
Argument with Taka 26/4

May 9th, 2018
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  1. [00:09]
  2. {LOAD GAME}
  4. [00:15] Lapis Valerius exclaims, "YOU!"
  5. [00:15] Lapis Valerius exclaims, "Did you mine all the ores?!"
  6. [00:15] Lotlhuitl asks, "... excuse me?"
  7. [00:15] Lapis Valerius exclaims, "DID YOU?!"
  8. [00:15] Lucan says, "... Wow."
  9. [00:16] Lucan says, "Our poor ores..."
  10. [00:16] Lapis roars, lightning crackling along his form.
  11. (Lapis Valerius)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [00:16] Lotlhuitl says, "No, I'm travelling to Ardent."
  15. [00:16] Lapis Valerius says, "Oh, okay."
  16. [00:16] Lapis Valerius exclaims, "See you, miss!"
  17. [00:16] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  18. [00:16] Lapis Valerius exclaims, "Take care!"
  19. [00:16] Mitra Vindict asks, "Is this Aca's aunt?"
  20. [00:16] Mitra Vindict asks, "Why's she wearing a mask?"
  21. [00:16] Lotlhuitl says, "... yes."
  22. [00:21] Taka would come up holding himself but still alive. They would see lightning, fire and plasma strikes on his form. The man would be breathing hard and seeming to have a hard time standing up. He would take a hard knee as he breath in his life force once more.
  24. "Fuck...heh. I live to see another gain..."
  26. He would say trying to collect his breath. "Whoever Lotlhuitl is I got a message for them." The man would say as the stuff was still there but lucky it didn't damage him badly or kill him.
  28. Taka would gaze at the weapon.
  30. "You saved my ass once again friend."
  31. (Taka)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [00:27] Lotlhuitl, once of the Cruxati, had descended from Tongyishen.
  37. The tall Nagual woman looked weary. Her long limbs were filled with tension, her willowy form flickered with bursts of electricity at random intervals.
  39. 'Keep away, stay away, don't talk to me, don't touch me,' Lotlhuitl's body language seemed to say. She was here to conduct business, not mingle and chat with the locals.
  41. And yet, hearing her name being called out at the crossroads, she had paused.
  43. "Who asks for Lotlhuitl?" She breathed, armoured boots crunching pavement as she walked to Taka. Hips swaying. Hand placed at her hip.
  45. "I am she. Speak."
  46. (Lotlhuitl)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [00:30] Taka would simply sit there with his body covered in plasma flames. Though he was lucky very lucky unlike the others. He could know that many died to that man. Taka was just glad he was not one of the people to add to the kill count.
  51. Taking in breaths.
  53. "That kid Xoco after he tried to murder me told me your one of your kids....will lose their life today..." He would say as he would thank the heavens he was alive.
  55. "Damn he is strong. I was spared thinks to his mistake." Taka would look at the Nagual.
  57. "I don't know that boy well but he is strong and dangerous. Wherever your kids are we must go to them."
  58. (Taka)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [00:40] Lotlhuitl's breath hitched, caught in her throat as Taka spoke. She felt sick. "No," she muttered, eyes widening. The Nagal shook her head, hands raising to her lips. A half step taken backwards in distinct terror. "He's insane. He's gone completely insane. Our children. By the spirits, no."
  63. Terror. Terror. Terror.
  65. Fear.
  67. The Nagual exhaled, gaze darkening. She chided herself, muttering under her breath, "Get a fucking grip, Lotlhuitl."
  69. And once more her expression was steel.
  71. "That boy is my husband, Xoconan, Warchief of the Coalition." Lotlhuitl snapped, her voice taking on a distinctly irrational, angry edge. "Don't.. Don't call him Xoco." That's what I call him.
  73. A laugh, bitter and high pitched rolled from her lips.
  75. "So that's it, is it? I'm to meekly return to his side, let him take what he wants from me?"
  77. A snarl.
  79. "I refuse. I refuse to be a victim of fate any longer."
  81. Without warning, the woman had launched herself at Taka. A gauntleted hand seeking out his neck.
  83. "Where is he keeping my children. TELL ME."
  84. (Lotlhuitl)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [00:44] Taka would see the woman coming forward and would duck as best as he could.
  88. (Taka)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [00:44] Lotlhuitl lunged forward, intending on grabbing Taka..
  92. (Lotlhuitl)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [00:45] Jun casually walks away from the encounter.
  96. (Jun Gao)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [00:47] The hulking giant of a man pats the stallion's side firmly before handing the reigns over to the grizzled old man, speaking in a low voice before sending him off to tend to the horse alongside Squire. He folds both arms over his chest and observes the scenario nearby.
  100. (Baeron Turnbull)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [00:48] Lotlhuitl is currently trying to choke Taka in the middle of the square, snarling and glaring.. uncaring that she's doing this in the middle of Ardent..
  104. (Lotlhuitl)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [00:49] Baeron Turnbull says, "Allow me a moment."
  109. [00:50] Taka would see the woman grab him by the neck. Now only person who does this when they were busy with....'training' was Taka wife. But this was a kill like instinct. Taka would eye her with eyes of let me go. Though Jun and the other would come he would raise a hand to show he was not in fear.
  111. The grip was strong.
  113. "Calm down.." He would calmly say to the woman even though his breathing had a problem. Though he would be able to break this grip he still didn't know what else she could do to subdue him.
  115. He would whisper in her ear.
  117. "You need to calm down. This is in the square of Ardent the citizens will see it as you attacking a commander. They will either try to kill you or arrest you. Please calm down."
