
20 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-10-23 0440 +Terran Downvale

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-10-23 0440 +Terran Downvale
  4. __
  6. +schleifstein __ Violence as an option in some situations is fine, though it should be remembered that "war is the ultimate failure of diplomacy". Do you think the gentleman who punched Mr Spencer had no other option?
  8. +Terran Downvale __ In my view this was a genuine punch. We have "sufficient proof" of it happening and so even if it was a "fake WWF/WWE punch", we have to accept it happened. The setting wasn't a WWE ring, after all. And without something else to suggest it was a fake punch (potential editing points, admissions, etc.) we are being arbitrary if we dismiss it.
  10. We have what we need to see in order to accept it really happened, so the best strategy is to go with it _even if it was an elaborate prank._ It's better to get fooled and be wrong from time to time than to risk rejecting reality.
  12. Remember, the _modus operandi_ of the lie system is to *not* fake "sufficient proof" because the whole point is to have your imagination fill in the blanks (so that you become self-convinced and form "unjustified beliefs" - making it easier for you to accept falsehoods when they are presented as "truths" in this special way).
  14. If the lie system were to start faking "sufficient proof", we'd be seeing it with (almost) everything because *seeing* something is always more *shocking* and confronting and attention grabbing than having to imagine it.
  16. But, all said and done - it was just a punch. It's not like he shot him dead. There's no need to fake or censor a punch. It's not that serious. *The scene itself can still be contrived.* By "taking one for the team" the incident with Mr Spencer can inspire others to go out and "punch a Nazi". At the least it can encourage others to "not care" when they see someone get punched if it turns out they're a Nazi.
  18. Apparently, "punching a Nazi" has become a "thing" since this incident and there are other supposed instances of it. This was the first occurrence I believe (which is what makes it suspicious to me). So this could have been some *"monkey see, monkey do" priming.*
  23. __________
  24. 2017-10-23 0550
  26. +Terran Downvale __ A belief that has been formed without "sufficient proof" is an "unjustified belief", even if the belief is about something true. Every time a person forms an "unjustified belief" he or she gets better at forming "unjustified beliefs".
  28. The problem is that every lie that is believed is also an "unjustified belief". The *common denominator* between "truth without sufficient proof" and outright lies is that *both* require "unjustified belief". _It's a simple "magic trick"._
  30. When people allow themselves to form "unjustified beliefs" they end up believing whatever "feels true" to them. They end up rejecting/dismissing/ignoring/disregarding/devaluing whatever doesn't. Inevitably, an extreme "belief bias" arises.
  32. If any of the "unjustified beliefs" turn out to be false, the person cannot avoid a self-induced psychosis because the mind *must* find a way for something that's *false* _to be true._
  34. For example: flat Earthers who know about the "ISS" need to believe the "ISS" is either a hologram or some kind of low-flying drone. Whatever it is, it cannot be what we're told it is because that's *mutually exclusive* with the flat Earth. Over time, a flat Earther will necessarily end up believing everything is CGI. It's the only way for their mind to *consistently "make true"* what is not in actuality true.
  36. "Event skeptics" who are not aware of this process end up believing that every news event is fake - even when they are not. Again, when real events are believed to be fake this causes a self-induced psychosis *because somehow reality itself needs to be adjusted/rearranged in the mind so that the person lives in a world where the event is fake.*
  38. >> There is no way to avoid this other than to avert your gaze (like how you would avoid a medusa). <<
  40. It's okay to form "unjustified beliefs" about your car keys, about the food in your fridge, about the fuel in your car, about what your friends got up to on the weekend, about a thousand such things. *But it is very dangerous to allow "unjustified beliefs" to form when they are being offered to you by the lie system.*
  42. If someone is invited to form a belief about something without "sufficient proof" the best response is to point out that it lacks "sufficient proof" _and ignore it._ Whenever a person refuses to believe something that *does* have "sufficient proof", he or she necessarily becomes arbitrary (and ultimately unreasonable).
  44. Such a person accepts X but not Y. Or they accept X today but not tomorrow. They reject Y but not Z. It's all over the place because "truth" becomes guided by what "feels right". They latch onto "signs" that may or may not be relevant like a gambler who becomes superstitious when placing bets.
  46. In all, this creates a huge mental mess that may eventually become impossible to recover from. I cannot emphasise these points enough. No flat Earther feels they are wrong or misguided. Each of them feels they are making progress in uncovering "ultimate truths". In this fruitless pursuit they become contained and constrained.
  48. As victims of the lie system they have become neutralised - _by their own doing!_
  51. ____________________________________________________________
  52. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  63. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  64. What exists - exists to always exist.
  65. As it is written - so it is done.
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