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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. <?php
  2. function dbmovies_page()
  3. {
  4. add_menu_page(
  5. __d('Importer tool'),
  6. __d('dbmovies'),
  7. 'manage_options',
  8. '',
  9. 'dbmovies_callback',
  10. 'dashicons-networking'
  11. );
  12. }
  13. function dbmovies_callback()
  14. {?>
  15. <div id="dt_importer" class="dt_importer_wrap">
  16. <header class="dt_importer">
  17. <div class="box">
  18. <h1><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo DT_DIR_URI; ?>/assets/img/dbmovies.png"></a> <i>by Goldregister</i></h1>
  19. </div>
  20. </header><!-- fin header.dt_importer -->
  21. <div class="dt_importer_contaiter">
  22. <div class="dt_imp_menu">
  23. <ul class="tabs">
  24. <li id="filter_year_li" class="tab-link current" data-tab="tab-1"><?php _d('Filter for year');?></li>
  25. <li id="filter_year_li" class="tab-link" data-tab="tab-0"><?php _d('Search title');?></li>
  26. <li id="single_url_li" class="tab-link" data-tab="tab-2"><?php _d('Import ID');?></li>
  27. <li class="tab-link" data-tab="tab-3"><?php _d('Status');?></li>
  29. </ul>
  30. <div id="add_data_post"></div>
  31. </div><!-- fin div.dt_imp_menu -->
  32. <div class="content">
  33. <div id="tab-0" class="tab-content">
  34. <h1 style="margin-top: 0;"><?php _d('Search content');?></h1>
  35. <form id="search_all" class="search_all">
  36. <div class="box">
  37. <input type="text" name="query" placeholder="<?php _d('Search a title..');?>">
  38. <button name="search_all_data" type="submit" class="button button-primary"><?php _d('Search');?></button>
  39. </div>
  40. <label for="page"><input type="number" name="page"></label>
  41. <label for="movie"><input type="radio" id="movie" name="type" value="movie" required checked> <?php _d('Movies');?></label>
  42. <label for="tvshows"><input type="radio" id="tvshows" name="type" value="tv" required> <?php _d('TV Shows');?></label>
  43. <?php wp_nonce_field('search-all', 'search-all-nonce')?>
  44. </form>
  45. </div>
  46. <div id="tab-1" class="tab-content current">
  47. <section style="margin: auto;width: 100%;border: 3px solid red;padding: 10px;">
  48. <h1 style="margin-top: 0;"><?php _d('Movies');?></h1>
  49. <form id="search_imdb" class="form_importer_dt">
  50. <p>
  51. <input type="number" id="imdbyear" name="imdbyear" placeholder="<?php _d('Year');?>" min="1930" max="2019" required>
  52. <input style="margin-right: 0" type="number" id="imdbpage" name="imdbpage" placeholder="<?php _d('Page');?>" min="1" required>
  53. </p>
  54. <p><input type="submit" class="button button-primary" name="search_data_imdb" value="<?php _d('Get content');?>"></p>
  55. <?php wp_nonce_field('send-imdb', 'send-imdb-nonce')?>
  56. </form>
  57. </section>
  59. <p class="desc"><?php _d('Get data from');?></p>
  60. </div>
  61. <div id="tab-2" class="tab-content">
  62. <section>
  63. <h1 style="margin-top: 0;"><?php _d('Movies');?></h1>
  64. <form id="single_url_imdb" class="form_importer_dt">
  65. <p><input type="text" name="idmovie" placeholder="<?php _d('ID Movie');?>" required></p>
  66. <p><input type="submit" class="button button-primary" name="send_id_movie" value="<?php _d('Import');?>"></p>
  67. <?php wp_nonce_field('send-movies', 'send-movies-nonce')?>
  68. <p class="desc"><?php _d('Example');?>:<strong>14564</strong></p>
  69. </form>
  70. </section>
  72. <section class="right" style=display:none>
  74. </section>
  75. </div>
  76. <div id="tab-3" class="tab-content">
  77. <h1 style="margin-top: 0;"><?php _d('Status of server processes');?></h1>
  78. <div id="result_server"></div>
  79. <form id="api_status" class="form_importer_dt">
  80. <?php wp_nonce_field('send-status', 'send-status-nonce')?>
  81. <p><input type="submit" class="button button-primary" value="<?php _d('Check server status');?>"></p>
  82. </form>
  83. </div>
  85. </div><!-- fin div.content -->
  86. <div id="resultado"></div>
  87. <div class="dbmovies_copy">&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <a href="" target="_blank">goldregister</a></div>
  88. </div><!-- fin div.dt_importer_contaiter -->
  89. </div><!-- fin div.dt_importer_wrap -->
  90. <?php
  91. // FIN HTML
  92. }
  94. /* dbmovies Ajax
  95. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. */
