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  2. Session Start: Thu Aug 26 18:05:12 2010
  3. Session Ident: #The_Door
  4. 03[18:05] * Now talking in #The_Door
  5. [18:05] <Vovinia> HEILLIOS
  6. [18:05] <@Roeben> I'm not too sure if i want to join in on this one, though...
  7. [18:05] <Vovinia> WE FOUND MAGIC
  8. [18:05] <Vovinia> AND PIXIES
  9. [18:05] <Vovinia> AND PENIS
  10. [18:05] <@Roeben> I only had like, a few weeks of training, I'd be pretty helpless.
  11. 03[18:05] * Kazunari ( has joined #The_Door
  12. [18:05] <Kazunari> I will hate you for all time Kath -_-
  13. 01[18:05] <Heillios> Really? This could be... unfortunate.
  14. [18:05] <Kazunari> FOR ALL TIME.
  15. [18:05] <Vovinia> so guys
  16. [18:05] <Vovinia> i think i should take point
  17. 03[18:06] * Roeben is now known as The_Announcer
  18. [18:06] <Vovinia> since i'll just flip out and rape things
  19. 06[18:06] * Jump2224 finds his gunbelt
  20. [18:06] <Vovinia> OOH
  21. [18:06] <Vovinia> FAIRIES
  22. 06[18:06] * Vovinia starts to chase fairies
  23. [18:06] <@The_Announcer> *You are standing in front of the portal, looking at a field of fairies.
  24. 01[18:06] <Heillios> Hrm, I know I put a spare bottle here somewhere.
  25. 06[18:06] * Jump2224 reaches into his secret armory, and grabs his handy Shotgun.
  26. [18:06] <@The_Announcer> To the distance, there is the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
  27. 06[18:06] * Heillios traps a random fairy in a bottle.
  28. [18:06] <@The_Announcer> There is a gate, and a lake behind it.
  29. [18:07] <Vovinia> FAIRIES
  30. [18:07] <Vovinia> RAPE
  31. [18:07] <Vovinia> RAPE RAPE RAPE
  32. [18:07] <@The_Announcer> In front of the gate, A green clad Chinese lady, snoring in the warm sunlight.
  33. 06[18:07] * Vovinia grabs one by the wings
  34. [18:07] <Jump2224> ...
  35. [18:07] <Vovinia> HI FAIRY
  36. [18:07] <Jump2224> nobody wake China
  37. 01[18:07] <Heillios> So... walking around China... quietly.
  38. 06[18:07] * Vovinia runs over to china with the fairy in tow
  39. [18:07] <Vovinia> HEY CHINESE LADY
  40. [18:07] <Vovinia> I HAVE A FAIRY
  41. [18:07] <Jump2224> QUICK RUN
  42. [18:07] <Kazunari> JUMP
  43. [18:07] <Kazunari> PLOTHOLE
  44. [18:07] <Kazunari> INTO THE MANSION
  45. [18:07] <Kazunari> QUIIIIIIIIICKLY
  46. 03[18:08] * The_fairy ( has joined #The_Door
  47. [18:08] <Jump2224> THEY DON'T WORK HERE
  48. [18:08] <The_fairy> H-Help!
  49. [18:08] <Vovinia> HI FAIRY
  50. [18:08] <The_fairy> Please don't hurt me!
  51. [18:08] <Jump2224> ...DAMN MY NATURE
  52. [18:08] <Vovinia> SAY SOEMTHING ELSE
  53. [18:08] <The_fairy> U-u...
  54. 06[18:08] * The_fairy starts crying
  55. 06[18:08] * Jump2224 punches Vovinia in the face, releasing the fairy from her grasp
  56. [18:08] <Kathrine> awww
  57. [18:08] <Vovinia> WHEE--- OWIE
  58. 06[18:08] * Vovinia sulks
  59. 06[18:08] * The_fairy flutters away, out of reach.
  60. [18:08] <Kathrine> John, you're so nice~
  61. [18:08] <Vovinia> i just wanted to show the green lady my fairy....
  62. [18:09] <Jump2224> Not nice
  63. [18:09] <Jump2224> Just fair
  64. 01[18:09] <Heillios> Don't wake her.
  65. 03[18:09] * The_fairy is now known as China
  66. [18:09] <Kazunari> Whatever, now we're going to die dammit.
  67. [18:09] <Jump2224> Nobody deserves-
  68. [18:09] <Kazunari> ....
  69. [18:09] <Jump2224> oh shit
  70. [18:09] <Kazunari> fuck
  71. 06[18:09] * China snores loudly
  72. [18:09] <Kazunari> .......
  73. [18:09] <China> Mmmm...
  74. [18:09] <Jump2224> everyone
  75. [18:09] <Jump2224> other than vovinia
  76. [18:09] <Jump2224> quiet
  77. 06[18:09] * Kazunari stays really really quiet
  78. 06[18:09] * China snores loudly
  79. 06[18:09] * Heillios moves silently around China.
  80. 06[18:09] * Jump2224 follows Heillios around China
  81. [18:09] <Vovinia> >_>
  82. [18:09] <Vovinia> HI CHINA
  83. 06[18:09] * China mumbles something about stockings.
  84. 06[18:09] * Vovinia yells into China's ear
  85. 01[18:09] <Heillios> (Is the gate locked?)
  86. 06[18:09] * Jump2224 uses the key he got last time he was here to open the gate
  87. [18:10] <@The_Announcer> The gate is unlocked.
  88. [18:10] <Vovinia> CHINA
  89. [18:10] <Vovinia> TALK TO ME
  90. 06[18:10] * Jump2224 quietly pulls the gate open slightly, just wide enough to slip though
  91. 06[18:10] * China opens her eyes, flipping out.
  92. [18:10] <China> WHAA
  93. [18:10] <Vovinia> CHINA CHINA CHINA
  94. [18:10] <Vovinia> HAI
  95. [18:10] <China> huh?
  96. 06[18:10] * Vovinia huggles China
  97. 06[18:10] * China rubs her eyes
  98. 06[18:10] * Heillios follows slips through the gate quickly.
  99. 06[18:10] * Kazunari starts to follow Jump, notices China waking up, freezes in his steps
  100. [18:10] <Vovinia> How are you Hong =D
  101. [18:11] <China> S-Sakuya, you are a bit lively today, arent you?
  102. 01[18:11] <Heillios> *no follows there
  103. 06[18:11] * Kazunari uses a disguise jutsu, turns into a rock
  104. [18:11] <Vovinia> it's Hong right?
  105. 06[18:11] * China rubs her eyes again.
  106. [18:11] <Vovinia> Hong Meiling?
  107. [18:11] <Vovinia> I'm not Sakuya silly
  108. [18:11] <China> huh?
  109. [18:11] <Vovinia> I'm a friend of hers
  110. [18:11] <Vovinia> i've come to visit
  111. 06[18:11] * China looks at her.
  112. [18:11] <China> Oh!
  113. 06[18:11] * Heillios uses an invisibility spell.
  114. [18:11] <China> You are the favored friend Remilia told us about!
  115. 06[18:11] * Vovinia nods
  116. [18:11] <China> Yeah, go right through!
  117. [18:11] <Vovinia> thanks =D
  118. 06[18:11] * Kazunari slowly shuffles towards the gate in rock form
  119. 06[18:11] * Vovinia skips merrily through the gate
  120. 06[18:11] * China shouts after her Um, don't tell herI slept on the job again.
  121. [18:12] <Vovinia> I won't Hong
  122. [18:12] <Vovinia> Don't worry
  123. [18:12] <Vovinia> oooh
  124. 06[18:12] * China nods, happy.
  125. 06[18:12] * Vovinia runs back over to china
  126. [18:12] <Vovinia> hey can you catch me a fairy?
  127. [18:12] <China> Something wrong?
  128. [18:12] <China> Mmm. A fairy?
  129. [18:12] <Vovinia> I want to show Sakuya
  130. [18:12] <China> Meh, they are easy enough.
  131. 06[18:12] * Kazunari charges through the gate, still disguised, while China is distracted
  132. [18:13] <China> just grab one, and if you kill one, no matter. they have a way of being immortal and all that.
  133. [18:13] <Vovinia> well i had one
  134. [18:13] <Vovinia> but Jump2224 hit me in the face
  135. 06[18:13] * Vovinia points at jump
  136. [18:13] <Vovinia> *directly at jump
  137. 06[18:13] * Heillios sees the rock / Kazu charging past the gate and barely moves out of the way.
  138. [18:13] <China> Oh, I see. Can I ask you to fight me some other time? I need to practice my kicks more.
  139. [18:13] <Vovinia> sure
  140. [18:13] <Vovinia> just get me a fairy
  141. [18:14] <China> Meh. I'm supposed to watch this gate.
  142. [18:14] <Vovinia> well you're doing pretty bad at it
  143. [18:14] <Vovinia> three people already made it through
  144. [18:14] <Vovinia> besides me
  145. 03[18:14] * BillyBob ( has joined #The_Door
  146. 06[18:14] * China looks at her, unblinkingly.
  147. 03[18:14] * BillyBob ( has left #The_Door
  148. [18:15] <China> They are with you, right?
  149. 06[18:15] * Vovinia points at heillios and Kazunari's rock
  150. [18:15] <Vovinia> uhh
  151. [18:15] <Vovinia> just Kathrine
  152. [18:15] <China> Oh.
  153. 06[18:15] * Vovinia huggles Kathrine
  154. [18:15] <Kazunari> ....................
  155. 06[18:15] * Kazunari stays perfectly still
  156. [18:15] <China> Well. I'd normally have to throw them out...
  157. 06[18:15] * Heillios is not where vovi pointed...
  158. [18:15] <China> but i'm ok with it today...
  159. [18:15] <China> Wait, I thought I had a reason for that...
  160. 06[18:15] * China thinks
  161. [18:15] <Vovinia> catch me a fairy and i won't tell sakuya you let uninvited guests inside the mansion
  162. [18:16] <China> I think remilia told me that we accept visitors today...
  163. [18:16] <China> Oh...
  164. [18:16] <China> Well, ok?
  165. [18:16] <China> I don't want Sakuya to go all out on me again.
  166. 06[18:16] * China yawns groggily
  167. 06[18:16] * Vovinia nods
  168. [18:16] <Vovinia> i'll just wait here
  169. 06[18:16] * Vovinia sits on the other side of the gate and waits
  170. 06[18:16] * China stands up, stretching her back.
  171. 06[18:16] * China walks around the gate, and into the garden.
  172. [18:17] <China> Ciiiiiruuuunoooo
  173. [18:17] <China> BAKA!!!
  174. [18:17] <China> CIRNO! YOU FUCKING MORON!
  175. 03[18:17] * Cirno ( has joined #The_Door
  176. [18:17] <China> There you are.
  177. 06[18:17] * Jump2224 breathes again
  178. [18:17] <Cirno> I'm not stupid!
  179. [18:17] <Jump2224> oh dear god let's get out of here
  180. [18:18] <Cirno> I'm the strongest!
  181. 06[18:18] * China grabs cirno by her hair.
  182. 06[18:18] * Jump2224 steps away quickly, dragging his fake leg behind him.
  183. [18:18] <Cirno> owwwww
  184. 06[18:18] * China drags Cirno to the gate, placing her in Vovinia's hands.
  185. 06[18:18] * Kathrine follows him closely, hiding behind a shrub
  186. [18:18] <China> There you go.
  187. 06[18:18] * Kazunari transfors into himself again, throws Jump over his shoulder, GTFOs as fast as possible
  188. 06[18:18] * Cirno talks in a dimunitive voice
  189. [18:18] <Cirno> What is wrooooong
  190. [18:18] <Kazunari> transforms*
  191. 06[18:19] * Heillios drops his invis and quickly follows Kazu.
  192. [18:19] <Cirno> I'm not stupid... I even know the riddle about the bus!
  193. [18:19] <China> Yeah yeah.
  194. 06[18:19] * China looks at vovinia, and sits down in the chair, glad she can laze off again.
  195. [18:21] <@The_Announcer> It's quiet, as vovinia and China face off, staring at eachother intently.
  196. [18:21] <@The_Announcer> Who will make the first move?
  197. 06[18:21] * Kazunari uses This Fist of Mine on The Announcer
  198. [18:21] <Kazunari> WHO CARES JUST GET US OUT OF HERE DAMMIT
  199. [18:22] <China> Well, have a good time inside, Vovinia. Hope to see you around more often.
  200. 06[18:22] * China crosses her arms, and prepares to go to sleep.
  201. 03[18:22] * China ( has left #The_Door
  202. [18:22] <Cirno> V-Vovinia is your name? Can you let go of me?
  203. [18:22] <Cirno> Please? I'm the strongest!
  204. 06[18:23] * @The_Announcer is taking control of vovinia, who idly walks in the direction of the door, clutching her fairy.
