediate drill is something I do a lot vs you because if your timing on cc dsmash is off, Fox jumps over your attack and drills you; here you SDI the drill and get an opening, so just be aware this is a popular option especially for rushdown Foxes, and that SDI can turn it around on them hard; excellent corner pressure to close out the stock afterwards
  14. -0:52: Don't agree with this position; at that height and range, all you're beating out is him running straight off the platform; what's far more likely is that he sees an open attack on your head, which is Peach's great weakness, and he's going to short hop at you; covering a jumping attack off the platform is super important vs Fox
  16. -0:54: You didn't respond to the fact that he put himself in sh nair range, and he got a free hit off it; posturing with dashdance is all well and good until they find the position they want; then you have to prepare for the danger
  18. -1:14: I guess you were expecting a roll to the right, but running on top of a tech in place is pretty much never a good idea; this waveshine and everything that happened after were totally avoidable if you had a set strategy for techchasing that denied tech in place counterhits
  20. -1:16: When you're pushed to edge in uncomfortable positions, you should have a stalling strategy to give yourself time to reset and observe; Marths drop dj stall, Foxes up-b, etc.; Peach can just up-b stall a time or two until she's ready to get off, or whatever you like to do; one of the best things I started doing with Marth was fair stalling on the edge until I could get off; saved me a lot of stocks
  22. -1:22: You do this float stall -> land and jab -> dashdance sequence without responding to what he does; it looks like a copypaste drill rather than you trying to read your opponent's intention; he jumps to plat, which is where the Armada fullhop uair read would have been killer, but once he's on plat you run forward exactly where runoff bair will hit; a Fox on side plats wants nothing more in his whole life than to get away with a runoff bair, so even if you can't catch him jumping up there, DEFINITELY don't let him hit you with the bair
  24. -1:30: This dj firefox is a smart escape by Mojo, avoiding your jab -> dair gimp by the edge; there's nothing wrong with your opponent making a good decision, but then it's on you to recognize it and adapt; in future sets in this spot, try doing the dair ASAP, then landing and jumping up to fair him before he takes off
  26. -1:33: We talked about this moment before, but a grounded Fox vs low % Peach pretty much wants one of two things - a drill or a grab; they're his two strongest options for beating low % CC, and as Peach you're pretty much playing around those two threats while looking for your own combo starter; the jab you do here only beats grab and sh drill if the timing is just right; in other words it's not your best option, and you should probably look to wall out with bigger, longer-lasting moves at early %; after you get grabbed, you should immediately hold back so Fox loses all true followups; he's getting free damage off uthrow for little reason
  28. -2:02: Twice now you've died to run up usmash around 100%; once was a shieldgrab bait, which is understandable; the second is more avoidable; jumping oos at death % vs Fox is almost never a good idea, considering it loses outright to the noobiest, spammiest thing Foxes want - the Adam hail mary usmash; stay in shield or wavedash back and you have free openings off these over-committal attempts
  30. -2:17: You don't often do this, but consider the Armada bair -> bair wall to stop people from "whiff punishing" your fc bairs by hitting your vulnerable dashback/jump afterwards
  32. -2:32: Good example of when you could have used a mixup on your common routines to find an opening; Mojo is dashdancing as you land with another fair, and this exact situation has happened throughout the match; after the fair, you've only jabbed or dashbacked, neither of which call him out on continuing to dashdance in front of your face; a fair -> dash attack would have netted you a hit, and fair -> low float forward nair would be even safer (this particularly seems like an Armada thing to do); come up with more variations on your routines so you can answer ALL the common situations you find yourself in; the more answers you have ready to deploy, the more hopeless the game becomes for your enemy playing with their eyes closed
  34. -2:42: Here you finally showed some level of mixup on the FC fair vs Fox dashdance neutral you've been playing all game; you dashback after a fair, again, but then take space dashing forward and low float nair him; this option was available to you in several other situations and would likewise have found the hit; walling, then moving forward is an excellent answer to people who continue to dashdance in front of your walling attacks
  36. -Last stock: You finally DI uthrow backwards and he misses the followup that might have thrown the game in his favor; he fishes for 4 or 5 raw usmashes, supporting my idea earlier that he's an Adam usmasher and you should absolutely look to punish him for it when you get to high %; you do a lot of moving forward into his brainless dashdance and threatening him with nairs; while getting close vs someone who's demonstrated that they're happy to dashdance in a corner is correct, you then still have to mixup what you do; nair catches grounded movement of course, but he jumps over you a couple times in the last stock where a fullhop uair or nair would have sealed the game; you have to think through all of these common scenarios, consider what your opponent's most likely choices are going to be, and what you can do to beat them anyway; the last nair you get as he jumps into center is a big brain read for sure, but you could have closed the game out much more easily by adapting your routines to his actions
  38. Main ideas:
  39. ---
  40. -Always DI uthrow behind Fox; never put yourself on top of his tech in place when techchasing; look for what he likes to do from side plat and punish him for it; then look for when he likes to jump up there and punish him for that too (Armada fh uair/Iori fh nair)
  42. -Take your time getting off the edge; stick to a stalling technique to reset the pressure when forced to the edge
  44. -Think of the routines you've practiced, like walling FC fair -> jabs -> dashback, as templates meant to be adapted to the opponent or even game currently at play; in other words, shadowbox out your mixups and be ready to use them; for example, after the FC fair, you can fh uair to catch a jump, or FC nair to catch people running in that's a bit more disjointed than the jabs and allows you to drift forwards or backwards
  46. -Do more actions after FC bair to prevent people chasing you down when your back is turned; another bair is good (Armada even does fh bair -> bair and fh bair -> float), immediate dash attack can catch people running forward, there's lots of variations you can use
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