
Exovaryn Haruke: Escape

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. Through the rift came three beings. One of which was the immense Kaor, Ruos, hunching to accomodate the size of the prison, he looked around, eyes scanning the prison and it's guards. It must of been rather horrifying, a dragonesque beast coming from thin air, cracking tiles as he fell to the ground with a large thud, his azul eyes peering at the soldiers. wouldn't be that hard, would it? Break in, kill any witnesses, break out.
  3. "You two focus on the guards...I'll goad their hits way while you do so, and cull some of them myself." His form was bathed in lightning as the prison cells were illuminated, saw-blade being pulled from his back, simply watching the guards with a menacing gaze, as if to goad them on to attack...but not making the first hit himself. He would wait for them to get close, then show them just why that is a horrible idea with Ruos, his eyes shifting to the cells, examining the prisoners. Wouldn't it be a shame if a good lot of them got free.
  5. But no, as pleasing as it sounded, there job was the Haruke, none other. And Ruos had shit to do, so he had to get the job done quick. Luckily, the job was murder. And murder was his excelling skill.
  7. "If any...figures of notice enter, I will distract them. Once more, focus on getting the Haruke out. And the Malpercian, if she's here.
  8. (Ruos)
  10. It wouldn't be long before the Vindicator thoroughly sacrificed his victim and got the necessary to start opening the 'door' which would lead them toward the frozen lands.
  12. Spike's work apparently was flawless and alongside his current companions, Flyn rushed into the rift; bypassing geographical boundaries in order to get into Frostvale's darkest corner: The dungeon.
  14. Thanks to the sacrifice, they had been allowed to reach the location of the harukean's jail and making haste, made their way toward him.
  15. Quickly however, guards were upon them. Perhaps at first taken aback by the sudden appearance, they would quickly recover their wit and attempt to stop the trio's advance.
  17. Nodding toward Ruose, Flyn spread his wings; channeling the cosmic energy within his body and letting it explode like wildfire.
  18. "Alright, first we get rid of the guards then we break out the Harukean. Let's hurry."
  20. (Flyn Vondfold)
  22. Beyond the rift, comes out a humanoid cloaked in the entirety of black apparel. It seems the endless bounds of Illusion magic is utilized to mask his true form, and prevents his identification to be leaked by any survivors of magi. He wouldn't wish for any entities to know of his presence, one that'd aid in his demise if caught wind to the westerners of Valmasia.
  24. "You all owe me, greatly. "
  26. The only words that uttered, a clone erupted from his form, black mist started to shroud at his 'false' humanoid form. Occultic power felt, and depravity that slowly drooled off his soulcase. He is aware of the benefits of devouring every adversary seen, and so his sights are directed at the cell.
  28. A single hand raised up, preparations are made, he is ready to destroy those that try to thrawt the faction's plans.
  29. (Abaddon)
  31. Vidrio's visage, what is this bullshit.
  33. Her feet take her rocketing down the staircase in a furious flurry, wind and grains of sand beginning to soar about her. Demeter was gone, and now only the Sarradian had remained inside the barracks. Quickly, quickly! She makes her way to the dungeons with magic already racing about her!
  35. "What the HELL IS THIS?!" She screams. Already she was preparing to fight along with whoever else showed up.
  36. (Isir)
  38. Lorenzo had only wanted to comfort the prisoners.. Instead he saw fellow Nivis men and woman fleeing. Obviously something was wrong, and obviously it was gonna have something to do with the prisoners. Or... Something, whatever it was, it was coming from in the dungeons so.. Lorenzo bum rushed dow nthere, pieces of stone sliding up and clinging to his form, and a connection with his star, Orla, being made.
  40. "I get pissy when people interupt my schedule damn it!" He roared as he entered the dungeons, a little angry that Nivis were fleeing and not fighting, he'd deal with them later.
  41. (Lorenzo Flouren)
  43. After his training in the forest the young lad found himself wandering off into the main town of Frostvale. he was hungry and realized he was closer to there anyways. He had a nice warm meal before he to a seat outside. The tempreture was just fight to help with his excessive sweating. he noticed a group of people rushing towards the frostvalian dungeons, Roars emitted from that direction and screams, terrifying screams. Fear crept over Kiran as he moved in that direction, his curiousity was greater than any threat he could possibly face.
  45. The place was in disarray so the guards didnt seem to notice the 8 year old among them. He followed the guards down to the dungeon where he saw someone incarcerated and the cobble stone walls, shakles and all....but what got his attention the most was the small army of...."HOLY SHIT" the boy exclaimed as he saw three huge yokai standing tall behind a oscuri. A warm sensation crawled down his leg as he was stunned by thier appearance.
