

May 23rd, 2018
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  1. An energetic, wandering Ifrit with a fierce wanderlust and a strong urge to make herself stronger! She wants to explore, and find interesting things!
  3. She's cute. Not, like, suuuuper attractive, but cute. 19, not too bad c:
  5. Born blessed with ancient Efreeti blood rearing its glorious blazing head, Dari was different from the start. Black, mottled skin fell away to a lovely reddish orange flesh, her hair a brilliant inferno of yellows and golds, and her bright, innocent eyes a lovely shade of orange, a cross between her skin and hair to stand out. She was different, all right. Very…painfully different.
  7. She was incredibly popular with how different she was, with how amazing the kids thought she was. She was the center of attention, much to her parents’ delight. As she grew up, however, as any child does, Dari started to have ‘accidents’. Things started to burn, and with her paying attention, she started to do it on purpose, because fire was pretty to her. This, of course, didn’t go wonderfully for many others, and parents started refusing to let their children play with her out of fear. By sixteen, as Dari was starting to become viewed as a menace, she ultimately decided to give them what they expected of her. Manipulating people became a quick favorite, and she had a knack for getting away with things. However, the village elders grew tired of her antics, and it was an almost unanimous decision to exile her. When her parents informed her of the upcoming tribunal, an opportunity to plead her case, Dari took little interest. That night, she took the belongings she could carry with her reliably, set fire to her bedroom, and left with a stolen horse. Whatever happened to her home, she does not know, nor does she really care. It’s in the past, a past decades old now, that she’s long since stopped remembering.
  9. For twenty years, Dari would go on to experience all sorts of things. Hopping from town to town, travelling with merchants, exploring all that life had to offer. Learning all sorts of tricks of the trade and expanding her ability to manipulate people, Dari skirted through life in the most fun way she could’ve hoped for, getting away with more than she should’ve normally been able to. Through manipulation, she’d get her hands on discounted rare items, magical toys, all with a flourish of style, grace, and childish appeal. She never really had to experience the phases of growing up, aside from puberty and the like, so even now, she’s as childish and sweet as could be, though for many, it’s just a façade to get her way.
  10. At one point, Dari did make an attempt to settle down. Find a town, spend time there, learn names and faces and not just rush through a hopelessly vibrant rush of traveling. It didn’t last long, however, and people began to take note of her rampant abuse of magic, and once again, within six months she was forcefully exiled once more, thrown back into the muscle-memory of traveling days. Things grew progressively harder as she grew up, but with change comes adjustment, and with Dari, it came easily enough. She learned new ways to manipulate people, went years watching the children of merchants and gypsies she traveled with grow old and leave or die, and with it, a sense of detachment, a sense of knowing that nothing was permanent.
  12. Then…then she met Lyric and Muse. A chance encounter, they began traveling together, finding mutual benefit in being together. With Lyric’s age, she found someone she could attach to, grow with, live her life with. Their age meant very little, and they grew together, young and bright-eyed but more experienced than many of the veterans they roamed with. A perfect team, with Dari’s manipulative tendencies and Lyric’s quick fingers, they made it through life just swimmingly, forming a quick bond. To Dari, Lyric was the closest, and only, thing she’d had to family in a long time, and that sentiment only grew the longer they stuck together. Sharing intimate moments, they spent decades together, becoming more and more of a family as time passed, to the point where they became largely inseparable. They still have their times alone, of course, but never far from each other, and to Dari, traveling with Lyric has become the most important thing to her. Being with Lyric is what she lives for, along with exploring, finding interesting objects, magical or otherwise, and learning. Living her life the way she wants, shrugging off rules and experiencing existence the way she feels she deserves to. Law being little more than an idea to her, and not so much set-in-stone rules.
  14. To Dari, on top of everything, the concept of religion, of believing in a higher power and worshiping it fervently just to be able to do anything is more or less fucking ridiculous. Dari goes so far as to explain that she, in fact, could be a “goddess” herself, and she will actively manipulate people into believing it just to prove a point.
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