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Jul 11th, 2018
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  1. 00:10 Everybody's seen the agenda so far and you prefer to have the [meeting]
  2. start off with the general QA so it may be an opportunity for each of us to go
  3. around or each of you to go around and just give some comments and general
  4. questions and answers about the group type tokenization proposal that's been
  5. put forward by hammerstone.
  7. 00:32 I just want to remind you a couple of little housekeeping items:
  9. 00:36 We also record these meetings for reference to the content but they are
  10. internal.
  12. 00:44 We don't release them externally unless the group decides they want to do
  13. that.
  15. 00:49 I'm not going to step into that right now but just to let you know that
  16. that's why it's being recorded.
  18. 00:56 The second point is that there is a gallery option with zoom for those
  19. that are not familiar with it.
  21. 01:02 It makes it easier to say everyone at the same time.
  23. 01:04 It's usually in the top right hand corner.
  25. 01:10 I guess the first point of order should be acceptance or a change of the
  26. agenda.
  28. 01:16 I'm sorry I'm jumping around a little bit here but is everybody
  29. comfortable with the agenda, or would anyone like to add or make any changes to
  30. the agenda?
  32. 01:31 A nice quiet well-behaved group, okay.
  34. 01:37 Then we'll move on and maybe start with Emil: Do you want to begin with the Q&A?
  36. 01:48 no I better start
  38. 01:50 okay, Brad [not credited in video], do you want to go ahead?
  40. 01:59 I'm only halfway through the documents, it might be best if I don't 02:01 stop the questions.
  42. 02:00 okay, moving on to Shammah [Chancellor, Bitcoin ABC]
  44. 02:02 I don't have any questions
  46. 02:10 right, the Q&A; portion may go very quickly. Daniel [Connolly, nChain]?
  48. 02:17 I know I might have some some questions
  50. 02:21 is there's any estimate on like implementation or proof-of-concept?
  52. 02:33 I'm working on the wallet portion of it right now. I have the consensus
  53. stuff basically implemented with unit tests so I think I could get a proof of
  54. concept in a few weeks.
  56. [missing at 02:50?]
  57. 03:00 no it's in my private repository
  59. [missing at 03:10?]
  61. 03:17 yeah there are a few parts of the document that I didn't quite
  62. understand. Regarding how the groups actually manifest in the consensus layer I
  63. would like to see the example implementation is in play.
  65. 03:41 so as we go through the document section by section maybe we can talk about some of those parts
  67. 04:10 yeah no I don't have any questions at the moment. I've gone through the document, I think it's all [...]
  69. 04:27 I'm sure things will come up later but I don't have anything right now
  71. 04:31 Yo, Daniel [Connolly, nChain]
  72. 04:32 Daniel, do you have any questions regarding the document?
  73. 04:35 No, is this the part to give just general thoughts or whatever?
  74. 04:41 yeah yeah
  76. 04:42 I'll pretty much just repeat what I put in the chat yesterday: I think we
  77. should be looking at this in a risk/reward type of framework. There seems to be
  78. some clear benefits or rewards over a protocol changing way to do tokens. As
  79. far as the risks I think this is different than OP_GROUP. It doesn't have that
  80. scripting boundary issue I was concerned about, just a computational cost.
  81. [With OP_GROUP it] could affect sentence structure and then just the other
  82. risks would be ***used unknowns or so-called like unharmed me go the
  83. protocol*** or just you know changing it. So I think getting more clear risks
  84. and rewards will help us all get a better handle on whether we want to
  85. implement this.
  87. 05:50 Thank you John [Jonald Fyookball, Electron Cash?]
  89. 05:54 Is it possible we have gone through the general Q&A section and will move
  90. on to the comments per section now, Andrew?
  92. 06:03 Yeah
  94. 06:05 other than that recent addition the new
  96. 06:07 person who just joined I think his name
  97. 06:10 is Amaury [Séchet, Bitcoin ABC].
  99. 06:12 I don't see who come up.
  101. 06:13 Yeah sorry it was already just ***pumpkin*** something wrong. I assume
  102. it's like it's a tiny window and I can expand it.
  104. 06:20 You know there's a function that allows you to change the Speaker view to being a grid?
  106. 06:30 There's like a ton minimize buttons you know.
  108. 06:35 I don't have any buttons by the way, ***bear**
  110. 06:40 Jason [B. Cox, Bitcoin ABC] has joined us as well.
  112. 06:48 we're going through the Q&A; section Amaury and Jason general comments and Q&A.
  114. 06:55 before we go through if either one of you have any general comments that
  115. you'd like to make or questions for Andrew before he goes into detail on the
  116. proposal
  118. 07:20 okay so my biggest question would be for the requirements and I don't
  119. think that they're adequately stated. There's a general problem statement
  120. given but it doesn't really describe why Bitcoin Cash in its current form is
  121. not able to solve this.
  123. 07:40 So that said, [what] the document needs to provide here is exactly what
  124. we're doing without describing the technical details.
  126. 07:58 ***and used to describe here** here's the the way that we're solving this
  127. problem and describing the impact of that solution.
  129. 08:03 ***so like freeze but we were coming in the room last night about you get those that possibly interesting***
  131. 08:10 we need to know is this by one or two orders of magnitude.
  133. 08:14 what sort of impact is this going to have on Bitcoin Cash's ***Hall***.
  135. 08:25 okay so in terms of projecting and predicting the **you** TXO set use,
  136. that would depend entirely on the popularity of the solution
  138. 08:42 right so that would be very difficult to predict
  140. 08:48 I'm not so sure cuz clearly there's a use case that you're tackling, so
  141. naturally you know maybe implicitly how big that market is potentially
  143. 09:02 we know that Bitcoin Cash is targeting all people in the world a certain number of transactions per day and tokens could possibly be that or even exceeded [that].
  145. 09:13 yeah
  147. 09:14 so let's just say that you know every security and every company decides
  148. to put their stock on Bitcoin Cash - such a thing is possible, right?
  150. 09:20 And so the real question is is the you know capacity increase based on
  151. Moore's law going to be faster than the adoption of a token scheme like this by
  152. securities or not
  154. 09:52 the potential use of tokens is huge, I know, but we need to know how
  155. because if that requires that Bitcoin 09:59 cash scales by ***ordering the
  156. tutor to*** that's gonna have to change our our angle of attack on a lot of
  157. these other scalability problems
  159. 10:08 so if I have more fun say is the potential of Bitcoin Cash itself is far
  160. beyond our current capacity as well, right?
  162. 10:17 If you add tokens to that mix you get an infinite on top of an infinite,
  163. right?
  165. 10:20 so what I'm trying to say is what really matters is what the rate of
  166. adoption might be and how likely it is that transaction fees ultimately would
  167. slow that if we hit network limits?
  169. 10:35 I think the rate of adoption is actually irrelevant because we need to
  170. know what our what our actual capacity ceiling is and if we're we're targeting
  171. scaling [to] everyone in the world then once we get to that point you know
  172. tokens is going to add another another order of magnitude its scalability
  173. requirement on top of that so it doesn't matter how fast we're going because
  174. like you said our current capacity far exceeds the actual use
  176. 11:10 no I said the opposite which is that the current theoretical use of Bitcoin Cash alone far exceeds our capacity
  178. 11:20 yes, if every human being used Bitcoin Cash as cash the capacity would be
  179. far exceeded right now. If you add tokens on top of that - if every human used
  180. Bitcoin Cash tokenization for coupons and stocks - then you're already far exceeding our capacity.
  181. 11:48 on the use of cash over tokens, I would be expecting that miners would do that using fee policy.
  183. 12:02 This is really important we can't even talk about the technical implementation details until these sorts of things are basically there because [... missing ...?]
  185. 12:14 so in Swedish we have a saying: "how long is a string?" and this is sort of the same
  187. 12:19 this is the same situation here like how long is a string you like there's no answer to that
  189. 12:28 No, I hope a good thing you know that you can some things are like you scribble to measure
  191. 12:34 No, because we should be able to give an estimate for how much impact
  192. this is going to have and if you are unable to do that we shouldn't be making
  193. this change.
  195. 12:48 Can we can do [the] estimations we need?
  197. 12:50 So I'm not saying that this is something that would be nice to have. It's necessary in order to evaluate this.
  199. 12:55 In engineering we make estimates. we try to hit a target. If you don't have a target then what the hell are we building?
  201. 13:00 but any 5 estimate would not even be close to any sort of realistic numbers because it's impossible to do. you can guess
  203. 13:15 invest if all you can do is guess then
  204. 13:18 why are we the reason why is because
  205. 13:21 there's a negative feedback and that is
  206. 13:23 that minor start assessing fees and
  207. 13:26 those fees will push back on capacity as
  208. 13:31 was discussed in the zero transaction
  209. 13:33 paper several years ago right the the
  210. 13:38 network pushes back on excessive
  211. 13:40 capacity unfortunately that's what
  212. 13:45 happened to be teasing right but if we
  213. 13:47 get into a case if we scale and the
  214. 13:49 problem with BTC is that the capacity
  215. 13:52 limit was artificial right but if we're
  216. 13:55 an assist in the situation where the
  217. 13:57 capacity limit is real like the huge
  218. 13:59 like human networks really cannot handle
  219. 14:03 the amount of traffic we're asking for
  220. 14:05 then it is naturally okay for you know
  221. 14:09 fees to rise and some of the smallest
  222. 14:13 transactions to be pushed off the
  223. 14:15 network into you know other solutions
  224. 14:18 like coinbase
  225. 14:20 type things right and the reason why is
  226. 14:22 cuz no subsequent currency can come out
  227. 14:25 and beat us because we've expanded
  228. 14:27 absolutely as high as current physical
  229. 14:31 capacity allows okay so if the token
  230. 14:35 solution that you are proposing is going
  231. 14:37 to push us way over our potential
  232. 14:40 capacity
  233. 14:41 why even build it in the first place
  234. 14:44 when you go on because so as I was
  235. 14:47 saying in the in the document in the
  236. 14:50 beginning I think there's going to be a
  237. 14:52 virtuous cycle which will massively
  238. 14:54 increase the use of Bitcoin Cash
  239. 14:57 alongside tokens and so we this will is
  240. 15:01 a necessary step to putting Bitcoin Cash
  241. 15:04 into everyone's wallets and you think
  242. 15:08 that's worth the technical yeah but like
  243. 15:12 this is not this is not a unique this is
  244. 15:14 not a token there's not a problem you
  245. 15:16 need unique two tokens per se like what
  246. 15:20 if they can catch moons and everyone
  247. 15:23 start using it and we're starting to
  248. 15:25 close in on the current capacity limits
  249. 15:27 this is the same problem we can only
  250. 15:31 make assumptions when or if that will
  251. 15:33 happen tokens may or may not make it
  252. 15:37 happen faster you can definitely give an
  253. 15:41 estimate as to how much impact this has
  254. 15:43 over a normal transaction but we want
  255. 15:50 the network to grow just if we can make
  256. 15:52 sure that the tokens
  257. 15:53 don't push out cash transactions then I
  258. 15:57 don't see that big well then that won't
  259. 15:59 be in the problem because you still need
  260. 16:01 to pay you still need to pay the fees in
  261. 16:03 Bitcoin Cash so every token holder needs
  262. 16:06 to be a bit from cash holder because
  263. 16:08 otherwise you can't transfer them and
  264. 16:10 the miners will still get paid per byte
  265. 16:13 so there's absolutely no change there in
  266. 16:15 fact the token home sections will be
  267. 16:18 slightly bigger than the cash
  268. 16:20 transactions so miners will get paid
  269. 16:23 more if for token transactions because
  270. 16:25 there's simply bigger in size network is
  271. 16:31 what's limiting the situation here this
  272. 16:34 problem exists in all the opportune
  273. 16:36 solutions as well right you you know
  274. 16:39 storing expanding the utx oh you take so
  275. 16:42 stored on disk disk has very high
  276. 16:44 capacity compared to the ability to move
  277. 16:47 this data you know around the network so
  278. 16:51 people can
  279. 16:53 deploy tokens permission ously and max
  280. 16:58 out the Bitcoin Cash Network if they're
  281. 17:00 successful as well okay so why are these
  282. 17:12 not discussed in the document like this
  283. 17:15 discussion that we're having right now
  284. 17:17 should have been already thought out and
  285. 17:20 I appreciate that feedback and I will
  286. 17:22 add a section to the document I don't I
  287. 17:27 don't think you're really asking why are
  288. 17:29 you because if you're asking why I can
  289. 17:31 give you an answer but that's not really
  290. 17:32 that relevant right part of the point of
  291. 17:34 this meaning is to get feedback like I
  292. 17:37 think this should be part of the
  293. 17:38 document and I we can totally have a
  294. 17:41 paragraph about this I would like to
  295. 17:44 resist making estimates just because
  296. 17:47 they would effectively be pulled out of
  297. 17:50 my ass right like can you sit there and
  298. 17:53 tell me like let's say let's say
  299. 17:55 counterparty cash is implemented okay so
  300. 17:58 now how many how many securities are
  301. 18:03 gonna go on to counterparty cash in the
  302. 18:05 first year well counterparty cash
  303. 18:07 doesn't affects the UT Exocet at all
  304. 18:09 it's totally printable yeah but the data
  305. 18:12 has to be transferred over the network
  306. 18:14 but it doesn't matter what the
  307. 18:15 technology is given we're asking for
  308. 18:22 given any technology can anyone make an
  309. 18:26 estimate as to its adoption rate yes
  310. 18:31 okay so basically what you're telling us
  311. 18:42 is that you don't want to do capacity
  312. 18:44 planning because you are unable to give
  313. 18:46 an accurate estimate we are not asking
  314. 18:48 for an accurate estimate all we're
  315. 18:50 asking for is what do you believe is the
  316. 18:53 estimate and why alright ai-ai-ai-aight
  317. 18:58 I don't I don't think this is a like