  205. [18:24] <Cirno> lemme go lemme go!
  206. 01[18:25] <Heillios> Kazu, which way did we go, anyway? Upstairs balcony?
  207. [18:25] <Kazunari> .....
  208. [18:25] <Kazunari> Good question
  209. 06[18:25] * Kazunari looks around
  210. 06[18:25] * Kazunari notices he is standing on the roof
  211. [18:25] <Kazunari> ...... the hell?
  212. [18:25] <Jump2224> I'd assume we're at the front door.
  213. [18:25] <@The_Announcer> You stand in front of a large gate.
  214. [18:25] <@The_Announcer> This is the front door
  215. [18:26] <Jump2224> Give me a second, I think I have a key...
  216. 01[18:26] <Heillios> Roof makes sense. *Drops down to the front door.*
  217. 06[18:26] * Kazunari now notices he is standing upside down in mid-air
  218. [18:26] <@The_Announcer> IT is closed, and big gargoyles with rings through them guard the surface.
  219. 06[18:26] * Kazunari crashes to the ground
  220. 01[18:26] <Heillios> Hrm... *tries the door to see if it's unlocked*
  221. 06[18:26] * Kazunari grabs Heillios
  222. [18:26] <Kazunari> DON'T DO THAT
  223. [18:27] <@The_Announcer> It opens without a problem.
  224. [18:27] <Kazunari> .......
  225. 01[18:27] <Heillios> ... why not?
  226. [18:27] <Kazunari> Let Jump touch all this crap
  227. [18:27] <@The_Announcer> It slowly creaks open, leaving a small opening.
  228. [18:27] <Kazunari> He's the explosion proof Reality Hacker here.
  229. 01[18:28] <Heillios> I see, well I have a little resistance to explosions, but if he has more...
  230. [18:28] <@The_Announcer> You can hear a child sing on the other side.
  231. 01[18:28] <Heillios> Err... child singing? Why does this sound bad to me...
  232. [18:28] <Kazunari> Uh huh
  233. [18:28] <Kazunari> Wonder if my White-Eye works here.....
  234. 06[18:28] * Kazunari tries to use White-Eye.
  235. [18:29] <@The_Announcer> The Whiteye brings a sharp stab of light, as the world around you is fused to the core with magic energies.
  236. 06[18:29] * Heillios pulls out his who's who card of Touhou characters.
  237. [18:29] <Kazunari> .....
  238. [18:29] <Kazunari> I'M BLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND
  239. 06[18:29] * Kazunari stumbles around
  240. [18:29] <@The_Announcer> Kazunari stumbles into the door, and it opens completely.
  241. [18:30] <Jump2224> ...
  242. [18:30] <Jump2224> Thank god for you, Kazu.
  243. 03[18:30] * Child ( has joined #The_Door
  244. 01[18:30] <Heillios> *Looks at the open door.* So... that would be...
  245. [18:30] <Kathrine> ...err
  246. [18:30] <Child> aaah?
  247. [18:30] <Kathrine> I think I'm gonna say here.
  248. [18:30] <Child> Silly person!
  249. [18:30] <Kathrine> stay
  250. [18:30] <Kathrine> whatever
  251. 06[18:30] * Child giggles softly.
  252. [18:30] <Child> Did you hurt your head?
  253. 06[18:30] * Kazunari uses his headband to cover his eyes, deactivates his White-Eye
  254. [18:31] <Jump2224> Hello. Who might you be?
  255. 06[18:31] * Heillios looks at the child and checks the card...
  256. 06[18:31] * Child simply looks up at the big men.
  257. 06[18:31] * Kathrine wanders over
  258. [18:31] <Kathrine> ...awwww
  259. 01[18:31] <Heillios> (Please tell me it isn't Flandre.)
  260. 06[18:31] * Child blinks a few times.
  261. 06[18:31] * Kazunari stands up and dusts himself down, keeping his eyes covered.
  262. [18:31] <Child> Do you have my dinner?
  263. [18:31] <Kazunari> Thank god for being able to fight blind.
  264. [18:32] <Jump2224> I think I have the perfect thing.
  265. 06[18:32] * Child stands up, and walks to the right, towards a crimson piano.
  266. 06[18:32] * Jump2224 reaches into his subspace cabinet, and pulls out one of his blood samples from his time in the hospital.
  267. 06[18:32] * Child places her toy on it.
  268. [18:32] <Kathrine> ...ewwwww
  269. 06[18:32] * Child freezes in place.
  270. [18:32] <@The_Announcer> A dark pressure eminates from the Child, chilling you to your bones.
  271. 06[18:32] * Kazunari slowly slides one side of the headband up
  272. [18:33] <Kazunari> Oh fuck.
  273. 06[18:33] * Kathrine shivers
  274. [18:33] <Kathrine> ...s-someone...
  275. [18:33] <@The_Announcer> with a sickly sound of cracking, two wings fold out from her back, ripping through her cloth
  276. [18:33] <Kazunari> ...
  277. [18:33] <Kazunari> JUMP
  278. [18:33] <Kazunari> GIVE HER THE BLOOD
  279. [18:33] <@The_Announcer> on each wing, eleven crystals in colored shapes.
  280. [18:33] <Kazunari> GIVE HER THE DAMN BLOOD.
  281. 06[18:33] * Jump2224 drops to one knee
  283. 01[18:34] <Heillios> Ah, it is...
  284. 06[18:34] * Child turns her head, her eyes bright red.
  285. 06[18:34] * Kathrine DROPS TO ONE KNEE
  286. 06[18:34] * Heillios drops to one knee.
  287. 06[18:34] * Kazunari quickly drops to one knee
  288. [18:34] <Jump2224> My lady.
  289. 06[18:34] * Jump2224 bows his head, and offers the blood
  290. 06[18:34] * Jump2224 silently makes peace with his god
  291. 06[18:34] * Child approaches the vial, her hand shaking, ignoring all else.
  292. 06[18:35] * Heillios mentally makes sure his sanctuary return spell is still operating.
  293. 06[18:36] * Kazunari slowly peeks up
  294. 06[18:36] * Child reaches out, her hand shaking, as she attempts to close it on the vial.
  295. [18:36] <Child> I-Is t-this
  296. [18:36] <Child> i-is this for me?
  297. [18:36] <Jump2224> Yes, my lady.
  298. 06[18:37] * Jump2224 keeps his head bowed
  299. 06[18:37] * Child hesitates.
  300. [18:37] <@The_Announcer> A loud explosion shatters through the hall, as a door flies open.
  301. 06[18:37] * Jump2224 has made peace with his god, and can now face death with pride
  302. 03[18:37] * Cirno is now known as Remilia
  303. [18:37] <Remilia> Flandre.
  304. [18:37] <Remilia> What ar-
  305. [18:38] <Remilia> Flandre. Put that away.
  306. [18:38] <Remilia> Now.
  307. 06[18:38] * Child doesnt react, still touching the vial with her hand.
  308. 03[18:38] * Child is now known as Flandre
  309. 03[18:38] * Flandre is now known as Flandre_
  310. [18:38] <Flandre_> B-But i want this... I /need/ this.
  311. 06[18:39] * Remilia walks up to Flandre, only slightly larger then her.
  312. 06[18:39] * Remilia grabs her by her collar, pushing her back.
  313. [18:39] <Remilia> There is only /one/ day every month, in which i allow you to roam freely.
  314. 06[18:40] * Kazunari gets the feeling this is about to go horribly wrong
  315. [18:40] <Remilia> This is how you repay my generosity? By attempting to blow up the mansion?
  316. 06[18:40] * Jump2224 stands up, keeping his head bowed
  317. [18:40] <Flandre_> I... I... I'm sorry, Sister.
  318. 06[18:40] * Remilia turns back to Jump2224.
  319. [18:40] <Remilia> I remember you.
  320. [18:40] <Jump2224> As I you.
  321. [18:41] <Remilia> You gave Sakuya quite the scare...
  322. 06[18:41] * Kathrine has a feeling that she missed something interesting
  323. 06[18:41] * Remilia chuckles lightly.
  324. [18:41] <Remilia> That vial you are holding. Put it away, please.
  325. 06[18:42] * Jump2224 puts it into his subspace inventory, motioning for everyone else to stand
  326. 06[18:42] * Kathrine stands up, clinging to Kazunari
  327. 06[18:42] * Kazunari slowly stands up, keeping his left hand near his katana.
  328. [18:42] <Remilia> I don't often have guests. Very interesting.
  329. [18:42] <Remilia> I recognize some of you from before...
  330. 06[18:42] * Remilia nods at Kazunari
  331. 06[18:42] * Heillios slowly stands, moving towards the rear of the group.
  332. 06[18:43] * Kazunari slowly nods back
  333. [18:43] <Flandre_> S-Sister Remilia... Can I /please/ have a /little/ bit?
  334. [18:43] <Remilia> No, Flandre.
  335. [18:43] <Remilia> If you do not behave, I'll have to call Sakuya on you.
  336. 06[18:43] * Flandre_ visibly startles, and looks down.
  337. 06[18:44] * Jump2224 slides his shotgun back into his suit, removing the magazine and attaching it to his belt.
  338. 06[18:44] * Remilia raises her eyebrow.
  339. [18:44] <Remilia> You shouldn't have bothered, those don't hurt me anyway.
  340. 06[18:44] * Kathrine is generally surprised that he was still carrying it.
  341. [18:44] <Remilia> For now, be welcome in my home.
  342. [18:45] <Jump2224> It's more for deflection of projectiles, Remilia. And thank you.
  343. [18:45] <Remilia> There will be dinner soon, I hope you can stay for a bite?
  344. [18:45] <Jump2224> That depends on my companions.
  345. 06[18:45] * Remilia smirks lightly.
  346. 06[18:45] * Jump2224 looks towards the rest
  347. 06[18:45] * Kathrine is starving, and nods furiously
  348. 01[18:45] <Heillios> I would be honored by anything provided by such a gracious host.
  349. 06[18:45] * Kazunari tightly grips the hilt of his Reaper Sword, but nods slowly
  350. 06[18:46] * Remilia pulls a bell from her pocket, and rings it.
  351. 03[18:46] * Flandre_ is now known as Sakuya
  352. 06[18:46] * Sakuya appears next to Remilia.
  353. [18:47] <Sakuya> Milady, What is your wish?
  354. 06[18:47] * Remilia motions to the group
  355. [18:47] <Remilia> Please, set some tea for our guests. Escort them to the dinner table whilst I make myself a bit more presentable.
  356. 06[18:48] * Sakuya looks up at the group, visibly upset.
  357. [18:48] <Sakuya> Y... Yes, Lady. Ofcourse.
  358. [18:48] <Sakuya> Please follow me.
  359. 06[18:48] * Sakuya bows for the group, though unenthousiastically.
  360. 06[18:48] * Jump2224 grabs the others, pulling them into a huddle
  361. 06[18:49] * Jump2224 whispers
  362. [18:49] <Jump2224> listen.
  363. [18:49] <Jump2224> follow closely
  364. [18:49] <Jump2224> do not
  365. [18:49] <Jump2224> touch
  366. [18:49] <Jump2224> anything
  367. [18:49] <Jump2224> and pray
  368. [18:49] <Jump2224> pray alot
  369. 06[18:49] * Sakuya quickly turns, walking in the direction of the visitors lounge.
  370. 06[18:49] * Heillios also whispers:
  371. 06[18:49] * Jump2224 turns back around, instantly regaining his cool and following Sakuya
  372. 06[18:50] * Kazunari frowns and claps his hands together quietly, then parts them to reveal a black rose which he hands to Kath
  373. [18:50] <Kazunari> Hold onto this.
  374. 01[18:50] <Heillios> I will follow, but I have some business of my own to discuss with Sakuya.
  375. 06[18:50] * Kathrine takes the rose, and follows the rest of the group
  376. 06[18:50] * Remilia looks at the team-building effort, most amused, and finally walks up the stairs, preparing herself for dinner.
  377. 03[18:50] * Remilia ( has left #The_Door
  378. 06[18:50] * Kazunari kicks Heillios on his way, and then follows, constantly glancing behind himself.
  379. 06[18:50] * Sakuya throws open the door, now that Remilia is gone.
  380. 06[18:51] * Heillios follows behind the rest of the group, giving Kazu a quick glare.
  381. 06[18:51] * Sakuya walks at a high pace, and nearly /kicks/ open the next door.
  382. [18:51] <Kazunari> That was a sigh for you to go /infront/ of me dammit
  383. 06[18:51] * Kazunari switches places with Heillios
  384. [18:51] <Sakuya> Please. Make yourself at home.
  385. [18:51] <Kathrine> Something wrong, Miss Sakuya?
  386. 06[18:51] * Jump2224 flinches
  387. 06[18:51] * Sakuya has an uneaven smile on her face as she continues.
