
Dungeon Gen Zine Entry

Aug 28th, 2020
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  1. Active (small interaction has a large effect)
  2. 1. Roof supported by a single pillar in the centre of the room.
  3. 2. Stone-carving device, an array of mechanised chisels. Tremendously lethal to anything in the mechanism when active.
  4. 3. Rune-carved blood-soaked altar, athame attached to the roof via a rope
  5. 4. Immense stone cauldron full of an unknown liquid. Easily tipped.
  6. 5. Madly rattling conveyor belt, easy to get snagged and dragged.
  7. 6. Spring-loaded minecart on a track.
  8. 7. Doom-wasp hive, so far undisturbed. Anyone stung goes on a rabid rampage.
  9. 8. Heavy hanging statue supported by vines, roots or ropes.
  10. 9. Lever-operated cistern full of brackish water (and possibly a squid).
  11. 10. Pool of crude oil, bubbling, begging for a match.
  12. 11. Rattling sarcophagus, locked in rusty chains.
  13. 12. Sharp objects hanging from the ceiling on scraps of silk.
  14. 13. Zombies on chains, all attached to a single metal pole hammered into the stone.
  15. 14. Exposed wires, buzzing with mostly-caged lightning.
  16. 15. Hovering orb of eldritch power, brings anything that touches it to "life".
  17. 16. Burning vent of unnatural gas, alive with flickering visions.
  18. 17. Merchant's Box (vending machine) selling daggers, bandages, faulty scrolls and undiluted potions.
  19. 18. Satchel of wands bobbing in a fountain, the wands are warped, and the water is weird.
  20. 19. Iridescent black egg the size of a cow. It's wobbling from side to side, just a little.
  21. 20. A way out of this wretched mess, leading somewhere compromising.
  23. Passive (large interaction has a large effect)
  24. 1. Bottomless pit in the middle of the room.
  25. 2. Single gold coin on a pedestal.
  26. 3. Hidden mire, a boot-sucking bog full of sharp things.
  27. 4. Abandoned shrine, the statue has a curiously familiar face.
  28. 5. Worm-eaten sign, white painted skull.
  29. 6. Graffiti on the walls: A message, a riddle, a warning or a trap.
  30. 7. Barrel full of rusty halberds and pikes.
  31. 8. Near-corpse of an unknown creature. An angel? A demon? Something worse and stranger?
  32. 9. Stacks of construction materials: planks, nails, slabs, bricks.
  33. 10. Underground waterfall.
  34. 11. Splintered stone throne.
  35. 12. Glass pipes filled with sickly green fluid.
  36. 13. Pillar of stone, topped with a glowing crystal.
  37. 14. Full-length mirror, draped in silk.
  38. 15. Incredibly ugly and expensive-looking painting.
  39. 16. Buckets of raw potion reagents: blood, eyeball juice, noble viscera, moonlight etcetera.
  40. 17. Incredibly verdant plant-life. The flowers turn to follow anything that moves.
  41. 18. Bookshelf filled with dusty tomes, many chained to the shelves.
  42. 19. Ring of standing stones, the ring divides the Outside from the Inside.
  43. 20. A lever the height of a man.
  45. Sensations and room structures
  46. 1. Floor is covered in a thick layer of…mud?
  47. 2. Blinking eyes in the darkness.
  48. 3. A quiet voice speaks a characters name.
  49. 4. Sound of sobbing in the distance.
  50. 5. Rhythmic thumping from deep below.
  51. 6. Cracking bones and old rust.
  52. 7. Irritating humming sound.
  53. 8. Scent of delicious-smelling food.
  54. 9. Stench of rotting meat.
  55. 10. The crackle of flame.
  56. 11. Dripping water.
  57. 12. Moss and mildew.
  58. 13. Entire chamber is a massive three-eyed skull.
  59. 14. Centre of chamber is a raised pillar, the top can't be seen from down here.
  60. 15. Split-level chamber, mostly inaccessible.
  61. 16. Crawl-spaces behind the walls, under the floor, into the ceiling.
  62. 17. Sheer ledge splitting the room.
  63. 18. This is a dead end (or is it?).
  64. 19. Stream running across the room.
  65. 20. A bridge across an underground river, possibly dried up.
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