
[con] Trying to talk about linux in OD is lol

Jul 28th, 2011
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  1. <lyricalophi> well gonna go and fetch my caviar black from the Post Office downstairs
  2. <RinCeyan> nice
  3. <RinCeyan> 1TB?
  4. <RinCeyan> 1.5?
  5. <lyricalophi> 500gb, it's for trying out win7 yet again
  6. <RinCeyan> oh
  7. <RinCeyan> pity, 1TB's are cheap even for caviar blacks I think
  8. <lyricalophi> it is, it was like €55 vs €90 but I thought it's not worth it for the purpose it'll serve me
  9. <lyricalophi> I've been okay with 1TB for years now
  10. <RinCeyan> it's nice not being an archivefag
  11. <RinCeyan> =(
  12. <Jous-Nbook> I got tired of windows so I have linux now ;)
  13. <RinCeyan> .....playing pc indie games on linux? wat
  14. <RinCeyan> you using wine or some shit
  15. <Jous-Nbook> ya
  16. <RinCeyan> ok
  17. <Jous-Nbook> why the
  18. <Jous-Nbook> lol
  19. <RinCeyan> playing windows games through a windows emulator on linux
  20. <Jous-Nbook> so ;)
  21. <RinCeyan> ...yea I just find that amusing :)
  22. <Jous-Nbook> people play ps2 games with an emu and same for load of other stuff
  23. <RinCeyan> ...yeah but that's cause they don't want to deal with the hassle of buying obscure old games or buying a generation old console
  24. <RinCeyan> or just a pirate
  25. <RinCeyan> ...but when you can use windows to play windows games but not using it, but a compatibility layer to do so on another OS... I find that amusing :)
  26. <Jous-Nbook> load of people do it
  27. <Jous-Nbook> like really a LOAD
  28. <RinCeyan> sure I'd understand if your main purpose wasn't gaming
  29. <RinCeyan> if you're a linux dev or something
  30. <RinCeyan> and live and breathe linux
  31. <Jous-Nbook> my main purpose isnt gaming lol I mainly watch anime and make shit for stepmania
  32. <Jous-Nbook> and there is stepmania for linux so
  33. <lyricalophi> linux is pretty cool, I wish I was a hacker and could use linux...
  34. <RinCeyan> well watching stuff is prty universal w/e platform
  35. <lyricalophi> a Hacker
  36. <RinCeyan> making shit for stepmania though...
  37. <Jous-Nbook> a haker
  38. <RinCeyan> idk why you'd purposely choose linux
  39. <RinCeyan> unless there's a benefit I dunno of
  40. <lyricalophi> I'd do it for reliability
  41. <lyricalophi> I've heard good things about it in that aspect
  42. <RinCeyan> Reliability? Hmm
  43. <RinCeyan> Depends on your hardware
  44. <RinCeyan> And driver support
  45. <RinCeyan> The OS itself is really stable
  46. <Jous-Nbook> reliability and u know less mem usage + no worrys about a fucking virus everything
  47. <lyricalophi> yeah, my coworker actually got some software on his netbook which he uses to control stage lights
  48. <Jous-Nbook> no registry no dll's every were
  49. <lyricalophi> with a ps2 controller
  50. <RinCeyan> Nice
  51. <lyricalophi> how is that not fucking awesome
  52. <RinCeyan> But
  53. <Jous-Nbook> when I want to connect shit to my pc with usb it takes 0.1 sec to work
  54. <RinCeyan> I bet your coworker wrote the drivers himself or something
  55. <lyricalophi> he's a wizard
  56. <Jous-Nbook> I dont need to wait for WINDOWS HAS FOUND NEW HARDWARE
  57. <Jous-Nbook> and a load of times windows fuck even that up
  58. <Jous-Nbook> or it fucks something else up
  59. <RinCeyan> ...implying Linux doesn't need to find drivers for some new hardware you plug into your PC?
  60. <RinCeyan> Cause it does?