  318. 19:01 problem relevant to tokus this is a
  319. 19:04 general problem for everything Bitcoin
  320. 19:07 cash
  321. 19:07 not just this propulsive per se except
  322. 19:11 every single proposal needs to indicate
  323. 19:13 how it affects the potential capacity to
  324. 19:23 change the capacity requirements by one
  325. 19:26 or two orders of 92 and yet you are
  326. 19:28 unwilling to describe the factors
  327. 19:31 involved that seems insane it is
  328. 19:34 relevant but I would say capacity
  329. 19:36 planning is outside the scope of this
  330. 19:39 proposal capacity capacity capacity
  331. 19:44 planning belongs in a different section
  332. 19:48 it belongs in generic Bitcoin Cash
  333. 19:51 planning because all has a direct impact
  334. 19:53 on that capacity planning yeah it has an
  335. 19:57 impact on on then and then then this
  336. 20:00 should be a model and then should
  337. 20:02 actually be capacity planning already
  338. 20:03 done and then you just mentioned that
  339. 20:05 well a chorus effects this the
  340. 20:09 competitors playing we already made okay
  341. 20:12 so where's that reference because as far
  342. 20:16 as I know no one has done any capacity
  343. 20:18 planning for how tokenization is going
  344. 20:21 to change has anyone done any capacity
  345. 20:25 planning at all of course of course so
  346. 20:30 when we can you please send me the
  347. 20:35 document that described the capacity
  348. 20:37 planning on that I'll see what I can dig
  349. 20:40 up well I mean like those calculations
  350. 20:47 that should be known by everybody in
  351. 20:49 that group if we ask you that we have
  352. 20:51 five billion people using it they do and
  353. 20:53 for our transaction the day and so on
  354. 20:54 you end up with plots that are of the
  355. 20:57 order of 10 weeks in size we now are at
  356. 21:03 least like everybody in that meeting you
  357. 21:04 should know those number also why I have
  358. 21:06 no idea what
  359. 21:16 okay so I hear your feedback I will do
  360. 21:21 my best to add a section that talks
  361. 21:25 about capacity planning you know with
  362. 21:31 the qualification that this isn't a road
  363. 21:34 and so you can't actually kind of
  364. 21:37 determine how many cars can go across it
  365. 21:40 to sum up the weight of the bridge and
  366. 21:43 that kind of stuff are you saying that
  367. 21:55 because we have no idea how many cars
  368. 21:57 are going across the bridge we don't
  369. 21:59 know how to build the bridge no I'm
  370. 22:01 saying you have an idea of how many cars
  371. 22:03 go across the bridge but on say you do
  372. 22:06 know how many how wide to make the
  373. 22:09 bridge in the wait whereas in Bitcoin
  374. 22:12 cache we do not know that because we
  375. 22:14 have this this effectively this
  376. 22:18 tremendous untapped potential which is
  377. 22:20 all of the stocks in the entire world
  378. 22:23 but it seems very clear that the day
  379. 22:26 after Bitcoin Cash implements this
  380. 22:29 they're not all going to transfer over
  381. 22:32 okay so we have an upper bound yes or
  382. 22:41 exceed vailable capacity because if you
  383. 22:45 just as armory was saying if you just
  384. 22:47 think of the cache use of Bitcoin Cash
  385. 22:50 the upper bound far exceeds available
  386. 22:53 capacity yes we also know we have a
  387. 23:02 target that we can reach we know that we
  388. 23:05 have a reachable target I suggest this
  389. 23:13 that we should probably add some kind of
  390. 23:16 estimation to the document that
  391. 23:19 estimates the quantity that like how
  392. 23:23 many transactions the totus would
  393. 23:26 actually like
  394. 23:29 like the magnitude the magnitude of
  395. 23:32 transactions that would actually
  396. 23:33 increase but ask for the actual capacity
  397. 23:36 problem it it doesn't really belong in
  398. 23:39 this in this section only only like a
  399. 23:45 short estimate that we estimate that X
  400. 23:47 percent of the intersections will be
  401. 23:49 tokens and we expect it to grow X number
  402. 23:54 more than it otherwise should if we
  403. 23:56 don't so Jason was something like you
  404. 24:03 know I don't know like like across the
  405. 24:05 world the average there there's
  406. 24:08 typically X percentage of people who are
  407. 24:10 stockholders and so there are so many
  408. 24:13 Bitcoin wallets Bitcoin Cash well it's
  409. 24:16 estimated and so if you take that same
  410. 24:19 percentage and project it out then you
  411. 24:21 would imagine that you know it's let's
  412. 24:24 say there's a million you know says 1%
  413. 24:26 of the people who own who have cash
  414. 24:28 actually own stock and there's a million
  415. 24:31 wallets let's say so therefore 10,000
  416. 24:36 additional stock holding wallets that
  417. 24:40 kind of thing is that what you're
  418. 24:41 thinking of okay we can do this did you
  419. 25:15 have any other further general Q&A;
  420. 25:17 comments for questions and answered
  421. 25:19 questions for Andrew yeah so another
  422. 25:24 another one that I was thinking of was
  423. 25:27 the document doesn't describe so much
  424. 25:30 about alternatives like we've talked
  425. 25:33 about Takeda a lot in the channel and I
  426. 25:36 don't believe the document just
  427. 25:39 is not does not just the Arctic we know
  428. 25:43 I have a prototype document that sort of
  429. 25:50 comparison contrast alternatives I do
  430. 25:53 strongly feel though that that is not
  431. 25:56 really appropriate in the group document
  432. 26:00 just like Takeda doesn't describe our
  433. 26:04 group and and counterparty doesn't
  434. 26:09 describe Takeda and and Jane doesn't
  435. 26:11 just go yeah this right the solution
  436. 26:15 from A to Z right but you want you you
  437. 26:21 want to be able to specify why people
  438. 26:23 would use that solution rather than
  439. 26:25 another one and also what the solution
  440. 26:28 can do that the current one cannot there
  441. 26:30 is something and then we can change that
  442. 26:33 compared to whatever use case we are
  443. 26:36 aiming for I can add a paragraph that
  444. 26:39 puts the solutions into sort of broad
  445. 26:42 categories and explains the pros and
  446. 26:45 cons of each category so for instance
  447. 26:50 I'm gonna tell Yunus you have no idea
  448. 26:52 what AR c20 does or does not do but it's
  449. 26:57 very clear that this is like the number
  450. 26:59 one competitor that focus on it's a very
  451. 27:08 important question to answer like why
  452. 27:10 would people use that rather than they
  453. 27:11 are sequiny that they seems to be using
  454. 27:13 right now and needs to be sufficiently
  455. 27:16 better than people I cannot be wind
  456. 27:17 which is you Android is your prototype
  457. 27:25 document any of this and is that
  458. 27:27 something you can share
  459. 27:28 I can't share it like right now no it's
  460. 27:33 I haven't looked at it in a month
  461. 27:40 or is there a more specific question
  462. 27:43 that you could ask Andrew because I'm a
  463. 27:46 little confused and I don't understand
  464. 27:50 all the technical aspects but are you
  465. 27:52 suggesting that this needs to be
  466. 27:53 compared directly with theorems platform
  467. 27:58 yeah so I don't have any specific
  468. 28:00 question because I don't know enough
  469. 28:02 about the RC question but that's kind of
  470. 28:07 like that's kind of the larger point
  471. 28:08 right obviously if we expect this
  472. 28:15 solution to work in its to do better
  473. 28:17 than your sequiny because people are
  474. 28:21 already using the RC 20 today right so
  475. 28:23 it needs to be not just as good but
  476. 28:26 better so that it justified the cut of
  477. 28:29 your existing infrastructure to Google
  478. 28:33 and just as a point of clarity do you
  479. 28:35 agree with that I'm confused
  480. 28:40 well it depends on how you define better
  481. 28:43 right I mean aetherium is gonna be more
  482. 28:47 highly functional than this solution
  483. 28:49 because it allows so I feel like there
  484. 28:55 are niches and Bitcoin Cash fits a
  485. 28:57 niche and group tokens will fit a niche
  486. 29:01 which some people might prefer more like
  487. 29:05 the less like the you know I think it's
  488. 29:08 sort of sweet spot will be people who
  489. 29:10 just want tokens and not really smart
  490. 29:12 contracts and I think aetherium is gonna
  491. 29:15 be better and the smart contract ability
  492. 29:18 for well basically forever I doubt we
  493. 29:21 will ever you know allow a contract to
  494. 29:26 define state variables well I would say
  495. 29:31 the outside is that it's not a smart
  496. 29:33 contract because we're a very bait for
  497. 29:35 most basic tokens you don't really need
  498. 29:37 a smart contract anyway yes that gives
  499. 29:40 us an advantage for some applications
  500. 29:42 and a disadvantage for others
  501. 29:46 yes so that's that kind of like goes
  502. 29:50 back to the point chisel was making like
  503. 29:52 what are they use case we are aiming for
  504. 29:55 what are the sales of like what kind of
  505. 29:58 size are those whose gizzards it's not
  506. 30:04 very clear like right now we have a set
  507. 30:05 of requirement is not even sure that the
  508. 30:07 requirement like do any use case better
  509. 30:09 than existing solution you want to
  510. 30:20 address that can do well I I described a
  511. 30:28 lot of use cases without explicitly and
  512. 30:31 a lot of the advantages of the group
  513. 30:34 proposal without explicitly saying and
  514. 30:37 therefore it's better than this other
  515. 30:40 competing technology specify what you
  516. 30:52 know what his case and what is the size
  517. 30:54 of the serve so I could build a car
  518. 31:02 route of titanium and it would probably
  519. 31:05 be better Intel more like resistance and
  520. 31:07 weights and whatever and existing car on
  521. 31:11 the market right buddy will make my car
  522. 31:13 cost you know an extremely high price
  523. 31:17 and there is actually no market for this
  524. 31:21 because this car would not be
  525. 31:23 sufficiently better compared to the
  526. 31:25 price that you know extra price that you
  527. 31:27 would cast so at some point you need to
  528. 31:30 define you know what what you are
  529. 31:32 targeting and all those identities and
  530. 31:35 disadvantages filled within that target
  531. 31:38 and right now I see only in the document
  532. 31:43 I want ratio ties accuracy
  533. 31:44 okay we need to kinda do X Y and D and
  534. 31:47 here is all we can do search token but
  535. 31:51 we're gonna use those tokens you know
  536. 31:54 like why would they use that rather than
  537. 31:56 something else the way I see
  538. 31:59 like the big advantage of this proposal
  539. 32:01 is that you can use tokens as cash so
  540. 32:04 the point of Bitcoin Cash is to use that
  541. 32:06 use it as cash and with token you get a
  542. 32:09 multi currency feature where you can say
  543. 32:12 one token is represents airline points
  544. 32:14 and want to do when you do an upgrade to
  545. 32:17 business class for example on an airline
  546. 32:18 you pay some Sun you Kate you can pay
  547. 32:21 some in Bitcoin Cash you can pay some in
  548. 32:23 the tokens and use that as a payment in
  549. 32:26 one transaction for example you using
  550. 32:28 the tokens as a cash payment same thing
  551. 32:31 if Amazon would for example
  552. 32:32 so today Amazon is paying the Mechanical
  553. 32:35 Turk workers in Amazon gift cards if
  554. 32:38 they were tokenize their gift cards
  555. 32:39 instead you can get started paying the
  556. 32:41 workers directly with bacon cash tokens
  557. 32:44 and basically use them as cash in that
  558. 32:48 case and there is a huge difference
  559. 32:52 between this kind of token and the
  560. 32:54 contention cell rights token is born
  561. 32:56 outside of the brown chain and therefore
  562. 33:00 is not Christmas right this part of this
  563. 33:05 proposal we need to focus on what was
  564. 33:08 the the trustless yes which was the
  565. 33:12 focus right because if we don't need
  566. 33:14 trustless tokens than something like to
  567. 33:16 kata takes care of this problem without
  568. 33:19 making any protocol changes yeah so I
  569. 33:23 would like to address that so the point
  570. 33:26 of trustless is that you trust the
  571. 33:28 issuer but you don't trust the issuer in
  572. 33:31 actually handling the transaction or or
  573. 33:34 managing it so for example in the
  574. 33:37 Caribbean there are many many smaller
  575. 33:39 islands where the government officials
  576. 33:41 on these islands they are using Gmail
  577. 33:44 addresses like their official government
  578. 33:47 email is at we're talking
  579. 33:51 about nations that are doing technically
  580. 33:54 incompetent to run any kind of
  581. 33:58 operations for if they would for example
  582. 34:01 they would like to tokenize their
  583. 34:03 currency to make it easier for
  584. 34:05 international trade because the United
  585. 34:07 States keeps blocking us the wires to
  586. 34:10 them and they would like to token
  587. 34:13 national currency at best these nations
  588. 34:18 in these central banks they the only
  589. 34:21 thing that would need to issue issue and
  590. 34:23 burn tokens is a couple of hardware
  591. 34:25 wallets they have locked up in a bank
  592. 34:27 loans so they'll may only only actually
  593. 34:30 use they only actually like used to
  594. 34:34 boxing themselves when they are issuing
  595. 34:36 and burning and then they has left the
  596. 34:39 money money flow and outside their realm
  597. 34:43 and outside their control because
  598. 34:45 they're not really interested and they
  599. 34:47 shouldn't really control their currency
  600. 34:50 but why not focus on this use case in
  601. 34:53 the document because things like very
  602. 34:55 little points and things like that don't
  603. 34:57 apply to this question in there in the
  604. 35:03 use case about the Caribbean states you
  605. 35:06 give the example that they're using
  606. 35:07 Gmail as their email provider because
  607. 35:10 they're operationally incompetent that
  608. 35:12 makes a lot of sense to me why couldn't
  609. 35:16 say Bitcoin comm provide the same
  610. 35:18 service for tokens yeah but then you
  611. 35:23 still have like a single point of
  612. 35:24 failure where like if our if if we run a
  613. 35:28 centralized of you know he'll be based
  614. 35:31 token token protocol that we have to to
  615. 35:34 manage the servers and they will through
  616. 35:36 a host of servers and approve an island
  617. 35:38 then a storm hits and stops working it's
  618. 35:41 just better for them in every way if
  619. 35:44 they can piggyback on an existing
  620. 35:46 working global blockchain that is victim
  621. 35:49 cache yeah so we're talking about the