  388. [18:52] <Sakuya> Not at all. I must prepare your dinner. The fairies don't work themselves. I will have them bring tea later.
  389. 06[18:52] * Sakuya paces out, visibly fuming, and throws the door behind her.
  390. 03[18:52] * Sakuya ( has left #The_Door
  391. [18:52] <Jump2224> ...
  392. [18:53] <Jump2224> Why did you do that
  393. [18:53] <Kazunari> That could've gone worse.
  394. [18:53] <Kathrine> I was curious!
  395. 06[18:53] * Heillios sighs.
  396. 06[18:53] * Kazunari claps his hands together, and makes another black rose
  397. 01[18:53] <Heillios> Some tact would be prudent in this matter, no?
  398. 01[18:53] <Heillios> *Showing some
  399. [18:53] <@The_Announcer> The room you see beyond the door Sakuya opened is a large room, with comfortable, luxurious amenities.
  400. [18:54] <Jump2224> ...Alright. Decision time, everyone.
  401. [18:54] <@The_Announcer> All in all, it looks more like a small ballroom then a ''lounge''.
  402. 06[18:54] * Kazunari turns and throws the rose towards the exit
  403. [18:54] <@The_Announcer> There are multiple chairs, a dinner table, cupboards, and ornaments.
  404. [18:54] <Jump2224> Do we stay here, or do we go explore?
  405. [18:54] <Jump2224> And let's think this through
  406. 06[18:54] * Kazunari grins
  407. [18:54] <Kazunari> Let's do both.
  408. 06[18:54] * Kazunari makes yet another rose.
  409. 06[18:54] * @The_Announcer gets himself a drink.
  410. [18:55] <Kazunari> One person with a rose stays here.
  411. [18:55] <Jump2224> Wow, that's thinking things through
  412. [18:55] <Kazunari> That way
  413. [18:55] <Jump2224> Heillios?
  414. 01[18:55] <Heillios> Yes?
  415. [18:55] <Jump2224> Thoughts?
  416. [18:55] <Kathrine> I say we stay here. Sakuya is -pissed-
  417. [18:55] <Kazunari> I can simply use a quick Matter-Transportation Jutsu to move us to one of these roses.
  418. 01[18:55] <Heillios> Do what you will, I am here merely to observe.
  419. [18:55] <Kazunari> Jump isn't the only one who's figured out how to use the Code.
  420. 01[18:56] <Heillios> For the most part, that is...
  421. [18:56] <Kathrine> I swear to god
  422. [18:56] <Kathrine> If you do some weird sneaky thing
  423. [18:56] <Kathrine> That gets everyone mad at us
  424. [18:56] <Kathrine> I will -KILL- YOU
  425. 06[18:56] * Kazunari plants a rose on Heillios
  426. [18:56] <Kazunari> Protip
  427. [18:56] <Kazunari> The MAtter-Transportation works both ways
  428. [18:56] <Jump2224> Kazu, my powers are generally useless in Gensokyo.
  429. [18:57] <Kazunari> That means I can transport something /ontop/ of you
  430. [18:57] <Kazunari> I admit Jump, I'm having trouble focus, but my Jutsu should still work.
  431. 01[18:57] <Heillios> Point taken. I merely have some minor business with Sakuya and her mistress. I have no desire or inclination to disrupt your business.
  432. [18:57] <Kazunari> focusing*
  433. [18:57] <@The_Announcer> The mansion vibrates with magical powers. It is not without protection, like the courtyard you were in the last time...
  434. [18:58] <Jump2224> I think it's safe to say that our normal skills are useless here.
  435. [18:58] <Jump2224> Combat is not, nor will it ever be, the answer.
  436. [18:58] <Kathrine> Yuh. We'd get trounced.
  437. 06[18:59] * Kazunari shrugs
  438. [18:59] <Kazunari> I can still move faster than any of you lot.
  439. [18:59] <Kazunari> With or without Jutsu,
  440. 01[18:59] <Heillios> I would not go against the inhabitants of this mansion, even at my full strength.
  441. [18:59] <Kazunari> Tell you what, I'll go exploring, when someone comes back, just tap the rose Kath has.
  442. [18:59] <Kathrine> KAZU
  443. [18:59] <Kathrine> YOU STAY HERE.
  444. [18:59] <Kazunari> Even without my jutsu, I shouldn't be more than ten seconds away.
  445. [19:00] <Kathrine> Or I'll slaughter you right now
  446. [19:00] <Jump2224> I'm with Kath. Just wait.
  447. 06[19:00] * Kazunari frowns and dissappears in a flurry of movement.
  448. 06[19:00] * Kazunari reappears at the other side of the room.
  449. [19:00] <Kazunari> See?
  450. [19:01] <Kazunari> At least give me twenty seconds of scouting time.
  451. 06[19:01] * Jump2224 settles into a chair
  452. 06[19:01] * Heillios stifles a yawn and moves towards the dinner table.
  453. [19:01] <Jump2224> I don't endorse any actions of yours, Kazu. But I won't stop you.
  454. [19:01] <Kathrine> !
  455. [19:01] <Kathrine> ...
  456. [19:01] <Kathrine> -sigh-
  457. 06[19:01] * Kathrine sits next to Jump, with a scowl on her face.
  458. 06[19:01] * Kazunari glances around quickly.
  459. [19:02] <Kazunari> Like I said, if anything goes wrong, just tap that rose.
  460. 06[19:02] * Heillios takes a seat opposite Kath and Jump.
  461. 06[19:02] * Kazunari quickly walks towards the door, looks down the hallway to make sure it's clear, then promptly dissappears.
  462. 03[19:02] * Flandre_ ( has joined #The_Door
  463. 06[19:02] * Flandre_ yelps as a gust of wind pulls at her skirt.
  464. [19:03] <Flandre_> ''Kyaa! What is going on!''
  465. 06[19:03] * Flandre_ looks around the room she is in, wondering what crossed her path.
  466. 06[19:04] * Kazunari hides in the deepest shadow he can find
  467. [19:04] <@The_Announcer> Kazunari passes Flandre in the hallway, having a split second to chose between three doors on the wall
  468. [19:04] <@The_Announcer> Other options are a door to the east wing
  469. [19:04] <@The_Announcer> And a door to the staircase sakuya left through
  470. 06[19:04] * Kazunari goes after where Sakuya went
  471. [19:05] <@The_Announcer> Kazunari moves to the main hall, with the staircase going up to the second and third floors, and down to a cellar
  472. [19:05] <@The_Announcer> It is empty.
  473. 06[19:05] * Kazunari moves down to the cellar
  474. 06[19:06] * Flandre_ yelps, as the door kazu opened smashes closed behind her
  475. [19:06] <Flandre_> Ghosts!
  476. [19:06] <Flandre_> Ghosts!
  477. 06[19:06] * Flandre_ runs to the east wing.
  478. 03[19:06] * Flandre_ ( has left #The_Door
  479. 06[19:06] * Kathrine suddenly has a very bad feeling.
  480. [19:06] <@The_Announcer> Kazunari moves into the cellar, having spent mere seconds.
  481. 06[19:06] * @The_Announcer notices crevices in the walls, and two doors.
  482. [19:07] <@The_Announcer> One labled Crypt, the other labled only with ''Vintage''
  483. [19:07] <Kazunari> ....
  484. 06[19:07] * Kazunari has a bad feeling about all of this
  485. 06[19:07] * Kazunari decides to headback.
  486. 06[19:07] * Kathrine taps the rose
  487. [19:08] <@The_Announcer> Kazunari is back in the room, just as sakuya appears before the door, and knocks.
  488. 06[19:08] * Jump2224 answers the door.
  489. 03[19:08] * Sakuya ( has joined #The_Door
  490. 06[19:08] * Kazunari pats himself down, takes a deep breath, and makes sure he looks like nothing's happened.
  491. [19:08] <Jump2224> Hello, Sakuya.
  492. 06[19:09] * Sakuya walks in, ignoring jump, and paces a large silver platter with multiple teacups on the table.
  493. 06[19:09] * Kathrine walks up to Sakuya
  494. [19:09] <Kathrine> Ok. What's wrong.
  495. 06[19:09] * Kazunari gently grabs Kath's arm
  496. 06[19:09] * Sakuya looks at Kathrine.
  497. 06[19:10] * Sakuya 's eyes flash red, and then black to silver, as she takes a controlled breath, and pours the tea.
  498. [19:10] <Kathrine> It's obvious you've got something on your mind.
  499. [19:10] <Sakuya> It mostly has to do with killing all of you on sight. Sadly my Lady expressidly told me not to.
  500. 06[19:10] * Heillios frowns and waits patiently for Sakuya to finish serving the tea.
  501. 06[19:11] * Sakuya finishes the last cup, somehow bending the rules of physics.
  502. [19:11] <Kathrine> I understand what that you said that the next meeting was all buisness...
  503. [19:11] <Kathrine> but
  504. [19:11] <Kathrine> well....
  505. 06[19:12] * Sakuya prepares sugar and honey, and places them next to the five poured cups.
  506. [19:12] <Jump2224> Kath. Please, let it go.
  507. [19:12] <Jump2224> Sakuya, please. Join us for tea.
  508. 06[19:12] * Sakuya grabs the second teapot, and pours iced tea for Cirno.
  509. [19:13] <Jump2224> You do realize this is slowly killing me inside.
  510. 06[19:13] * Vovinia runs into the room
  511. [19:13] <Kathrine> Oh dear god.
  512. 06[19:13] * Vovinia stabs Sakuay
  513. 01[19:13] <Heillios> *Takes a sip of his tea.* This is wonderful. I must apologize if I've offered you any offence, Sakuya.
  514. [19:13] <Jump2224> ...
  515. 06[19:13] * Kazunari grabs Vovi's hands, lifts her into the air
  516. [19:13] <Vovinia> HI GUYS
  517. 06[19:13] * Sakuya simply stares at Vovinia.
  518. 06[19:13] * Vovinia kicks Kazunari in the chest with both feet
  519. [19:13] <Vovinia> so what happened
  520. 06[19:13] * Kazunari grunts a little, but otherwise doesn't flinch.
  521. [19:14] <Jump2224> You ruined our entire "We're not a bunch of rowdy assholes" act.
  522. [19:14] <Vovinia> oh
  523. [19:14] <Vovinia> i'm not with you guys
  524. [19:14] <Kazunari> .....
  525. [19:14] <Sakuya> Sadly, I must obey if you ask me to stay here.
  526. [19:14] <Vovinia> remember
  527. [19:14] <Kazunari> Oh good.
  528. 06[19:14] * Kazunari tosses Vovi out the door
  529. 06[19:14] * @The_Announcer suggests vovinia reads up on what happened first.
  530. 06[19:14] * @The_Announcer has already sent her a log
  531. [19:14] <Vovinia> i'm here to ses Sakuya of my own accord
  532. [19:14] <Vovinia> *see
  533. [19:14] <Vovinia> anyways gimme a minute to catch up
  534. [19:14] <Kathrine> As am I.
  535. 06[19:15] * Sakuya does not touch the teapot, and simply sits down in a empty chair, crossing her arms.
  536. [19:15] <Kathrine> Sakuya, why are you mad?
  537. 06[19:16] * Sakuya puts a stare in Kathrine's face. Her eyes cold.
  538. [19:16] <Sakuya> You know exactly what happened.
  539. 06[19:16] * Kazunari quickly steps in front of Kath, holding an arm across her
  540. [19:16] <Kathrine> No, I don't. Explain.
  541. 06[19:16] * Kathrine pushes Kazu back out of the way.
  542. [19:17] <Kathrine> I don't need your protection. I need an explination.
  543. [19:17] <Sakuya> The lady is my life. By attempting to influence my priorities, i am forsaking the duty to my Lady.
  544. [19:17] <Sakuya> That is all there is to it.
  545. [19:17] <Vovinia> I'm bored :/
  546. 06[19:17] * Kazunari glances at Vovi, claps his hands together and then gives her a black rose
  547. [19:18] <Kazunari> Here, now please be quiet.
  548. 06[19:18] * Vovinia grabs Cirno and wanders off in the direction of the basement
  549. [19:18] <Kathrine> Sakuya...
  550. 06[19:18] * Sakuya fixes her eyes back on Kathrine.
  551. [19:18] <Kathrine> It's ok to want to drift, Sakuya.
  552. 06[19:18] * Sakuya blinks a few times.
  553. [19:19] <Sakuya> Do what?
  554. [19:19] <Kathrine> Errr, right. Earth-ism...
  555. [19:19] <Sakuya> /Drift/?
  556. [19:19] <Kathrine> It's ok to have priorities OTHER than your lady.
  557. 06[19:20] * Sakuya stares at kathrine, rudely insulted.
