
My YMMV TV Tropes Page Is An Embarrassment lol

Mar 20th, 2020
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  1. All right so people have been wondering if I was ever going to make amends with 1 TV Tropes, and I'll just say yes or whatever yeah, it's a good time to fact check a site that's been filling my page with bullshit, and not the good or actual kind at that! And why did I feel the need to go ahead with this? Because not only do I need to let out some steam of negativity, it's fun! So let's get this trial of bullshit out the way, yes! Nothing better than to provide context needed to make this following outdated page full of trash:
  3. That whole "I already peaked' nonsense? Well technically yes it's true, but we always have highs and lows, quite frankly it would be more bizarre if I didn't see a drop! But the fact of the matter is that no I didn't 'lose all the hype I had" from that early 2010 period because I wouldn't have this pastebin of all the things that I do have presently right now or will in the future if such was the case! Also considering that I have 1000 followers on my tumblr that seem to increase every single week in combination with being on the favorite list of over 1000 people on Fanfiction Net pretty much take a nice solid dump on that flimsy narrative of me 'not being popular anymore'.
  4. And in regards to no longer bashing or hating on things like I used to, well it's a secret that many people don't realize how effective it is. Negativity is still attention, let's just say that. And on the note of such, for 1 of the many examples I no longer have any feelings either way for, if I really harbored any hatred to this character, would I have these beautiful pictures saved whenever I could have them?
  7. I rest my case. I've long since let any negativity fall upon the hundreds of millions of people who hate her in my stead, so... yeah, I don't care either way about her! And kind of ironic that 1 YMMV point regarding her is still there on the ground of liking characters who 'are themselves "clones" with even less character to them' even though all of them are equally bland given the Mario franchise is infamously tailored to intentionally be safe as possible. There's hugely dated references and then there's this, which is so old it makes the past long before I came around feel like the present and future in how untrue it is nowadays! That's just the tip of the outdated iceberg my trope obsessed friends!
  8. And regarding anything else, like certain series I would have hated in the past that I harbor no will ill in the present or future... well I already described how I handle negativity these days so there you go. And in regards to things being bashed or subject to slapstick for the sake of humor, I do it to things I like, it's called humor! What's the joy in being funny if you can't have fun with yourself?
  9. Anything else I should add here? Hmm, well guess I can say I'm not part of any fandom, or hatebase for that matter. So all the bullshit you want to fling on me in regards to certain fanbases and hatedoms well you're fucked because I'm not part of them, lol. I tend to prefer to be all around anything so long as it makes me feel happy and good generally!
  10. On 1 extra note, in light of having a lot of youtube knowledge, I have no idea what this 'pooh adventure' nonsense is but I can assure you that most of my fanfiction isn't like that so I already know what needs to be edited out asap, lol. Same with that princess superhero nonsense I have heard of but also never watched. You VERY clearly haven't actually taken a look at my archive if you think every single fanfiction of mine is like either of these. Which by the way, there's more to the humor to my story than 'cute/sexy girl farted haha', so try to actually read the story and not just click the 1st page like a loser :P. FYI "practically all of the audience he had in the late 2000's and early 2010's" is still there you silly dumbass, it's just that most of them are dead and/or very commonly replaced by a newer larger amount of people who weren't around in that time frame. And as everyone can attest to, reviews don't mean shit otherwise I would have stopped writing back in 2006.
  11. By the way, I felt the need to say that I don't like gloating all that much about the views, but if you really want to know I have a different viewpoint as to what constitutes as a good measure of success. Just an example to throw out, since the view count on the Internet is completely skewed depending on what site it's on, any view count over, say, 10, I count as a success. By the way, 'Waluigi's Taco Stand and Life at Pizza Hut are the only fics that still get regular traffic, with the rest being ignored entirely.' Nope, you're factually full of shit, several stories of mine amassed 1 million hits altogether by virtue of them each having over 100,000 hits to them and still counting, and that's without pointing out the much larger sum of fanfiction with 10,000 hits AND 1,000 hits. Please remove it, or most likely just fix it up, because those stories I mentioned are more popular right now and will continue to be so in the future than the dead meme that was WTS, which I changed on purpose by virtue of becoming bored with the concept. The only 1 that technically remains true is the arguably iconic LAPH, which celebrates its 10th anniversary and 1000th chapter soon!
  12. Well there you go, all of the factually incorrect and outright wrong heavily outdated YMMV tropes that should be removed and fixed up. So I hope you all enjoyed that nice rant of mine. Also since I'm going to change this up in the future, enjoy a story to fill in its spot when a certain time comes, probably a month or so give or take!
  13. =
  14. The Ice Climbers were quite bored of scaling snowy mountains that they clearly dominated. It was dawning on Popo and Nana that they needed to do things beyond it.
  15. "Man I wish we could do things besides smashing upward!" Popo said.
  16. Nana nodded her robed head in agreement. "I know, maybe we can do something with all the snow we leave here!"
  17. It was becoming a bit too warm for the Ice Climber pair due to the sweat that was rolling all within their damp parkas, with the cool yet cute Eskimo pairing deciding to create solutions to stop their excessive sweating.
  18. "You wanna go throw snow somewhere?" Popo suggested while letting out a big burp. "Snow is always good."
  19. "Snow is something I can get with!" Nana screamed after ripping a huge fart she began to fan away. "Sounds good to me!"
  20. So that's what they ended up doing, after all there was more to them than specializing in climbing or using ice!
  21. Popo cheered as he suddenly had a pie chucked at his face by Nana. "This was a good idea!"
  22. "Oh I agree with you plenty!" Nana chimed giddily in agreement with fruit punch spilling over her suddenly from Popo.
  23. It was indeed nice for them to find something fun to do.
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