  61. <Jous-Nbook> yeah it does but its not like windows
  62. <Jous-Nbook> its already there with plug and play
  63. <Jous-Nbook> like I connect my mouse
  64. <Jous-Nbook> mouse works right away on first thime
  65. <Jous-Nbook> time*
  66. <Jous-Nbook> dont have that WINDOWS HAS FOUND NEW HARDWARE
  67. <Don-> gnight
  68. <RinCeyan> ...that's a prettyshitty mouse if you havin some driver issues on Windows lmao
  69. <lyricalophi> isn't it that way too on OS X
  70. * Don- has quit ()
  73. <Jous-Nbook> PLEASE WAIT
  74. <Jous-Nbook> 10 min later
  75. <lyricalophi> for instance my audio interface apparently works without ASIO drivers on a mac
  78. <Jous-Nbook> 2 min later
  79. <lyricalophi> but it's choking on my vista even with drivers
  80. <Jous-Nbook> mouse works
  81. <RinCeyan> I think you're over dramatizing it but w/e lol
  82. <Jous-Nbook> also if I want to shut down my pc it takes 5 sec not 5 min
  83. <Jous-Nbook> same for booting
  84. <lyricalophi> nice uh
  85. <RinCeyan> To me you're describing some circa 10 years ago technology lmao
  86. <lyricalophi> ssd with no internet connection or antivirus
  87. <RinCeyan> Cause I don't get any of that that you're complaining about
  88. * MazEi (cgiirc@68092DB6.F52273BC.B03B6D4.IP) has joined #otakusdream
  89. <RinCeyan> Not to say I don't understand your POV cause I have seen systems like that ;)
  90. <RinCeyan> Just... in like circa 10 years ago equivalent PCs
  91. <Jous-Nbook> when I did install linux I had to have internet connection to download wireless hardware drivers for my adapter
  92. <RinCeyan> Well duh, Linux is meant to be light
  93. <Jous-Nbook> but I just connected my android and got internet from that right away
  94. <RinCeyan> It only gets what it needs
  95. <Jous-Nbook> and installed it in sec
  96. <Jous-Nbook> and done
  97. <RinCeyan> Nice
  98. <RinCeyan> Tethered?
  99. <Jous-Nbook> yeah
  100. <Jous-Nbook> with windows its first INSTALLING DRIVERS
  101. <RinCeyan> The only nitpick I don't like about Linux is the filesystem
  102. <lyricalophi> I couldn't handle myself around a linux without learning everything from scratch
  103. <RinCeyan> It's not too bad lyricalophi
  104. <Jous-Nbook> what I always find funny with windows is it needs to reinstall the driver for EVERY SINGLE USB PORT
  105. <RinCeyan> Especially if you start with an easier to get started with build like uhh
  106. <Jous-Nbook> so if you connect it in another port than you normally connect
  108. <RinCeyan> ubunto
  109. <RinCeyan> *ubuntu
  110. <lyricalophi> ubuntu is ok
  111. <lyricalophi> or kubuntu
  112. <RinCeyan> Yea
  113. <Jous-Nbook> kubuntu us better
  114. <Jous-Nbook> cuz it has KDE
  115. <Jous-Nbook> which is nice
  116. * RanYakumo (~RanYakumo@the.eight.indigo.colored.clouds) has joined #otakusdream
  117. * Rizon gives voice to RanYakumo
  118. <Jous-Nbook> if you have an old laptop its best to ger xubuntu tough
  119. <Jous-Nbook> but I rather have Linux Mint KDE tough
  120. <RinCeyan> Well you can get kde for ubuntu too so w/e
  121. <Jous-Nbook> kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE
  122. <lyricalophi> I was thinking of going all out and converting into a hackintosh but I cba
  123. <lyricalophi> I'd get another pc for that
  124. <RinCeyan> I don't mind Linux but I will stay away from apple if I can help it
  125. <lyricalophi> no matter how bad I think apple/macs are there's just some things they're good at
  126. <RinCeyan> I don't deny that
  127. <Jous-Nbook> with apple stuff you pay 20% more just because it says apple
  128. <RinCeyan> Wrong
  129. <lyricalophi> more like 100
  130. <RinCeyan> You pay 20% more for the customer support
  131. <Jous-Nbook> rofl
  132. <Jous-Nbook> then take the 20% off
  133. <Jous-Nbook> screw customer support ;)
  134. <lyricalophi> u want +4gb memory? 1000 dorras preas
  135. <RinCeyan> At least that's what I read ;)
  136. <Jous-Nbook> the only apple stuff I have is an Ipod nano 3rd gen
  137. <RinCeyan> I just find that apple using people are some of the most narrow minded people ever
  138. <RinCeyan> That's why I can't be bothered to let myself use one
  139. <lyricalophi> I think they're like that to begin with
  140. <RinCeyan> apple using people, or people in general? lol
  141. <RanYakumo> bah.. all these other OS's can not measure up to the epicness of the double-u
  142. <RinCeyan> ...all OS's are overrated :)
  143. <RinCeyan> each has their perks
  144. <Jous-Nbook> anways I like linux ;) and besides windows 7 still uses the same bases as windows me which is basicly dos running with some programs for the gui like explorer.exe like the base of windows is so old that the background is being shown by IE
  145. <RinCeyan> but there is no "perfect" OS and everyone is free to like/use their preferred OS
  146. <Jous-Nbook> yep
  147. <Jous-Nbook> I like linux so I'ma use it ;)
  148. <RinCeyan> ...same basis as Windows ME? Dude you sound freakin retarded saying that
  149. <Jous-Nbook> lol
  150. <RinCeyan> If you're overexaggerating and just trying to say you're tired of the same explorer look fine that's understandable but idk your statements just reek of ignorance ;)
  151. <RanYakumo> if he had said windows vista use'd the same basis I might have beived him..
