
My other ride is an undead genocidal jet plane

Jun 28th, 2018
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  1. 01[20:09] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"There's a spot around here where the ground's all broken up. It should work pretty well as practice for Snowtown."
  2. 04[20:09] * @Senshi_Blake nods not realising that this wasn't Jack just talking about his character idea
  3. [20:10] <@Senshi_Blake> "True, the terrain around the environs was roughshod at best."
  4. [20:10] <@Senshi_Blake> "Did you have any luck convincing the others to join us?"
  5. 06[20:10] * Artisan_Kiran exhales, trying to keep his face passive while he hikes.
  6. 01[20:10] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't even know what Sandra is doing right now. I tried explaining how useful this could be, but she told me to, uh. Leave her alone."
  7. 06[20:11] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs.
  8. 01[20:11] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"And I don't know if Raven's fully processed that she doesn't need to practice on her own yet."
  9. [20:11] <@Senshi_Blake> "Ah yes, because the person who'll have the least difficulty dealing with a voidal monster that punches like artilery and moves faster than any of us... is Sandra"
  10. [20:12] <@Senshi_Blake> artillery*
  11. 01[20:12] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I offered, and she said it sounded cool, and then I haven't heard anything else from her."
  12. 06[20:12] * Artisan_Kiran winces.
  13. 01[20:12] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yeah. I guess we'll just... figure that out as we go."
  14. [20:12] <@Senshi_Blake> "And Lous? It's understandable that he would be busy, at least."
  15. 01[20:13] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yeah. And I imagine he knows what he's doing against fistfighters. And Sandra."
  16. [20:13] <@Senshi_Blake> "For research sake, who have we seen this Mimic mimic so far?"
  17. 01[20:14] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Raven, Reveno. It should also be able to mimic Sandra and 'Reprisal'."
  18. [20:14] <@Senshi_Blake> "Under what assumption?"
  19. 01[20:15] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Sandra died and was attacked by the Void before her revival, which is the criterion for being a form of the Mimic. And Reprisal is one of the forms according to Adalet."
  20. 06[20:15] * @Senshi_Blake clicks his fingers "I see we're on the same path."
  21. 01[20:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Oh?"
  22. [20:16] <@Senshi_Blake> "I saw it flicker to the appearance of my Sensei previously. He too, died fighting the Void."
  23. [20:16] <@Senshi_Blake> "The criteria for the Mimic to copy someone."
  24. 01[20:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Oh boy. I've heard Salem was a highly competent fighter."
  25. [20:16] <@Senshi_Blake> "In theory, this means it can copy any of the faceless, as death is a facet of their initiation."
  26. [20:16] <@Senshi_Blake> "He was better than I'll ever be."
  27. 01[20:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"That would depend on-"
  28. 06[20:17] * Artisan_Kiran looks at Blake with his brow furrowed.
  29. [20:17] <@Senshi_Blake> "Though this does bring up a point."
  30. 04[20:18] <@Senshi_Blake> "He could also mimic you, Kiran."
  31. 06[20:18] * Artisan_Kiran grimaces.
  32. 01[20:18] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I've been wondering about that. The Void didn't feed on me when I saw... whatever that vision was."
  33. 01[20:18] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"So it might. But I don't think it can."
  34. [20:18] <@Senshi_Blake> "I'm unsure if the void ever fed on the faceless either, and yet it still can duplicate Reveno."
  35. 01[20:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Adalet says that it means Reveno is dead."
  36. [20:19] <@Senshi_Blake> "And do you really believe that?"
  37. 01[20:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Libra saw it in her... auguries, I think she said. She told me to warn him, because she knew he'd be in danger from it."
  38. 01[20:20] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It seems awfully coincidental otherwise."
  39. [20:20] <@Senshi_Blake> "I have a strange faith in Reveno. I believe that if he were to ever die, he'd pick the time and place. I've seen him escape certain doom enough times to believe it."
  40. [20:21] <@Senshi_Blake> "On the bright side, at least it probably can't mimic Lous."
  41. 01[20:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yes. Though if it can mimic me, that means it can bolster a large number of Void in the same way I bolster us."
  42. [20:22] <@Senshi_Blake> "Then good work on deciding to do this exercise."
  43. [20:22] <@Senshi_Blake> "Come, let us figure out how to kill you effectively."
  44. 06[20:22] * Artisan_Kiran sighs.
  45. 01[20:23] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I've got a strange feeling of deja vu..."