  119. The man would say with innocence in his eyes to show her he didn't know.
  120. "All I know was after he attacked me he would told me to tell you while I escaped."
  121. (Taka)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [00:50] Ser Baeron is without weapon, but that does not deter him from involving himself in the unique scene. It is not ever day he spots a woman attempting to man handle a person of the opposite sex, or so he believed. He steps towards the two, each foot audible upon making contact with the ground.
  126. Thud.
  128. Thud.
  130. "Mayhaps you can explain the situation, m'lady."
  131. (Baeron Turnbull)
  132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. [00:58] Misato slowly walks in to lotl choking someone.
  136. "Is there a problem here?"
  137. (Misato Kusaragi)
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. [01:04] Lotlhuitl looked like she was torn between weeping and gutting Taka. Her ears were pinned back. Her delicate face twisted in a mask of anger, of rage. Her lips drawn back, lightly pointed teeth BARED at the messenger.
  142. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" She screamed, absolutely hysterical.
  144. Lotlhuitl's gauntlets dug into Taka's neck. Her fingertips were pointed and claw-like. Perhaps mercifully, her grip had for a moment loosened as Baeron approached.
  146. The Nagual's tail bristled, flicking from side to side like a snake waiting to attack.
  148. Snarling, Lotlhuitl released her grip entirely, all but shoving Taka away from her. Why, it was almost like she'd processed the fact that this man was nought but a messenger. That he knew nothing.
  150. "This man conspires with my husband to see me dead."
  152. Bitter words. Bitter and rash. Were theylies? Lotlhuitl didn't know. Didn't care. Her blood might as well have been poison.
  154. "My children are threatened, and this coward does nothing but to tell me that I must return to Gaiar. Where I will be killed in front of my two, sweet, precious babies."
  156. Lotlhuitl shuddered, her gaze positively electric as she regarded everyone in this square.
  158. "People of Ardent, what price are you prepared to pay for your freedom? For I tell you, I, Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati, already pay it. And you all do nothing."
  159. (Lotlhuitl)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. [01:06] Misato Kusaragi says, "So, people are trying to kill you."
  163. [01:06] Jun claps after watching the man perform, totally ignoring Lotlhuitl strangling people in the background.
  164. (Jun Gao)
  165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. [01:06] Misato Kusaragi asks, "Especially, your husband?"
  168. [01:07] Lotlhuitl says, "I joined your fucking rebellion, so, yes.."
  169. [01:08] Misato Kusaragi says, "I mean, to be fair it was your decision."
  170. [01:08] Misato Kusaragi says, "Regardless."
  172. [01:12] This is far more complicated than he could have ever expected. Conspiracy to kill one of the members included in this rebellion does not bode well for this group. And the fact this man is wandering around while keeping in contact with the opposing forces?
  174. It is not a good look. He places a large hand in front of Lotlhuitl, purple tinted eyes peers out from their hood. "M'lady, you should be angered. I do not blame you for acting this way, but do not fret. I, Ser Baeron, will never allow you to meet such an end." The knight confirms, wishing he still had Oswald around to help contain the situation.
  176. "Come with me m'lady." The most suitable option to diffuse the scenario is to remove the most volatile person from it.
  177. (Baeron Turnbull)
  178. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. [01:14] Taka would be released and gripped his neck. Now she would feel a full force of wrath. Taka would snarl at the damn woman as she made lies and also threats to him. They would see Taka was clearly done fighting and also still recovering from the fight with Xoco.
  182. "You...dare say I conspire with a enemy..." They would feel the ground shake.
  184. "Do you know who the fuck I am...." The man would stand with a tall aggressive notion. The drakanite clearly standing tall. Five inches over her as he would not like these claims at all.
  185. "
  187. "I'm fucking Taka. Commander of the Fourfold! I serve Jianghu Longer than your ass could think of!You got the nerve to say I would help a man who seeks my people end! I have fucking kids! I hate the situation as much as you. But you ever! Try to choke me again!"
  189. The man would snarl.
  191. "Woman there is no coward in my fucking blood! I fought for years for my people. I still will be fighting till the end. You say my people done nothing! Yet, you stand here still."
  193. Taka would be angry but keep a cool head.
  195. "Now calm your ass down so we can figure out how to save your damn kids!"
  196. (Taka)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [01:14] Misato Kusaragi says, "Ive seen this man before."
  200. [01:14] Misato Kusaragi says, "Doesn't seem like the traitor."
  201. [01:16] Now that his blade was enchanted he turn around towards Lotlhuitl and Taka, moving closer as he watched the scene unfold. Preparing to intervene if truly needed.
  202. (Jun Gao)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [01:34] "Misato. You have no idea what was my choice and what wasn't. Xoconan was supposed to defect with me. But he chose Kayeliun. He betrayed me, and now I'm stuck with you lot."
  207. Bitter.
  209. Lotlhuitl had blinked, looking to Baeron.
  211. Her eyes had taken on a strange mirror-like quality. Pupils dilating to an unnatural degree. If one didn't look at Lotlhuitl directly, one might see reflections out of the corner of their eye around the woman where no reflections had any right to be.. but perhaps that was just the latent magic in the air from all the runic enchantments which had been placed around the Ardent square.
  213. Someone who agreed with her? The concept was utterly fucking alien to Lotlhuitl. It surprised her. "Of course I should be angry. I--" She shuddered, visibly deflating somewhat.
  215. The Nagual, ears still pinned backwards, hesitated. She'dnever been much good at concealing her emotions, her thoughts. And clearly, the woman was contemplating just going with Baeron.
