
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 4

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:34 PM - MORE MEKTON: Last time, you had just finished making your way down the hill on the Flal colony world, heading back to your pickup point, when you were advised about three hostiles waiting in ambush on-site.
  2. 8:36 PM - MORE MEKTON: Creeping down the hill and hugging the rocks to avoid being a blip on anyone's sensors, you peek your head between a gap in the rocks to overlook the beach. While you don't see anything down below, your radar picks up three shapes on the cliffs. Two on your side of the beach, and one on the opposite side. They don't seem to have noticed you yet, having their guns focused on the beach.
  3. 8:37 PM - MORE MEKTON: Giving them a quick look-over, you confirm that they're definitely Flal in make. Between the smooth, rounded black shapes and crabclaw-like hands with mostly featureless heads, there's no doubt about it.
  4. 8:38 PM - Kari: (Can I manage to move through the cliffs without being detected?)
  5. 8:38 PM - Kari: (Will they mask my radar sig as long as I stay low?)
  6. 8:39 PM - MORE MEKTON: Sure, why not. But you'll need a Piloting roll of uh... 12, sounds about right, to avoid making loud stompy noises.
  7. 8:39 PM - Kari: (Right. So for refresher, that's 1d10+WR+Skill, yeah?)
  8. 8:39 PM - MORE MEKTON: MR, but yes
  9. 8:39 PM - Kari: (MR. Right. Heh. Thanks.)
  10. 8:40 PM - Kari: (13)
  11. 8:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: Nailed it. You successfully manage to creep down the path further, hugging the cliffs and staying low to avoid detection.
  12. 8:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: Put yourself into position.
  13. 8:41 PM - Kari: (Down the path? Or through the hills the two on my side?)
  14. 8:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: Wherever you intended to go
  15. 8:41 PM - Kari: (Okay. How far?)
  16. 8:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: Mmm, we'll say twice your Land MA, just to avoid making too many unnecessary rolls
  17. 8:42 PM - Kari: mmk
  18. 8:42 PM - Kari: (Autocanon and blade are drawn)
  19. 8:44 PM - MORE MEKTON: Alrighty, sounds good. Your sneakie breekie has put you right behind two of your opponents, poised to strike. Looks like you've got the drop on 'em, now's your chance!
  20. 8:45 PM - Kari: (Right. Actually, side question before we begin, since weapons are stored externally, are my swords (listed as internal on the arms) attached, or just concealed?)
  21. 8:45 PM - Kari: (Either way works, I just wanted to know if there was a specific thing for say, a mounted blade)
  22. 8:45 PM - MORE MEKTON: I guess that's a fluff point. Technically speaking, if they got hit, they'd get armor protection since they're listed as "internal".
  23. 8:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: It's considered mounted to the arm, so the respective hand is free.
  24. 8:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: Otherwise, externak weapons like your rifle are assumed to have a place to "clip" onto for free
  25. 8:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: external*
  26. 8:46 PM - Kari: (Ooooh. Alright then~. Cool. Then I can go ahead and make them mantis-style blade attachments. Sick~. Thanks, Senpai.)
  27. 8:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: Ayup
  28. 8:49 PM - Kari: (Shit. brb. need to take care of something)
  29. 8:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: okie dokes
  30. 8:54 PM - Kari is now Online.
  31. 8:54 PM - Kari: (Okay! Apologies. Minor emergency. All good now.)
  32. 8:55 PM - MORE MEKTON: alrighty then, ball's in your court
  33. 8:55 PM - Kari: If I take time to aim my shot, they get a chance to spot me, don't they?
  34. 8:55 PM - MORE MEKTON: yep
  35. 8:55 PM - MORE MEKTON: don't forget that for flanking directly from the back, you get an extra +2 to hit, too
  36. 8:56 PM - Kari: (Roger. Is there a penalty for firing the same weapon more than once in a turn?)
  37. 8:56 PM - MORE MEKTON: nope.
  38. 8:57 PM - MORE MEKTON: two actions a turn though, don't forget, and the aim bonus will only apply to one if you use this little sneak attack advance to line up a shot
  39. 8:57 PM - Kari: (I get ya.)
  40. 8:59 PM - Kari: (1d10+MR+Skill again for attacks, right?)
  41. 8:59 PM - MORE MEKTON: ayup
  42. 8:59 PM - Kari: Kari takes care in shifting her mekton through the rocky cliffs, encroaching on her would-be ambushers. Managing to just just under the notice of their radar, using the craggy surfaces to distort her profile, the tables have now turned. In prime position, only a relatively short distance away, Kari levels the barrel of her autocannon with the backside of the Flal Mekton, and unleashes a hail of bullets. (17)
  43. 8:59 PM - Kari: (Actually, I'm going to spend 1 point of luck and force the crit.)
  44. 9:00 PM - MORE MEKTON: maximum overfuckage
  45. 9:00 PM - Kari: (23)
  46. 9:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: wow
  47. 9:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: 2
  48. 9:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: Congrats. Pick your chart.
  49. 9:02 PM - Kari: (How many hits?)
  50. 9:03 PM - MORE MEKTON: 1 sec...
  51. 9:03 PM - MORE MEKTON: ...all of them.
  52. 9:03 PM - Kari: (All of them, any chart?)
  53. 9:03 PM - MORE MEKTON: Yes.
  54. 9:04 PM - MORE MEKTON: He's probably been swissed, but he might get lucky maybe.
  55. 9:05 PM - MORE MEKTON: Don't forget to track your ammo, and since this is a real fight, don't reset any of the values or damage after the fact
  56. 9:05 PM - Kari: (Got it, boss.)
  57. 9:08 PM - Kari: (Figuring out just how much this guy got fucked?)