  47. Though Kiran grew up in the yokai forest he had never seen yokai like these before, he stepped back and enede up falling on his but as he drew himself up agaisnt the wall. He was too scared to move and too shocked to speak. He wasnt even embarassed of his now wet pants. Kiran shivered as he watched the huge wings flap slowly, the depravity was so thick he could cut it with a knife. He took out his staff and hid behind it, like that would help his situation.
  48. (Kiran Night)
  50. It does not take long for the Yokai incursion to be detected, silent infiltration hardly a strong point of a Kaor in particular. Without a doubt they leave a trail of destruction in their path, the commotion attracting Nasargiel's attention.
  52. Amongst others, he arrives on time to contest the jailbreak with his weapon readied.
  53. (Nasargiel Melym)
  55. The prison shook, yelling and sounds…Voices she knew. OH, how wonderful it all was. A smile splayed on her lavender lips as she pushed herself off the floor. She grew tired of waiting, grew tired of the lonesome darkness. This was good-No, wonderful. But….Oh, they attracted too much attention. Ruos was just too big…What had she been thinking with him? OH well, too late now. Walking to the door, gripping at the lock; Plum would frown.
  57. This was completely and utterly disasterous…Plans don't go as far as maybe she thought….
  59. But sometimes, you just had to roll with it. Her allies did their part, and now she did hers. She was giving up the chance to take back Flux, to redeem herself…But in a city full of people worse than those in Alteros? That didn't matter to her. Let them take Flux, let them take the child. There were news goals, new thrills…She had allies to defend.
  61. The metal of the door grew red…But she grew tired. Maybe she was a little worse for wear…Those drugs sure were merciless on her body. IT took her a good few moments, but the door lock was melted, sound magic slamming into the metal and causing the door to fly off. Out of the cell she lumbered…And goodness, did she look tired.
  63. " Oh gosh, I didn't take this into account…."
  65. (Plum)
  66. [07:34:11] The call to arms rang across Frostvale; a prison break of incredible audacity.A Kaor yokai and some sort of dark abomation were rifted right into the prisons! No doubt they intended for a quick smash and grab then to fly away with their quarry or something. Of course with the Whitecloaks stationed in Frostvale for the time being things weren't going to be that easy. Rushing down behind Nasargiel she stared with wide eyes over at the carnage; there were a few guards left but they were meager non magi holding the line.
  68. Drawing Tyrfing and holding it high she let the light of the holy blade wash upon the small elite party that had formed in a desperate, swift bid to stop this escape attempt. "Avaunt, workers of evil!" she announcers. "Avaunt, servants of darkness. You have no place here."
  70. The depravity of their entrance seemed to settle beneath the overwhelming pressure of Tyrfing and the woman entered a battle stance.
  71. (Diana Rosengard)
  73. Well ok, With the newcomers rushing in, the Kaor sights out the two target's cells, and runs over, without hesitation, ramming the gate like a bull and sending it off the wall, bringing some concrete..stone...whatever, with it.
  75. "NOW. GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE, SO WE CAN KICK THESE FROSTVALIANS ASSES." Of course...Plum didn't look so peachy so instead he turns around and motions Exo with his tail, flying to the front of the group as his form was brightly illuminated with lightning, causing the air to get hot and heavy.
  77. He was a perfect mockery of frostvale, he looked like a dragon. But in every way, he was the opposite. Quite the insult to the drakanite inhabitants.
  79. His steel scales bulged as the muscle under them were charges with mana, his size ever more buiking up as the tiles under foot groaned with resistance.
  80. (Ruos)
  82. Once sitting within his cell, recieving the potet whispers of a sound magi astray, eyes were unveiled to the rifting of three gargantuan forces abruptively appearing before his cell. The sound of steel grinding against scaly appendages portrayed the only thing he had looked forward to since his imprisonment: Liberation... Freedom.
  84. He rose up to leave his cell, escaping what once restrained his mana reserves and relieving himself to the comfort of the outside world. Though, such would not go without absolute oppression from the native forces...
  85. Nivis, lo and behold would swarm the dungeons, mostly pertaining to magi would block their exit.
  87. "... I've looked forward to this day.... Alas, it has come.. Lyperias does not forget her devout followers. Fate had blessed me on this day..." Eyes fell upon Nasargiel in particular, batting a distinct grin upon his visage in realization.
  89. "I'm going to enjoy this a little more than I should..."