  622. 35:51 difference between a distributed system
  623. 35:53 like Toccata which you can run multiple
  624. 35:55 servers for and something like in the
  625. 36:00 base consensus protocol that needs to be
  626. 36:02 heavily tested I mean the complexity of
  627. 36:04 your changes that are being proposed
  628. 36:07 Andrew you might have a proof of concept
  629. 36:10 in two weeks but amount of testing and
  630. 36:13 fuzzing and all the other stuff that has
  631. 36:15 to go through that code like how what's
  632. 36:20 your total time frame for wanting it to
  633. 36:21 be implemented and the consensus set
  634. 36:23 like okay des is something they can be
  635. 36:26 implemented today
  636. 36:27 by Bitcoin calm and they can start
  637. 36:28 contracting that out and make a profit
  638. 36:30 there whereas but then it but then it's
  639. 36:32 centralized and you need to trust the
  640. 36:34 issuer and even though it's like the
  641. 36:38 transfers might actually work if the
  642. 36:40 server's don't work there's a lot of you
  643. 36:42 have to trust the issuer already in your
  644. 36:45 example because think you're just pretty
  645. 36:46 lonely with the values you only have to
  646. 36:48 trust the issue with the value and not
  647. 36:50 with actual operation and function as
  648. 36:53 cash yeah can i interleaved in that
  649. 36:57 point I apologize I didn't recognize
  650. 37:00 your hand was up and you both Steve
  651. 37:03 shatters and joiners have joined us so I
  652. 37:06 want to give them an opportunity as well
  653. 37:07 and we can come back to this in a second
  654. 37:10 join us yes I wanted to take that the
  655. 37:14 scenarios of the island because I
  656. 37:15 believe it's a good one so we have a
  657. 37:17 situation where we have basically
  658. 37:20 someone who wants to have a token that
  659. 37:22 operate for themselves but they don't
  660. 37:24 want to have the infrastructure to do
  661. 37:26 that as part of a setup like Takeda you
  662. 37:31 see what I expect is that you will have
  663. 37:33 entire classes of players where you
  664. 37:35 delegate third parties where you
  665. 37:38 delegate the cushion do you take
  666. 37:40 something that is so the issue is
  667. 37:42 actually it's not one issue it's good to
  668. 37:44 say and you have a couple of I would say
  669. 37:47 commodity issuers that just stick to
  670. 37:51 whatever rules you want you want them to
  671. 37:54 mechanically apply for the rest of us so
  672. 37:57 you see it's and again the it's just
  673. 38:01 like a certificate authority to sell you
  674. 38:04 SSL certificate it's so easy to see when
  675. 38:08 you have something like certificate
  676. 38:09 transparency you know it's so easy for
  677. 38:11 everyone to see that as a meta issuer
  678. 38:14 Hugh misbehave that there is no
  679. 38:17 viability so basically you can a very
  680. 38:19 high trust on those meta issuer just
  681. 38:23 because their business is to be very
  682. 38:25 diligent real a year of transactions and
  683. 38:32 that's probably you know when you said
  684. 38:33 the small company also small you know
  685. 38:36 island wants to run their own currency
  686. 38:38 or whatnot
  687. 38:40 they trust Gmail they would actually
  688. 38:42 trust one or many of those meta issuer
  689. 38:48 that would maybe even provide the
  690. 38:50 service for free because with mr. kadar
  691. 38:53 you can even have you know the the the
  692. 38:54 fees tuned so that the meta issuer makes
  693. 38:58 a bit of profit when they when they
  694. 39:00 operate yeah but you still don't get
  695. 39:03 they get away from from the fact that
  696. 39:05 like you have a second layer of of net
  697. 39:08 of servers and a second network that is
  698. 39:12 required to run everything and I would I
  699. 39:15 would add that in this case you know
  700. 39:19 that the code that was the thing an
  701. 39:21 angle of tequila but I want to heart
  702. 39:23 because I believe it's very important to
  703. 39:25 a discussion of up group do we want to
  704. 39:27 have the cash that subsidize whatever
  705. 39:30 tokens runs on the blockchain or the
  706. 39:34 other way around the tokens that
  707. 39:36 subsidize the cash and for me
  708. 39:39 I'm very much into thinking that
  709. 39:41 whatever you know extra use has to be
  710. 39:44 framed aware that it's really
  711. 39:47 subsidizing the cash if anything
  712. 39:50 meaning that you know and and that the
  713. 39:54 tokens are now to tax on the cash or
  714. 39:57 even maintaining the infrastructure
  715. 39:58 which includes the complexity of the
  716. 40:00 infrastructure on the cash but really
  717. 40:02 some things that that helps the cash
  718. 40:04 just to again to reverse it completely
  719. 40:07 as opposed to have to have a set up
  720. 40:11 voice where we have something that that
  721. 40:13 is in the way of the cash
  722. 40:15 well basically were replicating the
  723. 40:18 ethereum model which we were just proven
  724. 40:21 to work really well because every token
  725. 40:23 holder also needs to own some aetherium
  726. 40:26 to name the transfer them which has
  727. 40:28 given a lot of people aetherium we under
  728. 40:35 working to very well as fine no crypto
  729. 40:40 kitties are brought the the network user
  730. 40:44 to enhance and it's just right now it's
  731. 40:48 it's literally although unlike Bitcoin
  732. 40:51 if you're ms playing massive attack
  733. 40:53 to the detail the minute detail in terms
  734. 40:56 of scalability you know that raid
  735. 40:59 whenever I see a bit lot of technical
  736. 41:02 decisions they are they are already
  737. 41:04 invested a lot in terms of scalability
  738. 41:07 performance optimization extra and their
  739. 41:10 network at the very moment where we
  740. 41:12 speak right now is grinding too hard I
  741. 41:14 mean the transactions fees are a hard
  742. 41:16 for Donnell and it's very very bad it's
  743. 41:19 all of that because they are so smart
  744. 41:20 contracts where that just badly interact
  745. 41:24 with a cash function this is why we
  746. 41:28 don't want smart contracts for tokens we
  747. 41:31 can we can offer a token that doesn't
  748. 41:34 need a smart contract so you get the
  749. 41:36 functionality that people want but
  750. 41:38 without of complexity and all the
  751. 41:39 problems that a theorem has you don't
  752. 41:44 have any know any plasticity do those
  753. 41:47 rules you can't add or remove features
  754. 41:49 at that point when it's in the base
  755. 41:51 consensus layer that doesn't seem like a
  756. 41:54 wise thing to do to add like specific
  757. 41:56 rules for a particular type of token and
  758. 41:59 then be unable to extend those in the
  759. 42:00 future I mean already aetherium has gone
  760. 42:02 through several revisions of the ERC
  761. 42:05 spec because they didn't have all the
  762. 42:09 functionality that people wanted I don't
  763. 42:11 remember what the latest one includes
  764. 42:14 but for its name it includes preventing
  765. 42:18 the issuers from taking profits too
  766. 42:24 early
  767. 42:25 yeah I mean that that would be awesome
  768. 42:27 again if you want to on this talking on
  769. 42:30 the myth on the really big concerns that
  770. 42:32 needs to be addressed up front you know
  771. 42:34 where we can even consider the situation
  772. 42:35 so first the use case of having a party
  773. 42:40 that is not competent enough to operate
  774. 42:41 that and that there is an info there is
  775. 42:44 something the infrastructure that does
  776. 42:45 it I think layer 2 is the right that you
  777. 42:50 of the year 2 is more that I would not
  778. 42:52 think of it as as the year two but
  779. 42:54 rather is there markets will ignite
  780. 42:55 incentives so that you have players that
  781. 42:58 will most likely emerge to do that in a
  782. 43:01 way that is not dysfunctional you know
  783. 43:03 that's rather than thinking of it as
  784. 43:06 layer 2 as if we have
  785. 43:07 hoping with like limitation and whatnot
  786. 43:09 more of thinking it from an economic
  787. 43:12 perspective is that do we have a setup
  788. 43:14 where we can have those talkin
  789. 43:17 capabilities brought to Bitcoin with
  790. 43:20 players that have an incentive to do so
  791. 43:22 and to support it and commit very
  792. 43:24 powerful capable and maybe just to join
  793. 43:27 the remark of Shama I believe with yes
  794. 43:31 you need to have indeed a lot of
  795. 43:33 latitude in terms of where you evolve
  796. 43:36 your interpretation and again we don't
  797. 43:39 know all the failure modes that you can
  798. 43:43 have with tokens if we are taking the
  799. 43:44 the Mechanical Turk example that you are
  800. 43:47 giving I can see plenty of ways where a
  801. 43:52 company when a company as competent as
  802. 43:54 Amazon could make mistakes in their
  803. 43:58 design and we need to have practical
  804. 44:00 ways to recover and again that do not
  805. 44:05 and older those animals should not enter
  806. 44:10 stuff that people are working on the
  807. 44:14 Bitcoin class infrastructure need to
  808. 44:15 care about but the point is if the point
  809. 44:20 is to create a note multi currency
  810. 44:22 basically right now there's only one
  811. 44:24 token on bacon cash and it's called BCH
  812. 44:27 they only have one token today and the
  813. 44:30 whole point is to create more they'll be
  814. 44:33 able to create more different kinds of
  815. 44:35 tokens that has exactly the same
  816. 44:37 properties as cash so if you're trying
  817. 44:41 to do smart contracts that that's
  818. 44:42 outside of the scope of what trying to G
  819. 44:44 here so so what I'm hearing is that what
  820. 44:47 you're saying is that you want to do
  821. 44:48 like mini Bitcoin Cash in Bitcoin Cash
  822. 44:51 you know that the poem is that well I
  823. 44:52 kind of agree on the very idea that it
  824. 44:56 makes sense to have a digital currency
  825. 45:00 inside the digital currency you know
  826. 45:02 that's that's where you're me
  827. 45:04 enough that I'm really at loss where
  828. 45:08 what is the use case supporting that you
  829. 45:11 know because the island did the use case
  830. 45:14 of having the small island I can
  831. 45:16 understand but that's a very different
  832. 45:18 use case this is not that
  833. 45:22 put the question like if if we're making
  834. 45:26 a distinction between the token use case
  835. 45:28 and the smart contract use case only one
  836. 45:32 of them gets to get baked into the into
  837. 45:34 the base protocol into the into the
  838. 45:36 consensus layer why why should one be
  839. 45:39 given preference over another I think
  840. 45:42 this is a good argument for the saying
  841. 45:44 they're actually think we shouldn't have
  842. 45:47 a design that is restricted to a single
  843. 45:49 one we should have a design where you
  844. 45:52 know multiple types of tokens back on
  845. 45:55 track whatever solutions can exist in
  846. 45:59 such a way as they support the the
  847. 46:02 underlying cash I mean what you
  848. 46:06 understood before the total potential
  849. 46:08 subsidizing catch yeah I mean to me to
  850. 46:13 me this is basically saying this is the
  851. 46:16 only token solution you can have on
  852. 46:18 Bitcoin Cash because we've got
  853. 46:20 preferential access to the consensus
  854. 46:23 validation behavior no the point is is
  855. 46:28 we're gonna put tokens on the consensus
  856. 46:30 layer it needs to do one these needs to
  857. 46:33 do one only one thing and do it really
  858. 46:36 really well so no smart contracts and no
  859. 46:39 complicated stuff and only they only
  860. 46:43 like the what we're trying to achieve is
  861. 46:46 basically is to have like a mini a
  862. 46:49 different kind of currency that is baked
  863. 46:52 in Dom because again I would like to
  864. 46:55 have just seen again that's the use case
  865. 46:58 that I do not understand what is the
  866. 47:00 point of having be say yeah it should
  867. 47:02 we've been weaving bch you know again
  868. 47:05 that's that wasn't a because this is not
  869. 47:08 a small nation scenario the small nation
  870. 47:11 scenario you need let's say if you want
  871. 47:14 to unlike a national one and a national
  872. 47:16 state issued currency it needs to be
  873. 47:19 load to be unknown food let's say a boat
  874. 47:22 you know so it's so again we might be
  875. 47:26 believer or not on the package of
  876. 47:28 currencies for nation States even if
  877. 47:30 it's a very small island but it cannot
  878. 47:32 be like
  879. 47:34 boy ever baked into something that
  880. 47:37 cannot be changed this this is a typical
  881. 47:40 scenario where people will need to eat
  882. 47:43 to have control to change it so what is
  883. 47:45 the scenario you're thinking of where
  884. 47:46 you could have something that would be
  885. 47:48 essentially between cash inside Bitcoin
  886. 47:51 cash decoupled and where it would make
  887. 47:54 sense that's where I'm still having your
  888. 47:57 coordination the nation-states example
  889. 47:59 is pretty obvious like they get a
  890. 48:02 currency that the government cannot
  891. 48:05 interfere with they cannot they can only
  892. 48:07 they can only print more or they can
  893. 48:09 they can increase the supply or they
  894. 48:10 think they can decrease the supply but
  895. 48:12 that's pretty much the only thing they
  896. 48:14 can do they cannot converse gets
  897. 48:15 people's money they cannot interfere
  898. 48:17 with transfers or anything they cannot
  899. 48:20 actually they but talking I would you
  900. 48:23 just sad you know again it in a
  901. 48:26 practical world
  902. 48:27 you just take four or five you know
  903. 48:31 highly trusted companies and whenever
  904. 48:34 there is one that that that do something
  905. 48:38 some garbage because you can be very
  906. 48:41 resilient to to bad behavior you can
  907. 48:44 recover very easily see again to block a
  908. 48:52 particular address for example yeah so
  909. 48:57 in the Takeda case its authority based
  910. 48:59 system so the nation-state would just
  911. 49:02 say to those four companies here's a
  912. 49:04 list of blacklisted addresses do not let
  913. 49:07 any transfers from these addresses and
  914. 49:09 then if the company says no you know
  915. 49:12 we're allowed to use whatever ones we
  916. 49:14 want then the nation state says well
  917. 49:17 your paycheck for the monthly upgrade is
  918. 49:20 now removed but again again real-world
  919. 49:24 okay
  920. 49:27 in in the real world if you have a quote
  921. 49:30 you know where the court decide that I'm
  922. 49:33 not supposed to receive money on one
  923. 49:35 address and it doesn't matter if it's
  924. 49:38 rational or not they can still fuming
  925. 49:40 Shane no matter what is happening on the
  926. 49:43 blockchain you know they the fact that
  927. 49:45 something is even proven true or proven