  58. 9:08 PM - MORE MEKTON: yeeep
  59. 9:08 PM - MORE MEKTON: sorry, didn't realize it was taking this long
  60. 9:08 PM - Kari: (Heheh. No worries. I just wanted to know if I needed to say anything. =^_^=)
  61. 9:08 PM - MORE MEKTON: reroll that flight hit
  62. 9:09 PM - MORE MEKTON: he's dead. Plain and simple. 10% chance to fail, and he fails it. His plant explodes. Lemme fluff this nice
  63. 9:09 PM - Kari: (*Giddy laugh*)
  64. 9:10 PM - MORE MEKTON: also, it wouldn't have affected the result anyway, but you remembered the Autocannon's -2 WA, right?
  65. 9:10 PM - Kari: (I forgot to add that. Shit. I'll remember that next time. Apologies.)
  66. 9:11 PM - MORE MEKTON: just a reminder is all, no worries
  67. 9:14 PM - MORE MEKTON: Creeping out from behind your rocky cover, you use both of your Mek's hands to steady the shot. Kneeling and perfectly still, you unleash a devestating burstfire from your Autocannon, compensating perfectly for every impact of the harsh recoil. The strikes scatter around the Mekton entirely, nailing it in the head, multiple times in the torso, and causing its handheld weapon to explode in a fierce fireball. Taking a step back from the sudden explosion of its weapon, the Mekton trips on a loose footing of rocks, and you take the opening as an opportunity to continue your sustained fire. Two strikes blast clear through the now-armorless torso, apparently striking something vital as the Mek collapses to the rocks face-down. It begins smoking and sparking fiercely, almost resembling the terminals Mr Crabman punched to shit, but probably a little worse. Then with an earsplitting roar and an enormous blue explosion of fire, the Mekton is reduced to tiny shrapnel and bits of scrap. A sizeable crater remains behind to mark where the Mekton once stood.
  68. 9:16 PM - MORE MEKTON: This, obviously, draws the attention of the remaining two Flal Mektons. Your element of surprise is gone, and they're probably not happy that their friend just got vaporized. But hot /damn/ was that a helluva shot.
  69. 9:17 PM - Kari: (The other Flal near me is in my firing arc, yes?)
  70. 9:17 PM - MORE MEKTON: Yep
  71. 9:17 PM - Kari: (Awesome~)
  72. 9:22 PM - Kari: (Do I get a +1 flanking bonus?)
  73. 9:23 PM - Kari: (Against unit B that is)
  74. 9:23 PM - MORE MEKTON: ayup
  75. 9:23 PM - Kari: (Sick~)
  76. 9:23 PM - MORE MEKTON: not a +2 since it isn't directly behind
  77. 9:23 PM - Kari: (Da. I saw the image that talked about it.)
  78. 9:24 PM - Kari: As the mekton goes up in flames, Kari activates her PA system and starts to ramble as she shifts for her next shot. "AHAHAHAHA! Your cowardly tactics are no match for a born hunter!" Standing her mek upright, she puffs out the chest and unleashes a torrent of rockets at other nearby Flal. Her mocking laughter rings out as she unleashes a salvo of eight rockets. (7+5+1-1+1 = 13. Spending 3 luck to force a crit. 10+5+1-1+1+7 = 23)
  79. 9:25 PM - MORE MEKTON: geez, starting off with a bang it seems
  80. 9:25 PM - MORE MEKTON: o deer
  81. 9:25 PM - MORE MEKTON: might not have been worth it~
  82. 9:25 PM - MORE MEKTON: 26
  83. 9:25 PM - Kari: (The faster they die, the less damage I take)
  84. 9:25 PM - Kari: (Sh-shit!)
  85. 9:27 PM - MORE MEKTON: Reacting with unparalleled speed, the Mekton backflips over your 8-burst stream of scaled-up explosives, a maneuver that seems virtually impossible for such a visibly low-grade machine.
  86. 9:27 PM - MORE MEKTON: It focuses its attention on you in an instant, raising its rifle.
  87. 9:27 PM - MORE MEKTON: Time for the real combat to start, roll initiative! 1d10+MR, no skill
  88. 9:28 PM - Kari: (9)
  89. 9:29 PM - MORE MEKTON: You take the initiative! Recovering from the nearly impossible acrobatics the second Mek performed to avoid your fire, you prepare yourself for another action.
  90. 9:29 PM - MORE MEKTON: 2 more actions, get poppin.
  91. 9:29 PM - Kari: (Right. I'm assuming I have slow movement from the terrain?)
  92. 9:29 PM - MORE MEKTON: Ayup.
  93. 9:29 PM - MORE MEKTON: Unless you fly.
  94. 9:30 PM - MORE MEKTON: Don't forget you can fly half your flight for 1 action.
  95. 9:30 PM - MORE MEKTON: Full flight for 1 turn, half land for free, full land for 1
  96. 9:30 PM - Kari: (Damn.)
  97. 9:30 PM - MORE MEKTON: Can always try for another dropkick if you're feeling cocky~
  98. 9:31 PM - MORE MEKTON: Though you don't have any luck left, by my count
  99. 9:31 PM - Kari: (I have 1)
  100. 9:31 PM - Kari: (I've spent 4)
  101. 9:31 PM - MORE MEKTON: thought you spent 5? 2 on the first shot, 3 on the second
  102. 9:31 PM - Kari: (1 on the first)
  103. 9:32 PM - MORE MEKTON: oh, whoops
  104. 9:32 PM - MORE MEKTON: yeah, there it is. Gotcha
  105. 9:32 PM - Kari: (Still in a bad spot.)
  106. 9:33 PM - Kari: (I can't even fly to him at this distance. Wish I could, I'd just hit him with a blade. What does he have for his handheld weapon?)
  107. 9:33 PM - MORE MEKTON: You /can/ fly to him though? You have 8 Flight MA
  108. 9:33 PM - Kari: I mean with a half-move
  109. 9:34 PM - MORE MEKTON: Half that is 4.
  110. 9:34 PM - MORE MEKTON: And flight isn't affected by terrain.
  111. 9:34 PM - Kari: (But I have to turn)
  112. 9:34 PM - MORE MEKTON: oooh, right
  113. 9:35 PM - Kari: (What's his hand-held?)