  90. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  92. The battle that erupted between the forces was an impressively close one. Aided by the vengeful malice of the freed Exovaryn the yokai assailants managed powerful blows against the opposition. In the end it was for naught as the blades of Diana and Isir took down their final foe.
  94. It was a mess in the prison, blood and bodies were scattered everywhere, yet in the chaos two of the three assailants would find room to escape. Only the largest, the Kaor, would be pinned down in the end...
  96. Panting and taking a moment to recover herself, Diana looked down at her allies and moved to help Nasargiel up. Her voice, though strained, spoke with confidence and authority. "Bind the kaor for King Sebastian... it is not our authority to execute in his walls. I expect he'll want to do it himself"
  98. aka he's logged off
  99. (Diana Rosengard)
  101. Defeat is woe for those that yearn for victory. Disgruntled, annoyed, and frustrated. The Amorphous being that is shrouded by mist of eternal, absolute darkness continues to crowd the prisons. At the humanoid form procured by Illusions, for the blending into society, his true identity is not shown, it is not displayed at this moment nor scene. Those of the adversarie's side, the nonmagi, the guards, they're all swiftly devoured by the Cynthrul . Even if it isn't that much potent mana inside their soulcases, it is still a meal.
  103. Beaten, the Progenitor stares deeply at the participants through the mist. Their identites are ingrained inside his memory for consideration. Their skill, all of that is considered by Abaddon. A hand suddenly elongates, a hand grasping at Flyn's body, reeling him close. With the mist veiling their forms, they are able to make a clean escape without any pursue due to the distraction, and commotion that has arised.
  105. A shame he didn't devour anything significant for his growth. It is for transcendence afterall. However, he cannot complain, his possible demise was to be evident if he didn't obtain the chance of escaping.
  106. (Abaddon)
  108. After a few shouts of bravery from the older people Kiran felt like he had to courage to stand, they were just yokai after all he thought as he pulled himself up fromt the ground, but was that wise? He summoned his spirits and began to shoot blasts of condensed darkness from the end o f is staff towards the oscuri, he semed lke the most dangerous here.
  110. Be fore he could get off a single shot he noticed a shadow gleaming over him, in all the bursts of energy, light and darkness clashing and all the confusion one thing was clear, it was over for him. The Kaor yokai planted his fist in the boy's stomach and launched him into the air sending him slamming into the ceiling.
  112. The pain was unbearable and he cried in pain as he fell to the ground landing on his
  114. *SNAP*
  116. .....ARM.
  118. The boy screamed in awful agny ans he rolled on the ground holding his broken limb. through hs tears he could see that others had fallen but they were victorious, though the pain was too much for him to stay concious. The boy passed out.
  120. (Kiran Night)
  122. Boddies were scattered across the Dungeon flooring. Scorched by both the light and the darkness. Both in the posession of the opposite magic, and yet distinctly depraved in nature. Exorcism not used for protection, but for assault on the body. It left much to consider. If even Kraus's magic can be wielded by those who are evil, does it truly make it "Kraus's" magic?
  124. Or simply a human imitation of it. A deformed and degraded copy, that is not but a fraction of what Kraus wields. In the end Exorcism was not goodness embodied, but simply a tool to use. She would remember this for the time to come. On the ground Katiel lays - Blood pouring out of her right leg. It had snapped into two - Bone piercing out from under the muscle.
  126. She screamed and cried as the pain engulfed her senses. Just looking at the broken leg brought horror to her. It was all horrible. From the occultism thrown around, to the Yokai firing at those involved, and even a warped depraved creature covered in mist. Nothing about the scene was good or righthous. It is all the result of those who defy Kraus's will.
  128. The depraved and the filthy.
  129. (Katiel Melym)
  131. They lost....She didn't account for this.
  133. Rage swelled in her chest, guilt, pain. Ruos...Her mother's best friend, a Yokai worth untold amounts in loyalty....Plum shook with anger; her violet eyes gazing in total shock. How could this happen? This was a mess, nothing was in place, NOTHING was in order! She despised messes...
  135. And Frostvale was the biggest one so far.
  137. Her screams pierced the air. Rattling the very prison as a fist slammed against stone. Effectively hurting her hand, causing blood to slip free of the broken skin. This was....It was not fair. Nothing was ever fair. She was so TIRED of being walked all over, watching her allies fall. Watching plans fail and untold messes being created.
  139. She could not fogive this ever.
  141. " I...You...NO! NO! NO! NO! FLYN! Tell them all what you've seen..."
  143. A growl escaped her lips as she leaned on the broken cell door for support. She hated this...Hated them. The rage on her face was clear as day.
  145. " I hope you all ROT!"
