

Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. ♡HOMERUN♡
  3. USERNAME: GlisteningHobi
  5. PASSWORD: BTS & Ateez
  9. ♡FISH♡
  11. BIRTH NAME: Jung Hyerin
  13. OTHER NAME: Hailey Jung
  15. STAGE NAME: Hailey
  17. NICKNAMES: Ley | Ailey | Eomma | Rinnie | Hye
  19. BIRTHDAY+AGE: 15th May 1995 + 24
  21. BIRTHPLACE: Ilsan, South Korea
  23. HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
  25. NATIONALITY: Korean
  27. ETHNICITY: Korean
  29. WEIGHT: 53kg
  31. HEIGHT: 162cm
  33. LANGUAGES: Korean
  35. ♡REWIND♡
  37. FACE CLAIM: Wheein (Mamamoo)
  39. BACK UP FACE CLAIM: Seulgi (Red Velvet)
  42. + Mother-like; she looks over her members like a mother would and guides them through tough situations including when they are going through scandals and the death of their member Jin Ae. She goes with her members everywhere they go when possible and always want to make sure that they are being careful and cautious of difficult or dangerous situations.
  43. + Open; she is not someone who tends to hide stuff that needs to be spoken about and this is where she is similar to TEENAGER. From a young age, she was taught to always speak up about injustice. She
  44. + Scary; she has what is known as RBF (resting bitch face) and this makes her look unapproachable and scary. To an extent, she can be a bit like this sometimes and that is when she has been put in a foul mood by someone or something. When this happens, she usually becomes a lot more stricter.
  45. + Closed-off; she doesn't really talk to people about her deep emotions and only talks about stuff she is feeling on the outside when it comes to herself. She can gladly talk about deep emotions when it comes to her members but won't when it comes to her.
  46. + Wise; she is really good at giving advice about situations that are hard to deal with. She is the person you go to when you need the cold hard truth or just a piece of honest advice.
  47. + Strong; she is strong in the fact that it takes a lot to break her. She gets through issues head on instead of trying to worm her way around them.
  48. + Supportive; she provides encouragement and emotional help when needed for her members. She is someone who works hard in the background because she doesn't need everyone to see her good deeds. If anyone needs to talk about hardships, she always welcomes her members into her room to talk.
  49. + Apprehensive; she is always anxious that something bad will happen to people that are closest to her especially since her parents died in the car crash. She is very over-protective of her members because she doesn't want anything bad to happen to them.
  50. + Responsible; as she is the leader, she has control over the other members and knows how to get jobs done. She is goodd at organising events and sessions and she knows her members wants, needs and skills.
  51. + Lonely; since she doesn't like to burden people with her own feelings, she feels lonely because nobody really knows how she truly feels except her brother Harrison who she talks to almost everyday. She feels the need to always be strong around her members so she doesn't like to show vulnerability.
  55. She grew up in Seoul, South Korea with her parents and her adopted brother Harrison. Her mum worked as a neurosurgeon and her dad was a policeman. She never really had any friends in school and was usually found alone listening to music or reading a book. She was extremely close to her family especially Harrison since they were close in age and had similar interests in music and art. She also had a major passion for acting and started acting when she was 12 years. It was Harrison that first got her interested in dance and then she decided that she wanted a career in it. For a long time, her dream was to be a dance instructor but when she got to university, she realised her true dream of being an idol because of idols like Ailee, Dara from 2ne1 and many other artists. She found it hard to connect with people, therefore, meaning she never really had any relationships minus her family. She found it a lonely time but she pushed through it. She may not have much experience in the area of love but she sure does have a lot to give. When she was with her family, she was very energetic and playful since she was comfortable being around them. Sadly, while she was living on campus in university, her parents died in a 12-car pile-up while on their way to visit her. This was one of the reasons why she is a very closed off person. It was also because of the death of her parents that she is always so cautious with her members. She and Harrison helped each other get through their death. She found comfort in listening to music by herself and dancing. When she found out about the death Jin Ae, she was devastated she was close to all of her members and losing a member felt like losing a part of her or like losing her sister. She was absolutely heart broken however, she had to hide these feelings as to not bring down the spirits and be a role model for her members. The only person who knew how she really felt about her death was her brother Harrison.
  59. TRIVIA:
  60. + She has been acting since she was 12 years old but has never got a chance to act in a drama. Only plays while she was in school.
  61. + Hyerin has a really good memory and can memorise things in a short space of time.
  62. + She hates doing aegyo and will usually do anything she can to avoid doing it.
  63. + She goes to the gym frequently and is a major health freak. She makes healthy smoothies and meals.
  64. + She is a very good cook and frequently cooks meals for her members.
  65. + She is allergic to cat hair.
  66. + She is allergic to sesame.
  67. + She has emetaphobia which is a fear of vomit.
  68. + She has thanatophobia which is the fear of the death of a loved one.
  69. + She is ambidexterous
  71. SLOT: Fly
  73. BACKUP SLOT: Teenager
  75. LOVE INTEREST: Seunghoon (Winner)
  80. + Confident; he is very secure in himself and does not shy away from people. He is able to speak his mind and socialise with people very easily.
  81. + Sharp-tongued; he is really good at insulting people and he knows how to insult people where it will actually hurt them. He only does this when the person has truly offended him.
  82. + Impulsive; he is quite impulsive and does not think before he acts which could be good but also could land him into some trouble.