  46. [20:23] <@Senshi_Blake> "Nonsense."
  47. [20:23] <@Senshi_Blake> "You've learned from our last sparring lession, haven't you?"
  48. 01[20:24] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"And also the several enormous monsters, robots, and undead genocidal jet plane."
  49. [20:24] <@Senshi_Blake> "True, but you're not countering them today. You're countering me."
  50. 06[20:24] * @Senshi_Blake pauses
  51. [20:25] <@Senshi_Blake> "Undead genocidal get plane..."
  52. [20:25] <@Senshi_Blake> "You know, I've never considered that's /literally/ what she was"
  53. 01[20:25] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I have a section of my notebook titled 'things my grandkids are never going to fucking believe'."
  54. [20:26] <@Senshi_Blake> "Got any excerpts?"
  55. 01[20:26] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Got shot out of a cannon at an enemy warship that had descended from the dark tapestry to wage war upon an unsuspecting world?"
  56. [20:26] <@Senshi_Blake> "That's a good one."
  57. 06[20:27] * Artisan_Kiran pauses, surveying the landscape.
  58. 01[20:27] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"How's here?"
  59. 06[20:28] * @Senshi_Blake looks around, taking in the area
  60. [20:28] <@Senshi_Blake> "This'll do quite nicely."
  61. 06[20:28] * @Senshi_Blake puts on his Shades and activates his Aegis armor
  62. [20:29] <@Senshi_Blake> "There's little use in me not starting in my armor, as I wouldn't expect a copy to try my usual warm-up routine"
  63. [20:29] <@Senshi_Blake> "As much as I enjoy it, it is inefficient."
  64. 01[20:29] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"So we're going all out then."
  65. [20:29] <@Senshi_Blake> "Keep it nonlethal, but yes."
  66. [20:30] <@Senshi_Blake> "The enemy will not give us any quarter. We should expect the same of our sparring partners."
  67. 01[20:30] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I've never really - you know. Gone all out. So this should be interesting."
  68. [20:30] <@Senshi_Blake> "Well then it'll be an experience for the both of us."
  69. [20:31] <@Senshi_Blake> "I think I'll use today to mix things up a little."
  71. [Blake and Kiran spar. It's a close-run thing, but Blake takes the victory.]
  73. 01[21:13] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Well. What did you learn about fighting me?"
  74. [21:14] <@Senshi_Blake> "You've progressed in your training."
  75. 01[21:14] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I meant things we can use."
  76. 06[21:14] * Artisan_Kiran pauses.
  77. 01[21:15] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"But... thank you."
  78. 04[21:15] <@Senshi_Blake> "Never had any doubts of your capability, Kiran. But as for what I learned in that specific fight. You're still relying on having the enemy disarmed to create an advantage for yourself. Against someone like me, or any creature that can manifest a weapon, that will not help you."
  79. 01[21:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I didn't know what the staff did, and didn't have the time to work it out."
  80. 06[21:16] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs.
  81. 01[21:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It as your first choice of weapon against me, which made me think it might have been effective. So I removed it from the equation."
  82. [21:16] <@Senshi_Blake> "You also charged me. While this /can/ be effective, you're better suited to a more hit-and run style."
  83. 01[21:16] <Artisan_Kiran> 5*was
  84. 04[21:17] <@Senshi_Blake> "I told you I was going to mix things up, Kiran."
  85. 01[21:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"You also told me you weren't going to try to hit me again after we finished sparring last time."
  86. [21:17] <@Senshi_Blake> "I digress. I wouldn't suggest a charging-in style for you. Raven does it a lot, and look at what that does for her."
  87. 01[21:17] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"But I take your point about hit and run."
  88. [21:18] <@Senshi_Blake> "If she doesn't obliterate her target on the charge, she generally gets left to a pummelling"
  89. 01[21:19] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Fair."
  90. [21:19] <@Senshi_Blake> "in summation, don't charge, and don't disarm if you know it's not going to be effective in the long run."
  91. [21:19] <@Senshi_Blake> "I'll leave better judgement on that last point to you."
  92. 01[21:20] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Were you going all out?"
  93. [21:21] <@Senshi_Blake> "Not entirely."
  94. 06[21:21] * Artisan_Kiran nods.
  95. [21:21] <@Senshi_Blake> "I assumed that was your plan."
  96. 01[21:21] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Me neither. I didn't want to hurt you."