  146. (Plum)
  148. She hated it when plans did not go how she wanted. The Sarradian, inexhaustible in spirit, scorched stone and hewed brick with galeforce hurricanes, beating down the enemy as the dungeon turned into a battleground. It wasn't long before Diana, who had come to the rescue, was upon the enemy as well.
  150. One by one bodies hit the ground, unwitting guards coming in too late. Melyms and children. The Sarradian's flames sear body and bone as she attacks, and when it is all over, she stands exhausted above the fallen.
  152. Her body aches... But her spirit thrives.
  154. "That... Is the last time I depend on a fool girl for a simple job." She'd mutter to herself. "Difficult to find... Good help." Time slowly rewinds itself about her smaller scars, leaving only the water-blood that cakes her skin... Slowly washing away from the film of water about her body. Now only gashes remain.
  156. "... Get the injured to the infirmary, restrain the remainin'!"
  157. (Isir)
  159. If the first row of guards weren't anything worth mentioning, the second would be filled with highly skilled magi who succeeded in stopping the jail breakers.
  161. A fierce battle would ensue, blood and gore covering the dungeon but alas the opposition was too fierce and even when backed by a temporarily freed harukean, they would still end up brought down. What silver of hope they had when barging in had been thoroughly crushed.
  163. However the young man's injuries weren't too severe and he quickly got back on his feet. Spreading his ethereal wings, he shot off and turned into a beam of light. Flying or rather fleeing at top speed toward wherever safety laid.
  164. A short glance would be taken toward the victors and new captive. The count was only increasing and if it wasn't enough, he witnessed a strangely familiar fighting style in the crowd.
  166. Sighing as he left, there weren't any words that left his lips other than.
  167. "Utter failure."
  169. (Flyn Vondfold)
  171. Contrary to expectations the confined space within which to the two sides clash is evidently unsuited to Nasargiel's abilities, a perhaps mistaken focus upon what he had assumed the leading figure of the group bearing a crosier he could recognise on sight. It had been his weapon for several years, a corrupted thing imposed by his father.
  173. He barely had time to do more than prepare an attack, sheer incompetence to blame as a blunt impact throws his body sailing through the air. The Melym strikes the opposite wall at a bad angle, collapsing to the ground concussed by what had apparently been the heavy boot of the Kaor Yokai.
  175. By the time he comes to, the din of battle had died down as two lone figures remained standing. His vision blurred somewhat, a helping hand offered by the Whitecloak promptly accepted. A hand is raised to his head, an unsteady gait as a drip of blood runs down the side of a clearly displeased visage.
  177. It hadn't been remotely heroic, getting taken out like that.
  179. He gives a reluctant nod toward Diana, evidently not in any state to argue and simply execute the Kaor Yokai on the spot. The musclebound mass of evil becomes the recipient of a sharp glare, a pronounced sweep of his arm forming a construct of magical ice to bind the creature. About the inside of the makeshift shackles, spikes pierce and dig deep into the creature's flesh.
  180. (Nasargiel Melym)
  182. What felt like a chance for freedom from this horrid fate, resulted in horrid failure, forced to falter to the stone flooring where defeat would weigh him down. No longer was the dream of regenvaence a plausible thought but rather a solemn dream. For the last time, he had failed... This time, when it counted most...
  183. When lives depended on it...
  184. Now, he'd pay for it in blood, whether it'd be that of allies, or that of his own, eventually.
  186. The thought of having fallen, after so much plotting....
  187. It forced him to tremble under the sheer rage, pent-up, but alas, he was powerless.
  188. All he could do is brood, and suffer in anguish at that of his own proven incompetence midst conflict.
  190. "D- Damn it..." He groaned upon his knees, holding himself up only by his palms. He couldn't rise to see that of his victors, to curse them, to blight them with a final strike from his person. There wasn't any energy left...
  191. There wasn't anywhere to progress... No where to run... No where to hide...
  192. He could force himself to rise to his feet, but how much longer would it be before another would attempt striking him back to the ground once more?
  194. Clearly not in any position to fight any longer, he strained to turn around, straining himself for the only individual he could hear still..
  195. The only one that didn't get away: Plum. She was apparently released when the Kaor arrived, and the last of those that weren't fighting alongside the nivismen... As far as he could tell, this was her plot she spoke of. If she was still standing, wouldn't it be a matter of time before the others turned on her as well?
  197. Her being the only acclaimed pureblood Malpercian, the only one closest to Harukean kindred in his perception that came to his aid, became the target to his slowed advance... One that'd fall short, reaching out for clutch at an ankle as though to restrain her from going anywhere. No words could escape his gullet... Instead, exhaustion would leave him silent...