  928. 49:47 wrong
  929. 49:47 it's up to a jury that can decide
  930. 49:49 whatever the hell they want and if they
  931. 49:51 want to close their eyes and ignore what
  932. 49:53 is happening on the blockchain they can
  933. 49:54 so I'm really feeling you see when you
  934. 49:58 say I'm sorry about international like
  935. 50:00 transfers of money and so forth there
  936. 50:02 may not really be a court that you know
  937. 50:05 then you see that's the point that
  938. 50:09 you're telling me about something that
  939. 50:11 is very much cash like okay so I'm in
  940. 50:16 China and I want to like invest in an
  941. 50:19 American company or in the other
  942. 50:21 countries and you know I guess China now
  943. 50:23 allows you to invest probably in other
  944. 50:25 you know securities from other countries
  945. 50:28 but there are other countries that don't
  946. 50:29 allow that right so if the you know if
  947. 50:33 stock was tokenized
  948. 50:35 then you could circumvent those rules
  949. 50:39 with a company you see here if the point
  950. 50:45 is that if you think that your company
  951. 50:48 let's say in Thailand Thailand has
  952. 50:50 regulations that say that you cannot
  953. 50:52 accept foreign investment it's not
  954. 50:54 because wish you are talking that can it
  955. 50:56 be censored that the government cannot
  956. 50:59 step in and put everybody in jail in the
  957. 51:01 company you see that that's my example
  958. 51:05 is a company in the u.s. issue
  959. 51:08 securities on the blockchain and
  960. 51:10 individuals in other countries choose to
  961. 51:13 invest company yes the company in the US
  962. 51:22 would choose if they don't want to
  963. 51:24 operate the token that size they would
  964. 51:25 choose a couple of you know
  965. 51:28 well when trusted well-known meta issuer
  966. 51:31 that just diligently relay everything
  967. 51:34 and this is ADA lowan jet Nam that would
  968. 51:37 still let you could still I would say
  969. 51:41 stealthily who are swap with Bitcoin
  970. 51:45 cash so that you use you you buy those
  971. 51:48 tokens against beacon cash yeah until
  972. 51:51 like until the nation contacts those
  973. 51:54 companies and says hey every account
  974. 51:56 needs to be identified before you should
  975. 51:59 allow a transfer
  976. 52:01 okay just a sec wait we do have a
  977. 52:03 question from armoury as well I don't
  978. 52:04 want to miss yeah so it's more of a
  979. 52:06 remark in a question but here we are
  980. 52:09 seeing that the discussion depending on
  981. 52:11 the question has moved from one use case
  982. 52:14 to the other and this is where we see
  983. 52:16 that the lack of definition for use case
  984. 52:19 is a big problem and I see generally
  985. 52:21 like two categories of this case at a
  986. 52:23 mention one is like currency like points
  987. 52:28 stuff like miles or Amazon also whatever
  988. 52:32 for those types so for this first
  989. 52:35 category of use case I don't think it
  990. 52:39 changed that much that the transferee
  991. 52:42 trustus or not or it like more
  992. 52:44 permissionless or not because at the end
  993. 52:48 of the day Amazon or whatever a line
  994. 52:51 company or whatever can decide to redeem
  995. 52:53 the points or not right so at the end of
  996. 52:56 the day they could monitor the
  997. 52:58 blockchain and effectively block any
  998. 53:00 payment that in which not at the point
  999. 53:03 where the payment is made for that one
  1000. 53:05 point where the points I use and it
  1001. 53:06 doesn't change anything
  1002. 53:07 so for this category of this case you
  1003. 53:10 are trusting the issuer regardless and
  1004. 53:12 then the other category on this case is
  1005. 53:14 effectively taking and other currency
  1006. 53:16 like for a country and for those whose K
  1007. 53:21 is my bigger question is essentially we
  1008. 53:24 are making a complete guitar within the
  1009. 53:28 code - like we are building we are
  1010. 53:30 building a beacon cache competitive with
  1011. 53:32 Italy and that seems the only use case
  1012. 53:35 that is actually served by the solution
  1013. 53:38 and not by any other solution that is
  1014. 53:41 maybe more formidable so that's I mean
  1015. 53:45 that's what that's kind of a problem I
  1016. 53:48 have a quick question
  1017. 53:50 with regards to the Caribbean use case
  1018. 53:52 would this be for the st. Kitts
  1019. 53:54 government that they would be interested
  1020. 53:56 in this it's just a theoretical
  1021. 53:59 thought experiments okay but I mean we
  1022. 54:02 could get actual use cases and
  1023. 54:04 requirements for a study on something
  1024. 54:06 like that right like if we like your
  1025. 54:10 Papa I'm not aware of any of any extra
  1026. 54:14 play
  1027. 54:14 to do this it was just an example sure
  1028. 54:17 but like an example is a good use case
  1029. 54:19 so then we can gather requirements from
  1030. 54:21 that use case I'm pretty sure covered in
  1031. 54:25 the document is it internal cache for
  1032. 54:29 national state I happened that I had
  1033. 54:30 been contacted by some groups that I
  1034. 54:32 would qualify as it's a regional
  1035. 54:36 autonomous in Europe I would not be very
  1036. 54:39 specific on who they are but basically
  1037. 54:41 we we assess what you know a large
  1038. 54:43 region who wanted to be autonomous
  1039. 54:45 autonomous who was like a significant
  1040. 54:48 particle support so it's not like a very
  1041. 54:49 typical scenario it's like they are 40%
  1042. 54:52 votes at the elections and basically in
  1043. 54:57 the case of often I can because I went
  1044. 54:59 through that with with at least two
  1045. 55:01 different groups in Europe as far nation
  1046. 55:05 I would say national state currency are
  1047. 55:07 concerned there is clearly there is a
  1048. 55:11 deep concern of being able to whatever
  1049. 55:13 has been done needs to be able to be
  1050. 55:16 undone
  1051. 55:16 because there are big believers in
  1052. 55:17 democracy so if there is a vote to do
  1053. 55:20 the currency one way they can be about
  1054. 55:23 to have it modified another way so so
  1055. 55:27 that's and again I think if we joined
  1056. 55:31 the fact that that the second remark of
  1057. 55:33 MOA the only case where we have where
  1058. 55:37 where a group really make sense of this
  1059. 55:40 sort of type of tokens really make sense
  1060. 55:43 is to bake a competitor inside you know
  1061. 55:45 something that is fundamentally aligned
  1062. 55:47 with Bitcoin Cash inside we can cash and
  1063. 55:49 that's where again I agree I fail to see
  1064. 55:52 the the really use case for that yeah it
  1065. 55:56 is sort of a bacon cash compared as in
  1066. 55:58 it is a multi it's like another currency
  1067. 56:01 on Bitcoin Cash
  1068. 56:02 it makes bacon cash multi currency but
  1069. 56:04 you still painted intersection fees in
  1070. 56:06 bacon cash know anyone that holds tokens
  1071. 56:09 needs that oh and Bitcoin Cash to be
  1072. 56:11 able to transfer them but what is the
  1073. 56:12 government's model of that you see
  1074. 56:14 because whether I feel is that I've
  1075. 56:16 discussed with will people who wants to
  1076. 56:17 have like real currencies or real
  1077. 56:19 countries with a specific Democrats I
  1078. 56:23 mean a democratic governance type of
  1079. 56:25 model modernized
  1080. 56:28 and clearly this is not what they want
  1081. 56:29 so this is this is kind of well use
  1082. 56:32 something else with like the whole point
  1083. 56:33 is that there is no government it's the
  1084. 56:35 whole point is that it follows exactly
  1085. 56:37 the same consensus rules as Bitcoin Cash
  1086. 56:39 with the exception of minting and
  1087. 56:41 melting so currently we only have one
  1088. 56:44 token of bacon cash and it's be called
  1089. 56:46 bch and only miners can mint or melt
  1090. 56:48 tokens according to a very specific
  1091. 56:51 according to some very specific rules so
  1092. 56:55 is this is the only concern the
  1093. 56:57 availability of this token because it
  1094. 57:00 seems like if that is a concern that's
  1095. 57:02 something perfect coin cash itself to
  1096. 57:04 technically solve so that this nation
  1097. 57:08 state can use Bitcoin Cash directly as a
  1098. 57:11 currency if there's no other concern
  1099. 57:13 than I just don't see the point of a
  1100. 57:15 token with Bitcoin Cash to be used in
  1101. 57:17 its place
  1102. 57:21 the point where the national currency is
  1103. 57:24 always tied to the local economy
  1104. 57:26 so like Tedder a so like tethering it
  1105. 57:31 directly to a like a global a global
  1106. 57:35 internet currency that is tied to
  1107. 57:37 multiple different nations economy it
  1108. 57:40 might be very risky for a small nation
  1109. 57:42 so they might be a parity issue on the
  1110. 57:47 infrastructure that is already there
  1111. 57:49 which is basically why you would you
  1112. 57:52 would pray tokens on the on the base
  1113. 57:53 consensus layer because you you're
  1114. 57:55 basically your piggyback so instead of
  1115. 57:57 bailing out this parallel infrastructure
  1116. 57:59 for for tokens that is very complex you
  1117. 58:02 just make it very simple instead and
  1118. 58:04 just put it in the base layer and then
  1119. 58:07 you suddenly can utilize the
  1120. 58:09 infrastructure that's already there but
  1121. 58:11 but I beg to disagree I mean again for
  1122. 58:15 having discussed with people who want to
  1123. 58:17 do this kind of nation state currencies
  1124. 58:19 that are local and they want to have to
  1125. 58:23 be I mean all of them were a very firm
  1126. 58:24 on the fact that they want to be able to
  1127. 58:26 undo whatever has been done and to have
  1128. 58:29 the court of laws but basically you know
  1129. 58:32 it's not code is load this is I've never
  1130. 58:34 met people in political circles that
  1131. 58:38 that we're even dreaming of the same
  1132. 58:41 so so again I'm very much of the only
  1133. 58:44 use case is to build a Bitcoin Cash
  1134. 58:46 competitor we've in Bitcoin Cash but
  1135. 58:48 I'm still trying to figure out where
  1136. 58:51 what is the actual use case who who
  1137. 58:53 would want that you know so what so what
  1138. 58:57 one very big economy that is in in every
  1139. 59:00 world it's the the gift card icon like
  1140. 59:03 the gift card economist is huge and I
  1141. 59:05 live in Japan every single company offer
  1142. 59:09 you different customer loyalty points
  1143. 59:11 and instead of Family Mart running their
  1144. 59:14 own system for keeping track of all
  1145. 59:15 their customer loyalty points they could
  1146. 59:19 take it back on the exciton the existing
  1147. 59:22 bacon cache function and yes issue token
  1148. 59:26 this is deviating from what you stated
  1149. 59:29 that group was for which is trustless
  1150. 59:31 transfer of these tokens all of
  1151. 59:33 everything but you just described
  1152. 59:35 almost all of those are untransferable
  1153. 59:37 like you read their terms and no company
  1154. 59:40 wants you to transfer your points to
  1155. 59:42 somebody else nobody wants to their gift
  1156. 59:44 card money to go from one person to the
  1157. 59:46 other
  1158. 59:46 yeah but in in in this case they
  1159. 59:49 wouldn't use it because they get they
  1160. 59:50 they want different terms they suddenly
  1161. 59:53 want customer loyalty points that are
  1162. 59:55 transferable what is this there are
  1163. 60:00 pretty but there's a pretty big gray
  1164. 60:04 market for for airline points for
  1165. 60:06 example we circled back to what I was
  1166. 60:10 saying though all those give kept being
  1167. 60:13 like family bought a lot point or
  1168. 60:15 whatever a renewable or not depending on
  1169. 60:19 family but of the airline or whoever
  1170. 60:21 it's issuing that stuff yes so
  1171. 60:24 effectively whether it was at the end
  1172. 60:26 can choose to redeem or not right wait
  1173. 60:29 so anyone might um
  1174. 60:32 you cannot prevent the transfer but you
  1175. 60:34 can look at the conference say well you
  1176. 60:35 know I don't agree with that transfer so
  1177. 60:38 I'm not gonna redeem those tokens
  1178. 60:39 specifically any more
  1179. 60:41 well I think that those kind of this
  1180. 60:43 case could use counterparty or tokido or
  1181. 60:46 any existing solution they don't need
  1182. 60:48 whatever out-group provide on top of
  1183. 60:51 this yeah but my point is the the only
  1184. 60:54 trust
  1185. 60:55 is that you you trust them too it will
  1186. 60:57 actually guarantee the value you don't
  1187. 61:00 trust them - actually the - you know you
  1188. 61:04 don't trust and when it comes to
  1189. 61:05 transfers or anything like that the only
  1190. 61:08 thing they do you do when you do trust
  1191. 61:13 them when you transfer because you trust
  1192. 61:16 that they're gonna accept the transfer
  1193. 61:17 coin at the end of the chain yes right
  1194. 61:21 so the only difference is at what stage
  1195. 61:24 of the process they can block the coins
  1196. 61:29 you've not changed at all the fact that
  1197. 61:32 you trust them of those coins to be
  1198. 61:34 transferable yeah but then the value of
  1199. 61:37 the value of the point will just the
  1200. 61:39 value of the token right so say I'm
  1201. 61:41 sending you use some of those point and
  1202. 61:43 then you want to spend them with the
  1203. 61:45 previous solution the issuer can stop
  1204. 61:48 when I send you the coins and with the
  1205. 61:52 opéra proposal the issuer cannot do that
  1206. 61:54 so I sent you the coins but then they
  1207. 61:56 sure can refuse to accept your coins
  1208. 61:58 which effectively is just the same yeah
  1209. 62:01 but but but then the value of those
  1210. 62:02 tokens will go to close will go to zero
  1211. 62:05 and suddenly they they lost you
  1212. 62:08 understand like the security model is
  1213. 62:11 just the same as any existing solution
  1214. 62:14 photos if I block the transfer partway
  1215. 62:18 down the chain because they have to be
  1216. 62:20 involved in the actual transfer versus
  1217. 62:24 the scenario where they don't actually
  1218. 62:26 block anything until someone goes back
  1219. 62:28 and tries to redeem them which might be
  1220. 62:29 long after the point where they said I
  1221. 62:31 want to block the transfer to achieve
  1222. 62:33 the same effect all I actually have to
  1223. 62:35 do is publish a blacklist if applied
  1224. 62:38 blacklisted it then it doesn't matter
  1225. 62:40 whether they're involved in the
  1226. 62:41 transfers or not anybody who received a
  1227. 62:43 token goes and checks the blacklist and
  1228. 62:45 says okay well I know that's not going
  1229. 62:47 to be redeemed I'm not going to accept
  1230. 62:48 it well you don't even need a blacklist