  114. 9:35 PM - Kari: (Rifle? Autocannon?)
  115. 9:35 PM - Kari: (Mek Machine pistol? :P)
  116. 9:36 PM - MORE MEKTON: A 2-handed rifle
  117. 9:36 PM - Kari: (Range is my enemy then. Let's do this.)
  118. 9:37 PM - Kari: (I can turn and make 3 steps with my jets, right?)
  119. 9:37 PM - MORE MEKTON: That you can
  120. 9:39 PM - Kari: Kari rushes the Flal before it can fire, negating it the benefit of range. Making a short hop with her mek, she closes the distance and levels her autocannon for another burst. (10+5+3-2+5 = 21)
  121. 9:39 PM - MORE MEKTON: good god
  122. 9:39 PM - MORE MEKTON: 17
  123. 9:40 PM - MORE MEKTON: Blasting forwards with your thrusters, weaving between rocky spires, you bring your autocannon to bear and unleash another volley. Four of your shots strike solidly.
  124. 9:40 PM - MORE MEKTON: I swear if you OHKO this guy too...
  125. 9:40 PM - Kari: (What charts am I rolling?)
  126. 9:40 PM - MORE MEKTON: Normal for this one
  127. 9:40 PM - Kari: (Mecha only?)
  128. 9:40 PM - MORE MEKTON: Yeah
  129. 9:40 PM - Kari: (Got'cha.)
  130. 9:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: reroll other
  131. 9:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: that is a lot of torso hits
  132. 9:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: though he might not be dead actually
  133. 9:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: Ha. Hanging on by a hair.
  134. 9:42 PM - Kari: (Heh. So close~. Next hit's going to blow him away though.)
  135. 9:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: Assuming he doesn't get you back first
  136. 9:42 PM - Kari: mhmm
  137. 9:44 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your shots hit center-mass, blowing apart the armor in seconds and ripping large chunks of the sensitive equipment beneath into little more than abstract art. Though it's just barely hanging on, and you can see the Flal piloting it through a gap in the Mek's torso, revealing the cockpit inside. It peers at you through the gap, though you can't decipher any facial expressions from the blank, armored mask that is its face.
  138. 9:45 PM - MORE MEKTON: It backpedals away from you as it brings its gun up, opening fire at you as you charge headlong.
  139. 9:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: o
  140. 9:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: deer
  141. 9:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: 25
  142. 9:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: Actually that should be 26. Forgot they have Tracer rounds.
  143. 9:47 PM - Kari: (9+5+3 = 17. Not good.)
  144. 9:48 PM - MORE MEKTON: Not at all. 5 points over makes his shot Armor Piercing, too.
  145. 9:48 PM - MORE MEKTON: If you want to try your luck, you got that last point to spend, dontcha?
  146. 9:48 PM - MORE MEKTON: You'd need like, a 7 or more though
  147. 9:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: So the odds are against you
  148. 9:49 PM - Kari: (Sure. Let's try.)
  149. 9:49 PM - Kari: (10+5+3+9=27)
  150. 9:49 PM - Kari: (good call)
  151. 9:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: damn, and here I thought I'd finally get to scratch you
  152. 9:50 PM - Kari: (Very close. Your recommendation helped a lot. Heh.)
  153. 9:51 PM - MORE MEKTON: Time seems to slow as you race forwards, gun drawn, and you can physically see the small (relatively speaking) explosion of the rifle being fired, watching as the projectile leaves the barrel on a collision course for your Mek's head. The projectile continues forwards, and when it's not more than a meter away from your Mek's sensors, you yank the throttles downwards, dodging the shot.
  154. 9:52 PM - MORE MEKTON: In a panic, the Flal takes its next shot.
  155. 9:52 PM - MORE MEKTON: 17
  156. 9:52 PM - Kari: (8+5+3 = 16)
  157. 9:52 PM - MORE MEKTON: so close
  158. 9:52 PM - Kari: (Looks like you managed to scratch my paint finally~.)
  159. 9:52 PM - MORE MEKTON: yaaaay
  160. 9:53 PM - MORE MEKTON: ...unfortunately, having been so solely focused on that one projectile, you gave yourself tunnel vision. Unable to refocus yourself in time, the second shot strikes your Mekton directly.
  161. 9:53 PM - MORE MEKTON: Square in the torso. The impact reverberates throughout the cockpit.
  162. 9:53 PM - MORE MEKTON: That's 3 damage to your torso.
  163. 9:54 PM - Kari: (3 total? or 3 plus chipped armour?)
  164. 9:54 PM - MORE MEKTON: I mean, your torso is hit by 3 damage, not that it sustains 3 points of integrity loss. The armor chipping happens /after/ damage is applied.
  165. 9:55 PM - MORE MEKTON: So for now, the only thing that happens is your armor chips, and it is reduced to 2 SP instead of 3.
  166. 9:55 PM - Kari: (got'cha~)
  167. 9:55 PM - Kari: (Thanks for clarifying. Heh.)
  168. 9:55 PM - MORE MEKTON: No problem
  169. 9:56 PM - MORE MEKTON: Being apparently very slow on the uptake, Mr. Negative Initiative over there across the beach seems stunned into inaction, watching as you charge the second Mekton.
  170. 9:56 PM - MORE MEKTON: Because he a shit and can't react in time, he loses his turn. Now it's your go!
  171. 10:00 PM - Kari: (Melee is a free called shot, right?)
  172. 10:01 PM - MORE MEKTON: yep yep
  173. 10:01 PM - MORE MEKTON: unless you're chopping something super specific like sensors
  174. 10:01 PM - Kari: (Got it.)
  175. 10:01 PM - Kari: Kari grits her chompers as the Flal round ricochets off her armour, taking some with it. Yelling a warcry through the PA system, she charges the offending Mekton, raising her free arm high as the blade shoots forth into a dealy scythe. It comes crashing down right at the mekton's chest. (9+5+3 = 17)
  176. 10:02 PM - Kari: (He's gonna fuckin dodge this, I just know it.)