  152. <RinCeyan> *facepalm*
  153. <RanYakumo> both sux equally
  154. <RinCeyan> That'd still be wrong
  155. <RinCeyan> But yes both sucked
  156. <RinCeyan> (:
  157. <Jous-Nbook> hey well its true its the same bases used over and over and over thats why u can easly use older version shit in newer versions only problem is there are some diffrents that why you get problems but the basis is the same
  158. <lyricalophi> this is my play face
  159. <RinCeyan> ...
  160. <lyricalophi> on another note, os x lion is being called the vista of apple, which I find hilarious
  161. <RinCeyan> Nice
  162. <RanYakumo> lol
  163. <TouwaEriol> lol...
  164. <Jous-Nbook> rofl
  165. <RinCeyan> MS tries to copy Apple, Apple tries to copy MS
  166. <RinCeyan> what a vicious circle
  167. <Jous-Nbook> more like ms tries to copy apple and linux
  168. <TouwaEriol> I got Linux on Dual Boot btw but I mainly use Linux for debugging
  169. <TouwaEriol> some nifty tools for that
  170. <RinCeyan> .....MS tries to copy Linux? Oh my god can you shut up already lmfao
  171. <TouwaEriol> goddamn Linus
  172. <TouwaEriol> Didn't OS X branch off a private Linux distro
  173. <TouwaEriol> lol
  174. <Jous-Nbook> OS X has a load of stuff from free bsd
  175. <TouwaEriol> yeah so how is MS copying Linux more than Mac
  176. <lyricalophi> optical drives are dying
  177. <TouwaEriol> or even copying Linux
  178. <Jous-Nbook> it isnt lol
  179. <TouwaEriol> I fail to see your point
  180. <RinCeyan> Jous-Nbook just ultimatroll
  181. <TouwaEriol> lol
  182. <Jous-Nbook> well some features that have been in linux ages ago are being added in mac and windows so
  183. <RinCeyan> oh ok so Linux copied the WINDOW thing from Windows I bet too
  184. <TouwaEriol> which in turn was copied from old Macs lmAO
  185. <Jous-Nbook> rofl
  186. <lyricalophi> yeah, macs were the first computers to have windows
  187. <RinCeyan> w/e I'm just trying to refute Jous-Nbook sayin shit copying off of Linux like Linux ain't doing the same
  188. <TouwaEriol> l remember when I was about 4 years old and I went to a newspaper company where I got a scholarship and they had those old macs, and also had MS running DOS
  189. <RinCeyan> I'm not defending a particular OS, just being devil's advocate and refuting Jous-Nbook's dumb statements ;)
  190. <lyricalophi> it's only dumb to copy people's work if you're doing a bad job at it
  191. <Jous-Nbook> The X.Org Server is popular with the free software Unix-like operating systems, being adopted in most Linux distributions and BSD variants. It is also included in Sun Microsystems's Solaris, and is the de-facto server for x86 systems; SPARC-based systems almost exclusively use Sun Microsystems's proprietary Xsun server, as Sun graphics driver support for X.Org is very limited. It is also used in Cygwin/X, Cygwin's imp
  192. <Jous-Nbook> lementation of the X server for Microsoft Windows, VcXsrv and in Xming. Mac OS X versions prior to 10.5 ("Leopard") ship with an XFree86-based server, but 10.5's X server is based on the X.Org codebase.
  193. <Jous-Nbook> load of the windows interface is based on xorg which is the stuff that runs the gui for linux
  194. <RinCeyan> o man I used windows on a solaris machine at my university, thing had freakin some 16 or 24GB of RAM it was mindblowing
  195. <Jous-Nbook> like the windows 7 interface and mac x interface get stuff from xorg which was mainly used for linux distos like ubuntu
  196. <Jous-Nbook> like the window like installer you see when you install windows and mac originated from linux
  197. <RinCeyan> yea ok w/e Jous-Nbook, Macs had windows in 1984 and Windows did in 1985, the linux kernel was done some 6 yrs later
  198. <Jous-Nbook> before that you have the installer like in windows xp
  199. <Jous-Nbook> but they took xorg and created a cygwin based on it for windows vista and 7
  200. <RinCeyan> Fair enough man, nowhere did I refute your claim that Windows/Macs are copying off of Linux, I'm just sayin you describing Linux like the holy grail when it's copying off of those too (:
  201. <RinCeyan> it's called innovation and competition
  202. <Jous-Nbook> <RinCeyan> .....MS tries to copy Linux? Oh my god can you shut up already lmfao
  203. <Jous-Nbook> then whats up with that statement
  204. <RinCeyan> I'm just sayin you describing Linux like the holy grail when it's copying off of those too (:
  205. <RinCeyan> ^
  206. <Jous-Nbook> rofl I'm done
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