  1231. 62:50 like most companies have a whitelist
  1232. 62:52 where they have a record of you know
  1233. 62:54 who's ID purchased whatever points
  1234. 62:57 coupon whatever and then they check your
  1235. 62:58 ID when you redeem it if you're not the
  1236. 63:00 same person it's tough shit I'd like to
  1237. 63:04 just interrupt for a second we've been
  1238. 63:06 going for about an hour now
  1239. 63:07 I just want to check in with Emil and
  1240. 63:09 Andrew do you guys feel like you're
  1241. 63:12 being heard because I just need to
  1242. 63:14 double-check that Emil no III think
  1243. 63:24 everyone is talking about very different
  1244. 63:27 things and I wonder yeah I don't know I
  1245. 63:30 want to make this as comfortable for
  1246. 63:32 everybody and I do feel like it's a
  1247. 63:34 little awkward for you and Andrew Andrew
  1248. 63:36 how are you feeling are you feeling like
  1249. 63:38 you're being heard I don't really
  1250. 63:43 understand that question I feel like
  1251. 63:45 we're coming from very different
  1252. 63:51 philosophical perspectives and I think
  1253. 63:55 that this is a probably an unbridgeable
  1254. 63:59 chasm from hearing other people's
  1255. 64:02 perspectives just to give a simple
  1256. 64:04 example when I hear people say well you
  1257. 64:07 know the company wants or the government
  1258. 64:10 wants you know control over the ability
  1259. 64:14 to undo this kind of stuff right well
  1260. 64:18 you know this the democracy is formed of
  1261. 64:20 two parts one is the will of the
  1262. 64:22 majority in the second is the Bill of
  1263. 64:23 Rights and I'm aware of you know
  1264. 64:26 personally aware of people who have lost
  1265. 64:28 money in the stock market because some
  1266. 64:33 trader
  1267. 64:33 for example fat-fingered a bunch of
  1268. 64:37 trades and this person was on the other
  1269. 64:39 side of that and then those trades
  1270. 64:41 because that trader was part of a big
  1271. 64:44 company those trades were unwound right
  1272. 64:47 so so you can't really ever undo
  1273. 64:49 something without without screwing
  1274. 64:54 someone over and the truth is to some
  1275. 64:56 degree yes that some companies may not
  1276. 65:01 adopt this tokenization scheme as in
  1277. 65:04 preference to a centrally controlled
  1278. 65:06 authority based ones at first anyway
  1279. 65:09 because they want to have complete
  1280. 65:13 control yet
  1281. 65:15 what I hope is that the philosophy that
  1282. 65:18 underlying Bitcoin becomes available for
  1283. 65:22 companies that do want to effectively
  1284. 65:26 create a users Bill of Rights for their
  1285. 65:29 total yes very briefly I agree with the
  1286. 65:39 idea of you don't want if your company
  1287. 65:42 behaves badly you want to be able to get
  1288. 65:46 reassurance that companies will behave
  1289. 65:48 correctly
  1290. 65:49 but again again yeah and I think we have
  1291. 65:52 to go back to what Emily was saying in
  1292. 65:56 the end you want to you need to trust
  1293. 65:58 that they will be deemed as you see so
  1294. 66:01 that they will issue dividends for the
  1295. 66:03 shares you have and everything so so you
  1296. 66:05 cannot remove entirely the company part
  1297. 66:08 you know the issue of the trust issue
  1298. 66:10 from the equation what you can do over
  1299. 66:13 with something like Takeda
  1300. 66:15 and also things like probably with
  1301. 66:18 counterparty and whatnot is to have an
  1302. 66:22 issuer behaves badly its visible for
  1303. 66:25 everybody and so it will reflect
  1304. 66:28 negatively on the price of the token or
  1305. 66:31 whatever assets yeah they are carrying
  1306. 66:34 so you see I do not see that as a
  1307. 66:36 physical difference I see that as a way
  1308. 66:38 that trust and verify remains you know
  1309. 66:41 there and it's not and when I said that
  1310. 66:45 some people make decisions
  1311. 66:47 it's just aware to check trust and
  1312. 66:51 verify that everybody on this token is
  1313. 66:53 still binding to the very word that was
  1314. 66:56 agreed upon so that is exactly that is
  1315. 67:00 exactly what I said a couple of minutes
  1316. 67:01 ago and you do having a list of SSL sort
  1317. 67:08 of authorities that offender
  1318. 67:10 authenticated you have all the full
  1319. 67:12 nodes on the bacon cache functioning
  1320. 67:14 that's a difference the logic the logic
  1321. 67:16 you know in the real world the logic
  1322. 67:19 when you have a real world I would say
  1323. 67:22 complex token that is like large you
  1324. 67:25 will have tons of edge cases that are
  1325. 67:27 that we need to
  1326. 67:29 accomodated you know if you issue
  1327. 67:31 dividends or for your shares you can
  1328. 67:35 make mistakes you know it's it's you can
  1329. 67:38 make mistakes out are classes of subtle
  1330. 67:41 mistakes and whatnot differences does
  1331. 67:44 the infrastructure allow you to clawback
  1332. 67:47 those mistakes or do you have to ask
  1333. 67:50 nicely no I would do can you can you
  1334. 67:54 I disagree with this thing you know the
  1335. 67:57 blockchain is immutable so you cannot so
  1336. 67:59 whenever you know it's publish it's
  1337. 68:00 still there forever so I would rather
  1338. 68:02 say that can you undo or correct or fix
  1339. 68:07 your staff without anybody noticing No
  1340. 68:10 so if then you have trust and verify if
  1341. 68:12 you behave badly yes you can undo
  1342. 68:14 whatever you want again it's the
  1343. 68:16 protection of the individual against the
  1344. 68:18 cumberly like in your specific example
  1345. 68:21 so the tokay two people a clawback a
  1346. 68:24 couple of transfers right so now it's
  1347. 68:27 the onus is and then they you know to
  1348. 68:30 stop the token value from failing they
  1349. 68:34 published some reasons why right so now
  1350. 68:36 the possession you know whatever so the
  1351. 68:40 point is now the people who feel they've
  1352. 68:43 been defrauded need to see the company
  1353. 68:45 in the other case the company needs to
  1354. 68:48 sue the people who they accidentally
  1355. 68:50 gave the tokens to in order to get their
  1356. 68:53 money back right so again the onus is on
  1357. 68:55 who has to sort of take the extra step
  1358. 68:58 to invoke essentially a legal apparatus
  1359. 69:00 right in one case and with all the power
  1360. 69:04 in the company and the force of
  1361. 69:06 individuals to recourse to a legal
  1362. 69:08 framework and the other case the company
  1363. 69:11 does the recourse oh I disagree with
  1364. 69:14 that it would not turn out that way
  1365. 69:16 though the way I see it speaking you
  1366. 69:20 have meta issuer do you see a token is
  1367. 69:23 only worth if it's well behaved and
  1368. 69:25 audited and whatnot so if you have a
  1369. 69:28 token that is supposed to like a very
  1370. 69:29 simple behavior like you know something
  1371. 69:33 that is tangible and you know you you
  1372. 69:35 you you want to preserve the mass of a
  1373. 69:37 mass of tokens something that would be
  1374. 69:38 just like a group what you will have is
  1375. 69:42 that
  1376. 69:42 we'll have specialized actors that money
  1377. 69:45 told all of those tokens because it's
  1378. 69:47 super easy to money told that they
  1379. 69:49 behave exactly to Z I would say the
  1380. 69:52 rules of up group no because it's it's
  1381. 69:55 again it's very very straightforward so
  1382. 69:57 and especially if they are completed
  1383. 69:59 tour and they can produce improve one of
  1384. 70:01 the experience so basically you can
  1385. 70:04 trust the market that there will be
  1386. 70:05 people who do automated monitoring and
  1387. 70:08 so if you if you screw up and you want
  1388. 70:13 you know to to you you want to misbehave
  1389. 70:15 or fix something you know that the
  1390. 70:18 penalty is that suddenly you are not
  1391. 70:21 inside the nice tight up group like
  1392. 70:25 framework that you had initially so that
  1393. 70:28 means that for every certificate
  1394. 70:30 authority that was saying well this
  1395. 70:32 token is super vanillite sand up group
  1396. 70:35 like token now you will have to
  1397. 70:37 negotiate with every single automated
  1398. 70:40 auditing company that you still a good
  1399. 70:42 token and what not so it's like the cost
  1400. 70:44 is very real you know it's not you
  1401. 70:46 against one customers that if you
  1402. 70:48 diverge from your model from on
  1403. 70:50 transactions all the things that we are
  1404. 70:52 purely automated and validating you as
  1405. 70:55 as a pure vanilla perfectly reliable
  1406. 70:57 issuer will basically have to special
  1407. 71:00 case you I I have a hard time following
  1408. 71:06 your your reasoning because the whole
  1409. 71:08 point with the group tokenization
  1410. 71:10 proposal is that you cannot misbehave it
  1411. 71:13 is impossible the curse
  1412. 71:16 it is based it is baked into the
  1413. 71:18 consensus layer you can't but you can
  1414. 71:22 always be spearhead if you do not redeem
  1415. 71:24 the value at the end of the token you
  1416. 71:27 know that's what yeah that is not a
  1417. 71:29 that's not a problem unique to a
  1418. 71:31 particular group that problem exists for
  1419. 71:34 anything that issue tokens on any kind
  1420. 71:37 of protocol yes group is not solving
  1421. 71:41 that problem which seems to be the only
  1422. 71:43 problem that authors
  1423. 71:44 no but like then the tokens are traded
  1424. 71:48 on an exchange an HD company behind the
  1425. 71:50 token misbehaves the the value of that
  1426. 71:53 token the world will plummet and that is
  1427. 71:54 not really a problem do we actually need
  1428. 71:58 to fix that problem but that that's the
  1429. 72:00 point do we need to fix the problem of
  1430. 72:02 people who merely chose action level
  1431. 72:05 they can misbehave at the redeem level I
  1432. 72:07 know and I'm going to interrupt again
  1433. 72:09 just for a minute
  1434. 72:10 we're about 15 minutes over the first
  1435. 72:13 hour and we do have people that want to
  1436. 72:16 leave I guess I'm going to look for a
  1437. 72:18 consensus amongst this group if you
  1438. 72:21 would like to continue for a while
  1439. 72:23 longer and roughly how long how long so
  1440. 72:27 if I could get some an indication or you
  1441. 72:31 guys can find with continuing and or do
  1442. 72:34 you want to schedule for an additional
  1443. 72:36 meeting doing it this way again I'm
  1444. 72:41 going to entertain feedback on that
  1445. 72:43 I can't should be there for 20 minutes
  1446. 72:46 but again I think it if there is an
  1447. 72:50 agenda for next goal that would be
  1448. 72:52 really what are the the actual use case
  1449. 72:55 that we serve by having cash in cash oh
  1450. 72:58 that's for me that's the one thing
  1451. 72:59 weighs Syria should be the unique use
  1452. 73:02 case yes okay so what you're saying is
  1453. 73:06 that you would like to meet again but
  1454. 73:07 you would like to have a different
  1455. 73:09 format for the meeting a different
  1456. 73:11 agenda I think the unique use case needs
  1457. 73:16 to be identified and written up in a
  1458. 73:18 document before I think how do you okay
  1459. 73:22 can I get feedback from you Emil and
  1460. 73:26 well I wouldn't call it a unique use
  1461. 73:30 case like group is a tokenization
  1462. 73:33 proposal for creating tokens that have
  1463. 73:36 pretty much the same very very similar
  1464. 73:41 properties as other token proposals the
  1465. 73:43 big upside with group is that it gives
  1466. 73:48 the very very simple functionality for
  1467. 73:53 the for a fraction of the
  1468. 73:56 actually about areum and other lay of
  1469. 74:00 two solutions I think that basically
  1470. 74:10 sums it up well even if there is like
  1471. 74:20 even if there are several use cases each
  1472. 74:21 hotel needs to be specified so we can
  1473. 74:25 evaluate because we cannot continue in
  1474. 74:27 that discussion we're happy where we
  1475. 74:29 talk about one use case and then we
  1476. 74:33 figure out that it turns out there are
  1477. 74:35 some problem with das this case and
  1478. 74:36 instead of praying down and we know we
  1479. 74:38 jump to some other use case and again
  1480. 74:40 and again and again and as a result we
  1481. 74:43 get nowhere so even if there are several
  1482. 74:46 use cases they need to be you know they
  1483. 74:49 need to be identified and and we can go
  1484. 74:51 over each of them and see you know
  1485. 74:54 that's actually a solution to that use
  1486. 74:56 case and if other stuff actually not a
  1487. 75:00 solution to that and the second stuff
  1488. 75:03 about the complexity I don't think it
  1489. 75:04 removed any complexity just put the
  1490. 75:06 complexity somewhere else or in that
  1491. 75:09 case mostly in the consensus rules and
  1492. 75:12 I'm not convinced it's a good trade-off
  1493. 75:15 in the sense that the consensus reached
  1494. 75:16 out to be fairly difficult to change
  1495. 75:18 whereas who suicide of the coccyx roots
  1496. 75:22 are much easier to change so it's moving
  1497. 75:25 the complexity from somewhere where you
  1498. 75:27 know it's easy to things if there is
  1499. 75:29 something wrong or whatever it is
  1500. 75:30 somewhere where it's very rigid which is
  1501. 75:33 that you want a completely it is not
  1502. 75:35 where you want to completely
  1503. 75:43 need further comments I just think the
  1504. 75:50 UH as far as the east case is going we
  1505. 75:52 need to really justify why we put this
  1506. 75:56 in consensus like what's really me crazy
  1507. 75:59 what's the problem that solves that
  1508. 76:01 justifies of being a consensus change
  1509. 76:03 where we dilute the value of Bitcoin
  1510. 76:05 cash against other versions of Bitcoin
  1511. 76:09 cash oh well because I would say if
  1512. 76:15 there even was very successful because
  1513. 76:16 they did just this they put it in the
  1514. 76:19 consensus layer because it made it very
  1515. 76:23 easy for clients to validate each time
  1516. 76:26 for now they're paying for a smart
  1517. 76:29 contract they paying for smart contracts
  1518. 76:31 it's different because we can also
  1519. 76:34 become caches he take so based with
  1520. 76:36 jumping from stage Morland than smart
  1521. 76:39 contract and smart contract about state
  1522. 76:41 but their thing for state in general and
  1523. 76:43 state use the UT Exocet for us and I can
  1524. 76:47 tell you for having worked in very
  1525. 76:49 large-scale system managing state is by
  1526. 76:52 far the hardest part and wheels and all
  1527. 76:56 of that it comes from Monique and up
  1528. 76:58 morally no problem CPU as long as your
  1529. 77:01 career is immortality can luminaire it
  1530. 77:03 and on board it the state you cannot
  1531. 77:06 make it faster what's happening right
