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Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. begin{tikzpicture}
  2. draw[gray!50, very thick,, fill = blue!30,rounded corners]
  3. (0,0) rectangle (2.5,1.5)node[pos=.5]{$begin{array}{c}text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Combinatorial}}} \ text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Problem}}}end{array}$}
  4. ;
  5. draw[->, thick, blue] (2.7,0.75) -- (3.8,0.75)
  6. ;
  7. draw[gray!50, very thick, fill = blue!30,rounded corners]
  8. (4,0) rectangle (6.5,1.5)node[pos=.5]{$begin{array}{c}text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Boolean}}} \ text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Expression(s)}}}end{array}$}
  9. ;
  10. draw[->, thick, blue] (6.7,0.75) -- (7.8,0.75)
  11. ;
  12. draw[gray!50, very thick, fill = blue!30,rounded corners]
  13. (8,0) rectangle (10.5,1.5)node[pos=.5]{$begin{array}{c}text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Conjuctive}}} \ text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Normal Forms}}}end{array}$}
  14. ;
  15. draw[->, thick, blue] (9.75,-0.2) -- (9.75,-0.-1.8)
  16. ;
  17. draw[gray!50, very thick,, fill = blue!30,rounded corners]
  18. (0,-3.5) rectangle (2.5,-2)node[pos=.5]{$begin{array}{c}text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Problem}}} \ text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Solution}}}end{array}$}
  19. ;
  20. draw[<-, thick, blue] (2.7,-2.75) -- (3.8,-2.75)
  21. ;
  22. draw[gray!50, very thick, fill = blue!30,rounded corners]
  23. (4,-3.5) rectangle (6.5,-2)node[pos=.5]{$begin{array}{c}text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Assignment of}}} \ text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Variable(s)}}}end{array}$}
  24. ;
  25. draw[<-, thick, blue] (6.7,-2.75) -- (7.8,-2.75)
  26. ;
  27. draw[gray!50, very thick, fill = blue!30,rounded corners]
  28. (8,-3.5) rectangle (10.5,-2)node[pos=.5]{$begin{array}{c}text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{SAT}}} \ text{textcolor{blue!75}{textbf{Solvers}}}end{array}$}
  29. ;
  30. end{tikzpicture}
  32. documentclass[tikz,border=3.14mm]{standalone}
  33. usepackage{amsmath}
  34. usetikzlibrary{matrix,shapes.arrows,shadows.blur}
  35. begin{document}
  36. begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={align=center,text width=2.7cm,
  37. text=blue!75,fill = blue!30,rounded corners,draw=gray!50,
  38. very thick,font=bfseries,minimum height=1.5cm,minimum width=2.7cm,blur shadow},
  39. arr/.style={single arrow,fill=blue!40,draw=blue,thick,blur shadow,minimum height=2em,
  40. single arrow head extend=3pt}]
  41. matrix[matrix of nodes,nodes={box,anchor=center},column sep=1.2cm,row sep=1.2cm] (mat) {
  42. {Combinatorial \
  43. Problem}
  44. &
  45. {Boolean \
  46. Expression(s)}
  47. &
  48. {Conjuctive \
  49. Normal Forms}
  50. \
  51. {Problem \
  52. Solution}
  53. &
  54. {Assignment of \
  55. Variable(s)}
  56. &
  57. {SAT \
  58. Solvers} \
  59. };
  61. path foreach X [count=Y] in {2,3}
  62. {(mat-1-Y) -- (mat-1-X) node [midway,sloped,arr] {}
  63. (mat-2-Y) -- (mat-2-X) node [midway,sloped,arr,shape border rotate=180] {}};
  64. path (mat-1-3) -- (mat-2-3) node [midway,sloped,arr] {};
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  66. end{document}
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  70. definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{203, 216, 240}
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  72. definecolor{arrc}{RGB}{71, 95, 139}
  73. definecolor{nodet}{RGB}{97, 127, 180}
  74. begin{document}
  75. begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={align=center,text width=2.7cm,
  76. text=nodet,fill=myblue,rounded corners,draw=gray!50,
  77. very thick,font=bfseriessffamily,minimum height=2cm,minimum width=2.7cm,blur shadow},
  78. arr/.style={single arrow,fill=arrb,draw=arrc,thick,blur shadow,minimum height=2em,
  79. single arrow head extend=3pt}]
  80. matrix[matrix of nodes,nodes={box,anchor=center},column sep=1.2cm,row sep=1.2cm] (mat) {
  81. {Combinatorial \ Problem}
  82. &
  83. {Boolean \ Expression(s)}
  84. &
  85. {Conjuctive \ Normal Forms}
  86. \
  87. {Problem \ Solution}
  88. &
  89. {Assignment of \ Variable(s)}
  90. &
  91. {SAT \ Solvers}
  92. \
  93. };
  95. path foreach X [count=Y] in {2,3}
  96. {(mat-1-Y) -- (mat-1-X) node [midway,sloped,arr] {}
  97. (mat-2-Y) -- (mat-2-X) node [midway,sloped,arr,shape border rotate=180] {}};
  98. path (mat-1-3) -- (mat-2-3) node [midway,sloped,arr] {};
  99. end{tikzpicture}
  100. end{document}
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