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Apr 10th, 2017
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  2. {
  3. "Pages": {
  4. "default": {
  5. "*": [
  6. "<color=blue>HelpText</color>",
  7. "Use /help <1-2> for more info",
  8. "admins your special commands are at /help <a1-a11>"
  9. ],
  10. "category": [
  11. "pvpkills",
  12. "pvpdistance",
  13. "pvekills",
  14. "pvedistance",
  15. "deaths",
  16. "barrelsdestroyed",
  17. "helihits",
  18. "helikills",
  19. "suicides",
  20. "timeswounded",
  21. "explosivesthrown",
  22. "arrowsfired",
  23. "bulletsfired",
  24. "turretsdestroyed",
  25. "sleeperskilled",
  26. "npcskilled",
  27. "rocketslaunched",
  28. "timeshealed",
  29. "structuresbuilt",
  30. "itemsdeployed",
  31. "itemscrafted",
  32. "entitiesrepaired",
  33. "structuresdemolished",
  34. "resourcesgathered",
  35. "structuresupgraded",
  36. "kdr",
  37. "sdr"
  38. ],
  39. "1": [
  40. "<color=blue>Automatic Build Grades for Rust</color>",
  41. "/bgrade - help in-game, with display current mode.",
  42. "/bgrade 1 - auto update to wood",
  43. "/bgrade 2 - auto update to stone",
  44. "/bgrade 3 - auto update to metal",
  45. "/bgrade 4 - auto update to armored",
  46. "/bgrade 0 - disable auto update",
  47. "<color=blue>Economics for Rust</color>",
  48. "/balance - check your balance",
  49. "/transfer <name> <money> - transfer [money] to [name] player",
  50. "<color=blue>InfoPanel for Rust</color>",
  51. "/ipanel - Show the available commands",
  52. "/ipanel hide - Hide the InfoPanel",
  53. "/ipanel show - Show the InfoPanel",
  54. "/ipanel clock game - The clock will show the in-game time.",
  55. "/ipanel clock server <+/-hours> - The clock will show the RL time. You can add or remove hours.",
  56. "/ipanel timeformat - Show the available time formats.",
  57. "/ipanel timeformat <number> - Select time format from the list.",
  58. "<color=blue>Inventory Cleaner for Rust</color>",
  59. "/invcleanme => Clean your inventory.",
  60. "<color=blue>JPipes for Rust</color>",
  61. "Press P or do the /p then select the first and second containers by hitting them with a Hammer.",
  62. "Currently pipes cannot be connected to locked containers.",
  63. "<color=blue>Kits for Rust</color>",
  64. "/kit => see the full list of available kits for you",
  65. "/kit KITNAME => choose a kit"
  66. ],
  67. "2": [
  68. "<color=blue>N Teleportation for Rust</color>",
  69. "/home add <name> Saves your current position as the location name. (alias sethome)",
  70. "/home list Shows you a list of all the locations you have saved. (alias listhomes)",
  71. "/home remove <name> Removes the location of your saved homes. (alias removehome)",
  72. "/home <name> Teleports you to the home location.",
  73. "/tpr <player name> Sends a teleport request to the player.",
  74. "/tpa Accepts an incoming teleport request.",
  75. "/tpc Cancel teleport or request.",
  76. "/town Teleports yourself to town.",
  77. "/tpinfo Shows limits and cooldowns.",
  78. "/tphelp Shows help.",
  79. "<color=blue>PlayerRanks for Rust</color>",
  80. "j Displays a player's top stats for each category, in a private list.",
  81. "/pr tops – Displays a player's top stats for each category, in a private list.",
  82. "/pr <category> – Displays server top 5 for that category to the user.*",
  83. "categorys - type help category for the list",
  84. "<color=blue>Remover Tool</color>",
  85. "/remove <time in seconds>",
  86. "<color=blue>Rules GUI</color>",
  87. "/rule => Displays the rules on the screen.",
  88. "<color=blue>RustIO Clans</color>",
  89. "/clan for help",
  90. "<color=blue>ShowCrosshair</color>",
  91. "/crosshair",
  92. "/showmenu",
  93. "<color=blue>Sign Artist</color>",
  94. "/sil <URL> [raw] -- load picture from url",
  95. "<color=blue>ZLevels Remastered</color>",
  96. "/stats - displays stats.",
  97. "/statsui - toggle's stats interface.",
  98. "/topskills - display's top player skills",
  99. "/statinfo - Displays information about certain skill, including server configuration."