  558. 06[19:20] * Sakuya has to gasp for air to say it.
  559. [19:20] <Sakuya> O-
  560. [19:20] <Sakuya> OTHER then my Lady?
  561. 06[19:20] * Kazunari frowns
  562. 06[19:20] * Sakuya just keeps her mouth open, unable to believe what this woman is saying.
  563. [19:21] <Kazunari> Having a singualr reason for living does not create a meaningful exsistance
  564. [19:21] <Kathrine> Yuh.
  565. 06[19:21] * Sakuya closes her mouth, and turns it into a half grin.
  566. [19:21] <Kathrine> You
  567. [19:21] <Kathrine> *You've been here for hundreds of years.
  568. [19:21] <Kathrine> Please, just consider what we're saying.
  569. [19:21] <Kathrine> Please.
  570. [19:21] <Sakuya> You have no idea what you are talking about.
  571. [19:22] <Sakuya> You don't even understand what I /do/.
  572. 06[19:22] * Sakuya moves forward slightly, leaning into the group.
  573. 06[19:22] * Jump2224 edges forward, prepared to take a defensive position if necessary
  574. 06[19:22] * Vovinia runs back into the room waving Cirno around
  575. [19:22] <Sakuya> Imagine what would happen, If i took my eyes from my Lady.
  576. 06[19:22] * Heillios leans in as well.
  577. [19:23] <Sakuya> /imagine/.
  578. 06[19:23] * Vovinia shoves Cirno in front of Sakuya hiding behind her
  579. [19:23] <Vovinia> well Sakuya
  580. [19:23] <Kazunari> Imagine if you had another reason for exsisting?
  581. [19:23] <Kathrine> I'd imagine that you'd be happier!
  582. [19:23] <Vovinia> i'd guess she would ravage gensokyo
  583. [19:23] <Kazunari> I've been down that route before, Sakuya.
  584. 06[19:23] * Sakuya moves back, her back against the chair.
  585. [19:23] <Kazunari> Maybe not as long as you have
  586. [19:23] <Vovinia> and you're keeping her in check
  587. [19:23] <Kazunari> But I've seen where it leads.
  588. 06[19:23] * Kazunari pushes his headband completely off his eyes
  589. [19:23] <Kazunari> You'll destroy yourself.
  590. [19:24] <Kazunari> You'll destroy your lady.
  591. [19:24] <Sakuya> She would kill every single youkai and human in Gensokyo. Indeed.
  592. [19:24] <Kazunari> You'll destroy everything you care about.
  593. [19:24] <Jump2224> Everyone.
  594. [19:24] <Sakuya> And after that, She would simply cross over to /your/ world, and continue her rampage there...
  595. [19:24] <Jump2224> If Sakuya is happy here, we have no right to subvert that.
  596. [19:24] <Kathrine> B-but
  597. 06[19:24] * Vovinia coughs and whispers something about Reimu and hacking
  598. [19:24] <Sakuya> Luckly for you, I love my lady.
  599. [19:24] <Kathrine> John! How can you say that!
  600. 06[19:25] * Vovinia whistles grabs cirno and wanders out of the room again
  601. [19:25] <Sakuya> And I will protect her from herself until the day I can no longer.
  602. 03[19:25] * Vovinia ( has left #The_Door
  603. [19:25] <Kazunari> Protect herself?
  604. [19:25] <Kazunari> Or protect /yourself/
  605. 06[19:26] * Sakuya gazes at Kazunari, startled.
  606. [19:26] <Sakuya> Her life is my life, Kazunari.
  607. [19:26] <Sakuya> If she dies, Then I am already dead.
  608. 06[19:26] * Kazunari crosses his arms
  609. [19:27] <Jump2224> Your life could be more.
  610. [19:27] <Kazunari> Well, I'm one up on you there.
  611. 06[19:27] * Jump2224 nods
  612. [19:27] <Kazunari> The one person who I lived for died in my arms.
  613. [19:27] <Kazunari> So don't you go on about this crap at *me* dammit.
  614. [19:27] <Sakuya> I'm /so/ sorry for your loss, kazunari.
  615. [19:27] <Sakuya> truly. I have /no/ idea how that feels.
  616. 06[19:28] * Sakuya stands up.
  617. [19:28] <Kazunari> How would you feel
  618. [19:28] <Kazunari> If you watched everything you'd created
  619. [19:28] <Kazunari> With your own hands
  620. [19:28] <Kazunari> Everyone you cared
  621. [19:28] <Kazunari> about*
  622. [19:28] <Kazunari> Burn
  623. [19:28] <Kazunari> To
  624. [19:28] <Kazunari> Ashes.
  625. [19:28] <Kazunari> And all of it was your fault
  626. 06[19:28] * Sakuya stops in front of the door, hand on the knob.
  627. 06[19:28] * Jump2224 puts a hand on Sakuya's shoulder
  628. [19:29] <Jump2224> Promise me you'll come to talk to us again before we leave.
  629. [19:29] <Sakuya> Kazunari. Welcome to my world. Was it Roeben who told you my past?
  630. 06[19:29] * Kazunari points at Sakuya
  631. [19:29] <Kazunari> That is my own past.
  632. [19:29] <Kazunari> I was sixteen.
  633. [19:29] <Sakuya> I have no choice but to obey your wishes. I will be back to serve dinner.
  634. [19:29] <Jump2224> Look, Sakuya.
  635. [19:29] <Jump2224> Everyone in here has had to sacrifice at one point or another.
  636. 06[19:29] * Kazunari growls and turns away
  637. [19:29] <Jump2224> Some more than others.
  638. [19:30] <Kazunari> Don't bother Jump
  639. [19:30] <Kazunari> She won't listen.
  640. [19:30] <Kazunari> She obviously can't feel anything anymore.
  641. [19:30] <Sakuya> Kazunari. Next time you describe something horrible to me, /please/ consider that such a experience might have already be had.
  642. [19:30] <Jump2224> Kazu lost everything.
  643. 06[19:30] * Sakuya opens the door. ''Make that two.'' and then slams it behind her.
  644. [19:30] <Jump2224> I outlived my entire family. I had to watch each of them die.
  645. [19:30] <Kazunari> Well, I'm /sorry/ you're just an emotionless bi-
  646. 06[19:31] * Kazunari stops himself, and sighs
  647. [19:31] <Jump2224> Not helping.
  648. 06[19:31] * Kathrine sighs, and slams her face against the table
  649. [19:31] <Kazunari> Uh huh, I get that.
  650. [19:31] <Kathrine> HEILLIOS
  651. 06[19:31] * Heillios frowns at this entire discussion.
  652. [19:31] <Kathrine> WHY WERE YOU NOT HELPING US
  653. 06[19:31] * Kazunari glares at Heillios
  654. [19:31] <Kazunari> Give me one good reason not to Hard Bingo you right now.
  655. 01[19:32] <Heillios> Well excuse me, I clearly stated my intentions. I intend to keep to my word.
  656. [19:32] <Kathrine> No.
  657. [19:32] <Kathrine> Kazu, down.
  658. 06[19:33] * Jump2224 sits and sips his tea.
  659. 06[19:33] * Heillios has another sip of his tea.
  660. [19:33] <Kathrine> Please don't start fighting.
  661. [19:33] <Kathrine> Please.
  662. 06[19:33] * Kazunari snarls
  663. [19:33] <Kazunari> Fine. This time.
  664. 03[19:35] * person ( has joined #The_Door
  665. [19:35] <person> *knock knock*
  666. [19:35] <Kazunari> What?
  667. [19:35] <@The_Announcer> A soft, tired voice sounds from behind the door.
  668. [19:35] <person> Hello?
  669. 06[19:35] * Jump2224 opens the door
  670. [19:36] <Jump2224> Something wrong?
  671. 03[19:36] * person is now known as Patchouli
  672. [19:36] <@The_Announcer> A lady in a pink nightdress stands in front of you, clutching a book.
  673. [19:36] <Patchouli> I overheard what happened.
  674. 06[19:36] * Patchouli looks at her book, flipping a few pages.
  675. [19:37] <Patchouli> Can I come in?
  676. [19:37] <Jump2224> Be my guest.
  677. 06[19:38] * Patchouli nods slowly, and shuffles in, seating herself in the place Sakuya was, only recently.
  678. 06[19:38] * Patchouli draws a hexagonal shape in the air with her finger.
  679. [19:39] <@The_Announcer> From the Hexagon, A window largens. Offering a sneak peek into the kitchen.
  680. [19:39] <Patchouli> You created quite a problem.
  681. 06[19:39] * Patchouli points at the window in front of her.
  682. 06[19:40] * Jump2224 leans in to get a better look
  683. 06[19:40] * Kathrine pushes him down a bit so she can see as well
  684. [19:40] <@The_Announcer> In the window is a bloodbath, the servant fairies being systematically wiped out by flying knives.
  685. [19:41] <@The_Announcer> In the middle of it all, Sakuya.
  686. [19:41] <Patchouli> I normally don't keep tabs on her like this
  687. [19:41] <Patchouli> But she has been increasingly erratic as of late.
  688. [19:41] <Patchouli> I was about to intervene when she put a knife to your head for about ten minutes, Kathrine.
  689. 06[19:42] * Patchouli smiles
  690. [19:42] <Patchouli> Don't worry, I already know all of your names.
  691. [19:42] <Jump2224> Of course
  692. [19:42] <Jump2224> *.
  693. 06[19:42] * Kathrine is suprised
  694. [19:42] <Kathrine> Knife?
  695. [19:42] <Kathrine> Head?
  696. [19:42] <Kathrine> Ten minutes?
  697. [19:42] <Patchouli> Yeah. She stopped time for about thirty minutes in total.
  698. 06[19:42] * Kazunari crosses his arms.
  699. [19:42] <Kazunari> I felt something weird was going on.
  700. [19:42] <Patchouli> I have it recorded, but its not really interesting.
  701. [19:42] <Kazunari> Couldn't place it.
  702. [19:43] <Kathrine> What happened during these time stops?
  703. 06[19:43] * Patchouli smiles lightly.
  704. [19:43] <Patchouli> I doubt you can detect a plank length variation, Kazunari.
  705. [19:43] <Patchouli> Oh, she did a few things.
  706. [19:43] <Kazunari> I can detect varations in the Code, like Jump. Stopping time is a varation.
  707. 06[19:43] * Patchouli flicks a finger, and the image becomes that of the room
  708. [19:43] <Kathrine> Liiiiiiiiike?
  709. 06[19:44] * Kazunari glances at Jump
  710. [19:44] <Jump2224> Kazu. The Code does not reach here. This building is out of my influence.
  711. 06[19:44] * Kazunari sighs
  712. [19:44] <Kazunari> Idiot
  713. [19:44] <@The_Announcer> The picture shows Sakuya, flipping her red knife in her hands.
  714. [19:44] <Kazunari> We Code within us, remember?
  715. [19:44] <@The_Announcer> Another flick of a finger, this time the knife is close to kathrines throat.
  716. [19:44] <Kazunari> .... or maybe I can just detect variations in my own Code
  717. 06[19:44] * Patchouli waves Kazu's theories away.
  718. [19:45] <Patchouli> You have been closer to death then you have ever been in your life, probably.
  719. 06[19:45] * Patchouli slowly nods.
  720. [19:45] <Kazunari> ......
  721. 06[19:45] * Kathrine gulps, a hand on her neck
  722. 06[19:45] * Kazunari whistles slowly.
  723. [19:45] <Kazunari> Kath maybe, not me.
  724. [19:45] <Patchouli> I catched a few bits and pieces of the problem at hand.
  725. [19:45] <Patchouli> It is well intentioned, but i'm afraid that its a matter of /time/.
  726. 06[19:46] * Patchouli shrugs lazily.
  727. [19:46] <Jump2224> Hm.
  728. [19:46] <Patchouli> Its not in my place to say such things, ofcourse.
  729. [19:46] <Jump2224> Patchouli, I'd like your opinion on this matter.
  730. 06[19:46] * Patchouli looks at Jump2224, and yawns.
  731. [19:46] <Patchouli> Excuse me.
  732. [19:46] <Patchouli> Yes?
  733. [19:47] <Jump2224> I'd appreciate your opinion on this. You're far wiser than any of us, after all.
  734. 06[19:47] * Patchouli stares at him, unassuming.
  735. 06[19:47] * Patchouli smiles lightly, and nods.
  736. [19:47] <Patchouli> Sakuya is a guppy compared to me...
  737. [19:48] <Jump2224> Please. Your opinion is both respected and honored.
  738. 06[19:48] * Sakuya stops thinking, and looks up.
  739. [19:48] <Sakuya> Time.
  740. [19:49] <Sakuya> You came here right away. It's well intentioned... But too soon.
  741. [19:49] <@The_Announcer> imagine that was patchi
  742. [19:49] <Patchouli> You came here right away. It's well intentioned... But too soon.