  217. And then Taka started screaming at her.
  219. Instantly, Lotlhuitl's defensive layer of rage blossomed back into force. Mindless. An impulse, more than anything.
  221. "I don't fucking CARE who you think you are!" She screamed, her gaze almost dipping into a feral edge.
  223. "I- wh-what?" Save her kids? The woman stopped, tail flicking, teeth grit.
  225. "You're just going to send me back there. I.. I can't. I can't. He's insane."
  226. (Lotlhuitl)
  227. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. [01:34] Misato Kusaragi says, "Lotl...."
  230. [01:35] Misato Kusaragi asks, "Do you need someplace to stay?"
  231. [01:35] Misato Kusaragi says, "I have another baby crib for cases just like this as well."
  233. [01:39] Yex looked toward his wife with a smile.
  235. "So what are you up to here?"
  236. (Yex'ing)
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. [01:39] Misato Kusaragi says, "Lotl seems to be in trouble with her husband, ans lotl is saying that taka over here, wants to take her to gaiar."
  240. [01:40] Jun Gao says, "Her husband threatened to kill their children..."
  241. [01:40] Jun Gao says, "It's not simple trouble."
  243. [01:40] Misato Kusaragi says, "I didn't know..."
  245. [01:40] Misato Kusaragi says, "Come with us when you are done Lotl."
  246. [01:41] Misato Kusaragi says, "Please."
  247. [01:41] Taka would shake his head. He would then look the woman in the eye.
  249. "I wont send you back never. Even I wouldn't want you to experience death. I lost many but I rather not lose another. I want you to live and I will want your children to see to that as well."
  251. The man would make sure his blade stayed sheathe.
  253. "I'm sorry for my yelling. I understand how so much anger and rage effected you to never want to see your children in danger. Its...a painful feeling knowing you could lose them. I lost many of those who I adopted into my care. Now the symbol of their life was taken away."
  255. He would look her in the eyes.
  257. "Your home is here if you want to see to it. I will never deny one a home."
  258. (Taka)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [01:41] Yex'ing says, "uh....."
  262. [01:41] This situation has a possibility of getting out of hand and that is the last thing this faction requires. Even if the knight is not officially affiliated, he would hate for this place to devolve any further. Though the words of Taka may carry some weight, and the possibility of what seems to be saving her children is possible-
  264. This high intensity scenario is not a healthy moment for any one person. He interjects himself between the two, standing at his full height with unusually broad shoulders. "Enough." A firm voice with a steady hand, Ser Baeron is used to dealing with the restless and uneasy.
  266. "You are coming with me, m'lady after you hear this man out." The knight does believe Taka may have something to offer, mayhaps a third option.
  267. (Baeron Turnbull)
  268. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. [01:41] Yex was confused with what everyone spoke of, though if Lotl was in a bit of trouble, Yex left that decision to his wife.
  271. (Yex'ing)
  272. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  274. [01:41] Misato Kusaragi asks, "Who is this man in white?"
  276. [01:42] Taka says, "Calm yourself she is under stress,"
  277. [01:42] Taka says, "Let her be."
  278. [01:42] Misato Kusaragi says, "She needs to make sure her kids are fine."
  279. [01:43] Misato Kusaragi says, "And Lotl is like an Older sister to me..."
  281. [01:57] Lotlhuitl shuddered.
  283. Too many voices.
  285. The Nagual shook her head at Misato. Waving a hand, dismissing the offer of a bed, a crib. Was Misato for real? In trouble with her husband, hah. The man wanted to kill her. Told her he planned on killing their children.
  287. "Xoconan doesn't threaten." Lotlhuitl said in response to Jun Gao's comment about her being in more than mere trouble. "He's going to do it. He's going to kill our children, and- and-" No. She wouldn't panic. She wouldn't cry. She was Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati. If she couldn't be strong and proud and fearless, she would at least look the part.
  289. Wide green eyes had regarded Taka. Her chin held high. And yet, she visibly flinched as he apologised. "Don't. Don't apologise. Don't pity me." There was still venom in her voice there, but... well. She couldn't hide her desperation, as much as she tried.
  291. The woman exhaled. Staring down at her hands. She only now realised that she'd been trembling. How long had she been trembling? "I.. a home?" She swallowed. "Very well."
  293. "Why." She said to Baeron. She would go with the knight. "Are you going to escort me back to Gaiar?"
  295. She looked back to Taka.. her left foot tapping. "What do you propose? Suha told me that she has a friend close to Tragedy, but.. I think it's all too late for that. I admit, my last chance I felt, other than turning myself over, was to beg Sibri to assist me."
  297. Lotlhuitl frowned.
  299. "Sibri holds no love for Ardent Cliff. Declared all of Ardent Cliff his enemy, but.. he desired me once. He once said that my only flaw was loving Xoconan."
  301. A defeated shrug.
  303. "That's all I've got."
  304. (Lotlhuitl)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. [02:02] "I have no intention of taking you to those demon infested lands." He knows first hand of the destructive capabilities those demons wield. However, this woman will only know pain. He can feel the anguish radiating from her very core.
  310. "You can only take on so much alone. Walk only a short distance and clear your very conscience m'lady." Ser Baeron is a man of visions and dreams, but what can he see of this Gehennan's future? There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
  312. Far from it.
  313. (Baeron Turnbull)
  314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  317. [02:02] Yex looked toward the woman as he found out that she was non-other then Xoconan's wife, the War chief of the Cruxati and nontheless, a fearsome foe.
