

Apr 26th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 And then you met her two older brothers...Leviathan-kun (fucking shota) and Behemoth-sama (Delinquent Behemoth?), who threatened to torture you for all of eternity if you made Magical Girl Simurgh-chan cry like an Umineko...: (Fellgar)
  2. [X] 1 You met her while you were setting up a contract for some of your men. It was only later that you learned she was the one in charge of the not-quite-villians you'd set the contract up with... <span class="bbc_color" style="color: transparent;"> Faultline</span>: (Vindictus)
  3. [X] 1 You're dating a beautiful pale woman with black hair and bright green eyes, who seems... off whenever you see her out the corner of your eye, like there is something more to her in a direction your brain just can't follow. She's a great cook however.: (WindCall12)
  4. [X] 5 You're dating an Endbringer. Honestly, you're not sure that "dating" is the right word, since Simurgh-chan (Which is what she insists you call her. You don't want to find out what she'll do if you don't.) shows up every now and then to kidnap you and force you to have dinner with her. On the bright side, Taylor seems to like her. Actually, is that a good thing? You're not sure.: (Fellgar, Lunaryon, Selias, TheOtherSandman, mkire)
  5. [X] 6 You're dating this korean girl that you met, she reminds you of Annette when she was younger...: (Happerry, theweepingman, fitzgerald, Aleh, Xicree, Deathwings)
  6. [X] 5 You're dating this loud and boisterous blonde woman with an unsavory past...: (serra2, Tetsurō, Larekko12, megrisvernin, Carrnage)
  7. [X] 6 You're dating this solemn and formal PRT employee that you met in the aftermath of Leviathan's attack...: (MHLord, 1986ctcel, Swingline#57, minuseven, Disminded, Redon)
  8. [X] 2 You're dating this younger woman with a teenage stepson (about Taylor's age, actually) and an utterly adorable baby daughter.  She's kind of plain, with mousy brown hair, but she's utterly dedicated to her family.  Taylor likes her, loves the baby, and gets along with her stepson.: (Ack, kinglugia)
  9. [X] 4 You're dating this... younger blonde that you met after you were blackmailed by a local villain...: (mc2rpg, Da Boyz, DeAnno, Ct613hulu)
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