  177. 10:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: ...
  178. 10:02 PM - Kari: (Or... not...)
  179. 10:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: 0.
  180. 10:03 PM - Kari: (.__.)
  181. 10:04 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your blade cleaves into the Mekton's chest cleanly, now that the pesky armor's been shot to shit. With a solid thrust your sword juts through the Mek's torso and clean out the other side.
  182. 10:06 PM - MORE MEKTON: You pull it out swiftly and kick the Mek onto its back, where it sputters and sparks, though thankfully doesn't explode in your face as plumes of black smoke rise from the gaping wound in its chest.
  183. 10:06 PM - MORE MEKTON: And then there was one...
  184. 10:07 PM - Kari: (One who is probably shitting itself right now)
  185. 10:08 PM - MORE MEKTON: The remaining Flal, finally getting his head about him, does the only thing he /can/ do. Take two long-distance potshots.
  186. 10:09 PM - MORE MEKTON: 16 and 15
  187. 10:09 PM - MORE MEKTON: Not bad.
  188. 10:09 PM - Kari: (You know. I still had an action.)
  189. 10:09 PM - MORE MEKTON: o
  190. 10:09 PM - Kari: (I'm going to use it to dodge though, so no worries.)
  191. 10:09 PM - MORE MEKTON: Forgot that the move was close. Alrighty then, that'll be a +2 to the first dodge.
  192. 10:10 PM - Kari: (5+5+3+2 = 15) (6+5+3 = 14)
  193. 10:10 PM - MORE MEKTON: so close it hurts to see
  194. 10:10 PM - Kari: (Truly.)
  195. 10:11 PM - Kari: (Can't roll well all the time though. Gotta take some hits to deal them.)
  196. 10:12 PM - MORE MEKTON: Breathing to steady itself, the Flal readies its rifle and times its shots. With the assistance of its targeting computer to counteract the slight balance issues the Mekton has (not that Kari would know), it lines the reticles up and squeezes the trigger twice. Both shots connect cleanly with your Mekton.
  197. 10:12 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your torso and left arm take 3 damage a piece.
  198. 10:13 PM - Kari: (Accounted for.)
  199. 10:13 PM - MORE MEKTON: That's my girl.
  200. 10:14 PM - MORE MEKTON: As you pull your sword free, the two shots impact and throw you off-kilter for a moment. Now recovered from your minor whiplash, you turn to see the source of the shooting.
  201. 10:14 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your go.
  202. 10:15 PM - MORE MEKTON: For the record, those rocks in the middle of the grass are tall enough to take cover behind if you fly down. The cliffs are about 1 hex in height above the grass, same goes for those rocks.
  203. 10:16 PM - Kari: (Got'cha.)
  204. 10:19 PM - Kari: Kari can't do much from where she's at. She could fire rockets, but at that range, the Flal likely has her beat in skill. She turns in place, scanning the terrain and finds a rocky outcropping on the beach to hide behind. She puts on the jumpjets and blows them full burn to touch down a short was away from the cover on the far side of the Flal, finally turning off her PA.
  205. 10:21 PM - MORE MEKTON: The Flal swears in its clickity, sqeaky language as you retreat behind the outcropping of rocks. It turns and advances, making a run for the downward slope leading to the grass in an attempt to get a bead on you.
  206. 10:21 PM - MORE MEKTON: Unable to do anything else from this position, it prepares to dodge any incoming fire, keeping a wary watch behind the rocks for you.
  207. 10:22 PM - MORE MEKTON: You're on
  208. 10:22 PM - Kari: (heheh. Wrong tool~)
  209. 10:22 PM - Kari: (Don't know how to erase.)
  210. 10:23 PM - Kari: (x3)
  211. 10:23 PM - MORE MEKTON: fufufu
  212. 10:23 PM - Kari: (Kari moves down the dick shaft.)
  213. 10:23 PM - Kari: (:P)
  214. 10:23 PM - MORE MEKTON: Hot
  215. 10:23 PM - Kari: (until she eats it)
  216. 10:24 PM - MORE MEKTON: pls dont eat my dick its very important to me
  217. 10:24 PM - Kari: (Nono, just the map's.)
  218. 10:24 PM - MORE MEKTON: oh good
  219. 10:24 PM - MORE MEKTON: she ate an entire dick
  220. 10:24 PM - Kari: (Map-kun's about to be map-chan~)
  221. 10:24 PM - MORE MEKTON: simultaneously lewd and painful
  222. 10:24 PM - MORE MEKTON: map-chan will just have to deal
  223. 10:25 PM - Kari: Noticing the movement in the distance, Kari turns and fires a pair of rockets at the Flal, hoping to harrass it as she moves further into cover. (2+5+1-1 = 6) With the rockets away, she charges towards the outcropping, hoping to hide from retaliation.
  224. 10:26 PM - MORE MEKTON: gg flalman
  225. 10:26 PM - MORE MEKTON: a totally unnecessary crit
  226. 10:26 PM - MORE MEKTON: 24, with his dodge bonus
  227. 10:27 PM - Kari: (and another -4 on my part for long range)
  228. 10:27 PM - Kari: (So yeah, wasted your crit~.)
  229. 10:27 PM - MORE MEKTON: The Flal takes note of your rocketeering, turning and sprinting down the muddy slope as your rockets impact harmlessly behind him.
  230. 10:28 PM - MORE MEKTON: Continuing to close the distance, he skids to a halt and crouches, prepareparing to spring into action to dodge at the first sign of an attack.
  231. 10:28 PM - MORE MEKTON: Go go Kari ranger
  232. 10:32 PM - Kari: Kari's grip on her controls tightens. As much as she wants to charge the mek and take it down in hand-to-hand, she knows that there's just too much open ground to get close enough without taking a hit. A though passes through her mind, and she flips the PA back on to make a loud, mocking laugh to hopefully goad the crab closer without leaving cover.
  233. 10:32 PM - Kari: (Preparing to dodge.)
  234. 10:32 PM - Kari: (Do I need to roll for that taunt?)