  198. Finally unconscious.
  199. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  201. Glancing over to the restrained Kaor with satisfaction the Highcloak went over to the prisoner who had yet to fall unconscious; Plum. She pursed her lips, expression sad... this was the woman whom Johannes had once told her about, the one he had cured with a literal divine artifact and yet whom had still fallen to darkness. Though Tyrfing remained in her grip she spoke lightly, first calling over to the others, "Everybody, disperse and tend to the wounded... no doubt more Nivis will be here soon."
  203. Turning to Plum she stared at her with bright red eyes, all but whispering to the woman. "Nobody is beyond redemption. Not even a sinner who has given as many chances as you. Reminisce upon that; for now you'll be moved to another cell."
  205. She stared over at her expectantly, waiting to see if resistance would be put up.
  206. (Diana Rosengard)
  208. [08:24:32] Plum: ...Redemption, mercy...I've seen none of it...I tried to be good, and yet I'm still filth in the eyes of many... <*She reaches down to Exo, tears filling her eyes*> Look what you've done....You're all supposedly good...But I've only ever suffered if I didn't fall perfectly in line...
  209. [08:24:32] Lorenzo Flouren: <*Looks to the floor, not evne sure if he wants to hear this obvious shitstorm*>
  210. [08:25:23] Katiel Melym: <*Screams in pain.. Hello??*> SUFFER?! I'LL SHOW YOU DAMN SUFFER--<*Is promptly dragged off kicking and screaming with a broken leg*>
  211. [08:25:23] Kiran Night: <*Still unconcious*>
  212. [08:26:14] Diana Rosengard: <*silence!*>
  213. [08:26:14] Lorenzo Flouren: <*walks over to Kiran and picks him up*> Who the hell elt this kid into the fight?
  214. [08:26:14] Lorenzo Flouren: (*let)
  216. Reaching out, she gripped the man's hand and held them in her own, a shakey sigh escaping her.
  218. " Once upon a time, there was a very little girl, with very little love...She was born a monster...And tried to be a princes..."
  220. Turning to Diana, those violet eyes shared no fear, only pain; pain and anger.
  222. " She read books, she read stories of the pretty ladies and princesses who always got out of bad situations. How the villian and their kin would ALWAYS pay for their misdoings. She wanted SO badly to be that princess...But."
  224. Looking back to the unconcious man, she scoffs.
  226. " No matter what she did, who she fought, or how hard she tried...She was still a villian in the eyes of many. A tiny monster, a seed of darkness....She soon realized...She would never be the pretty maiden, she would never be that princess....She would never get the man she loved more than anything...OH how s-she loved that man....No. She got nothing in return for her hard work..."
  228. Leaning down, she lightly began to pull the man off the floor, struggling under his weight. Plum was small, skinny, and looked altogther weak.
  230. " So, after hearing it for so long...She could not take it. She became that monster she was accused of being..What was the point of trying if you're still labeled 'Vile and evil'? She tried one last time, ONE last go....At helping someone. Only to be locked up, stripped of everything...So, she became the villian..."
  232. Wincing, she finally mannaged to pull Exo's arm over her shoulder.
  234. " And I'm still the one to blame for it all, right? You haven't a clue what that little girl went through...Only to have the world crash around her, to forget everything and fall victim to weakness..."
  236. Shaking her head, the woman quietly sighed.
  238. " What cell do we inhabit now? Before you kill and or purge us of out 'evil'."
  239. (Plum)
  241. Diana Rosengard: <*glances sideways and gestures to the cell next to the broken one*> Self pity is unbecoming. With faith, good will always prevail.
  242. [08:38:11] Plum: Good will my ass
  243. [08:38:11] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Groans*>
  244. [08:38:11] Plum: I am tired of hear that bullshit...
  245. [08:38:11] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: ... You're all... Villains....
  246. [08:38:11] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: ... Racist..
  247. [08:38:11] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Scum.
  248. [08:38:11] Plum: <*She slowly pulls the man to the cell*> Hush..
  249. [08:39:02] Plum: They are not worth words..
  250. [08:39:02] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Tell me... What is... My trans-... gression...
  251. [08:39:02] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Why... am I here?
  252. [08:39:02] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: .... For aiding your people... In your war?
  253. [08:39:02] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: .... For saving... your lives?
  254. [08:39:02] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: ....against my own... will?...
  255. [08:39:02] Plum: You're evil...Vile. Just like me. Thats why.
  256. [08:39:02] Plum: No matter what we do...We are scum.