  100. ]
  101. },
  102. "admin": {
  103. "*": [
  104. "'/help <a1-a6> to view admin help menu"
  105. ],
  106. "a1": [
  107. "<color=blue>Admin Radar</color>",
  108. "/radar optional: filter - Allows you to toggle radar on your self with optional filter",
  109. "/radar list - Shows a list of players using AdminRadar",
  110. "/radar give [target] optional: filter - Give radar to a target with optional filter",
  111. "/radar filterlist - Shows a list of available filters",
  112. "/radar setting [filtername] [invoke/distance] value - allows you to set personalized settings for a desired filter",
  113. "/radar setting filter newdefaultfilter - Allows you to set a new personalized default filter",
  114. "/radar help - Shows a list of commands",
  115. "Radar Filters",
  116. "player - Only shows players on the radar.",
  117. "storage - Only show stashes on the radar.",
  118. "toolcupboard - Only show ToolCupboards on the radar.",
  119. "sleeper - Only show sleepers on the radar.",
  120. "npc - Only show NPCs.",
  121. "all - Show all of the filters above."
  122. ],
  123. "a2": [
  124. "<color=blue>Better Chat</color>",
  125. "/chat group add <group> create a new group",
  126. "/chat group remove <group> remove a group",
  127. "/chat group set <group> <setting> <value> change a group setting",
  128. "/chat group list list all groups",
  129. "/chat user add <player|steamid> <group> add a user to a group",
  130. "/chat user remove <player|steamid> <group> remove a user from a group",
  131. "/chat user groups <player|steamid> list groups of a user",
  132. "<color=blue>Build for Rust</color>",
  133. "/buildhelp ",
  134. "<color=blue>Building Grades</color>",
  135. "/up [grade] [filter] - Upgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade",
  136. "/down [grade] [filter] - Downgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade",
  137. "Grade:",
  138. "Twigs or 0",
  139. "Wood or 1",
  140. "Stone or 2",
  141. "Metal or 3",
  142. "TopTier or 4",
  143. "Default Filters:",
  144. "foundation",
  145. "wall",
  146. "floor",
  147. "other"
  148. ],
  149. "a3": [
  150. "<color=blue>Copy-Paste</color>",
  151. "/copy NAME options values => copy the building, the building part that you will choose will serve as structure 0",
  152. "for when you paste it (so be careful of which part you look at while you use this command).",
  153. "Syntax - Options:",
  154. "radius XX - default: 3 - sets the radius to search for entities around each building parts & deployables",
  155. "mechanics building/proximity - default building - choose the type of mechanics to use to copy a building. Building will only copy the",
  156. "current building, Proximity will copy by proximity search, current building or not it will copy everything.",
  157. "/paste NAME options values => paste a building",
  158. "Syntax - Options:",
  159. "autoheight true/false - default false - Auto adjusts height of a building, doesn't work on a too steep ground (depends on the foundations only)",
  160. "height XX - default: 0 - Adjust height to paste",
  161. ],
  162. "a4": [
  163. "blockcollision XX - default: 0 - checks in XX radius if there is something that could collide with the new building,",
  164. "if so, blocks the build. 0 is to deactivate the detection.",
  165. "deployables true/false - default true - set to paste the deployables",
  166. "inventories true/false - default true - set to paste the inventories",
  167. "/placeback NAME => placeback a building where it was when it was saved",
  168. "Syntax - Options:",
  169. "height XX - default: 0 - Adjust height to placeback",
  170. "checkplaced true/false - default: false - checks if a part is already placed before placing back the part.",
  171. "deployables true/false - default true - set to paste the deployables",
  172. "inventories true/false - default true - set to paste the inventories",
  173. "/undo => removes what you've last pasted"
  174. ],
  175. "a5": [
  176. "<color=blue>Death Notes</color>",
  177. "/deathnotes show infos about the plugin",
  178. "/deaths show settings",
  179. "/deaths set <field> <value> change a setting",
  180. "<color=blue>Give</color>",
  181. "/give <player> <item/kit> <optional:amount> => give to a player",
  182. "/giveme <item/kit> <optional:amount>",
  183. "must have parentheses around when adding BP",
  184. "add BP at the end of an item to transform it as a blueprint.",
  185. "<color=blue>Give</color>",
  186. "/announce <message>"
  187. ],
  188. "a6": [
  189. "This will broadcast an announcement to every player.",
  190. "/announceto <playername/64bit SteamID> <message>",
  191. "This will send an announcement only to the player specified.",
  192. "/announcetogroup <group> <message>",
  193. "This will allow you to announce only to players that belong to the specified Oxide permission group.",
  194. "/announcetest",