  97. 06[21:21] * @Senshi_Blake nods "I'm glad neither of us want to actually kill each other."
  98. [21:21] <@Senshi_Blake> "Now, what did you learn about combating me?"
  99. 01[21:22] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"If I'm going to close on you, I need to actually commit to it. Leaving you with more options makes things harder in the long run."
  100. [21:23] <@Senshi_Blake> "You have two options. Close in on me, and hope I don't hit you a lot"
  101. [21:24] <@Senshi_Blake> "or keep your distance and let me start casting spells that'll make things difficult in half a minute"
  102. [21:24] <@Senshi_Blake> "You're agile enough to be able to commit to it, you might just need to be a bit more defensive about it."
  103. 01[21:24] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Exactly. So it would've been smarter to try harder to take you down as fast as possible. But that might actually have hurt you."
  104. 01[21:25] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Also I need to learn how to jaunt."
  105. [21:25] <@Senshi_Blake> "I'll be the first to admit, i'm not that difficult to actually hit. I just have to roll with the punches."
  106. [21:25] <@Senshi_Blake> "Jaunting is great, I greatly enjoy moving so fast it looks like you vanish"
  107. 01[21:26] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I can move fast, but it's not quite the same. I need to hit something so that my rapier releases the burst of energy for me to use."
  108. [21:26] <@Senshi_Blake> "Just buy some shoes."
  109. 06[21:26] * @Senshi_Blake shrugs "it's what I did"
  110. 01[21:28] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yeah, but then I need to integrate their enchantment with mine, and that's a whole can of worms..."
  111. 06[21:28] * Artisan_Kiran gestures vaguely at his feet as he walks.
  112. 06[21:28] * @Senshi_Blake deactivates his Aegis suit finally
  113. [21:28] <@Senshi_Blake> "I suppose so."
  114. [21:28] <@Senshi_Blake> "Shame the others couldn't join us. This was quite educational."
  115. 06[21:29] * Artisan_Kiran nods.
  116. [21:29] <@Senshi_Blake> "I wonder if they're putting their time to good use."
  117. 01[21:29] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I miss sparring a lot."
  118. 01[21:30] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I used to get swordplay lessons twice a week. What was your training like?"
  119. [21:31] <@Senshi_Blake> "It was... kind of informal? My father taught me swordplay, he was a retired ronin."
  120. 01[21:31] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"A..."
  121. 06[21:31] * Artisan_Kiran searches for the right word.
  122. [21:31] <@Senshi_Blake> "As for the other weapons I have, I just sort of picked up how to use them as I went along."
  123. 01[21:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"A wanderer? How do you retire from doing nothing?"
  124. [21:32] <@Senshi_Blake> "It's more akin to a knight errant. He was essentially a mercenary."
  125. 01[21:32] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Oh. Wanderer like traveling warrior."
  126. [21:33] <@Senshi_Blake> "Exactly. He met my mother when he was doing some guard work for a merchant passing through Vogelheim, and the rest is history."
  127. 01[21:33] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Huh. That's really lovely."
  128. [21:33] <@Senshi_Blake> "Heh, my mother likes to say that too."
  129. 01[21:35] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"It was sort of the other way around for mine. My mother was from a military family. She met my father at a fayre when he was covering for one of his staff on our stall."
  130. 01[21:36] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"She wanted to make sure I got some kind of formal education in the martial arts, but my father wanted me to learn metallurgy."
  131. [21:36] <@Senshi_Blake> "Interesting. I take it your mother was the stern one then?"
  132. 01[21:36] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Yep. They ended up compromising, and hiring Miss Shay as one of my instructors."
  133. 01[21:37] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"We'd each forge a weapon to use on a Wednesday, and then we'd spar the following morning."
  134. 06[21:37] * Artisan_Kiran shrugs.
  135. 01[21:37] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I miss that."
  136. [21:38] <@Senshi_Blake> "It sounds like a good memory. My dad was the stern one, but he meant well. They're both supportive of how I live my life."
  137. 01[21:38] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Have you spoken to them about..."
  138. 06[21:38] * Artisan_Kiran gestures at the world at large.
  139. 01[21:38] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"I don't know when you last visited home."
  140. [21:39] <@Senshi_Blake> "I haven't seen them since I joined Spera's ranks, so no."
  141. 01[21:39] <Artisan_Kiran> 5"Well. Hopefully soon, I guess."
  142. [21:40] <@Senshi_Blake> "That would certainly be nice. We'll see, I suppose."
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