  319. Yex heard from a few sources that he wielded a new type of magic, though he was told that he wasn't the creator.
  321. To hear that the man was more then capable, no, was going to kill his wife and children? It struck Yex with a pound of venom and salt. Why would he do such a thing?
  323. "Why would he even say that? To his wife nonetheless?"
  325. Yex then began to question what on earth has this woman been through? Though it more so was of happiness that she got out when she could for what ever was the reason.
  326. (Yex'ing)
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. [02:04] He saw her fear. The man was indeed serious. Taka would need a drink. He would look to Baeron.
  331. "Don't touch her and let her get some rest. She would need time to collect her emotions. She is a mother. She only wants her kids safety. I know that feeling."
  333. The man would then prepare to head off to plan.
  335. "You give your self over. But then what will that do. You will only let the emotions take you over. Get some rest."
  336. (Taka)
  337. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  339. [02:05] Misato Kusaragi says, "Lotl."
  340. [02:05] Misato Kusaragi says, "Please come with me."
  341. [02:05] Misato Kusaragi says, "You will be safe at my home near the mountains."
  342. [02:05] Lotlhuitl says, "... I have a home in Tongyishen, Misato."
  343. [02:06] Misato begins to tear up.
  345. "A-are you sure that you are safe there? Does Xoconan know where it is?"
  346. (Misato Kusaragi)
  347. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. [02:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan doesn't know."
  350. [02:08] Misato Kusaragi says, "A-alright."
  351. [02:08] Taka asks, "Do you want me to help you get home?"
  352. [02:09] Misato gives her a hug and a loving kiss on the head before she runs home.
  354. "Stay safe Lotl. For our sake."
  356. (Misato Kusaragi)
  357. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  359. [02:10] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  360. [02:11] Taka says, "I wont mind i promise i only seek to make sure you are safe and okay."
  361. [02:11] Dio whispers something.
  362. [02:12] Baeron Turnbull says, "Safety. "
  363. [02:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not an invalid.."
  364. [02:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. look. I appreciate the.. I won't..."
  365. [02:12] Taka Nods
  366. (Taka)
  367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. [02:12] Lotlhuitl was obviously struggling with her WORDS..
  370. (Lotlhuitl)
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. [02:13] Lotlhuitl says, "I won't decline help. I can put aside my /pride/ enough for that."
  374. [02:13] Taka Offers hand
  375. (Taka)
  376. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378. [02:13] Lotlhuitl says, "But I refuse to be treated like some.. victim any longer.."
  379. [02:13] Lotlhuitl stares at his hand.
  380. (Lotlhuitl)
  381. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  383. [02:14] Lotlhuitl asks, "I don't understand what you're offering me. What, the chance to take a backseat in fate's game once more?"
  384. [02:14] Taka says, "I dont see you as a victim"
  385. [02:14] Taka says, "I see you as a mother."
  386. [02:14] Baeron Turnbull says, "M'lady, use my steed to reach your destination. "
  387. [02:15] Lotlhuitl says, "... if you both wish to accompany me to Tongyishen, I will not protest."
  388. [02:18] || "Squire!" ||
  390. A commanding voice booms through the area as the knight waits patiently. It does not take long for a boy not much older than twelve years of age leads on a horse by the reigns. A massive black stallion clearly fit to be ridden by the likes of this giant.
  392. Ser Baeron takes the reigns from the boy and drags himself onto the saddle, settling down with his feet. He pats to the space behind him. "Come along."
  394. Old man Oswald watches from afar while losing himself in drink.
  395. (Baeron Turnbull)
  396. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  398. [02:23] Lotlhuitl had never seen a horse that big.
  400. The Nagual's ears had pricked forward, her gaze distinctly curious. For a second she had bit her bottom lip, tail flicking back and forth before, finally, she accepted Baeron's offer.
  402. There was a flash of lightning and Lotlhuitl was sitting up behind the armoured knight.
  404. Clearly, the Nagual knew so little about horses, she didn't realise that they could be startled. But hey, this was surely a warhorse.. perhaps it was used to strange magicks and unpredictable (and angry!) Nagual women.
  406. "To Tongyishen."
  408. Lotlhuitl lent in, cautiously wrapping an arm around Baeron as she attempted to point. She assumed the knight needed directions.
  409. (Lotlhuitl)
  410. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  412. [02:26] Ser Baeron smacks his heel against the side of the stallion, prompting it to break out in a steady trot as to ease Lotlhuitl in. "This steed has always carried the burden of two." He comments, but does not explain the deeper meaning. He follows the extended hand of the Gehennan as he seeks the destination.
  414. "Round up the boars." His final comment to Squire as he would disappear into the distance alongside the two others.
  415. (Baeron Turnbull)
  416. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. [02:27] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Haruhi!"
  419. [02:27] Lotlhuitl is sitting atop a horse, an arm wrapped around an armoured knight -- Baeron.
  420. (Lotlhuitl)
  421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. [02:27] Li Zheng II says, "< I've seen that girl before. >"
  424. [02:29] Eyes glinting in recognition, Hinata would walk up to the three-- and the horse. Leaning in and looking up, he'd whisper silently to the warrior.
  425. (Hinata Yukishiro)
  426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  428. [02:29] Hinata Yukishiro whispers something.
  429. [02:29] Taka whispers something.
  430. [02:30] Hinata Yukishiro whispers something.
  431. [02:31] Haruhi peels her mask off from the bottom to the top for juuust a second to ensure her eyes are functioning properly.