  257. [08:39:53] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: No... These so-called followers of Kraus are evil.
  258. [08:39:53] Plum: Agreed...Come on, we have an eventual death to wait for...
  259. [08:40:44] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Nothing goes without equivalent exchange. Your convictionless imprisoning, will not go unpunished in the eye of Lyperias....
  260. [08:40:44] Plum: <*Pulls him along*>
  261. [08:40:44] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Is pulled*>
  262. [08:40:44] Plum: You still don't get it Mr. Haruke...There IS no gods.
  263. [08:40:44] Diana Rosengard: <*rubs nose awkwardly*>
  264. [08:40:44] Lorenzo Flouren: From what I've seen that girl is pretty damn nice.. You are all just damn extremists...
  265. [08:40:44] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I'
  266. [08:41:36] Lorenzo Flouren: <*Sits down grumpily on a bench*>
  267. [08:41:36] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: I've* done nothing wrong... I merely attempted to leave my imprisonment after being caged for my race, and naught more.
  268. [08:41:36] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: Yet, your kind accepts Oscuri... Mimicry... And so on....
  269. [08:42:27] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: What makes my kind, any different than yours...
  270. [08:42:27] Plum: <*Sits and let's the man's head rest in her lap, muttering to herself*> Give it up my friend, they don't care...
  271. [08:42:27] Diana Rosengard: I don't discuss philosophy in a roomful of innocent corpses.
  272. [08:42:27] Diana Rosengard: Nasargiel. Let's go.
  274. Sitting on the floor, she leaned over the Harukean. Looking at his face as he lay his head upon her lap, resting for their eventual deaths. Tears filled her eyes, she was a cry baby...Plum simply could not help it. She tried so hard...Her tears glittered like Diamons as they fell, a few hitting the man's face on accident.
  276. "Vile...Scum...Villians....No matter what, I won't forgive...I give up...I'm done...No good deed will I EVER do again..."
  278. Sighing shakily, Plum began to hum. Her soft voice flowing through the prison cell, out to those who lay on the floor, to the blood splattered on the walls. Out to all the sins that swarm the air, to the depravity laying in the deepest corners. To the very cores of evil, the woman out stretching her hand to anything that would help her, COULD help her.
  280. But she was not the princess, she was the wicked, evil villian awaiting a doomed fate.
  282. For a good, long time. All that was heard was the soft humming of the girl echoing through the prison. IT would be enough to send the toughest of men to tear; the melody so bitter sweet and sad, it made Plum;s own tears fall with greater speed. But, the little woman opened her mouth, words formed on her lips;
  284. 'If you cut off his arm, you cut out his heart. You let him live full, he'll be empty inside. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?
  286. Born to fight every day, devour lives or die in vain. We were doomed harbingers of genocide. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?
  288. Eat our own, evolve and grow, be killed within a single blow. Be a monster, or be a king, they still kill us eventually. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?
  290. Brought to life, all to fight. 'Good' and 'bad', 'dark' and 'light'. We shall suffer, they will smile; cleanse our races? How divine…What will happen when we're gone. The world will just carry on. No one cares, no one weeps, for the lament of villains so far or deep.
  292. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?
  293. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?
  295. They sit atop their golden thrones, they scoff and laugh at our miserable bones. They smile and smirk, they'll call us scum, but we didn't choose this, it's how we're born…If this is 'good' then what's really 'bad'? I can't see the real difference that's to be had. What of my family and what of my kids? You'll just still kill them, even if not villains…
  297. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?
  298. Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we? Such sad creatures; Aren't we? Aren't we?'
  300. (Plum)
  302. He was injured, broken bones though nothing that couldn't regenerate as far as he was concerned...
  303. However, regeneration was but a dream as of now...
  304. He was starved, beaten...Trapped with another magi that could probably keep him sustained through subtle feeding of her circuit, but naught more without risking the trickling of her lifeforce.
  306. He could feel her tears plopping against his flesh, awakening him from this dizzy spell that consumed at him. Had it been minutes? Or hours...
  307. He couldn't tell, being shaken up from the bout left him incapable of grasping a suitable feel for time. When eyes finally opened, vision refined: the image grew clear to him.
  309. Plum: Once a Malpercian, seemingly lost of her racial traits and damned to inferior blood, once a woman striving with every fibre in her body to have him freed, once a woman that put her life on the line to trick the entierty of Frostvale in the palm of her hand to relinquish this Harukean... Was now forced to join him, in what seemed to be pending execution.