  743. 06[19:49] * Jump2224 pays no attention to the time-space error in front of him
  744. 06[19:49] * Jump2224 looks at Kathrine
  745. [19:50] <Kathrine> ...what?
  746. [19:50] <Patchouli> Sadly, you might think you know enough about her... But the only one who knew a critical piece of information...
  747. [19:50] <Patchouli> She left just a few minutes ago.
  748. [19:50] <Patchouli> With her, the puzzle could have been solved.
  749. 06[19:50] * Patchouli sighs
  750. [19:50] <Patchouli> No matter.
  751. 06[19:50] * Kazunari taps is forehead
  752. [19:50] <Jump2224> Please, Lady Patchouli. Help us repair our mistakes.
  753. [19:50] <Kazunari> Who left?
  754. [19:51] <Kazunari> And where did they go?
  755. [19:51] <Patchouli> Vovinia, ofcourse.
  756. [19:51] <Patchouli> She is a honored guest of this mansion, and she has seen her mark.
  757. [19:51] <Patchouli> It is an Eye. A magically infused mark.
  758. [19:51] <Kazunari> Tch
  759. [19:52] <Kazunari> If it had been anyone but Vovi, I could've caught them
  760. [19:52] <Patchouli> When she said her life was her Lady, she was not joking.
  761. 06[19:52] * Patchouli smiles sadly
  762. [19:52] <Patchouli> Everything she sees feels and does is also felt by Lady Remilia.
  763. 03[19:52] * Vovinia ( has joined #The_Door
  764. [19:52] <Vovinia> >_>
  765. 06[19:53] * Jump2224 ends his summoning.
  766. 06[19:53] * Vovinia is still gripping Cirno by her wings tightly
  767. 06[19:53] * Patchouli looks at Vovinia.
  768. [19:53] <Patchouli> You are back...
  769. 06[19:53] * Patchouli smiles absently
  770. [19:53] <Patchouli> Tell them about that mark on her shoulder, dear guest..?
  771. [19:53] <Vovinia> on who's shoulder exactly?
  772. [19:54] <Patchouli> Sakuya, ofcourse.
  773. [19:54] <Vovinia> i may be missing some context here
  774. [19:54] <Jump2224> The eye on Sakuya's shoulder, Vovinia.
  775. [19:54] <Patchouli> It is shaped like an eye...
  776. [19:54] <Patchouli> She should have shown it to you when she made you a valued friend of this household...
  777. [19:55] <Vovinia> oh
  778. [19:55] <Vovinia> right
  779. [19:55] <Vovinia> she then cut herself or something
  780. [19:55] <Vovinia> and i wandered off
  781. 06[19:55] * Patchouli waves it away
  782. [19:55] <Vovinia> rather angry with her demeanor
  783. [19:55] <Kazunari> ....
  784. 06[19:55] * Kazunari sighs
  785. [19:56] <Patchouli> the letting of blood, old rituals.
  786. [19:56] <Patchouli> Specifically, that mark.
  787. [19:56] <Patchouli> I remember that she told me...
  788. [19:56] <Patchouli> That you implied she was at your house in secret.
  789. [19:56] <Patchouli> She was outraged
  790. [19:56] <Vovinia> of course not
  791. [19:56] <Vovinia> I implied Remilia could not find my house
  792. [19:56] <Vovinia> it's not static
  793. [19:57] <Patchouli> Oh? Well, fine then.
  794. [19:57] <Patchouli> I must have been sleeping...
  795. [19:57] <Vovinia> it happens :p
  796. [19:57] <Vovinia> can i take my fairy and go then?
  797. [19:57] <Patchouli> Well, from what i understand of it, she then showed you that mark
  798. [19:57] <Vovinia> yes she did
  799. [19:57] <Patchouli> And told you Remilia knew.
  800. [19:57] <Patchouli> Thank you.
  801. [19:57] <Vovinia> she did that too
  802. [19:58] <Patchouli> As you can hear from vovinia in person, everything she does is monitored.
  803. [19:58] <Patchouli> If you want to save her from her fate, It's all about that mark.
  804. [19:58] <Kazunari> .....
  805. 06[19:58] * Patchouli stands up, nearly floating to the doorway.
  806. [19:58] <Kazunari> When in doubt, kill it with fire....
  807. 06[19:58] * Kazunari nods slowly to himself.
  808. [19:58] <Patchouli> You never heard this from me.
  809. [19:59] <Patchouli> But sadly, I am most stricken by her anguish.
  810. [19:59] <Vovinia> ten bucks says Sakuya's already tried to have it removed by means magical and otherwise
  811. [19:59] <Vovinia> just saying
  812. [19:59] <Vovinia> oh hey patchy
  813. [19:59] <Vovinia> one last thing
  814. [19:59] <Kazunari> No doubt, Vovi.
  815. [19:59] <Patchouli> It will be sad to see her leave, she is an excellent rat hunter.
  816. 06[19:59] * Patchouli turns back to Vovinia.
  817. [19:59] <Vovinia> is there anything i need to know about this fairy?
  818. [19:59] <Jump2224> Patchouli. You are far wiser than any of us. Know you of any way to remove this mark, or negate it's effects?
  819. [19:59] <Patchouli> Cirno, Right?
  820. [19:59] <Vovinia> yeah
  821. [19:59] <Kathrine> Oh god, now I feel bad for pressuring her
  822. [19:59] <Vovinia> icy little minx
  823. [20:00] <Kathrine> ...
  824. [20:00] <Patchouli> She's not the wisest of fairies. don't break her head, there is not much in there.
  825. [20:00] <Kathrine> That -can't- be healthy.
  826. [20:00] <Vovinia> okay
  827. [20:00] <Vovinia> but i can do things like pull her wings off right?
  828. [20:00] <Patchouli> And... Make sure she stays in a cool envirionment
  829. [20:00] <Patchouli> Her wings regrow.
  830. [20:00] <Vovinia> and sit her next to hot ovens
  831. [20:00] <Kathrine> Please don't melt Cirno
  832. [20:00] <Vovinia> and use her to cool my computer
  833. [20:00] <Patchouli> She won't melt...
  834. [20:01] <Patchouli> But her powers will wane.
  835. [20:01] <Vovinia> will she stay immortal?
  836. 06[20:01] * Kazunari leans against a wall, looking down at his right hand
  837. [20:01] <Patchouli> Keep her in a healthy, cold and moist envirionment, and she will regrow her ice.
  838. [20:01] <Patchouli> She's a fairy who gained control over ice...
  839. [20:01] <Patchouli> No problem.
  840. [20:01] <Patchouli> Something else.
  841. [20:01] <Vovinia> will she stay immortal or not >_>
  842. [20:01] <Patchouli> I can create a portal, and send you back right now.
  843. [20:02] <Patchouli> She is a fairy first, ice elemental second.
  844. [20:02] <Vovinia> okay
  845. [20:02] <Patchouli> She is immortal.
  846. [20:02] <Vovinia> i got a date with china then
  847. [20:02] <Vovinia> but maybe later
  848. 06[20:02] * Kazunari glances up at Jump.
  849. 06[20:02] * Vovinia shruggles and wanders back into the confines of the mansion
  850. [20:02] <Kazunari> How much do you bet this could take the mark off
  851. 06[20:02] * Patchouli returns to jump.
  852. [20:02] <Patchouli> The mark is a family secret
  853. 06[20:02] * Kazunari holds his right hand up as it bursts into blue flame
  854. [20:02] <Patchouli> I have no information on it.
  855. [20:03] <Jump2224> Hm...
  856. [20:03] <Patchouli> I will research it for you.
  857. [20:03] <Kazunari> Clensing fire.
  858. [20:03] <Jump2224> Thank you, Lady Patchouli.
  859. [20:03] <Kazunari> Wait
  860. [20:03] <Jump2224> Tell me, have you seen Flandre anywhere?
  861. [20:03] <Kazunari> Family secret?
  862. 06[20:03] * Jump2224 removes the vial of blood from his coat
  863. 06[20:03] * Kazunari the flames go out.
  864. [20:03] <Jump2224> I'd like to have a word with her.
  865. [20:03] <Patchouli> East wing, i presume.
  866. 06[20:03] * Vovinia wanders out of a bookcase on the other side of the library
  867. [20:03] <Vovinia> oh hey guys
  868. [20:03] <Patchouli> probably her room.
  869. [20:03] <Vovinia> ooh bloods =D
  870. [20:03] <Kazunari> Jump
  871. 06[20:04] * Vovinia lunges for vial
  872. [20:04] <Kazunari> We can see Flandre later
  873. [20:04] <Jump2224> Could you give me directions?
  874. [20:04] <Patchouli> it is the fifth one on the second floor, all the way to the back
  875. [20:04] <Kazunari> I know where we might find a little clue about this mark.
  876. [20:04] <Jump2224> Kazunari.
  877. [20:05] <Jump2224> It's a Family Secret.
  878. [20:05] <Vovinia> ooh
  879. 06[20:05] * Kazunari starts to grin
  880. [20:05] <Vovinia> you're going to see the child!
  881. 06[20:05] * Vovinia tags along
  882. [20:05] <Kazunari> I hope you don't mind doing a little grave digging then.
  883. [20:05] <Jump2224> Split up?
  884. [20:05] <Vovinia> D=
  885. [20:05] <Kathrine> Oh dear god I'm going with Kazu
  886. 06[20:05] * Vovinia just wants to go see Flandre
  887. [20:05] <Kathrine> Corpses scare me far less than Flandre does
  888. 06[20:05] * Kazunari tosses a rose to Jump.
  889. [20:06] <Vovinia> psh
  890. [20:06] <Kazunari> Hang onto that.
  891. [20:06] <Vovinia> are you going to Flandre Jump?
  892. [20:06] <Vovinia> because you'll need me :3
  893. 06[20:06] * Kazunari tips Heillios' chair over
  894. [20:06] <Kazunari> Get up ya lazy lump.
  895. 06[20:07] * @The_Announcer cannot announce two things at the same time
  896. 06[20:07] * Heillios stands as his chair tips.
  897. [20:07] <Jump2224> Right. Splitting up is out of the options.
  898. [20:07] <Jump2224> So....
  899. [20:07] <Jump2224> I vote we go see Flandre.
  900. [20:07] <Kathrine> NOOOOO
  901. 06[20:07] * Kazunari shakes his head
  902. [20:07] <Kazunari> Let balance decide
  903. 06[20:07] * Sakuya smiles
  904. 06[20:08] * Kazunari pulls out a six sided die.
  905. [20:08] <@The_Announcer> fff
  906. 06[20:08] * Patchouli smiles
  907. [20:08] <Patchouli> I have not seen anything.
  908. [20:08] <Patchouli> I will leave you to your fate. Best of luck.
  909. 06[20:08] * Patchouli opens the door, and walks out, opening her book, without shutting the door.
  910. [20:08] <Kazunari> Even we go see Flandre, Odd we go be grave robbers.
  911. [20:09] <Kazunari> Agreed?
  912. 03[20:09] * Sakuya ( has left #The_Door
  913. 03[20:09] * Patchouli ( has left #The_Door
  914. [20:09] <Jump2224> Agreed.
  915. 01[20:09] <Heillios> No objections here.
  916. [20:09] <Kazunari> If it /is/ Even though
  917. [20:09] <Kazunari> I'll stay here with Kath.
  918. [20:09] <Jump2224> Understand, no matter what we do, we will probably draw the ire of the homeowners.
  919. [20:09] <Kazunari> If she wants.
  920. 06[20:09] * @The_Announcer will roll.
  921. [20:09] <Jump2224> Once we leave, stay on guard.
  922. [20:10] <Vovinia> psh
  923. 01[20:10] <Heillios> Though I will not assist if you desire to rob a grave.
  924. [20:10] <Vovinia> i'm only tagging along for Flandre
  925. [20:10] <Kazunari> Alright then
  926. 06[20:10] * Kazunari rolls the die
  927. 06[20:10] * Kazunari watches as it lands on a....
  928. [20:10] <Vovinia> EVEN EVEN EVEN
  930. [20:10] <@The_Announcer> 6
  931. [20:10] <Vovinia> WOOT!
  932. [20:10] <Kazunari> Flandre it is.
  933. 06[20:10] * Vovinia huggles her Cirno
  934. [20:10] <Kazunari> Kathrine, you want to stay?
  935. [20:10] <Kathrine> D:
  936. [20:10] <Kathrine> I...
  937. [20:11] <Kathrine> I'll go.
  938. [20:11] <@The_Announcer> //source used:
  939. [20:11] <Kazunari> (Goddamit man, *I* was going to use
  940. [20:11] <Vovinia> IT'S NOT RANDOM! IT'S FATE!