  1532. 77:09 now all the logical systems such as
  1533. 77:12 Facebook or whatever they do all they
  1534. 77:16 can for you to never eat any of the art
  1535. 77:18 right when you request them I think they
  1536. 77:22 have a shit ton of heuristics that try
  1537. 77:24 to predict what people I can access to
  1538. 77:25 more and I've got really in memory they
  1539. 77:28 try to direct you to cluster of machines
  1540. 77:30 that already have the information that
  1541. 77:33 you are likely to access and they do not
  1542. 77:38 this for a reason because essentially
  1543. 77:40 the on large-scale the time you need to
  1544. 77:44 access your state is no direct meet with
  1545. 77:46 the size of the state document because
  1546. 77:52 you know if you have a small state you
  1547. 77:54 can fit in
  1548. 77:54 - it's very fast and
  1549. 77:55 in pits in RAM and it's not as fast and
  1550. 77:59 then it's you know maybe some memcache
  1551. 78:03 server that is one hard way but it's
  1552. 78:06 still a memory and then it feeds on some
  1553. 78:08 SSDs somewhere and there it fits or some
  1554. 78:10 breaks of out or somewhere then it fits
  1555. 78:13 on some bigger writes about reading some
  1556. 78:15 also data center reserved way right and
  1557. 78:18 for each of those increase in the scale
  1558. 78:22 of the amount of data you can store it
  1559. 78:25 in performance this is exactly the
  1560. 78:28 problem that a terraeum is I mean right
  1561. 78:29 now the way the reason they are facing a
  1562. 78:32 common thief right now it's because
  1563. 78:34 their state don't fit in memory anymore
  1564. 78:36 on most machines right this is exactly
  1565. 78:39 the problem there Adam
  1566. 78:57 anybody want to address one arm raise
  1567. 78:59 Justin
  1568. 79:00 I completely personally I completely
  1569. 79:04 agree with this vision and and I would
  1570. 79:08 add that most of what people are buying
  1571. 79:11 from a theorem right now is the state
  1572. 79:14 it's not even any kind of smart
  1573. 79:16 capabilities and here what they are
  1574. 79:20 buying is not because if you're amass a
  1575. 79:23 super smart protocol is that they were
  1576. 79:24 the only one who had some vanilla
  1577. 79:28 prepackaged tooling to do so this is
  1578. 79:31 right don't confuse the fact that you
  1579. 79:34 need to emulate like solidity and
  1580. 79:37 whatnot or even you know these kind of
  1581. 79:39 things with the fact that if you don't
  1582. 79:41 even have the to link you know to do it
  1583. 79:43 conveniently no example tokido is is is
  1584. 79:48 not complicated to implement but it's
  1585. 79:50 fully and I take full responsibility for
  1586. 79:52 that not implemented so no matter how
  1587. 79:56 good or bad it could be it's just not
  1588. 79:59 even coded so it cannot you know it and
  1589. 80:01 I would say don't confuse the fact that
  1590. 80:03 if you remember once there with some
  1591. 80:06 tools that we're working but do not
  1592. 80:08 scale with the fact that it's a desert
  1593. 80:11 bowl orientation for the base layer of
  1594. 80:14 beacon cache again it's probably very
  1595. 80:17 desirable for things that are built on
  1596. 80:19 top but not actually for the
  1597. 80:21 consciousness rules themselves
  1598. 80:30 does anyone have a sense that this
  1599. 80:33 meeting is coming to an end I just don't
  1600. 80:41 want to I just don't want to keep things
  1601. 80:43 open if there's a no reason to continue
  1602. 80:48 Andrew how are you feeling about the
  1603. 80:50 meaning um well if anyone has some
  1604. 80:54 additional comments and welcome to say
  1605. 80:57 them I have a feeling that most of the
  1606. 81:04 criticism is is against tokens in
  1607. 81:08 general and to--and why we need tokens
  1608. 81:10 in general and not specific to the group
  1609. 81:14 implement the group implementation some
  1610. 81:16 people don't agree that it shouldn't
  1611. 81:17 that it should be in the consensus layer
  1612. 81:19 but most of the discussions were having
  1613. 81:22 is actually about tokhes in general it's
  1614. 81:28 happening is with respect to the use
  1615. 81:30 cases and actual requirements for a
  1616. 81:33 token solution I mean I don't think any
  1617. 81:38 of us actually want you know tokens to
  1618. 81:41 not be available like I don't think it
  1619. 81:44 doesn't impact any of us one way or
  1620. 81:45 another whether they're available or not
  1621. 81:47 unless you want to use it yourself so
  1622. 81:50 there are two classes of token solutions
  1623. 81:53 the ones that fit an OP return which is
  1624. 81:56 in theory pruno bull for anyone who's
  1625. 81:58 not interested in the tokens right and
  1626. 82:01 then there are ones that require like
  1627. 82:06 the end chain solution with multi-sig
  1628. 82:08 they still have one you TXO per token
  1629. 82:11 right so that solution would have the
  1630. 82:13 same state problems this is what I think
  1631. 82:16 a middle is getting to is you have the
  1632. 82:18 exact same problems with that as you
  1633. 82:20 would with out group in terms of the
  1634. 82:22 size of the you TXO in terms of and then
  1635. 82:25 with the OP group ones you still you
  1636. 82:28 know if if tokens become important then
  1637. 82:32 people will need to be verifying them
  1638. 82:35 and so you still have that state and
  1639. 82:39 sometimes it might be implemented
  1640. 82:42 relatively and efficiently
  1641. 82:45 regardless of some sums in theory like
  1642. 82:49 it's kind of like the segue argument
  1643. 82:51 right in theory you can run an old node
  1644. 82:55 on the BTC network but no one's going to
  1645. 83:01 yeah the way we see it's like for
  1646. 83:04 example like if we begin a token if we
  1647. 83:07 take input token functionality and the
  1648. 83:11 base layer into the consensus protocol
  1649. 83:12 then we we know for sure that every
  1650. 83:15 single walk out there will be able to
  1651. 83:16 support it so for example anyone that
  1652. 83:19 shop anything at store tobacker calm
  1653. 83:21 when they send the payment using the BIP
  1654. 83:25 70 payment protocol we have we can just
  1655. 83:28 send back some tokens that they can use
  1656. 83:30 to get a discount next time they shop
  1657. 83:32 and we don't actually we don't really
  1658. 83:35 care if they sell these on the market
  1659. 83:38 somewhere or anything but we guarantee
  1660. 83:42 that if you if you have these tokens you
  1661. 83:43 can use them to Ford to get a discount
  1662. 83:46 in your store as long as our store is
  1663. 83:48 open then maybe someday we'll shut down
  1664. 83:50 the store and the talk is become
  1665. 83:51 worthless but that's fine but that's
  1666. 83:57 that's the whole point like so when we
  1667. 84:00 are talking about these keys and
  1668. 84:01 requirement that's what we are talking
  1669. 84:05 about in your case so if they are token
  1670. 84:07 based on the kind of shop come shouts
  1671. 84:10 and stuff like that
  1672. 84:11 none of the spoken are trustless right
  1673. 84:16 because then they're the first when you
  1674. 84:19 use that token you trust that the
  1675. 84:20 Bitcoin dot-com shop is gonna really bad
  1676. 84:23 fucking well they're trustless in the
  1677. 84:26 way that only the only redeemable at
  1678. 84:29 that at store they're gonna come for
  1679. 84:32 example and we know that SVD wallet
  1680. 84:35 clients can receive them we know that
  1681. 84:38 every single wallet can receive them and
  1682. 84:40 they can be traded without our
  1683. 84:43 interference and one thing that we
  1684. 84:46 actually have seen for example when come
  1685. 84:49 this is this is very common among music
  1686. 84:52 festivals so music festivals are very
  1687. 84:55 often actually go bankrupt before
  1688. 84:57 festival so what what other festival
  1689. 84:59 usually do is that when they see the one
  1690. 85:02 music festival goes bankrupt they see
  1691. 85:04 like hey if you have a token if you have
  1692. 85:06 a ticket for this music festival that's
  1693. 85:08 not gonna happen you can get this you
  1694. 85:10 can redeem this ticket and get a
  1695. 85:12 discount if you buy a ticket to our
  1696. 85:14 festival so store it up they're gonna
  1697. 85:16 come closes the doors that a competitor
  1698. 85:18 comes by and say like hey all you all
  1699. 85:20 you guys have-have have these tokens to
  1700. 85:24 get discounted become a counselor now
  1701. 85:25 you can use them in our store instead
  1702. 85:27 and get a discount not the same discount
  1703. 85:30 but a discount and it's it's up to the
  1704. 85:34 market to decide what how they value
  1705. 85:36 these these times do you understand that
  1706. 85:39 what a blockchain provide is a way to
  1707. 85:42 you didn't infiltrate reconciliation in
  1708. 85:47 the process planner so I if you are in a
  1709. 85:52 trust less manner yes if you have to
  1710. 85:58 trust someone to redeem your token at
  1711. 86:00 the end of the road then putting it in
  1712. 86:03 the blockchain that consistently or
  1713. 86:05 provides you nothing yes I disagree with
  1714. 86:09 that in the sense that um or a better
  1715. 86:12 way to say what my disagreement is is
  1716. 86:14 that I feel that Bitcoin Cash and
  1717. 86:16 cryptocurrencies are effectively the
  1718. 86:18 exact same boat and the proof of that is
  1719. 86:21 the failure of large exchanges like
  1720. 86:24 Mount cocks took the price and tanked it
  1721. 86:27 right so what cryptocurrencies do is
  1722. 86:29 they preserve trust what their trestles
  1723. 86:32 at is preserving the quantity of this
  1724. 86:36 ephemeral object right you own 10
  1725. 86:39 Bitcoin Cash but it takes you know
  1726. 86:42 centralized trusted companies and you
  1727. 86:46 know willing to redeem
  1728. 86:49 these these tokens in order to give them
  1729. 86:52 value so the value is you know connected
  1730. 86:57 to the real world to entities like
  1731. 86:59 companies who's who either are gonna
  1732. 87:01 redeem them or the performance of the
  1733. 87:03 company right but the quantities like
  1734. 87:06 the currencies the quantity is is
  1735. 87:11 you know enforced by the network but
  1736. 87:13 really that's where Andrew that's where
  1737. 87:15 you lost me again what you're telling me
  1738. 87:18 is to create a mini Bitcoin Cash in
  1739. 87:20 between cash no exactly as Emily was
  1740. 87:23 present a competitor to become cash in I
  1741. 87:26 never proposed that I think other people
  1742. 87:28 might have talked about that but I see
  1743. 87:30 you saying what are we talking about
  1744. 87:33 because he if you had something where
  1745. 87:35 the external world cannot interfere with
  1746. 87:37 this token
  1747. 87:38 basically we are talking of Bitcoin Cash
  1748. 87:42 inside different cash no world can I
  1749. 87:48 ownership of a quantity of it yeah but
  1750. 87:52 the price can change based on the
  1751. 87:55 success or failure of a company and so
  1752. 87:58 forth and the same is true with Bitcoin
  1753. 88:00 as a cryptocurrency no one can interfere
  1754. 88:02 with your quantity but price is very
  1755. 88:05 much variable but that's exactly you
  1756. 88:10 know what talk it address for for the
  1757. 88:13 price of a share in a company if a
  1758. 88:18 company is visibly and remember we stock
  1759. 88:22 a diaper be invisible
  1760. 88:23 if a company visibly interfere with
  1761. 88:27 transfer of their own shares then
  1762. 88:30 basically their value is going to be
  1763. 88:32 almost destroyed you know if they if
  1764. 88:34 they've said that they would not do it
  1765. 88:35 and they they are doing it so see it's
  1766. 88:38 things I feel like they don't say that
  1767. 88:40 in Turkey they say you know we do have a
  1768. 88:44 blacklist and this is part of our
  1769. 88:47 operating procedure and you know that is
  1770. 88:50 considered just a known thing and then
  1771. 88:54 people start using the blacklist and so
  1772. 88:57 then individuals can be selectively
  1773. 88:59 eliminated from the ability to transfer
  1774. 89:07 of the proof of work system so anyone
  1775. 89:11 can mine so you need 51% of the miners
  1776. 89:14 to get together to create I'm going to
  1777. 89:17 give you an example I can do that with a
  1778. 89:19 company okay I've issued share
  1779. 89:24 to 1,000 people and I one of them I
  1780. 89:28 don't like so I'm a company I want let's
  1781. 89:30 look at issue shares who up group and
  1782. 89:32 one of the personal issue I I don't like
  1783. 89:36 this person I say you out so your share
  1784. 89:39 do not count this is a group so what do
  1785. 89:42 I do
  1786. 89:42 is as I say that everything that touched
  1787. 89:45 this thing is tainted so I don't care if
  1788. 89:48 you do makes you try to do anything I
  1789. 89:51 just say that this one is tainted and
  1790. 89:54 every share orders beware um as far I'm
  1791. 89:58 concerned everything that touches this
  1792. 90:00 address or whatever is tainted and will
  1793. 90:02 be rejected when it will come to pay the
  1794. 90:05 dividends to give money to everyone
  1795. 90:07 because that's how you redeem you know
  1796. 90:10 you your share in a way where you're
  1797. 90:12 being paid by dividends I will just
  1798. 90:15 appear dividends that are for anything
  1799. 90:17 that is lineage so I understand that
  1800. 90:21 example that's always been an you know
  1801. 90:25 an open question of whether that would
  1802. 90:27 ever happen in Bitcoin certainly has the
  1803. 90:29 possibility so I think a more realistic
  1804. 90:34 situation though is because the company
  1805. 90:37 wouldn't identify an individual and then
  1806. 90:39 issue shares to that individual and then
  1807. 90:41 they therefore and they they choose to
  1808. 90:45 deny that individual of their shares
  1809. 90:46 right so what happens is maybe in the
  1810. 90:48 course of trading you know the the
  1811. 90:53 shares might go to an individual who
  1812. 90:55 could not directly redeem those shares
  1813. 90:58 from the company perhaps because they
  1814. 91:00 live in a different country or something
  1815. 91:01 but then that individual could sell
  1816. 91:05 their shares on to someone who could
  1817. 91:07 redeem the you know Takeda you publish a
  1818. 91:12 transaction is basically say I transfer
  1819. 91:15 the ownership of this to from for me to
  1820. 91:18 somebody else the company diligently you
  1821. 91:21 know process and do not really care
  1822. 91:22 about with with their so you see you're
  1823. 91:24 telling me the person are you you say
  1824. 91:26 other black cased identify so I tell you
  1825. 91:29 well a black list you can see not force
  1826. 91:31 a black trees with a book it's not it's
  1827. 91:34 not a problem
  1828. 91:34 generally you're effectively arguing
  1829. 91:37 that we
  1830. 91:37 need mining right because the the all