  97. function dbmovies_assets()
  98. {
  99. if ($_GET['page'] == '') {
  100. wp_enqueue_style('dt-importer-tool-styles', DT_DIR_URI . '/css/importer.css', '', DT_VERSION, 'all');
  101. wp_enqueue_script('dt-importer-tool-scripts', DT_DIR_URI . '/js/importer.js', array('jquery'), DT_VERSION, false);
  102. wp_localize_script('dt-importer-tool-scripts', 'DTapi', array(
  103. // Importar
  104. 'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php', 'relative'),
  105. // Mensajes
  106. 'preresultado' => __d('Searching content, wait a moment...'),
  107. 'preresultadolog' => __d('Searching and extracting data...'),
  108. 'resultadolog' => __d('Data found, completed process!'),
  109. 'resultadoerror' => __d('Error, no data...'),
  110. 'agregandodatos' => __d('Adding data...'),
  111. 'agregandodatoslog' => __d('Adding content to the database...'),
  112. 'procesocompleto' => __d('Process completed!'),
  113. 'postdataerror' => __d('Content could not be added!'),
  114. 'queryserver' => __d('Server status query...'),
  115. 'verificationsr' => __d('Verification completed!'),
  116. 'loading' => __d('Loading...'),
  117. 'getcontent' => __d('Get content'),
  118. ));
  119. }
  120. }
  122. /* Search All content
  123. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. */
  125. function dbm_search_all()
  126. {
  127. if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
  128. if (isset($_POST['search-all-nonce']) and wp_verify_nonce($_POST['search-all-nonce'], 'search-all')) {
  129. $apikey = tmdbkey;
  130. $apilang = tmdblang;
  131. $query = $_POST['query'];
  132. $page = $_POST['page'];
  133. $type = $_POST['type'];
  134. // Resolver json Search
  135. $api = wp_remote_get(tmdburl . 'search/' . $type . '?api_key=' . $apikey . '&language=' . $apilang . '&query=' . $query . '&page=' . $page);
  136. $json = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api);
  137. $data = json_decode($json, true);
  139. // resultados de la API
  140. $pagex = $data['page'];
  141. $total_results = $data['total_results'];
  142. $total_pages = $data['total_pages'];
  143. $results = $data['results'];
  144. $ct = array();
  145. $limit = count($results);
  146. $num = ($limit * $page - $limit + 1);
  147. echo '<div class="dtlist">';
  148. echo '<h1>' . __d('Page') . ' <b>' . $pagex . '</b> ' . __d('of') . ' <b>' . $total_pages . '</b> ' . __d('there are') . ' <b>' . $total_results . '</b> ' . __d('titles found') . '</h1>';
  149. foreach ($results as $ci) {
  150. $id = $ct[] = $ci['id'];
  151. if ($type == 'movie') {
  152. $title = $ct[] = $ci['title'];
  153. $year = $ct[] = substr($ci['release_date'], 0, 4);
  154. $class = 'a_import_imdb';
  155. $meta = 'idtmdb';
  156. } elseif ($type == 'tv') {
  157. $title = $ct[] = $ci['name'];
  158. $year = $ct[] = substr($ci['first_air_date'], 0, 4);
  159. $class = 'a_import_tmdb';
  160. $meta = 'ids';
  161. }
  162. $poster = $ct[] = $ci['poster_path'];
  163. // vericador
  164. global $wpdb;
  165. $consulta = "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '$meta' AND meta_value = '{$id}' ";
  166. $verificar = $wpdb->get_results($consulta, OBJECT);
  168. echo '<article id="' . $id . '">';
  169. if ($poster) {
  170. echo '<div class="img"><img src="' . $poster . '"></div>';
  171. } else {
  172. echo '<div class="no_img"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span></div>';
  173. }
  174. if ($verificar) {
  175. echo $num . ' <span class="imported">' . __d('imported') . '</span> <strong><a href="' . $type . '/' . $id . '/" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a></strong> <i>(' . $year . ')</i>';
  176. } else {
  177. echo $num . ' <span><a class="' . $class . '" data-id="' . $id . '">' . __d('Import') . '</a></span> <strong><a href="' . $type . '/' . $id . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a></strong> <i>(' . $year . ')</i>';
  178. }
  179. echo '</article>';
  180. $num++;
  182. }
  183. echo '</div>';
  184. echo '<a id="load_more_search">' . __d('Next page') . '</a>';
  186. }
  187. }
  188. die();
  189. }
  191. add_action('wp_ajax_dbm_search_all', 'dbm_search_all');
  192. add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_dbm_search_all', 'dbm_search_all');
  194. /* Get Movies