  310. At least, his execution from what he heard...
  312. I could feel the uneasiness now; their determined mettling with his anatomy would only bring upon his death, sickening him to the core. He'd die, restrained, akin to an animal. He'd die... With a whimper, having failed to make any true movements for his ilk. He'd perish, no different than an iota midst this society.
  314. Plum was right...
  315. The others, they didn't care.
  316. They were scum...
  317. They were vile...
  318. They were villains...
  320. No one badgered themselves to fathom the struggles of their ilk, nor race-- Merely enforced hatred upon them. It was a perpetuating cycle of Hatred without end...
  321. An end that would mean anything but further eradication of his people.
  322. They had no home...
  323. No solace...
  324. No refuge...
  326. He attempted to croak in repliance to the former Malpercian but found himself strained to do so, pinned under an amalgamation of beaten will and sore physicality: Forlornity plagued one's psyche... What hope was there left.
  327. Perhaps... Lyperias, had abandoned them afterall.
  329. " . . . It's . . . Clear to me. " He croaked, upon the epilogue of her spoken poem. " It's all, clear to me now. . . " He was still catching his breath, eyes looking up to the sobbing blonde.
  330. " . . . Do not cry. " He said unto her, straining himself to raise his right arm to caress her face, stroking gently at her cheek to catch a tear. For once, he could see it in her, the victimized kin that shared his sorrow and pain. For once, he could relate to someone in life... And death...
  331. " Do not let these sinners plague your mind. "He assured, speaking in low tone, clearly tired.
  333. "Don't let them contort you... Don't die... Like the fodder they claim us to be..." The black eyes of his attempted to pierce Plum's own, trying for once to actually connect with another...
  334. It was unlike one to feel semblence to a bond to a mere human... But this one had proven to be more Malpercian than any other... And if she wished to become a Malpercian... He'll assure she'd at least have the chance. It was the least he could do...
  336. It was his code: Equivalent Exchange-- His life, for hers... If she'd ever allow it.
  337. " Perhaps, due to your lack of true blood... They'll spare you. They're only here to kill us 'monsters'. Though, you bare the soul of one, they let you live... And if they don't, I'll ensure it. It's.... The least I could do... For fellow kin. For my people..."
  338. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  340. Watching the man, feeling his hand acres her face only caused her to whimper quietly. She was done being made a fool of; done talking to them like they could understand anything. They were horrible, horrible people. They were what made her life so bad, that looming fear held over her head, pushing her to give up her blood right. Those deep, violet eyes suddenly held an uncontroled rage; it made the hue if her eyes amlost glow as purple flames danced in her eyes.
  342. " I don't let you die alone in here...No, not like this, not beaten down and bloody. All of my life, I've been made a mockery of, I've been called a fool, a freak, a monster. Even when manipulated to give up the right of my blood...They still deemed me scum....Stole my innocence and made me a w-whore for their pleasure..Even now. For trying to take a child that is not theirs, to protect a baby from harm...To save someone unfairly jailed...."
  344. Hissing under her breath, Plum shut her eyes tightly. She looked confused, upset, in pain, sad, angry and in so many ways...Defeated. But when she open her eyes, no fear gleamed in them. They thought there was still good in her, thought there was something left to save.
  346. They sailed the boat when they imprissoned her for trying to take the child.
  348. " I wont be a puppet in their RIDICULOUS games anymore...I am not someone to be mocked or played with...No...Not anymore. If they kill you for being a monster? They had better have an axe for two, because I refuse to leave you alone in this...fter all, villians have to stay together...R-Right?"
  350. A small smile formed on her lips as she gave a miserible laugh.
  351. (Plum)
  353. She genuinely bared care for him...
  354. And he hardly knew her aside from the fact that she was once a pureblooded Malpercian. She too, seemed to care for their kin as much as he did. She too, understood this state of torment as he did...
  355. She too... was very much like himself, even without her Malpercian arm, nor the transmundanic blood coursing through her veins-- And it was enough to earn Voss' fondness.
  357. In this state of weakness... In this setting of hopelessness... He needed a source of hope to harbor him throughout. Lips moved to speak to her, to call out to her by name just as she finished... But nothing else was to be said.
  358. "Plum."
  359. Black eyes trailed the mauve set of hers, staring deep into them...
  360. Without further warning his head rose to clash into hers, lips mushed Plum's and risen hand raked into her hair to keep her close: A kiss, to easily portray one's gratitude. Unless she intended to tear away, there was no intent to sway from her any time soon...