  83. + Dirty-minded; he has a very corrupted mind because of his two older brothers. He never misses an opportunity to say a dirty comment or to point something that someone said that sounds really dirty. However, he knows when it is not appropriate to say something.
  84. + Nonconformist; he does not like being the same as other people and he prides himself on being true to himself and his values.
  85. + Understanding; he is a very understanding guy and he is a really good person to have deep conversations with since he has a different outlook on life.
  86. + Witty; he is good a just making jokes on the fly and can bounce off from others people's jokes like improvisation.
  88. WHAT HE THINKS OF HER: He thinks she is too closed off and that she doesn't deserve all the bad things that are happening and all the stress. He thinks she is beautiful, hard-working and dedicated and he admires how she always tries her best to look after her members. He feels like she has something that is bothering her but she doesn't seem to mention it and he doesn't want to pry into her personal life as if he is interrogating her.
  90. WHAT SHE THINKS OF HIM: She likes how free and relaxed she can be with him. She can do all of the things that she has wanted to do because she is in a more relaxed environment when she is around him. She likes how he is there for her and patient even when she is being an absolute bitch.
  92. HOW THEY MET: They at a mutual friends birthday party in a private club and as they were all introduced, Seunghoon and Hyerin were immediately drawn to each other. Throughout the night, they drank, talked and sang and danced very closely. That same night, they also exchanged phone numbers to keep in contact.
  95. + Beginning |
  96. Friends; They had met through mutual friends of theirs. They had exchanged phone numbers and talked on the phone here and there. They had definitely formed a physical attraction after about a month of knowing each other and wanted to get to know each other more.
  97. + Middle |
  98. Dating; After talking for a while, feelings started forming and soon, he asked her to be his girlfriend. She said yes because of how incredibly close they had gotten and how much less lonely and isolated she felt with him. Their relationship was ideal since they both had each other's best interests in mind and didn't want to put too much pressure on them however, they still had each others back for emotional support. They were a very close and affectionate couple always kissing and spooning.
  99. + End |
  100. (If he is the killer) She storms over to his place and attacks him, needing some of her members and his to hold her back. She is distraught and heartbroken by how about how he could lie right to her face.
  101. (If he is not the killer) She distances herself from him since she was so distraught from the news and then they just kind of stop talking altogether. She found out that he knew who killed Jin Ae and just didn't tell her and that made her angry and hurt.
  102. OR
  103. She distances herself from him for about a week and breaks up with him because she needs space after finding out the news that one of his members killed Jin Ae. She breaks up with him as she sees it as not healthy in her current state after finding out the news to continue with the relationship but she did say that once she is feeling more stable, there was a good chance that they could get back together. A few months later, she reaches out to him and they get back together because she sees that she was her happiest state whilst in the relationship.
  108. + Just Right | JUST RIGHT is another one of her concerns because of how badly she is taking the death. She is used to seeing such an energetic and bubbly person but now she only sees a broken girl drowning in her own tears. She wants to help her get back on her feet. Also Hyerin was someone who supported her throughout her whole scandal and gave her emotional support when she needed it.
  110. + Teenager | She can relate to TEENAGER in many aspects however, sometimes Hyerin can get very annoyed at her for being stubborn and at how easily annoyed she can get. They are similar in the sense that she will openly stand up for the things she believes in and refuses to be shut down by anyone. She always likes to help her out and give her advice when she needs it. They are quite close due to the similarities they share.
  112. + Hard Carry | Hyerin knows how much hate she gets because she "doesn't contribute anything except looks" and is always assuring her that it is not true. She is always telling her how her behaviour can come across to people because Hyerin knows that HARD CARRY is an amazing and talented girl but people only see her for being narcissistic and she hates that. She hates that such a minor side of her personality overshadows such talent and grace she holds.
  114. + Look | She knows how hard she took Jin Ae's death and so does what she can to make sure she is okay. She sometimes pulls her to her room to have a talk about how she is coping with the current circumstances. She is genuinely worried about LOOK and wants to make sure she has the support of her friends and family. LOOK is her biggest concern and tries to do what is best for LOOK's mental health and wellbeing.
  116. + Lullaby | She loves her members dearly however she hates the fact that they could replace their old maknae. She hates when people refer to her as the "new maknae" because it just feels like they are forgetting about Jin Ae. She loves Lullaby but she doesn't like that they are trying to force being the maknae on her when it is clear that she is not comfortable with that title. She doesn't want her to recieve hate and does everything she can to protect her.
  118. RELATIONSHIP WITH JIN AE: Their maknae was one of the few people she could connect with because minus her family, she could never really connect with anyone. She trusted their maknae and would do anything for her. Their maknae felt like a little sister to her. Even though there was an age difference, they still got along perfectly well.
  120. WHAT DOES SHE THINK ABOUT STARSTRUCK?: She believes in the philosophy of "innocent 'til proven guilty" and so for this reason, she couldn't bring herself to hate them however, she couldn't help but always look at certain members weirdly just because of that small seed of doubt put in her mind by JUST RIGHT.
  122. HOW DOES SHE FEEL ABOUT JIN AE'S DEATH?: She is probably the most shaken up by the maknae's death not only because it was their maknae but also because she has lost people she truly cares about before and it was getting harder and harder to cope with. She can't stand the fact that she is gone.
  126. MESSAGE TO ME: Goodluck with the apply fic. If there is anything I need to improve on, just tell me and I will quickly change it.
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