  1831. 91:41 the arguments are making are and you may
  1832. 91:47 actually be true correct it's an open
  1833. 91:49 question whether if someone created like
  1834. 91:52 you know a a blockchain based on a huge
  1835. 91:55 multi-sig whether it would succeed or
  1836. 91:58 not but again here you're describing
  1837. 92:03 you're describing a currency like a pure
  1838. 92:07 digital currencies that is just like
  1839. 92:09 Bitcoin Cash so let's get back to you
  1840. 92:11 give me an example of shares that can be
  1841. 92:15 cents old and you were saying we without
  1842. 92:18 group it cannot be censored with a
  1843. 92:20 blacklist so I give you an example that
  1844. 92:22 I can do a blacklist exactly without
  1845. 92:26 group because I just need to blacklist
  1846. 92:27 as MOA was pointing out at the time of
  1847. 92:30 where you want to redeem whatever value
  1848. 92:33 so you see so you can do block it so
  1849. 92:35 let's go back to this example do you
  1850. 92:37 have you see let's not jump from one one
  1851. 92:40 example to another so no and with you
  1852. 92:44 and that's that system can also be
  1853. 92:47 applied to crypto currencies right
  1854. 92:49 the group is no more powerful than
  1855. 92:51 crypto currencies a government could say
  1856. 92:53 the coins in this address are anathema
  1857. 92:57 and anyone caught holding them or a
  1858. 92:59 descendant of these coins are gonna be
  1859. 93:01 instantly thrown in jail right and they
  1860. 93:04 could just publish that true right but
  1861. 93:06 somehow crypto currencies have until now
  1862. 93:10 avoided that problem what I'm very
  1863. 93:11 worried about in Tokita is that a
  1864. 93:14 government says you company who are
  1865. 93:18 authorizing transactions you know I have
  1866. 93:21 a face in a name to that company and if
  1867. 93:23 you create a block that contains a spend
  1868. 93:27 of this transaction then individually
  1869. 93:30 I'm going after you and you're a very
  1870. 93:32 large company with hundreds of million
  1871. 93:33 dollars and you're worth going after as
  1872. 93:35 opposed to you know you know like in the
  1873. 93:39 cryptocurrencies sort of thing market
  1874. 93:41 people could just kind of but with up
  1875. 93:43 group you can do that as well you know
  1876. 93:46 this example
  1877. 93:48 let's move a little coin in cripple
  1878. 93:54 occurs in general that an exchange can
  1879. 93:57 us decide like well your Bitcoin Cash I
  1880. 94:00 don't want them the covers are tainted
  1881. 94:02 and let's take the same example this is
  1882. 94:09 not a group this is not a group problem
  1883. 94:12 no no let's go back to the initial use
  1884. 94:16 case so we have the company in and
  1885. 94:18 you're making a proposition and you're
  1886. 94:20 saying the proposition is that a company
  1887. 94:22 can have its shares treated more freely
  1888. 94:25 with a group without interference from a
  1889. 94:27 government then it is from tokido is it
  1890. 94:30 what you're saying Andrew so that I know
  1891. 94:32 what is the proposition on the table yes
  1892. 94:35 okay so I'm saying I disagree on that I
  1893. 94:39 am saying that you can as a government
  1894. 94:41 censor a group or try to interfere with
  1895. 94:46 a group just as much as you can with
  1896. 94:48 something like Takeda why because the
  1897. 94:51 only things that you have to do is to
  1898. 94:53 interfere with the values that is being
  1899. 94:56 redeemed ad C doesn't matter if the
  1900. 95:01 transaction happened with all without
  1901. 95:04 the control of the company all you have
  1902. 95:06 to do is to appear at the time when you
  1903. 95:08 want to have no right and so that would
  1904. 95:12 be correct at least in the United States
  1905. 95:15 if the tokens were fungible right but
  1906. 95:17 that's not actually correct for
  1907. 95:19 something like US dollar right like if
  1908. 95:21 you if you're if someone if someone
  1909. 95:24 sells you a like a diamond right and
  1910. 95:28 someone can prove that that diamond is
  1911. 95:30 the stolen diamond then the original
  1912. 95:35 owner gets it back but four dollars
  1913. 95:37 actually even if you could kind of prove
  1914. 95:40 look I gave you that ten dollar bill
  1915. 95:42 this sort of dollars are kind of I'm not
  1916. 95:45 a lawyer but they're legally defined as
  1917. 95:47 fungible and so what happens is when the
  1918. 95:48 when the crook is caught all of that
  1919. 95:51 money kind of goes into a pot and
  1920. 95:53 everybody who who had anything stolen
  1921. 95:55 from them gets a portion of that money
  1922. 95:57 right so the same situation hopefully
  1923. 96:00 happens with
  1924. 96:02 right and so what happens is you say oh
  1925. 96:05 you know look this stuff is fungible and
  1926. 96:07 unfortunately I you know I am a I am NOT
  1927. 96:11 a criminal and I have a few shares and I
  1928. 96:15 got them from this guy and he's not a
  1929. 96:16 criminal and he got him from this guy
  1930. 96:18 and this guy and this guy and maybe the
  1931. 96:19 criminal took those blacklisted coins
  1932. 96:22 and maybe he sent them to a million
  1933. 96:24 people to try and taint everybody right
  1934. 96:26 I mean back in the hole in 2012 and 13
  1935. 96:29 we talked about all these scenarios and
  1936. 96:31 the end result is that you end up with
  1937. 96:33 this huge mess of of either everybody is
  1938. 96:36 tainted or you just have to say it's
  1939. 96:39 fungible but it's the same with again
  1940. 96:42 it's the same waste okay now you know if
  1941. 96:44 you have a token where the entire
  1942. 96:47 ecosystem you know trust your simple
  1943. 96:50 mechanism of having your fungible token
  1944. 96:52 so imagine you know the fact that people
  1945. 96:54 can transact it together you simply say
  1946. 96:56 there is a bunch of coins at this
  1947. 96:59 address that address can no longer be
  1948. 97:01 spent so there's no way to like
  1949. 97:05 distribute paint and do fungibility yes
  1950. 97:08 this is the same if you just say because
  1951. 97:13 the same thing can happen with takeda
  1952. 97:15 same thing can happen on RC 20 yes the
  1953. 97:30 reason is that it's much harder with a
  1954. 97:32 cryptocurrency and that is why Bitcoin
  1955. 97:34 has proof-of-work mining it doesn't have
  1956. 97:37 signatures by a bunch of Bitcoin is born
  1957. 97:40 in the blue ocean so it's a very
  1958. 97:42 different kind of yes very different
  1959. 97:45 again utility tokens they are born good
  1960. 97:47 side of the blockchain so you're already
  1961. 97:48 trusting someone to an extent and the
  1962. 97:52 question is you just put them in the
  1963. 97:55 blockchain do I trust that person more
  1964. 97:58 value or the not the quantity you're
  1965. 98:01 trusting the value the price not the
  1966. 98:03 transmissibility and the
  1967. 98:06 transmissibility if you have a company
  1968. 98:09 where you do not let people diligently
  1969. 98:12 transact and everybody will see that
  1970. 98:14 with
  1971. 98:15 something like Tokido then basically the
  1972. 98:17 value will climate and your thing is
  1973. 98:20 worthless you know if if you go on the
  1974. 98:24 blockchain and look at issue shares on
  1975. 98:26 the blockchain say no it's completely
  1976. 98:28 tradable and actually it's not the value
  1977. 98:32 is nothing people would not just trust
  1978. 98:34 it and would go to zero you know again
  1979. 98:37 the company doesn't have an option but
  1980. 98:40 you stick to its own 22 and ability
  1981. 98:43 rules because if they do not people see
  1982. 98:46 and the value they add did provide the
  1983. 98:49 economic value of the token is it's
  1984. 98:53 nothing you know it if you omit or token
  1985. 98:56 and you don't even stick to your own
  1986. 98:57 rules why would the market assign any
  1987. 99:00 economic value to that they won't
  1988. 99:05 basically talk it out that's all you see
  1989. 99:07 we stock it up what you have is that if
  1990. 99:10 somebody cheats the value of the token
  1991. 99:12 goes to zero is a group if somebody
  1992. 99:15 cheats to zero as well I don't think
  1993. 99:21 that's true and but there is a
  1994. 99:23 requirement to change and not the other
  1995. 99:26 that's a that's what we've been sitting
  1996. 99:28 around for the beginning we need some
  1997. 99:31 use case where you can be like I can do
  1998. 99:34 that with a group I cannot do that
  1999. 99:36 we stock it up and there is like here is
  2000. 99:39 the kind of size of the market we are
  2001. 99:41 aiming for I I wouldn't call every I
  2002. 99:45 wouldn't say that everything is that
  2003. 99:47 binary I would I would basically grade
  2004. 99:50 things and said and I wasn't basically
  2005. 99:53 graded instead and yes a like well a
  2006. 99:56 group behaves like this and on a scale
  2007. 99:59 from one to ten its course this and took
  2008. 100:02 header scores this value on this
  2009. 100:05 different requirement that we have so
  2010. 100:08 when it comes to transferability then
  2011. 100:10 group would definitely score ten out of
  2012. 100:11 ten that you have I've been asking for
  2013. 100:17 these requirements for months now so
  2014. 100:19 there there are no requirements that you
  2015. 100:21 have there in the document no I mean I
  2016. 100:24 mean I think the the bar to eat again
  2017. 100:28 my opinion on that is at the bar for
  2018. 100:30 something to which you know protocol
  2019. 100:32 level it has it cannot be a shade of
  2020. 100:35 gray it has to be something that is like
  2021. 100:38 100 percent crystal clear to be
  2022. 100:40 absolutely miserable but can be cannot
  2023. 100:43 be shade of gray it has to be something
  2024. 100:45 that is like very important something
  2025. 100:49 that where the alternative is is
  2026. 100:52 literally very very bad it's not you
  2027. 100:55 know you don't have great stuff because
  2028. 100:57 it could be tiny bit more better because
  2029. 101:00 for example I returned the argument that
  2030. 101:02 you were saying or if we add this to the
  2031. 101:05 protocol layer then everyone that has to
  2032. 101:07 do it or will do it and from my
  2033. 101:10 perspective this is attacks on the wall
  2034. 101:12 ecosystem you know every single drop of
  2035. 101:16 complexities that you put on the base
  2036. 101:18 layer is attacks that needs to be paid
  2037. 101:21 by every single entity company team
  2038. 101:24 implementing software extra that will
  2039. 101:26 interact with it can cache so this you
  2040. 101:30 have to be incredibly parsimonious in
  2041. 101:33 that so that's why I reject you know the
  2042. 101:36 proposition that it can be just a shade
  2043. 101:37 of gray and say 8 out of 10 just to be
  2044. 101:41 like but yeah and and and and that's my
  2045. 101:44 point like for for most of little cars
  2046. 101:47 we have the the group of poster scores
  2047. 101:50 10 out of 10 for most things while the
  2048. 101:53 other I can layer for nationwide
  2049. 101:58 currencies it doesn't work for shares
  2050. 102:02 realistically for shares are pretty much
  2051. 102:05 any company you do not work for for even
  2052. 102:09 for gift cards not work you won't again
  2053. 102:13 sorry I I pretty much disagreed my prime
  2054. 102:18 the government wizard group is that a
  2055. 102:20 lot of the 10 pages are use cases that
  2056. 102:23 I've identified part of the tokoto
  2057. 102:25 proposal our group is serving none of
  2058. 102:27 them
  2059. 102:29 that's that my problem is that for group
  2060. 102:31 I cannot even find a single use case
  2061. 102:34 where it would be a satisfying answer
  2062. 102:40 that's where I preferably disagrees
  2063. 102:42 right this is where we basically get
  2064. 102:44 into philosophy arguments right they
  2065. 102:48 that will work
  2066. 102:49 you say well why is because we want to
  2067. 102:52 protect the individual against these
  2068. 102:55 companies to some degree and you are
  2069. 102:57 more acceptable and think that a company
  2070. 103:02 can be made of one person sorry I
  2071. 103:05 completed not for my perspective
  2072. 103:08 thinking of Facebook versus the common
  2073. 103:10 man I'm even thinking of companies a
  2074. 103:12 company is nothing a better way to say
  2075. 103:17 it would be protect the token owner
  2076. 103:19 against the issuer yeah everything is
  2077. 103:22 about protecting the token holder and
  2078. 103:24 and make sure that you have very that
  2079. 103:27 the token is always fungible and that
  2080. 103:29 it's it's it can never be blocked and it
  2081. 103:32 doesn't require a secondary
  2082. 103:34 infrastructure or a parallel with I know
  2083. 103:39 that there is no solution on the table
  2084. 103:41 that forces the Redeemer to redeem is
  2085. 103:47 not not perfect enough that problem is
  2086. 103:50 not related to the Consensus business
  2087. 103:52 problem because the only purpose of the
  2088. 103:55 consensus layer is to maintain right
  2089. 103:57 they're not worried about who who may or
  2090. 104:01 may not redeem it or who may or may not
  2091. 104:03 want to buy it on exchange double dips
  2092. 104:07 it's very important right the fact that
  2093. 104:09 sigh of like physical Amazon 50-odd
  2094. 104:12 the fact that if I give it to someone
  2095. 104:15 someone comes it's like I know it cannot
  2096. 104:17 give it away or if I give it to someone
  2097. 104:19 and that person can redeem it at Amazon
  2098. 104:21 see no doesn't change anything
  2099. 104:25 Amazon give us everything but you know
  2100. 104:30 what porn like in most cases you are
  2101. 104:33 trusting Amazon to redeem it or not
  2102. 104:36 really me right like you would trust
  2103. 104:38 Amazon I'm not remember but a lot of
  2104. 104:40 people don't care about redeeming their
  2105. 104:43 Amazon giftcards they just want to sell
  2106. 104:44 it or bake on cash for example on
  2107. 104:46 secondary markets they're not going to
  2108. 104:49 be able to so the
  2109. 104:51 grupe Amazon giftcard if once you
  2110. 104:54 transfer Amazon know you've transported
  2111. 104:56 and then they just zero the values are
  2112. 105:01 meant to be transferred their gift cards
  2113. 105:05 gift cards from loyalty points right no
  2114. 105:09 no most cards are not meant to be
  2115. 105:10 transferred they very specifically state
  2116. 105:12 on them that they're not to be
  2117. 105:14 transferred they're provided as a gift
  2118. 105:16 and then activated by the person they
  2119. 105:18 were gifted to the points themselves
  2120. 105:20 were not transferred from the gift so in
  2121. 105:27 a weird because I can just buy gift
  2122. 105:30 cards from like gift calm on my phone
  2123. 105:34 and then I can transfer them to other
  2124. 105:35 people
  2125. 105:37 limitation of having physical gift cards
  2126. 105:41 that has nothing to do with the intent
  2127. 105:48 on your phone can you transfer those and