  433. One blink is followed by two more, each slower than the last. Finally, her eyes settle upon Lotlhuitl and she manages out,
  435. "I-
  437. Huh? Did I miss something?"
  439. She pinches the bottom edge of the mask between her index finger and her thumb, before sliding it back down on her face. Astute observers might realize she makes a "pssh" sound effect to accompany the motion.
  440. (Haruhi Noriega)
  441. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  443. [02:33] Lotlhuitl says, "I... was just coming home."
  444. [02:33] Taka Nods with a smile and epic thumbs up
  445. (Taka)
  446. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  448. [02:33] Lotlhuitl says, "... Taka ran into Xoconan with a message for me."
  449. [02:33] Haruhi Noriega says, "Well, I just sauntered--"
  450. [02:33] Haruhi Noriega says, "Oh."
  451. [02:33] Taka asks, "Oh who might you be young lady?"
  452. [02:34] Haruhi holds up a finger in Taka's direction. "Juuust one moment, please."
  453. (Haruhi Noriega)
  454. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  456. [02:35] Taka Smirks
  457. (Taka)
  458. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  460. [02:35] Haruhi Noriega says, "So..."
  461. [02:35] Haruhi Noriega says, "The, uh..."
  462. [02:35] Lotlhuitl says, "... Taka said that Xoconan said that he's going to do it. Kill my children."
  463. [02:35] Haruhi Noriega asks, "In private, I'd guess?"
  464. [02:35] Haruhi Noriega says, "Oh."
  465. [02:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Mn.."
  466. [02:35] Haruhi Noriega says, "... well, then let's do somethin' about it."
  467. [02:35] Haruhi Noriega says, "... somehow."
  468. [02:36] Ser Baeron runs his large fingers through the thick mane of the steed, opting not to interject himself into the conversation.
  469. (Baeron Turnbull)
  470. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  472. [02:38] Lotlhuitl says, "... can we.. maybe.. I'm.. look, this is the cross-roads.."
  473. [02:38] Lotlhuitl asks, "private, yes..?"
  474. [02:39] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "Right!"
  475. [02:39] Taka says, "I will carry you."
  476. [02:39] Haruhi Noriega asks, "I... would rather you didn't...?"
  477. [02:39] Taka says, "Since its fit for two. *Flying*"
  478. [02:40] Haruhi slooooowly pans her gaze over to Taka.
  479. (Haruhi Noriega)
  480. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  482. [02:40] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "So, right, hello!"
  483. [02:40] Taka says, "Im Taka commander of the Fourfold pleasure to meet you."
  484. [02:40] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "Haruhi Noriega!"
  485. [02:41] Lotlhuitl shuffled backwards, gesturing for Haruhi to hop up in front of her..
  486. (Lotlhuitl)
  487. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  489. [02:41] Li Zheng II says, ". . ."
  490. [02:41] Haruhi does a triple frontflip followed by a rocket blast energy beam against the ground, propelling her approximately fifteen feet into the air. She lands perfectly in front of Lotlhuitl before staring dead at Taka himself.
  492. "Drop dead."
  493. (Haruhi Noriega)
  494. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. [02:41] Haruhi hops up on the horse like a fucking normal person.
  497. (Haruhi Noriega)
  498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  500. [02:43] Taka would simply follow and smirk. "I make a path just lead the way."
  501. (Taka)
  502. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  504. [02:43] Lotlhuitl wrapped her arms around little Haruhi..
  505. (Lotlhuitl)
  506. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. [02:43] Haruhi makes a sound somewhere between "Naaa" and "Haaaaaaah" which comes out approximately as "nahahahanah..."
  509. (Haruhi Noriega)
  510. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. [02:44] Haruhi Noriega says, "Wow, Naguals are natural thieves."
  513. [02:49] Ser Baeron reigns in the horse with a solid tug, prompting the steed to halt in it's tracks eventually. Despite the delays, the massive stallion had done a great job in travelling the mountainside. How unusual.
  515. The knight looks over his shoulders at the two, signalling that it is safe to move off the horse's back. "The land here is plentiful." He comments.
  516. (Baeron Turnbull)
  517. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  519. [02:50] The area was cold and the blizzard was not helping. As the snow or whatever would come in the way Taka would move it with his gravity. Though it indeed was badly snowing. The area was not meant for those who were not use to the cold. Even more now with the blizzard and dramtic change it was worst than before.
  521. "Lets make haste. This weather is hellish." Taka would say to them covering himself from the snows dramtic falling.
  523. It was indeed not the best time to stand outside.
  524. (Taka)
  525. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  527. [02:55] "Plentiful, but there ain't much any'un can do with it. It's a dang shame it's all covered in snow, or else I might have the biggest farm in Agartha."
  529. When they make it to her beloved home, her hands -
  531. which, of course, had found their way to a certain Nagual's hands, taking all of the warmth and affection they could get on the ride here -
  533. reluctantly unclasp, and she sliiides her way off of the horse.
  535. "That wasn't quite as bumpy as I expected."
  536. (Haruhi Noriega)
  537. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  539. [03:04] Lotlhuitl was shivering.
  541. She needed to renew the enchantments on her cloak.
  543. Sure, she could actually perhaps wear clothing appropriate for the climate, but what was the point in becoming a runescribe if she couldn't force the spirits to protect her from the elements?
  545. The woman released Harhui, before slipping off Baeron's horse's back herself. Her boots scraped against the pavement. Sparks.
  547. She might have commented to Haruhi that if she wanted farmland up here, she probably could assist with building some sort of greenhouse. Might have, but, really. Lotlhuitl wasn't of a mind for idle chitchat. She was preoccupied with thoughts of her children. Of.. Xoconan. Of his gauntleted hands reaching out, encircling around her neck.