  195. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. */
  197. function dbm_get_movies()
  198. {
  199. if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
  200. if (isset($_POST['send-imdb-nonce']) and wp_verify_nonce($_POST['send-imdb-nonce'], 'send-imdb')) {
  201. // Parametros
  202. $apiyear = $_POST['imdbyear'];
  203. $apipage = $_POST['imdbpage'];
  204. $apikey = tmdbkey;
  205. $apilang = tmdblang;
  206. // Resolver json discover
  207. $api = wp_remote_get(tmdburl . 'discover/movie?api_key=' . $apikey . '&language=' . $apilang . '&sort_by=popularity.desc&page=' . $apipage . '&primary_release_year=' . $apiyear);
  208. $json = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api);
  209. $data = json_decode($json, true);
  210. // resultados de la API
  211. $page = $data['page'];
  212. $total_results = $data['total_results'];
  213. $total_pages = $data['total_pages'];
  214. $results = $data['results'];
  215. $ct = array();
  216. $limit = count($results);
  217. $num = ($limit * $page - $limit + 1);
  218. echo '<h1>' . __d('Page') . ' <b>' . $page . '</b> ' . __d('of') . ' <b>' . $total_pages . '</b> ' . __d('there are') . ' <b>' . $total_results . '</b> ' . __d('titles found') . '</h1>';
  219. echo '<div class="dtlist">';
  220. foreach ($results as $ci) {
  221. $id = $ct[] = $ci['id'];
  222. $title = $ct[] = $ci['title'];
  223. $year = $ct[] = substr($ci['release_date'], 0, 4);
  224. $poster = $ct[] = $ci['poster_path'];
  225. // vericador
  226. global $wpdb;
  227. $consulta = "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'idtmdb' AND meta_value = '{$id}' ";
  228. $verificar = $wpdb->get_results($consulta, OBJECT);
  229. echo '<article id="' . $id . '">';
  230. if ($poster) {
  231. echo '<div class="img"><img src="' . $poster . '"></div>';
  232. } else {
  233. echo '<div class="no_img"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span></div>';
  234. }
  235. if ($verificar) {
  236. echo $num . ' <span class="imported">' . __d('imported') . '</span> <strong><a href="' . $id . '/" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a></strong> <i>(' . $year . ')</i>';
  237. } else {
  238. echo $num . ' <span><a class="a_import_imdb" data-id="' . $id . '">' . __d('Import') . '</a></span> <strong><a href="' . $id . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a></strong> <i>(' . $year . ')</i>';
  239. }
  240. echo '</article>';
  241. $num++;
  242. }
  243. echo '</div>';
  244. echo '<a id="load_more_imdb_link">' . __d('Next page') . '</a>';
  245. }
  246. }
  247. die();
  248. }
  250. /* Get TV Shows
  251. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. */
  253. function dbm_get_tv()
  254. {
  255. if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
  256. if (isset($_POST['send-tmdb-nonce']) and wp_verify_nonce($_POST['send-tmdb-nonce'], 'send-tmdb')) {
  257. // Parametros
  258. $apiyear = $_POST['tmdbyear'];
  259. $apipage = $_POST['tmdbpage'];
  260. $apikey = tmdbkey;
  261. $apilang = tmdblang;
  262. // Resolver json Discover
  263. $api = wp_remote_get(tmdburl . 'discover/tv?api_key=' . $apikey . '&language=' . $apilang . '&sort_by=popularity.desc&first_air_date_year=' . $apiyear . '&page=' . $apipage);
  264. $json = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api);
  265. $data = json_decode($json, true);
  266. // resultados de la API
  267. $page = $data['page'];
  268. $total_results = $data['total_results'];
  269. $total_pages = $data['total_pages'];
  270. $results = $data['results'];
  271. $ct = array();
  272. echo '<h1>' . __d('Page') . ' <b>' . $page . '</b> ' . __d('of') . ' <b>' . $total_pages . '</b> ' . __d('there are') . ' <b>' . $total_results . '</b> ' . __d('titles found') . '</h1>';
  273. echo '<div class="dtlist">';
  274. $limit = count($results);
  275. $num = ($limit * $page - $limit + 1);
  276. // Mostrar resultados
  277. foreach ($results as $ci) {
  278. $id = $ct[] = $ci['id'];
  279. $poster = $ct[] = $ci['poster_path'];
  280. $name = $ct[] = $ci['name'];
  281. $year = $ct[] = substr($ci['first_air_date'], 0, 4);
  283. // vericador
  284. global $wpdb;
  285. $consulta = "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'ids' AND meta_value = '{$id}' ";
  286. $verificar = $wpdb->get_results($consulta, OBJECT);