  941. [20:11] <Vovinia> YAY REMILIA
  942. 06[20:12] * Vovinia pulls roughly on one of Cirno's shards of ice
  943. [20:12] <@The_Announcer> Vovinia yanks out out, cluting a ice cold dagger.
  944. [20:12] <@The_Announcer> *clutching
  945. [20:12] <Vovinia> :o
  946. [20:12] <Vovinia> whee!
  947. 06[20:12] * Vovinia gives it to cirno
  948. [20:12] <Vovinia> here hold this
  949. 06[20:12] * Jump2224 reaches into his coat, making sure his firearms are ready.
  950. 06[20:12] * Jump2224 turns to Heillios.
  951. 03[20:12] * Cirno ( has joined #The_Door
  952. [20:13] <Jump2224> You're coming? Do you need a method of self defence?
  953. [20:13] <Vovinia> HOLD IT CIRNO
  954. 06[20:13] * Cirno holds the piece of her own wing.
  955. [20:13] <Jump2224> *Defense
  956. [20:13] <Vovinia> :3
  957. 06[20:13] * Cirno looks at Vovinia.
  958. 01[20:13] <Heillios> I am well equipped with magical protections.
  959. [20:13] <Jump2224> I understand.
  960. [20:13] <Cirno> It doesnt hurt or anything, but it makesme less of Strongest.
  961. [20:13] <Vovinia> >_>
  962. [20:13] <Jump2224> Vovinia, stop ripping fairies wings off. It's not good for them.
  963. [20:13] <Vovinia> fine put it back
  964. [20:13] <Vovinia> sheesh
  965. 06[20:13] * Cirno looks at the icy dagger, and back at Vovinia
  966. [20:13] <Vovinia> but i'm just going to rip it out again when we get to Flandre
  967. 06[20:13] * Jump2224 opens the door, and checks the hallway.
  968. [20:13] <Cirno> Geez! And they say I am the idiot!
  969. [20:14] <@The_Announcer> The hallway is empty.
  970. 06[20:14] * Kathrine follows Jump, moving as quietly as possible.
  971. 06[20:14] * Vovinia lazily wanders down the hallway ignoring everyone elses caution
  972. [20:14] <Jump2224> ...I just realised.
  973. [20:14] <Jump2224> We should have asked Patchi for directions.
  974. [20:14] <Vovinia> nah
  975. [20:14] <Jump2224> ...damn it.
  976. [20:14] <Vovinia> i'll get us there
  977. [20:14] <Kazunari> East wing?
  978. 06[20:14] * Vovinia points at a doorway
  979. [20:14] <Jump2224> Kazu, lead the way.
  980. 06[20:14] * Kazunari steps out into the hallway
  981. [20:14] <Kazunari> I went past Flandre earlier.
  982. [20:14] <Jump2224> Heillios, you cover the rear.
  983. [20:14] <Kazunari> So it's....
  984. [20:14] <@The_Announcer> <Patchouli> it is the fifth one on the second floor, all the way to the back
  985. 06[20:15] * Kazunari looks around
  986. 06[20:15] * Jump2224 makes good use of his apparent Leadership Talent
  987. 06[20:15] * Vovinia points at said doorway again
  988. [20:15] <Kazunari> Where are those three doors dammit.
  989. [20:15] <@The_Announcer> <Patchouli> East wing, i presume.
  990. 06[20:15] * Vovinia facepalms
  991. [20:15] <Vovinia> are you guys coming or not?
  992. 06[20:15] * Jump2224 wanders to the east
  993. 06[20:15] * Vovinia opens the door she was pointing at and shoves Cirno through it
  994. 06[20:15] * Kathrine hurries after him
  995. 06[20:15] * Kazunari glances around and starts walking
  996. [20:15] <@The_Announcer> Jump turns to the left after exiting the door, and opens the door to the left wing
  997. 06[20:15] * Heillios follows behind.
  998. [20:15] <Vovinia> sigh
  999. [20:16] <@The_Announcer> To the left is a stairway. there are six doors in front of you.
  1000. 06[20:16] * Vovinia decides she'll just head on up there and wait for them to show up
  1001. 06[20:16] * Kazunari quickly jogs up the stairs
  1002. 06[20:16] * Kathrine follows Kazunari, hoping to god this won't get them all killed
  1003. 06[20:16] * Jump2224 does the same, although with much less praying
  1004. [20:16] <@The_Announcer> Both floors are completely empty. On the second floor, you can hear the vague sound of music
  1005. 06[20:17] * Jump2224 tries to distinguish which type of music it is
  1006. [20:17] <@The_Announcer> It is a childrens tune, and someone in singing to it in a soft childish voice.
  1007. 06[20:17] * Heillios rolls his eyes while noone is looking and follows.
  1008. [20:17] <Kazunari> Jackpot
  1009. 06[20:17] * Kazunari follows the music
  1010. [20:17] <Cirno> I don't want to go here...~
  1011. 06[20:17] * Jump2224 turns and backhands Heillios, and then continues
  1012. [20:17] <Cirno> Can I go? Please?
  1013. [20:17] <Vovinia> NO
  1014. [20:17] <Kathrine> YES.
  1015. [20:17] <Vovinia> did you put your wing back or not?
  1016. 06[20:17] * Heillios ducks below the backhand.
  1017. 06[20:17] * Kathrine slaps Vovinia
  1018. [20:17] <Kazunari> Oi, quiet!
  1019. [20:17] <Kathrine> Just let her gooooo
  1020. [20:17] <Vovinia> shush kathrine
  1021. [20:17] <Vovinia> i need her wing for Flandre
  1022. 06[20:18] * Kazunari counts out the doors, walking to the fifth one.
  1023. [20:18] <Cirno> You ripped it off, Voviiiii I cant reattach it!
  1024. [20:18] <Vovinia> or she'll maul you
  1025. [20:18] <Vovinia> give me the wing Cirno
  1026. [20:18] <@The_Announcer> there is no change in the music nor the singing
  1027. [20:18] <Kazunari> ....
  1028. 06[20:18] * Cirno hands the sharp shard to Vovinia
  1029. [20:18] <Kazunari> Everyone, stand back.
  1030. 06[20:18] * Vovinia grabs it
  1031. [20:18] <Jump2224> Don't be stupid.
  1032. 06[20:18] * Vovinia stands off the side still clutching Cirno
  1033. 06[20:18] * Jump2224 takes a step back anyways.
  1034. 06[20:18] * Kazunari raises a hand to knock on the door.
  1035. [20:18] <Kazunari> I need the room to move if anything happens
  1036. 06[20:19] * Heillios is already standing towards the rear of the group, so doesn't move.
  1037. [20:19] <Kazunari> That's why I said move back.
  1038. [20:19] <Vovinia> wait
  1039. [20:19] <Vovinia> just to be sure of what the plan is here
  1040. [20:19] <Vovinia> you guys are going to open this door
  1041. [20:19] <Vovinia> i'm going to placate Flandre
  1042. [20:19] <Vovinia> then you guys can question her
  1043. [20:19] <Jump2224> AND WE ARE NOT RUSHING FLANDRE.
  1044. [20:19] <Kazunari> I am going to knock on the door
  1045. [20:19] <Kazunari> And Jump is going to offer her the blood.
  1046. [20:19] <Kazunari> I think.
  1047. [20:19] <Vovinia> no
  1048. [20:19] <Vovinia> no he's not
  1049. [20:19] <Vovinia> that will just bring remilia again
  1050. [20:20] <Vovinia> we're being watched already
  1051. 06[20:20] * Vovinia points at Cirno
  1052. [20:20] <Vovinia> I brought the camera :3
  1053. [20:20] <Kazunari> ....
  1054. [20:20] <Jump2224> ....
  1055. 06[20:20] * Kazunari holds up his right hand again
  1056. [20:20] <Jump2224> Fuck it.
  1057. [20:20] <Kazunari> Wonder if chakra enhanced fire can blind magic.
  1058. 06[20:20] * Cirno looks at Vovi, ununderstanding
  1059. 06[20:20] * Jump2224 knocks on the door
  1060. [20:20] <Vovinia> now everyone move back
  1061. 06[20:20] * Jump2224 takes a wide step back
  1062. [20:20] <@The_Announcer> The singing stops.
  1063. 03[20:20] * Flandre_ ( has joined #The_Door
  1064. [20:21] <Kathrine> wait what do you mean we don't have a plan
  1065. 06[20:21] * Flandre_ opens the door slowly, peeking out
  1066. [20:21] <Flandre_> Hello?
  1067. [20:21] <Vovinia> HI FLANDRE
  1068. 06[20:21] * Jump2224 bows
  1069. [20:21] <Jump2224> Hello, my lady.
  1070. [20:21] <Vovinia> I BROUGHT YOU A SHINY
  1071. 06[20:21] * Kazunari steps back and bows
  1072. 06[20:21] * Flandre_ erupts in a big smile
  1073. 06[20:21] * Vovinia hands Flandre Cirno's wing
  1074. [20:21] <Flandre_> Really!!!
  1075. [20:21] <Vovinia> YEP
  1076. 06[20:21] * Heillios bows to Flandre.
  1077. 06[20:21] * Flandre_ takes her wing, and looks to the shards on her wing.
  1078. [20:21] <Vovinia> see it matches =D
  1079. 06[20:21] * Flandre_ smiles
  1080. 06[20:21] * Jump2224 motions to everyone to just let Vovinia do whatever she wants so we don't all die
  1081. 06[20:22] * Kazunari looks to Jump and whispers
  1082. 06[20:22] * Kathrine can't agree more
  1083. [20:22] <Flandre_> It's in a color I don't have yet, Lady!
  1084. [20:22] <Kazunari> 'Do you think she likes roses?'
  1085. [20:22] <Vovinia> :3
  1086. 06[20:22] * Flandre_ smiles happily
  1087. [20:22] <Vovinia> it's cool amirite!
  1088. [20:22] <Jump2224> 'I don't know. I honestly have no idea.'
  1089. 06[20:22] * Flandre_ handles it, and hangs it off her wing, a slow energy keeping it in place.
  1090. [20:22] <Kazunari> ....
  1091. 06[20:22] * Kazunari gets an idea
  1092. [20:22] <Vovinia> so Flandre_ can we ask you some questions?
  1093. [20:22] <Flandre_> I dont know what a ammyright is, but i agree!
  1094. 06[20:22] * Kazunari reaches into his pocket, pulling out a Shiney Shiney.
  1095. [20:22] <Flandre_> Uhh. I dont know...
  1096. 06[20:23] * Flandre_ shifts from left to right
  1097. [20:23] <Vovinia> don't worry Remmy said we could come
  1098. [20:23] <Vovinia> but only if you want
  1099. [20:23] <Flandre_> Say, You remind me of my mother, Lady.
  1100. [20:23] <Flandre_> Are you my mother?
  1101. [20:23] <Vovinia> Nope
  1102. [20:23] <Vovinia> :3
  1103. [20:23] <Flandre_> She gave me big shiny things as well... :(
  1104. [20:23] <Vovinia> tell ya what
  1105. 06[20:23] * Kathrine is grinning ear to ear
  1106. [20:23] <Vovinia> i'll bring you a shiny every time i come to visit
  1107. 06[20:23] * Heillios unobtrusively inspects the place where Cirno's wing used to be.
  1108. [20:23] <Flandre_> They had a different type of shiny, though.
  1109. [20:24] <Vovinia> how does that sound?
  1110. [20:24] <Vovinia> oh?
  1111. [20:24] <Flandre_> It sounds great, Lady!
  1112. 06[20:24] * Flandre_ smiles
  1113. [20:24] <Vovinia> :3
  1114. [20:24] <Vovinia> here
  1115. [20:24] <Flandre_> Well, it was a different type of shiny
  1116. [20:24] <Vovinia> can we all come in your rooom
  1117. 06[20:24] * Kazunari quickly breaks the Shiney Shiney into a shard
  1118. [20:24] <Vovinia> and you can tell us a story about the different shiny
  1119. [20:24] <Flandre_> Yeah! I need people to play with!
  1120. 06[20:24] * Vovinia smiles
  1121. 06[20:24] * Flandre_ opens the door
  1122. [20:24] <@The_Announcer> Its completely empty.
  1123. [20:25] <Vovinia> Thank you Flandre_
  1124. [20:25] <@The_Announcer> The walls are white, the floor is white
  1125. 06[20:25] * Heillios narrows his eyes ever so slightly at the word "play".
  1126. [20:25] <@The_Announcer> there is only a lightblub
  1127. 06[20:25] * Vovinia goes into the room and sits in a spot on the floor
  1128. [20:25] <Flandre_> Look! This is my dollhouse!
  1129. 06[20:25] * Kazunari slowly stands up straight, smiling.
  1130. [20:25] <Vovinia> ooh
  1131. [20:25] <Vovinia> it's so pretty
  1132. 06[20:25] * Flandre_ smiles happily, pointing to an empty corner of the room.