  195. "This sends a test announcement to you, useful to see how it looks before pushing changes to announcements to your players.",
  196. "/destroyannouncement",
  197. "This will remove any announcements showing at that moment.",
  198. "/announcementstoggle [playername/64bit SteamID]",
  199. "This will toggle your's or the specified player's exclusion from announcements.",
  200. "/announcemutebans",
  201. ],
  202. "a7": [
  203. "This will toggle ban announcements being muted.",
  204. "/announceschedulerestart <hh:mm:ss> [reason]",
  205. "This will manually schedule a restart after the time specified. This cannot be later than any",
  206. "currently configured restart time in the config. Input how long until you want it to restart eg. 00:30:00 will be 30 minutes. Optionally specify a reason.",
  207. "/announcecancelscheduledrestart",
  208. "This will cancel a manually scheduled restart and return to the next restart set in the config.",
  209. "/announcesuspendrestart",
  210. "This will suspend the next restart. If the time passes over the next restart and it is suspended,",
  211. "if configured, it will move on to the next defined restart time in the config and resume automatic restarting as normal. If not then it will do nothing.",
  212. "/announceresumerestart",
  213. "This will resume a previously suspended restart and continue to countdown as normal.",
  214. "/announcegetnextrestart",
  215. "This will return the next restart and how long.",
  216. "/announcehelp"
  217. ],
  218. "a8": [
  219. "Displays the plugin usage in chat.",
  220. "<color=blue>Inventory Cleaner</color>",
  221. "/invcleanall => Cleans everyones inventory",
  222. "/invclean <player> => Cleans the target's inventory",
  223. "<color=blue>Inventory Viewer</color>",
  224. "/viewinv <name>",
  225. "<color=blue>Kits</color>",
  226. "/kit list => see the full list of kits",
  227. "/kit add KITNAME => add a new kit",
  228. "/kit remove KITNAME => remove a kit from the database",
  229. "/kit edit KITNAME => edit a kit",
  230. "/kit resetkits => delete all kits and player data",
  231. "/kit resetdata => reset player data",
  232. "/kit option1 value1 option2 value2 option3 value3 => set the options for a kit you are currently editing",
  233. "<color=blue>N Teleportation</color>",
  234. "tp <targetplayer> - Teleports yourself to the target player."
  235. ],
  236. "a9": [
  237. "tp <player> <targetplayer> - Teleports the player to the target player.",
  238. "tp <x> <y> <z> - Teleports you to the set of coordinates.",
  239. "tpl - Shows a list of saved locations.",
  240. "tpl <location name> - Teleports you to a saved location.",
  241. "tpsave <location name> - Saves your current position as the location name.",
  242. "tpremove <location name> - Removes the location from your saved list.",
  243. "tpb - Teleports you back to the place where you were before teleporting.",
  244. "home radius <radius> - Find all homes in radius.",
  245. "home delete <player name/id> <home name> - Remove a home from a player.",
  246. "home tp <player name|id> <name> - Teleports you to the home location with the name 'name' from the player.",
  247. "home homes <player name|id> - Shows you a list of all homes from the player.",
  248. "home wipe - Removes all homes."
  249. ],
  250. "a10": [
  251. "town set - Saves the current location as town.",
  252. "wipehomes - Removes all homes.",
  253. "<color=blue>PlayerRanks</color>",
  254. "/pr save - Saves the database.",
  255. "/pr del <steamID> - Removes all stats for that player.",
  256. "/pr wipe – Wipes the database.",
  257. "/pr wipecategory <category> - Removes all of a user's stats for that category.*",
  258. "use /help category for categorys",
  259. "<color=blue>Remover</color>",
  260. "/remove admin optional:TIME => Activate Remove Admin Tool"
  261. ],
  262. "a11": [
  263. "/remove all optional:TIME => will remove everything that touchs each other starting where you are looking at (will remove multiple buildings if they are too close to each other) (might be slow for big buildings)",
  264. "/remove structure optional:TIME => will remove an entire building (wont remove buildings that are close to each other nor deployables) (VERY fast even on big buildings)",
  265. "/remove optional:TIME => this will work if you choose",
  266. "/remove target TargetPlayer optional:TIME => give remove to a player",
  267. "<color=blue>Rules GUI</color>",
  268. "/rulesto <player> => Displays the rules on the target's screen.",
  269. "<color=blue>Vanish</color>",
  270. "/vanish",
  271. "<color=blue>Zones Manager</color>",
  272. "",
  273. ]
  274. }
  275. },
  276. "Settings": {
  277. "AllowHelpTextFromOtherPlugins": false,
  278. "BreakAfter": 20,
  279. "UseCustomHelpText": true
  280. },
  281. "VERSION": "2.0.5"
  282. }
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