  362. Perhaps, he needed this moment...
  363. To bond... Though, there was something else going on, as subtle as it may've proven. The residue of Vanus traced across his lips, swathing the interior of his mouth, slowly siphoned away at her circuit, progressing should she accept his lunge at an adequete rate mean't to replicate the device he came encounter with in Brighthold.
  365. It was means to regulate the siphon in comparison to her rate of generation, keeping from outright draining her whilst sustain himself; providing the message of affection in the background...
  366. Or... Was it true? It could've simply been a farce to feed himself further... Though, it was entirely up to Plum to decide.
  367. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  368. [14:35:44] She watche, listened; tried to see what this man was thinking. Trying to calculate outcomes or what she might say next. But it was uselss to think as lips pressed her own; the sudden feel of another's flesh didn't out right make her grimace or scream....No, the person kissing her was the type of person she had been seeking a long time.
  370. It was not love, but she held a certain affection....It was not want, but a need for another like, it was not lust, but the unexplainable feeling to be close to another; to feel their warmth.
  372. He had been the man in the shadows, consantly lurking in her books.
  374. Be it his need for lifeforce, or perhaps his need for another to stand close; Plum did not refuse him. Normally, the though of being hugged, much less kissed by another had sickened her...But this was much different; as lips met with surprising passion, Plum found herself slowly being dragged from her own worries and sorry; into the mystery that was Voss.
  376. From her form, an excess of mana poured, a willing vicitim. Someone urging him to sap the mana from her small body; to heal and fix that of his mangled body. She broke the kiss for only a moment, a breath sigh excaping her as she spoke quietly; only to resume the press of their lips.
  378. "Heal that which has b-been broken my f-friend.."
  379. (Plum)
  381. With the passing moments of their interlocked lips, he could feel the slow trickle of her essence washing down his vessel, lightly fixating on damaged flesh over a very slow period of time. It would've been more satisfying to have simply devoured her circuitry outright... And perhaps, it was the right way to go. Through their passion, he'd find solace...
  382. Even if in this morbid moment...
  383. Even in this cold... Deprived...
  385. -Crack-
  387. Eyes digressed over to the side for the cell door, weakened from its hinges...
  388. The walls were cracked, seemingly shattered akin to bashed glass...
  389. And the atmosphere felt... Less dampening. As though the world was sudden relinquished of its burdens; it was as though, his power had returned to him.
  391. "I..." He spoke through his breath, breaking their embrace apart only slightly, mind having left their moment to comprehend what was going on. Why did he suddenly feel connection to the gravitational arcane? Why could he dare to prod into her mind as of now through the transmundanic arcane.
  393. " -Have only broken my strings, my dearest..." He replied. " This world has no more strings on me..." There was a distinct silence that'd follow, as though allowing her a moment to realize what was going on. Ruos was on his own as of now, though due to the current condition that they were encompassed by? It'd probably lack much trouble for his departure.
  395. A sly grin emerged across his visage, naught in nature and aimed for Plum, whom rested upon him. Both arms abruptly swung around her back, squeezing her in for his vessel just as the duo rocketed up for the ceiling, pivoting to leave him hovering at his own volition. She was implicitly urged to cling to his neck, as he idled aerial-bound, scanning the general proximity for a final farewell.
  397. "This world has no more strings on me." He repeated, prior to the visible amalgamation of cosmogonic occultism melding with the gravitational artistry, bolting him straight for stone no longer reinforced by anti-mana runes, allowing brazen charging to shatter it throughout his ascension, transcending to naught but an aurelean stream of light that'd glimmer across the horizon, swiftly escaping the jurisdiction of Frostvale with Plum in his arms.
  398. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  399. [15:36:19] The world around her was very much dark, the bleak days to surely follow were ignored. It was that moment in time where no words or sound could explain...For a moment, Plum was almost content, almost...'happy'. But, she knew such things were impossible without a certain...Thrill, a certain life threatening solance to cause her heart to beat fast, for adrenaline to pump; for the flash of life before her eyes.
  401. That's what made her happy.
  403. But the kiss was broken, his exchange of words...Surprising to her. What did he mean...? It was only then that her violet eyes gazed at the crumbling cell. She was in such a manner of shock that she could not speak for a moment. Had...Had her plan worked after all...?
  405. Swept up in his arms, embraced to the Haruke's body; she would cling desperatly to him. A gasp escaping her lips as they shot out of the dungeon, out of their imprissonment. Looking down, she knew Ruos would follow in suit soon. That wonderous KAor her mother had adored...
  407. " Well...I...I did not account for t-this! But...This is brilliant..."
  409. Smiling, she would look at Frostvale below and frown.
  411. " One day, their snow will be replaced by fire..."
  412. (Plum)
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