  549. The memory of that damned magic her husband had turned against her made her shiver.
  551. "Nggh, let's get inside."
  553. Lotlhuitl ledthe way, intending on taking Taka and Ser Baeron inside, to the tea room.
  555. "I could use a drink. Something harder, perhaps.. but.. tea will do, for now."
  556. (Lotlhuitl)
  557. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. [03:05] Taka Uses his magic to change his clothing
  560. (Taka)
  561. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  563. [03:07] Baeron Turnbull says, "I cannot leave Squire and the old man unattended. "
  564. [03:07] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "Ask one or more of the servants to attend to them, then!"
  565. [03:10] Haruhi settles into a nice little sit on one of the cushions, before pouring some freshly-brewed tea for each of her wonderful guests. Isn't she such a gracious host? She certainly feels like it.
  567. "It's hot! Be careful."
  569. After which, she leeaaans over to Lotlhuitl and whispers in her ear, before offering out a hand to be taken and straightening up to her prior stance.
  570. (Haruhi Noriega)
  571. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  573. [03:10] Haruhi Noriega whispers: This time, if you get angry or mad or sad... just squeeze my hand.
  574. [03:10] Baeron Turnbull says, "Your hospitality is appreciated, but I know not of you. The horse needs to be taken care of in this weather. "
  575. [03:11] Haruhi Noriega says, "... maybe it would have been best to find a stable in Ardent Cliff and to have made the trip ourselves..."
  576. [03:12] Taka would walk inside. He hadn't been in the place for many years. The old man would rub his chin. Taka was old but he was the most well fitted old man in Jianghu most likely. Training every day and night. The power of gain made his life indeed responsible. Also with kids he had to keep training to keep up with the little ones.
  578. Taking his cloak off and changing his clothing he be in decent outfit.
  580. He would look to the man.
  582. "Don't fret I understand you done well good sir." Taka would sit and they would see his armor now replaced with a kimono.
  584. "Your gratitude is most gracious."
  585. (Taka)
  586. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "... Haruhi's staff will see your horse fed and warm.."
  589. [03:13] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I will.
  590. [03:14] Baeron Turnbull says, "Mayhaps we can exchange stories another day. I only wished to make certain this lady would enjoy the trip here."
  591. [03:14] Lotlhuitl says, "... ah."
  592. [03:15] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. not so certain that I caught your name."
  593. [03:15] Haruhi can't help but smile at a combination of many factors, but otherwise remains silent for now.
  594. (Haruhi Noriega)
  595. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  597. [03:16] Baeron Turnbull says, "I am Ser Baeron, a knight of an order."
  598. [03:16] Lotlhuitl asks, "An order?"
  599. [03:16] Baeron Turnbull says, "There have been many orders of knights through out the centuries. "
  600. [03:16] Lotlhuitl asks, "... you're Valmasian..?"
  601. [03:16] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "If he didn't mention the specific one, then I suppose it must be an eldritch secret lost to time!"
  602. [03:17] Baeron Turnbull says, "Yes, m'lady. I am a Valmasian."
  603. [03:17] Lotlhuitl blinked slowly, regarding Baeron in an appraising light.
  604. (Lotlhuitl)
  605. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. [03:19] Taka Simply listens and drinks his tea
  608. (Taka)
  609. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  611. [03:21] The giant of a man cuts an intimidating figure, that is most certain. Despite being hooded, one may be able to make notice of purple tinted eyes and a beard that seems to be some mix of a silvery-gold. It is difficult to discern his exact features with a shadow cast over most of his face.
  612. (Baeron Turnbull)
  613. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  615. [03:31] Lotlhuitl sat next to Haruhi.
  617. The Nagual, initially, had sprawled out across the cushions. Blue-black hair tumbling over her shoulders as she made herself comfortable.. a hand loosely resting in Haruhi's.
  619. The two, Kitsune and Nagual, were holding hands. Red and blue..
  621. My, what a dear friend Haruhi was to Lotlhuitl. Yes, that was it. Dear friends..
  623. Lotlhuitl straightened slightly, willowy form visibly tensing as she appraised Baeron. "Aha," the Nagual breathed. A wry and distinctly bitter smile at her lips.
  625. "Fate is strange, isn't it, Ser Baeron. No, not strange. Cruel. I once never would've imagined I would be in this position, but here we are. I'm as much denied the birthrights of my homeland as you are: I've heard how Valmasia has decided to abandon Agartha."
  627. She glanced to Haruhi, though, really her words were more intended for the Valmasian knight, and, well, Taka.
  629. "I once told Haruhi that there were no such thing as a good man. Do you both really mean to prove me wrong?"
  630. (Lotlhuitl)
  631. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  633. [03:39] "I have not come here on the orders of a Valmasian that cares not for its' people. A vision. A dream. I have seen far beyond what had been intended of me. " H keeps his eyes trained on the Gehennan woman who seemed to have been abandoned by her people over a mere misunderstanding. Rather, she had not been able to sense the change in the winds. The movements of the tides.
  635. "Honorable. Just. Compassionate. The ideal qualities needed for a man. There are no easy decisions in this word and one is bound to make mistakes, but man must not fear risk. Protect their people and lead." He speaks with clear conviction, standing firm as his purple tinted eyes shift between the two.
  637. Blue and red.
  638. (Baeron Turnbull)
  639. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  641. [03:41] Haruhi, for her part, seems to merely be enjoying the company. Though the knight's countenance draws some attention, in truth she had always been more interested in the stories of princesses than she had of the knights who came to save them.