  2128. 105:52 drew the problem is that with what you
  2129. 105:55 described if you have a gift card that
  2130. 105:56 can be completely freely transferred
  2131. 106:00 that has monetary value no me no
  2132. 106:02 monetary value and everything then and
  2133. 106:05 that can be even you know in the case of
  2134. 106:07 a token split merge and everything this
  2135. 106:10 thing cannot be differentiated anymore
  2136. 106:12 from being a digital currency just like
  2137. 106:14 between cash so that bring us back to
  2138. 106:17 what Emily was was pointing out is what
  2139. 106:20 you've introduced is a competitor to be
  2140. 106:23 can cash in became cash well it's you
  2141. 106:26 know it's not really true because the
  2142. 106:31 company is realizing the revenue of
  2143. 106:34 selling the gift card and I think I
  2144. 106:36 think that a company still wants to sell
  2145. 106:38 gift cards even though US dollars exist
  2146. 106:40 right for a variety of reasons I have to
  2147. 106:43 do with Sony or US dollars so when they
  2148. 106:48 get revenue or Bitcoin Cash and you
  2149. 106:50 still need to hold bacon cash maybe the
  2150. 106:52 transfer done somewhere which means that
  2151. 106:54 the one that wants the token they need
  2152. 106:57 to get back on cash then why but again
  2153. 107:00 if you if you want to have a company
  2154. 107:02 that is like having the monetary value
  2155. 107:04 in
  2156. 107:05 custody so that can be redeemed again AB
  2157. 107:07 group AutoCAD ah are still the exact
  2158. 107:10 same weakness is that you are trusting
  2159. 107:12 the issuer to redeem the monetary value
  2160. 107:14 of the gift card at the end of the chain
  2161. 107:17 so if adding up group does not change
  2162. 107:19 anything again I'm very in this specific
  2163. 107:23 example you 100% dependent for a gift
  2164. 107:27 card on the company with doing the gift
  2165. 107:30 card to be deemed a monetary value well
  2166. 107:32 that's like saying like I'm 100%
  2167. 107:35 dependent on that I'm able to like sell
  2168. 107:38 my my random shit coin on an exchange
  2169. 107:42 for for me to want to hold it like it's
  2170. 107:47 a same problem and I don't really think
  2171. 107:49 that the redeeming issue is is like not
  2172. 107:54 something that's well I don't even know
  2173. 107:57 what we've discussing the redeeming
  2174. 107:59 issue here because we are telling you
  2175. 108:03 you are missing the trust from one point
  2176. 108:05 to another you are not creating
  2177. 108:07 something that is just less you know
  2178. 108:11 just like shuffling you're just they
  2179. 108:13 think the problem putting it somewhere
  2180. 108:14 else and pretending there is no problem
  2181. 108:16 anymore
  2182. 108:17 exactly and with the first line we're
  2183. 108:20 arguing that's not strictly true because
  2184. 108:22 you can sell the coin to an individual
  2185. 108:25 who can redeem it the whole sequence of
  2186. 108:32 transactions aren't actually fungible
  2187. 108:39 you know but this fact hasn't been
  2188. 108:42 exploited yet or maybe ever and if you
  2189. 108:46 use more advanced cryptography the
  2190. 108:48 fungibility increases right so you are
  2191. 108:52 essentially correct that up group gains
  2192. 108:54 a lot of its functionality why would
  2193. 108:58 they even use it in the first place
  2194. 108:59 though that's the point like all of
  2195. 109:01 these companies and most of the use
  2196. 109:03 cases want to be able to do that you
  2197. 109:05 have a very limited use case for op
  2198. 109:06 group right now I know it's almost
  2199. 109:08 nothing once be able to do what want to
  2200. 109:13 be able to control how transfers are
  2201. 109:16 done by any token that needs to
  2202. 109:18 control how transfers are done will not
  2203. 109:20 use up group and you have yet to give
  2204. 109:22 one solid example of a situation where
  2205. 109:25 the issuer would not want to control the
  2206. 109:27 terms under which was transferred well
  2207. 109:30 well the biggest use case for for group
  2208. 109:33 that that I think is most likely that's
  2209. 109:36 probably no one really wants to admit is
  2210. 109:38 I cos there you go for how the tokens
  2211. 109:44 are transferred I said okay i ciose icos
  2212. 109:52 five concern cannot be differentiated by
  2213. 109:55 just emitting regular shares it's just a
  2214. 109:58 different more modern way of ventilating
  2215. 110:01 your shareholders and who owns what and
  2216. 110:04 to make it more fluid and more credible
  2217. 110:06 but we are back to what i discussed
  2218. 110:08 multiple times which was the case shares
  2219. 110:11 ain't no i co is equivalent to sure it's
  2220. 110:14 exactly there is no i co is just like
  2221. 110:16 just it's actually a public a public
  2222. 110:21 offering of shares of a company yeah
  2223. 110:24 twenty
  2224. 110:25 there's entrance and your shares have
  2225. 110:28 only value you know on the real world a
  2226. 110:32 share of a company has only value
  2227. 110:33 because you expect people expect that
  2228. 110:37 dividends will be paid and the
  2229. 110:39 expectation of dividends but they keep
  2230. 110:41 built into the price of the share but
  2231. 110:44 ultimately wanted percent of the value
  2232. 110:47 of a share of a company lies to the
  2233. 110:49 future dividend that will be paid and so
  2234. 110:53 as you can always interfere with the
  2235. 110:57 fact that you will pay on no dividends a
  2236. 111:00 group do not give you any extra
  2237. 111:03 protection compared to something like
  2238. 111:05 tokido or on me or whatever and ERC 20
  2239. 111:11 in order to transfer this token jacked
  2240. 111:13 we have to call the ERC 20 smart crack
  2241. 111:15 contract which has a transfer function
  2242. 111:18 it can in fact we're yeah but most most
  2243. 111:22 IC o---- togas don't because most IC
  2244. 111:24 o---- tokhes they just want a basic
  2245. 111:26 simple token that's because most i cos
  2246. 111:28 are scams and they don't give a shit
  2247. 111:30 about the token anyway but you see
  2248. 111:32 do not confuse that's what I was saying
  2249. 111:34 do not confuse the need to have a state
  2250. 111:37 which was the primary interest in the
  2251. 111:40 evolution of the stay conveniently and
  2252. 111:43 package such ESC 20 with the fact that
  2253. 111:46 you do it without group or with any
  2254. 111:48 other alternative mechanism what I'm
  2255. 111:50 saying is that if you have something
  2256. 111:52 that is nicely packaged built on cooking
  2257. 111:55 or similar via its that is as packaged
  2258. 111:59 as what you can find right now on if you
  2259. 112:01 REM that has the same user experience
  2260. 112:03 people would use a public company
  2261. 112:06 offering on top of it in cash as much as
  2262. 112:09 they would on top of if um but the
  2263. 112:12 selling point is having a user
  2264. 112:14 experience that is simple and package
  2265. 112:16 and a trust model that is trust and
  2266. 112:19 verify because ultimately the trust is
  2267. 112:21 on the issuer this is it there is
  2268. 112:24 nothing more there is no cryptographic
  2269. 112:27 mechanism in that it's it's all
  2270. 112:30 dependent entirely on the Israel and
  2271. 112:32 Israel its own interests economic
  2272. 112:35 interest is to make its own shares as
  2273. 112:37 credible as possible we are closing in
  2274. 112:42 on two hours for this conversation and
  2275. 112:45 Andrews this is your meeting I just
  2276. 112:47 wonder do you want to go around the room
  2277. 112:50 and get a sense of the support for our
  2278. 112:53 group by letting individuals speak put
  2279. 112:57 sure
  2280. 112:59 okay let's maybe start with Andrea
  2281. 113:02 you've been here can you hear us okay
  2282. 113:08 maybe not arias is muted oh nice muted
  2283. 113:13 anything okay so let's move along and
  2284. 113:17 we're just going to go through the
  2285. 113:18 people that are here and then I have a
  2286. 113:20 question about this meeting than almost
  2287. 113:23 after this shade do you want to speak to
  2288. 113:26 this and we're looking for aces no I
  2289. 113:34 mean I'm not going to support it until
  2290. 113:36 it allows the issuer to specify transfer
  2291. 113:38 controls okay I don't necessarily have
  2292. 113:42 to but it needs to be specifiable
  2293. 113:47 Jason do you wanna speak to um I don't I
  2294. 113:51 don't think making any changes to the
  2295. 113:52 protocol level makes sense unless unless
  2296. 113:56 there's some sort of token ization use
  2297. 113:59 case that that requires restlessness and
  2298. 114:04 essentially removes the Redeem ability
  2299. 114:07 requirement because the Redeem ability
  2300. 114:08 it just doesn't mesh well with the the
  2301. 114:11 trust lessness requirement so it seems
  2302. 114:14 like either a bitcoin patch or two data
  2303. 114:17 work for all the use cases that have
  2304. 114:20 been discussed so far in my opinion
  2305. 114:24 okay Steve shadows human speakers I
  2306. 114:33 questions around use cases has already
  2307. 114:36 been expressed however I do recognize
  2308. 114:38 that there is a powerful appetite for
  2309. 114:42 being able to meet the set of
  2310. 114:43 requirements that have been listed in
  2311. 114:47 the in the group proposal that was going
  2312. 114:54 to get blue I personally have a
  2313. 115:00 assembled a team within in China in the
  2314. 115:03 last few weeks with a view to delivering
  2315. 115:06 an alternative solution because I
  2316. 115:08 believe that all of those requirements
  2317. 115:09 can be met without consensus layer in
  2318. 115:15 terms of the requirements that actually
  2319. 115:17 require a consensus layer I think a
  2320. 115:19 secondary consensus layer is is very key
  2321. 115:23 Bitcoin Cash so I would Hilty to
  2322. 115:29 consider me as an individual within
  2323. 115:33 Spain as opposed to do the voice lament
  2324. 115:35 I mean when I say that I'm going to
  2325. 115:38 produce something soon it will be a
  2326. 115:41 probably a drastic start circulating in
  2327. 115:48 a few weeks time it's going to be a
  2328. 115:50 suspect if it really received support
  2329. 115:54 obviously it's going to be a convening
  2330. 115:56 expect to proposal
  2331. 115:59 if it was a support and I have the
  2332. 116:05 assurances of Germany that I will be
  2333. 116:06 here in one of the results because I
  2334. 116:08 mean - welcome to manna-fest it as a
  2335. 116:12 real thing quickly okay Jonas do you
  2336. 116:18 want to speak to our group
  2337. 116:21 yes I mean again for me bottom line is
  2338. 116:24 something eat the protocol layer it has
  2339. 116:28 to have like a completely clear-cut
  2340. 116:33 upside value for for for between cash
  2341. 116:37 and right now the the poem that I see
  2342. 116:41 that it does not pass this bar compared
  2343. 116:43 to alternative options that's that you
  2344. 116:46 see that's there is no differential and
  2345. 116:48 that's my primary reproach I'm still
  2346. 116:50 liking a use case where it would make a
  2347. 116:54 game-changing difference where it's it's
  2348. 116:57 not just shade of gray but something we
  2349. 117:00 can do all you can't and here I do not
  2350. 117:03 see that I do not have a use case that
  2351. 117:05 is clearly where a group would let you
  2352. 117:08 do something that you cannot do
  2353. 117:09 otherwise
  2354. 117:11 Thank You Jonas Brad yeah I pretty much
  2355. 117:17 what you also probably articulated in
  2356. 117:20 Aachen okay and right now I want to give
  2357. 117:25 you an opportunity to speak are you able
  2358. 117:27 to hear us
  2359. 117:29 yeah immune you you hear me yes yes no
  2360. 117:34 I'm just doing too late to get something
  2361. 117:37 meaningful to say I just I just what I
  2362. 117:40 was able to to all just the last part
  2363. 117:44 the last 20 minutes and not even all all
  2364. 117:47 of them so I was referring to all right
  2365. 117:53 thank you Omri I think your last on the
  2366. 117:56 list here yes sir I cannot return the
  2367. 118:00 the general idea I don't think there is
  2368. 118:03 a strong enough for the use case that
  2369. 118:04 presented that justify changing their
  2370. 118:08 consciousness repeal that because so far
  2371. 118:12 so as far as I can see the disc is
  2372. 118:16 presented all are moving shuttling the
  2373. 118:20 trust around rather than removing it and
  2374. 118:23 so intelligent solution to essentially
  2375. 118:27 this you know do the same thing with the
  2376. 118:30 same amount just in there just like
  2377. 118:33 jumping stuff around but shifting
  2378. 118:35 saffron is not a good enough reason to
  2379. 118:36 change the console
  2380. 118:39 thank you all right
  2381. 118:41 Emile do you want to do a wrap-up on
  2382. 118:43 your position as well yeah so yes my
  2383. 118:46 position is that we want to talk in
  2384. 118:48 protocol there works as cache and the
  2385. 118:50 use is the Bitcoin and network to
  2386. 118:52 transfer tokens instead of using a
  2387. 118:55 parallel network that SPV wallets can of
  2388. 118:58 access a token protocol they use this a
  2389. 119:01 second consensus layer would be less
  2390. 119:04 used than a protocol on the first layer
  2391. 119:06 and mode and mostly be used by us like
  2392. 119:09 changes and hosted wallets and full
  2393. 119:11 notes so I like the group token would
  2394. 119:16 cover 100% of all bch users while a
  2395. 119:19 second layer solution like Takeda would
  2396. 119:21 not it would only cover like a very much
  2397. 119:26 smaller group and it would drive a lot
  2398. 119:29 of users to hosted wallets I like
  2399. 119:31 watching the info bit gonna calm and
  2400. 119:33 copay and exchanges which is what what
  2401. 119:36 we're seeing what we have seen with Omni
  2402. 119:39 and in Tedder and Roy do you want to say
  2403. 119:44 some final words we can continue the
  2404. 119:46 conversation afterwards I just I just
  2405. 119:48 recent no I think that I'm thank you for
  2406. 119:51 you know all of your feedback but I
  2407. 119:54 don't have any final words to say
  2408. 119:56 because I wrote the document right so my
  2409. 119:58 philosophy is encoded in the document
  2410. 120:03 all right I will in it to entertain a
  2411. 120:06 motion to adjourn if that's what the
  2412. 120:08 group would like to do if not continue
  2413. 120:11 on how a motion to adjourn
  2414. 120:16 it's 2:00 a.m. here something I gotta go to bed
  2415. 120:19 thank you all for attending
  2416. 120:21 I will make the rough transcript available if I have time to do it but I'll talk to Andrew about that and if
  2417. 120:31 you would like to go any further with this I think we'll have to continue and
  2418. 120:37 we're joking right all right bye
  2419. 120:41 everybody
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