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- zss = zss or {}
- zss.language = zss.language or {}
- if (zss.config.SelectedLanguage == "en") then
- zss.language["New"] = "New"
- zss.language["Open"] = "Open"
- zss.language["ShowStash"] = "Show Stash crates"
- zss.language["StashShop"] = "Stash Shop"
- zss.language["Confirm"] = "Confirm"
- zss.language["Notenoughmoney"] = "You dont have enough money!"
- zss.language["Notenoughpoints"] = "You dont have enough points!"
- zss.language["StashTitle"] = "$PlayerName´s Stash"
- zss.language["StashOwned"] = "Owned by $PlayerName"
- zss.language["StashEmpty"] = "Stash is empty!"
- zss.language["Hide"] = "Hide"
- zss.language["Upgrades"] = "Upgrades:"
- zss.language["Money"] = "Money:"
- zss.language["Deposit"] = "Deposit"
- zss.language["Withdraw"] = "Withdraw"
- zss.language["Interest"] = "Interest:"
- zss.language["Houre"] = "Hour"
- zss.language["Cash Out"] = "Cash Out"
- zss.language["Items"] = "Items:"
- zss.language["SetAmount"] = "Set Amount"
- zss.language["MoneyCapReached"] = "You cant add any more money!"
- zss.language["UpgradeShop"] = "Upgrade Shop"
- zss.language["InvalidUpgradeSelection"] = "Please select a upgrade first!"
- zss.language["SellUpgrade"] = "Sell Upgrade"
- zss.language["SellInfo"] = "Sell $UpgradeName - Upgrade for $Money?"
- zss.language["Sending"] = "Sending..."
- zss.language["StashUnlocked"] = "Stash Unlocked"
- zss.language["SystemOverwrite"] = "System Overwrite"
- zss.language["MineGame01_Info01"] = "Establishing Connection"
- zss.language["MineGame01_Info02"] = "Breaching Firewall"
- zss.language["MineGame01_Info03"] = "Sending Packets"
- zss.language["CallbackCode"] = "Callback Code"
- zss.language["Cracked"] = "Cracked"
- zss.language["Locked"] = "Locked"
- zss.language["CrackWarning"] = "Your stash is being cracked!"
- zss.language["CrackWarning02"] = "$PlayerName trys to crack one of your stashes!"
- zss.language["NoStashesFound"] = "You dont own any hidden stashes currently!"
- zss.language["MoneyDeposited"] = "You deposited $Money!"
- zss.language["MoneyWithdrawn"] = "You withdrew $Money!"
- zss.language["MoneyCashout"] = "You cashed out $Money!"
- zss.language["PurchaseUpgradeNotify"] = "You purchased the $UpgradeName - Upgrade for $Money!"
- zss.language["SellUpgradeNotify"] = "You sold the $UpgradeName - Upgrade for $Money!"
- zss.language["StashLimit"] = "You reached your stash limit!"
- zss.language["WrongRank"] = "You dont have the correct rank to purchase this!"
- zss.language["WrongJob"] = "You dont have the correct job to purchase this!"
- zss.language["NoGroundFound"] = "Please place the stash on a even surface!"
- zss.language["SmallStash"] = "Small Stash"
- zss.language["MediumStash"] = "Medium Stash"
- zss.language["LargeStash"] = "Large Stash"
- zss.language["ItemStash"] = "Item Stash"
- zss.language["LargeItemStash"] = "Large Item Stash"
- zss.language["upgrade_bomb_title"] = "Self Destruct"
- zss.language["upgrade_bomb_desc"] = "If installed the stash will self destruct after the crack timer runs out."
- zss.language["upgrade_camo_title"] = "Camouflage"
- zss.language["upgrade_camo_desc"] = "If installed the stash will stay hidden from the scan mine. (One time use)"
- zss.language["upgrade_warn_title"] = "Warning System"
- zss.language["upgrade_warn_desc"] = "If installed the stash will warn its owner if someone trys to crack it."
- zss.language["InvalidItem"] = "Item class does not exist anymore!"
- zss.language["MineCooldown"] = "You can use the mine again in $Time!"
- zss.language["Minutes"] = "Minutes"
- zss.language["Seconds"] = "Seconds"
- zss.language["AntiStashZoneWarn"] = "You cant hide a stash here!"
- zss.language["AntiStashZone"] = "Anti Stash Zone"
- zss.language["FoundStashes"] = "Found $Number hidden stashes!"
- end
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