
major authors note

Mar 9th, 2015
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  1. story takes place roughly 4-5 years after jod; nid takes place in the past around the time NiGHTS' first rebelled.
  3. for the sake of avoiding confusion, Nightmare is referred to as "the dark realm" so as not to get mixed up with nightmayr.... heres a long story to his name i didnt just pull it out of my ass dont worry (same with twilyght and nyght... as mary-sue as these names sound i can change them. i would if i could but theres nooo way)
  5. backstory on the triplets (nightmayr, twylight,nyght):
  6. the three were meant to created as one nighmaren as a 'plan B' for wizeman. the three together were meant to be as strong as wizeman, possessing three main qualities: emotion, greed, and leadership. during the creation process, the three personalities were split into separate beings: nyght, nighmayr and twylight respectively. after wizeman was "destroyed" (plot? hmm) the three came to life. nightmayr, being a character of greed, took over the throne of the dark realm and became the new ruthless leader. twilygh and nyght, wanting to escape heir siblings torment, fled to nightopia which currently in a state of chaos. twilyght helped restore the paradise, and she became a leader-figure to he nightopians even with her nightmaren status. nyght lays low with twilyght, usually helping out in any way they can, and making sure all the nightopians are happy.
  7. nightmayr mostly belongs to me, twlyght belongs to anna and nyght p much belongs to both of us but mostly her!!! theyre the main characters in her stories shes writing for herself hehe
  9. backstory on the jester-second levels that will appear:
  10. before nights and reala were officially created as the set first levels, wizeman experimented with their design many times, bu couldnt get it right. these trial first-levels were scrapped and tossed away as second-levels, but looked down upon by all because they were seen as "failures". in the story these would be jackle, jolen, and rachael!! and possibly more if i decide to add more of our old characters.
  11. hey cannot dualize or paraloop, but they each have a special talent: jolten controls electricity, rachael can shapeshift into humans (its ironic because it hates humans more than anything else), and jackle can predict the future through tarot card readings.
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