  288. echo '<article id="' . $id . '">';
  289. if ($poster) {
  290. echo '<div class="img"><img src="' . $poster . '"></div>';
  291. } else {
  292. echo '<div class="no_img"><span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span></div>';
  293. }
  294. if ($verificar) {
  295. echo $num . ' <span class="imported">' . __d('imported') . '</span> <strong>' . $name . '</strong> <i>(' . $year . ')</i>';
  296. } else {
  297. echo $num . ' <span><a class="a_import_tmdb" data-id="' . $id . '">' . __d('Import') . '</a></span> <strong><a href="' . $id . '/" target="_blank">' . $name . '</a></strong> <i>(' . $year . ')</i>';
  298. }
  299. echo '</article>';
  300. $num++;
  301. }
  302. echo '</div>';
  303. echo '<a id="load_more_tmdb_link">' . __d('Next page') . '</a>';
  304. }
  305. }
  306. die();
  307. }
  309. /* status
  310. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. */
  312. function dbm_status()
  313. {
  314. if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
  315. if (isset($_POST['send-status-nonce']) and wp_verify_nonce($_POST['send-status-nonce'], 'send-status')) {
  316. // Resolver json Discover
  317. $api = wp_remote_get(dbmurl . 'status/query');
  318. $json = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api);
  319. $data = json_decode($json, true);
  320. // Resultados
  321. $status = $data['server'];
  322. $dbmovies = $data['dbmovies'];
  323. $imdb = $data['imdbscraper'];
  324. $tmdb = $data['themoviedb'];
  326. if ($dbmovies >= '76') {$color = '#da3b3b';}
  327. if ($dbmovies <= '75') {$color = '#f68b1f';}
  328. if ($dbmovies < '50') {$color = '#9bca3e';}
  329. if ($imdb >= '76') {$color1 = '#da3b3b';}
  330. if ($imdb <= '75') {$color1 = '#f68b1f';}
  331. if ($imdb < '50') {$color1 = '#9bca3e';}
  332. if ($tmdb >= '76') {$color2 = '#da3b3b';}
  333. if ($tmdb <= '75') {$color2 = '#f68b1f';}
  334. if ($tmdb < '50') {$color2 = '#9bca3e';}
  335. if ($status == 'online') {
  336. echo '
  337. <div class="skillbar clearfix" data-percent="' . $dbmovies . '%">
  338. <div class="skillbar-title"><span>dbmovies</span></div>
  339. <div class="skillbar-bar" style="background: ' . $color . '"></div>
  340. <div class="skill-bar-percent">' . $dbmovies . '%</div>
  341. </div>
  343. <div class="skillbar clearfix" data-percent="' . $imdb . '%">
  344. <div class="skillbar-title"><span>imdbscraper</span></div>
  345. <div class="skillbar-bar" style="background: ' . $color1 . '"></div>
  346. <div class="skill-bar-percent">' . $imdb . '%</div>
  347. </div>
  349. <div class="skillbar clearfix" data-percent="' . $tmdb . '%">
  350. <div class="skillbar-title"><span>themoviedb</span></div>
  351. <div class="skillbar-bar" style="background: ' . $color2 . '"></div>
  352. <div class="skill-bar-percent">' . $tmdb . '%</div>
  353. </div>
  354. ';
  355. }
  356. }
  357. }
  358. die();
  359. }
  361. /* Post Movies
  362. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. */
  364. function dbm_post_movie()
  365. {
  366. if (isset($_POST['send-movies-nonce']) and wp_verify_nonce($_POST['send-movies-nonce'], 'send-movies')) {
  367. if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
  368. $key = tmdbkey;
  369. $lang = tmdblang;
  370. $idmovie = $_POST["idmovie"];
  371. if (($idmovie != null)) {
  372. $api_1 = wp_remote_get(tmdburl . "movie/" . $idmovie . "?append_to_response=images,trailers&language=" . $lang . "&include_image_language=" . $lang . ",null&api_key=" . $key . "");
  373. $json_1 = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api_1);
  374. $data = json_decode($json_1, true);
  375. // ##########################################
  376. $imdb = $data['imdb_id'];
  377. $idtmdb = $data['id'];
  378. $api = wp_remote_get(imdbdata2 . $imdb);
  379. $omdbiurl = "" . $imdb;
  380. $apiomdapi = wp_remote_get($omdbiurl);
  381. $json_omdb = wp_remote_retrieve_body($apiomdapi);
  382. $data = json_decode($json_1, true);
  383. $data1 = json_decode($json_omdb, true);
  384. // ##########################################
  385. $a4 = $data1['imdbRating'];
  386. $a5 = $data1['imdbVotes'];
  387. $a6 = $data1['Rated'];
  388. $a7 = $data1['Country'];
  389. // ##########################################
  390. $b1 = $data['runtime'];
  391. $b2 = $data['tagline'];
  392. $b3 = $data['title'];