  1133. [20:25] <Vovinia> you must take good care of it
  1134. [20:26] <Flandre_> Yeah! I dust it every day! not even Sakuya touches it!
  1135. [20:26] <Vovinia> wow
  1136. [20:26] <Vovinia> not even Sakuya?
  1137. 06[20:26] * Kazunari slowly walks towards Vovinia, motioning for everyone else to stay put
  1138. 06[20:26] * Flandre_ smiles, and nods happily
  1139. 06[20:26] * Jump2224 grabs Kazu, telling him not to move at all
  1140. [20:26] <Vovinia> How'd you manage to get her to do that Flandre?
  1141. 06[20:26] * Kazunari looks back at Jump, and winks, holding up the Shiney Shard
  1142. [20:26] <Kazunari> A gift.
  1143. [20:27] <Flandre_> She looked at me funny when I told her.
  1144. [20:27] <Vovinia> Oooh...
  1145. [20:27] <Vovinia> she must not like dollhouses
  1146. 06[20:27] * Flandre_ shakes her head
  1147. [20:27] <Vovinia> she's so silly though
  1148. 06[20:27] * Flandre_ nods
  1149. [20:27] <Vovinia> because yours is really nice
  1150. [20:27] <Flandre_> yes.
  1151. [20:27] <Flandre_> yes! yes!
  1152. 06[20:27] * Kazunari slowly starts to move towards Vovi again
  1153. 06[20:27] * Vovinia looks back into the hallway
  1154. [20:27] <Vovinia> is something wrong?
  1155. 06[20:27] * Flandre_ points to a place in the corner
  1156. [20:27] <Flandre_> I made this part myself.
  1157. [20:28] <Flandre_> Huh, Lady?
  1158. 06[20:28] * Kazunari takes a seat next to Vovi, tossing the shiney from hand to hand
  1159. [20:28] <Vovinia> oh I'm asking the other playmates to join us
  1160. 06[20:28] * Flandre_ looks at the shiny.
  1161. [20:28] <Vovinia> they seem to be suspicious
  1162. [20:28] <Flandre_> Oh, it is ok...
  1163. [20:28] <Kathrine> P-playmates?
  1164. 06[20:28] * Flandre_ smiles widely
  1165. 06[20:28] * Kazunari smiles and holds the Shiney up towards Flandre_
  1166. [20:28] <Flandre_> What is that, Mister?
  1167. 06[20:29] * Vovinia slaps it out of kazunari's hand
  1168. 06[20:29] * Flandre_ tracks it with her eyes
  1169. [20:29] <Vovinia> it's just a trinket Flandre.... it's not like the shiny's on your wings
  1170. [20:29] <Kazunari> It's yours, if you want it, Flandre_
  1171. [20:29] <Flandre_> mmm
  1172. 06[20:29] * Flandre_ smiles.
  1173. [20:29] <Flandre_> It's ok... I already had a present...
  1174. 06[20:30] * Kazunari holds up a finger
  1175. [20:30] <Kazunari> But you didn't get a present from me.
  1176. 06[20:30] * Flandre_ looks at the finger
  1177. [20:30] <Flandre_> Huh.
  1178. [20:30] <Flandre_> Oh...
  1179. 06[20:30] * Vovinia is now edging slowly out of the room as she doens't like that much blood
  1180. 06[20:30] * Flandre_ flashs with a realization
  1181. [20:30] <Flandre_> is it my birthday today?
  1182. 06[20:31] * Vovinia whispers to kathrine and jump and heillios....
  1183. [20:31] <Vovinia> i hope you guys have shinies too....
  1184. 06[20:31] * Kazunari rubs his chin, nodding slowly.
  1185. 06[20:31] * Flandre_ suddenly speaks rather sharply.
  1186. [20:31] <Flandre_> It's not my birthday, is it?
  1187. 06[20:31] * Kazunari tilts his head
  1188. 06[20:31] * Vovinia is hopefully in the hallway by now
  1189. [20:31] <Kazunari> Does it need to be your birthday to give you presents?
  1190. 06[20:32] * Flandre_ slumps her shoulders
  1191. [20:32] <Flandre_> No... It's just that the last time I got a present was from my mommy...
  1192. [20:32] <Flandre_> Oh! Can I tell you what she got me?
  1193. 06[20:32] * Kazunari holds a hand out towards the Shiney Shard, picking it up with psychokinesis and letting it float in the air
  1194. [20:32] <Flandre_> It was last year, because it hasnt been my birthday yet!
  1195. [20:32] <Kazunari> Oh? I'd love to hear that Flandre.
  1196. [20:33] <Kathrine> Ooh, ooh, I want to see!
  1197. [20:33] <Jump2224> I'd love to see it.
  1198. [20:33] <Kazunari> see* not hear
  1199. 01[20:33] <Heillios> Yes, that would be wonderful.
  1200. 06[20:34] * Flandre_ slowly pulls on her necklace
  1201. 06[20:34] * Flandre_ takes it off, revealing a tiny cross on it
  1202. 06[20:34] * Flandre_ shows the group the tiny cross.
  1203. [20:34] <Flandre_> This is it!
  1204. [20:34] <Flandre_> It's so beautiful!
  1205. [20:34] <Kazunari> Oh wow... it is beautiful...
  1206. [20:34] <Flandre_> My mommie said it would ward off evil eyes!
  1207. 06[20:35] * Flandre_ nods heavily.
  1208. [20:35] <Flandre_> It didnt work for my Mommy, though...
  1209. [20:35] <Kazunari> ....
  1210. 06[20:35] * Flandre_ looks down, and pressure increases.
  1211. 06[20:35] * Kazunari stops smiling
  1212. 06[20:35] * Vovinia is in the hallway
  1213. 06[20:35] * Flandre_ looks up, faking a smile.
  1214. [20:36] <Kazunari> Flandre, do you have an eye somewhere on you? Like your shoulder?
  1215. [20:36] <Flandre_> No... But mommy did...
  1216. [20:36] <Flandre_> she gave this to me right before she...
  1217. 06[20:36] * Vovinia whispers to Cirno
  1218. 06[20:36] * Flandre_ trails off, staying silent.
  1219. [20:36] <Vovinia> how far is her effect when she's set off?
  1220. 06[20:36] * Flandre_ stares into space
  1221. 06[20:36] * Cirno points through the window
  1222. [20:36] <Kazunari> It's alright Flandre, you don't need to talk about it anymore if you don't want to.
  1223. [20:36] <Cirno> See that mountain there?
  1224. 06[20:37] * Vovinia nods
  1225. 06[20:37] * Kathrine walks up to Flandre, and very gently hugs her
  1226. 06[20:37] * Jump2224 immediately flinches
  1227. [20:37] <Cirno> That mountain wasnt there when she went off.
  1228. 06[20:37] * Kazunari tenses slightly
  1229. 06[20:37] * Vovinia whistles
  1230. [20:37] <Vovinia> is it sight based?
  1231. 06[20:37] * Kazunari slowly stands up, moving towards Kath and Flandre
  1232. 06[20:37] * Cirno shakes her head
  1233. [20:37] <Cirno> the explosion /created/ that mountain
  1234. [20:37] <Vovinia> shit...
  1235. [20:37] <Vovinia> time to go
  1236. 06[20:37] * Heillios raises a few extra magical shields around himself.
  1237. [20:37] <Cirno> I think.
  1238. 06[20:38] * Flandre_ looks up
  1239. [20:38] <Flandre_> Are you leaving?
  1240. 06[20:38] * Vovinia grabs Cirno by her hair and starts quickly down the hallway without passing Flandre's door
  1241. 06[20:38] * Flandre_ listens to the trailing footsteps
  1242. [20:38] <Flandre_> Goodbye lady!
  1243. [20:38] <Vovinia> Bye Flandre
  1244. [20:38] <Flandre_> I hope i can see you again!
  1245. [20:38] <Vovinia> i'll see you again
  1246. [20:38] <Kazunari> Hey, Flandre.... that cross...
  1247. [20:38] <Kazunari> Do you know if there are any others?
  1248. 06[20:38] * Vovinia hurries down the stairs at the end of the hallway
  1249. 06[20:39] * Flandre_ looks at Kazunari
  1250. [20:39] <Flandre_> I don't remember... Mommy said Daddy made it for her.
  1251. [20:39] <@The_Announcer> Pressure increases further, and the air becomes harder to breathe.
  1252. 06[20:40] * Kazunari kneels down in front of Flandre, motioning behind him for the others to get ready to run
  1253. [20:40] <Kazunari> Can I see the cross Flandre?
  1254. 06[20:40] * Heillios has been ready for quite some time.
  1255. 06[20:40] * Flandre_ moves her hand to her body.
  1256. [20:40] <Flandre_> But you can't touch it!
  1257. 06[20:41] * Kazunari smiles and pulls the Shiney Shard from across the room, letting it hover in middair
  1258. [20:41] <Kazunari> I don't need to touch it, promise.
  1259. 06[20:41] * Vovinia mutters under her breath about getting to the library soon
  1260. [20:41] <Kazunari> See, look at this shiny, I'm not touching it...
  1261. 06[20:41] * Heillios slowly edges out of Flandre's line of sight, towards the library.
  1262. 06[20:41] * Jump2224 really hopes Kazu's not about to do what he thinks he's about to do
  1263. 06[20:41] * Jump2224 backs to the door
  1264. 06[20:41] * Flandre_ doesnt even register it, and instead clenches the necklace as she brings it in front of his face.
  1265. 06[20:42] * Kathrine follows behind Jump
  1266. [20:42] <@The_Announcer> Pressure increases, and the air around her becomes unbreathable.
  1267. 06[20:42] * Heillios stealthily moves to the library as soon as he's out of sight.
  1268. 06[20:42] * Kazunari leans in close, holding his breath as he looks closely at te cross
  1269. [20:42] <@The_Announcer> The ground starts moving, and the lightbulb on the cieling shakes dangerously.
  1270. [20:42] <@The_Announcer> The cross is made of Elektrum
  1271. 06[20:42] * Kathrine GETS TO THE LIBRARY
  1272. [20:43] <@The_Announcer> It seems handcrafted, certainly not stamped
  1273. [20:43] <@The_Announcer> on it, is a symbol of a red rose.
  1274. 06[20:43] * Vovinia whispers in Cirno's ear once they are in the library
  1275. [20:43] <Vovinia> find me patchy or i'll rip another wing off
  1276. 06[20:43] * Vovinia lets go of Cirno
  1277. 06[20:43] * Cirno flies off, not realizing that if she escapes, she wont have a wing ripped off at all.
  1278. 06[20:43] * Kazunari leans back and smiles, managing to say a few words
  1279. [20:43] <Kazunari> Thank you Flandre.
  1280. 06[20:44] * Flandre_ nods, and clutches the necklace tight, as pressure drops a slight bit.
  1281. [20:44] <Flandre_> C-Can you go now, Mister?
  1282. 06[20:44] * Kazunari nods slowly
  1283. [20:44] <Kazunari> Of course, Flandre.
  1284. 06[20:44] * Flandre_ starts weeping.
  1285. 06[20:44] * Kazunari stands up slowly, and turns to leave, but stops.
  1286. 06[20:45] * Kazunari pulls a small, wooden heart from around his neck, turning back.
  1287. [20:45] <Kazunari> Flandre, before I go...
  1288. [20:45] <Kazunari> I want you to have this.
  1289. 06[20:45] * Flandre_ stares at him.
  1290. [20:45] <Kazunari> It was given to me by someone very special to me...
  1291. 06[20:45] * Flandre_ wipes away a tear, and holds out her hand.
  1292. [20:45] <Kazunari> And now I'm giving it to someone very special.
  1293. 06[20:45] * Flandre_ takes back her hand
  1294. [20:45] <Flandre_> Is it from your mommy?
  1295. 06[20:46] * Kazunari shakes his head, kneeling down again
  1296. 06[20:46] * Flandre_ moves away from the Mister.
  1297. 06[20:46] * Kazunari holds it out. It's a handcrafted wooden heart, that looks like it can be split in two.
  1298. 06[20:47] * Flandre_ holds out her hand.
  1299. [20:47] <Flandre_> Is this from your Daddy, then?
  1300. 06[20:47] * Jump2224 stands near the door, watching the scene.
  1301. 06[20:47] * Vovinia waits on Cirno
  1302. 06[20:47] * Kazunari shakes his head again, letting the heart dangle by the string around it.
  1303. 06[20:47] * Cirno returns
  1304. [20:47] <Kazunari> My... girlfriend.
  1305. [20:47] <Cirno> Patchi said that if she blows, everything blows.
  1306. [20:47] <Vovinia> can patchi get us out?
  1307. 06[20:47] * Flandre_ doesnt seem to get it.