  235. 10:33 PM - MORE MEKTON: If you feel like it, sure
  236. 10:33 PM - MORE MEKTON: Persuasion maybe?
  237. 10:34 PM - Kari: (9+5+1 = 15)
  238. 10:36 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your taunting laugh effecively goads the already-irate Flal into action. Throwing caution to the wind, it sprints towards a more ideal position in order to fire at you.
  239. 10:37 PM - MORE MEKTON: Unable to see you, it fires angrily at the rocks. Tiny pebbles blast around your cover, but you are effectively unharmed.
  240. 10:37 PM - Kari: (Can I jump this cover?)
  241. 10:37 PM - MORE MEKTON: With thrusters, sure. It's only a hex high.
  242. 10:37 PM - MORE MEKTON: Can't jump it with legs tho
  243. 10:38 PM - Kari: (Got it. Let's go for a kick.)
  244. 10:38 PM - MORE MEKTON: Oh boy oh boy, dropkick time, is it?
  245. 10:38 PM - Kari: (You bet'cha~)
  246. 10:40 PM - Kari: The Flal acts just like she wanted, and when it fires angrily, she makes her move. Turning her mek towards the source of the shots, she punches her thrusters and vaults the rock. With target in sight, she goes full burn for a death-from-above kick on the unsespecting crab. (7+5+3-2 = 13)
  247. 10:40 PM - MORE MEKTON: You're gonna crit aren't you
  248. 10:40 PM - MORE MEKTON: nope guess not
  249. 10:41 PM - Kari: (Nope. Wait, is that flanking?)
  250. 10:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: mmmmm, sure why not
  251. 10:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: +1
  252. 10:41 PM - Kari: (14 then.)
  253. 10:41 PM - Kari: (He's gonna beat me out I'll wager.)
  254. 10:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: OH COME ON
  255. 10:41 PM - Kari: (.___.)
  256. 10:41 PM - Kari: (WELP.)
  257. 10:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: fucking 3
  258. 10:41 PM - Kari: (GG FOLKS!)
  259. 10:41 PM - MORE MEKTON: gr9
  260. 10:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: Congrats. Your foot is buttblasting.
  261. 10:42 PM - Kari: (Let me guess, I crush this guy like a can under a semi don't I?)
  262. 10:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: yeeeeep.
  263. 10:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: 4 from your weight +4 from the distance, +AP from the difference in rolls
  264. 10:42 PM - MORE MEKTON: You're a monster.
  265. 10:42 PM - Kari: (x3)
  266. 10:44 PM - Kari: Rocketing feet first into the poor crab, Kari's mekton practically crushes the hostile mek like an oversized pop can complete with a sickening crunch. The whole torso hits the ground and gets pushed inward, and the nutty center pops underfoot, instantly killing it before it even has a chance to scream.
  267. 10:45 PM - Kari: She throws both of the mek's fists in the air before tossing them down and letting out a chittering roar through the PA as a victory cry.
  268. 10:47 PM - Kari: (So I guess that's that, huh?)
  269. 10:47 PM - MORE MEKTON: That's that. You fucked these dudes up.
  270. 10:47 PM - MORE MEKTON: Unless you're feeling up for a final challenger?
  271. 10:47 PM - Kari: (Toootally could have gone the other way, but I think Roll20 just told you to fuck yourself.)
  272. 10:47 PM - MORE MEKTON: as most things do ;-;
  273. 10:47 PM - Kari: (Oh boy. Is this gonna be like a miniboss?)
  274. 10:48 PM - MORE MEKTON: Meh, yes and no. He'd be a little beeifer than these guys. They were all 50 pointers, he'd be 75.
  275. 10:48 PM - MORE MEKTON: Can't promise you'll make it out intact though, considering you're already dinged up a bit and he's tougher than the three of them.
  276. 10:49 PM - Kari: (You mean like... tougher than all three combined?)
  277. 10:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: no no, just any one of the three
  278. 10:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: like I said they were 50 points, half your mek
  279. 10:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: his will be 75
  280. 10:49 PM - Kari: (Do you think I can take him? I'm all out of luck.)
  281. 10:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: 50 points each, not total
  282. 10:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: yeeaaah, might not be smart sans luck
  283. 10:49 PM - MORE MEKTON: be pushing the dice a little too much
  284. 10:50 PM - Kari: (Like... I kinda want to, but at the same time I really don't want to die after doing that well...)
  285. 10:50 PM - Kari: (And my torso's not doin that well.)
  286. 10:50 PM - MORE MEKTON: don't forget you have an ejection seat in worst-cases
  287. 10:51 PM - Kari: (Granted, but then this whole quest get hosed.)
  288. 10:51 PM - MORE MEKTON: ejection is free upon total torso annhilation
  289. 10:51 PM - Kari: (I made a lot progress here.)
  290. 10:51 PM - MORE MEKTON: that you did, that you did
  291. 10:51 PM - MORE MEKTON: I'll let you decide whether or not to take crab man the last
  292. 10:51 PM - Kari: (HNNNNNNNGH)
  293. 10:51 PM - MORE MEKTON: fufufu
  294. 10:51 PM - MORE MEKTON: if you win, I'll give bonus IP
  295. 10:52 PM - Kari: (Fine. Fuck it. I'm a big girl. Let's do this.)
  296. 10:52 PM - Kari: (Curious what this guy's entrance is gonna be.)
  297. 10:53 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your comm suddenly comes to life in an earsplitting cheer as Widoia shouts in joy. "THAT WAS /INCREDIBLE/, KARI! EVEN BETTER THAN THE SIMS! YOU'RE UNSTOPPABLE, AMAZING!"
  298. 10:54 PM - MORE MEKTON: "I was watching the whole thing from up here... we're on approach now, but, wow!"
  299. 10:55 PM - Kari: Kari chuckles to herself, still beaming from the pride she feels. Her smile gets even bigger as Widoia cheers her on. Stepping off the crab, she replies, "Alright. I need to go collect the package. We've got 2 mostly salvageable wrecks here if Dematus needs parts too."