  393. $b4 = $data['overview'];
  394. $b9 = $data['vote_count'];
  395. $b10 = $data['vote_average'];
  396. $b11 = $data['release_date'];
  397. add_post_meta($post_id, "release_date", ($b11), true);
  399. $b12 = $data['original_title'];
  400. $a3 = substr($b11, 0, 4);
  401. $b13 = $data['poster_path'];
  402. if ($get_img = $data['poster_path']) {
  403. $upimg = '' . $get_img;
  404. }
  405. $b14 = '' . $data['backdrop_path'];
  406. $b15 = $data['images']["backdrops"];
  407. $i = '0';
  408. foreach ($b15 as $valor2) {
  409. if ($i < 10) {
  410. $imgs .= '' . $valor2['file_path'] . "\n";
  411. $i += 1;
  412. }
  413. }
  415. $b16 = $data['genres'];
  416. $generos = array();
  417. foreach ($b16 as $ci) {
  418. $generos[] = $ci['name'];
  419. }
  421. // ##########################################
  422. $api_2 = wp_remote_get(tmdburl . "movie/" . $idmovie . "/credits?append_to_response=images,trailers&language=" . $lang . "&include_image_language=" . $lang . ",null&api_key=" . $key . "");
  423. $json_2 = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api_2);
  424. $data2 = json_decode($json_2, true);
  425. // ##########################################
  426. $c1 = $data2['cast'];
  427. $i = '0';
  428. foreach ($c1 as $valor) {
  429. if ($i < 10) {
  430. $actores .= $valor['name'] . ",";
  431. $i += 1;
  432. }
  433. }
  435. $i = '0';
  436. foreach ($c1 as $valor) {
  437. if ($i < 10) {
  438. if ($valor['profile_path'] == null) {
  439. $valor['profile_path'] = "null";
  440. }
  441. $d_actores .= "[" . $valor['profile_path'] . ";" . $valor['name'] . "," . $valor['character'] . "]";
  442. $i += 1;
  443. }
  444. }
  446. $c2 = $data2['crew'];
  447. foreach ($c2 as $valorc) {
  448. $departamente = $valorc['department'];
  449. if ($valorc['profile_path'] == null) {
  450. $valorc['profile_path'] = "null";
  451. }
  452. if ($departamente == "Directing") {
  453. $d_dir .= "[" . $valorc['profile_path'] . ";" . $valorc['name'] . "]";
  454. }
  455. if ($departamente == "Directing") {
  456. $dir .= $valorc['name'] . ",";
  457. }
  458. }
  459. // ##########################################
  460. $api_3 = wp_remote_get(tmdburl . "movie/" . $idmovie . "/videos?append_to_response=images,trailers&language=" . $lang . "&include_image_language=" . $lang . ",null&api_key=" . $key);
  461. $json_3 = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api_3);
  462. $data3 = json_decode($json_3, true);
  463. // ##########################################
  464. $d1 = $data3['results'];
  465. foreach ($d1 as $yt) {
  466. $youtube .= "[" . $yt['key'] . "]";
  467. break;
  468. }
  470. // added by Lava
  471. $hours = ltrim(gmdate("i", $b1), 0);
  472. $minutes = ltrim(gmdate("s", $b1), 0);
  474. $hours = empty($hours) ? 0 : $hours;
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  545. /* Post TV Shows
  546. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  547. */
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  572. $votos = $data2['vote_count'];
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  599. }
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  602. $estudios .= $ht['name'] . ",";
  603. }
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  607. }
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  610. $ag['profile_path'] = "null";
  611. }
  612. $creador_d .= "[" . $ag['profile_path'] . ";" . $ag['name'] . "]";
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  617. break;
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  619. // ##########################################
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  623. // ##########################################
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  629. $i += 1;
  630. }
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  637. $valor['profile_path'] = "null";
  638. }
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  644. // ##########################################
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  648. // ##########################################
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  704. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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  723. ?>
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