

Nov 24th, 2018
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  1. command /assyuku [<number>]:
  2. aliases: a
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg 1 is not set:
  5. set {_x} to amount of stone named "&7石" or "Stone" in player's inventory
  6. if {_x} is greater than or equal to 64:
  7. wait a tick
  8. execute console command "/clear %player% stone 0 64"
  9. give player stone named "&7&l圧縮石" with lore "&7ただの石を圧縮しただけ。"
  10. send "&7石を圧縮しました。"
  11. if arg 1 is set:
  12. loop arg 1 times:
  13. wait a tick
  14. set {_x} to amount of stone named "&7石" or "Stone" in player's inventory
  15. if {_x} is greater than or equal to 64:
  16. wait a tick
  17. execute console command "/clear %player% stone 0 64"
  18. give player stone named "&7&l圧縮石" with lore "&7ただの石を圧縮しただけ。"
  19. wait a tick
  20. send "&7石を圧縮しました。"
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