  300. 10:57 PM - MORE MEKTON: "W-wait...! Something's coming up from behind..."
  301. 10:59 PM - MORE MEKTON: Indeed, as you turn towards the ocean, you watch the waves part. Slowly stomping out of the water on a direct course for you is what appears to be a scaled-up Flal, in every respect. Its large, clackity claws, the glowing yellow eyes, the pointed toes. Everything about it looks exactly like the race as they are on-foot, and there's something... fleshy, about the Mek, as though it's not made of metal. This particular model has a carapace colored red.
  302. 11:00 PM - Kari: (Mother fucker.)
  303. 11:00 PM - MORE MEKTON: Its legs and torso faintly glow, and it slides across the ground in your direction at a rapid pace, quickly closing the distance. Roll initiative!
  304. 11:00 PM - Kari: (10)
  305. 11:00 PM - MORE MEKTON: 13
  306. 11:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: It raises both claws towards you, opening them up and allowing you a glimpse inside their meaty interiors. Something begins to briefly glow within the "hinge" of each inner claw, and before you realize what's happened, two beams of light lance towards you.
  307. 11:02 PM - MORE MEKTON: Roll to dodge!
  308. 11:03 PM - Kari: (10+5+3+3 = 21)
  309. 11:04 PM - MORE MEKTON: Reacting quickly, you floor your thrusters to the side, skidding out of the path of the incoming beams. Striking the cliffs behind you, the rocks glow briefly from the twin impacts, which both struck the same position.
  310. 11:05 PM - Kari: (should I move one space to the side?)
  311. 11:05 PM - MORE MEKTON: Nah, it's fluff
  312. 11:05 PM - Kari: (okay.)
  313. 11:05 PM - MORE MEKTON: Remember each hex is technically 50 meters, so there's room to work
  314. 11:05 PM - Kari: (I get ya.)
  315. 11:06 PM - MORE MEKTON: Seeing you dodge, it marches forwards, unpreturbed.
  316. 11:06 PM - MORE MEKTON: No longer sliding as it was before, it now moves on foot.
  317. 11:06 PM - MORE MEKTON: Your go~
  318. 11:09 PM - Kari: Whipping around on the spot, practically drifting as she dodges out of the way, she charges the rapidly moving alien mekton for a close combat strike. The forearm blade snaps forward as she attempts to strike it (9+5+3+1 = 18)
  319. 11:09 PM - Kari: (going for the chest)
  320. 11:11 PM - Kari: (Did I hit?)
  321. 11:11 PM - MORE MEKTON: I didn't roll yet, cool your tits
  322. 11:11 PM - MORE MEKTON: :P
  323. 11:11 PM - Kari: (Heh. Sorry.)
  324. 11:11 PM - MORE MEKTON: was looking for something
  325. 11:11 PM - Kari: (I thought you might have been.)
  326. 11:11 PM - Kari: (That's what worries me.)
  327. 11:12 PM - MORE MEKTON: Eh, screw it
  328. 11:12 PM - MORE MEKTON: Raising a claw, he attempts to parry!
  329. 11:13 PM - MORE MEKTON: 13
  330. 11:13 PM - MORE MEKTON: And fails tremendously.
  331. 11:13 PM - Kari: (So uh. I get AP, yes?)
  332. 11:13 PM - Kari: (heheh~)
  333. 11:13 PM - MORE MEKTON: That you do.
  334. 11:13 PM - Kari: (Sick~)
  335. 11:13 PM - MORE MEKTON: 5 damage, right?
  336. 11:13 PM - Kari: (Roger.)
  337. 11:15 PM - MORE MEKTON: Sinking your blade into the torso, you can tell that it even /feels/ different from the other Mekton you did this to. The entire thing is big, meaty and fleshy. As you yank your blade from its chest, you see it covered in a viscous, green fluid that drips downards in large globules.
  338. 11:15 PM - MORE MEKTON: Completely unlike the dull brown hydraulic fluid you're used to seeing splurt out of such wounds.
  339. 11:15 PM - MORE MEKTON: The strike did fantastic damage though, and clearly hit home hard. Though the Mek is still standing, it's not doing so hot.
  340. 11:17 PM - MORE MEKTON: I think you still got another action there, dontcha?
  341. 11:17 PM - Kari: (yep~)
  342. 11:20 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes open in a mix of shock and just plain processing of what she's seeing. "Just fucking die you freak!" she screams, punching the opposite arm's blade forward as the first one retracts. (8+5+3+1=17)
  343. 11:22 PM - Kari: (I think Roll20 didn't like your miniboss' bullshit :<)
  344. 11:22 PM - MORE MEKTON: apparently not.
  345. 11:22 PM - MORE MEKTON: He's dead, Jim.
  346. 11:22 PM - MORE MEKTON: ...want to do that yourself?
  347. 11:24 PM - Kari: In the panic and shock, Kari's barrage of sword strikes hit something vital inside. As the second blow connects, she's already lining up a third, effectively punching the thing down into the dirt. As it falls to the grass, she backs up, holding the autocannon level with it in case it starts moving once more. Nervously flipping the com back online, she blurts out "What the hell was that thing!?"
  348. 11:25 PM - Kari: (Feel free to fluff and follow up as necessary. I figure you'll want to since you went all Hostile Waters on my ass.)
  349. 11:26 PM - MORE MEKTON: hehe
  350. 11:29 PM - MORE MEKTON: Green blood splurts from the wounds as it falls limp, collapsing into the grass and twitching all the while in an all-too-organic fashion. It doesn't rise again, and soon enough stops moving entirely. A few keystrokes later, Widoia replies, slightly uneasy at having seen the gruesome sight, "I... think that was a bio-organic mecha. The Flal are apparently pioneers in such technology, according to the limited data available in the Federation's public databases. The inside is piloted just like any other Mekton, with a standard cockpit setup, it's just the exterior that's different from your... standard models, composed of vat-grown tissue and artifical muscle."