  1308. [20:47] <Vovinia> that portal she mentioned earlier
  1309. [20:47] <Flandre_> Does this mean i can be your girlfriend now?
  1310. 06[20:48] * Kazunari smiles
  1311. [20:48] <Cirno> Yeah.
  1312. 06[20:48] * Kazunari 's smile breaks into a grin
  1313. [20:48] <Cirno> Um.
  1314. [20:48] <Cirno> I dont remember what she said
  1315. [20:48] <Kazunari> If you want, Flandre.
  1316. [20:48] <Vovinia> is she close?
  1317. [20:48] <Kazunari> This heart...
  1318. [20:48] <Vovinia> i can just follow you
  1319. [20:48] <Cirno> but the portal is in section Ra to Ro
  1320. [20:48] <Kazunari> If you ever want me to come and visit, you just hold onto it with both hands, alright?
  1321. [20:48] <Cirno> i think...
  1322. [20:48] <Vovinia> okay
  1323. 06[20:48] * Vovinia grabs Cirno by her hair again
  1324. [20:49] <Vovinia> you get to keep your wings Cirno
  1325. [20:49] <Vovinia> Strongest Fairy
  1326. 06[20:49] * Flandre_ takes the heart from his hands, careful not to touch them, and cradles it.
  1327. 06[20:49] * Vovinia starts scanning the bookshelves for R's
  1328. 06[20:49] * Cirno winces.
  1329. [20:49] <Flandre_> Thank You, Mister.
  1330. 06[20:49] * Kazunari smiles softly, and stands up, turning to the door again.
  1331. [20:49] <Kazunari> You're welcome, Flandre.
  1332. 06[20:49] * Flandre_ doesnt break from looking at it.
  1333. 06[20:50] * Kazunari slowly walks towards the door, holding back tears.
  1334. 06[20:50] * Jump2224 pats him on the back, as they walk out.
  1335. 06[20:50] * Vovinia is looking for R
  1336. [20:51] <Kazunari> We're looking for anything to do with roses.
  1337. [20:51] <@The_Announcer> As kazunari walks out, music and singing can again be heard.
  1338. [20:51] <@The_Announcer> You realize now, that it is not Flandre's voice.
  1339. [20:51] <Kathrine> ...what
  1340. [20:51] <Vovinia> Heillios! Kathrine! R's get to it
  1341. 06[20:51] * Heillios summons around 20 mage-eyes and sends them looking for the proper section.
  1342. [20:51] <Vovinia> we need the R aisle
  1343. 06[20:52] * Kathrine tackles a nearby ladder, sliding down the aisles in search of the R's
  1344. 06[20:52] * Kazunari stops and turns to look back, listening to the music.
  1345. [20:52] <Jump2224> Lookit you.
  1346. [20:52] <Jump2224> Lady killer.
  1347. [20:52] <@The_Announcer> You find it without problem, it is a fifty yard walk.
  1348. 06[20:52] * Vovinia sprints
  1349. [20:52] <Jump2224> Come on. We've got to go help the others.
  1350. [20:52] <Kazunari> .... yeah.
  1351. 06[20:52] * Kazunari grabs Jump
  1352. 06[20:52] * Heillios dismisses the mage-eyes.
  1353. 06[20:53] * Kathrine runs at the R aisle
  1354. [20:53] <Kazunari> Don't tell anyone about the heart.
  1355. [20:53] <Vovinia> okay Patchy said it was between Ra and Ro
  1356. [20:53] <Jump2224> Nothing will be said.
  1357. [20:53] <Vovinia> that could be miles
  1358. [20:53] <Vovinia> so run fast
  1359. 06[20:53] * Kazunari crosses his arms, walking quickly to the R aisle
  1360. [20:53] <Kazunari> Red Roses.
  1361. [20:53] <@The_Announcer> Indeed, you walk through the magically enhanced isles for what feels like hours, and arrive at Ra-Ro
  1362. [20:53] <Kazunari> WE're looking for red roses.
  1363. [20:55] <@The_Announcer> To the end of the isle, there is a flaw in reality.
  1364. 06[20:55] * Kazunari looks to the flaw.
  1365. [20:55] <Kazunari> ... what in the world?
  1366. [20:55] <@The_Announcer> It is the same disruption that brought you to the courtyard, and probly the entrance to Roeben's closet, yet not the exit.
  1367. 06[20:55] * Vovinia whispers at Cirno again
  1368. [20:55] <Vovinia> if i asked you to freeze a message into Patchy's books how long would it be before she noticed?
  1369. 02[20:56] * Kathrine ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1370. 06[20:56] * Jump2224 walks through the disruption, head held high.
  1371. 06[20:56] * Flandre_ shrugs
  1372. [20:56] <@The_Announcer> >_>
  1373. 06[20:56] * Cirno shrugs
  1374. [20:56] <Cirno> I have no clue...
  1375. [20:56] <Cirno> Don't call me an idiot!
  1376. [20:56] <Vovinia> ...
  1377. 06[20:56] * Vovinia shakes the fairy violently
  1378. 06[20:56] * Jump2224 slightly wonders how Flandre shrugged when she is all the way back in her room
  1379. [20:56] <@The_Announcer> multiclienting is hard
  1380. 06[20:57] * Kazunari tugs Jump, and points to the Flaw in reality
  1381. [20:57] <Kazunari> Obviously, that's screwing with us.
  1382. [20:57] <Jump2224> Reality is my thing.
  1383. [20:57] <Kazunari> Wait!
  1384. [20:57] <Vovinia> answer me Cirno
  1385. [20:57] <Vovinia> i lagged
  1386. [20:57] <Vovinia> Junmp
  1387. [20:57] <Vovinia> that's our exit
  1388. [20:57] <Kazunari> We need to decide
  1389. [20:57] <Kazunari> This could be our way out.
  1390. 06[20:57] * Cirno yelps as she is shaken
  1391. 03[20:57] * Flandre_ ( has left #The_Door
  1392. [20:57] <Jump2224> It could....but....
  1393. [20:57] <Jump2224> Alright.
  1394. 06[20:58] * Vovinia smooths over Cirno's wings after she answered me....
  1395. [20:58] <Jump2224> Do we want to leave, or do we want to help Sakuya?
  1396. [20:58] <Vovinia> Calm down Cirno....
  1397. [20:58] <Vovinia> jump
  1398. [20:58] <Kazunari> I'm staying.
  1399. [20:58] <Vovinia> there will be other days
  1400. 06[20:58] * Cirno calms down, slightly.
  1401. [20:58] <Vovinia> we need to go now
  1402. [20:58] <Cirno> Um.
  1403. [20:58] <Vovinia> Flandre's on edge and i don't want to risk an event
  1404. 06[20:58] * Cirno blows, and a big sheet of ice covers the floor of the hallway
  1405. [20:58] <Cirno> This will stick for about a week
  1406. 06[20:58] * Cirno smiles
  1407. [20:58] <Vovinia> okay
  1408. [20:59] <Vovinia> can you make it say words Cirno or will that be difficult for you?
  1409. [20:59] <Cirno> You can scratch it, right?
  1410. [20:59] <Cirno> I'm not stupid!
  1411. [20:59] <Vovinia> hmm
  1412. [20:59] <Vovinia> oh
  1413. [20:59] <Vovinia> kazunari
  1414. [20:59] <Vovinia> your fire
  1415. 06[20:59] * Kazunari looks back
  1416. [20:59] <Kazunari> What do you want it to say?
  1417. [20:59] <Vovinia> Thank Remilia for her hospitality and apologize for Flandre's mood
  1418. [20:59] <Vovinia> that'll get us back in another day
  1419. [20:59] <Cirno> Cirno looks at a piece of dust.
  1420. 06[21:00] * Kazunari glances at Jump
  1421. 06[21:00] * Heillios begins a slow incantation, staring intently at the place where Cirno's wing was.
  1422. [21:00] <Kazunari> Your call, stay or go?
  1423. [21:00] <Kazunari> Or we can roll another die.
  1424. [21:00] <Vovinia> this isn't something we should Chance Jump
  1425. [21:00] <Vovinia> we need to go
  1426. [21:00] <Vovinia> NOW
  1427. 06[21:00] * Heillios places a spell to aid in the wing's regeneration.
  1428. [21:00] <Jump2224> ...
  1429. 06[21:00] * Cirno is showered in Heillios' beam of water
  1430. [21:01] <Cirno> W-What did you do that for!
  1431. [21:01] <Vovinia> shh Cirno we don't want to wake the guards
  1432. 01[21:01] <Heillios> To help your wing regenerate.
  1433. 06[21:01] * Cirno starts shaking, as her wing regrows, collecting the moisture.
  1434. [21:01] <Cirno> W-Well, i can still get cold you know!
  1435. [21:01] <Cirno> You are the Idiot!
  1436. [21:01] <Cirno> Geeeeez!
  1437. [21:02] <Vovinia> Cirno Quiet!
  1438. 06[21:02] * Vovinia shakes her again
  1439. 06[21:02] * Cirno yelps again, and starts weeping.
  1440. 01[21:02] <Heillios> Cirno, you may leave. Thank you for your assistance.
  1441. 06[21:02] * Cirno looks at Heillios. Really?
  1442. [21:02] <Vovinia> No
  1443. 06[21:03] * Vovinia is still clutching Cirno by her hair
  1444. 01[21:03] <Heillios> Yes, if you go /quietly/.
  1445. 06[21:03] * Cirno starts weeping.
  1446. [21:03] <Cirno> I want my /pond/
  1447. [21:03] <Cirno> I want to go hooome.
  1448. [21:03] <Vovinia> I have a pond Cirno
  1449. 06[21:03] * Kazunari frowns, and moves towards the ice
  1450. [21:03] <Vovinia> it's not your pond
  1451. [21:03] <Vovinia> but it's a pond
  1452. [21:03] <Kazunari> Jump, either make a decision, or I make it for you.
  1453. [21:03] <Cirno> Is there another fairy in there?
  1454. [21:03] <Vovinia> and Suwako won't be able to hit you there
  1455. 06[21:04] * Cirno tilts her head.
  1456. [21:04] <Cirno> Tell me more about this pond...
  1457. [21:04] <Vovinia> be quiet and i'll show you personally :3
  1458. 06[21:04] * Cirno nods
  1459. 06[21:04] * Jump2224 pulls out a coin
  1460. [21:04] <Vovinia> now then
  1461. [21:04] <Vovinia> sigh
  1462. [21:04] <Vovinia> I won't help you any further Jump
  1463. [21:04] <Vovinia> good luck without me
  1464. [21:05] <@The_Announcer> its 4:00 AM, and your options are limited
  1465. [21:05] <@The_Announcer> I'd not risk running into remi/saku/flan right now.
  1466. 06[21:05] * Vovinia scratches a symbol into the corner of the ice and steps through the portal
  1467. [21:05] <Jump2224> Tails, we leave. Heads, We leave anyways.
  1468. 06[21:05] * Jump2224 pulls a rock out of his coat and carves a large cross into one part of the ice. Then, he steps through the portal.
  1469. 06[21:06] * Kazunari 's left hand bursts into blue flame, and he carves Vovi's message into the ice
  1470. [21:06] <@The_Announcer> //note, has anyone been auto logging this? I have, but i'm missing a pice...
  1471. 06[21:06] * Kazunari then stands up, leaves a black rose in a random book, and steps through the portal
  1472. 06[21:07] * Heillios leaves a short message thanking Remilia for her hospitality, along with his mark, in the ice by replacing it with jet black ice.
  1473. 03[21:07] * The_Announcer is now known as Roeben
  1474. 06[21:07] * Heillios steps through the portal.
  1475. 06[21:07] * @Roeben sits in his desk chair, groggily.
  1476. [21:07] <Kazunari> (Nope, sorry Roe)
  1477. 01[21:07] <Heillios> I have it been auto-logging.
  1478. [21:07] <@Roeben> ok
  1479. [21:07] <@Roeben> send me the piece.... from....
  1480. [21:07] <Vovinia> as long as someone has it :3
  1481. [21:07] <Vovinia> shame to lose it all for nothing :P
  1482. 01[21:08] <Heillios> I'll just throw it all in paste-bin.
  1483. [21:08] <@Roeben> #
  1484. [21:08] <@Roeben> <Kazunari> (Goddamit man, *I* was going to use
  1485. [21:08] <@Roeben> #
  1486. [21:08] <@Roeben>
  1487. [21:08] <@Roeben> #
  1488. [21:08] <@Roeben> MISSING
  1489. [21:08] <@Roeben> #
  1490. [21:08] <@Roeben>
  1491. [21:08] <@Roeben> #
  1492. [21:08] <@Roeben> Vovinia> i got a date with china then
  1493. [21:08] <@Roeben> everything between that
  1494. [21:08] <@Roeben> or
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