
Rotom's Fighting Game Quotes

Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. Intro Quotes
  3. Intro Quote 1: Bring it, ⑨!
  4. Intro Quote 2: Here's a fight you didn't ask for!
  5. Intro Quote 3: *insert rotom gen 4 cry here*
  6. Special Intro Quote 1: (VS Mega Man) "Oh, so NOW you wanna fight me? This is getting ridiculous."
  7. Special Intro Quote 2: (VS Proto Man) "Am I seeing things, or is this guy poorly-built?"
  8. Special Intro Quote 3: (VS Bass) "Why do you remind me of an Ice Fairy?"
  9. Special Intro Quote 4: (VS Bomb Man) "Are you supposed to be a duck or a chicken? Just wondering."
  10. Special Intro Quote 5: (VS Ring Man) "Don't you know how sharp those are?"
  11. Special Intro Quote 6: (VS Stone Man) "You're in the wrong stage, Earth-core scum!"
  12. Special Intro Quote 7: (VS Junk Man) "Oh look, a robot that's ALREADY scrap!"
  13. Special Intro Quote 8: (VS Dynamo Man) "Get your health regen out of my face!"
  14. Special Intro Quote ⑨: (VS Cirno) "YOU. I'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU, MY ETERNAL NEMESIS."
  15. Special Intro Quote 10: (VS Nitro Man) "Now's not the time to use that!"
  16. Special Intro Quote 11: (VS Duo) "Keep your hands off my power source, bub!"
  17. Special Intro Quote 12: (VS Trio) "YOU!" That's MY evil energy!
  18. Special Intro Quote 13: (VS Enker) "Hey, nice spear. Too bad it'll be your downfall."
  19. Special Intro Quote 14: (VS Punk) "Git the punk off my stage."
  20. Special Intro Quote 15: (VS Ballade) Ugh, now we have fighters with TWO Phases!? This is gonna be evil."
  21. Special Intro Quote 16: (VS Quint) "You remind me of Symphony. I hate that. You're a ⑨."
  22. Special Intro Quote 17: (VS Beta) "I'll show YOU who's gonna have a bad time!"
  23. Special Intro Quote 18: (VS Sergeant Man) "I've already beaten your commander multiple times, why should I be scared of YOU?"
  24. Special Intro Quote 19: (VS Ninja Man) "How about you face someone ELSE once in your life!?"
  25. Special Intro Quote 20: (VS Megaboy:) "My Rail Buster's been itchin' for action, and I don't like you, so..."
  26. Special Intro Quote 21: (VS Copyie:) "Look at your copy chip, now back to mine, now look back at your chip, now back to mine. My chip is superior to yours, I'm hitting the taunt button just to annoy you."
  28. Special Team Intro Quote 1: (With Pharaoh Man:) "With one of the most awesome robots by my side, I'm invincible!"
  29. Special Team Intro Quote 2: (With Mega Man:) "This isn't the time for pacifism, ya ⑨!"
  30. Special Team Intro Quote 3: (With Proto Man:) "Hey, try not to spontaneously combust."
  31. Special Team Intro Quote 4: (With Bass:) "Quit yapping about your pride and start beating the enemy up!"
  32. Special Team Intro Quote ⑨: (With Cirno:) "Look, I didn't sign up to be paired with you either, now shut up and let's kick their *REGGAE'D*s."
  34. Victory Quotes
  35. Victory Quote 1: "What did we learn? I ALWAYS WIN!"
  36. Victory Quote 2: "Ugh, FINALLY. I was getting tired of this crappy fight."
  37. Victory Quote 3: "Omae wa mo shinderu... Oh Arceus I ALWAYS wanted to say that!"
  38. Special Victory Quote 1: (VS Mega Man) "THIS is where pacifism gets you, idiot."
  39. Special Victory Quote 2: (VS Proto Man) "Maybe your colleagues will send a FINISHED ROBOT next time."
  40. Special Victory Quote 3: (VS Bass) ""'Strongest' my *REGGAE'D*!"
  41. Special Victory Quote 4: (VS Bomb Man) "How much of those are you packing, anyway!?"
  42. Special Victory Quote 5: (VS Ring Man) "You look more like the type to juggle than for combat."
  43. Special Victory Quote 6: (VS Stone Man) "And down the mechanical pile of bricks goes!"
  44. Special Victory Quote 7: (VS Junk Man) "...I'm gonna need a bigger incinerator."
  45. Special Victory Quote 8: (VS Dynamo Man) "People who have Health Regen are idiots."
  46. Special Victory Quote ⑨: (VS Cirno) "Finally, another ⑨ annihilated."
  47. Special Victory Quote 10: (VS Nitro Man) "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!"
  48. Special Victory Quote 11: (VS Duo) "Let that be a lesson to you. ⑨."
  49. Special Victory Quote 12: (VS Trio) "Now, I'll be taking back what you took from me."
  50. Special Victory Quote 13: (VS Enker) "Playing defense won't get you anywhere."
  51. Special Victory Quote 14: (VS Punk) "Your weapon is useless, by the way. Just saying."
  52. Special Victory Quote 15: (VS Ballade) "That took forever and a fortnight. Now outta the way.
  53. Special Victory Quote 16: (VS Quint) "You'd think a version of Mega Man FROM THE FUTURE would be intimidating, but no."
  54. Special Victory Quote 17: (VS Beta) "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL OF THIS FIGHT?"
  55. Special Victory Quote 18: (VS Sergeant Man) "Drop dead and gimmie 20, then take a quick break, and then give me 9 more!"
  56. Special Victory Quote 19: (VS Ninja Man) "If you can't beat me, you'll never even be CLOSE to taking down Beta."
  57. Special Victory Quote 20: (VS Megaboy:) "I can't BELIEVE you were this easy to beat."
  58. Special Victory Quote 21: (VS Copyie:) "Now look at the ground, back to you. Where's you're lifebar? It's gone! I depleted it! AND THERE IS NOT A *REGGAE'D* THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!"
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