  351. 11:33 PM - Kari: "The hell!?" she retorts, clearly a little disturbed. Kari does her best to shake some of what she can only assume was blood off her mek and trembles in her seat at the though. "L-Look... I think we should pack up and leave. I don't feel too well. I'm going to go retrieve the package and salvage." At that note, she pauses mid-turn, rotating the head towards the carcas as a thought creeps into her mind. "If the Flal are pioneers in this... do you think Mr. Silk will want the... b-body?"
  352. 11:34 PM - MORE MEKTON: "He... might. We're almost on-site now, so just... gather up everything you can. Mr. Silk is finished with his meeting, so I'll have an answer for you by the time we arrive."
  353. 11:35 PM - Kari: "Understood. And Widoia...? I... I think I'm going to need a drink..." Turning back to the path, Kari hurries off to the stash, using her thrusters to help navigate the terrain.
  354. 11:37 PM - MORE MEKTON: By the time the small dot overhead grows into a full-sized ship, you've gathered up the three Mektons and the cargo by the biomecha, having been unwilling to touch the thing any more than necessary. Soon enough the ship lands with a thud, blowing sand up into the air before its thrusters die down, and the cargo ramps are lowered. Widoia comms in, "Mr. Silk says to, uh... take it all."
  355. 11:42 PM - Kari: "R-roger. See you soon Widoia. Maybe tell Dematus to wear a respirator. Not sure if he gets queezy." Reluctant to touch the biomech, Kari decides to just carry it in and get it over with first. That done, she moves onto the rest of the cargo, trying to focus on the task to shut out the thought of the hideously grotesque, bleeding "robot".
  356. 11:44 PM - MORE MEKTON: Directed by Dematus on the ground with a few glowing sticks to point you where to set up the "loot", you conclude your hauling and at long last park your partially-bloodied Mek into its resting position. Clamps and magnets immediately swing into place to lock it firmly into position.
  357. 11:44 PM - Kari: (This thing smells like dead fish when the cockpit opens doesn't it?)
  358. 11:44 PM - MORE MEKTON: Just a bit.
  359. 11:44 PM - MORE MEKTON: By a bit I mean yes very much so.
  360. 11:46 PM - MORE MEKTON: The cockpit opens, and the smell of dead fish assaults your nostrils without fail.
  361. 11:47 PM - MORE MEKTON: You descend the thankfully ungooped liftwire and hit the floor, walking away from the Yuida as Dematus approaches you. "Gonna need a big hose."
  362. 11:50 PM - Kari: Kari's eye twitches as the smell overpowers her. Covering her mouth and nose with one hand, she descends on the wire and tries not to think too much about it. "T-Tell me about it. I've never had fish before, but I think I just got put off it."
  363. 11:50 PM - MORE MEKTON: "They're more crab than fish. Hope we unload that thing before it rots. Don't want to have to pay for cleanup crews."
  364. 11:51 PM - Kari: "Tell me about it. Think we can refigerate any bits that look useful?"
  365. 11:52 PM - MORE MEKTON: "Possible. We got big enough cold storage holds."
  366. 11:53 PM - MORE MEKTON: He wipes his hands, looking your Mek over. "I'll have the Yuida back in shape before next deployment. Looks in good condition considering."
  367. 11:55 PM - Kari: "Yeah. I got lucky," she says, turning a bit to look up at the scrapes in the armour. "Took three hits. Could have been a lot worse without Widoia's warning about that biomech. Damn thing almost nailed me." She turns back around and gives Dematus a little, half-second smirk.
  368. 11:56 PM - MORE MEKTON: Scuttling past you, he places a hand on your shoulder as he passes, saying, "Must have a good pilot." Without turning or waiting to see your response, he continues walking towards the Yuida, stringing himself up to the head as he begins inspecting the damage up close.
  369. Monday, November 02, 2015
  370. 12:00 AM - Kari: She blushes a bit at the compliment, turning to watch him walk away. Giving him an approving smile, she just watches him for a minute. With a quiet laugh, she turns back around to leave the bay, and gives her bangs a confident little flick with one hand.
  371. 12:02 AM - MORE MEKTON: You approach the "elevator" shaft, finding Widoia hanging upsidedown and waiting for you with open arms. "You did /amazing/ out there! Even if the last bit got a little... icky."
  372. 12:02 AM - MORE MEKTON: She giggles. "Need a lift? Mr. Silk wanted to speak with you on the bridge."
  373. 12:03 AM - Kari: With a giggle she trots forward and leaps into Widoia's waiting arms, hugging her tight. "Thanks, Widoia~. Today felt really, really good. I hope I did you all proud."
  374. 12:05 AM - MORE MEKTON: Clutching you to her chest, she smiles. "You did us more than proud. Now hang on tight, going up~" Oddly enough, the lift seems to be a little slower than you recall, necessitating her to hold you comfortably close longer than usual.
  375. 12:07 AM - MORE MEKTON: But as all good things must come to an end, a minute later and you're on the next floor, walking towards the bridge to meet Mr. Silk. You find him waiting, his hat placed on a nearby table. He seems so much more... casual without the hat. It's an odd change of pace, though he acts no different as he says, "Miss Kari, you've gone above and beyond all expectations I could have possibly held, and then continue to impress further."
  376. 12:09 AM - Kari: "Thank you, Sir!" Kari says, snapping a smart salute. The smile on her face is huge, and quite possibly infectious. "I hope I made you proud!"
  377. 12:09 AM - MORE MEKTON: "More than that. You've made Spyder Sylk Industries itself proud."
  378. 12:12 AM - MORE MEKTON: "Not only did you renegotiate with a dangerous individual for more appropriate wages, you successfully fought off the Mektons of three splinter-group Flal and that of their commander, then brought the majority of them on board as additional scrap. It will both cover the repair costs to your Mekton and make tidy profit simultaneously. I know of a number of individuals interested in the biotech of the Flal, to say the least."