  643. Princesses who, in time, grew to be queens...
  645. Well, she supposes, queens DO need knights...
  647. Though her fingers rest snugly between Lotlhuitl's, her eyes remain upon the knight's. Crimson and curious, before she muses aloud,
  649. "Tongyishan has always been a beacon for those with virtue in their hearts in one way or another. Or at the very least, I'd like to think so..."
  651. She raises her free hand to tap a finger to her chin - one, two, three times...
  653. Before she smiles a little wider and vigorously nods in agreement with her thoughts, before making a resolute declaration!
  655. "You're welcome in Tongyishan any time you'd like to be, Ser Baeron. I'll have the servants construct a stable to your horse's liking; we need more people like you around here."
  656. (Haruhi Noriega)
  657. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  659. [03:43] Taka would simply drink his tea. He would look at the two women and only just keep drinking. Taka would then sit the cup down and hear the question. Was there such a thing as a good man.
  661. "A good man? Am I a good man. I have never thought to ask myself such."
  663. He would look at his hands.
  665. "Day in and out. I spoke and saved many. I lost and shed tears for many others. I came close to death for others. Even strangers I have never met. Does this make me a good man?"
  667. He would shake his head.
  669. "A good man is one to make sure those around him know he plans to make sure their safeness comes first. To let them know even in the dark times you have to shed light on a situation. I'm a father who watches over my two kids. To never let harm come their way or to let them starve or cry. Their tears are my own."
  671. "I been on this land so long it feels as if it my home itself. I don't see Sheng as my homeland. My family is my homeland. Wherever they stand so shall I. Your homeland isn't judge on where others believe it is. Its judge on where your heart belives it is."
  673. The man would drink once more.
  675. "I'm not a good man. I'm simply....just Taka. A man who seeks to make sure there is a light even in the dark. To make sure the dark knows it has a peace of light in it as well."
  676. (Taka)
  677. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  679. [04:02] "Mn," Lotlhuitl had murmured, her fingers entwined with Haruhi's. The Nagual relaxed, her ears following the conversation even if her gaze didn't.
  681. Her free hand had reached for a cup of tea. Her tail, fluffy and still covered with bangles, had flicked about beneath her cloak. She hadn't removed it. She perhaps should, the bottom hem was lightly damp..
  683. Lotlhuitl sipped her tea.
  685. The water was lightly acerbic. Hot leaf juice, hah. Still, though. The Nagual had found she had a taste for the stuff. Who would've thought she'd take to certain parts of Jianghuan culture?
  687. Her green eyes looked to Baeron, and then to Taka. Tail still flicking as she thought.
  689. "Visions and dreams." She murmured, repeating Baeron's words. "I too have visions and dreams, though, some might say they're nightmares. I once thought I knew what honour, justice and compassion were. I'm no longer so sure, Baeron."
  691. Lotlhuitl's cat-like tail slowly crept out from beneath her cloak to entwine with Haruhi's own as the Kitsune spoke of virtue, as the Kitsune invited Ser Baeron to stay. Blue and red.
  693. A curious glance was given to Taka, more of that wry smile. "You're just Taka.." The way Lotlhuitl smiled, it could be inferred that happiness wasn't exactly a familiar emotion to the woman. She wasn't happy. It didn't reach her eyes. "You both sound so resolute."
  695. "Haahh," she exhaled. Truly, she wasn't sure what to say. "Haruhi's already told me that I need to stop worrying about the past. Just.. strive towards the future, so I'm not going to even say what I was about to say!" Lotlhuitl laughed, her voice sounding distinctly strained. Insincere.
  697. "And that future is one whichI save my children from Xoconan."
  699. Beat.
  701. "And punish Xoconan for choosing Kayeliun over me."
  702. (Lotlhuitl)
  703. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  705. [04:11] The offer is tempting, enough to give the knight pause. The terrain is not ideal but it is not foreign to the man who has travelled through many harsh conditions to obtain knighthood. Laying beneath a tree while travelling became commonplace, but another place to reside would not be a poor alternative.
  707. "I travel often as I continue my quest, but I have no reason to deny your hospitality. I will set up camp here." He responds to Haruhi, but grows slightly uncomfortable in regards to Lotlhuitl's actions. It were almost as if she were implying something with each passing glance in his direction.
  709. "M'lady, the past is important. It is what forged you after all, whether you are sturdy or brittle will always depend on your upbringing. You will eventually find a man that is of those three qualities. There must be one in this twisted world, I have seen it. Nightmare or dreams, a vision is a vision. Share with me your visions one day. Mayhaps."
  710. (Baeron Turnbull)
  711. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  713. [04:18] Taka would look and hear her words.
  715. "Nightmares are the source of our fears. We have to learn to either let them consume us or overcome them. Sometimes we need a hand to get out of nightmares or someone we know that is close by to make sure we don't lose ourselves to madness.."
  717. Taka knew this very much he dealt with many others visions and dreams.
  719. He could see she was not use to a smile of happiness. The woman seen sad times. She has seen hell and back. She had suffered to those she called friends and family. Betrayed by the ones she loved. Taka was...familiar with these situations. As he dealt with his whole life. Yet, he always knew others were there.
  721. "Your eyes and expressions tell me of deep heart ache and broken dreams. Yet, you have not let your heart completely fall apart. At least I can see that much."
  723. Taka would look to the other. The Red.
  725. "You are a special one. To know she has you with her. She has peace in her mind."
