

Aug 6th, 2018
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  1. When running the unit tests, I get a lot of notices about malformed html. Looks like you have some button tags that are missing closing tags, and there are likely some other places. Run 'rake' and please resolve notices like:
  3. gnoring attempt to close button with a
  4. opened at byte 12089, line 267
  5. closed at byte 12146, line 267
  6. attributes at open: {"class"=>"hide cupid-grey", "style"=>"width:70px"}
  7. text around open: " style=\"padding:0;\"><button class=\"hide "
  8. text around close: "=\"width:70px\">Cancel</a></td>\n<!-- Only "
  9. ignoring attempt to close button with td
  10. opened at byte 12089, line 267
  11. closed at byte 12150, line 267
  12. attributes at open: {"class"=>"hide cupid-grey", "style"=>"width:70px"}
  13. text around open: " style=\"padding:0;\"><button class=\"hide "
  14. text around close: "dth:70px\">Cancel</a></td>\n<!-- Only disp"
  15. ignoring attempt to close a with button
  16. opened at byte 12261, line 269
  17. closed at byte 12322, line 269
  18. attributes at open: {"href"=>"#", "class"=>"alert", "style"=>"font-size:12px"}
  19. text around open: " style=\"padding:0;\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"a"
  20. text around close: "e:12px\">Delete Theme</button></td>\n "
  21. ignoring attempt to close a with td
  22. opened at byte 12261, line 269
  23. closed at byte 12331, line 269
  24. attributes at open: {"href"=>"#", "class"=>"alert", "style"=>"font-size:12px"}
  25. text around open: " style=\"pad
  27. until there are no more.
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