  379. 12:13 AM - MORE MEKTON: His eight legs click loudly upon the metallic floor as he walks towards you, placing both hands on your shoulders and smiling as he looks down to meet your gaze. "You could not have performed better."
  380. 12:15 AM - Kari: On top of a thick blush, and a couple of happy tears coming to her eyes, her smile stretches to the breaking point. Beaming up at Mr. Silk, she stammers out, "Th-thank you, Sir!" As she struggles for more words to say, she simply bursts into giddy giggles and accepts the praise as best she can.
  381. 12:16 AM - MORE MEKTON: "I was originally intending to give you 700 credits for the job, but given circumstances, I believe a bonus is in order. How does 1000 sound to you? This being, of course, in addition to the funding I shall have sent to your sisters."
  382. 12:18 AM - Kari: "Th-thank you, sir! That sounds more than generous!"
  383. 12:21 AM - MORE MEKTON: Removing his hands from your shoulders, he clacks his fingertips together. "Excellent. I'm glad you approve. You'll have time to spend those wages soon, as well. Our next stop will be the interspecies station Zeta-95, where you're welcome to leave the ship and explore the station at leisure. We will be stopping there to unload the assorted cargo we've acquired, including that from the job you've just completed, and the Flal Mekton as well."
  384. 12:23 AM - Kari: Kari chitters happily, still coming down from her emotional high. "That sounds great, sir! How long do you think we'll be staying for?"
  385. 12:24 AM - MORE MEKTON: "These things tend to be bogged with paperwork, so... no longer than a few days. At worst, a week."
  386. 12:25 AM - Kari: "Huh. That's a long time. I suppose that makes sense though, especially with figuring out what to do with the unexpected cargo."
  387. 12:28 AM - MORE MEKTON: "Indeed. Especially sensitive cargo such as that Mekton. The Federation authorities will need to be contacted through direct channels and the cargo clearly stated and inspected, else they might suspect less-than-savory black market dealings afoot."
  388. 12:30 AM - MORE MEKTON: He allows himself a short laugh, waving a hand dismissively, "But that's nothing you've need to worry about. Simply enjoy the time, perhaps take Widoia out with you. You two have been getting along well. There's plenty to see for a first-timer in the vast, open plains of space."
  389. 12:32 AM - Kari: Laughing a bit as well, she gives Mr. Silk a nod. "You're right. I guess it's time for culture shock, right? I've... never seen anyone other than Kunchoren, dryders, and the Flal."
  390. 12:34 AM - MORE MEKTON: "It may take some... adjusting, but I'm sure you'll find most races quite accomodating. I do advise caution around Humans, however. They're quite territorial and have almost impressive libidos."
  391. 12:35 AM - Kari: "L-Libidos, sir?" she asks, blushing quite a bit.
  392. 12:37 AM - MORE MEKTON: "Quite. I believe the phrase goes something along the lines of, 'they'll mate anything with a heartrate.' "
  393. 12:38 AM - Kari: "Oh. Oh dear." She seems a little uneasy, fidgeting a bit in place. "The more exotic the better I take it...?"
  394. 12:39 AM - MORE MEKTON: "It would depend on the individual in question, I suspect. But enough talk, you likely wish to clean up after the little... mess, with the biomech."
  395. 12:42 AM - Kari: "Right. I think some of the dead fish scent is clinging..." she sneers slightly at the thought, but shakes it off quickly enough. "Thank you again, Sir. Call on me if you need anything at all." Kari snaps once more salute, holding it until she's dismissed.
  396. 12:43 AM - MORE MEKTON: "Of course." He nods, turning his attention back towards the terminal in front of him.
  397. 12:44 AM - MORE MEKTON: You find Widoia waiting outside. "Mr. Silk has really taken a shine to you, huh? Seems like this whole crew has!" She giggles. "Including me~"
  398. 12:45 AM - Kari: Kari lurches forward and gives her a big hug. "I think I've already taken to each of you as well~." She giggles and holds on for a little bit longer before letting go, still smiling happily.
  399. 12:46 AM - MORE MEKTON: "Glad to hear it~. You've already done so much for us, and it's only been a few days. You're really something, you know that?"
  400. 12:46 AM - MORE MEKTON: She talks as the two of you walk towards your room.
  401. 12:48 AM - Kari: "It's the least I can do for the opportunity you and the others have given me. A home, a job, my own personal mekton, and a way off the streets for my sisters? That's... that's pretty overwhelming, especially after the rough run my family had."
  402. 12:50 AM - MORE MEKTON: "I suppose that's very true, huh? Well, things are on the up-and-up for you now, so put a smile on that little two-eyed face of yours." She playfully pokes your cheek, giggling as you approach your quarters. "I guess I'll let you get cleaned up now, so unless you think you need help with that, I'll be going." She playfully intones the last part, turning to walk away.
  403. 12:54 AM - Kari: Kari's blush tells all the things she wouldn't actually say, and the nervous smile says anything that the blush might miss. "O-oh~... heh. Um... M-Maybe some day," she says, clearly liking that thought. "Thanks again. And Widoia? You really saved me out there by calling out that last mek. I'm glad I have you watching my back." She keeps smiling for just a little bit longer, and gives Widoia a little wave before shutting the door to her quarters. Laughing a bubbly little laugh to herself, she strips down and gets cleaned off, musing to herself all the while.
  404. 12:57 AM - MORE MEKTON: Cleaned and pressed like a fresh suit, you settle down after a hard day's work in your Dryder-sized bed, clutching your favorite toy as you drift into the realm of unconsciousness.
  405. 12:57 AM - MORE MEKTON: And I think we can call it a night there, you think?
  406. 12:57 AM - Kari: Sounds pretty good to me. A nice tidy end.
  407. 12:59 AM - MORE MEKTON: *blipblip kaching loot sounds*
  408. You got...!
  409. [15] IP
  410. [1000] Credits
  411. [2] (Disabled, Damaged) Flal RAMEM-001 Mektons
  412. [1] (Disabled, Damaged) Flal Drone BioMekton
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