  727. The man would look between the two and Ser Baeron.
  729. "If a man doesn't stick with the one who has always been with him since his uprising he will eventually see that it was his greatest downfall letting that person go. Your children know you will be strong. You just have to keep your heart and mind that way also."
  731. Taka would finish his tea.
  733. "My ways come from seeing pain and aches. Seeing others happy and cheerful. My eyes have seen most of it all. They seen everything and most of all things. But yet I still have more to see."
  734. (Taka)
  735. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  737. [04:35] So much was said, and so much was heard. Three different versions of ideals play against her ears, and some of them even sound like truth. Whether a truth she's read in a book before, or perhaps conclusions she's come to herself...
  739. Crimson eyes flit around from speaker to speaker, before settling upon the cup of tea in front of her. She can't hope to respond to everything that everyone said, after all, and so she settles for a little bit of personal philosophy as she watches steam rise from the cup.
  741. "What's more important than where we've come from is where we will go. When a man jumps from one cliff to another, he never looks back to figure out why he's flying - he has to look forward to ascertain his landing, or else he'll fall."
  743. She takes the cup in her free hand as the other hand ever-so-slightly tightens its grip on Lotlhuitl's. She raises the cup in front of her face as her gaze rises to meet Ser Baeron's.
  745. "Knowing where we've come from is important, but it should never put us back in that place. It should always be the thing that pushes us forward - and we can always move forward without knowing where we came from, can we not?"
  747. An optimistic and ambitious smile curls up behind the veil of steam, before her gaze flits, then, to Taka.
  749. "I would say that nightmares are what hold us back from seeing our dreams. They're specters that haunt us and steal away our ability to see our futures - to see the threads of fate right in front of our eyes, ready to be plucked and claimed.
  751. Do the two of you agree?"
  753. Haruhi pauses, if only for a moment, before settling her gaze upon the cup in her hands once more. She inhales deeply, before cooling down the tea with a long, thorough exhale. After a sip, sip, sip, she lowers it back down to the table with a clack.
  754. (Haruhi Noriega)
  755. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  757. [04:37] Baeron Turnbull says, "I will be departing m'lady. "
  758. [04:37] Baeron Turnbull says, "Once you have set up the stables, I will return."
  759. [04:37] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "Not before you answer my question!"
  760. [04:37] Haruhi Noriega says, "Tsk, tsk, tsk."
  761. [04:37] Haruhi raises a single finger and waggles it in the knight's direction.
  762. (Haruhi Noriega)
  763. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  765. [04:39] Baeron Turnbull says, "The future is not always a dream m'lady."
  766. [04:41] Baeron Turnbull says, "I will bring Old man Oswald here later if you have an urge to hear the stories of a drunken veteran. "
  767. [04:42] He would simply rub his chin.
  769. "That if you allow the nightmres to do such. But they are old past demons who you must overcome. They will linger as I see my own each day and night. I see and hear the voices of my comrades and students at this moment. Yet, I contain them by pushing forward."
  771. He would look to the man.
  773. "But yes you are correct."
  774. (Taka)
  775. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  777. [04:43] Haruhi Noriega says, "The future isn't always a dream, but any future I make is going to be fashioned from mine."
  778. [04:43] Haruhi Noriega exclaims, "Count on it!"
  779. [04:43] Taka says, "Well ladies im sure you both would most likely want to get some rest."
  780. [04:43] Haruhi Noriega says, "Yeah, I think I want to cease existing pretty soon."
  781. [04:53]
  782. {LOAD GAME}
  784. [04:53] Baeron Turnbull asks, "The name of the fair lady?"
  785. [05:06] Lotlhuitl regarded all three of her companions silkily. Her expression wasn't quite sullen, the Nagual wasn't sulking. But it was clear she was doing her very best to not look impressed or swayed by the opinions around her.
  787. She'd let out a lightly dismissive snort in Baeron's direction, at the mention of finding a man who was those three qualities. But at the offer of sharing her visions, her scornful look softening. "Perhaps, Ser."
  789. If she lived.
  791. Lotlhuitl had blinked at Taka, sinking slightly further into the cushions. She was visibly uncomfortable with the examination which was going on. She didn't like being considered sad.
  793. Lotlhuitl froze up, her breathing catching in her throat.
  795. "Yes, well.." she mumbled.
  797. "Fate might not intend a dream for me, but.. I have no intentions of accepting the fate, the life set out for me."
  799. Lotlhuitl laughed, softly. Bitter.
  801. None of these people could understand just what length she would go to avoid being trapped by the future she saw in her dreams.
  803. Visibly shaken, Lotlhuitl had squeezed Haruhi's hand as she lapsed into silence once more.
  804. (Lotlhuitl)
  805. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  807. [05:06] Lotlhuitl says, "... Lotlhuitl. I'm Lotlhuitl."
  808. [05:07] Taka says, "*Gets up* You know what i do when i have a hard time."
  809. [05:07] Baeron Turnbull says, "Fare thee well, Lady Lotlhuitl."
  810. [05:08] Ser Baeron strides out of the room, not glancing back at the trio.
  811. (Baeron Turnbull)
  812. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  814. [05:09] Taka says, "*Gives them a epic smile and thumbs up* I make sure those around me smile."
  815. [05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "... I'm not the smiling sort of woman, Taka."
  816. [05:10] Taka says, "We all have a smile but get some rest."
  817. [05:10] Taka Bows
  818. (Taka)
  819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  821. [05:10] Lotlhuitl got up, and left.. muttering something about needing to be alone.
  822. (Lotlhuitl)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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